Conversion of azure table to xml file

Hello! Everybody, 
            I am doing a project in which i need to convert the table data to xml file. Actually the
flow is : user enters his personal details, then the data from other form is captured and stored in the table. Now the user ask for the xml file of all the data entered by him. As soon as the button is clicked, the queue gets the key data, which
it matches with entries in the table. There after the data is fetched and the workerrole is given the job to create xml file. We have reached till the part of table creation but would like to get some help that how can we create xml file
for each entries in the table on asked. 
           Waiting for reply..... 

Are you still waiting for help? I don't really I understand your question but perhaps you need to use the XmlSerializer class and related classes. Does
that seem useful? I can help a little with that but I currently don't understand your question well enough to help yet.

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  • Error while downloading data from internal table into XML file

    hi all,
    i developed a program to download data from into internal table to xml file like this.
    tables: mara.
    parameters: p_matnr like mara-matnr.
    data: begin of itab_mara occurs 0,
                matnr like mara-matnr,
                ernam like mara-ernam,
                aenam like mara-aenam,
                vpsta like mara-vpsta,
          end of itab_mara.
    data: lv_field_seperator type c,     " value 'X',
          lv_xml_doc_name(30) type c,    " string value ‘my xml file’,
          lv_result type i.
          lv_field_seperator = 'x'.
          lv_xml_doc_name = 'my xml file'.
    types: begin of truxs_xml_line,
              data(256) type x,
          end of truxs_xml_line.
    types:truxs_xml_table type table of truxs_xml_line.
    data:lv_tab_converted_data type truxs_xml_line,
         lt_tab_converted_data type truxs_xml_table.
    data: lv_xml_file type rlgrap-filename value 'c:\simp.xml'.
    select matnr ernam aenam vpsta from mara into table itab_mara up to 5
           rows where matnr = p_matnr.
       I_FIELD_SEPERATOR          = lv_field_seperator
      I_LINE_HEADER              =
      I_FILENAME                 =
      I_APPL_KEEP                = ' '
       I_XML_DOC_NAME             = lv_xml_doc_name
       PE_BIN_FILESIZE            = lv_result
        I_TAB_SAP_DATA             = itab_mara
       I_TAB_CONVERTED_DATA       = lt_tab_converted_data
      CONVERSION_FAILED          = 1
      OTHERS                     = 2
    IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.
    open dataset lv_xml_file for output in binary mode.
    loop at lt_tab_converted_data into lv_tab_converted_data.
    transfer lv_tab_converted_data to lv_xml_file.
    close dataset lv_xml_file.
    this program is syntactically correct and getting executed, but when i open the target xml file it is showing the following error.
    The XML page cannot be displayed
    Cannot view XML input using style sheet. Please correct the error and then click the Refresh button, or try again later.
    XML document must have a top level element. Error processing resource 'file:///C:/simp.xml'.
    will anyone show me the possible solution to rectify this error
    thanks and regards,

    Here is a small sample program to convert data in an internal table into XML format and display it.
    DATA: itab  TYPE TABLE OF spfli,
          l_xml TYPE REF TO cl_xml_document.
    * Read data into a ITAB
    SELECT * FROM spfli INTO TABLE itab.
    * Create the XML Object
    CREATE OBJECT l_xml.
    * Convert data in ITAB to XML
    CALL METHOD l_xml->create_with_data( name = 'Test1'
                                         dataobject = t_goal[] ).
    * Display XML Document
    CALL METHOD l_xml->display.
    Here are some other sample SAP programs to handle XML in ABAP:
    Hope this helps,

  • Convert data from internal table to XML file.

    Hi All,
    I am selecting data from database into one internal table.
    Now I want to convert data from internal table to xml file format and save in to my desktop. Please suggest me how I can achieve my requirement.
    Kindly reply me ASAP.

