Converting Oracle Functions to ODI

Does anyone have an example of converting an Oracle function to ODI?
FUNCTION <function_name> (
<parameters> [IN | OUT | IN OUT] [NOCOPY] <data_type>)
<constant, exception, and variable declarations>
END <function_name>;
Can you call a Function in ODI?

Yes you can call a PL/SQL or oracle funciton from ODI.
FOr that you will have to create a ODI procedure with technology as Oracle.
Call that function in to a PL/SQL "BEGIN END" block.
Value returned by function you can use there is self or can pass to an ODI variable.
Hope it helps!

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    My oracle function:
    create or replace function return_timeid(trans_date in date)
    return number is
    Result number;
    v_trans_date varchar2(30) := to_char(trans_date, 'dd-mon-rrrr hh24miss');
    v_hour number := 0;
    v_min number := 0;
    v_hour := substr(v_trans_date, 13, 2);
    v_min := substr(v_trans_date, 15, 2);
    when v_min between 1 and 30 then
    result := (v_hour * 100) + 30;
    when v_min = 0 then
    result := v_hour * 100;
    when v_min > 30 then
    result := (v_hour + 1) * 100;
    end case;
    -- convert 2400 to 0000
    if result = 2400 then
    result := 0;
    elsif result = 2430 then
    result := 30;
    end if;
    return result;
    end return_timeid;
    The result will be a time ID, depending on the source record value in the source table. How do I keep the time ID in the variable that I created.
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    this is my error:
    904 : 42000 : java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00904: "GPRS_HOME_CDRS"."CALL_DATE_DT": invalid identifier

    I tried to call the function in the mapping. My code:
    but then I get the ORA-00936 (missing expression)
    My code generated in the operator when loading the flow table:
    insert /*+ APPEND */ into BIUSER.I$_FACT_ABIL_GPRS_T
    When length(rtrim(C19_QOS_USED_1_V)) = 7 then 1
    else 2
    end case,
         biuser.return_timeid(C12_CALL_DATE_DT),     DIM_APN.DIMAPNID,
         'I' IND_UPDATE
    where     (1=1)
    AND (to_number(to_char(C12_CALL_DATE_DT,'RRRRMMDD'))=DIM_DATE.DIMDATEID)
    AND (nvl(C4_ACCESS_POINT_NAME_V,'Undefined')=DIM_APN.APN)
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         'I'     IND_UPDATE

  • How to convert Oracle function in UDB

    Hi ,
    i am writing this function in oracle.Could you please convert this function in UDB because i am new in this and dont know how to use decode function in UDB
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    return number
    as x number;
    select sum ( decode (count (username),max(prereq_count),1,0) ) x into x from
    group by username ;
    return x;
    end fun;

    First, you posted in the wrong forum for UDB, this is DB2 on z/OS
    Secondly, your question is not SAP related (at least I can't see that).
    Thirdly, you posted the same question for SQL-Server:
    want to convert function in SQL Server 2000

  • How to bring oracle function into ODI

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    Hi Supreeth ,
    Before invoking a stored procedure from Oracle Data Integrator (ODI), run it outside ODI (i.e. SqlPlus), on the database, using the same database user as entered in the ODI Topology for this connection and make sure it is working properly .
    Then, when invoking the stored procedure from Oracle Data Integrator (ODI):
    1. Create an ODI Specific Procedure.
    2. Insert a step and, in the "Technology" drill down box, choose the appropriate RDBMS. Leave the context to "<Execution Context>".
    3. The precise syntax for calling RDBMS stored procedures in ODI may vary from one Technology to another one.
    For Oracle technologies, the syntax is as follows:
    <%=odiRef.getObjectName (pMode, My_Procedure, pLogicalSchemaName, pContextName, pLocation)%> (MY_PARAM1, MY_PARAM2...);
    * My_Procedure - is the stored procedure name
    * MY_PARAM1, MY_PARAM2... - are stored procedure parameter values
    * pMode, pLogicalSchemaName, pContextName, pLocation - are parameters of the getObjectName Substitution Method.
    At my Oracle instance I have a function called MY_FUNCTION
    So my syntax would be
    <%=odiRef.getObjectName ("L","MY_FUNCTION","D")%>

