Convertion OWB 9.0.3 ti OWG 10g

When I try to export/import from owb 9.0.3 to OWB 10g I got a error.
(CNV0002-0038(ERROR): Source language English with ISO id en is not in the list of supported languages.)
The base language of my OWB 9.0.3 is English and OWB 10g is American English.
How can I chnge the base language?

I have same problem....
I prepare migration from OWB to OWB 10g (
I looking for language settings for both version, and I have installed same languages....
9.0.3 en English en English, cz Czech
I have
if each exported MDL file from version 9.x...
When I run mdlconvert application, the response still is...
CNV.....Source language English with ISO id en is not in the list of supported languages.
Related list is ...where ? ..:o)
Do you have somebody ideas for solve this problem ?

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    How can i convert data from DBF to oracle database 10g?

    I assume you at least know how to dump the contents of foxpro dbf file into CSV format.
    Regarding SQL*Loader, hope this demo makes it a bit clear to you...
    I agree that it is an old web page (references Oracle 8.0.5) but basics remain the same.
    If it is still unclear to you after referring above link, then get an Oracle consultant.

  • Converting Uix 9.0.3 application to 10g

    Just wondering if anyone successfully convert a fully functioning UIX 9.0.3 application to 10g? My 9.0.3 application (which is currently deployed fine) seems to put 9.0.5 in deadlock. This happens after I dismiss the dialog stating it wants to convert my 9.0.3 application to 10g.

    Here a UIX page after conversion
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252"?>
    <page xmlns=""
          xmlns:pcs="" expressionLanguage="el" xmlns:ui="">
      <bc4j:rootAppModuleDef name="WebCategArrayDescrViewAppModule"
                             releaseMode="stateful" >
        <bc4j:viewObjectDef name="ViewWebCategLevel1"
                            rangeSize="5" />
        <bc4j:viewObjectDef name="ViewGcoGoodNew"
                            rangeSize="3" />                       
      <templates xmlns="">
        <templateImport source="template/library.uit"/>
      <!--<include node="template/pcsTemplate.uix"/>-->
        <try xmlns=""
             xmlns:data="" >
           <displayException />
            <bc4j:rootAppModuleScope name="WebCategArrayDescrViewAppModule">
                <pcs:pcsPageLayout xmlns=""
                            title="" >
                        function DetailProd(UrlName)
                                     {width:550, height:500},
                          return false;
                              <styledText data:text="Bienvenue dans le@text" styleClass="OraLightHeader"/>
                                  <spacer width="40"/>
                                      <image source="pictures/welcome.png" hAlign="center"/>
                              <spacer width="1" height="20"/>
                        <bc4j:viewObjectScope name="ViewWebCategLevel1">
                                <data name="fromWebCategLevel1View">
                                  <method class="ch.proconcept.ui.env.bc4j.ViewHook" method="getList"/>
                                <pcs:link word="Bienvenue dans le" destination="aaa">
                                <pcs:label readOnly="true"/>
                                <tableLayout hAlign="center" width="100%" borderWidth="0">
                                    <rowLayout hAlign="center">
                                      <contents childData="${}">
                                        <image data:destination="__link#WebCateg#WebCategArrayId#choisecat#viewCatDirectAdd2Cart" source="${uix.current.WcdPictureUrl}" text="${uix.current.WcdLongDescr}"/>
                  <data name="text">
                    <method class="ch.proconcept.ui.env.engine.servlet.PcsPageFlowEngine" method="getText"/>
        <!-- Add EventHandlers (<event> elements) here  -->
    </page>JDev change the binding -> expressionLanguage="el". It's OK.
    But why this code
      <bc4j:rootAppModuleDef name="WebCategArrayDescrViewAppModule"
                             releaseMode="stateful" >
        <bc4j:viewObjectDef name="ViewWebCategLevel1"
                            rangeSize="5" />
        <bc4j:viewObjectDef name="ViewGcoGoodNew"
                            rangeSize="3" />                       
      </bc4j:registryDef>      always exist ?
    In JDev doc you say "Don't mix EL and old databinding"
    xmlns:bc4j="" always here ????
    <contents childData="${}"> good change, but not this
    <image data:destination="__link#WebCateg#WebCategArrayId#choisecat#viewCatDirectAdd2Cart"With my application I have not successfully converted.
    Maybe I have wrong use UIX version 9.0.3 however with JDev 9.0.3 my application work fine.
    Currently I am evaluating the change induces by JDev 10g in my application to know if I will make the change.

  • Testing a mapping in OWG 10g R2

    Dear all
    I am rather new to OWB 10g, I have used 9i in the past.
    In the previous version, if you would like to run a mapping, you could do that by using Oracle Workflow 2.6.
    Could you please let me know how it is done in this version? Any decent documentation with real examples?
    Many thanks

    You don't really need Workflow to run mappings, but if you want to add workflow logic then you need to use DBMS_SCHEDULER (where you create so called 'chains' (batches)) or use its GUI counterpart Oracle Workflow.
    Here is a link to the 10gR2 Oracle by Example pages. We don't use Workflow (yet), so can't give you any real experience feedback.
    You might know this one, but just in case, here is the link to the Oracle Workflow home page:
    grts, Ed

