Convert Standard costing to Average Costing

Could anyone just as broad skeleton tell me know how to change Standard costing to Average Costing in Oracle Costing module.
And what factors should be taken into account before doing to.
Adarsh K

Please find below meta link notes which might help you.
Changing Organization Costing Methods (Doc ID 550640.1)
How to Change Costing Methods Standard Costing to Average Costing (Doc ID 331805.1)

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    Look at the default categories form to find the category that is is assigned for inventory.
    Then go to the category set and see what the level of control is. If it is master see if you can change it to organization. (If items are assigned you may not be able to).
    I think then you can change the attribute controls.

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    The page really gives a good overview. You may want to sit down with the CFO /Cost Accountant and discuss the page.
    But as a rule of thumb:
    If the company makes same (or similar) things then you use standard costing. Think of a company making computers, humidifiers, spoons etc.
    If the products or activities are not always the same, you use avg. costing. Think of a company making oil rigs or performing repair jobs.
    Typically, your client will already have a costing philosophy. Just talk to the CFO/Cost accountant and ask them which method they use.
    Sandeep Gandhi

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    Why you need to rollup the cost for average costing? You will get the cost of this while you do the job close..
    You need to do the cost rollup for std cost to fix the cost for the assembly...

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    Thanks in advance
    Message was edited by:
            Satish A Kumar

    The Moving Average Price (MAP value) = Total Valuated Stock value / Total stock quantity.
    At any point of time, If you do a Goods receipt for a Purchase Order, the MAP value is re-calculated at the price at which the goods are inwarded.Thus the MAP value is subject to changes from time to time.
    The standard price is however unaffected by this.
    The Product costing,therefore, for materials with price type "V" is linked to the MAP value of material. Where as for materials with Price type "S" - i.e standard price, the product costing is not affected.

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    Apple will exchange your iPod for a refurbished one
    Out-of-Warranty ServiceIf you own an iPad that is ineligible for warranty service but is eligible for Out-of-Warranty (OOW) Service, Apple will replace your iPad with an iPad that is new or equivalent to new in both performance and reliability for the Out-of-Warranty Service fee listed below.
    iPad model
    Out-of-Warranty Service Fee
    iPad mini
    iPad 3rd, 4th generation
    iPad 2, iPad
    A $6.95 shipping fee will be added if service is arranged through Apple and requires shipping. All fees are in US dollars and are subject to local tax.
    Certain damage is ineligible for out-of-warranty service, including catastrophic damage, such as the device separating into multiple pieces, and inoperability caused by unauthorized modifications. However, an iPad that has failed due to contact with liquid may be eligible for out-of-warranty service.Apple reserves the right to determine whether or not your iPad is eligible for Out-of-Warranty service. Replacement iPads have a 90-day limited hardware warranty or assume the remainder of your standard warranty or AppleCare service contract coverage, whichever is longer. Please see the AppleCare+ for iPad and Apple Repair Terms And Conditions for further details.
    Here is one third-party place.
    iPhone Repair, Service & Parts: iPod Touch, iPad, MacBook Pro Screens
    BTW, this is the iPod touch forum.

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    3. updating the Average cost of these items via transactions interface .
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    Hi, in my experience the steps you indicates are correct. Anyway, you can avoid step 3 if you put the unit cost directly in the transaction open interface. This is correct only if your costs are not divided in more than one element (eg. you have only the material cost element). If you do in this way, you will see your miscellaneous transactions will have costs and related records on MTL_TRANSACTION_ACCOUNTS will be created with a positive amount.
    As you will know, also when you perform a miscellaneous transactions by using the form, you have the possibility to inidcate the unit cost. Normally you do this if your actual average cost is not correct for your transaction, or if the average cost is 0.
    If you follow this indications, you should not have problem at the moment of the reconciliation with GL.

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        Thanks for your response. If I understand you right, you are suggesting doing STD pricing every month or quarter instead of attempting MAP? Is that right?

