Convert as2 code to as3 please help

function fDieList()
    if (pDieList.length > 0)
        for (var _loc2 = 0; _loc2 <= pDieList.length; ++_loc2)
        } // end of for
        pDieList = [];
        actioner.pKills = true;
    } // end if
} // End of the function
function fDieListSetup()
    if (pDieList.length > 0)
        for (var _loc1 = 0; _loc1 <= pDieList.length; ++_loc1)
        } // end of for
    } // end if
} // End of the function
function recur(fromx, fromy, tox, toy)
    var _loc2 = fromy;
    var _loc1 = fromx;
    var _loc3 = toy;
    if (_loc1 == tox && _loc2 == _loc3)
        return (true);
        drum[len][0] = _loc1;
        drum[len][1] = _loc2;
        wa[_loc1][_loc2] = 1;
        if (_loc1 > tox && _loc2 > _loc3)
            if (_loc1 > 1 && wa[_loc1 - 1][_loc2] == 0)
                ok = recur(_loc1 - 1, _loc2, tox, _loc3);
                if (ok)
                    return (ok);
                } // end if
            } // end if
            if (_loc2 > 1 && wa[_loc1][_loc2 - 1] == 0)
                ok = recur(_loc1, _loc2 - 1, tox, _loc3);
                if (ok)
                    return (ok);
                } // end if
            } // end if
            if (_loc1 < limits && wa[_loc1 + 1][_loc2] == 0)
                ok = recur(_loc1 + 1, _loc2, tox, _loc3);
                if (ok)
                    return (ok);
                } // end if
            } // end if
            if (_loc2 < limits && wa[_loc1][_loc2 + 1] == 0)
                ok = recur(_loc1, _loc2 + 1, tox, _loc3);
                if (ok)
                    return (ok);
                } // end if
            } // end if
        else if (_loc1 <= tox && _loc2 > _loc3)
            if (_loc2 > 1 && wa[_loc1][_loc2 - 1] == 0)
                ok = recur(_loc1, _loc2 - 1, tox, _loc3);
                if (ok)
                    return (ok);
                } // end if
            } // end if
            if (_loc1 < limits && wa[_loc1 + 1][_loc2] == 0)
                ok = recur(_loc1 + 1, _loc2, tox, _loc3);
                if (ok)
                    return (ok);
                } // end if
            } // end if
            if (_loc2 < limits && wa[_loc1][_loc2 + 1] == 0)
                ok = recur(_loc1, _loc2 + 1, tox, _loc3);
                if (ok)
                    return (ok);
                } // end if
            } // end if
            if (_loc1 > 1 && wa[_loc1 - 1][_loc2] == 0)
                ok = recur(_loc1 - 1, _loc2, tox, _loc3);
                if (ok)
                    return (ok);
                } // end if
            } // end if
        else if (_loc1 > tox && _loc2 <= _loc3)
            if (_loc1 > 1 && wa[_loc1 - 1][_loc2] == 0)
                ok = recur(_loc1 - 1, _loc2, tox, _loc3);
                if (ok)
                    return (ok);
                } // end if
            } // end if
            if (_loc2 < limits && wa[_loc1][_loc2 + 1] == 0)
                ok = recur(_loc1, _loc2 + 1, tox, _loc3);
                if (ok)
                    return (ok);
                } // end if
            } // end if
            if (_loc1 < limits && wa[_loc1 + 1][_loc2] == 0)
                ok = recur(_loc1 + 1, _loc2, tox, _loc3);
                if (ok)
                    return (ok);
                } // end if
            } // end if
            if (_loc2 > 1 && wa[_loc1][_loc2 - 1] == 0)
                ok = recur(_loc1, _loc2 - 1, tox, _loc3);
                if (ok)
                    return (ok);
                } // end if
            } // end if
            if (_loc2 < limits && wa[_loc1][_loc2 + 1] == 0)
                ok = recur(_loc1, _loc2 + 1, tox, _loc3);
                if (ok)
                    return (ok);
                } // end if
            } // end if
            if (_loc1 < limits && wa[_loc1 + 1][_loc2] == 0)
                ok = recur(_loc1 + 1, _loc2, tox, _loc3);
                if (ok)
                    return (ok);
                } // end if
            } // end if
            if (_loc2 > 1 && wa[_loc1][_loc2 - 1] == 0)
                ok = recur(_loc1, _loc2 - 1, tox, _loc3);
                if (ok)
                    return (ok);
                } // end if
            } // end if
            if (_loc1 > 1 && wa[_loc1 - 1][_loc2] == 0)
                ok = recur(_loc1 - 1, _loc2, tox, _loc3);
                if (ok)
                    return (ok);
                } // end else if
            } // end else if
        } // end else if
        return (ok);
    } // end else if
} // End of the function
function way(fromx, fromy, tox, toy)