  • Exception while importing/converting 9.0.3 MWP file to 10g

    Using Toplink 10.0.3 (Preview) I am trying to import an existing 9.0.3 Toplink Mapping Workbench Project. It throws the following exception:
    Exception Description: The method [isStub] on the object [oracle.toplink.workbench.model.meta.MWClass] triggered an exception.
    Internal Exception: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
    Target Invocation Exception: java.lang.NullPointerException
    Mapping: oracle.toplink.mappings.DirectToFieldMapping[stub-->class.stub]
    Descriptor: XMLDescriptor(oracle.toplink.workbench.model.meta.MWClass --> [DatabaseTable(class)])
    Stack trace:
    Local Exception Stack:
    Exception [TOPLINK-99] (OracleAS TopLink - 10g (10.0.3) Developer Preview (Build 030902.1548)): oracle.toplink.exceptions.DescriptorException
    Exception Description: The method [isStub] on the object [oracle.toplink.workbench.model.meta.MWClass] triggered an exception.
    Internal Exception: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
    Target Invocation Exception: java.lang.NullPointerException
    Mapping: oracle.toplink.mappings.DirectToFieldMapping[stub-->class.stub]
    Descriptor: XMLDescriptor(oracle.toplink.workbench.model.meta.MWClass --> [DatabaseTable(class)])
         at oracle.toplink.exceptions.DescriptorException.targetInvocationWhileGettingValueThruMethodAccessor(
         at oracle.toplink.internal.descriptors.MethodAttributeAccessor.getAttributeValueFromObject(
         at oracle.toplink.mappings.DatabaseMapping.getAttributeValueFromObject(
         at oracle.toplink.mappings.DirectToFieldMapping.buildCloneValue(
         at oracle.toplink.mappings.DirectToFieldMapping.buildClone(
         at oracle.toplink.internal.descriptors.ObjectBuilder.populateAttributesForClone(
         at oracle.toplink.publicinterface.UnitOfWork.cloneAndRegisterNewObject(
         at oracle.toplink.publicinterface.UnitOfWork.internalRegisterObject(
         at oracle.toplink.publicinterface.UnitOfWork.registerObject(
         at oracle.toplink.mappings.ObjectReferenceMapping.buildCloneForPartObject(
         at oracle.toplink.internal.indirection.NoIndirectionPolicy.cloneAttribute(
         at oracle.toplink.mappings.ForeignReferenceMapping.buildClone(
         at oracle.toplink.internal.descriptors.ObjectBuilder.populateAttributesForClone(
         at oracle.toplink.mappings.AggregateMapping.buildClonePart(
         at oracle.toplink.sdk.SDKAggregateCollectionMapping.buildClonePart(
         at oracle.toplink.mappings.AggregateMapping.buildClone(
         at oracle.toplink.internal.descriptors.ObjectBuilder.populateAttributesForClone(
         at oracle.toplink.publicinterface.UnitOfWork.cloneAndRegisterNewObject(
         at oracle.toplink.publicinterface.UnitOfWork.internalRegisterObject(
         at oracle.toplink.publicinterface.UnitOfWork.registerObject(
         at oracle.toplink.mappings.ObjectReferenceMapping.buildCloneForPartObject(
         at oracle.toplink.internal.indirection.NoIndirectionPolicy.cloneAttribute(
         at oracle.toplink.mappings.ForeignReferenceMapping.buildClone(
         at oracle.toplink.internal.descriptors.ObjectBuilder.populateAttributesForClone(
         at oracle.toplink.mappings.AggregateMapping.buildClonePart(
         at oracle.toplink.sdk.SDKAggregateCollectionMapping.buildClonePart(
         at oracle.toplink.mappings.AggregateMapping.buildClone(
         at oracle.toplink.internal.descriptors.ObjectBuilder.populateAttributesForClone(
         at oracle.toplink.publicinterface.UnitOfWork.cloneAndRegisterNewObject(
         at oracle.toplink.publicinterface.UnitOfWork.internalRegisterObject(
         at oracle.toplink.publicinterface.UnitOfWork.registerObject(
         at oracle.toplink.mappings.ObjectReferenceMapping.buildCloneForPartObject(
         at oracle.toplink.internal.indirection.NoIndirectionPolicy.cloneAttribute(
         at oracle.toplink.mappings.ForeignReferenceMapping.buildClone(
         at oracle.toplink.internal.descriptors.ObjectBuilder.populateAttributesForClone(
         at oracle.toplink.mappings.AggregateMapping.buildClonePart(
         at oracle.toplink.mappings.AggregateMapping.buildClone(
         at oracle.toplink.internal.descriptors.ObjectBuilder.populateAttributesForClone(
         at oracle.toplink.mappings.AggregateMapping.buildClonePart(
         at oracle.toplink.sdk.SDKAggregateCollectionMapping.buildClonePart(
         at oracle.toplink.mappings.AggregateMapping.buildClone(
         at oracle.toplink.internal.descriptors.ObjectBuilder.populateAttributesForClone(
         at oracle.toplink.publicinterface.UnitOfWork.cloneAndRegisterNewObject(
         at oracle.toplink.publicinterface.UnitOfWork.internalRegisterObject(
         at oracle.toplink.publicinterface.UnitOfWork.registerObject(
         at oracle.toplink.mappings.ObjectReferenceMapping.buildCloneForPartObject(
         at oracle.toplink.internal.indirection.NoIndirectionPolicy.cloneAttribute(
         at oracle.toplink.mappings.ForeignReferenceMapping.buildClone(
         at oracle.toplink.internal.descriptors.ObjectBuilder.populateAttributesForClone(
         at oracle.toplink.mappings.AggregateMapping.buildClonePart(
         at oracle.toplink.sdk.SDKAggregateCollectionMapping.buildClonePart(
         at oracle.toplink.mappings.AggregateMapping.buildClone(
         at oracle.toplink.internal.descriptors.ObjectBuilder.populateAttributesForClone(
         at oracle.toplink.publicinterface.UnitOfWork.cloneAndRegisterNewObject(
         at oracle.toplink.publicinterface.UnitOfWork.internalRegisterObject(
         at oracle.toplink.publicinterface.UnitOfWork.registerObject(
         at oracle.toplink.mappings.ObjectReferenceMapping.buildCloneForPartObject(
         at oracle.toplink.internal.indirection.NoIndirectionPolicy.cloneAttribute(
         at oracle.toplink.mappings.ForeignReferenceMapping.buildClone(
         at oracle.toplink.internal.descriptors.ObjectBuilder.populateAttributesForClone(
         at oracle.toplink.mappings.AggregateMapping.buildClonePart(
         at oracle.toplink.mappings.AggregateMapping.buildClone(
         at oracle.toplink.internal.descriptors.ObjectBuilder.populateAttributesForClone(
         at oracle.toplink.mappings.AggregateMapping.buildClonePart(
         at oracle.toplink.sdk.SDKAggregateCollectionMapping.buildClonePart(
         at oracle.toplink.mappings.AggregateMapping.buildClone(
         at oracle.toplink.internal.descriptors.ObjectBuilder.populateAttributesForClone(
         at oracle.toplink.publicinterface.UnitOfWork.cloneAndRegisterNewObject(
         at oracle.toplink.publicinterface.UnitOfWork.internalRegisterObject(
         at oracle.toplink.publicinterface.UnitOfWork.registerObject(
         at oracle.toplink.mappings.ObjectReferenceMapping.buildCloneForPartObject(
         at oracle.toplink.internal.indirection.NoIndirectionPolicy.cloneAttribute(
         at oracle.toplink.mappings.ForeignReferenceMapping.buildClone(
         at oracle.toplink.internal.descriptors.ObjectBuilder.populateAttributesForClone(
         at oracle.toplink.mappings.AggregateMapping.buildClonePart(
         at oracle.toplink.sdk.SDKAggregateCollectionMapping.buildClonePart(
         at oracle.toplink.mappings.AggregateMapping.buildClone(
         at oracle.toplink.internal.descriptors.ObjectBuilder.populateAttributesForClone(
         at oracle.toplink.publicinterface.UnitOfWork.cloneAndRegisterNewObject(
         at oracle.toplink.publicinterface.UnitOfWork.internalRegisterObject(
         at oracle.toplink.publicinterface.UnitOfWork.registerObject(
         at oracle.toplink.mappings.ObjectReferenceMapping.buildCloneForPartObject(
         at oracle.toplink.internal.indirection.NoIndirectionPolicy.cloneAttribute(
         at oracle.toplink.mappings.ForeignReferenceMapping.buildClone(
         at oracle.toplink.internal.descriptors.ObjectBuilder.populateAttributesForClone(
         at oracle.toplink.mappings.AggregateMapping.buildClonePart(
         at oracle.toplink.mappings.AggregateMapping.buildClone(
         at oracle.toplink.internal.descriptors.ObjectBuilder.populateAttributesForClone(
         at oracle.toplink.mappings.AggregateMapping.buildClonePart(
         at oracle.toplink.sdk.SDKAggregateCollectionMapping.buildClonePart(
         at oracle.toplink.mappings.AggregateMapping.buildClone(
         at oracle.toplink.internal.descriptors.ObjectBuilder.populateAttributesForClone(
         at oracle.toplink.publicinterface.UnitOfWork.cloneAndRegisterNewObject(
         at oracle.toplink.publicinterface.UnitOfWork.internalRegisterObject(
         at oracle.toplink.publicinterface.UnitOfWork.registerObject(
         at oracle.toplink.mappings.ObjectReferenceMapping.buildCloneForPartObject(
         at oracle.toplink.internal.indirection.NoIndirectionPolicy.cloneAttribute(
         at oracle.toplink.mappings.ForeignReferenceMapping.buildClone(
         at oracle.toplink.internal.descriptors.ObjectBuilder.populateAttributesForClone(
         at oracle.toplink.publicinterface.UnitOfWork.cloneAndRegisterNewObject(
         at oracle.toplink.publicinterface.UnitOfWork.internalRegisterObject(
         at oracle.toplink.publicinterface.UnitOfWork.registerObject(
         at oracle.toplink.mappings.CollectionMapping.buildElementClone(
         at oracle.toplink.mappings.CollectionMapping.buildCloneForPartObject(
         at oracle.toplink.internal.indirection.NoIndirectionPolicy.cloneAttribute(
         at oracle.toplink.mappings.ForeignReferenceMapping.buildClone(
         at oracle.toplink.internal.descriptors.ObjectBuilder.populateAttributesForClone(
         at oracle.toplink.publicinterface.UnitOfWork.cloneAndRegisterNewObject(
         at oracle.toplink.publicinterface.UnitOfWork.internalRegisterObject(
         at oracle.toplink.publicinterface.UnitOfWork.registerObject(
         at oracle.toplink.workbench.ui.WorkbenchSession.registerProject(
         at oracle.toplink.workbench.ui.WorkbenchSession.addProject(
         at oracle.toplink.workbench.ui.WorkbenchSession.addNewProject(
         at oracle.toplink.workbench.ui.MainView.addNewProject(
         at oracle.toplink.workbench.filesystem.MWFileFactory.openImp(
         at oracle.toplink.tsceditor.ui.persistence.UIPersistenceManager$OpenFile.execute(
    Caused by: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
         at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor99.invoke(Unknown Source)
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.toplink.internal.descriptors.MethodAttributeAccessor.getAttributeValueFromObject(
         ... 119 more
    Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
         at oracle.toplink.workbench.model.meta.MWClass.superclassIsDefaultValue(
         at oracle.toplink.workbench.model.meta.MWClass.isStub(
         ... 123 more
    Has anyone a clue where I should look? Are there features in the 9.0.3 Mapping Workbench not yet supported in 10.0.3?
    Do I need to make settings in 10g before attempting the import/conversion?
    Could there be a wrongly set Classpath?
    When attempting to have the 9.0.3 generated deployment-xml file for this application interpreted using the 10g toplink.jar, I receive the following error:
    Exception [TOPLINK-7094] (OracleAS TopLink - 10g (10.0.3) Developer Preview (Build 030902.1548)): oracle.toplink.exceptions.ValidationException Exception Description: Local Exception Stack: Exception Description: Several [2] SessionLoaderExceptions were thrown: *** Exception [TOPLINK-9005] (OracleAS TopLink - 10g (10.0.3) Developer Preview (Build 030902.1548)): oracle.toplink.exceptions.SessionLoaderException Exception Description: An exception was thrown while loading the file [UdoToplink.xml]. Internal Exception: java.lang.VerifyError: (class: oracle/toplink/tools/workbench/XMLProjectReader, method: read signature: (Ljava/lang/String;)Loracle/toplink/sessions/Project;) Incompatible argument to function *** Exception [TOPLINK-9001] (OracleAS TopLink - 10g (10.0.3) Developer Preview (Build 030902.1548)): oracle.toplink.exceptions.SessionLoaderException Exception Description: Unknown tag name: [session] in XML node: [toplink-configuration]. Internal Exception: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException Target Invocation Exception: java.lang.NullPointerException at oracle.toplink.exceptions.SessionLoaderException.finalException( at Source)
    *** Local Exception Stack: Exception [TOPLINK-9005] (OracleAS TopLink - 10g (10.0.3) Developer Preview (Build 030902.1548)): oracle.toplink.exceptions.SessionLoaderException Exception Description: An exception was thrown while loading the file [UdoToplink.xml]. Internal Exception: java.lang.VerifyError: (class: oracle/toplink/tools/workbench/XMLProjectReader, method: read signature: (Ljava/lang/String;)Loracle/toplink/sessions/Project;) Incompatible argument to function at oracle.toplink.exceptions.SessionLoaderException.failedToLoadProjectXml( at Source) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) at Source) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) at Source) at Source) at Source) at Source) at Source) at
    Local Exception Stack: Exception [TOPLINK-9001] (OracleAS TopLink - 10g (10.0.3) Developer Preview (Build 030902.1548)): oracle.toplink.exceptions.SessionLoaderException Exception Description: Unknown tag name: [session] in XML node: [toplink-configuration]. Internal Exception: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException Target Invocation Exception: java.lang.NullPointerException at oracle.toplink.exceptions.SessionLoaderException.unkownTagAtNode( at Source) at Source) at Source) at Source) at Source) at
    Thanks for any help you may provide.
    Lucas Jellema

