Convert a string into a colour: HELP please

I have a JComboBox which gives a Color selection (String) and i want to convert the selected string into a color so that i can call:
Private void setColor(Color color)
colorname = color;
}any ideas?

I have a class similar to the one shown in the previous post. Not wishing to be redundant, I am listing the class only to show other color constants that could be used in your application.
I also am inclined to suggest using the JColorChooser widget.
public class NamedColor
public static final NamedColor[] HTML_COLORS = {
new NamedColor("Snow", new Color(255, 250, 250)) //#FFFAFA
, new NamedColor("GhostWhite", new Color(248, 248, 255)) //#F8F8FF
, new NamedColor("WhiteSmoke", new Color(245, 245, 245)) //#F5F5F5
, new NamedColor("Gainsboro", new Color(220, 220, 220)) //#DCDCDC
, new NamedColor("FloralWhite", new Color(255, 250, 240)) //#FFFAF0
, new NamedColor("OldLace", new Color(253, 245, 230)) //#FDF5E6
, new NamedColor("Linen", new Color(250, 240, 230)) //#FAF0E6
, new NamedColor("AntiqueWhite", new Color(250, 235, 215)) //#FAEBD7
, new NamedColor("PapayaWhip", new Color(255, 239, 213)) //#FFEFD5
, new NamedColor("BlanchedAlmond", new Color(255, 235, 205)) //#FFEBCD
, new NamedColor("Bisque", new Color(255, 228, 196)) //#FFE4C4
, new NamedColor("PeachPuff", new Color(255, 218, 185)) //#FFDAB9
, new NamedColor("NavajoWhite", new Color(255, 222, 173)) //#FFDEAD
, new NamedColor("Moccasin", new Color(255, 228, 181)) //#FFE4B5
, new NamedColor("Cornsilk", new Color(255, 248, 220)) //#FFF8DC
, new NamedColor("Ivory", new Color(255, 255, 240)) //#FFFFF0
, new NamedColor("LemonChiffon", new Color(255, 250, 205)) //#FFFACD
, new NamedColor("Seashell", new Color(255, 245, 238)) //#FFF5EE
, new NamedColor("Honeydew", new Color(240, 255, 240)) //#F0FFF0
, new NamedColor("MintCream", new Color(245, 255, 250)) //#F5FFFA
, new NamedColor("Azure", new Color(240, 255, 255)) //#F0FFFF
, new NamedColor("AliceBlue", new Color(240, 248, 255)) //#F0F8FF
, new NamedColor("lavender", new Color(230, 230, 250)) //#E6E6FA
, new NamedColor("LavenderBlush", new Color(255, 240, 245)) //#FFF0F5
, new NamedColor("MistyRose", new Color(255, 228, 225)) //#FFE4E1
, new NamedColor("White", new Color(255, 255, 255)) //#FFFFFF
, new NamedColor("Black", new Color(0, 0, 0)) //#000000
, new NamedColor("DarkSlateGray", new Color(47, 79, 79)) //#2F4F4F
, new NamedColor("DimGrey", new Color(105, 105, 105)) //#696969
, new NamedColor("SlateGrey", new Color(112, 128, 144)) //#708090
, new NamedColor("LightSlateGray", new Color(119, 136, 153)) //#778899
, new NamedColor("Grey", new Color(190, 190, 190)) //#BEBEBE
, new NamedColor("LightGray", new Color(211, 211, 211)) //#D3D3D3
, new NamedColor("MidnightBlue", new Color(25, 25, 112)) //#191970
, new NamedColor("NavyBlue", new Color(0, 0, 128)) //#000080
, new NamedColor("CornflowerBlue", new Color(100, 149, 237)) //#6495ED
, new NamedColor("DarkSlateBlue", new Color(72, 61, 139)) //#483D8B
, new NamedColor("SlateBlue", new Color(106, 90, 205)) //#6A5ACD
, new NamedColor("MediumSlateBlue", new Color(123, 104, 238)) //#7B68EE
, new NamedColor("LightSlateBlue", new Color(132, 112, 255)) //#8470FF
, new NamedColor("MediumBlue", new Color(0, 0, 205)) //#0000CD
, new NamedColor("RoyalBlue", new Color(65, 105, 225)) //#4169E1
, new NamedColor("Blue", new Color(0, 0, 255)) //#0000FF
, new NamedColor("DodgerBlue", new Color(30, 144, 255)) //#1E90FF
, new NamedColor("DeepSkyBlue", new Color(0, 191, 255)) //#00BFFF
, new NamedColor("SkyBlue", new Color(135, 206, 235)) //#87CEEB
, new NamedColor("LightSkyBlue", new Color(135, 206, 250)) //#87CEFA
, new NamedColor("SteelBlue", new Color(70, 130, 180)) //#4682B4
, new NamedColor("LightSteelBlue", new Color(176, 196, 222)) //#B0C4DE
, new NamedColor("LightBlue", new Color(173, 216, 230)) //#ADD8E6
, new NamedColor("PowderBlue", new Color(176, 224, 230)) //#B0E0E6
, new NamedColor("PaleTurquoise", new Color(175, 238, 238)) //#AFEEEE
, new NamedColor("DarkTurquoise", new Color(0, 206, 209)) //#00CED1
, new NamedColor("MediumTurquoise", new Color(72, 209, 204)) //#48D1CC
, new NamedColor("Turquoise", new Color(64, 224, 208)) //#40E0D0
, new NamedColor("Cyan", new Color(0, 255, 255)) //#00FFFF
