Content Adding/Updating/Deleting

Does anyone have anyone have a portlet/code that can update/delete/add content in the repository that they are willing to share or know where I can buy it? We are trying to get away from letting users into the portal admin console for ease of use....

k.. it looks like it works but I am having an issue with the createContent portlet.... I was able to fix the tag rewrite problem but when I submit the form the action form hashmap is empty.... Any ideas? Is this something that has changed from 9.2 - 10? If you want to see what I am talking about you can download the example from the above link and then import it into BEA and then it will convert it for you... once that is done all you need to to is change \WEB-INF\tags\rewriteName.tag to below and then try to create a content....
<%@ tag import="org.apache.beehive.netui.core.urls.URLRewriterService" %>
<%@ tag import="org.apache.beehive.netui.pageflow.PageFlowUtils"%>
<%@ tag import="java.util.Map, java.util.HashMap"%>
<%@ attribute name="name" type="java.lang.String" required="true" %>
// This tag willsurround the parameter with { } characters. This enables
// a form element to be submitted to an action with a Map as the action's
// parameter (serving as a form bean.) We use this because the netui
// datasource attribute doesn't accept an expression as an argument. For
// example we can't do:
//     <netui:hidden datasource="actionForm.Property_Name_${loopStatus.count}">
// This tag allows use to use a standard input field and pass a name which
// the page flow processor understands to be used for an actionForm.
String paramName = "{" + name + "}";
String rewrittenName = URLRewriterService.getNamePrefix(request.getSession().getServletContext(),request,paramName) + paramName;
%><%= rewrittenName%>

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    I'm new to working with PDF. What I would like to do is add/update/delete XMP metadata to PDF documents. These documents will be indexed by our search engine, which I'm told can index this metadata. It's indexing Dublin Core so don't see why it could not index custom schema. Anyway, I've been researching this and as a non-programmer I'm confused.
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    1) Can PDF metadata be added, updated and deleted?
    PDF metadata is tricky - it consists of legacy doc info within the PDF structure and newer XMP metadata - Adobe is making the transition to supporting XMP across all its applications but we have to ensure not to break older workflows.
    Additionally, PDFs have the property of storing successive edits - meaning, changes are stored as add ons on top of the orginal when Saved - they are cleaned up when the PDF is Save As-ed.
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    In most cases it helps to have the PDFL to assist in the process.
    2) Can this be done via a template? (ie. get the PDF file, fill out a metadata form, and submit it or in the case of update/delete change or remove the data).
    Yes, within the application - under Advanced > Document Metadata...
    Outside of the application you will need to build your own workflow.
    3) Are there any developed applications (client or server based) that can do this or must they be developed? If they exist please tell me what and where they are ...
    PDF can be updated very easily using the Photoshop CS File Browser - multiple files can be selected and metadata templates applied. Additionally the File Info dialog in the File Browser can be customized - for docs.
    Also, check out - they have plugins for customization and integration with FileMaker, AppleScript & PHP
    4) Has anyone used the Java XMP parser?
    I'd like to know the answer to this too!
    Check out:
    Looks like some there are XMP and PDF related java code.
    5) Anyone know of any online demos of adding/updating/deleting PDF XMP metadata?
    What would you like to see? Using the Acrobat application or from a developer perspective?
    6) Can XML or XMP data be imported into a PDF file?
    What were you looking to do? Again, this can be done using templates and the PS CS File Browser.
    Pound Hill may be able to provide the connectors that you could piece together.