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    anjali5 wrote:
    I am very new to oracle. I am trying to convert this function to oracle, but keep getting errors
    USE [REF]
    /****** Object: UserDefinedFunction [dbo].[fnc_get_home] Script Date: 10/21/2011 17:50:10 ******/
    -- =============================================
    -- Author:          <Author,,Name>
    -- Create date: <Create Date, ,>
    -- Description:     <Description, ,>
    -- =============================================
    ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[fnc_get_home]
         @p_ui nvarchar(50), @p_dt datetime
         declare @v_home NVARCHAR(50);
         select top 1 @v_home = HOME_CODE from dbo.activity_home_b
              where UI = @p_ui
              order by HOME_END_DT desc;
         RETURN @v_home;
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    You refer to Oracle, but I wonder if this has anything to do with ACCESS.
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    Merry Christmas and Happy new year!

    Hi, beattris and rtg54,
    thank you very much for your great help!
    beattris, do you know if there is any such kind of tool free? I am a student and don't want to do commercial product, as you see, my work is very simple, in fact, just as you said, the most important of all is how to get the database structure from oracle schema? do you have any idea about this? or do you know any tool that is open source? so I can learn from it.
    rtg54, I just want to convert the database from oracle to mysql, after that, I can use mysql database as storage instead of expensive oracle database. the problem is that I have some data stored in oracle database and the application is built on oracle, after the convertion, I can use mysql to provide data to jsp or servlet application. I will great appreciate if you can contact with mysql about this problem because I don't know how to contact with them.
    thanks again and happy new year!