, new NamedColor("LightCyan", new Color(224, 255, 255)) //#E0FFFF
, new NamedColor("CadetBlue", new Color(95, 158, 160)) //#5F9EA0
, new NamedColor("MediumAquamarine", new Color(102, 205, 170)) //#66CDAA
, new NamedColor("Aquamarine", new Color(127, 255, 212)) //#7FFFD4
, new NamedColor("DarkGreen", new Color(0, 100, 0)) //#006400
, new NamedColor("DarkOliveGreen", new Color(85, 107, 47)) //#556B2F
, new NamedColor("DarkSeaGreen", new Color(143, 188, 143)) //#8FBC8F
, new NamedColor("SeaGreen", new Color(46, 139, 87)) //#2E8B57
, new NamedColor("MediumSeaGreen", new Color(60, 179, 113)) //#3CB371
, new NamedColor("LightSeaGreen", new Color(32, 178, 170)) //#20B2AA
, new NamedColor("PaleGreen", new Color(152, 251, 152)) //#98FB98
, new NamedColor("SpringGreen", new Color(0, 255, 127)) //#00FF7F
, new NamedColor("LawnGreen", new Color(124, 252, 0)) //#7CFC00
, new NamedColor("Green", new Color(0, 255, 0)) //#00FF00
, new NamedColor("Chartreuse", new Color(127, 255, 0)) //#7FFF00
, new NamedColor("MedSpringGreen", new Color(0, 250, 154)) //#00FA9A
, new NamedColor("GreenYellow", new Color(173, 255, 47)) //#ADFF2F
, new NamedColor("LimeGreen", new Color(50, 205, 50)) //#32CD32
, new NamedColor("YellowGreen", new Color(154, 205, 50)) //#9ACD32
, new NamedColor("ForestGreen", new Color(34, 139, 34)) //#228B22
, new NamedColor("OliveDrab", new Color(107, 142, 35)) //#6B8E23
, new NamedColor("DarkKhaki", new Color(189, 183, 107)) //#BDB76B
, new NamedColor("PaleGoldenrod", new Color(238, 232, 170)) //#EEE8AA
, new NamedColor("LtGoldenrodYello", new Color(250, 250, 210)) //#FAFAD2
, new NamedColor("LightYellow", new Color(255, 255, 224)) //#FFFFE0
, new NamedColor("Yellow", new Color(255, 255, 0)) //#FFFF00
, new NamedColor("Gold", new Color(255, 215, 0)) //#FFD700
, new NamedColor("LightGoldenrod", new Color(238, 221, 130)) //#EEDD82
, new NamedColor("goldenrod", new Color(218, 165, 32)) //#DAA520
, new NamedColor("DarkGoldenrod", new Color(184, 134, 11)) //#B8860B
, new NamedColor("RosyBrown", new Color(188, 143, 143)) //#BC8F8F
, new NamedColor("IndianRed", new Color(205, 92, 92)) //#CD5C5C
, new NamedColor("SaddleBrown", new Color(139, 69, 19)) //#8B4513
, new NamedColor("Sienna", new Color(160, 82, 45)) //#A0522D
, new NamedColor("Peru", new Color(205, 133, 63)) //#CD853F
, new NamedColor("Burlywood", new Color(222, 184, 135)) //#DEB887
, new NamedColor("Beige", new Color(245, 245, 220)) //#F5F5DC
, new NamedColor("Wheat", new Color(245, 222, 179)) //#F5DEB3
, new NamedColor("SandyBrown", new Color(244, 164, 96)) //#F4A460
, new NamedColor("Tan", new Color(210, 180, 140)) //#D2B48C
, new NamedColor("Chocolate", new Color(210, 105, 30)) //#D2691E
, new NamedColor("Firebrick", new Color(178, 34, 34)) //#B22222
, new NamedColor("Brown", new Color(165, 42, 42)) //#A52A2A
, new NamedColor("DarkSalmon", new Color(233, 150, 122)) //#E9967A
, new NamedColor("Salmon", new Color(250, 128, 114)) //#FA8072
, new NamedColor("LightSalmon", new Color(255, 160, 122)) //#FFA07A
, new NamedColor("Orange", new Color(255, 165, 0)) //#FFA500
, new NamedColor("DarkOrange", new Color(255, 140, 0)) //#FF8C00
, new NamedColor("Coral", new Color(255, 127, 80)) //#FF7F50
, new NamedColor("LightCoral", new Color(240, 128, 128)) //#F08080
, new NamedColor("Tomato", new Color(255, 99, 71)) //#FF6347
, new NamedColor("OrangeRed", new Color(255, 69, 0)) //#FF4500
, new NamedColor("Red", new Color(255, 0, 0)) //#FF0000
, new NamedColor("HotPink", new Color(255, 105, 180)) //#FF69B4
, new NamedColor("DeepPink", new Color(255, 20, 147)) //#FF1493
, new NamedColor("Pink", new Color(255, 192, 203)) //#FFC0CB
, new NamedColor("LightPink", new Color(255, 182, 193)) //#FFB6C1
, new NamedColor("PaleVioletRed", new Color(219, 112, 147)) //#DB7093
, new NamedColor("Maroon", new Color(176, 48, 96)) //#B03060
, new NamedColor("MediumVioletRed", new Color(199, 21, 133)) //#C71585
, new NamedColor("VioletRed", new Color(208, 32, 144)) //#D02090
, new NamedColor("Magenta", new Color(255, 0, 255)) //#FF00FF
, new NamedColor("Violet", new Color(238, 130, 238)) //#EE82EE
, new NamedColor("Plum", new Color(221, 160, 221)) //#DDA0DD
, new NamedColor("Orchid", new Color(218, 112, 214)) //#DA70D6
, new NamedColor("MediumOrchid", new Color(186, 85, 211)) //#BA55D3