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    What you can do is try using <cfloop> to insert, update
    and delete your information.
    For instance deleting the information try this.
    <!---- Delete Jobs---->
    <cfloop index="JobIDs" list="#Job_ID#" delimiters=",">
    <cfquery name="delteall" datasource="dbsource">
    FROM table
    Where job_Id = #JobIDs#
    Do the same for your inserting and updating.
    Because what CF see is job_id = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
    SO you are looping over a list = #job_id# and delimiter is "
    , " and we are calling the index JobIDs. JobIDs are the values - 1
    2 3 4 5 6 ....
    I hope this helps. As for the displaying of the images, use
    if then statements:
    <cfif isdefined("edittable") and edittable eq '"y">
    Then display the query and outputs for the editing options
    <cfelseif isdefined("deletetable") and addtable eq "y">
    The dispaly the query and outputs for adding options
    Then display the query for outputing the delete options
    So your link will have soemthing of this sort <a
    href="samepage.cfm?deletetable=y">Add Table</a>
    Hope this helps,
    Sevor Klu

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    Dhaval Raval

    Hi Thanks for the response,
    But Update all content types inheriting from this type is already checked.
    That form library has multiple content types associated with it , different infopath forms get submitted there. What I noticed is that when I change the form and publish it, its corresponding site content type gets updated but the same content type used
    in form library doesn't get updated properly. I went to form library and checked that erroneous content type, there were some columns missing and one column was mapped incorrectly. When I clicked on "Parent" content type, it was showing all the new Infopath
    fields(updated content type). So I figured that Infopath site content type was getting updated correctly but it was not able to propagate those updates (in a correct way) to the form library. I also tried to edit that content type and tried adding existing
    site columns which were missing but surprisingly it was not showing those site columns either, which were mapped from Infopath publishing.
    The cause for this behavior is : changes/updates to the Infopath content type are not getting propagated to the form library and this is happening for only one infopath content type but other Infopath content types are getting updated.
    I had to delete all the forms using that erroneous content type and then had to delete that content type from the library and then re-added that Infopath content type to the library and this time it was having correct content type (updated columns).
    This is not a perfect solution for the production environment, sounds like it is a bug.
    Dhaval Raval

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    Is there a way to explicitly push down the changes ?
    Best Regards, Pankaj Rana
    perform the changes to the ContentType make sure to push changes to the lists while updating the ContentType.
    For now, you might need to perform some clean-up job here, just to make sure the field is deleted from all the lists, with your Custom ContentType. Use the following PowerShell script for clean-up! Vårsegod :)
    Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell -erroraction SilentlyContinue
    $site = Get-SPSite ""
    foreach($web in $site.AllWebs)
    #iterates through all the Lists
    for ($i = 0; $i -lt $web.Lists.Count; $i++)
    $list = $web.Lists[$i];
    $MyListContentTypes = $list.ContentTypes
    if ($MyListContentTypes -ne $null)
    $ct = $list.ContentTypes["You Desired Content Type Name"]
    Write-Host "In list Content Type and deleting the field" $ct.Fields["You Field Name"].Id;
    $ct.FieldLinks.Delete($ct.Fields["You Field Name"].Id)
    Edit: How to push down changes to all the Content types via SharePoint Server Object Model:
    using (SPWeb oWebsite = new SPSite("http://MyServer/sites/MySiteCollection/MyWebSite").OpenWeb())
    SPList oList = oWebsite.GetList("MyWebSite/Lists/MyList");
    SPFieldCollection collFields = oWebsite.Fields;
    string strNewColumn = collFields.Add("MyNewColumn", SPFieldType.Text, false);
    SPFieldLink oFieldLink = new SPFieldLink(fields[strNewColumn]);
    SPContentType oContentType = oList.ContentTypes["Specification"];
    Edit 2: Update a Content Type using PowerShell:
    Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell -erroraction SilentlyContinue
    //get the specific Root web
    $spweb= Get-SPWeb ""
    //get the fields collection
    $fields = $spWeb.Fields
    //get the specific field
    $field = $fields.GetFieldByInternalName("Name of you field")
    //get the specific Content Types from Root Web
    $contentType = $spWeb.ContentTypes["You Content Type"]
    //delete a field from a Content Type
    //add a field to a Content Type
    //update the Content Type and push changes to the children
    If this helped you resolve your issue, please mark it Answered

  • How to validate the authority of the contents when update

    We click edit button in the list page when we want to revise some contents, and it will go to detail page with id that I set Insert, update, delete function by wizard, but if I change the id by myself, it showed other person's contents, and I can revise it successful, how to prevent that.

