Convert widescreen into letterbox

I have footage shot in wide screen that I have edited in iMovie. Now I want to take the wide screen footage and use Final Cut Express to convert it into the letterbox format so I can play it on a 4:3 TV. What is the best way to do this converting?
Thank you so much for any help!

Make a 4:3 sequence in FCE and take the edited widescreen sequence and place it in the 4:3 sequence.

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      2  /
         EMPNO     DEPTNO ENAME                                 SAL DOJ       JOB
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    Thanks for getting back with me so promptly.  It has taken me this time to connect with the proper people to find out the information you requested.
    The camera used to film the class was a Panasonic AG-HMC40P, owned by a local cable TV station; they use Kodak video encoding software, and a SD card was used to store the video.   The file extension is .mts, and the mime file is MPEG 2 transport.  He said I probably need an AVCHD converter, and the Mac app store lists 8 of those options, 4 free and 4 for up to $9.99.  He said I'll also need a converter for later plans of posting on YouTube or on the website, and while some of those in the app store might work for the later needs, he knows one app called "Compressor" that would work for the uploading later.  He also suggested I could try renaming the .mts file to .MP2T, but he wasn't sure that would work.
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    How to convert .class into .jar fileFrom a command prompt, cd to the location of your .class file(s).
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    Hello djensen1x,
    Could you please let me know what version of Acrobat are you using.
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    Merci beaucoup / Shokran jazilan / Thank you very much!
    - Michael Kim Jamal Riegelman
    United Nations Headquarters
    Department of Peacekeeping Operations
    Europe and Latin America Division
    Office: (917) 367.9186
    Email: [email protected]

    Hi Michael
    Unfortunately I believe you have posted your issue in the
    wrong forum. I believe you are looking for the forum linked below.
    You might try re-posting your issue there.
    Cheers and good luck! Rick

