Content stick to left in Muse?

On this site the content sticks to the left:
I want it to do the same for this site:
I can't tell what I'm doing wrong, but when I make the browser window smaller it cuts off the content on the left side instead of always showing it.
Help please!

Make sure you have "Center Horizontally" turned of in "Site Properties" when you want you site to be justified to the left.

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    You don't need to replace your Dock application, and you certainly should NEVER install something like that sent to you from some unknown stranger online! If it actually were necessary to replace the Dock application, you could do that from your install disks with the assistance of [Pacifist|>... but again, that is not necessary here.
    Sounds like your Dock preferences got damaged somehow. Try just changing the position back to what you expect (bottom or right) using System Preferences -> Dock. If that doesn't help, you'll want to delete ~/Library/Preferences/ (where '~' means "your home folder"), then log out and log back in.

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    probably your warrenty information is not in the dababase yet.
    I'll pm him, but it wasn't the warranty database thing - they had all that information, they just said straight out that Lenovo would NOT send people to homes to repair Yoga systems. They said that they'd do it with any other Lenovo product (as long as you had the warranty) but not the Yoga.
    Anyhow, I'll pm mark. Thanks!

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    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
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              <div class="AccordionPanelTab">$139,900 - Raymond Ranch</div>
              <div class="AccordionPanelContent"><a href="listing_page_24_sesame.php"><img src="images/listings/24_sesame.jpg" width="299" height="198" alt="24 Sesame St St Raymond, NH" /></a></div>
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      <div class="AccordionPanelTab">$194,900 - Northwood Ranch</div>
              <div class="AccordionPanelContent"><a href="listing_page_27_bass.php"><img src="images/listings/Harvey-Lake-Home-Northwood,.jpg" width="299" height="198" alt="27 Bass Rd Northwood, NH" /></a></div>
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      <div class="AccordionPanelTab">$249,900 - Milton Custom Cape</div>
              <div class="AccordionPanelContent"><a href="listing_page_99_gold_milton.php"><img src="images/listings/99_gold_st.jpg" width="299" height="198" alt="99 Gold St Milton NH for sale by Paul Martin and Keller Williams Coastal Realty" /></a></div>
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      <div class="AccordionPanelTab">$159,900 - Effingham Multi Unit</div>
              <div class="AccordionPanelContent"><a href="listing_page_108_champion_hill.php"><img src="images/listings/108_champion_hill.jpg" width="299" height="198" alt="108 Champion Hill Rd Effingham, NH" /></a></div>
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              <div class="AccordionPanelTab">$324,900 - Epsom Colonial</div>
              <div class="AccordionPanelContent"><a href="listing_page_206_copperline_epsom.php"><img src="images/listings/206_copperline/199x198.jpg" width="299" height="198" alt="206 Copperline Rd Epsom, NH" /></a></div>
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              <div class="AccordionPanelTab">$189,900 - Middleton Ranch</div>
      <div class="AccordionPanelContent"><a href="listing_page_60_lakeshore_middleton.php"><img src="images/listings/Sunrise-Lake-Home.jpg" width="299" height="198" alt="60 Lakeshore Dr Middleton, NH" /></a></div>
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      <div class="AccordionPanelTab">$259,900 - Exeter Duplex</div>
      <div class="AccordionPanelContent"><a href="listing_page_34_36_south_st.php"><img src="images/listings/34_36_south_st.jpg" width="299" height="198" alt="34-36 South St Exeter, NH" /></a></div>
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      <div class="AccordionPanelTab">$249,900 - Sunrise Lake Ranch</div>
              <div class="AccordionPanelContent"><a href="listing_page_86_lakeshore.php"><img src="images/listings/86-Lakeshore-Dr.jpg" width="299" height="198" alt="86 Lakeshore Dr Middleton, NH" /></a></div>
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      <div class="AccordionPanelTab">$249,000 - Dover Point Colonial</div>
