Convert xml file to a 2D list - Urgent!!!

I have a xml file like:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE map SYSTEM "map.dtd">
<map width="5" height="3" goal="6" name="Hallways of Dooom">
     <random-item type='lantern' amount='5' />
     <random-item type='health' amount='10' />
     <tile x="1" y="0" type="floor">
     <tile x="0" y="1" type="floor" />
     <tile x="1" y="1" type="floor" startlocation="1" />
     <tile x="2" y="0" type="wall" />
     <tile x="3" y="0" type="wall" />
     <tile x="3" y="1" type="floor">
          <item type="treasure">Bar of Silver</item>
</map>and i want to convert it to a 2D list, with the x-value of the list is the width of the map and the y-value of the list is the height of the map. The x and y value in the tile indicates the position of the point.
i have already parse the xml file to java using:
public class parsexml
         public static void main(String[] args)
          DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
          try {
               DocumentBuilder parser = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
               Document doc = parser.parse(new File("hallways.xml"));
               System.out.println("XML file parsed.");
          } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
          } catch (SAXException e) {
          } catch (IOException e) {
}Can anyone give me any hint on what to do next. Thank you very much.

mujingyue wrote:
Thank you for your poem, it is the hightlight of my miserable day.
but, any suggestions?Sure....
You play tricks on my mind
You're everywhere but you're so hard to find
You're not warm or sentimental
You're so extreme, you can be so temperamental
But I'm not looking for a love that will last
[ Urgent song text brought to you by LyricsYouLove ]
I know what I need and I need it fast
Yeah, there's one thing in common that we both share
That's a need for for each other anytime, anywhere
It gets so urgent
So urgent
You know it's urgent
I wanna tell you it's the same for me
So oh oh urgent
Just you wait and see
How urgent our love can be
It's urgent
You say it's urgent
Make it fast, make it urgent
Do it quick, do it urgent
Gotta rush, make it urgent
Want it quick
Urgent, urgent, emergency
Urgent, urgent, emergency
Urgent, urgent, emergency
Urgent, urgent, emergency
So urgent, emergency
Emer... emer... emer...
It's urgent

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    Hi All,
    I want to do a batch input program. The source data would be given as an excel file . I would like to know how to convert XML file to internal table properly. Please help me out..
    Thanking you in advance ..
    Shankara Narayanan T.V

    Hi Shankar,
                  filename                = p_file1
                  i_begin_col             = '1'
                  i_begin_row             = '5'
                  i_end_col               = '40'
                  i_end_row               = '16'
                  intern                  = it_intern
                  inconsistent_parameters = 1
                  upload_ole              = 2
                  OTHERS                  = 3.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    LOOP AT it_intern.
          AT NEW row.
            CLEAR it_intern.
            CASE lv_flag.
        Production Version
              WHEN  1.
                it_master-matnr      =   it_intern-value.     
              WHEN  2.
                it_master-werks      = it_intern-value.
              WHEN  3.
                it_master-verid      = it_intern-value.
              WHEN  4.
                it_master-text1      = it_intern-value.
              WHEN  5.
                it_master-fdate     = it_intern-value.
          AT END OF row.
            APPEND it_master.
    Message was edited by:
            Anupama Reddy

  • Convert XML file to sap

    Dear friends
                  For converting XML file to SAP, I used TEXT_CONVERT_XML_TO_SAP function module. In this I have some doubt. Pls clarify this.
    1. I am getting run time error with type h.
    2  I_FIELD_SEPERATOR          = ';'
       I_LINE_HEADER              =
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    for the above parameter what are the value has to passed.

