Convert mp3 to Audio CD or .cda

I have MP3 files and I'm trying to burn a disc as and audio cd format (.cda)or something that will work on my regular cd player.
I'm new with Itunes and I'm do not know how to do it? Before I have this new MAC I did it with NERO burner just selecting the audio cd option.
I would really appreciate if someone can help me with this matter.
Thanks in advance.

If you are using iTunes 8, create a playlist of the songs you want to burn. Click on the playlist to open/highlight it and insert a blank disc, Choose "Burn Disc", the button is down in the right hand corner. A dialogue box will open with you various burn options, choose "Audio CD"

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    # allmp3wav
    for i in *.mp3; do
    echo "$i"
    tgt=$(echo "$i" | sed -e "s/mp3/wav/")
    mpg123 -b 10000 -s -r 44100 "$i" | sox -t raw -r 44100 -s -w -c2 - /var/cdrom/"$tgt"
    This works fine and I understand the code.  Its saying for every file that ends in .mp3, run these commands, which do the coding.  The only problem is, this doesnt work in python, since its not pythong   Can someone give me a little bit of help?  Dont give me the program, or give me to much info, links would be great.
    1 - Need to Get Directory
    2 - Loop through all the .mp3 files and add them to an array.
    3 - create a sub directory named "wav"
    mkdir ~/wav
    4 - copy all the mp3's to "wav"
    cp ARRAy to wav/
    5 - convert all .mp3's to wav
    6 - delete the copied mp3's from .wav directory
    for .mp3
    7 - tell me how many wavs were created.
    for .wav
    count + 1
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    Alright that helped alot, its almost working now, I am using Popen wrong still I assume, here is what I got.
    import os
    import subprocess
    here = os.getcwd()
    ctr = 0
    for file in os.listdir(here):
        name, ext = os.path.splitext(file)
        if ext == ".mp3":
                    p = subprocess.Popen("mpg123 -w " + name + ".wav " + name + ext , stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
                    ctr = ctr + 1
    print ctr
    That executes, but gives this error,
    High Performance MPEG 1.0/2.0/2.5 Audio Player for Layers 1, 2 and 3
    version 1.4.3; written and copyright by Michael Hipp and others
    free software (LGPL/GPL) without any warranty but with best wishes
    [readers.c:893] error: Cannot file [Beginning: No such file or directory
    [mpg123.c:516] error: Cannot open [Beginning: File access error. (code 22)
    [readers.c:893] error: Cannot file of: No such file or directory
    [mpg123.c:516] error: Cannot open of: File access error. (code 22)
    [readers.c:893] error: Cannot file Whats About to Happen] HWY 74.wav 01 [Beginni
    ng of Whats: No such file or directory
    [mpg123.c:516] error: Cannot open Whats About to Happen] HWY 74.wav 01 [Beginnin
    g of Whats: File access error. (code 22)
    [readers.c:893] error: Cannot file About: No such file or directory
    [mpg123.c:516] error: Cannot open About: File access error. (code 22)
    [readers.c:893] error: Cannot file to: No such file or directory
    [mpg123.c:516] error: Cannot open to: File access error. (code 22)
    [readers.c:893] error: Cannot file Happen]: No such file or directory
    [mpg123.c:516] error: Cannot open Happen]: File access error. (code 22)
    [readers.c:893] error: Cannot file HWY: No such file or directory
    [mpg123.c:516] error: Cannot open HWY: File access error. (code 22)
    [readers.c:893] error: Cannot file 74.mp3: No such file or directory
    [mpg123.c:516] error: Cannot open 74.mp3: File access error. (code 22)
    If i remove the subprocess popen, and just print name + ext and use the counter, it prints out both file name together, and how many mp3's it processed, 2.  So i know the program is doing what I want, im just converting wrong.  Thanks again.
    here is whats in the directory, there is more then mp3's, so I know it is filtering the files properly thanks to your splittext.
    justin ~/build/convert $  dir -ls
    total 12104
      20 -rw-r--r-- 1 justin justin   17138 2008-05-19 17:59 00\ -\ Wretch.txt
       4 -rw-r--r-- 1 justin justin      44 2008-06-01 18:20 01
    7588 -rw-r--r-- 1 justin justin 7768364 2008-05-19 17:59 01\ [Beginning\ of\ What's\ About\ to\ Happen]\ HWY\ 74.mp3
       4 -rw-r--r-- 1 justin justin      44 2008-06-01 18:20 02
    4484 -rw-r--r-- 1 justin justin 4588063 2008-05-19 17:59 02\ Love\ Has\ Passed\ Me\ By.mp3
       4 -rw-r--r-- 1 justin justin    1284 2008-06-01 18:20
    justin ~/build/convert $
    Last edited by axion419 (2008-06-01 22:23:32)