      <div class="AccordionPanelContent"><img src="images/listings/Colonial-Condex.jpg" width="299" height="198" alt="Dover Point Colonial sold by Paul Martin" /></div>
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      <div class="AccordionPanelTab">$235,500 - Chichester Cape</div>
      <div class="AccordionPanelContent"><img src="images/listings/26_cross_rd.jpg" width="299" height="198" alt="Sold by Paul Martin" /></div>
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      <div class="AccordionPanelTab">$295,000 - Londonderry Colonial</div>
      <div class="AccordionPanelContent"><img src="images/listings/25_king_henry.jpg" width="299" height="198" alt="Sold by Paul Martin" /></div>
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    <div id="info_1">
    <h2>Will 2012 See Improvement? </h2>
    <p>by Carla Hill<br />
    <br />
    We’ve seen the effects of tight mortgage conditions over the last year. Existing and new homes sales have struggled and we are now left with sizable pent-up demand. Will this trend continue into 2012?<br />
    <br />
      For starters, consumer prices fell in October, meaning low wage workers and others struggling to make ends meet will find more affordability...
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    <br />
    <a href="Read" _mce_href="">Read">http://re">Read More</a></p>
    <hr />
    <div id="info_2">
    <h2>Timing the Real Estate Cycle</h2>
    <p>by Paul Martin<br />
    <br />
    Real estate cycles are created by an imbalance that occurs between the supply of available homes on the market and demand for these homes by ready willing and able buyers.<br />
    <br />
    The reasons for an over or under supply of homes and an over or under demand for these homes can differ from one cycle to another...<br />
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    <a href="Read" _mce_href="">Read"> /?p=84">Read More</a></p>
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    <div id="info_3">
    <h2>Thinking about a Short Sale?</h2>
    <p>If you're looking for Short Sale Information and assistance, I can help. As an SFR (Short Sale and Foreclosure Resource Specialist) and a LMC (Loss Mitigation Consultant), Shorts sales are one of my specialties!<br />
    <br />
    Don't lose time, call me today! I work hand in hand with The Loan Workout Group out of the Cater Law Office in Londonderry, one of New Hampshire’s most experienced and premiere Short Sale specialists. Together we work as a team to get your short sale accepted and your home sold in time to save you from foreclosure. </p>
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      <h1>Welcome to - Your Source for NH Real Estate</h1>
    <p>As a New Hampshire REALTOR®, I designed and built <span class="bold"></span> specifically to help people looking to purchase homes here in New Hampshire and to give our local home sellers an edge through technology driven marketing. The goal here on <span class="bold"></span> is to become your leading source for NH real estate information and a helpful guide to purchasing and selling homes in the Rockingham, Strafford and Belknap county area.<br />
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    Here on <span class="bold"></span> home buyers can search for available homes on the local MLS, sign up for automatic search notifications and look up information on every town found here in NH. Buyers also can receive great home buying tips through my complimentary <a href="buyer_guides.php">BUYER GUIDES</a> and get information on my full service <a href="my_buyers_program.php">Buyer Representation</a> as an <span class="bold">ABR REALTOR®</span>. My buyer program comes at no cost and can assist you from beginning to end in home buying process. It will help you to take advantage of the great buyer’s market were experiencing and it comes complete with a <a href="my_buyers_program.php">Buyer Bonus</a> just for signing up!<br />
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    Home sellers can get information here on how the local and <a href="housing_prices.php">national housing market</a> is trending and how leading edge marketing technology can help them sell their home in today’s challenging market conditions. Sellers will also be able to get information on how to price their home competitively with the help of a Pricing Study Analysis and find out how I’m helping NH home sellers succeed in today’s market as and <span class="bold">e-PRO Marketing Specialist</span> through <a href="my_marketing_plan.php">My Marketing Plan</a>. </p>