    Take a look in this code:
    *& Report  z_xit_xml_check
      REPORT  z_xit_xml_check.
      TYPE-POOLS: ixml.
      DATA: BEGIN OF t_cabec OCCURS 0.
              INCLUDE STRUCTURE zmmt2010.
      DATA END OF t_cabec.
      DATA: BEGIN OF t_item OCCURS 0.
              INCLUDE STRUCTURE zmmt2011.
      DATA END OF t_item.
      DATA: BEGIN OF t_itemt OCCURS 0.
              INCLUDE STRUCTURE zmmt2012.
      DATA END OF t_itemt.
      TYPES: BEGIN OF t_xml_line,
              data(256) TYPE x,
            END OF t_xml_line.
      DATA check_item(1).
      DATA check_itemt(1).
      DATA: l_ixml            TYPE REF TO if_ixml,
            l_streamfactory   TYPE REF TO if_ixml_stream_factory,
            l_parser          TYPE REF TO if_ixml_parser,
            l_istream         TYPE REF TO if_ixml_istream,
            l_document        TYPE REF TO if_ixml_document,
            l_node            TYPE REF TO if_ixml_node,
            l_xmldata         TYPE string.
      DATA: l_elem            TYPE REF TO if_ixml_element,
            l_root_node       TYPE REF TO if_ixml_node,
            l_next_node       TYPE REF TO if_ixml_node,
            l_name            TYPE string,
            l_iterator        TYPE REF TO if_ixml_node_iterator.
      DATA: l_xml_table       TYPE TABLE OF t_xml_line,
            l_xml_line        TYPE t_xml_line,
            l_xml_table_size  TYPE i.
      DATA: l_filename        TYPE string.
      PARAMETERS: pa_file TYPE char1024 DEFAULT 'c:\xml.xml'.
        PERFORM busca_xml.
        PERFORM carrega_tabela.
    *&      Form  get_xml_table
      FORM get_xml_table CHANGING l_xml_table_size TYPE i
                                  l_xml_table      TYPE STANDARD TABLE.
      Local variable declaration
        DATA: l_len      TYPE i,
              l_len2     TYPE i,
              l_tab      TYPE tsfixml,
              l_content  TYPE string,
              l_str1     TYPE string,
              c_conv     TYPE REF TO cl_abap_conv_in_ce,
              l_itab     TYPE TABLE OF string.
        l_filename = pa_file.
      upload a file from the client's workstation
        CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>gui_upload
            filename   = l_filename
            filetype   = 'BIN'
            filelength = l_xml_table_size
            data_tab   = l_xml_table
            OTHERS     = 19.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
          MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                     WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
      ENDFORM.                    "get_xml_table
    *&      Form  process_dom
      FORM process_dom USING document TYPE REF TO if_ixml_document.
        DATA: node      TYPE REF TO if_ixml_node,
              iterator  TYPE REF TO if_ixml_node_iterator,
              nodemap   TYPE REF TO if_ixml_named_node_map,
              attr      TYPE REF TO if_ixml_node,
              name      TYPE string,
              prefix    TYPE string,
              value     TYPE string,
              indent    TYPE i,
              count     TYPE i,
              index     TYPE i.
        DATA v_codcat TYPE zmmt2011-codcat.
        DATA v_master_for TYPE zmmt2011-master_for.
        node ?= document.
        CHECK NOT node IS INITIAL.
        IF node IS INITIAL. EXIT. ENDIF.
      create a node iterator
        iterator  = node->create_iterator( ).
      get current node
        node = iterator->get_next( ).
      loop over all nodes
        WHILE NOT node IS INITIAL.
          indent = node->get_height( ) * 2.
          indent = indent + 20.
          CASE node->get_type( ).
            WHEN if_ixml_node=>co_node_element.
            element node
              name    = node->get_name( ).
              TRANSLATE name TO LOWER CASE.
              IF name = 'iten'.
                MOVE 'I' TO check_item.
              IF name = 'cabec'.
                MOVE 'C' TO check_item.
              IF name = 'iten_texto'.
                MOVE 'T' TO check_item.
              nodemap = node->get_attributes( ).
              IF NOT nodemap IS INITIAL.
                count = nodemap->get_length( ).
                DO count TIMES.
                  index  = sy-index - 1.
                  attr   = nodemap->get_item( index ).
                  name   = attr->get_name( ).
                  prefix = attr->get_namespace_prefix( ).
                  value  = attr->get_value( ).
            WHEN if_ixml_node=>co_node_text OR
            text node
              value  = node->get_value( ).
              IF check_item = 'C'.
                TRANSLATE name TO LOWER CASE.
                CASE name.
                  WHEN 'lifnr'.     MOVE value TO t_cabec-lifnr.
                  WHEN 'codcat'.