    len = 0;
    ok = false;
    for (i = 1; i <= limits; i++)
        for (j = 1; j <= limits; j++)
            wa[i][j] = ma[i][j];
        } // end of for
    } // end of for
    wa[fromx][fromy] = 0;
    return (recur(fromx, fromy, tox, toy));
} // End of the function
function init()
    var _loc2 = _root;
    scorerule = new Array(40, 50, 60, 70, 80);
    score = 0;
    totalballs = 7;
    nextballs = 3;
    limits = 9;
    kkk = 1000;
    xnext = next1._x - 19;
    ynext = next1._y + 21;
    ballsput = 0;
    drum = new Array();
    wa = new Array();
    st = new Array();
    for (i = 1; i <= limits * limits; i++)
        drum[i] = new Array(0, 0);
    } // end of for
    for (i = 1; i <= limits * limits; i++)
        wa[i] = new Array(limits + 1);
    } // end of for
    selected = new Array(0, 0);
    ma = new Array();
    for (i = 1; i <= limits; i++)
        ma[i] = new Array(limits + 1);
        for (j = 1; j <= limits; j++)
            ma[i][j] = 0;
            _loc2.inGame["balls" + i + j].x = i;
            _loc2.inGame["balls" + i + j].y = j;
        } // end of for
    } // end of for
    nextarray = new Array();
    for (i = 1; i <= nextballs; i++)
        nextarray[i] = new Array(0, 0, 0);
        attachMovie("balls", "nextballs" + i, kkk++);
        _loc2.inGame["nextballs" + i]._x = xnext;
        _loc2.inGame["nextballs" + i]._y = ynext + i * 60;
        _loc2.inGame["nextballs" + i]._xscale = 140;
        _loc2.inGame["nextballs" + i]._yscale = 140;
    } // end of for
} // End of the function
function generatenext()
    var _loc2 = _root;
    if (ballsput <= 81 - nextballs)
        togenerate = nextballs;
        togenerate = 81 - ballsput;
    } // end else if
    for (i = 1; i <= togenerate; i++)
            x = random(limits) + 1;
            y = random(limits) + 1;
        } while (ma[x][y] != 0)
        nextarray[i][0] = random(totalballs) + 1;
        nextarray[i][1] = x;
        nextarray[i][2] = y;
        _loc2.inGame["nextballs" + i].gotoAndStop(nextarray[i][0] + 1);
        _loc2.inGame["nextballs" + i].buton._visible = false;
    } // end of for
    for (i = togenerate + 1; i <= nextballs; i++)
        _loc2.inGame["nextballs" + i].gotoAndStop("blank");
    } // end of for
    nextballs3.buton._visible = false;
} // End of the function
function putnextballs()
    var _loc2 = _root;
    if (ballsput <= 81 - nextballs)
        togenerate = nextballs;
        togenerate = 81 - ballsput;
    } // end else if
    for (i = 1; i <= togenerate; i++)
        if (ma[nextarray[i][1]][nextarray[i][2]] == 0)
            ma[nextarray[i][1]][nextarray[i][2]] = nextarray[i][0];
                x = random(limits) + 1;
                y = random(limits) + 1;
            } while (ma[x][y] != 0)
            nextarray[i][1] = x;
            nextarray[i][2] = y;
            ma[nextarray[i][1]][nextarray[i][2]] = nextarray[i][0];
        } // end else if
        _loc2.inGame["balls" + nextarray[i][1] + nextarray[i][2]].gotoAndStop(nextarray[i][0] + 1);
        line(nextarray[i][1], nextarray[i][2], ma[nextarray[i][1]][nextarray[i][2]]);
    } // end of for
    ballsput = ballsput + togenerate;
    if (ballsput == limits * limits)
    } // end if
} // End of the function
function line(x, y, c)
    var _loc4 = 0;
    var _loc6 = new Array();
    var _loc5 = new Array();
    var _loc2 = new Array();
    var _loc3 = new Array();
    for (var _loc4 = 1; _loc4 <= limits; ++_loc4)
        _loc6[_loc4] = new Array(2);
        _loc5[_loc4] = new Array(2);
        _loc2[_loc4] = new Array(2);
        _loc3[_loc4] = new Array(2);
    } // end of for
    var _loc7 = 0;
    fl = 0;
    for (var _loc4 = 1; _loc4 <= limits; ++_loc4)
        if (ma[_loc4][y] == c)
            if (fl == 0)
                _loc6[_loc7][0] = _loc4;
                _loc6[_loc7][1] = y;
            } // end if
        } // end if
        if (_loc7 < 4)
            _loc7 = 0;
        } // end if
        fl = 1;
    } // end of for
    st1 = 0;
    fl = 0;
    for (var _loc4 = 1; _loc4 <= limits; ++_loc4)
        if (ma[x][_loc4] == c)
            if (fl == 0)
                _loc5[st1][0] = x;
                _loc5[st1][1] = _loc4;
            } // end if
        } // end if
        if (st1 < 4)
            st1 = 0;
        } // end if
        fl = 1;
    } // end of for
    fl = 0;
    st2 = 0;
    imin = x;
    for (jmin = y; imin > 1 && jmin > 1; jmin--)
    } // end of for
    imax = x;
    for (jmax = y; imax < limits && jmax < limits; jmax++)
    } // end of for
    if (imin == 1)