  • Converted Oracle 6i Report

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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    - <dataTemplate name="DbitList" defaultPackage="DbitList" version="1.0">
    - <properties>
    <property name="xml_tag_case" value="upper" />
    - <parameters>
    <parameter name="USER_LOAN" dataType="character" />
    <parameter name="FROM_DATE" dataType="date" defaultValue="20/11/2002" />
    <parameter name="TO_DATE" dataType="date" defaultValue="20/11/2002" />
    <lexicals />
    - <dataQuery>
    - <sqlStatement name="Q_1">
    - <![CDATA[ SELECT
    a.REFERANCE_DATE   a_refDate,
    rtrim( p_name,
    a.DATE0 a_date,
    a.FK_AGREEMENTsub_nu  a_sub,
         DbitList.cf_2formula(:CS_wi_curr, :CS_curr_name, :CS_general) CF_2,
         DbitList.cf_rep_descformula(:CS_desc, :CS_desc_wr) CF_rep_desc
    project  p, agreement agr,  agreement_transact t
    agr.number0 = :user_loan    and
    agr.sub_number <> 'P'
    and agr.number0 = t.FK_AGREEMENTNUMBER  
    and  agr.sub_number = t.FK_AGREEMENTsub_nu
    and  agr.number0 = a.FK_AGREEMENTnumber
    and  agr.sub_number  =   a.FK_AGREEMENTsub_nu
    and t.FK_ADVICE_NOTEREFE  = a.REFERENCE_number
       and t.type = 2   
    agr.fk_projectnumber0 = p.number0  
    and a.REFERANCE_DATE >= :From_date    and
    a.REFERANCE_DATE  <= :To_date
    group by 
    rtrim( ,
    a.DATE0  ,
    order by 
    a.DATE0 ,
    - <sqlStatement name="Q_2">
    - <![CDATA[ SELECT 
      T.VALUE_DATE  t_value_date ,
    t.amount   t_amount,
    wr.serial_number   wr_ser_no,
    wr.transfer_rate  wr_transfer_rate,
      rtrim(wr.application_number)    wr_app_no,
    nvl(rtrim(wr.application_sub_nu), ' ')    wr_app_sub,
    rtrim(wr.application_type)    wr_type,
    wr.fk_bank_instrucser  WR_BI,
    nvl(rtrim(wr.description) ,' ')   wr_desc,
    t.FK_ADVICE_NOTEREF0  t_ref_date,
    t.FK_ADVICE_NOTEREFE  t_ref_no,
         DbitList.cf_composed_noformula(rtrim ( wr.application_type ), rtrim ( wr.application_number ), nvl ( rtrim ( wr.application_sub_nu ) , ' ' )) CF_composed_no
    FROM AGREEMENT_TRANSACT t,  withdrawal_request wr
    t.type = 2  and
    t.status = 1
      and t.fk_withdrawal_rser     = wr.serial_number and t.FK_AGREEMENTNUMBER=:a_loan and T.FK_AGREEMENTSUB_NU=:a_sub and t.FK_ADVICE_NOTEREFE=:a_refNo and t.FK_ADVICE_NOTEREF0=:a_refDate
    - <sqlStatement name="Q_4">
    - <![CDATA[ SELECT
    wi.FK_WITHDRAWAL_RSER  wi_wr_ser,
    wi.KD_AMOUNT  wi_kd_amt,
    wi.amount  general_format,
      wi.fk_contract_lisfk   wi_contract  ,
      wi.fk_contract_lisser   wi_contract_item ,
    to_char(wi.AMOUNT,'999,999,999.999')   format1,
    to_char(wi.AMOUNT,'9,999,999,999.99')   format2,
    to_char(wi.AMOUNT,'999,999,999,999')   format3,
    wi.FK_CURRENCYCODE  wi_curr,
    nvl(wi.FK_AGREEMENT_TOSER,0)  wi_ar,
    wi.FK_LIST_OF_GOODSER  wi_item,
    rtrim(c.short_name_e)  c_curr,
         DbitList.cf_1formula(wi.FK_CURRENCYCODE, to_char ( wi.AMOUNT , '999,999,999.999' ), to_char ( wi.AMOUNT , '999,999,999,999' ), to_char ( wi.AMOUNT , '9,999,999,999.99' )) CF_1
    FROM WITHDRAWAL_ITEM wi, currency c
    where c.code  = wi.fk_currencycode and wi.FK_WITHDRAWAL_RSER=:wr_ser_no
    - <sqlStatement name="Q_5">
    - <![CDATA[ select
    clgd.number0  itm_txtNo,
    from contract_list_of_g clgd
    WHERE clgd.fk_contractserial=:wi_contract and clgd.serial_number=:wi_contract_item
    - <sqlStatement name="Q_3">
    - <dataStructure>
    - <group name="G_a_date" dataType="varchar2" source="Q_1">
    <element name="p_name" dataType="varchar2" value="P_NAME" />
    <element name="a_date" dataType="date" value="A_DATE" />
    <element name="a_refNo" dataType="number" value="A_REFNO" />
    <element name="a_refDate" dataType="date" value="A_REFDATE" />
    <element name="a_loan" dataType="number" value="A_LOAN" />
    <element name="a_sub" dataType="varchar2" value="A_SUB" />
    <element name="CS_desc" function="first" dataType="varchar2" value="G_VALUE_DATE.CS_BI_DESC" />
    <element name="CS_kd" function="sum" dataType="number" value="G_VALUE_DATE.t_amount" />
    <element name="CS_general" function="sum" dataType="number" value="G_FK_WITHDRAWAL_RSER1.general_format" />