                    MOVE value TO t_cabec-codcat.
                    MOVE value TO v_codcat.
                  WHEN 'bukrs'.     MOVE value TO t_cabec-bukrs.
                  WHEN 'zterm'.     MOVE value TO t_cabec-zterm.
                  WHEN 'waers'.     MOVE value TO t_cabec-waers.
                  WHEN 'inco1'.     MOVE value TO t_cabec-inco1.
                  WHEN 'inco2'.     MOVE value TO t_cabec-inco2.
                  WHEN 'telf1'.     MOVE value TO t_cabec-telf1.
                  WHEN 'verkf'.     MOVE value TO t_cabec-verkf.
                  WHEN 'datav'.
                    MOVE value TO t_cabec-datav.
                    APPEND t_cabec.
              IF check_item = 'I'.
                TRANSLATE name TO LOWER CASE.
                CASE name.
                  WHEN 'master_for'.
                    MOVE value TO t_item-master_for.
                    MOVE value TO v_master_for.
                  WHEN 'werks'.      MOVE value TO t_item-werks.
                  WHEN 'versao'.     MOVE value TO t_item-versao.
                  WHEN 'matkl'.      MOVE value TO t_item-matkl.
                  WHEN 'j_1bindus3'. MOVE value TO t_item-j_1bindus3.
                  WHEN 'j_1bmatuse'. MOVE value TO t_item-j_1bmatuse.
                  WHEN 'j_1bmatorg'. MOVE value TO t_item-j_1bmatorg.
                  WHEN 'j_1bnbmco1'. MOVE value TO t_item-j_1bnbmco1.
                  WHEN 'bsgru'.      MOVE value TO t_item-bsgru.
                  WHEN 'ekgrp'.      MOVE value TO t_item-ekgrp.
                  WHEN 'txz01'.      MOVE value TO t_item-txz01.
                  WHEN 'epstp'.      MOVE value TO t_item-epstp.
                  WHEN 'netpr'.      MOVE value TO t_item-netpr.
                  WHEN 'peinh'.      MOVE value TO t_item-peinh.
                  WHEN 'meins'.      MOVE value TO t_item-meins.
                  WHEN 'plifz'.      MOVE value TO t_item-plifz.
                  WHEN 'mwskz'.      MOVE value TO t_item-mwskz.
                  WHEN 'steuc'.
                    MOVE value TO t_item-steuc.
                    MOVE v_codcat TO t_item-codcat.
                    APPEND t_item.
              IF check_item = 'T'.
                TRANSLATE name TO LOWER CASE.
                CASE name.
                  WHEN 'linha'.     MOVE value TO t_itemt-linha.
                  WHEN 'txlng'.     MOVE value TO t_itemt-txlng.
                    MOVE v_master_for TO t_itemt-master_for.
                    MOVE v_codcat     TO t_itemt-codcat.
                    append t_itemt.
        advance to next node
          node = iterator->get_next( ).
      ENDFORM.                    "process_dom
    *&      Form  Busca_XML
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
      FORM busca_xml .
        DATA: lc_mess(70) TYPE c,lv_tab.
        TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_zvmsgorgtr.
                INCLUDE STRUCTURE zmmt2011.
        TYPES   END OF ty_zvmsgorgtr.
      Creating the main iXML factory
        l_ixml = cl_ixml=>create( ).
      Creating a stream factory
        l_streamfactory = l_ixml->create_stream_factory( ).
        PERFORM get_xml_table CHANGING l_xml_table_size l_xml_table.
      wrap the table containing the file into a stream
        l_istream = l_streamfactory->create_istream_itable( table =
        l_xml_table size  = l_xml_table_size ).
      Creating a document
        l_document = l_ixml->create_document( ).
      Create a Parser
        l_parser = l_ixml->create_parser( stream_factory = l_streamfactory
                                          istream        = l_istream
                                          document       = l_document ).
      Parse the stream
        IF l_parser->parse( ) NE 0.
          IF l_parser->num_errors( ) NE 0.
            DATA: parseerror TYPE REF TO if_ixml_parse_error,
                  str        TYPE string,
                  i          TYPE i,
                  count      TYPE i,
                  index      TYPE i.
            count = l_parser->num_errors( ).
            WRITE: count, ' parse errors have occured:'.
            index = 0.
            WHILE index < count.
              parseerror = l_parser->get_error( index = index ).
              i = parseerror->get_line( ).
              WRITE: 'line: ', i.
              i = parseerror->get_column( ).
              WRITE: 'column: ', i.
              str = parseerror->get_reason( ).
              WRITE: str.
              index = index + 1.
      ENDFORM.                    " Busca_XML
    *&      Form  Carrega_Tabela
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
      FORM carrega_tabela .
      Process the document
        IF l_parser->is_dom_generating( ) EQ 'X'.
          PERFORM process_dom USING l_document.
      ENDFORM.                    " Carrega_Tabela