    I use POST to call problematic forms, which should be the default! I call a query to check that the current login_id is the owner of the form to be updated, if not, redirect back to the previous page.
    In addition to login_id I think there should be a session hash passed in the post variables, and this should be checked in the same way. (See techniques for preventing CSRF hack techniques, it is the same principal)
    // GWB Restrict access to current user
    if (isset($_POST['uniqueid'])) {
    $host = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
    $uri = rtrim(dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']), '/\\');
    $extra = 'includes/nxt/back.php';
    if ($_SESSION['kt_login_id'] != $row_rs_CheckCurrentUser['ua_UniqueID']) {
    $extra = '../includes/nxt/back.php';
    header("Location: http://$host$uri/$extra");
    // End GWB Restrict access to current user

  • Recommended practice for adding and deleting from a Collection

    Are there any suggestions for updating a Collection in a OneToMany ( privateOwned ) Collection? Here is our use case:
    1. Retrieve a Source object from the database
    2. Remove 1 or more SourceLinks from the sourceLinks Set
    3. Add 1 or more new SourceLinks to the sourceLinks Set
    4. Update the Source object
    The SourceLink object has isPrivateOwned(true).
    Adding and Removing things from a Collection seems like a fairly common use case. Are there recommended ways of handeling the above case? I've tried doing the add/remove operation in one transaction as well as removing, then re-fetching, and then adding in separate transactions and haven't had any luck.
    Here is the code an test case.
    class Source
    @OneToMany(mappedBy = "source",
    fetch = FetchType.EAGER,
    cascade = { CascadeType.ALL })
    private Set<SourceLink> sourceLinks = new HashSet<SourceLink>();
    class SourceLink
    @JoinColumn(nullable = false)
    private Source source;
    //~ Unit Tests
    public void testMultiUpdateSourceLink()
    // typical set up.
    SourceLink sourceLink = new SourceLink( "junit1", 48, "mp3" );
    SourceLink sourceLink2 = new SourceLink( "junit2", 64, "mp3" );
    Source mySource = new Source( "", SourceType.RSS );
    mySource.addSourceLink( sourceLink );
    mySource.addSourceLink( sourceLink2 );
    sourceDao.persist( mySource );
    Long sourceId = mySource.getId();
    Assert.assertEquals( 2, mySource.getSourceLinks().size() );
    // fetching what we just added, then deleting something from the set
    // with privateOwned this works.
    Source fetched = sourceDao.find( sourceId );
    fetched.deleteSourceLink( sourceLink );
    sourceDao.update( fetched );
    Assert.assertEquals( 1, fetched.getSourceLinks().size() );
    // now fetch again, try to add a new SourceLink
    // fails with an OptimisticLockException
    Source updated = sourceDao.find( sourceId );
    Assert.assertEquals( 1, updated.getSourceLinks().size() );
    SourceLink sl = new SourceLink( "ryan", 64, "mp3" );
    updated.addSourceLink( sl );
    sourceDao.update( updated );
    Assert.assertEquals( 2, updated.getSourceLinks().size() );
    The sourceDao.update() method simply calls entityManager.merge(source). Is it required to flush the entityManager as well?

    TMG MBE doesn't have the capability to add network topolgy routes via the TMG MMC. You have to use the ROUTE ADD /P command from a privileged command prompt
    regards Marc Grote aka Jens Baier - - -

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    Why did the new 8.0 software update delete all my phots except the recently added 180 photos and how do i get all my old photos back!?

    Photostream has gone including all photos (875), but the update notes from Apple never said they would go and be deleted.
    Camera Roll - I had photos in there from 2012 and quite a few from 2013. They are not there and the only ones start from February 14 unto present.
    I have restored using a backup from before updating to iOS 8 but they are not there. Not in collections or anything.
    It is frustrating and disappointing. They are in my iPhoto on my Mac but thats not the point.