  • Average Costing To FIFO

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    I am currently working in a implementation project. My client is working on Average Costing Inventory Org but they want report to be in FIFO basis
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    Please suggest me how to go about this on the same. Please someone share the code if someone have any. What logic do i need to follow and where to pick the data.
    It is show stopper for us now as we do not have any standard report.

    Your driving table will be mtl_material_transactions.
    Join it with mtl_system_items_b and cst_cost_details to get additional data.
    Hope this helps
    Sandeep Gandhi
    Omkar Technologies Inc.
    Independent Techno-functional Consultant

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    When I use the rollup on 'Average' costing method ?

    u cannot perform rollup on average costing method.

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    Thanks & Regards in advance
    V K Sharma

    Important Things Involved:
    O10C --- Control Recepie Destination (Clubbing of recurring PICs)
    O12C --- Process Instruction Category (PICs) -- Clubbing of Process Instruction Chars to be displayed
                                                                          as per requirement on PI Sheet.
    O13C --- Process Message Category --- After we have recorded the Enteries in PI sheet, If we need to update some ABAP/ Z table or We need to Trigger some program with those values then mapping for that is done here.
    Master Receipe:C201
    Production Version:C223
    PI Characteristics:Ct04/O25C
    PP Process Flow:Cr01>Co53>co60/co55/co64/co67-->CO57
    Demand Management: MD61>MD02>MD04-->Cor1
    MRP Run: MD02,MD04

  • Tolerance in average costing

    Dear Pals
    Please guide me, can we put tolerance for average cost, for example if average cost is changing by more than 10% then system should alert user.
    We have observed due to data entry errors, average cost changed and it is very difficult to correct back.

    Hi Friend
    There is no Standard feature for this and you need to go for Custmization which is possible. Consult your technical team to make your requirements.

  • Average cost update

    Average cost is used for valuing inventories. There is an average cost update program that is run every 3 minutes. At times there have been significant changes to the cost (100 times or more) for the material and we are unable to find the source or logic for such changes and how the same has been calculated.
    Is there any document on how the program works and is there an audit trail of entries passed by the average cost update to understand the source and logic of such entries.
    Thanks in advance
    Kiran A

    Sorry for the late response. Iam running the cost interface using Cost Import Interface. while running the interface the "cost type to import to " parameter has only one value in the LOV which is "Pending" (Pending Standard Cost Type). Since its passing Std cost as default parameter and iam trying to run the average cost its failing. The following is the code i have written..
    , last_updated_by
    , creation_date
    , created_by )
    , sysdate
    , 1
    , sysdate
    , 1);
    Please let me know where iam going wrong. Is there any additional setup i need to do.
    Thanks and Regards

  • Standard cost and planned cost

    Hi Gurus,
    Can you illustarate the difference between planned cost and standard cost by taking one example.
    Janardhan Reddy.p

    Hi Srinivas Muthyala,
    I would like to confirm my understanding regard the points below also;
    1. Production Variance is calculated by using PLANNED cost;
    2. STANDARD cost is only the value for benchmarking; and
    3. I found PLANNED cost = 0, STANDARD cost = x & MOVING AVERAGE cost = x (in some cases)
        that means no issued production order.
    Warm Regards,

  • Average Cost in Mexico

    We would like to implement the Average Cost in our company code in Mexico for MXP currency. Is the Material Ledger the solution for this? Please have anybody implemented this scenario for Mexico?
    Current we are in SAP ECC 6.04 (without new GL) and have standard cost for MXP and USD.
    I welcome your comments or suggestions.

    Hi Evandro
    Material Ledger is a solution for actual prices and it uses average price.
    Beggining Inventory + Receipts = Average Price
    It´s standard solution, you have to configure and activate for each plant.
    Also you have to configure some keys in OBYC.
    You will have to calculate actual prices for activities and run CKMLCP monthly to determine actual price.
    Well...I hope I´ve helped you.

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