, new NamedColor("DarkOrchid", new Color(153, 50, 204)) //#9932CC
, new NamedColor("DarkViolet", new Color(148, 0, 211)) //#9400D3
, new NamedColor("BlueViolet", new Color(138, 43, 226)) //#8A2BE2
, new NamedColor("Purple", new Color(160, 32, 240)) //#A020F0
, new NamedColor("MediumPurple", new Color(147, 112, 219)) //#9370DB
, new NamedColor("Thistle", new Color(216, 191, 216)) //#D8BFD8
, new NamedColor("Snow1", new Color(255, 250, 250)) //#FFFAFA
, new NamedColor("Snow2", new Color(238, 233, 233)) //#EEE9E9
, new NamedColor("Snow3", new Color(205, 201, 201)) //#CDC9C9
, new NamedColor("Snow4", new Color(139, 137, 137)) //#8B8989
, new NamedColor("Seashell1", new Color(255, 245, 238)) //#FFF5EE
, new NamedColor("Seashell2", new Color(238, 229, 222)) //#EEE5DE
, new NamedColor("Seashell3", new Color(205, 197, 191)) //#CDC5BF
, new NamedColor("Seashell4", new Color(139, 134, 130)) //#8B8682
, new NamedColor("AntiqueWhite1", new Color(255, 239, 219)) //#FFEFDB
, new NamedColor("AntiqueWhite2", new Color(238, 223, 204)) //#EEDFCC
, new NamedColor("AntiqueWhite3", new Color(205, 192, 176)) //#CDC0B0
, new NamedColor("AntiqueWhite4", new Color(139, 131, 120)) //#8B8378
, new NamedColor("Bisque1", new Color(255, 228, 196)) //#FFE4C4
, new NamedColor("Bisque2", new Color(238, 213, 183)) //#EED5B7
, new NamedColor("Bisque3", new Color(205, 183, 158)) //#CDB79E
, new NamedColor("Bisque4", new Color(139, 125, 107)) //#8B7D6B
, new NamedColor("PeachPuff1", new Color(255, 218, 185)) //#FFDAB9
, new NamedColor("PeachPuff2", new Color(238, 203, 173)) //#EECBAD
, new NamedColor("PeachPuff3", new Color(205, 175, 149)) //#CDAF95
, new NamedColor("PeachPuff4", new Color(139, 119, 101)) //#8B7765
, new NamedColor("NavajoWhite1", new Color(255, 222, 173)) //#FFDEAD
, new NamedColor("NavajoWhite2", new Color(238, 207, 161)) //#EECFA1
, new NamedColor("NavajoWhite3", new Color(205, 179, 139)) //#CDB38B
, new NamedColor("NavajoWhite4", new Color(139, 121, 94)) //#8B795E
, new NamedColor("LemonChiffon1", new Color(255, 250, 205)) //#FFFACD
, new NamedColor("LemonChiffon2", new Color(238, 233, 191)) //#EEE9BF
, new NamedColor("LemonChiffon3", new Color(205, 201, 165)) //#CDC9A5
, new NamedColor("LemonChiffon4", new Color(139, 137, 112)) //#8B8970
, new NamedColor("Cornsilk1", new Color(255, 248, 220)) //#FFF8DC
, new NamedColor("Cornsilk2", new Color(238, 232, 205)) //#EEE8CD
, new NamedColor("Cornsilk3", new Color(205, 200, 177)) //#CDC8B1
, new NamedColor("Cornsilk4", new Color(139, 136, 120)) //#8B8878
, new NamedColor("Ivory1", new Color(255, 255, 240)) //#FFFFF0
, new NamedColor("Ivory2", new Color(238, 238, 224)) //#EEEEE0
, new NamedColor("Ivory3", new Color(205, 205, 193)) //#CDCDC1
, new NamedColor("Ivory4", new Color(139, 139, 131)) //#8B8B83
, new NamedColor("Honeydew1", new Color(240, 255, 240)) //#F0FFF0
, new NamedColor("Honeydew2", new Color(224, 238, 224)) //#E0EEE0
, new NamedColor("Honeydew3", new Color(193, 205, 193)) //#C1CDC1
, new NamedColor("Honeydew4", new Color(131, 139, 131)) //#838B83
, new NamedColor("LavenderBlush1", new Color(255, 240, 245)) //#FFF0F5
, new NamedColor("LavenderBlush2", new Color(238, 224, 229)) //#EEE0E5
, new NamedColor("LavenderBlush3", new Color(205, 193, 197)) //#CDC1C5
, new NamedColor("LavenderBlush4", new Color(139, 131, 134)) //#8B8386
, new NamedColor("MistyRose1", new Color(255, 228, 225)) //#FFE4E1
, new NamedColor("MistyRose2", new Color(238, 213, 210)) //#EED5D2
, new NamedColor("MistyRose3", new Color(205, 183, 181)) //#CDB7B5
, new NamedColor("MistyRose4", new Color(139, 125, 123)) //#8B7D7B
, new NamedColor("Azure1", new Color(240, 255, 255)) //#F0FFFF
, new NamedColor("Azure2", new Color(224, 238, 238)) //#E0EEEE
, new NamedColor("Azure3", new Color(193, 205, 205)) //#C1CDCD
, new NamedColor("Azure4", new Color(131, 139, 139)) //#838B8B
, new NamedColor("SlateBlue1", new Color(131, 111, 255)) //#836FFF
, new NamedColor("SlateBlue2", new Color(122, 103, 238)) //#7A67EE
, new NamedColor("SlateBlue3", new Color(105, 89, 205)) //#6959CD
, new NamedColor("SlateBlue4", new Color(71, 60, 139)) //#473C8B
, new NamedColor("RoyalBlue1", new Color(72, 118, 255)) //#4876FF
, new NamedColor("RoyalBlue2", new Color(67, 110, 238)) //#436EEE
, new NamedColor("RoyalBlue3", new Color(58, 95, 205)) //#3A5FCD