  • Z database table needs to have field creation/update/deletion tracked

    I have a Z database table.
    I have a program that gets data from an excel file and uploads the content to the Z database table.
    I need to track the creation/update/deletion of the records in the Z database table.
    The Z database table can also have records changed/updated/deleted manually thru table maintenance. These changes also need to be tracked.
    How do I do this?
    ~ Eric

    For a my z-table (called ZFAGTD01), I created the object for change documents, this is the log after generating it:
    Change documents: Display information about generated sources                                                                               
    Change doc. object Z_PROAGE_PRV                                                                               
    Generation on      23.07.2004 11:51:28                                 
                of     SVIL01                                                                               
    Include programs and function modules                                  
    Data declaration, TOP...................... FZAGPCDT                   
    Consisting of............................. FZAGPCDF                   
    and....................................... FZAGPCDV                   
    Update function module..................... Z_PROAGE_PRV_WRITE_DOCUMENT
    Call update function module................ FZAGPCDC                                                                               
    Dictionary structures                                                  
    Just as you see, the system has created the fm and some includes containing all data it needs to call the fm.
    So u need only to use those includes, just only u need to consider before calling the fm u need to fill:
    - The change flag: usually called UPD_<Z table>;
    - Fill the header Y<ZTABLE> of z-table with old data;
    - Fill the header X<ZTABLE> of z-table with new data;
    - Fill the variables   TCODE, UTIME,  UDATE,  USERNAME,
    - Fill the variable OBJECTID with the key of Z-table
    For example my object is used in my program in this way:
      CHECK SY-SUBRC = 0.
                                              XZFAGTD01-BELNR INTO OBJECTID.
    * Load old data: header
                        FROM ZFAGTD0K WHERE BUKRS   = XZFAGTD01-BUKRS
                                        AND GJAHR   = XZFAGTD01-GJAHR
                                        AND BELNR   = XZFAGTD01-BELNR.
    * Load old data: items
                                FOR ALL ENTRIES IN XZFAGTD01
                                       WHERE BUKRS   = XZFAGTD01-BUKRS
                                          AND GJAHR   = XZFAGTD01-GJAHR
                                          AND BELNR   = XZFAGTD01-BELNR
                                          AND POSNR_P = XZFAGTD01-POSNR_P.
            YZFAGTD01 BY POSNR_P.
    * Check if heade was changed
        UPD_ZFAGTD0K = 'U'.
      UPD_ZFAGTD01 = 'U'.
    ENDFORM.                    " INSERT_CHANGE_DOCUMENT

  • Content of message deleted to save memory, where to set?

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    Can anyone tell me where the settings/parameters are for this deletion of message content?

    Hi all,
    I'm just adding this because I think the result of the answers is maybe still not what would be expected by the average XI user :
    ( all explanations are done for a sync SOAP receiver example )
    -Changing settings in the XI integration engine configuration only affects the SXMB_MONI view ( not the adapter(s) view via RWB )
    -Setting the messaging parameter in the Visual admin indeed results in seeing the payload in the RWB adapter engine basically shows the same as the integration engine SXMB_MONI ! In other words, it is apparently showing the internal XI incoming message that hits the soap receiver adapter and NOT the plain soap/http text outgoing request
    ( not what I would want by default )
    -Since an adapter -- by definition -- adapts a message , you should ask yourself which message you want to see ( adapter incoming or adapter outgoing message ) , but I think that in general, you would want to to see the 'raw' outgoing message for an receiver adapter or the 'raw' incoming message message for a sender adapter. ( as the adapter transformed results are visible in the integration engine )
    In my experience, the results regarding this are mixed for several adapters : for the RNIF adapter you see the raw messages but apparently for soap not...
    -the SOAP FAQ note gives the ( only ? ) workaround : add a network listener in between that captures the raw XI outgoing message
    ( with a simple to use java listener attached to the note )
    Hope this helps future users

  • Ical keeps adding and deleting calendars!?

    we are sharing one .mac account for ical, with same login between 2 people.
    ever since upgrading to tiger, and maybe before but i'm not sure, ical keeps on thinking events have changed and i get a pop up window that says for example, 11 calendars added, 6 deleted, 657 appointments modified.
    nothing has changed
    we do have timezones activated, but i don't understand why we are getting this issue. help please!