    I have not seen this issue before. We'll investigate and contact you directly for more info. I'll post the resolution back to this forum once available.

  • Converting column data into rows in oracle 10g

    sample data:
    PATID NA2     NA3     NA4     
    1     3     4     5     
    1     34     45     56     
    1     134     245     356     
    2     134     245     356     
    2     334     275     56     
    2     4     275     56     
    2     4     5     56     
    how to display the above data like
    1 ID1 ID2 ID3 ID4 ID1 ID2 ID3 ID4 ID1 ID2 ID3 ID4
    3 34 134 4 45 245 5 56 356
    2 134 134 4 4 245 275 275 5 356 56 56 56

    Many examples are here:
    (and you can do a search on this forum as well to find more)
    Your sample data is not very clear, by the way.
    Please post a CREATE TABLE and some INSERT statements, just enough to put up the testcase.
    Use the tag before and after posting examples, so formatting will be maintained.
    See the [FAQ|] for more information regarding tags (scroll a bit down)...
    Edited by: hoek on Jan 26, 2010 5:23 PM                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

  • OWB 10.2 - deploying to Discoverer 10g - HELP with cryptic error message

    Hi all,
    Does anyone know what the helpful message below is trying to tell me about my deployment to Discoverer? The validations all pass. The generation is error free. The execution gives the following as "INFORMATIONAL" - however, the EUL is not generated because the error appears to be fatal.
    How can I lookup the object based on the identifier below? The message sucks.
    Thanks in advance,
    The import has failed (your End User Layer has not been modified) - No joins found between component folders of complex folder with identifier '50202FC115E94BFABAD5BBB906CC238F'
    RPE-02154: Failed to deploy EUL

    Replying to myself. I'm still not at all sure what the error means but I encountered it when I had selected "match objects by name" rather than object id prior to deployment.
    Setting it back to object id allowed the deployment to the EUL to work. Still, something seems wrong there.
    - Mike