, new NamedColor("RoyalBlue4", new Color(39, 64, 139)) //#27408B
, new NamedColor("Blue1", new Color(0, 0, 255)) //#0000FF
, new NamedColor("Blue2", new Color(0, 0, 238)) //#0000EE
, new NamedColor("Blue3", new Color(0, 0, 205)) //#0000CD
, new NamedColor("Blue4", new Color(0, 0, 139)) //#00008B
, new NamedColor("DodgerBlue1", new Color(30, 144, 255)) //#1E90FF
, new NamedColor("DodgerBlue2", new Color(28, 134, 238)) //#1C86EE
, new NamedColor("DodgerBlue3", new Color(24, 116, 205)) //#1874CD
, new NamedColor("DodgerBlue4", new Color(16, 78, 139)) //#104E8B
, new NamedColor("SteelBlue1", new Color(99, 184, 255)) //#63B8FF
, new NamedColor("SteelBlue2", new Color(92, 172, 238)) //#5CACEE
, new NamedColor("SteelBlue3", new Color(79, 148, 205)) //#4F94CD
, new NamedColor("SteelBlue4", new Color(54, 100, 139)) //#36648B
, new NamedColor("DeepSkyBlue1", new Color(0, 191, 255)) //#00BFFF
, new NamedColor("DeepSkyBlue2", new Color(0, 178, 238)) //#00B2EE
, new NamedColor("DeepSkyBlue3", new Color(0, 154, 205)) //#009ACD
, new NamedColor("DeepSkyBlue4", new Color(0, 104, 139)) //#00688B
, new NamedColor("SkyBlue1", new Color(135, 206, 255)) //#87CEFF
, new NamedColor("SkyBlue2", new Color(126, 192, 238)) //#7EC0EE
, new NamedColor("SkyBlue3", new Color(108, 166, 205)) //#6CA6CD
, new NamedColor("SkyBlue4", new Color(74, 112, 139)) //#4A708B
, new NamedColor("LightSkyBlue1", new Color(176, 226, 255)) //#B0E2FF
, new NamedColor("LightSkyBlue2", new Color(164, 211, 238)) //#A4D3EE
, new NamedColor("LightSkyBlue3", new Color(141, 182, 205)) //#8DB6CD
, new NamedColor("LightSkyBlue4", new Color(96, 123, 139)) //#607B8B
, new NamedColor("SlateGray1", new Color(198, 226, 255)) //#C6E2FF
, new NamedColor("SlateGray2", new Color(185, 211, 238)) //#B9D3EE
, new NamedColor("SlateGray3", new Color(159, 182, 205)) //#9FB6CD
, new NamedColor("SlateGray4", new Color(108, 123, 139)) //#6C7B8B
, new NamedColor("LightSteelBlue1", new Color(202, 225, 255)) //#CAE1FF
, new NamedColor("LightSteelBlue2", new Color(188, 210, 238)) //#BCD2EE
, new NamedColor("LightSteelBlue3", new Color(162, 181, 205)) //#A2B5CD
, new NamedColor("LightSteelBlue4", new Color(110, 123, 139)) //#6E7B8B
, new NamedColor("LightBlue1", new Color(191, 239, 255)) //#BFEFFF
, new NamedColor("LightBlue2", new Color(178, 223, 238)) //#B2DFEE
, new NamedColor("LightBlue3", new Color(154, 192, 205)) //#9AC0CD
, new NamedColor("LightBlue4", new Color(104, 131, 139)) //#68838B
, new NamedColor("LightCyan1", new Color(224, 255, 255)) //#E0FFFF
, new NamedColor("LightCyan2", new Color(209, 238, 238)) //#D1EEEE
, new NamedColor("LightCyan3", new Color(180, 205, 205)) //#B4CDCD
, new NamedColor("LightCyan4", new Color(122, 139, 139)) //#7A8B8B
, new NamedColor("PaleTurquoise1", new Color(187, 255, 255)) //#BBFFFF
, new NamedColor("PaleTurquoise2", new Color(174, 238, 238)) //#AEEEEE
, new NamedColor("PaleTurquoise3", new Color(150, 205, 205)) //#96CDCD
, new NamedColor("PaleTurquoise4", new Color(102, 139, 139)) //#668B8B
, new NamedColor("CadetBlue1", new Color(152, 245, 255)) //#98F5FF
, new NamedColor("CadetBlue2", new Color(142, 229, 238)) //#8EE5EE
, new NamedColor("CadetBlue3", new Color(122, 197, 205)) //#7AC5CD
, new NamedColor("CadetBlue4", new Color(83, 134, 139)) //#53868B
, new NamedColor("Turquoise1", new Color(0, 245, 255)) //#00F5FF
, new NamedColor("Turquoise2", new Color(0, 229, 238)) //#00E5EE
, new NamedColor("Turquoise3", new Color(0, 197, 205)) //#00C5CD
, new NamedColor("Turquoise4", new Color(0, 134, 139)) //#00868B
, new NamedColor("Cyan1", new Color(0, 255, 255)) //#00FFFF
, new NamedColor("Cyan2", new Color(0, 238, 238)) //#00EEEE
, new NamedColor("Cyan3", new Color(0, 205, 205)) //#00CDCD
, new NamedColor("Cyan4", new Color(0, 139, 139)) //#008B8B
, new NamedColor("DarkSlateGray1", new Color(151, 255, 255)) //#97FFFF
, new NamedColor("DarkSlateGray2", new Color(141, 238, 238)) //#8DEEEE
, new NamedColor("DarkSlateGray3", new Color(121, 205, 205)) //#79CDCD
, new NamedColor("DarkSlateGray4", new Color(82, 139, 139)) //#528B8B
, new NamedColor("Aquamarine1", new Color(127, 255, 212)) //#7FFFD4
, new NamedColor("Aquamarine2", new Color(118, 238, 198)) //#76EEC6
, new NamedColor("Aquamarine3", new Color(102, 205, 170)) //#66CDAA