        for (var _loc4 = imin; _loc4 <= imax; ++_loc4)
            if (ma[_loc4][jmin + _loc4 - 1] == c)
                if (fl == 0)
                    _loc2[st2][0] = _loc4;
                    _loc2[st2][1] = jmin + _loc4 - 1;
                } // end if
            } // end if
            if (st2 < 4)
                st2 = 0;
            } // end if
            fl = 1;
        } // end of for
        for (var _loc4 = jmin; _loc4 <= jmax; ++_loc4)
            if (ma[imin + _loc4 - 1][_loc4] == c)
                if (fl == 0)
                    _loc2[st2][0] = imin + _loc4 - 1;
                    _loc2[st2][1] = _loc4;
                } // end if
            } // end if
            if (st2 < 4)
                st2 = 0;
            } // end if
            fl = 1;
        } // end of for
    } // end else if
    fl = 0;
    st3 = 0;
    imin = x;
    for (jmin = y; imin > 1 && jmin < limits; jmin++)
    } // end of for
    imax = x;
    for (jmax = y; imax < limits && jmax > 1; jmax--)
    } // end of for
    if (imin == 1)
        for (var _loc4 = imin; _loc4 <= imax; ++_loc4)
            if (ma[_loc4][jmin - _loc4 + 1] == c)
                if (fl == 0)
                    _loc3[st3][0] = _loc4;
                    _loc3[st3][1] = jmin - _loc4 + 1;
                } // end if
            } // end if
            if (st3 < 4)
                st3 = 0;
            } // end if
            fl = 1;
        } // end of for
        for (var _loc4 = jmax; _loc4 <= jmin; ++_loc4)
            if (ma[jmin - _loc4 + jmax][_loc4] == c)
                if (fl == 0)
                    _loc3[st3][0] = jmin - _loc4 + jmax;
                    _loc3[st3][1] = _loc4;
                } // end if
            } // end if
            if (st3 < 4)
                st3 = 0;
            } // end if
            fl = 1;
        } // end of for
    } // end else if
    destroyed = 0;
    if (_loc7 >= 4)
        for (var _loc4 = 1; _loc4 <= _loc7; ++_loc4)
            pDieList.push(_root.inGame["balls" + _loc6[_loc4][0] + _loc6[_loc4][1]]);
            ma[_loc6[_loc4][0]][_loc6[_loc4][1]] = 0;
        } // end of for
        destroyed = destroyed + _loc7;
        score = score + scorerule[_loc7 - 4];
    } // end if
    if (st1 >= 4)
        for (var _loc4 = 1; _loc4 <= st1; ++_loc4)
            pDieList.push(_root.inGame["balls" + _loc5[_loc4][0] + _loc5[_loc4][1]]);
            ma[_loc5[_loc4][0]][_loc5[_loc4][1]] = 0;
        } // end of for
        destroyed = destroyed + st1;
        score = score + scorerule[st1 - 4];
    } // end if
    if (st2 >= 4)
        for (var _loc4 = 1; _loc4 <= st2; ++_loc4)
            pDieList.push(_root.inGame["balls" + _loc2[_loc4][0] + _loc2[_loc4][1]]);
            ma[_loc2[_loc4][0]][_loc2[_loc4][1]] = 0;
        } // end of for
        destroyed = destroyed + st2;
        score = score + scorerule[st2 - 4];
    } // end if
    if (st3 >= 4)
        for (var _loc4 = 1; _loc4 <= st3; ++_loc4)
            pDieList.push(_root.inGame["balls" + _loc3[_loc4][0] + _loc3[_loc4][1]]);
            ma[_loc3[_loc4][0]][_loc3[_loc4][1]] = 0;
        } // end of for
        destroyed = destroyed + st3;
        score = score + scorerule[st3 - 4];
    } // end if
    if (destroyed >= 10)
    } // end if
    ballsput = ballsput - destroyed;
    scoretxt = score;
    if (destroyed != 0)
    } // end if
    return (destroyed != 0);
} // End of the function
function fromactioner(fromx, fromy, tox, toy)
    var _loc3 = toy;
    var _loc2 = tox;
    var _loc4 = fromy;
    ma[_loc2][_loc3] = ma[fromx][_loc4];
    ma[fromx][_loc4] = 0;
    _root.inGame["balls" + fromx + _loc4].gotoAndStop("blank");
    _root.inGame["balls" + fromx + _loc4].ball.gotoAndStop(1);
    _root.inGame["balls" + _loc2 + _loc3].gotoAndStop(ma[_loc2][_loc3] + 1);
    _root.inGame["balls" + _loc2 + _loc3].ball.gotoAndStop(1);
    selected[0] = 0;
    selected[1] = 0;
    line(_loc2, _loc3, ma[_loc2][_loc3]);
} // End of the function
function move(fromx, fromy, tox, toy)
    var _loc2 = _root;
    var _loc3 = false;
    if (way(fromx, fromy, tox, toy))
        _loc3 = true;
        fromactioner(fromx, fromy, tox, toy);
        _loc2.inGame["balls" + _loc2.inGame.drum[ii][0] + _loc2.inGame.drum[ii][1]].gotoAndStop("blank");
    } // end if
    return (_loc3);
} // End of the function
function movetest(fromx, fromy, tox, toy)
    var _loc1 = false;
    if (way(fromx, fromy, tox, toy))
        _loc1 = true;
    } // end if
    return (_loc1);
} // End of the function
pLastClicked = "none";
pLastClickedType = 1;
pClicked = false;
pDieList = [];
stop ();