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    please try the following code. It works for me.
    DATA : file_name TYPE string.
    DATA : path LIKE pcfile-path.
    DATA : extension(5) TYPE c.
    DATA : name(100) TYPE c.
    DATA:receiver TYPE somlreci1-receiver  ,
         p_file   LIKE rlgrap-filename.
    declarations for PDF convertion
    DATA:  path1       TYPE string ,
           fullpath    TYPE string.
    DATA :textlines LIKE tline OCCURS 100 WITH HEADER LINE.
    DATA it_lines LIKE tline OCCURS 100 WITH HEADER LINE.
    DATA options LIKE itcpo.
    DATA header LIKE thead.
    DATA result     LIKE     itcpp.
    DATA: bin_filesize TYPE i.
        fullpath type string.
    DATA: docdata LIKE sodocchgi1,
    objpack LIKE sopcklsti1 OCCURS 1 WITH HEADER LINE,
    objhead LIKE solisti1 OCCURS 1 WITH HEADER LINE,
    objtxt LIKE solisti1 OCCURS 10 WITH HEADER LINE,
    objbin LIKE solisti1 OCCURS 10 WITH HEADER LINE,
    objhex LIKE solix OCCURS 10 WITH HEADER LINE,
    reclist LIKE somlreci1 OCCURS 1 WITH HEADER LINE.
    DATA: tab_lines TYPE i,
    doc_size TYPE i,
    att_type LIKE soodk-objtp.
    DATA: listobject LIKE abaplist OCCURS 1 WITH HEADER LINE.
    DATA: filesize TYPE i,
          convcount TYPE i,
    textlines-tdformat = '*'.
    textlines-tdline    = 'Hello Hao'.
    APPEND textlines.
    options-tdgetotf = 'X'.
    options-tdnoprev = 'X'.
      APPLICATION                    = 'TX'
      ARCHIVE_INDEX                  = ' '
      ARCHIVE_PARAMS                 = ' '
      DEVICE                         = 'PRINTER'
       dialog                         = ' '
        header                         = header
       OPTIONS                        = options
      NEW_ARCHIVE_PARAMS             =
       RESULT                         = RESULT
        lines                          =  textlines
       otfdata                        = otf
      CANCELED                       = 1
      DEVICE                         = 2
      FORM                           = 3
      OPTIONS                        = 4
      UNCLOSED                       = 5
      UNKNOWN                        = 6
      FORMAT                         = 7
      TEXTFORMAT                     = 8
      COMMUNICATION                  = 9
      OTHERS                         = 11
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.
              format            = 'PDF'
              bin_filesize      = filesize
              otf               = otf
              lines             = it_lines
              err_conv_not_possible = 1
              err_bad_otf           = 2.
    fullpath = 'C:/foldername/test.pdf'.
        bin_filesize                  = bin_filesize
        filename                      = fullpath
        filetype                      = 'BIN'
      APPEND                        = ' '
      CODEPAGE                      = ' '
      NO_BYTEORDER_MARK             = ' '
       FILELENGTH                    = c
        data_tab                      = it_lines
      FORMAT_TAB                    =
        file_write_error              = 1
        no_batch                      = 2
        gui_refuse_filetransfer       = 3
        invalid_type                  = 4
        no_authority                  = 5
        unknown_error                 = 6.
    *filename = fullpath.
    CLEAR docdata.
    REFRESH objpack.
    CLEAR objpack.
    REFRESH objhead.
    REFRESH objtxt.
    CLEAR objtxt.
    REFRESH objbin.
    CLEAR objbin.
    REFRESH objhex.
    CLEAR objhex.
    REFRESH reclist.
    CLEAR reclist.
    REFRESH listobject.
    CLEAR listobject.
    CLEAR tab_lines.
    CLEAR doc_size.
    CLEAR att_type.
    Set Variables
    docdata-obj_name = 'Tst'.
    docdata-obj_descr = 'Testing'.
    reclist-receiver = give the mail id.
    reclist-rec_type = 'U'.
    APPEND reclist.
          filename                = fullpath
          filetype                = 'BIN'
          data_tab                = itab
          file_open_error         = 1
          file_read_error         = 2
          no_batch                = 3
          gui_refuse_filetransfer = 4
          invalid_type            = 5
          no_authority            = 6
          unknown_error           = 7
          bad_data_format         = 8
          header_not_allowed      = 9
          separator_not_allowed   = 10
          header_too_long         = 11
          unknown_dp_error        = 12
          access_denied           = 13
          dp_out_of_memory        = 14
          disk_full               = 15
          dp_timeout              = 16
          OTHERS                  = 17.
      path = fullpath.
      complete_filename = path
    DRIVE =
      extension = extension
      name = name
    PATH =
      invalid_drive = 1
      invalid_extension = 2
      invalid_name = 3
      invalid_path = 4
      OTHERS = 5
    DATA : pos TYPE i.
    DATA : len TYPE i.
    Loop And Put Data
    LOOP AT itab.
    pos = 255 - len.
    IF pos > 134.                         "length of pdf_table
    pos = 134.
    objbin+len = itab(pos).
    len = len + pos.
    IF len = 255.                         "length of out (contents_bin)
    APPEND objbin.
    CLEAR: objbin, len.
    IF pos < 134.
    objbin = itab+pos.
    len = 134 - pos.
    IF len > 0.
    APPEND objbin.
    Packing Info For Text Data
    DESCRIBE TABLE objtxt LINES tab_lines.
    READ TABLE objtxt INDEX tab_lines.
    docdata-doc_size = ( tab_lines - 1 ) * 255 + STRLEN( objtxt ).
    CLEAR objpack-transf_bin.
    objpack-head_start = 1.
    objpack-head_num = 0.
    objpack-body_start = 1.
    objpack-body_num = tab_lines.
    objpack-doc_type = 'TXT'.
    APPEND objpack.
    Packing Info Attachment
    name = extension.
    DESCRIBE TABLE objbin LINES tab_lines.
    READ TABLE objbin INDEX tab_lines.
    objpack-doc_size = ( tab_lines - 1 ) * 255 + STRLEN( objbin ).
    objpack-transf_bin = 'X'.
    objpack-head_start = 1.
    objpack-head_num = 0.
    objpack-body_start = 1.
    objpack-body_num = tab_lines.
    objpack-doc_type = name.
    objpack-obj_name = 'ATTACHMENT'.
    objpack-obj_descr = name.
    APPEND objpack.
    document_data = docdata
    put_in_outbox = 'X'
    commit_work = 'X' "used from rel. 6.10
    packing_list = objpack
    object_header = objhead
    contents_bin = objbin
    contents_txt = objtxt
    receivers = reclist
    too_many_receivers = 1
    document_not_sent = 2
    document_type_not_exist = 3
    operation_no_authorization = 4
    parameter_error = 5
    x_error = 6
    enqueue_error = 7
    OTHERS = 8
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    WITH docdata-obj_name.

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    Thank you,
    Jagrut BharatKumar Shukla

    Check this
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    Does anyone know How I can get round this.
    The whole I am converting a document into a string and back again is because the Dom document isn't serializable.
    Any ideas?

    well, that's the job of the parser to resolve entities, therefore converting &amp; into a & is correct.


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    Thanking you,

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    thanking you..

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