, new NamedColor("Aquamarine4", new Color(69, 139, 116)) //#458B74
, new NamedColor("DarkSeaGreen1", new Color(193, 255, 193)) //#C1FFC1
, new NamedColor("DarkSeaGreen2", new Color(180, 238, 180)) //#B4EEB4
, new NamedColor("DarkSeaGreen3", new Color(155, 205, 155)) //#9BCD9B
, new NamedColor("DarkSeaGreen4", new Color(105, 139, 105)) //#698B69
, new NamedColor("SeaGreen1", new Color(84, 255, 159)) //#54FF9F
, new NamedColor("SeaGreen2", new Color(78, 238, 148)) //#4EEE94
, new NamedColor("SeaGreen3", new Color(67, 205, 128)) //#43CD80
, new NamedColor("SeaGreen4", new Color(46, 139, 87)) //#2E8B57
, new NamedColor("PaleGreen1", new Color(154, 255, 154)) //#9AFF9A
, new NamedColor("PaleGreen2", new Color(144, 238, 144)) //#90EE90
, new NamedColor("PaleGreen3", new Color(124, 205, 124)) //#7CCD7C
, new NamedColor("PaleGreen4", new Color(84, 139, 84)) //#548B54
, new NamedColor("SpringGreen1", new Color(0, 255, 127)) //#00FF7F
, new NamedColor("SpringGreen2", new Color(0, 238, 118)) //#00EE76
, new NamedColor("SpringGreen3", new Color(0, 205, 102)) //#00CD66
, new NamedColor("SpringGreen4", new Color(0, 139, 69)) //#008B45
, new NamedColor("Green1", new Color(0, 255, 0)) //#00FF00
, new NamedColor("Green2", new Color(0, 238, 0)) //#00EE00
, new NamedColor("Green3", new Color(0, 205, 0)) //#00CD00
, new NamedColor("Green4", new Color(0, 139, 0)) //#008B00
, new NamedColor("Chartreuse1", new Color(127, 255, 0)) //#7FFF00
, new NamedColor("Chartreuse2", new Color(118, 238, 0)) //#76EE00
, new NamedColor("Chartreuse3", new Color(102, 205, 0)) //#66CD00
, new NamedColor("Chartreuse4", new Color(69, 139, 0)) //#458B00
, new NamedColor("OliveDrab1", new Color(192, 255, 62)) //#C0FF3E
, new NamedColor("OliveDrab2", new Color(179, 238, 58)) //#B3EE3A
, new NamedColor("OliveDrab3", new Color(154, 205, 50)) //#9ACD32
, new NamedColor("OliveDrab4", new Color(105, 139, 34)) //#698B22
, new NamedColor("DarkOliveGreen1", new Color(202, 255, 112)) //#CAFF70
, new NamedColor("DarkOliveGreen2", new Color(188, 238, 104)) //#BCEE68
, new NamedColor("DarkOliveGreen3", new Color(162, 205, 90)) //#A2CD5A
, new NamedColor("DarkOliveGreen4", new Color(110, 139, 61)) //#6E8B3D
, new NamedColor("Khaki1", new Color(255, 246, 143)) //#FFF68F
, new NamedColor("Khaki2", new Color(238, 230, 133)) //#EEE685
, new NamedColor("Khaki3", new Color(205, 198, 115)) //#CDC673
, new NamedColor("Khaki4", new Color(139, 134, 78)) //#8B864E
, new NamedColor("LightGoldenrod1", new Color(255, 236, 139)) //#FFEC8B
, new NamedColor("LightGoldenrod2", new Color(238, 220, 130)) //#EEDC82
, new NamedColor("LightGoldenrod3", new Color(205, 190, 112)) //#CDBE70
, new NamedColor("LightGoldenrod4", new Color(139, 129, 76)) //#8B814C
, new NamedColor("LightYellow1", new Color(255, 255, 224)) //#FFFFE0
, new NamedColor("LightYellow2", new Color(238, 238, 209)) //#EEEED1
, new NamedColor("LightYellow3", new Color(205, 205, 180)) //#CDCDB4
, new NamedColor("LightYellow4", new Color(139, 139, 122)) //#8B8B7A
, new NamedColor("Yellow1", new Color(255, 255, 0)) //#FFFF00
, new NamedColor("Yellow2", new Color(238, 238, 0)) //#EEEE00
, new NamedColor("Yellow3", new Color(205, 205, 0)) //#CDCD00
, new NamedColor("Yellow4", new Color(139, 139, 0)) //#8B8B00
, new NamedColor("Gold1", new Color(255, 215, 0)) //#FFD700
, new NamedColor("Gold2", new Color(238, 201, 0)) //#EEC900
, new NamedColor("Gold3", new Color(205, 173, 0)) //#CDAD00
, new NamedColor("Gold4", new Color(139, 117, 0)) //#8B7500
, new NamedColor("Goldenrod1", new Color(255, 193, 37)) //#FFC125
, new NamedColor("Goldenrod2", new Color(238, 180, 34)) //#EEB422
, new NamedColor("Goldenrod3", new Color(205, 155, 29)) //#CD9B1D
, new NamedColor("Goldenrod4", new Color(139, 105, 20)) //#8B6914
, new NamedColor("DarkGoldenrod1", new Color(255, 185, 15)) //#FFB90F
, new NamedColor("DarkGoldenrod2", new Color(238, 173, 14)) //#EEAD0E
, new NamedColor("DarkGoldenrod3", new Color(205, 149, 12)) //#CD950C
, new NamedColor("DarkGoldenrod4", new Color(139, 101, 8)) //#8B658B
, new NamedColor("RosyBrown1", new Color(255, 193, 193)) //#FFC1C1
, new NamedColor("RosyBrown2", new Color(238, 180, 180)) //#EEB4B4
, new NamedColor("RosyBrown3", new Color(205, 155, 155)) //#CD9B9B