    Check this link too -
    Re: Data Export in XML format
    XML files from ABAP programs

  • Insert data into oracle table from XML file

    I need to insert data into oracle table from XML file
    If anybody handled this type of scenario, Please let me know how to insert data into oracle table from XML file
    Thanks in advance

    The XML DB forum provides the best support for XML topics related to Oracle.
    Here's the FAQ on that forum:
    where there are plenty of examples of shredding XML into Oracle tables and such like. ;)


    Initially I want to store sap db table as xml file so that an external program can read it. Also i want that when table is updated only updated data is stored in xml file.
    Edited by: Sandip Mane on Apr 2, 2008 9:19 PM
    Edited by: Alvaro Tejada Galindo on Apr 2, 2008 12:47 PM

    should do this way
    SOURCE output = your_itab[]
    RESULT XML xml_out.
    also check this link
    Convert data from internal table to XML file.

  • How to convert database table into xml file

    How to convert database table into XML file in Oracle HTML DB.
    Please let me know.

    This not really a specific APEX question... but I search the database forum and found this thread which I think will help
    Exporting Oracle table to XML
    If it does not I suggest looking at the database forum or have a look at this document on using the XML toolkit
    Hope this helps

  • How to write a procedure to load the data into a table using xml file as input to the procedure?

    Iam new to the xml,
    can u please anyone help me how to write procedure to load the data into a table using xml as input parameter to a procedure and xml file is as shown below which is input to me.
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <Entity><dcode>0</dcode><ddesc>(I87)Other disorders of veins - postphlebitic syndrome</ddesc><claimid>34543></claimid><reauthflag>0</reauthflag></Entity>
    <Entity><dcode>0</dcode><ddesc>(J04)Acute laryngitis and tracheitis</ddesc><claimid>34543></claimid><reauthflag>0</reauthflag></Entity>
    <Entity><dcode>0</dcode><ddesc>(J17*)Pneumonia in other diseases - whooping cough</ddesc><claimid>34543></claimid><reauthflag>0</reauthflag></Entity>

    here is the your XML parse in 11g :
    select *
      from xmltable('//Entity' passing xmltype
    '<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <Entity><dcode>0</dcode><ddesc>(I87)Other disorders of veins - postphlebitic syndrome</ddesc><claimid>34543></claimid><reauthflag>0</reauthflag></Entity>
    <Entity><dcode>0</dcode><ddesc>(J04)Acute laryngitis and tracheitis</ddesc><claimid>34543></claimid><reauthflag>0</reauthflag></Entity>
    <Entity><dcode>0</dcode><ddesc>(J17*)Pneumonia in other diseases - whooping cough</ddesc><claimid>34543></claimid><reauthflag>0</reauthflag></Entity>
    ') columns
      "dcode" varchar2(4000) path '/Entity/dcode',
      "ddesc" varchar2(4000) path '/Entity/ddesc',
      "reauthflag" varchar2(4000) path '/Entity/reauthflag'
    dcode                                                                            ddesc                                                                            reauthflag
    0                                                                                (I87)Other disorders of veins - postphlebitic syndrome                           0
    0                                                                                (J04)Acute laryngitis and tracheitis                                             0
    0                                                                                (J17*)Pneumonia in other diseases - whooping cough                               0
    Using this parser you can create procedure as
    SQL> create or replace procedure myXMLParse(x clob) as
      2  begin
      3    insert into MyXmlTable
      4      select *
      5        from xmltable('//Entity' passing xmltype(x) columns "dcode"
      6                      varchar2(4000) path '/Entity/dcode',
      7                      "ddesc" varchar2(4000) path '/Entity/ddesc',
      8                      "reauthflag" varchar2(4000) path '/Entity/reauthflag');
      9    commit;
    10  end;
    12  /
    Procedure created
    SQL> exec myXMLParse('<?xml version="1.0"?><DiseaseCodes><Entity><dcode>0</dcode><ddesc>(I87)Other disorders of veins - postphlebitic syndrome</ddesc><claimid>34543></claimid><reauthflag>0</reauthflag></Entity><Entity><dcode>0</dcode><ddesc>(J04)Acute laryngitis and tracheitis</ddesc><claimid>34543></claimid><reauthflag>0</reauthflag></Entity><Entity><dcode>0</dcode><ddesc>(J17*)Pneumonia in other diseases - whooping cough</ddesc><claimid>34543></claimid><reauthflag>0</reauthflag></Entity></DiseaseCodes>');
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed
    SQL> select * from MYXMLTABLE;
    dcode                                                                            ddesc                                                                            reauthflag
    0                                                                                (I87)Other disorders of veins - postphlebitic syndrome                           0
    0                                                                                (J04)Acute laryngitis and tracheitis                                             0
    0                                                                                (J17*)Pneumonia in other diseases - whooping cough                               0
    Ramin Hashimzade