    <h2>Search for available New Hampshire Homes Now!</h2>
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         <h2>My Buyers Program</h2>
        <p>In today's competitive real  estate market, timing and knowledge is everything. Do you have your home buying  strategy in place yet?<br />
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          As one of New Hampshire's Accredited Buyer Representative REALTORS®,  helping home buyers to succeed is one of my specialties. My program can assist you with:</p>
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      <li>Locating available homes that fit your search criteria in your preferred areas</li>
           <li>Negotiate price, terms and conditions that fit your needs and protect your interest</li>
           <li>Coordinate home inspections and the preparation of closing documents</li>
           <li>Resolve any closing issues as they arise to keep you on track  </li>
             <li>help you get the keys to your new home!</li>
    <p><span class="bold">Contact me today or</span> <a href="my_buyers_program.php" class="bold">READ MORE HERE</a><span class="bold"> for more information on</span> <a href="my_buyers_program.php" class="bold">My Buyers Program</a></p>
       <div id="marketing_plan">
       <h2>My Marketing Plan</h2>
       <p>Home Sellers face challenging market conditions these days. Gone are the days of just needing a sign out front to sell your home quickly  and for a great price. Buyers today have a crowded market to choose from and most are tech savvy as well. <br />
       <div id="epro-logo"><a href="epro.php"><img src="images/icons/ePRO_196.png" alt="e-PRO logo" width="196" height="107" border="0" usemap="#Map3" /></a>
         <map name="Map3" id="Map3">
           <area shape="poly" coords="3,39,32,64,32,104,83,103,82,71,143,67,184,55,192,39,188,23,158,8,99,1,46,5,19,14, 4,26" href="#" />
       <p> They want to see as much as possible of your home online before making an appointment to see it in person.
         That's where my marketing expertise excels.<br />
      <br />
         As one of the few<span class="italic_and_bold"> e-PRO REALTORS®</span> in New Hampshire, I've been trained in all the latest web marketing techniques. <br />
      <br />
         I combine the power of web marketing with traditional marketing methods to maximize your home's exposure in a crowded market place.</p>
      <br />
      <center><span class="bold">Contact me today or</span> <a href="my_marketing_plan.php" class="bold">READ MORE HERE</a><span class="bold"> for more information on</span> <a href="my_marketing_plan.php" class="bold">My Marketing Plan</a></center>
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      <embed src="" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" flashvars="videoId=1288013534001&playerId=1465406675&viewerSecureGatewayURL= com/services&cdnURL=" base="" name="flashObj" width="400" height="320" seamlesstabbing="false" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" swliveconnect="true" pluginspage=""></e mbed>
          <div id="video-1_text">
       <h3>October Existing-Home Sales Rise, While the Unsold Inventory Continues to Decline</h3>
       <hr />
       <p>Washington, DC, November 21, 2011
    Existing-home sales improved in October while the number of homes on the market continued to decline, according to the National Association of Realtors®.<br />
          Read more and get the full story  on <a href="REALTOR.Org.">REALTOR.Org.</a><a href="&lt;img src=&quot;images/icons/Realtor_org-logo_thumb.jpg&quot; width=&quot;160&quot; height=&quot;90&quot; alt=&quot;REALTOR.Org&quot; /&gt;"><img src="images/icons/Realtor_org-small.jpg" width="80" height="47" alt="" /></a></p>
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    Your template contains an IE Conditional Comment that is adding 30px of top padding to  #sidebar1.  This padding may required in older versions of IE but not IE9.
    &lt;!--[if IE]>
    &lt;style type="text/css">
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    .twoColFixRtHdr #sidebar1 { padding-top: 30px; }
    .twoColFixRtHdr #mainContent { zoom: 1; }
    /* the above proprietary zoom property gives IE the hasLayout it needs to avoid several bugs */
    To fix it, change [if IE]  to [if lt IE 9]
    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists

  • Text sticks to the left edge...

    i have tables, labels, text fields, and many more controls where i experience this in my application.
    The text starts at the very left edge of the control, thus appearing very sticky and a little not very clear.
    Is there a way that this problem could be solved...? (like i wanted atleast some fixed gap everytime in each of these problematic controls.....!!)
    Since I have localised resource strings to fill in the controls i am talkin about so its not very
    feasible to manually insert a space of so on the left end of the string in the control.
    Kindly suggest.
    1. This above behaviour seems to cut a portion of the letter 'W' when it comes in the beginning (left most character in a string...the part of the letter W that bends a little out on the left is what gets cut off!! : (
    2. Also, when in a Table, i have two consecutive colums with the alignments bringing them together....(say the left column has right aligned contents(say numbers) and the other column has left aligned that case because of the 'above mentioned lack of margin/space of the contents with the edges of the control' the two columns' contents stick together and it appears very confusing to look at.

    Try running this [url]program. Many text components have a margin property which you can override by using:
    For JTable:
    the part of the letter W that bends a little out on the left is what gets cut off!! : (I seem to remember this a a know bug. I'm not sure if its for all fonts or not, but appears to be ok in JDK1.4.1 using the default font. Check the bug database for more information.

  • WebHelp not displaying content in left nav pane

    Any suggestions for why WebHelp is not displaying contents in
    the left navigation pane? When Help is called, it displays the
    frame (including buttons such as glossary, search, contents, etc)
    and the work area, but does not show the TOC in the left navigation
    I have also tried generating FlashHelp, with the same
    results. This time, only the work area displays. Any suggestions to
    fix this?
    This is a new project, where RoboHelp is being deployed for
    the first time. Any suggestions for making this a simpler
    transition would be much appreciated. I have used RoboHelp for many
    years with a different company and do not recall ever running into
    this many problems.

    Sorry, I haven't used the CSH method which, by the way, was
    designed to show only the topic at first, I think.
    I give my developers a list of path/filenames for topics, and
    they use this form:
    There are some shortcomings to this method, which leaves the
    window open and, when you call another topic, another new window
    opens. In other words, you have to close the help window manually
    to avoid windowmania.
    A solution is a little js that checks to see if a window is
    already open, closes it and opens a new one. (If no help window is
    open, it's a harmless js error.) It's fast enough that you wouldn't
    The downside here is losing the browser history. Forward and
    back buttons work only so long as the help window stays open.
    In my opinion, this is not a major concern, since many Web
    based applications these days tell users not to use the back
    button. Production users won't mind so much.
    For ordinary people doing e-shopping and online banking, the
    browser back button is anathema.
    The bottom line is, if you have a decent set of navigating
    options built into the design -- TOCs, left or right rail lists,
    useful links at top and/or bottom of the topic page, the back
    button can become superfluous.
    Browe sequences work fine from any point in the lineup (I
    know, it's not the same as browser history -- unless you give them
    a really useful set of sequences).
    The forever-loading left pane is gone in RH 7.
    Hope this is useful.

  • SWFLoader's content misalignment.

    I use SWFLoader to load a flash. But the loaded flash is shifted to the left so that about 300pixels of its left part is not visible.
    If the flash run standalone, it's centered on the screen and all visible.
    How can I center the loaded flash, without changing its source code? I have to load third-party flash.

    I observe that the content flash is align based on a 500x375 part at the center of it. If I set:
    stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
    stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_RIGHT;
    before load flash, it became stick to the right border, and a right part, equals to previously invisible left part, is invisible.
    That is to say, the flash still align, but based on a rectangle inside it, not its largest bounds.
    Beside, if I set stage align to left, it stick to left, set to right it stick to the right.
    And if I can set align to center, I can see it as a whole. But how I can do this? there is not StageAlign.CENTER option!
    Any idea?

  • SWFLoader's content misaligned.

    I use SWFLoader to load a third-party flash, and encounter a problem that the loaded flash content is misaligned. It is shifted to the left, thus part of its left side is not visible.
    If I double click the flash to run it alone by flash player, it is centralized horizontally well.
    How can I make the flash to be display correctly inside SWFLoader? This is a third-party flash, so I can not make change to its source code.

    I observe that the content flash is align based on a 500x375 part at the center of it. If I set:
    stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
    stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_RIGHT;
    before load flash, it became stick to the right border, and a right part, equals to previously invisible left part, is invisible.
    That is to say, the flash still align, but based on a rectangle inside it, not its largest bounds.
    Beside, if I set stage align to left, it stick to left, set to right it stick to the right.
    And if I can set align to center, I can see it as a whole. But how I can do this? there is not StageAlign.CENTER option!
    Any idea?

  • All of a sudden my yahoo email wont display correctly (shows some links for inbox etc but they arnt clickable and no emails are displayed) and the links on facebook (notifications, home etc) dont display but facebook content does.

    Yahoo home page and yahoo email is not displaying correctly. It had been working fine until Saturday 9/10. When i load yahoo home page it will display content but some is not clickable and is not displayed correctly. In my email it will show the content on the left side (inbox, drafts etc and along the top (contacts, inbox etc) nothing can be clicked and no emails load or are shown. Facebook will load news feed content but will not display the icons at the left top (notifications, messages etc) they are clickable and work but the images just aren't there. Also not able to play games in facebook. The game loads up to 100% but never finishes. I dont go to many other website but i did check a few and they seem to be fine. May this be a website issue or firefox issue? i am able to use internet explorer to correctly see my email and facebook so assuming its a firefox thing.

    Welcome, glad you got some benefit from the threads, it all so easy once you've done it a few times, aint it.
    Glad your going well, now you can help others  
    you could also join the folding team and help medical research.