, new NamedColor("RosyBrown4", new Color(139, 105, 105)) //#8B6969
, new NamedColor("IndianRed1", new Color(255, 106, 106)) //#FF6A6A
, new NamedColor("IndianRed2", new Color(238, 99, 99)) //#EE6363
, new NamedColor("IndianRed3", new Color(205, 85, 85)) //#CD5555
, new NamedColor("IndianRed4", new Color(139, 58, 58)) //#8B3A3A
, new NamedColor("Sienna1", new Color(255, 130, 71)) //#FF8247
, new NamedColor("Sienna2", new Color(238, 121, 66)) //#EE7942
, new NamedColor("Sienna3", new Color(205, 104, 57)) //#CD6839
, new NamedColor("Sienna4", new Color(139, 71, 38)) //#8B4726
, new NamedColor("Burlywood1", new Color(255, 211, 155)) //#FFD39B
, new NamedColor("Burlywood2", new Color(238, 197, 145)) //#EEC591
, new NamedColor("Burlywood3", new Color(205, 170, 125)) //#CDAA7D
, new NamedColor("Burlywood4", new Color(139, 115, 85)) //#8B7355
, new NamedColor("Wheat1", new Color(255, 231, 186)) //#FFE7BA
, new NamedColor("Wheat2", new Color(238, 216, 174)) //#EED8AE
, new NamedColor("Wheat3", new Color(205, 186, 150)) //#CDBA96
, new NamedColor("Wheat4", new Color(139, 126, 102)) //#8B7E66
, new NamedColor("Tan1", new Color(255, 165, 79)) //#FFA54F
, new NamedColor("Tan2", new Color(238, 154, 73)) //#EE9A49
, new NamedColor("Tan3", new Color(205, 133, 63)) //#CD853F
, new NamedColor("Tan4", new Color(139, 90, 43)) //#8B5A2B
, new NamedColor("Chocolate1", new Color(255, 127, 36)) //#FF7F24
, new NamedColor("Chocolate2", new Color(238, 118, 33)) //#EE7621
, new NamedColor("Chocolate3", new Color(205, 102, 29)) //#CD661D
, new NamedColor("Chocolate4", new Color(139, 69, 19)) //#8B4513
, new NamedColor("Firebrick1", new Color(255, 48, 48)) //#FF3030
, new NamedColor("Firebrick2", new Color(238, 44, 44)) //#EE2C2C
, new NamedColor("Firebrick3", new Color(205, 38, 38)) //#CD2626
, new NamedColor("Firebrick4", new Color(139, 26, 26)) //#8B1A1A
, new NamedColor("Brown1", new Color(255, 64, 64)) //#FF4040
, new NamedColor("Brown2", new Color(238, 59, 59)) //#EE3B3B
, new NamedColor("Brown3", new Color(205, 51, 51)) //#CD3333
, new NamedColor("Brown4", new Color(139, 35, 35)) //#8B2323
, new NamedColor("Salmon1", new Color(255, 140, 105)) //#FF8C69
, new NamedColor("Salmon2", new Color(238, 130, 98)) //#EE8262
, new NamedColor("Salmon3", new Color(205, 112, 84)) //#CD7054
, new NamedColor("Salmon4", new Color(139, 76, 57)) //#8B4C39
, new NamedColor("LightSalmon1", new Color(255, 160, 122)) //#FFA07A
, new NamedColor("LightSalmon2", new Color(238, 149, 114)) //#EE9572
, new NamedColor("LightSalmon3", new Color(205, 129, 98)) //#CD8162
, new NamedColor("LightSalmon4", new Color(139, 87, 66)) //#8B5742
, new NamedColor("Orange1", new Color(255, 165, 0)) //#FFA500
, new NamedColor("Orange2", new Color(238, 154, 0)) //#EE9A00
, new NamedColor("Orange3", new Color(205, 133, 0)) //#CD8500
, new NamedColor("Orange4", new Color(139, 90, 0)) //#8B5A00
, new NamedColor("DarkOrange1", new Color(255, 127, 0)) //#FF7F00
, new NamedColor("DarkOrange2", new Color(238, 118, 0)) //#EE7600
, new NamedColor("DarkOrange3", new Color(205, 102, 0)) //#CD6600
, new NamedColor("DarkOrange4", new Color(139, 69, 0)) //#8B4500
, new NamedColor("Coral1", new Color(255, 114, 86)) //#FF7256
, new NamedColor("Coral2", new Color(238, 106, 80)) //#EE6A50
, new NamedColor("Coral3", new Color(205, 91, 69)) //#CD5B45
, new NamedColor("Coral4", new Color(139, 62, 47)) //#8B3E2F
, new NamedColor("Tomato1", new Color(255, 99, 71)) //#FF6347
, new NamedColor("Tomato2", new Color(238, 92, 66)) //#EE5C42
, new NamedColor("Tomato3", new Color(205, 79, 57)) //#CD4F39
, new NamedColor("Tomato4", new Color(139, 54, 38)) //#8B3626
, new NamedColor("OrangeRed1", new Color(255, 69, 0)) //#FF4500
, new NamedColor("OrangeRed2", new Color(238, 64, 0)) //#EE4000
, new NamedColor("OrangeRed3", new Color(205, 55, 0)) //#CD3700
, new NamedColor("OrangeRed4", new Color(139, 37, 0)) //#8B2500
, new NamedColor("Red1", new Color(255, 0, 0)) //#FF0000
, new NamedColor("Red2", new Color(238, 0, 0)) //#EE0000
, new NamedColor("Red3", new Color(205, 0, 0)) //#CD0000
, new NamedColor("Red4", new Color(139, 0, 0)) //#8B0000
, new NamedColor("DeepPink1", new Color(255, 20, 147)) //#FF1493
, new NamedColor("DeepPink2", new Color(238, 18, 137)) //#EE1289
, new NamedColor("DeepPink3", new Color(205, 1

