Convert quicktime mp4 to itunes mp3 with regular quicktime (not pro)

Help. I used PodTube to get a song off YouTube. (not a slideshow or anything) and its in mp4 format. It's in iTunes now, but as a movie. How can I get it to show as a song?

Buy it? If you want Pro features it is a logical step.
Did you try the iTunes method before asking this? I was speculating a bit, first off I don't know how you have an MP4 video file with no video but in theory it might reencode, it costs nothing to try and would take all of 5 minutes. Go ahed see what happens.
Another option is to open in MPEG Streamclip and export to AIFF then use the AIFF file in iTunes, again once in there reencode to MP3 or find some freeware AIF to MP3 encoder.

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    cheeto22 wrote:
    Any suggestions on where to start because im kind of lostJMF doesn't encode MP3s, so you're not going to be able to use it. There are a few JMF-additions you could download (Fobs4JMF or Freedom for Media in Java [FMJ]) if you so desire to go that route...
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    This describes a work/home scenario.  For home/away use, edit the library directly on the portable backup when away, then sync libraries on your return.
    Sync iPod/iPad/iPhone with two computers
    Although it isn't possible to sync an Apple device with two different libraries it is possible to sync with the same logical library from multiple computers. Each library has an internal ID and when iTunes connects to your iPod/iPad/iPhone it compares the local ID with the one the device normally syncs with. If they are the same you can go ahead and sync...
    I have my library cloned to a small 1Tb USB drive which I can take between home & work. At either location I use SyncToy 2.1 to update the local copy with the external drive. Mac users should be able to find similar tools. I can open either of the local libraries or the one on the external drive and update the media content of my iPhone. The slight exception is Photos which normally connects to a specific folder on a specific machine, although that can easily be remapped to the current library if you create a "Photos" folder inside the iTunes Media folder so that syncing the iTunes folders keeps this up to date as well. I periodically sweep my library for new files & orphans with iTunes Folder Watch just in case I make changes at one location but then overwrite the library with a newer copy from the other. Again Mac users should be able to find similar tools.
    As long as your media is organized within an iTunes Music or Tunes Media folder, in turn held inside the main iTunes folder that has your library files (whether or not you let iTunes keep the media folder organized) each library can access items at the same relative path from the library folder so the library can be at different drives/paths on different machines. This solution ensures I always have adequate backups of my library and I can update my devices whenever I can connect to the same build of iTunes.
    When working with an iPhone earlier builds of iTunes would remove any file not physically present in the local library, even if there was an entry for it, making manual management practically redundant on the iPhone. This behavior has been changed but it will still only permit manual management with a library that has the correct internal ID. If you don't want to sync your library between machines on a regular basis just copy the iTunes Library.itl file from the current "home" machine to any other you want to use, then clean out the library entries and import the local content you have on that box.

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    No. Ignore the above post as it is completely wrong, & the poster has no idea what he/she is talking about. By design, an iPhone will sync or manually manage iTunes content with ONE computer at a time. Any attempt to do so with a second computer will result in ALL iTunes content being first erased from your phone, to be replaced with the content from the second computer.

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    Hello Gambo12,
    It sounds like you are getting the following error in iTunes and the App Store, "iTunes could not connect to the iTunes Store. Make sure your network connection is active and try again," but you are able to connect to the Internet.  I found an article with a few steps you can follow on your Mac:
    If you haven't been able to connect to the iTunes Store, a software conflict or your Internet service provider (ISP) may be blocking your access.
    Update iTunes to the latest version.
    If you have a firewall, your settings may be preventing you from connecting to the iTunes Store. To configure your firewall, please refer to the "Blocked by firewall" section in this article.
    You may need to reset your keychain. Connection issues are occasionally caused by keychain issues. Click here to find out how to use Keychain First Aid to resolve any issues with your keychain.
    If you are receiving a specific error message you may want to see, the "Specific Conditions and Alert Messages" section in this article as needed.
    If the issue still persists, contact your internet service provider and confirm that the ports and servers in this article are enabled over your network.
    You can find the full article here:
    Can't connect to the iTunes Store
    Thank you for posting in the Apple Support Communities.
    Sheila M.

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    Here's the configuration:
    iTunes 8.2
    Mac Leopard
    What I've tried:
    Changed cables
    Tried bypassing the USB hub
    Rebooted both my Mac as well as the iPhone
    Notes worked fine with the new 3.0 upgrade on the 3G but can't get it to work for the new 3GS.

