Converting Audio files to Midi files.... anyway to do it?

I used to have Opcode Studio Vision Pro and there was an option to convert audio files, like a drum solo or just music, to a midi file so you could take a audio drum pattern and turn it into a midi file and pick your own drum sounds like a TR-909 for the drum pattern.
Is there any function like this in Logic, or perhaps a plug in that will do that? I searched the forum without any luck.

I haven't seen anything like this, but...
For Guitar's mainly... if you plug your guitar into a good pedal which has a midi out set up, you can plug it into your mac and record by playing the guitar using midi... then you can edit it.. works same way as keyboards... I expect you can do the same with drums if you used digital, i'm not sure.
hope this helps

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    OK, a little groundwork first. The one thing MIDI isn't is anything to do with sound! Sounds like a bold statement but I want to make that clear just in case.
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