In theory, conversion of this code is not difficult, especially because it is clear what the logic is designed to do. The issue is that you will not have an expected result once only this code is converted in isolation. This puppy uses some other objects that are written in AS2 including entities in the FLA library.
In short, it looks like this application needs a total overhaul at every level in order for it to properly function as an AS3 program.
With that said, although this is, again, not a difficult task, it is unlikely to find someone to do it for free. You may have a better luck if you start conversion yourself and post focused questions as you go.

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    var g:Graphics =;
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         var ranWidth:Number = Math.round((Math.random() * 10) + 2);
         g.lineStyle(ranWidth, 0xFF0000, 1);
         addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, onMouseMove);
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         g.lineTo(mouseX, mouseY);
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         removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, onMouseMove);
         removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onMouseUp);

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    Check for hardware issues
    Try to restore your iOS device two more times while connected with a cable, computer, and network you know are good. Also, confirm your security software and settings are allowing communication between your device and update servers. If you still see the alert when you update or restore, contact Apple support.
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    var current = menu[0];
    for (var i = 0; i<menu.length; i++) {
    var b = menu[i];
    this[b+"_btn"].stars._visible = false;
    this[b+"_btn"].txt = b;
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    Just a note. Function declarations in a loop is an EXTREMELY bad practice that will lead to many problems if it doesn't have some already. So, the following lines:
    for (var i:int = 0; i<menu.length; i++) {
        var b:String = menu[i];
        this[b+"_btn"].stars.visible = false;
        function fn(e:MouseEvent):void{
            this[current].stars.visible = false;
            this[nam].stars.visible = true;
            current = nam;
    should be:
    for (var i:int = 0; i < menu.length; i++) {
         var b:String = menu[i];
         this[b+"_btn"].stars.visible = false;
    function fn(e:MouseEvent):void {
         this[current].stars.visible = false;
         this[nam].stars.visible = true;
         current = nam;

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    * NoSquint:

  • Hello, i have a problem with this number code  213:19,  please help me!