    <element name="CS_wi_curr" function="first" dataType="varchar2" value="G_wi_wr_ser.wi_curr" />
    <element name="CS_curr_name" function="first" dataType="varchar2" value="G_wi_wr_ser.c_curr" />
    <element name="CS_app_no" function="first" dataType="varchar2" value="G_VALUE_DATE.CF_composed_no" />
    <element name="CF_2" dataType="varchar2" value="CF_2" />
    <element name="CF_rep_desc" dataType="varchar2" value="CF_rep_desc" />
    <element name="CS_desc_wr" function="first" dataType="varchar2" value="G_VALUE_DATE.wr_desc" />
    <element name="CS_ITEM" function="first" dataType="varchar2" value="G_wi_wr_ser.CS_itm_text" />
    <element name="CS_KD_FIRST" function="first" dataType="varchar2" value="G_wi_wr_ser.CS_itm_kd" />
    - <group name="G_VALUE_DATE" dataType="varchar2" source="Q_2">
    <element name="WR_BI" dataType="number" value="WR_BI" />
    <element name="wr_transfer_rate" dataType="number" value="WR_TRANSFER_RATE" />
    <element name="t_amount" dataType="number" value="T_AMOUNT" />
    <element name="CS_BI_DESC" function="first" dataType="varchar2" value="G_BI_SER.BI_DESC" />
    <element name="wr_desc" dataType="varchar2" value="WR_DESC" />
    <element name="wr_app_sub" dataType="varchar2" value="WR_APP_SUB" />
    <element name="wr_type" dataType="varchar2" value="WR_TYPE" />
    <element name="wr_ser_no" dataType="number" value="WR_SER_NO" />
    <element name="WR_NO" dataType="varchar2" value="WR_APP_NO" />
    <element name="VALUE_DATE" dataType="date" value="T_VALUE_DATE" />
    <element name="FK_AGREEMENTNUMBER" dataType="number" value="FK_AGREEMENTNUMBER" />
    <element name="FK_AGREEMENTSUB_NU" dataType="varchar2" value="FK_AGREEMENTSUB_NU" />
    <element name="FK_ADVICE_NOTEREF0" dataType="date" value="T_REF_DATE" />
    <element name="FK_ADVICE_NOTEREFE" dataType="number" value="T_REF_NO" />
    <element name="CF_composed_no" dataType="varchar2" value="CF_composed_no" />
    <element name="CS_Ordinary_kd" function="sum" dataType="number" value="G_wi_wr_ser.CS_itm_kd" />
    - <group name="G_wi_wr_ser" dataType="varchar2" source="Q_4">
    <element name="wi_item" dataType="number" value="WI_ITEM" />
    <element name="FK_WITHDRAWAL_RSER1" dataType="number" value="WI_WR_SER" />
    <element name="wi_curr" dataType="number" value="WI_CURR" />
    <element name="c_curr" dataType="varchar2" value="C_CURR" />
    <element name="CS_itm_text" function="first" dataType="varchar2" value="G_fk_contractserial.itm_txtNo1" />
    <element name="CS_itm_kd" function="sum" dataType="number" value="G_FK_WITHDRAWAL_RSER1.wi_kd_amt" />
    <element name="CS_itm_general" function="sum" dataType="number" value="G_FK_WITHDRAWAL_RSER1.general_format" />
    - <group name="G_itm_txtNo" dataType="varchar2" source="Q_4">
    <element name="wi_ar" dataType="number" value="WI_AR" />
    <element name="wi_contract" dataType="number" value="WI_CONTRACT" />
    <element name="wi_contract_item" dataType="number" value="WI_CONTRACT_ITEM" />
    - <group name="G_FK_WITHDRAWAL_RSER1" dataType="varchar2" source="Q_4">
    <element name="general_format" dataType="number" value="GENERAL_FORMAT" />
    <element name="format2" dataType="varchar2" value="FORMAT2" />
    <element name="format3" dataType="varchar2" value="FORMAT3" />
    <element name="format1" dataType="varchar2" value="FORMAT1" />
    <element name="wi_kd_amt" dataType="number" value="WI_KD_AMT" />
    <element name="CF_1" dataType="varchar2" value="CF_1" />
    - <group name="G_fk_contractserial" dataType="varchar2" source="Q_5">
    <element name="itm_txtNo1" dataType="varchar2" value="ITM_TXTNO" />
    <element name="fk_contractserial" dataType="number" value="FK_CONTRACTSERIAL" />
    <element name="serial_number" dataType="number" value="SERIAL_NUMBER" />
    - <group name="G_BI_SER" dataType="varchar2" source="Q_3">
    <element name="BI_SER" dataType="number" value="BI_SER" />
    <element name="BI_DESC" dataType="varchar2" value="BI_DESC" />
    <element name="CS_1" function="first" dataType="varchar2" value="G_a_date.p_name" />
    <element name="CS_rep_kd" function="sum" dataType="number" value="G_a_date.CS_kd" />