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    Try this :
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    Document doc = db.parse(new org.xml.sax.InputSource(new StringReader(strXml)));Hope this helps.

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    Convert XML String to Document with StringReader.
    String xmlString;
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    I keep getting errors in line 4, if any of you could help me out here I'll be thankful, i'm kinda new to java and my search for java's equivalent of alof() (its a function in C libraries that converts char[] into a double)lead me to this.
    Tony L.

    Use the Following:
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    Would appreciate anyone's help!
    Edited by: eunice ocson on Jul 13, 2009 1:49 AM
    Edited by: eunice ocson on Jul 13, 2009 1:50 AM
    Edited by: eunice ocson on Jul 13, 2009 1:51 AM
    Edited by: eunice ocson on Jul 13, 2009 1:51 AM

    Hi Eunice
    Use the FM 'SMUM_XML_PARSE'
    for more info
    [Convert XML string to ABAP|XML String to ABAP or GUI]
    hope it helps you.

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    int myint = Interger.parseInt(string);
    float myfloat = Float.parseFloat(string);
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    This works for me:String s = "-45.6789";
    double d = Double.parseDouble(s);

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    look at
    drawString looks as something you might need

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    String day = + "/";
    String year = formHandler.year ;
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
    String myDate = sb.toString();myDate is the value that I want to go into the database

    The key to inserting a date into a database is to convert the date string into an SQL friendly format. i.e. yyyy-MM-dd.
    One way of doing this is as follows:
    SimpleDateFormat NICE_DATE_FORMAT =
    new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy");
    SimpleDateFormat SQL_DATE_FORMAT =
    new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
    Date date = new Date();
    try {
    date = NICE_DATE_FORMAT.parse(dateString);
    } catch (ParseException pe) {
    String sqlDate = SQL_DATE_FORMAT.format(date);
    Now it is just a matter of creating the insert statement like normal, and making sure that the date string is in quotes.
    I hope that helps.
    Damian Sutton

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    Please advise...
    credit = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter Yes or No for Credit Satisfactory : ");
    System.out.println("The answer for Credit Satisfactory : "+credit);
    e_invtry=JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter Yes or No for inventry level");
    System.out.println("The answer for Quantity Order : "+e_invtry);
    Message was edited by:

    Thanks...but I don't get it....I tried to use your
    suggestion but i got the message that " cannot find
    symbol method
    showConfirmDialog(java.lang.String,int)" ???
    Please advise.
    The code I use was :
    int credit = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog("Enter Yes
    or No for credit satisfactory",
    JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION);Well that was not the example I gave you.
    JOptionPane has no method showConfirmDialog that receives a String and an int (exactly what the error message is telling you).
    What was wrong with the version I showed you?

  • How to convert a string into orcle date format

    i need some information about converting string into date format.i have string like '20-SEP-05' .so we have to convert into date formate like yy-mm-dd' (2005-09-20).how can we do it.

    Here's some code to help. I can't remember what method uses what format though
      public static java.sql.Date sqlDateValueOf( String dateString ) {
        String stringDate = null;
        if ( dateString == null || dateString.length() < 10 ) return null;
        String strDay = "";
        String strMonth = "";
        String strYear = "";
        if ( dateString.substring(4,5).equals( "-" ) ) {
          strDay = dateString.substring(8, 10);
          if ( strDay.length() < 2 ) strDay = "0" + strDay;
          strMonth = dateString.substring(5, 7);
          strMonth = dateString.valueOf(Integer.parseInt(strMonth) - 1);
          if ( strMonth.length() < 2 ) strMonth = "0" + strMonth;
          strYear = dateString.substring(0, 4);
          stringDate = strDay + "-" + strMonth + "-" + strYear;
        else if ( dateString.substring(2,3).equals( "-" ) ) {
          strDay = dateString.substring(0, 2);
          if ( strDay.length() < 2 ) strDay = "0" + strDay;
          strMonth = dateString.substring(3, 5);
          strMonth = String.valueOf(Integer.parseInt(strMonth) - 1);
          if ( strMonth.length() < 2 ) strMonth = "0" + strMonth;
          strYear = dateString.substring(6, 10);
          stringDate = strDay + "-" + strMonth + "-" + strYear;
        Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
        cal.set( Calendar.YEAR, Integer.parseInt( strYear ) );
        cal.set( Calendar.MONTH, Integer.parseInt( strMonth ) );
        cal.set( Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, Integer.parseInt( strDay ) );
        java.sql.Date outDate = new java.sql.Date( cal.getTimeInMillis() );
        return outDate;
      public static String toDateString( java.util.Date date) {
        if ( date == null || date.toString().length() < 10 ) return null;
        String outDate = "";
        SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy");
        outDate = df.format( date );
        return outDate;
      public static String toDateString( java.sql.Date date) {
        if ( date == null || date.toString().length() < 10 ) return null;
        String outDate = "";
        SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy");
        outDate = df.format( date );
        return outDate;
      public static String toDateString( java.sql.Date date, String format) {
        if ( date == null || date.toString().length() < 10 ) return null;
        String outDate = "";
        SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat( format );
        outDate = df.format( date );
        return outDate;
      public static String toDateString( java.sql.Timestamp date) {
        if ( date == null || date.toString().length() < 10 ) return null;
        String outDate = "";
        SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy");
        outDate = df.format( date );
        return outDate;