  • Oracle Forms 10G(tabbed canvasses not working the same as in Forms 6i)

    Hi everyone,
    I have a form which gets called from another form through a list of value. The called form(second form) has a group of tabbed canvases which get displayed depending on the parameters passed from the first form.
    The Form is working prefectly fine in Forms 6i but when I converted the same form in to forms 10G it does not seem to work the same way. The tabbed canvasses are not getting displayed. I am manually having to press the execute query to get data displayed in the tabbed canvasses. I checked the parameters that are being passed and they are the same as that in Forms 6i.
    Please let me know where my 10G Form is going wrong. Appreciate your help, please send me an email on [email protected]

    Re: Oracle Forms 10G not working as Oracle Forms 6i

  • Fonts issue on 10g Reports (Linux)

    A while back I posted some questions about installing fonts on Linux RHEL 5.
    Currently, I'm in process of upgrading Client/Server Forms/Reports from 6i on a Windows platforms to 10g forms/reports on a Linux RHEL5 platform. No database is installed on the server since we are using the TNSNames in the Network Admin to connect to the database.
    I have been able to convert all forms and all reports to 10g. I had an issue with the Arial, Arial Narrow, and Courier New fonts not displaying in output when I generated a PDF file via the screen using the WEB.SHOW_DOCUMENT command. The fonts were translating. I was able to use Metalink Note 261879.1 and run the scripts to generate the AFM files and copy the TTF fonts to the appropriate directories. When I run the reports in 10g on Linux, those 3 fonts display just fine.
    However, I have 3 other fonts (Monotype Sorts, Arial Unicode MS, and one of Barcode fonts) that I need to get working. I've worked with Oracle Support and I'll be honest, the steps they are telling me either aren't very clear or just flat out aren't right.
    I've tried on Windows to use the ttf2pt1 program to generate the AFM files and copied those up to guicommon/tk/admin/AFM directory. I've copied the TTF file up to the associated directory. I've modified the uifont.ali directory to include the font, to no success.
    Has anyone tried to move a Windows font up to Linux (Unix) and got it to work successfully? If so, could you provide me some steps? I've really been trying to get this to work and would do anything at this point to get it to work. I've got about 5 reports that use these 3 fonts and if I get them working, I'm done.
    Please provide good detail, if possible. Oracle Support has just confused me more by providing notes to read and little tidbits here and there but haven't given me something that works in a straightforward manner.