  • How to convert xml file to xsl using java

    Hi all,
    I have an XML file with which i need to convert(transform) it to an xsl file using java.
    I am new to converting xml file to xslt.Please send me if u have code .
    Thanks in advance

    You seem to be asking the wrong question. An XSL file can be used to transform an XML file, but transforming an XML into an XSL does not make sense. The API for running XSL transforms on the Java platform is described here:

  • How to convert  XML file to excel file

    To convert XML file to excel file. what are the jar files required. also tutorial to convert XML File to excel file

    Gotta use your own imagination.
    I'd have a root tag <excel-spreadsheet>. Under that I'd have a <worksheet> tag for each worksheet. Under that I'd have a <row> tag for each row. Each <row> tag would have <column> tags, with "name" attribute, and the spreadsheet entry as the value.
    The problem is that you can't really map everything that will go into a spreadsheet into this stream (e.g., graphs, stray cells, etc.) It maps well to tables, but that's it.

  • How to convert XMl file to XSD file

    how to convert XMl file to XSD file ?
    i have a xml file format  it has to be converted to xsd file through ABAP .
    Anbu B

    i got the answer....
    Anbu B

  • How to bind a XML file to a dropdown list

    Hello. I am trying to bind a XML file to a dropdown list as taught in the LiveCycle Designer Help. I created a XML file containing the following codes:
    <item uiname="MasterCard" token="MC"/>
    <item uiname="Visa" token="VS"/>
    <item uiname="Eurocard" token="EC"/>
    <item uiname="Special Card" token="SC"/>
    Then I connected to this XML file, created a dropdown list and then specified its dynamic properties as below:
    However, when previewing this pdf this dropdown list seems empty. Nothing comes out. It seems to me a very basic question but I really need your help. Thanks !
    Also, I would be very appreciated if someone could post me an working example of this.

    Well I found out what was wrong.
    You have to indicate the XML file in the filed "Data File"  of "Preview" in the " Form Properties"....

  • Convert XML file into PDF file

    <b>XML to PDF</b>i want to Convert XML file into PDF file pl. any one can suggests API's

    There are many ways to convert XML files to PDFs through java.
    One of the easiest way is by using iText.jar which have classes for conversion.
    The following are the required steps
    1. Create a document object for the XML file ( Using DOM or SAX parser).
    2. Parse the xml document and extract the content to write in PDF.
    3.Create a itext Document object.
    4.Get a PdfWriter instance for the PDF file.
    5.Write in the pdf the extracted text using the document object.
    Refer <a href="">here</a> for a simple pdf writer example.
    Refer <a href="">here</a> for examples of XML Parsers.

  • Convert xml file to fmb (very urgent)

    We have application based on oracle forms version 10gr1 ( We want to migrate to oracle forms 10gr2. We are using windows 2003.When I trying running command line
    <oracle_home>\bin\frmxml2f.bat userid=.../...@.. sample_fmb.xml overwrite=yes
    I have error message:
    error connecting to database
    jniconnect failed
    Record group don't have query. The database connect is fine, I try from same command line using sqlplus. I have TNS_ADMIN string in registry setup. I don't understand what the problem is.
    Thanks M

    TNS_ADMIN is generally not read from the registry, but instead from the system variables (My Computer > Properties > Advanced > Environment Variables...)
    In the DOS window you are using to run the batch, first set the TNS_ADMIN, ORACLE_HOME, and PATH. For example:
    set TNS_ADMIN=C:\oracle\product\ids1012\network\admin
    That said, I would not recommend taking XML files from 9041 and try to convert them in 10.1.2. That was not how the xml formatted files were intended to be used. I would recommend converting to FMB in 904 then upgrading and/or compiling the FMB in 10.1.2

  • Convert XML file to Jave  -- URGENT

    Hi All,
    I am new to java xml.
    I got requirment like that.. source file is xml.. I need to read xml thru java and if any 0(Zeros) are found in any nodes of xml, then I need to comment thta particular node and store the output in new xml file with inserted comments.
    Please any one help me in this regard..
    How can I start ..?

    Use Dom for Java API. i.e dom4j.jar which is readily available on site.
    Using that JAR you can able to give a comment for your XML file.

