Converting .mov to .mts

Hi all..
I'm almost finished with an hour long project that I want to show at an event this week. I filmed everything on my Canon XA10 (AVCHD), transcoded to ProRes for editing in FCP and exporting under the same settings.
.Mov ProRes 422
This video looks glorious in HD, so that is how I want to show it. But i don't think there is a blu-ray player at the house the event is being held at, so I want to put the finished movie back onto my camera so i can play it out through the camera's connection to the TV.
The footage was originally recorded at 24mbps AVCHD (.mts). I want to get my ProRes .mov converted back to .mts so i can transfer it over to the camera.
Does anyone know how i might go about doing this? I know .mts is mpeg-2 transport stream (or something to that effect), but i haven't seen anywhere in Mpeg streamclip where I can do it, or at least an easy way to do it.

It's really just a party for a show I was in over the summer at one of the cast member's house I filmed lots of backstage footage and compiled it into a backstage edition of the show plus some behind the scenes stuff that everyone is really excited to see. No one seems to have a blu ray player either! I did manage to burn a pretty good looking DVD using the MPEG Streamclip to BitVice method. I'm pretty happy with the results, so I think for the time being i'll just stick to a regular DVD. Maybe I will bring my laptop just in case.
I do wish there was an easy way to put files back onto the camera, just like you could export to tape on dv based cameras. The footage looks golden, it would be nice to show it in its ful glory

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    Quicktime Pro 7 can take video (ie mov files) and export them as image sequences.
    It can be purchased at the Apple store for $30.

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    Perhaps it would be best if you could post a screen shot of your original video.  For example, open it in QT Player and hit command i. Take a screen shot of the image and the movie inspector.
    All of the functions and their adjustments that used to be grouped in Geometry in previous versions of Compressor are now located in the integrated video pane of the Inspector.

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    Are you going to give us any additional clues as to what you are really asking here?
    1) The "HT5409" in your subject title reference implies you are dealing with AVCHD content. If true, then how did you transfer them to your iPad and how did you transfer them from your iPad to your your MacBook Air platform? As the HT409 topic clearly stated, this can be very important. In addition, how are the files stored? For instance , have you extracted the MPEG-4 AVC content as transport streams or is the content still in the device recorded file form? Are you trying to edit the content or convert it to M4V, MP4, or MOV files directly?
    2) The "can i convert movies from iPad to mac laptop" part of your subject title is confusing. Yes, AVCHD files can be converted to simpler MPEG-4 AVC content that is compatible with all current and most older Mac computers and Apple mobile devices in MOV, MP4, and/or M4V file formats. However, how you do this will depend on the current form of the data and the target settings you wish to employ to ensure compatibility with the various target device possibilities. Further, non-AVCHD content (e.g., HD iPad video recordings) can also be downconverted to simpler settings in a similar manner if needed or required if that is your questing.
    3) Depending on your operating system, both AVCHD and MPEG-4 AVC content should already be compatible with QT X v10.2 and v10.3 players if properly transferred to your laptop from the recording device. And, even if improperly transferred, may still be converted to useable/compatible formats as long as the file itself has not been corrupted by your, as yet, unspecified workflow.
    4) What does "will not play on my mac air laptop with quicktime installed" mean here? Are you trying to play an AVCHD movie in the QT 7 player or one of the QT X players? If the latter, which one? Are you getting any error message? If so, what are they? If not playing in your main user account on the computer, does it play useing a different account? Do the files play in other, third-party multimedia players?
    Basically, your question is the equivalent of my saying my car won't start but failing to mention whether or not I am out of gas, my battery is dead, or that I have removoed the distributor cap, wires, or spark plugs from the engine. To properly solve the issue we need all possible information that you can provide describing exactly what you are doing, how you are doing it, what is not working as your expect it should, and what your goals are. In cases where you cannot answer such questions, it is often helpful to simply post/upload a sample "problem" file and let other users here examine it to determine the problem and/or suggest a specific solution for your particular system/configuration combination.

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    I believe that at least a partial solution is to create all of this widescreen, then in DVDSP, you have to make it a menu and not a video track. Then for aspect ratio in SP, select 16:9 Pan Scan & Letterbox. Be aware that it will cut off the sides of the picture in 4:3. Then your following image you'd have to put bars on the sides of the 4:3 video in Final Cut pro. Hope this helps. Anybody else got any ideas, I'd be happy to be proved wrong.

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    Sounds like someone ripped the movie off of YouTube and it got corrupted in the process. Try getting the movie file again, or try using an alternative movie player such as VLC:

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    Sorry, I am not following.
    You said you have converted them to prores LT & are having this issue, or is it with H264 files in your edit?
    How did you convert? using media manager, or compressor?
    if you still are using the H264 media that would be the issue.
    That is not an editing codec. it is a delivery codec.
    The thing to have done would have been to convert to prores before you started editing.
    or did you do that?