    My uifont.ali:
    # Corrected uifont.ali - Matt Jernigan, Brown University, 31 MAR 2010
    # Corrected [ Global ] aliasing standard Windows fonts.
    # Corrected [ PDF:Subset ] Arial Unicode MS and less standard fonts.
    # Note: These corrections do not necessarily match Oracle docs.
    # 05 APR 2010 - Decided to subset Arial, Arial Narrow, Courier New,
    # and Times New Roman in addition to Arial Unicode MS due to lack of
    # support of UTF-8 in Oracle's PDF engine at this time.  A charset
    # conversion feature for specific fonts would be nice but nothing was
    # found that was working such as arial.....=helvetica.....WE8ISO8859P1
    # $Header: uifont.ali@@/main/22 \
    # Checked in on Tue Jan  8 15:32:42 PST 2002 by idc \
    # Copyright (c) 1999, 2004, Oracle. All rights reserved. 
    # $
    # $Revision: tk2/admin/uifont.ali#0 $
    # Copyright (c) 1994, 2004, Oracle. All rights reserved. 
    #  All Rights Reserved.
    # Each line is of the form:
    #     <Face>.<Size>.<Style>.<Weight>.<Width>.<CharSet> = \
    #                      <Face>.<Size>.<Style>.<Weight>.<Width>.<CharSet>
    # The <Face> must be the name (string/identifier) of a font face.  The
    # <Style>, <Weight>, <Width>, and <CharSet> may either be a numeric
    # value or a predefined identifier/string.  For example, both US7ASCII
    # and 1 are valid <CharSet> values, and refer to the same character set.
    # The <Size> dimension must be an explicit size, in points.
    # The following is a list of recognized names and their numeric
    # equivalents:
    #     Styles                Numeric value
    #       Plain                      0
    #       Italic                     1
    #       Oblique                    2
    #       Underline                  4
    #       Outline                    8
    #       Shadow                    16
    #       Inverted                  32
    #       Overstrike                64
    #       Blink                    128
    #     Weights               Numeric value
    #       Ultralight                 1
    #       Extralight                 2
    #       Light                      3
    #       Demilight                  4
    #       Medium                     5
    #       Demibold                   6
    #       Bold                       7
    #       Extrabold                  8
    #       Ultrabold                  9
    #     Widths                Numeric value
    #       Ultradense                 1
    #       Extradense                 2
    #       Dense                      3
    #       Semidense                  4
    #       Normal                     5
    #       Semiexpand                 6
    #       Expand                     7
    #       Extraexpand                8
    #       Ultraexpand                9
    # Styles may be combined; you can use plus ("+") to delimit parts of a
    # style.  For example,
    #        Arial..Italic+Overstrike = Helvetica.12.Italic.Bold
    # are equivalent, and either one will map any Arial that has both Italic
    # and Overstrike styles to a 12-point, bold, italic Helvetica font.
    # All strings are case-insensitive in mapping.  Font faces are likely to
    # be case-sensitive on lookup, depending on the platform and surface, so
    # care should be taken with names used on the right-hand side; but they
    # will be mapped case-insensitively.
    # See your platform documentation for a list of all supported character
    # sets, and available fonts.
    # BUGS:
    #    o Should accept a RHS ratio (e.g., "Helv = Arial.2/3").
    [ Global ]  # Put mappings for all surfaces here.
    # Mapping from MS Windows
    #MJJ# - Unix apparently lowercases what it reads from the Report
    # and this case must be corrected.
    # Arial = Helvetica will not work. Likely due to Oracle not supporting
    # Regular as a weight such as Arial...Regular = Helvetica...Medium
    #arial               = Arial
    #"arial narrow"      = "Arial Narrow"
    #"courier new"       = "Courier New"
    #"times new roman"   = "Times New Roman"
    "ms sans serif"         = "MS Sans Serif"
    "microsoft sans serif"  = "Microsoft Sans Serif"
    # Note: I'm not providing AFM files for the Sans Serifs.  I'll let
    # the engine do with them as it sees fit.  Best to avoid use of them.
    # Arial Narrow is not really standard enough to be included here
    # so limit use to clients that are known to have it installed.
    # Consider moving Arial Narrow TTF's to the server and subsetting it.
    #MJJ# - Alternative mappings to the above. The PDF engine appears to
    # take liberty with mapping Courier New to Courier and Times New Roman
    # to Times and, if wanted, these mappings appeared to correct this
    # behavior.  Note: not thoroughly tested.  Changing the AFM files
    # from CourierNewPS to CourierNew and such may produce more compatible
    # results on Mac (just a guess) -- though leaving at Courier would be
    # most compatible.
    #arial..Italic.Bold..                = "Arial-BoldItalicMT"..Italic.Bold..
    #arial...Bold..                      = "Arial-BoldMT"...Bold..
    #arial..Italic...                    = "Arial-ItalicMT"..Italic...
    #arial                               = "ArialMT"
    #"courier new"..Italic.Bold..        = "CourierNewPS-BoldItalicMT"..Italic.Bold..
    #"courier new"...Bold..              = "CourierNewPS-BoldMT"...Bold..
    #"courier new"..Italic...            = "CourierNewPS-ItalicMT"..Italic...
    #"courier new"                       = "CourierNewPSMT"
    #"times new roman"..Italic.Bold..    = "TimesNewRomanPS-BoldItalicMT"..Italic.Bold..
    #"times new roman"...Bold..          = "TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT"...Bold..
    #"times new roman"..Italic...        = "TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT"..Italic...
    #"times new roman"                   = "TimesNewRomanPSMT"
    # Mapping from Macintosh
    #"New Century Schlbk" = "new century schoolbook"
    #"New York"        = times
    #geneva            = helvetica
    [ Printer ]  # Put mappings for all printers here.
    [ Printer:PostScript1 ]  # Put mappings for PostScript level 1 printers here.
    # Sample Kanji font mappings
    ...UltraLight..JEUC = "Ryumin-Light-83pv-RKSJ-H"...Light..JEUC
    ...UltraLight..SJIS = "Ryumin-Light-83pv-RKSJ-H"...Light..SJIS
    ...ExtraLight..JEUC = "Ryumin-Light-83pv-RKSJ-H"...Light..JEUC
    ...ExtraLight..SJIS = "Ryumin-Light-83pv-RKSJ-H"...Light..SJIS
    ...Light..JEUC      = "Ryumin-Light-83pv-RKSJ-H"...Light..JEUC
    ...Light..SJIS      = "Ryumin-Light-83pv-RKSJ-H"...Light..SJIS
    ...DemiLight..JEUC  = "Ryumin-Light-83pv-RKSJ-H"...Light..JEUC
    ...DemiLight..SJIS  = "Ryumin-Light-83pv-RKSJ-H"...Light..SJIS
    .....JEUC           = "GothicBBB-Medium-83pv-RKSJ-H"...Medium..JEUC
    .....SJIS           = "GothicBBB-Medium-83pv-RKSJ-H"...Medium..SJIS
    # Mapping from MS Windows
    Roman             = palatino
    Script            = "itc zapf chancery"
    FixedSys          = courier
    System            = helvetica
    # Mapping from Macintosh
    "Avant Garde"     = "itc avant garde gothic"
    # Mapping from Motif display
    fixed             = courier
    clean             = times
    lucidatypewriter  = courier
    lucidabright      = times
    [ Printer:PostScript2 ]  # Put mappings for PostScript level 2 printers here.
    # Sample Kanji font mappings
    ...UltraLight..JEUC = "Ryumin-Light-83pv-RKSJ-H"...Light..JEUC
    ...UltraLight..SJIS = "Ryumin-Light-83pv-RKSJ-H"...Light..SJIS
    ...ExtraLight..JEUC = "Ryumin-Light-83pv-RKSJ-H"...Light..JEUC
    ...ExtraLight..SJIS = "Ryumin-Light-83pv-RKSJ-H"...Light..SJIS
    ...Light..JEUC      = "Ryumin-Light-83pv-RKSJ-H"...Light..JEUC
    ...Light..SJIS      = "Ryumin-Light-83pv-RKSJ-H"...Light..SJIS
    ...DemiLight..JEUC  = "Ryumin-Light-83pv-RKSJ-H"...Light..JEUC
    ...DemiLight..SJIS  = "Ryumin-Light-83pv-RKSJ-H"...Light..SJIS
    .....JEUC           = "GothicBBB-Medium-83pv-RKSJ-H"...Medium..JEUC
    .....SJIS           = "GothicBBB-Medium-83pv-RKSJ-H"...Medium..SJIS
    # Mapping from MS Windows
    Roman             = palatino
    Script            = "itc zapf chancery"
    FixedSys          = courier
    System            = helvetica