    Hello, i have a problem with this number code  213:19,  please help me!

    What version of Premiere Elements and on what computer operating system is it running?
    If you are using Premiere Elements 13, have you updated it to 13.1 yet? If not, please do so using an opened project's Help Menu/Updates.
    What type of user account are you using....local administrator or domain type?
    Please review the following Adobe document on the 213.19 issue. Have you read that already?
    Error 213:19 | Problem has occurred with the licensing of this product

  • When I download the digital copy of the Hunger Games, it stops at 4.0GB and first returns an error code -1309 and then the code -50. Please help me complete the download.

    When I download the digital copy of the Hunger Games, it stops at 4.0GB and first returns an error code -1309 and then the code -50. Please help me complete the download. I have tried removing the .tmp folder and downloading it again, but each time it stops the download in the same place.

    I discovered the solution. The external drive I was saving it to was formatted as FAT32. In that format, the largest files can only be 4GB, which explains why it kept stopping at 4GB. I backed up all the files then reformatted it as Mac OS Extended (Journaled), this is possible since I am on an iMac.

  • I am having trouble printing I have a connection to my printer wirelessly but does not print out the correct page I want.When I do print I get a bunch of pages more than is needed and also get a code and symbols please help I am jammed at work

    I am having trouble printing I have a connection to my printer wirelessly but does not print out the correct page I want.When I do print I get a bunch of pages more than is needed and also get a code and symbols please help I am jammed at work

    This can be the result of selecting the wrong driver. An older, unsupported laser printer will sometimes work with the generic Postscript driver.

  • I need to unlock compaq mini code is CNU027599F, please help

    i need to unlock compaq mini code is CNU027599F, please help
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    Ash try.
    3rd letter lowercase L.
    4th is number 1.
    7th letter lowercase Q.
    8th and 9th letter lowercase O.
    Use that code to go into the BIOS.
    Disable all passwords that are enabled.
    IF asked for the CURRENT password use that code.
    IF asked for NEW password just hit enter.
    If asked to VERIFY password just hit enter.
    Save and exit.
    I must inform you that these services are not endorsed by HP, and that HP is not responsible for any damage that may arise to your system by using these services. Please be aware that you do this at your own risk.
    HP Expert Tester "Now testing HP Pavilion 15t i3-4030U Win8.1, 6GB RAM and 750GB HDD"
    Loaner Program”HP Split 13 x2 13r010dx i3-4012Y Win8.1, 4GB RAM and 500GB Hybrid HDD”
    Microsoft Registered Refurbisher
    Registered Microsoft Partner
    Apple Certified Macintosh Technician Certification in progress.

  • I get a lock bios code of 60293385 please help

    i get a lock bios code of 60293385 please help some times it is was a 5###### somthing?

    Post most recent code here:
    ******Clicking the Thumbs-Up button is a way to say -Thanks!.******
    **Click Accept as Solution on a Reply that solves your issue to help others**

  • Help plsss converting this AS2 code to AS3!!

    here is a little AS2 code that is in fact a photo gallery
    that i use in my site and i want to convert it to AS3 but i just
    cant seem to get it right... could someone plssss help me?!?!

    with what part are you having trouble?

  • Need assistance converting some AS2 code to AS3

    I have some simple AS2 code that brings in a MovieClip when
    you click a button. This is currently AS2, and I would rather
    convert it to AS3. I also have some code which closes the MovieClip
    upon button Click.
    The code I am currently using is below:

    addMC is the name of one of the event handler functions, not
    the button(s). the button instance names are: addButton and
    To have three of them, duplicate what you see and have new
    variables, functions, and button names for all three sets, adjusted
    I'm pretty sure this isn't over yet, I'm just giving you code
    per your defined scenario, which may have a hole or two in it. Try
    it out and see what you really want to do, then come back when you
    find out things need to be tamed in some way or aren't working as
    you want. There are more complicated ways to deal with a situation
    depending on what you really want, and I'm one who prefers to see
    some work done at your end that shows you've tried something (I'm
    not mean, much, I just have this thing about learning by doing).

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