    Hi Kesava
    Can you check the $APPLCSF/$APPLOUT directory and see if you can see the file and its size? Maybe open it with vi or emacs and goto the last line and see if its complete.
    You might also check the OPP log for this request to see if there is anyting in that log?

  • SQL Server Procedures to Oracle Functions

    Is there an option in the Migration Assistant 1.2.0 that will convert the SQL Server procedures into Oracle Functions (rather than procedures)?
    By default the T/SQL procedures return a integer status code. Our middle-tier requires calls to procedures to return a status code (integer), and I'd like the migration to modify the "procedure" to a "Function returning Integer" rather than Procedure.

    This is not an option currently. We will look into this for a future release. You could manually make the changes post conversion, prior to generation. As well as adding appropriate RETURN statements, you may want to add additional exception handling so the appropriate error is passed back.

  • Converting Decode function in OBIEE

    Hi Guru's
    we are converting some BO reports to OBIEE and need to convert Decode function
    Below is the Decode function they are using:
    Decode ( sign(nvl(BOOKINGS_DATA_UDTC.qty_shipped,0)), 0,decode(BOOKINGS_DATA_UDTC.DELIVERY_NUMBER, 0,decode(BOOKINGS_DATA_UDTC.Schd_Ship_date_fk,to_date('1/1/1990','mm/dd/yyyy'),'Next Month Backlog',decode(sign(nvl(BOOKINGS_DATA_UDTC.Schd_Ship_date_fk, '01-JAN-90') -PAR.PAR_DATE), 1, 'Next Month Backlog', 'Current month will ship')) ,'Awaiting for collection') ,'MTD Shipped')
    i have tried converting into case :
    case when sign(IFNULL("BOOKINGS_DATA_UDTC"."Qty Shipped",0)) = 0 then (case when "BOOKINGS_DATA_UDTC"."Delivery Number" = 0 then (case when "BOOKINGS_DATA_UDTC"."SCHD_SHIP_DATE_FK" = '01-JAN-1990' then 'Next Month Backlog' else (case when Timestampdiff(SQL_TSI_DAY, cast('@{ParDate}{28-DEC-2012}' as Date),(case when "BOOKINGS_DATA_UDTC"."SCHD_SHIP_DATE_FK" IS NULL then CAst('01-JAN-1990' as DATE) else "BOOKINGS_DATA_UDTC"."SCHD_SHIP_DATE_FK" end)) > 1 then 'Next Month Backlog' else 'Current Month Will Ship' end) end) else 'Awaiting For Collection' end) else 'MTD Shipped' end
    But it is not workign as expected.
    Can some one please help me with this.

    you can achieve it by using CASE WHEN condition END function in obiee. nested case also supported by obiee.
    check the below link Decode Join  Condition in OBIEE RPD
    Edited by: Jay on Apr 3, 2012 12:56 PM

  • Hi, i want to implement a function in ODI

    hi, i am new to odi.
    i have created a project in odi which was very simple and only transfers data from one table to another.
    but now i want to implement a function in odi. i have the code for that function which is written in pl/sql.
    my function accepts some values that are used ahead in the function. now i dont know how to pass the values
    so can anyone plz tell me that how to pass values.
    Edited by: user11116379 on May 21, 2009 1:37 AM

    If you want to call a PL/SQL function, you may want to do this in an ODI procedure. Take a look at the documentation which describes how to call a stored procedure, which is I think going to provide you the ability to execute your function.
    Functions can be called as a part of a mapping in an interface in ODI, just as you would normally use it as part of a select or insert statement.
    If you want to pass parameters into the execution of a task, you should use ODI's variables. Variables may be passed into the execution of a task, and the values from those variables can be used as a part of a mapping, resource name, filter etc.

  • How can i convert oracle report in excel format using 8i

    I want to convert oracle report in excel format using 6i reports. please give the solution with emp table.
    millons of thanks in advance.