    # Mapping from Macintosh
    "Avant Garde"     = "itc avant garde gothic"
    # Mapping from Motif display
    fixed             = courier
    clean             = times
    lucidatypewriter  = courier
    lucidabright      = times
    [ Printer:PCL5 ]  # Put mappings for PCL 5 printers here.
    helvetica         = univers
    times             = "cg times"
    clean             = "antique olv"
    fixed             = courier
    lucida            = univers
    lucidabright      = "cg times"
    lucidatypewriter  = courier
    "new century schoolbook" = univers
    terminal          = "line printer"
    [ Display ]  # Put mappings for all display surfaces here.
    [ Display:Motif ]  # Put mappings for Motif displays here
    # Fix for bug no 778937 DO NOT MOVE!
    Roman.....sjis    = lucida.....jeuc
    Script.....sjis   = lucidabright.....jeuc
    FixedSys.....sjis = fixed.....jeuc
    System.....sjis   = lucida.....jeuc
    .....sjis         = .....jeuc
    # Mapping from MS Windows
    Roman             = lucida
    Script            = lucidabright
    FixedSys          = fixed
    System            = lucida
    # Mapping from Macintosh
    "Avant Garde"     = helvetica
    "Bookman"         = times
    [ Display:CM ]     # Put mappings for all CM displays here.
    # These are DEC-specific, and may need localization
    *..Blink          = Blinking
    *..Inverted+Underline.Bold = ReverseBoldUnderline
    *..Inverted+Underline.     = UnderlineReverse
    *..Underline.Bold = UnderlineBold
    *..Inverted.Bold  = ReverseBold
    *...Bold          = Bold
    *..Underline      = Underline
    *..Inverted       = Reverse
    *                 = Plain                # The font of last resort
    # Oracle Report PDF sections
    # Three new sections have been added:
    # [ PDF ]         - Used for font aliasing and Multibyte language support
    # [ PDF:Embed ]   - Used for Type 1 font embedding
    # [ PDF:Subset ]  - Used for True Type Font subsetting
    # If you have entries for a same font in many PDF sections, then Font
    # Aliasing entry will take precedence over Font Subsetting entry. Entries
    # in Font Subsetting will take precedence over the entries in Font Embedding
    # section.
    # Generic entries for a font must follow more specific entries for the same
    # font.  For instance, if you want to subset helvetica Plain, helvetica Bold,
    # helvetica Italic and helvetica Bold-Italic fonts, your entries must be:
    # [ PDF:Subset ]
    # helvetica..Italic.Bold.. = "Arialbi.ttf"
    # helvetica...Bold..       = "Arialb.ttf"
    # helvetica..Italic...     = "Ariali.ttf"
    # helvetica.....           = "Arial.ttf"
    # If helvetica..... entry appears in the top of the list, all the styles of
    # helvetica font in the layout will be subset as helvetica Plain font.
    [ PDF ]
    # This example shows how to rename helvetica font to Courier font
    # helvetica = Courier
    # You can Alias specific styles of font as below
    # helvetica.12..Bold.. = Courier.14....
    # "Lucida Bright".12..Bold = "New Century Schoolbook"
    # Support for Far Eastern Languages:
    # PDF section can be additionally used to enable Multibyte language support
    # built into Reports.  To use this feature with Adobe (r) Acrobat (c), you
    # need to install the Asian font pack available online at the Adobe web site.
    # .....SJIS = "HeiseiKakuGo-W5-Acro"
    # A Japanese report run with Shift-JIS character set is replaced to
    # HeiseiKakuGo-W5-Acro CID font.
    [ PDF:Embed ]
    # This example shows how to embed Type 1 helvetica font into the PDF file:
    # helvetica = "helvetica.afm helvetica.pfa"
    # You need to specify the .afm file before the .pfa file.
    # The font files must exist in one of the folders specified in REPORTS_PATH.
    [ PDF:Subset ]
    # This example shows how to subset Arial True Type font into the PDF file:
    # helvetica = "Arial.ttf"
    # The True Type font files must exist in any one of the folders specified in
    # Subsetting TrueType Collection fonts:
    # Typically, a TTC font contains several fonts in one file. For example,
    # the TTC file, msgothic.ttc consists of three fonts in the order -
    # MS Gothic, MS PGothic and MS UI Gothic. To subset MS PGothic, the
    # entry in the PDF:Subset section of uifont.ali would be:
    # "MS PGothic" = "msgothic.ttc,1"
    #MJJ# - Removed old subset mappings.
    "arial unicode ms".....             = "ARIALUNI.TTF"
    arial..Italic.Bold..                = "arialbi.ttf"
    arial...Bold..                      = "arialbd.ttf"
    arial..Italic...                    = "ariali.ttf"
    arial                               = "arial.ttf"
    "arial narrow"..Italic.Bold..       = "arialnbi.ttf"
    "arial narrow"...Bold..             = "arialnb.ttf"
    "arial narrow"..Italic...           = "arialni.ttf"
    "arial narrow"                      = "arialn.ttf"
    "courier new"..Italic.Bold..        = "courbi.ttf"
    "courier new"...Bold..              = "courbd.ttf"
    "courier new"..Italic...            = "couri.ttf"
    "courier new"                       = "cour.ttf"
    "times new roman"..Italic.Bold..    = "timesbi.ttf"
    "times new roman"...Bold..          = "timesbd.ttf"
    "times new roman"..Italic...        = "timesi.ttf"
    "times new roman"                   = "times.ttf"
    tahoma...Bold..                     = "tahomabd.ttf"
    tahoma.....                         = "tahoma.ttf"
    # Tahoma is a narrower adaption of Verdana more appropriate for print.
    # Tahoma also has more charsets such as Arabic, Hebrew and Thai.
    # No italics.  Verdana and Tahoma were designed for screen anyhow.
    #MJJ# Miscellaneous Notes:
    # oracle::devlpar4:/u01/app/oracle/Forms1/fonts
    # ARIALUNI.TTF  arialbd.ttf   courbd.ttf    tahomabd.ttf  verdana.ttf
    # arial.ttf     cour.ttf      tahoma.ttf    times.ttf
    # PFA's might be found here: /usr/lib/X11/fonts/type1
    My screenprinter.ppd:
    *% Corrected screenprinter.ppd - Matt Jernigan, Brown U, 31 MAR 2010
    *% Reverted baseline from hp4mp6_1.ppd back to datap462.ppd (Oracle's
    *% default).  Added Arial, Arial Narrow, Arial Unicode MS, Courier New,
    *% Tahoma, and Times New Roman.
    *% 05 APR 2010 - ArialUnicodeMS wants to be before the other Arials
    *% for some unknown reason, else it is not found for subsetting.
    *PPD-Adobe: "4.0"
    *% Adobe Systems PostScript(R) Printer Description File
    *% Copyright 1987-1992 Adobe Systems Incorporated.
    *% All Rights Reserved.
    *% Permission is granted for redistribution of this file as
    *% long as this copyright notice is intact and the contents
    *% of the file is not altered in any way from its original form.
    *% End of Copyright statement
    *FormatVersion: "4.0"
    *FileVersion: "3.1"
    *PCFileName: "DATAP462.PPD"
    *LanguageVersion: English
    *Product: "(Dataproducts LZR 2665)"
    *PSVersion: "(46.2) 1"
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    *NickName: "Dataproducts LZR-2665 v46.2"
    *% ==== Options and Constraints =====
    *OpenGroup: InstallableOptions/Options Installed
    *OpenUI *Option1/Optional Lower Tray: Boolean
    *DefaultOption1: False
    *Option1 True/Installed: ""
    *Option1 False/Not Installed: ""
    *CloseUI: *Option1
    *CloseGroup: InstallableOptions
    *UIConstraints: *Option1 False *InputSlot Lower
    *% General Information and Defaults ===============
    *ColorDevice: False
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    *FreeVM: "178744"
    *LanguageLevel: "1"
    *VariablePaperSize: False
    *FileSystem: False
    *Throughput: "26"
    *Password: "0"
    *ExitServer: "
      count 0 eq {  % is the password on the stack?
        dup    % potential password
        statusdict /checkpassword get exec not
      } ifelse
      {  %  if no password or not valid
        (WARNING : Cannot perform the exitserver command.) =
        (Password supplied is not valid.) =
        (Please contact the author of this software.) = flush
      } if
      serverdict /exitserver get exec
    *Reset: "
      count 0 eq {  % is the password on the stack?
        dup    % potential password
        statusdict /checkpassword get exec not
      } ifelse