  • XML data into Oracle Tables. XML file on Application Server.Oracle Apps R12

    Hi All,
    My Database version :
    I have an XML file which needs to be loaded into the Database Tables. How ever i do not want to use the XMLTYPE as given below
    insert into test1 (
    SELECT PrcDate, PmtType, PmtStatus, PmtTypeCount, PmtTypeAmt
    PrcDate VARCHAR2(2000) PATH '@PrcDate' ,
    PmtType VARCHAR2(2000) PATH '@PmtType' ,
    PmtStatus VARCHAR2(100) PATH '@PmtStatus' ,
    PmtTypeCount VARCHAR2(100) PATH 'PmtTypeCount' ,
    PmtTypeAmt VARCHAR2(100) PATH 'PmtTypeAmt'
    Because this way the XML file needs to reside on the DB server.
    I am looking into other option of loading the XML file into a CLOB column of a table and reading it from that column.
    I did a couple of tests and feel that this way also the XML file has to reside on the Database Server itself. I am not sure if this is correct or if there is any problem with our TEST instance.
    ++Can anyone let me know if i need to have the XML file on the DB server instead of the Application server to load into a CLOB column of table ??++
    ++Is there any other workaround for me to load XML into Oracle Tables, while having the XML file on Application Server.++
    Your immediate help is appreciated. I need to get past this ASAP.
    Thanks in Advance.

    1) Are you asking me to create a folder on Database directory which points to a folder on the Apps server ?I suggest creating an Oracle directory object (a database object) pointing to a real location (folder) on Application server.
    we DONOT want a hand shake between the DB Server and the APPS server.I don't see where the problem is.
    I'm not familiar with Apps R12 but there's no doubt the two servers are already communicating, at least App server should be able to access the DB for the whole thing to run.
    As I said :
    One way or another, the data has to make its way to the database, there's no workaround to that.How do you imagine the data will end up in a database table if it doesn't come to the DB server?
    There's no magical method out there, both servers have to communicate at some point.
    About client-server approaches (client being here the App server), you can read about accessing the XML DB repository in the XML DB Developer's Guide :
    Other option : SQL*Loader can load a CLOB, or an XMLType column too
    Edited by: odie_63 on 19 déc. 2011 20:22

  • Storing internal table from XML File into DDIC

    Hi everybody,
    im trying to store an internal table <b>without</b> knowing the content - means the structure (fields)- into th DDIC, but i failed. The code is:
    DATA xslt_error TYPE REF TO cx_xslt_exception.
    TRY .
    perform load_file  using 'D:/usr/YTGVF_asXML.xml'    changing itab_XMLResult.
          refresh itab_tableA.
          call transformation id
            source xml itab_XMLResult
            result GREATEST = itab_tableA.
    CATCH cx_xslt_exception INTO xslt_error.
      DATA: xslt_message type string .
      xslt_message = xslt_error->get_text( ).
      write xslt_message.
    form load_file
      using    path type localfile
      changing tab type table.
      data:    s type string,
               filelength type i.
      s = path.
      refresh tab.
      call function 'GUI_UPLOAD'
        exporting  filename   = s
                   filetype   = 'BIN'
        importing  filelength = filelength
        tables     data_tab   = tab
        exceptions others     = 1.
    endform.                    "load_file
    So, how can i store itab_tableA, without knowing the content (fields) of the table? The XML-File is of type asXML - i guess there should be a solution.
    Thanks for all replies!
    BG, Jim

