Converting from Windows XP to Windows 7 on same computer

I have a current computer that has Windows XP. I want to upgrade to Windows 7 pro on the same computer. I am having problems with Easy File Transfer. It says that I have the wrong hardware. Any suggestions.

You need to be much clearer about your problem.  What version of Easy File Transfer are you running?  Is this on XP?  If so you may have the wrong version of Easy Transfer.  There is a version specifically for XP.  The version for
XP is found @  Otherwise, Easy Transfer should not be making any reference to your hardware.  Easy Transfer backs up software settings and data.
But your post is much to vague to provide you with a definitive solution.
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    Millions have done what you are contemplating, most don't have any issues at all. I f you haven't already go to your local Apple Store and ask your questions and you will get honest replies, I did when I made the switch 7 years ago. I converted from Quicken to iBank which imported my Quicken data extremely easily. As for MS Office, simply get MS Office for Mac and you're set. It's compatible with the Windows version and opening files is the same across platforms.
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    Apple intentionally made the iPod to work this way to help stem the illegal sharing of copyrighted material which is what you are trying to do.
    "i have tried to "transfer purchases from ipod" but this does not work either, even though i have authorised the computer."
    Doesn't work that way. It wasn't your iTunes account that purchased the music.


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    It can be tricky knowing how to locate and navigate between the different settings folders used by your different installations of Firefox.
    To start, I suggest creating a folder that serves as a neutral location that Windows doesn't try to secure between users. For example:
    You can create a backup from the fully loaded copy of Firefox to that folder, then restore it into the empty Firefox. You've probably already found the procedures, but just in case, the following article describes both the manual backup procedure and the restore procedure:
    [[Restore bookmarks from backup or move them to another computer]]
    If you have bookmarks in the newer profile that you do not want to lose, you can use an alternate export/import procedure using an HTML file. This doesn't carry over all the same information (e.g., tags). These articles have the details, and again I suggest using a "neutral" folder:
    * [[Export Firefox bookmarks to an HTML file to back up or transfer bookmarks]]
    * [[Import Bookmarks from an HTML file]]
    Any luck?
    When you're done, you can delete the contents of the neutral folder for privacy.

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    iTunes Home Sharing now works between users on same computer -

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    is this second library in a different account on the computer?
    Look at Home Sharing.
    iTunes: How to share music and video - - about Music Sharing and Home Sharing
    Home Sharing Support page -
    iTunes: Setting up Home Sharing on your computer -
    iTunes Home Sharing now works between users on same computer -

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    Here's a support article that might help you:

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    is this second library in a different account on the computer?
    Look at Home Sharing.
    iTunes: How to share music and video - - about Music Sharing and Home Sharing
    Home Sharing Support page -
    iTunes: Setting up Home Sharing on your computer -
    iTunes Home Sharing now works between users on same computer -

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