  • CFFORM (Flash) Validation with Regular Expressions Not Working

    I am having troubles getting regular expression validation to
    work in a CFFORM. The below code is an extract of a much larger
    form, the first name and last name have a regular expression
    validation...and it doesn't work!
    I'd appreciate any comments/info for help on this, have
    searched high and low on information to get this working...but no
    The code is:
    <cffunction name="checkFieldSet" output="false"
    <cfargument name="fields" type="string" required="true"
    hint="Fields to search">
    <cfargument name="form" type="string" required="true"
    hint="Name of the form">
    <cfargument name="ascode" type="string" required="true"
    hint="Code to fire if all is good.">
    <cfset var vcode = "">
    <cfset var f = "">
    <cfsavecontent variable="vcode">
    var ok = true;
    var msg = "";
    <cfloop index="f" list="#arguments.fields#">
    '#arguments.form#.#f#')) { msg = msg + #f#.errorString + '\n';
    ok=false; }
    <cfset vcode = vcode & "if(!ok),'Validation Error'); ">
    <cfset vcode = vcode & "if(ok) #ascode#">
    <cfset vcode =
    <cfreturn vcode>
    <cfform name="new_form" format="flash" width="600"
    height="600" skin="halosilver" action="new_data.cfc">
    <cfformgroup type="panel" label="New Form"
    <cfformgroup type="tabnavigator" id="tabs">
    <cfformgroup type="page" label="Step 1">
    <cfformgroup type="hbox">
    <cfformgroup type="panel" label="Requestor Information"
    style="headerHeight: 13;">
    <cfformgroup type="vbox">
    <cfinput type="text" name="reqName" width="300"
    label="First Name:" validate="regular_expression" pattern="[^0-9]"
    validateat="onblur" required="yes" message="You must supply your
    First Name.">
    <cfinput type="text" name="reqLname" width="300"
    label="Last Name:" validate="regular_expression" pattern="[^0-9]"
    validateat="onblur" required="yes" message="You must supply your
    Last Name.">
    <cfinput type="text" name="reqEmail" width="300"
    label="Email:" validate="email" required="yes" message="You must
    supply your email or the address given is in the wrong format.">
    <cfinput type="text" name="reqPhone" width="300"
    label="Phone Extension:" validate="integer" required="yes"
    maxlength="4" message="You must supply your phone number.">
    <cfformgroup type="horizontal"
    <cfinput type="button" width="100" name="cnt_step2"
    label="next" value="Next"
    onClick="#checkFieldSet("reqName,reqLname,reqEmail,reqPhone","new_form","tabs.selectedInd ex=tabs.selectedIndex+1")#"

    Originally posted by:
    The problem is not the Regex. I have tested 3 or 4 different
    versions that all work on the many different test sites. The
    problem is it that the validation does not seem to work. I have
    changed the patter to only allow NA and I can still type anything
    into the text box. Is there some issue with useing Regex as your
    Bear in mind that by default validation does not occur until
    the user attempts to submit the form. If you are trying to control
    the characters that the user can enter into the textbox, as opposed
    to validating what they have entered, you will need to provide your
    own javascript validation.

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    Said that, I an creating an intranet and it has some small effects with jQuery and nothing else. It uses a lot of Java but all very basic. It was all working fine till yesterday when my clients started complaining that could not login in their Lumia facing a 404 Not Found page.
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    Has anybody experienced this kind of problem?
    NOTE: I undid all the small updates done in the website in the last 2 days but the problem still persists! I am getting crazy cause clients do not stop complaining. I am telling then to use a normal notebook and it's saving me for a while but it's really sad it does not open in the phone.
    Thank you for any light! Any any any light!
    Go to Solution.

    While the site is not very 'mobile friendly' it loads fine on my L620.. Not sure what the issue may be for others. The only thing not working seems to be the slideshow.
    I'd suggest you take this to the developer support site as you are posting this to a user to user support board now.
    Click on the blue Star Icon below if my advice has helped you or press the 'Accept As Solution' link if I solved your problem..

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    Hi! Look at this:

  • When I watch tv shows in Front Row that I've bought off iTunes the audio gradually falls out of sync with the video. It does not happen with other files that I have converted into mp4s. Any ideas for fixing this? It's a huge bummer...

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    I too have the same problem.  The audio drop out of sync in about 5 sec in not uncommon for the audio to be 30+ sec behind video.  Apple needs to fix this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   its a joke,  my iphone is all messed up after the last update as well.  at one time not to long ago apple products and software were top rated, not so much any more, more and more problems are showing up and apple is unwilling or unalbe to fix the many issues.  Apple needs to fix the audio sync problem, it not the computer hardware or other software it ITUNES!!!!,  there is no workaround other then hitting pause and hitting pause and hitting pause to temp fix the problem. 

  • Hi there, I cannot seem to convert my iTunes MP4 songs to MP3 - can someone please assist in this regard?

    Hi there, I cannot seem to convert my iTunes MP4 songs to MP3 - can someone please assist in this regard?

    Hello @MK,
    This functionality has been moved under the File menu in iTunes 11, where you will find a submenu labelled "Create New Version." From here you can choose the format you would like it converted to. Do keep in mind that most music purchased from the iTunes Store (unless they're iTunes Plus purchases) cannot be converted.
    iTunes 11 for Mac: Save a copy of a song in a new file format

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