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    Hi there
    I believe Adobe Soundbooth has that capability. You might also look at Dragon Naturally Speaking as well. I'm unaware of any free tools that will do it.
    Cheers... Rick
    Helpful and Handy Links
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    I'm not sure I can help. Compressed audio files must be converted to work in Logic version prior to 7.2. Otherwise, audio files should remain in their original locations unless you've specified in you project settings to copy external files into your project folder. It gets messy working on a seesion for which there is no project folder created, in my opinion. You might just want to save your new sessions as projects, but don't check the "copy external audio..." box until you're ready to archive. That way, at least your converted mp3s will land in a tidy location.
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    Hi Makemusic,
    The only app out there for Windows media conversion so far as I know are the products offered by Flip4Mac. Specifically, the product you would be most likely interested in is the WMV Studio. It should easily accomplish your exporting needs. However, it comes with a $50 price tag. Good Luck!
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    I've used EasyWMA to convert audio formats before, and it may be able to do what you want. There is a limited free trial available:
    You can also try searching or with the file types to see if there is other conversion software available.

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    Because I faced the same issue today and although the Nokia Multimedia Converter was last updated in the year 2003, it did the trick for me. Instead of giving the setup.exe your Nokia Account, go back one step, and use this to ‘register’ that product.
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  • How do i convert to acc audio files

    How do i convert to acc audio files

    Hello Red Teddy,
    The following article contains steps for converting content from one format to another.
    iTunes: How to convert a song to a different file format
    To convert a song's file format:
    Open iTunes Preferences.
    Windows: Choose Edit > Preferences.
    Mac: Choose iTunes > Preferences.
    Click the General button, then click the Importing Settings button in the second section of the window.
    From the Import Using pop-up menu, choose the encoding format that you want to convert the song to, then click OK to save the settings.
    Select one or more songs in your library, then from the Advanced menu, choose one of the following (The menu item changes to show what's selected in your Importing preferences):
    Create MP3 version
    Create AAC version
    Create AIFF version
    Create WAV version
    Create Apple Lossless version
    If you haven't imported some songs into iTunes yet, you can import and convert them at the same time. This will create a converted copy of the file in your iTunes Library based on your iTunes preferences. To convert all the songs in a folder or on a disk, hold down the Option key (Mac) or Shift key (Windows) and choose Advanced > ConvertImport preference setting. The Import preference setting will match what you chose in step 3. iTunes will prompt you for the location of the folder or disk you want to import and convert. All the songs in the folder or on the disk will be converted. Note: Some purchased songs are encoded using a protected AAC format that prevents them from being converted. iTunes Plus purchases are not protected and can be converted.
    The song in its original format and the newly converted song appear in your library.

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    "Best" depends totally on your usage, so without knowing what you need these files for and what your criteria will be, it's difficult to offer any useful advice.
    "CAF" is probably "Core Audio Format". See this developer article for information.

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    Why can't NI just include sound vi's that use mp3 just as it does wav? Wav is impractical.

    Wave isn't impractical. Most compressed audio formats are lossy. The sound is good enough for the human ear, but might not be appropriate for the application.
    MP3 is a licensed format and to use it NI would probably have to pay the owners (Fraunhofer, I think) quite a lot of money.
    I don't know if you'll find any exposed ActiveX interface for converting mp3 to wave. The more likely possibilities are a DLL or a .Net class. I would try searching Google for DLLs providing this functionality and then see if you can call them in LV.
    Try to take over the world!

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    This makes me believe that the latest upgrade created a serious conflict in my registry and I'm wondering if apple is doing anything to fix it.
    have you submitted any CD diagnostics to Apple yet, Michael?
    have you been able to find any troubleshooting information on the topic at the RecordNow-related websites? (googles on combinations of "RecordNow", "itunes" and "error" might pick up some independent troubleshooting, too.)
    if you find any useful references, would you mind reporting back with links for us? if it really is a conflict between your version of RecordNow and itunes 5.0.x, other people will presumably be in your situation, and any information you turn up could be helpful for them too.
    love, b

  • Convert mp3 from 48 to 44.1

    Hi all --
    Does anyone know a reliable way to convert mp3 audio from 48 to 44.1?
    I record in 96 in Logic. When I exported to mp3 it downsampled to 48. I can't find anywhere to set it to 44.1.......
    Thanks for your help!!

    When I exported to mp3 it downsampled to 48. I can't find anywhere to set it to 44.1.......
    Are you sure?

  • Need to convert MP3 in URL to play it in myspace

    Help ! I need to convert MP3 into URL? (I have a flashfetish player on Myspace they only read url for a dj mix)
    which sites or witch converter?
    Hope to speak soon !

    there is no such thing as "converting an mp3 to a URL." a URL is a pointer to where the file resides online. iow, you have to "upload" the mp3 somewhere (typically a web site that you own), and then use that URL to point to the file.
    for example this:
    points to a file located on the bulletsandbones web site

Maybe you are looking for

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