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    yes, go under export and you'll see the supporting
    QT does not create DVDs, though.
    QT Pro allows you to re-encode video but not to
    switch containers (to change formats). You can use
    Streamclip for switching containers.
    iMac G5 2GHz   Mac OS X (10.4.3)
      1,536 MB RAM
    Not true, you can re-encode in QTP to multiple other formats and use also different containers

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    okay. let's try swapping out your QuickTime.
    let's try this technique first.
    head into your Add/Remove programs. uninstall QuickTime.
    Next, we’ll manually remove any leftover program files and folders.
    1. On the Start menu, click My Computer (or double-click My Computer on the Desktop).
    2. In My Computer, open Local Disk.
    3. Open Program Files.
    4. Right-click on the QuickTime folder and click Delete from the shortcut menu.
    5. Navigate to C:\Windows\system32\.
    6. Remove the files QuickTime.qts and QuicktimeVR.qtx.
    7. Restart your computer.
    next, we'll get a fresh copy of QuickTime into your PC by doing a repair install of itunes.
    switch off antivirus and antispyware applications prior to the repair install.
    go into Add/Remove and select itunes. click "Change" and then click "Repair".
    if the repair install goes through okay, restart the PC and try launching itunes again. does it launch properly now?

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    Hi again Steve. I'm so embarrassed. After my initial reply to your message I went to the Adobe site to see if they even made Premiere for Mac and learned they don't. I also read a review in Wired that says Premiere 6 is just as good if not better than iMovie which they say has actually been downgraded. I'm using Premiere 2, so I thought I might consider upgrading. Then I watched "Steve's Story" and realized it was you. (Your daughter is a cutie! Adobe must love you.) So my question is this: Would my problem be solved by simply upgrading to Premiere 4? If I do that, would it be compatible with regard to catalog integration with Photoshop Elements 4 or would I have to upgrade to Elements 6? If I upgraded the whole package would my current Photoshop Elements 4 catalog transfer with all tags intact? This is vital for me to know because I rely on them heavily. I realize that I would be skipping a version in the upgrade. Is that possible? Does that matter? Please read my reply to Bill because it explains why I want to use those particular .mov files. Another question for you. I use your excellent book a lot. If I upgrade will it become useless? Finally, since you're the expert, let me tell you what I'm really aiming for and get your advice. I need to start composing my own musical soundtracks to my videos. I want to do it as I'm viewing the timeline. Therefore, I know I need to invest in a midi-capable keyboard or controller and software. The problem is that there are few controllers compatible with Windows XP Media Center Edition. I am told I would need to disable the XP Media Center registry keys for anything to work which wouldn't matter because I don't use Media Center features anyway (like TV hookup, media player, etc.). But messing with the registry sounds a little complex and dangerous to me. There's got to be an easier way. Do you have any advice or recommendations? Can you point me to any helpful resources? Now you see why I want a Mac? Everyone says all this kind of stuff would be so much easier with a Mac. Problem is I have a limited budget and would like to make the most with what I have. I hope I haven't overtaxed you with my questions. Thanks for your patience! Judy

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    Hi There-
    Thanks for the info. I am actually using the Squared5 mpeg decoder. I followed the directions for the fix, but it still gives my the mpeg-2 error. I have tried the freeware "Quicktime Alternative 181" from the apple website and with that, eitrher my itunes will work fully and the Squared5 will not, or if I un-install itunes, the Squared5 will work fully. It's like when one will, the other won't. I never had this problem before, did Apple change something that makes Squared-5 not compatible ???
    I really do not want to sound cheap, times are tough for me and I am trying to do this fix as inexpensive as possible,
    If I buy the 19.99 MPEG-2 playback component, I want to be sure that it is going to work, since you can't get refunds from Apple.
    Since I am new to this, could you let me know what steps I need to do to do this in the right order????
    Thanks for your time, I really do appriciate the time.
    Sincerely- Doug

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    if you want other options +iphone&oq=sync+music+to&gs_l=igoogle.3.1.0l10.1234965.1238673.0.1241706.13.10.0 . _ENDK367&q=convert+mov+to+wmv+osx&oq=convert+mov+to+wmv+osx&gs_l=serp.3..0i19.72 92.8140.2.8602. ,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.&fp=4612d37b805d4ba0&biw=1825&bih=763

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    I have hard time to bring in my footage shoot using Sony NEX 10e camcorder into iMovie 11 for editing. Is there anyway I can convert these MTS files foe editing in IMovie 11?
    Thanks in advance!!

    Some frame rates and resolution combos will not import into iMovie directly. That's true. For instance, 1920x1080 @ 60 progressive frames per second (meaning not interlaced), that is not compatible with iMovie and you might need to convert it using a program like ClipWrap. Also if you have just the 'bare' .mts files, iMovie will not be able to import those either. iMovie expects to find all the folders and auxiliiary files recorded onto the memory card when you shoot AVCHD video. It needs all those extra pieces to navigate to the video clips and subsequently convert them from .mts to Apple Intermediate Codec. So in the case where you have a 'bare' .mts file use Voltaic HD to do the conversion.

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    DVDs are in a socalled delivery format (mpeg2), which isn't meant and made for any processing as editing...
    in recommended order, choose one of the following tools/workarounds:
    DVDxDV (free trial, 25$, Pro: 90$)
    Apple mpeg2 plugin (19$) + Streamclip (free)
    VisualHub (23.32$)
    Drop2DV (free)
    Cinematize >60$
    Mpeg2Works >25$ + Apple plug-in
    Toast 6/7/8 allows converting to dv/insert dvd, hit apple-k
    connect a miniDV Camcorder with analogue input to a DVD-player and transfer disk to tape/use as converter
    (advice is for imports to iM... )
    none of these methods or tools override copy protection/DRM mechanisms.. advice on 'ripping' is a violation of the ToU of this board ..
    +be nice to copy rights ...+

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