  • Converting xml file with arabic content to pdf using FOP

    Hello all
    I am trying to convert a dynamically generated xml file in which most of the data comes from the oracle database with arabic content, to pdf using FOP. I have used "Windows-1256" encoding for the xml. If i open the xml generated with the internet explorer the arabic content displays properly but the pdf is not generated and the acrobat reader shows the file as corrupted or not supported. Please help me. Its very urgent.
    Thanks & Regards
    Gurpreet Singh

    There is no direct support for importing RTF from an XML extract. Perhaps feature 1514 "Mapping formatted XML data into multiline field" will be of some use. This was released in 11.0, I believe.
    Essentially you can establish paragraph and certain text formatting like bold and underline when you include the proper token information in the data. I believe this is similar to simple HTML tokens.
    Example: &lt;FIELD>&lt;P>First paragraph of data.&lt;/P>&lt;P>New paragraph with &lt;B>&lt;U>bold and underline text&lt;/U>&lt;/B>. Rest of paragraph normal.&lt;/P>&lt;/FIELD>
    The result is something like this:
    <P>First paragraph of data.</P><P>New paragraph with <B><U>bold and underline text</U></B>. Rest of paragraph normal.</P>

  • Error while uploading .xml file for Customer/Vendor List for Italy

    Hi All,
    We are facing problem while uploading the .xml file in DMEE transaction for the new Customer/Vendor List for Italy.
    We have followed the entire process given in the OSS Note(1090857).
    We have SAP 4.6c and followed the below steps:
    1. Created ID-FI-IT Development class
    2. Added domains
    3. Added Data elements
    4. Tried to upload the given .xml file and got any error saying ".xml file could not be interpreted".
    Also there is a .SAR file mentioned to upload if we receive any errors while uploading .xml file.
    Tried uploading the .SAR file also. STill we are recieving the same Error.
    Can any one of you help us out.
    Thanks in Advance.

    Ok, we upload .SAR file in this way:
    1. unpack .SAR file with SAPCAR.EXE program. Yuo obtain 2 files
    R492445.P9C and K492445.P9C
    2. put K492445.P9C in directory \SAPMNT\TRANS\COFILES and put R492445.P9C in directory \SAPMNT\TRANS\DATA of your system (DEV, TST or PRD)
    3. Use Tx STMS. If You want create DMEE tree in DEV system, go to DEV import queue. Choose menu Extras | Other requests | Add. Insert P9CK492445 in Transp. request field.
    4. Import the request. This creates the DMEE tree. You don't need ti upload XML file after. You can see the DMEE tree created with Tx DMEE and inserting
    Tree type        UMS1            
    Format tree     IT_CUST_VEN_LIST
    5. after continue follow the note
    I hope this help you

  • Convert XML File from HTML file using java

    Hi All,
    I am trying to convert HTML file into XML file.
    But, Unfortunatelly didnt get the exact result.
    If anyone have a sample code please share with me.
    Any suggestions greatly appreciated.

    You can have a look at [|]

  • How to convert xml file into internal table in ABAP Mapping.

    Hi All,
    I am trying with ABAP mapping. I have one scenario in which I'm using below xml file as a sender from my FTP server.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    - <ns0:MTO_ABAP_MAPPING xmlns:ns0="http://Capgemini/Mumbai/sarsingh">
    - <Passenger>
    - <Passenger>
    - <Passenger>
    - <Flight>
    AT the receiver side I wnat to concatenate the NAME & ADDRESS.
    I tried Robert Eijpe's weblog (/people/r.eijpe/blog/2005/11/21/xml-dom-processing-in-abap-part-ii--convert-an-xml-file-into-an-abap-table-using-sap-dom-approach)
    but couldnt succeed to convert the xml file into internal table perfectly.
    Can anybody help on this. 
    Thanks in advance!!

    Hi Sarvesh,
    The pdf has details of ABAP mapping. The example given almost matches the xml file you want to be converted. to use abap-mapping in xi 3.0.pdf
    Just in case you have not seen this

  • Converting XML file to DTD or XSD file

    Hi everyone,
    We're currently doing an IDOC to File. The file should be in XML format. Right now, we have a sample XML file. We need to convert the file to DTD or XSD and then upload this in XI to be able to get it structure. We've tried different conversion tools to do this, however, the converted DTD/XSD file still has errors when we load it to XI. What we're thinking is to create a data type to achieve this. These are some of the fields in the file.
    <messageHeader creationDate>
    <catellae:gTTSDataDelivery creationDate="X" (...)>
    */<catellae:(…)>/<shipToAddress>/<contactInformation>/<communicationChannel (…)
    It seems that there are more than 3 nodes. And in XI, only three nodes are allowed. Could you tell us how should we create the data type for this? Thanks in advance!

    Hi Mariel,
              Refer to the below link for conversion of XML to Xsd using Altova XML Spy.
    Re: data type for xml file
    For altova free trial Download:
    Please let me know if u need furthur information.
    Note:Award points if found useful

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