    I kept searching and found a solution from Kerry at ad/thread/a758c477739cdab3/5b609b739511232e#5b609b739511232e
    This worked for me. Of course, it means choosing to update either the Calendar or my Contacts but for now, this is better than the mess I was having. Here is Kerry's solution:
    *The best thing to do is sync only one module, in my case its Calendar as this is the thing I change all the time whereas I rarely change contacts.
    2. Back up your main Entourage identity and iCal.
    3. Open and Run iSync.
    4. Go into iSync prefs and reset sync history.
    5. Restore the iCal calendar from the backup. This resets sync services.
    6. Delete the Entourage calendar in iCal (this will avoid dups).
    7. Go to Entourage and in prefs in sync services enable (check)
    Calendar and when the popup appears choose Merge then OK. Entourage
    will recreate an Entourage calendar in iCal and populate it with its
    information (this takes a few seconds depending on the size of the
    calendar. Sync should work both ways now.
    Note: I would not turn on Contacts as this will cause sync services to become unstable again.

  • Tabular Form update,delete

    I am using database 11G, on windows XP with apex 3.0. I have created a tabular form with update & delete buttons. The table is a detail table having foreign key columns. On creation of form I choose foreign key column as primary key. The problem is when i check one row for delete the rows having same id on foreign key column are also deleted. Second When I update the following error is reported & no column is updated,
    Error in mru internal routine: ORA-20001: Error in MRU: row= 1, ORA-20001: ORA-20001: Current version of data in database has changed since user initiated update process. current checksum = "197D508D2444826DA98FC1E3D259EA31", item checksum = "F98E67DE7FF4EC9710E5A1B052E38C78"., update "HT"."INTRA_ORAL_EXAM" set "OPD#" = :b1, "TOOTH#" = :b2, "RESTORATION" = :b3, "DENETAL_DECAY" = :b4, "XRAY" = :b5, "SYMTOM" = :b6
         Error      Unable to process update.
    need help

    OK - that makes it a bit more complicated as you can not add a primary key to a table that contains data. This means that we will have to copy the data into a temporary table first.
    Assume that you have a table called C_TABLE that is defined as:
    )These are the steps that you need to do (each of these bits of code run be run separately):
    Firstly, copy the data into a new table:
    FROM C_TABLECheck that the table has been created:
    SELECT * FROM C_TABLE_COPYThen drop the existing table:
    DROP TABLE C_TABLECreate C_TABLE with a new Primary Key column:
    )Create a new SEQUENCE object to provide the primary key with values:
    CREATE SEQUENCE "C_ID_SEQ" MINVALUE 1 MAXVALUE 99999999999999999999999 INCREMENT BY 1 START WITH 1 NOCACHE NOORDER NOCYCLECreate a new TRIGGER object to populate the primary keys with new SEQUENCE numbers when new records are added to C_TABLE:
      v_id NUMBER;
          SELECT C_ID_SEQ.nextval INTO v_id FROM dual;
          :NEW.C_ID := v_id;
        END IF;
    END;Enable the trigger:
    ALTER TRIGGER "C_TABLE_BI" ENABLECopy the data back into the table:
    FROM C_TABLE_COPYCheck the new table has primary keys:

  • What is the diff between additive,update ,delete,reverse images

    what is the diff between additive,update ,delete,reverse images with an examples.

    You can read about it here:
    Hope this helps...

  • Why does it take 10 or more minutes for i tunes to "determine tracks to sync" when i haven't added or deleted songs?

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    A possible cause is security software (firewall,anti-virus) that blocks or restricts Firefox or the plugin-container process without informing you, possibly after detecting changes (update) to the Firefox program.
    Remove all rules for Firefox and the plugin-container from the permissions list in the firewall and let your firewall ask again for permission to get full unrestricted access to internet for Firefox and the plugin-container process and the updater process.
    See also;

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