      {  %  if no password or not valid
        (WARNING : Cannot reset printer.) =
        (Password supplied is not valid.) =
        (Please contact the author of this software.) = flush
      } if
      serverdict /exitserver get exec
      systemdict /quit get exec
      (WARNING : Printer Reset Failed.) = flush
    *DefaultResolution: 300dpi
    *?Resolution: "
      0 0 moveto currentpoint matrix defaultmatrix transform
      0 72 lineto currentpoint matrix defaultmatrix transform
      3 -1 roll sub dup mul
      3 1 roll exch sub dup mul
      add sqrt round cvi
      (          ) cvs print (dpi) = flush
    *% Halftone Information ===============
    *ScreenFreq: "50.0"
    *ScreenAngle: "54.0"
    *DefaultScreenProc: Dot
    *ScreenProc Dot: " {dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt 1 exch sub } "
    *ScreenProc Line: "{ pop }"
    *ScreenProc Ellipse: "
    { dup 5 mul 8 div mul exch dup mul exch add sqrt 1 exch sub }"
    *DefaultTransfer: Null
    *Transfer Null: "{ }"
    *Transfer Null.Inverse: "{ 1 exch sub }"
    *% Paper Handling ===================
    *% Use these entries to set paper size most of the time, unless there is
    *% specific reason to use PageRegion.
    *OpenUI *PageSize: PickOne
    *OrderDependency: 30 AnySetup *PageSize
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    *PageSize Letter: "statusdict /lettertray get exec letterR"
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    *PageSize Legal: "statusdict /legaltray get exec"
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    *PageSize B5: "statusdict /b5tray get exec b5R"
    *PageSize B5.Transverse: "statusdict /b5tray get exec b5"
    *CloseUI: *PageSize
    *% These entries will set up the frame buffer. Usually used with manual feed.
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    *DefaultImageableArea: Letter
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    *ImageableArea Ledger: "18 16 1205 775 "
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    *ImageableArea A3: "18 21 823 1170 "
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    *ImageableArea B5: "20 19 495 709 "
    *ImageableArea B5.Transverse: "20 19 495 709 "
    *ImageableArea Statement: "22 19 374 594 "
    *?ImageableArea: "
      /cvp {(                ) cvs print ( ) print } bind def
      /upperright {10000 mul floor 10000 div} bind def
      /lowerleft {10000 mul ceiling 10000 div} bind def
      newpath clippath pathbbox
      4 -2 roll exch 2 {lowerleft cvp} repeat
      exch 2 {upperright cvp} repeat flush
    *% These provide the physical dimensions of the paper (by keyword)
    *DefaultPaperDimension: Letter
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    *InputSlot Lower: "1 statusdict /setpapertray get exec"
    *?InputSlot: "
      [ (Upper) (Lower) ] statusdict /papertray get exec
      (get exec) stopped ( pop pop (Unknown)} if = flush
    *CloseUI: *InputSlot
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    *ManualFeed True: "statusdict /manualfeed true put"
    *ManualFeed False: "statusdict /manualfeed false put"
    *?ManualFeed: "
      statusdict /manualfeed get {(True)}{(False)}ifelse = flush
    *CloseUI: *ManualFeed
    *DefaultOutputOrder: Reverse
    *% Font Information =====================
    *%DefaultFont: Error
    *DefaultFont: Courier
    *Font ArialUnicodeMS: Special "(Version 1.01)" Special ROM
    *Font ArialMT: Special "(Version 3.06)" Special ROM
    *Font Arial-BoldMT: Special "(Version 3.06)" Special ROM
    *Font Arial-BoldItalicMT: Special "(Version 3.06)" Special ROM
    *Font Arial-ItalicMT: Special "(Version 3.06)" Special ROM
    *Font ArialNarrow: Special "(Version 2.40)" Special ROM
    *Font ArialNarrow-Bold: Special "(Version 2.40)" Special ROM
    *Font ArialNarrow-BoldItalic: Special "(Version 2.40)" Special ROM
    *Font ArialNarrow-Italic: Special "(Version 2.40)" Special ROM
    *Font CourierNewPSMT: Special "(Version 2.90)" Special ROM
    *Font CourierNewPS-BoldMT: Special "(Version 2.90)" Special ROM
    *Font CourierNewPS-BoldItalicMT: Special "(Version 2.90)" Special ROM
    *Font CourierNewPS-ItalicMT: Special "(Version 2.90)" Special ROM
    *Font TimesNewRomanPSMT: Special "(Version 3.06)" Special ROM
    *Font TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT: Special "(Version 3.06)" Special ROM
    *Font TimesNewRomanPS-BoldItalicMT: Special "(Version 3.06)" Special ROM
    *Font TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT: Special "(Version 3.06)" Special ROM
    *Font Tahoma: Special "(Version 3.15)" Special ROM
    *Font Tahoma-Bold: Special "(Version 3.15)" Special ROM
    *Font Courier: Standard "(001.004)" Standard ROM
    *Font Courier-Bold: Standard "(001.001)" Standard ROM
    *Font Courier-BoldOblique: Standard "(001.001)" Standard ROM
    *Font Courier-Oblique: Standard "(001.001)" Standard ROM
    *Font Helvetica: Standard "(001.001)" Standard ROM
    *Font Helvetica-Bold: Standard "(001.001)" Standard ROM
    *Font Helvetica-BoldOblique: Standard "(001.001)" Standard ROM
    *Font Helvetica-Oblique: Standard "(001.001)" Standard ROM
    *Font Symbol: Special "(001.001)" Special ROM
    *Font Times-Bold: Standard "(001.001)" Standard ROM
    *Font Times-BoldItalic: Standard "(001.001)" Standard ROM
    *Font Times-Italic: Standard "(001.001)" Standard ROM
    *Font Times-Roman: Standard "(001.001)" Standard ROM
    *?FontQuery: "
    /str 100 string dup 0 (fonts/) putinterval def
       count 1 gt
         exch dup str 6 94 getinterval cvs
         (/) print print (:) print
         FontDirectory exch known
         {(Yes)}{(No)} ifelse =
       {exit} ifelse
    }bind loop
    (*) = flush
    *?FontList: "
    FontDirectory { pop == } bind forall flush
    (*) = flush
    *% Printer Messages (verbatim from printer):
    *Message: "%%[ exitserver: permanent state may be changed ]%%"
    *Message: "%%[ Flushing: rest of job (to end-of-file) will be ignored ]%%"
    *Message: "\FontName\ not found, using Courier"
    *% Status (format: %%[ status: <one of these> ]%% )
    *Status: "idle"
    *Status: "busy"
    *Status: "waiting"
    *Status: "printing"
    *Status: "warming up"
    *Status: "PrinterError: BD check"
    *Status: "PrinterError: Paper jam"
    *Status: "PrinterError: Replace toner bag"
    *Status: "PrinterError: Warming up"
    *Status: "PrinterError: Timing error"
    *Status: "PrinterError: Fuser check"
    *Status: "PrinterError: Cover opened"
    *Status: "PrinterError: Toner empty"
    *Status: "PrinterError: Empty & reset output bin(s)"
    *Status: "PrinterError: Sorter or jogger error"
    *Status: "PrinterError: Scanner check"
    *% Input Sources (format: %%[ status: <stat>; source: <one of these> ]%% )
    *Source: "serial9"
    *Source: "serial25"
    *Source: "AppleTalk"
    *Source: "Centronics"
    *% Printer Error (format: %%[ PrinterError: <one of these> ]%%)
    *PrinterError: "BD check"
    *PrinterError: "Paper jam"
    *PrinterError: "Replace toner bag"
    *PrinterError: "Warming up"
    *PrinterError: "Timing error"
    *PrinterError: "Fuser check"
    *PrinterError: "Cover opened"
    *PrinterError: "Toner empty"
    *PrinterError: "Empty & reset output bin(s)"
    *PrinterError: "Sorter or jogger error"
    *PrinterError: "Scanner check"
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    *DefaultColorSep: ProcessBlack.60lpi.300dpi/60 lpi / 300 dpi
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    *% For 60 lpi / 300 dpi =====================================================
    *ColorSepScreenAngle ProcessBlack.60lpi.300dpi/60 lpi / 300 dpi: "45"
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    *ColorSepScreenAngle ProcessYellow.60lpi.300dpi/60 lpi / 300 dpi: "0"
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    *% For 53 lpi / 300 dpi =====================================================
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    *% For "Dataproducts LZR 2665" version 46.2
    *% Produced by "" version 2.0 edit 47
    *% Converted to meet 4.0 specification
    *% Last Edit Date: Sep 15 1992
    *% The byte count of this file should be exactly 011228 or 011572
    *% depending on the filesystem it resides in.
    *% end of PPD file for Dataproducts LZR 2665