    Absolutely, I don't see why that would be a problem.
    After parsing through the schema or DTD, you would know what the structure of the XML file coming through would be. So it would be basically uploading the file to SAP and then parsing the schema or DTD file, you will come to know the structure of your XML.
    And once you know the structure, you can create your <a href="/people/subramanian.venkateswaran2/blog/2004/11/19/dynamic-internal-table internal table</a>, and put the values from the XML file in the same.
    Considering my limited knowledge in XML, I am not able to provide information regarding , if there are any function modules/classes which SAP supports to directly read an XML schema/DTD and create a table of that sort. But the above inputs should help you in your way...
    Subramanian V.

  • Populate Oracle DB tables from XML files

    I have to populate tables in a oracle db using XMLs. There'll be one XML file for a single record in the table. Please tell me is there any tool or something to achieve this task or any other approach. I'm using Java+Struts.
    Waiting for a quick reply.

    This may help you,
    XML Generation Using  DBMS_XMLQuery

  • Does Table in XML file Exist Function ?

    Hi All,
    I have a Crystal Report that displays data from an XML file.
    It has a sub report that displays data from a table that only occasionally exists and is working fine.
    The problem is I need to add an if statement to a text box that says if the table does not exist display field X (where Filed X Always Exists)  but if not display field Y (Field Y is a Field in a table that only exists once in a while in the XML file).
    The Is Null function works fine but Only if the Table exists and the field is not populated.
    If the table does not exist at all the Is Null function does not work... The filed just displays nothing
    So....  Does anyone know how to test if a Table in an XML file Exists Please ?

    Only suggestion I have is to ensure that the table exists - every time, even if it is empty. Presumably, the report was designed based on some sort of a database schema and thus the report requires that this schema be adhered to.
    - Ludek
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  • XSU: Dealing with large tables / large XML files

    I'm trying to generate a XML file from a "large" table (about 7 million lines, 512Mbytes of storage) by means of XSU. I get into "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError" even after raising the heap size up to 1 Gbyte (option -Xmx1024m of the java cmd line).
    For the moment, I'm involved in an evaluation process. But in a near future, our applications are likely to deal with large amount of XML data, (typically hundreds of Mbytes of storage, which means possibly Gbytes of XML code), both in updating/inserting data and producing XML streams from existing data in relationnal DB.
    Any ideas about memory issues regarding XSU? Should we consider to use XMLType instead of "classical" relational tables loaded/unloaded by means of XSU?
    Any hint appreciated.
    /Hervi QUENIVET
    P.S. our environment is Linux red hat 7.3 and Oracle server

    I'm trying to generate a XML file from a "large" table (about 7 million lines, 512Mbytes of storage) by means of XSU. I get into "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError" even after raising the heap size up to 1 Gbyte (option -Xmx1024m of the java cmd line).
    For the moment, I'm involved in an evaluation process. But in a near future, our applications are likely to deal with large amount of XML data, (typically hundreds of Mbytes of storage, which means possibly Gbytes of XML code), both in updating/inserting data and producing XML streams from existing data in relationnal DB.
    Any ideas about memory issues regarding XSU? Should we consider to use XMLType instead of "classical" relational tables loaded/unloaded by means of XSU?
    Any hint appreciated.
    /Hervi QUENIVET
    P.S. our environment is Linux red hat 7.3 and Oracle server Try to split the XML before you process it. You can take look into XMLDocumentSplitter explained in Building Oracle XML Applications Book By Steven Meunch.
    The other alternative is write your own SAX handler and send the chuncks of XML for insert

  • Conversion of DOM object to XML file

    Is there a direct method for conversion of a Document object to xml file? My code is like this
    Transformer aTransformer = tranFactory.newTransformer();
              System.out.println("Tansformers :"+aTransformer);
              aTransformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes");
              DOMSource src = new DOMSource(resultDocument);
              System.out.println("src :"+src);
              Result dest = new StreamResult(new FileOutputStream(new File(filepath)));
              System.out.println("desc :"+dest);
              aTransformer.transform(src, dest);
    but the line DOMSource src = new DOMSource(resultDocument);
    is giving me an error like "undefined constrctor" . what must be the problem?