  • How to show arabic data in to crystal reports ?How to aligh crystal report right to left

    <p>we are trying to make a crystal report for both english and arabic..All the arabic data is stored in data base tables.And for arabic screens we need tables and datas come right to left.. </p><p>1)How can we get the arabic data and right to left alignment in crystal reports? </p><p>2)Is thee any direct method to change the report alignments? </p><p>can u please send some sample codes. </p><p>we are using java version= 1.5 </p><p>database using =Oracle 9i </p><p>char set we are using for arabic= CP1256</p><p> Tomcat using=4.1 </p><p>we are using Crystal Reports11 </p><p>We are not having seperate rpt files for reports. we are making each Sections and adding this sections to FieldObjet to make the report dynamically. A sample Employee report in english is attached..Can u instruct how can i get this report in arabic assuming all datas are stored in database. </p><p><br />import java.awt.BorderLayout;<br />import javax.swing.JFrame;<br />import com.crystaldecisions.ReportViewer.ReportViewerBean;<br />import com.crystaldecisions.sdk.framework.CrystalEnterprise;<br />import com.crystaldecisions.sdk.framework.IEnterpriseSession;<br />import com.crystaldecisions.sdk.occa.managedreports.IReportAppFactory;<br />import;<br />import;<br />import;<br />import;<br />import;<br />import;<br />public class ReportSample {<br /> ReportClientDocument rptDoc=null;<br /> int fldTop=0;<br /> int fldWidth=1440;<br /> int fldHeight=400;<br /> int pageWidth=11500;<br /> ReportSample(){<br />  try{<br />   IEnterpriseSession oEnterpriseSession= CrystalEnterprise.getSessionMgr().logon("Administrator", "","zzzza","secEnterprise");<br />   IReportAppFactory oReportAppFactory = (IReportAppFactory)oEnterpriseSession.getService("", "RASReportService");<br />   rptDoc = oReportAppFactory.newDocument(java.util.Locale.ENGLISH);<br />   Table oTable = new Table();<br />   oTable.setConnectionInfo(getConnectionInfo("zzzzz","zzzz","zzz", "zzz"));//Connectin to oracle database<br />   oTable.setName("EMP1");<br />   rptDoc.getDatabaseController().addTable(oTable, null);<br />         String[] columnName={"EMPNAME"};<br />       Section dtlSection=(Section) rptDoc.getReportDefController().getReportDefinition().getDetailArea().getSections().getSection(0);<br />   int fldLeft=100;<br />   for (int i=0;i<columnName.length;i+)<br />   {<br />    <br />    dtlSection= (Section) rptDoc.getReportDefController().getReportDefinition().getDetailArea().getSections().getSection(0);<br />     try{<br />     FieldValueType fldValueType = FieldValueType.stringField;<br />     String javaDataType="String";<br />      add_db_field(<br />      dtlSection, <br />     oTable.getName()"."columnName<i>, <br />     fldValueType,javaDataType,<br />     fldLeft, fldTop, fldWidth, fldHeight);<br />     }catch(Exception e){<br />      e.printStackTrace();<br />     }<br />    fldLeft = fldLeftfldWidth;<br />   }<br />   <br />       <br />   try { <br />          //Create and set up the window.<br />          JFrame frame = new JFrame("ReportsViewer");<br />          frame.setTitle( "Crystal Reports Viewer");<br />          frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);<br />          ReportViewerBean viewer = new ReportViewerBean();<br />          viewer.init( new String[0], null, null, null);<br />          IReportSource rptSource = rptDoc.getReportSource();<br />          viewer.setReportSource( rptSource );<br />          frame.getContentPane().add( viewer, BorderLayout.CENTER );<br />          frame.setSize( 700, 500 );<br />          frame.setVisible(true);<br />          viewer.start();<br />   }catch(Exception e)<br />    {<br />     e.printStackTrace();<br />    }</p><p>   }catch(Exception e)<br />   {<br />    e.printStackTrace();<br />   }<br /> }<br /> public ReportObject add_db_field(Section oSection, String field_name, <br />   FieldValueType oFieldValueType,String fldDataType,<br />   double x, double y, double w, double h)<br /> throws ReportSDKException<br /> {<br />  DBField oDBField = new DBField();<br />  oDBField.setName(field_name);<br />  oDBField.setType(oFieldValueType);<br />  FieldObject oFieldObject = new FieldObject();<br />  oFieldObject.setDataSource(oDBField.getFormulaForm());<br />  oFieldObject.setFieldValueType(oDBField.getType());<br />  IndentAndSpacingFormat indentSpacing = new IndentAndSpacingFormat();<br />  IStringFieldFormat stringFieldFormat = oFieldObject.getFieldFormat().getStringFormat();<br />  stringFieldFormat.setIndentAndSpacingFormat(indentSpacing);<br />  oFieldObject.getFieldFormat().setStringFormat(stringFieldFormat);<br />  rptDoc.getReportDefController().getReportObjectController().add(oFieldObject, oSection, -1);<br />  return oFieldObject;<br /> }<br />  public ConnectionInfo getConnectionInfo (String new_username, String new_password, String new_dsn, String new_database)<br /> {<br />  <br />      ConnectionInfo oConnectionInfo = new ConnectionInfo(); // Make a copy, don&#39;t change the original.<br />      PropertyBag oPropertyBag1 = oConnectionInfo.getAttributes();<br />      oPropertyBag1.put("QE_ServerDescription", new_database);<br />   oPropertyBag1.put("Database DLL", "crdb_oracle.dll" );<br />   oPropertyBag1.put("DSN", new_dsn);<br />   // Set new table logon properties attributes<br />   PropertyBag oPropertyBag2 = new PropertyBag();<br />   oPropertyBag2.put("Server", new_database);<br />   oPropertyBag1.put("QE_LogonProperties", oPropertyBag2);<br />   oConnectionInfo.setAttributes(oPropertyBag1);<br />   oConnectionInfo.setUserName(new_username);<br />   oConnectionInfo.setPassword(new_password);<br />   // The Kind of connectionInfos is CRQE (Crystal Reports Query Engine).<br />   oConnectionInfo.setKind(ConnectionInfoKind.CRQE);<br />   return oConnectionInfo;</p><p>  }<br /> public static void main(String[] args) {<br />  // TODO Auto-generated method stub<br />  new ReportSample();<br />  //String cmsName = "admin-42cdvir7e(2)";<br />  <br />  <br />  <br /> }<br /> </p><p>}<br /></p>

