Converting string to int

I cannot convert this string to integer.
int tempI = Integer.parseInt("fdcedfbd", 16);
it returns a numberFormatException
but if I do this then there will be no problem.
int tempI = 0xfdcedfbd
Can anybody help me with this? Thank you.

It sounds like the real problem here is that someone is giving you an 8-byte unsigned value represented as a 16-character hexadecimal string, and they want you to convert that into the actual 8 bytes. Are they going to do bit manipulation on it or something?
If you successfully convert it into a long and they then try to do math with it, they'll run into the sign/overflow problems everyone else has been talking about. If they just want to look at the individual bits then it would make sense to do the conversion into a long.
You could do something like this:
  private static final String highOrderDigits = "89abcdef";
  public long hexToLong(String hex) {
    // Only process exactly 16-digit strings.
    if (hex.length() != 16) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expect 16-digit hex value");
    boolean overflow = false;
    // Check for most significant digit > 7, which would
    // cause problem for parseLong.
    int highOrderIndex = highOrderDigits.indexOf(hex.charAt(0));
    if (highOrderIndex > -1) {
      // Clear most-significant bit and set overflow flag.
      overflow = true;
      hex = "" + highOrderIndex + hex.substring(1);
    long result = Long.parseLong(hex, 16);
    if (overflow) {
      // Manually set most significant bit in result.
      result |= 0x8000000000000000L;
    return result;
  }I more or less tested this and it looks to work.

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    Log the parameters being used in your application.
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    parseInt() and not parceInt() I think.
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    temp3=Number ( temp );
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    String.valueOf(int) takes an int and returns a string.
    Integer.parseInt(str) takes a string, returns an int.
    For all the others long, double, hex etc. RTFM :)

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    always remember to use the try/catch block with thins that throw exceptions
    String gg;
    int in;
    gg = "30";
       in = Integer.parseInt(gg);
    catch(NumberFormatException e){ 

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    How to convert string to an integer in sql server,
    Input : string str="1,2,3,5"
    Output would be : 1,2,3,5
    Thanks in advance.

    No, you cannot convert to INT and get 1,2,3 BUT you can get
    Is it ok?
    CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[SplitString]
             @str VARCHAR(MAX)
        RETURNS @ret TABLE (token VARCHAR(MAX))
        DECLARE @x XML 
        SET @x = '<t>' + REPLACE(@str, ',', '</t><t>') + '</t>'
        INSERT INTO @ret
            SELECT x.i.value('.', 'VARCHAR(MAX)') AS token
            FROM @x.nodes('//t') x(i)
    SELECT * FROM SplitString ('1,2,3')
    Best Regards,Uri Dimant SQL Server MVP,
    MS SQL optimization: MS SQL Development and Optimization
    MS SQL Consulting:
    Large scale of database and data cleansing
    Remote DBA Services:
    Improves MS SQL Database Performance
    SQL Server Integration Services:
    Business Intelligence

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    int numCell;
    string[] arr = new string[numCell];
    then i use it in a function like this:
    sum += int.Parse(arr[i]);
    and it works!
    but, when i dothe same thing in WPF it tells me:
    Input string was not in a correct format.
    what shouuld i do?

    Why did you mark your own question as answer? Please unmark it.
    >>if in C# it worked why wouldn't it work in wpf?
    As I have already mentioned, it is because of the actual value of arr[i]. It has nothing to do with Windows Forms or WPF but it is possible that your WPF application has put a different value in the array than your Windows Forms Application did. And if this
    specific value is not a valid number the parsing will always fail. So you should check the values that put into the array and probably use the int.TryParse method to do the parsing:
    int sum;
    if (!int.TryParse(arr[i], out sum))
    //the value of arr[i] was NOT a valid number...
    This will however not change the fact that for example the value "D1" cannot be converted to an int using the int.Parse or int.TryParse method.
    Please remember to close your threads by marking helpful posts as answer and please start a new thread if you have a new question.

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