    DOMSource src = new DOMSource(resultDocument);
    resultDocument should be of type org.w3c.Node

  • Conversion of internal table into excel file format &put it on app server

    My requirement is to convert the internal table into excel file format and I have to store it on application server so that administrator can send the file thr e-mail attachment.
    So, please let me know how to convert the records of internal table and store it on application server in Excel file format.

      Use FM GUI_DOWNLOAD to download the data from inernal table to excel sheet.
    Then Using tcode CG3Z u can transfer file to application server.
    *&      Form  sub_download
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    FORM sub_download.
        BIN_FILESIZE                    =
          filename                        = p_path
         filetype                        = 'ASC'
        APPEND                          = ' '
         write_field_separator           = 'X'
        HEADER                          = '00'
        TRUNC_TRAILING_BLANKS           = ' '
        WRITE_LF                        = 'X'
        COL_SELECT                      = ' '
        COL_SELECT_MASK                 = ' '
        DAT_MODE                        = ' '
        CONFIRM_OVERWRITE               = ' '
        NO_AUTH_CHECK                   = ' '
        CODEPAGE                        = ' '
        IGNORE_CERR                     = ABAP_TRUE
        REPLACEMENT                     = '#'
        WRITE_BOM                       = ' '
        WK1_N_FORMAT                    = ' '
        WK1_N_SIZE                      = ' '
        WK1_T_FORMAT                    = ' '
        WK1_T_SIZE                      = ' '
        FILELENGTH                      =
          data_tab                        = it_final
        FIELDNAMES                      =
        FILE_WRITE_ERROR                = 1
        NO_BATCH                        = 2
        GUI_REFUSE_FILETRANSFER         = 3
        INVALID_TYPE                    = 4
        NO_AUTHORITY                    = 5
        UNKNOWN_ERROR                   = 6
        HEADER_NOT_ALLOWED              = 7
        SEPARATOR_NOT_ALLOWED           = 8
        FILESIZE_NOT_ALLOWED            = 9
        HEADER_TOO_LONG                 = 10
        DP_ERROR_CREATE                 = 11
        DP_ERROR_SEND                   = 12
        DP_ERROR_WRITE                  = 13
        UNKNOWN_DP_ERROR                = 14
        ACCESS_DENIED                   = 15
        DP_OUT_OF_MEMORY                = 16
        DISK_FULL                       = 17
        DP_TIMEOUT                      = 18
        FILE_NOT_FOUND                  = 19
        DATAPROVIDER_EXCEPTION          = 20
        CONTROL_FLUSH_ERROR             = 21
        OTHERS                          = 22
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    ENDFORM.                    " sub_download
    Otherwise use OPEN DATASET and TRANSFER statement to download data from internal table to direct application server

  • Conversion of inbound IDOC into XML file

    Hi experts,
    We have an inbound idoc (FIDCC2) that starts and triggers the creation of an FI document. We would like now, that, instead of creating the FI document, the inbound IDOC creates an XML file on a given directory, with the contents of the idoc. Can anybody explain how to configure this?
    Many thanks in advance,
    John De Coninck.

       Firstly, need more information. If I understand you correctly, you are getting an inbound FI document that is created as an IDOC and it posts into FI (using an underlying FM/transaction etc). Now you want to convert this IDOC into XML on a folder (which can be found on AL11 (a.k.a App Server)).
    Question 1: Where are you getting this IDOC from? Is it through EDI/ALE? What is your interfacing server (the one that is sending you this IDOC.
    Question 2: What format is this IDOC coming in? Is it flat/XML etc?
    Question 3: Is this an internally created IDOC? Is there an attached partner profile in WE20? If there is a partner profile that exists and you're using this to create the inbound IDOC, then there are process codes available to forward these IDOC's (e.g ED08).
    There are many ways you can achieve this but everything depends on how your system is configured and how this processing is going on.

Maybe you are looking for

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