    You'll have to use the destype DELIMITEDDATA to render your Report in CSV format. Then set the mime type to Excel. I don't know the exact syntax, so please do a search in metalink for "reports excel" for examples and more info.
    Martin Malmstrom

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    Hi friends !! I m trying to convert oracle 10g report into excel form.Its coming in excel form but not with all formats.How to solve the problem?

    Please give us more information what kind of report(s). Sample example etc.,

  • XML Error while calling webservice from oracle function.

    I am getting an error while I am trying to call webservice from oracle function. Any ideas? Thanks.
    select get_new_string ('proxy:80', 'http://xxx/PatternVariations/SourceTest/WebMethods','Scott') from dual
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-31011: XML parsing failed
    ORA-19202: Error occurred in XML processing
    LPX-00225: end-element tag "H4" does not match start-element tag "P"
    Error at line 9
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.XMLTYPE", line 0
    ORA-06512: at "DORSBP00.DEMO_SOAP", line 82
    ORA-06512: at "DORSBP00.GET_NEW_STRING", line 11

    The error message implies that the web service is returning something that is not well formed xml. Can you verify what is being returned by the web service call

  • Can't convert oracle.xml.parser.DTD to oracle.xml.parser.v2.DTD.

    I am getting the following Error while trying
    to compile the file(Generating an XML document from a given Employee.dtd).
    I have set my classpath to use xmlparser.jar.
    D:\XMls>javac Can't convert oracle.xml.parser.DTD to oracle.xml.parser.v2.DTD.
    generator.generate(dtd, doctype_name);

    Would you check the java parser version you are using? If using java parser V2, the normal lib name is xmlparserv2.jar.

  • Can't open oracle functions after installation R12 On windows 2008 64 bit

    Hi guys
    i am installed oracle R12.1.1 on windows server 2008 R2 64 bit,then the application is opening but all oracle forms functions can't open,the message appear frm-92101 ,i am try the solutions in net but no effect,and i am getting another message from windows that and this appear when try to open another oracle functions
    aprogram running on this computer is trying to display a message ,then
    message title:
    E:\oracle\VIS\apps\tech_st\10.1.3\appsutil\jdk\bin\java "-serv
    This problem accours when a program is not fully compatible with windows
    This message appear when starting windows also but the java path inside oracle apps files,please help me if oracle r12.1.1 compatible with win 2008 64 bit or not???

    os :WINDOWS SERVER 2008-32 BIT,explorer: IE 7,
    FRM-92101: There was a failure in the Forms Server during startup. This could happened due to invalid configruation. Please look into the web-server log file for details.
    Java Exception: Forms session (1) aborted: unable to communicate with runtime process
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at oracle.forms.engine.FormsDispatcher.initConnection(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.forms.egnine.FormsDispatcher.init(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.forms.egnine.Runform.initConnection(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.forms.egnine.Runform.startRunform(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.forms.egnine.Main.createRunform(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.forms.egnine.Main.start(Unknown Source)
    at sun.plugin2Applet.Panel.Plugin2Manager$ Source)
    at Source)

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    Hello, I've purchased in 2005 the new iMac G5 through the Apple Store. At first everything was doing great. I was using it only for my personal usage, since I had been given a PC laptop for work. I started using it less & less (no time, too much work

  • Open Excel files in Excel

    Hello, I just downloaded FireFox 8 because I've had enough of IE. Now, when I click on an Excel file in Sharepoint 2010 it opens it directly in Firefox, without the option of download/save. I need to open these files in Excel so I have the analysis a

  • Can't merge 3  selected paths in pathfinder with Illustrator CS4 Mac OSX

    I have 3 stroked circles that I would like to merge with pathfinder.  Illustrator makes the images dissappear instead of merging them.  Is this a bug?  Is there a workaround? Thanks Kathleen

  • Deauthorization

    I just purchased a compaq laptop. I also bought an external hard drive. So I was browsing itunes. I purchased a tv show. I hooked up my ipod. I want to put it on my ipod but it wont let me. So I go to deauthorize and put in the correct information bu