    <p>This issue can be  solved when you create the reports without needing to write any extra code.  I haven&#39;t tested this solution because I don&#39;t have any data to test it against.</p><p>First you want to make sure that you are using a UNICODE font which I&#39;m sure you are probably already doing.  Then to configure the "Right to Left" you can right click on any field and select "Format Text" or "Format Field".  You should see a "Paragraph" tab.  In there you can set the content to be "Left to Right" or "Right to Left".  The button on the right allows you to make this setting conditional on a parameter value or something like that.  I hope this helps. </p><p>Rob Horne<br /><a href="/blog/10">Rob&#39;s blog -</a></p>

  • How do I delete contents from my iCloud account  to free- up space

    Recently i replaced my damaged iPhone with a new one. I could restore the contents to new phone. But now I am not able to update the iCloud from my new phone as it says that "Not enough space". This leads to the question - how do i remove all the contents in my iCloud account?
    Also when I login into my iCloud account using PC, I see there are 2 phones shown against my account and I am not able to delete one of them?
    Any tips for both these issues.

    Welcome to the Apple community.
    You can delete contents in your iCloud storage from your device using settings > iCloud > storage & backup > manage storage. Swipe the individual content to the left to reveal the delete button.

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  • How can I get my old text messages back?

    Wanted to get old text messages back or at least see them! ... But how?

  • Oracle Error when starting the WLI server (samples domain) on Windows XP

    I've installed WLI (SP2) on Windows XP and after Starting the Server (from the "Start Server and Launch Examples" commands on the start menu) I get the following Oracle error in the console: I'm using WLI 7.0 with SP2 and Oracle 9i on Windows XP Home

  • Problems with check boxes

    I am trying to create a process Register jsp. At first, i use normal jsp method try //get all the checkboxes values from here      //chkno is used only to retrieve the number of checked checkboxes      String chkno[] = request.getParameterValues("hob

  • Function group - transport order

    Hi people, I have a question. I have released a transport order in which there was a group function. Now, i have to modify a FM of this FG. I have created a new transport order but i have not created a new FG. Is it correct? I need to create a new FG

  • Managed Server Startup

    Hi, I have installed a WLS10.3.5 on Linux machine. We created new domain and able to start the admin server. But when created managed server; and tried to start, it throws error like: <Sep 16, 2011 2:26:02 PM> <INFO> <NodeManager> <Server output log