  • How to convert a string into an objects name?

    I have the following problem;
    I have a string
    String a = "e1"
    and a method
    call(Event e1) that calls the "Event" class with object the name of the string a.
    How can I convert the strings name into an object so as to use it in the "call" method?
    Any ideas?
    Thanks in advance

    I don't know if this helps you, but you can do things like this.
    String a = "com.example.SomeEvent";
    //Instantiate com.example.SomeEvent
    Object o = Class.forName(a).newInstance();SomeEvent must have a non-argument constructor for this to work.
    Class that will be instantiated depens on runtime value of String a, and can be different across different executions of the program.

  • How to convert a string into a collection of KeyEvents

    I'm working on a program that must interact with a 3rd party application (closed to me, I have no access to the code or anything like that). I have been unable to send data to the program by getting its OutputStream. The only thing that has worked was using a Robot object to send individual key events (i.e. robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_A);). Therefore I'm looking to convert a string (many different strings actually) into a collection of their associated KeyEvents so I can send them to the other application. Does anyone know a good way of doing it, or is anyone able to help me with using the OutputStream?
    Thank you!
    (The 3rd party application is Attachmate InfoConnect, a Unisys terminal emulation program that I have to use to access a mainframe).

    Here is a code sample.     public void checknumber(int vsize){
    int total;
    String anum;
    anum = tf2.getText();
    validnumber = true;
    lines2combine = 1;     //default (an integer)
    recs2make = 1;          //default
    lines2combine = Integer.parseInt(anum);
    catch (NumberFormatException e){
              System.out.println("Entry for lines to combine not numeric");
         validnumber = false;
         d1Title = "Data Entry Error";
         d1Txt = "For number for lines to combine;";
         d2Txt = "Enter a number.";

  • I want to convert a String into an array of bytes

    I am working with telnet programming with java, where I want to convert login name and password of an online user in 'String' format to 'Bytes', plz help me. Which Input or Output Stream I can use

    Assuming you've got the username / password into a String object, you can convert it to a byte[] array using this method.
    Look at the String API
    Hope that helps.

  • Servlet not inserting into Access Databse. help please

    I have the following code which is inserting three fields into a database. The database name is contacts.mdb, and the table is contacts. I have setup the ODBC connection on the server, of which I have both IIS and Tomcat running. The form.html that I am accessing is on the tomcat server root and that code is below as well. After hitting the submit button on the form I get forwarded to the servlet, and the page is blank. However, when I open the database, no updates have occured. Please help. I hope I have provided enough detail. Thanks so much.
    -------- servlet code start --------------
    import java.sql.*;
    import javax.servlet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    public class WebServlet
    extends HttpServlet {
    public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException,
    IOException {
    String sourceURL = "jdbc:odbc:terry_web_contacts";
    Connection databaseConnection = DriverManager.getConnection(sourceURL);
    Statement stmt = databaseConnection.createStatement();
    String jname = request.getParameter("Name");
    String jemail = request.getParameter("Email");
    String jcomments = request.getParameter("Comments");
    String sqlInsertString ="INSERT INTO contacts (name, email, comments) VALUES ('" + jname +"', '" jemail "', '" + jcomments + "')";
    catch(ClassNotFoundException cnfe)
    System.err.println("Error loading Driver");
    catch (SQLException sqle){
    System.err.println("SQL Error");
    ---------- servlet code end ---------------------
    ---------- html form code start ------------------
    <TR><TD WIDTH="275">
    <H2>I'm a Simple Form</H2>
    <FORM METHOD="POST" ACTION="/servlet/WebServlet">
    <INPUT NAME="Name" TYPE="TEXT" id="Name" SIZE=30>
    <INPUT NAME="Email" TYPE="TEXT" id="Email" SIZE=30>
    <textarea name="Comments" id="Comments"></textarea>
    ------------- html code end ------------------

    Okay, here is my modified code. However, I catch a sql error. It prints out "sql error". If I try to isolate the different lines of code with try catch blocks, the compiler says it does not recognize the symbols for example stmt, or databaseConnection. Arggh, what can I do? Help please.
    import java.sql.*;
    import javax.servlet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    public class WebServlet
        extends HttpServlet {
      public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
         throws ServletException,IOException
         PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
         String jname = (String) request.getParameter("Name");
         String jemail = (String) request.getParameter("Email");
         String jcomments = (String) request.getParameter("Comments");
    catch(ClassNotFoundException e)
         out.println("class error");
         Connection databaseConnection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:terrycontacts");
         Statement stmt = databaseConnection.createStatement();
         String sqlInsertString ="INSERT INTO contacts(name,email,comments) VALUES('"+jname+"','"+jemail+"','"+jcomments+"')";
    catch(SQLException e)
         out.println("sql error");

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