  • I want to convert number to hours in oracle 10 like this.

    Dear All
    Some can help me
    I want to convert below MS-SQL query in oracle 10g. please help me.
    for eg:
    Select numasdate,
    Cast(numasdate / 60 as Varchar) + ' hours ' +
    Cast(numasdate % 60 as Varchar) + ' minutes'
    as [TotalHoursAndMinutes]
    9436 157 hours 16 minutes
    537 8 hours 57 minutes
    9323 155 hours 23 minutes
    12525 208 hours 45 minutes
    Edited by: Parwez on Jan 1, 2013 5:33 AM

    I want to convert number to hours in oracle 10g like this.
    537 8 hours 57 minutes
    9436 157 hours 16 minutes
    12525 208 hours 45 minutesTry this...
    Ranit>> with xx as(
      2      SELECT 537 num from dual UNION ALL
      3       SELECT 9436 num from dual UNION ALL
      4       SELECT 12525 num from dual
      5  )
      6  select
      7       num,
      8       FLOOR(num/60)||' hrs' as "hrs",
      9       MOD(num,60)||' minutes' as "minutes",
    10       FLOOR(num/60)||' hrs  '||MOD(num,60)||' minutes' as "Hours.Mins"
    11  from xx;
           NUM hrs                                          minutes                                          Hours.Mins                                                                                                        
           537 8 hrs                                        57 minutes                                       8 hrs  57 minutes                                                                                                 
          9436 157 hrs                                      16 minutes                                       157 hrs  16 minutes                                                                                               
         12525 208 hrs                                      45 minutes                                       208 hrs  45 minutes                                                                                                Edited by: ranit B on Jan 1, 2013 6:51 PM
    --- Hey John... I just did it and saw your hint now !!!

  • Oracle Forms 10G not working as Oracle Forms 6i

    Hi everyone,
    I have a form which gets called from another form through a list of value. The called form(second form) has a group of tabbed canvases which get displayed depending on the parameters passed from the first form.
    The Form is working prefectly fine in Forms 6i but when I converted the same form in to forms 10G it does not seem to work the same way. The tabbed canvasses are not getting displayed. I am manually having to press the execute query to get data displayed in the tabbed canvasses. I checked the parameters that are being passed and they are the same as that in Forms 6i.
    Please let me know where my 10G Form is going wrong. Appreciate your help, please send me an email on [email protected]

    :System.message_level has nothing to do with how you check the flow of execution, or whether you use the Message statement. :System.Message_Level is a Forms variable that can be set to a numeric value. If you set it > 0, it hides error messages, which you should NOT do. Is there anywhere in your form where it is set? If there is, make sure it is set to zero while you are testing.
    <P>Since you are using regular message statements to debug (Re: Zdebug -- Download a Forms debugging message tool), you should determine if the process that sets up the tabbed canvases is being executed.

  • How to migrate OWB mappings in ODI

    Dear All,
    I would require your valuable inputs for following points.
    1. How do we do the deployment on multiple sites in ODI? what is the methdology or steps? R there any third party tools to do the same? what are they?
    2. Is there any scripting language in ODI similar to OMB meta data scripting languate as in OWB which can be used to automate and speed up the multi site deployment?
    3. What is the process of step to convert OWB mappings to ODI interfaces? Does oracle provides any tools or methodology to do the migration from OWB to ODI.?R there any third party tools to do the same? what are they?
    Thanks and Regards
    Edited by: 910192 on Aug 16, 2012 10:22 PM
    Edited by: 910192 on Aug 16, 2012 11:54 PM

    910192 wrote:
    Dear All,
    I would require your valuable inputs for following points.
    1. How do we do the deployment on multiple sites in ODI? what is the methdology or steps? R there any third party tools to do the same? what are they?If you mean databases as 'sites' then you just configure seperate phyiscal connections and choose if you want to implicitly refer to each DB in your code or use Contexts to determine which database to use at run time.
    Also careful consideration / deployment of ODI Agents allow you to run / execute / invoke you code from just about anywhere you want to (Target database, remote file system, source servers etc)
    2. Is there any scripting language in ODI similar to OMB meta data scripting languate as in OWB which can be used to automate and speed up the multi site deployment?There is an SDK and groovy can be used :
    3. What is the process of step to convert OWB mappings to ODI interfaces? Does oracle provides any tools or methodology to do the migration from OWB to ODI.?R there any third party tools to do the same? what are they?Not sure if Oracle have formally released a step by step process yet, they promise an upgrade path to OWB users to migrate, there is a consulting offer for this :
    ALso an italian company has / is developing a migration tool :

  • Dynamic Converter Issue

    We are using the below script template for tif and pdf files
    <$setContentType("text/xml")$><$setHttpHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache")$><$setMaxAge(0)$><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <t_images>{## repeat element=sections}<t_image>{## insert element=sections.current.image suppress=tags width=100}</t_image>{## /repeat}</t_images>
    <page_images>{## repeat element=sections}<page_image>{## insert element=sections.current.image suppress=tags width=825}</page_image>{## /repeat}</page_images>
    and we are getting the below output.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    -<message> <status>OK</status> <dDocTitle>Viewer_PDF</dDocTitle> <xPageOrientation>,0,0,</xPageOrientation> -<t_images><t_image>/cs/groups/gwpublic/documents/document/y2nf/mdaw/~edisp/~export/WCC_000429~1~ESI_ALL_IMAGE_FORMATS_IN_XML/1038_1.jpg</t_image></t_images> -<page_images><page_image>/cs/groups/gwpublic/documents/document/y2nf/mdaw/~edisp/~export/WCC_000429~1~ESI_ALL_IMAGE_FORMATS_IN_XML/1038_2.jpg</page_image></page_images> </message>
    and we have the custom component for vieweing which fetches this images and displays the content and thumbnail image.
    Now we want to have the same functionality for text and html,your thoughts on this would be helpfull for us.
    Thanks in advance,

    Some of the best documentation for Dynamic Converter templates are actually in the old 10g documentation for Content Publisher:
    Oracle Web Content Management - Oracle Application Server Documentation
    I'd check out Seven Easy Lessons... there might be a trick in there that you could use:

  • OWB 10.2 mapping issue

    Hi friends,
    Im working on the owb I performed one sample mapping like below
    Step 1: Created a source module by giving it location as a data source and imported the following table from the db 11g
    Step 2: Created a target module as a data warehouse by giving my 10g db location details and started to create a dimension.
    Step 3: Created the mapping in the target module by dragging the source tables and a dimension from source and the target module.
    Step 4: Deployed sequence, table, dimension successfully in control center. When i tried to deploy the mapping an pop-up window displayed with the source details of my 11g database, once i entered the password and soon after pressing the ok button, i received an message like
    RTC-5318:Invalid location type pair for Name Oracle database and version 11.1
    Im not sure with the above, which is occuring while deploying the mapping. Since i created and registered the source location of my 11g database. But then too why owb is returning error like source location is not registered. Hence i can see my source location in the connection explorer.
    Whether this problem is occuring since i imported the source table from the 11g database, as the owb that im using is of 10g.??
    Kindly help me with this issue friends.

    Hi guys,
    Error is been resolved as adviced in the below article
    RTC-5318 Invalid Location Type Pair When Registering an OWB 11.1 Location [ID 960825.1]
    Thanks for your views.

  • Executing Process Flow from OWB Deployment Manager results in RPE-01008

    I'm using OWB (10g) and just installed Oracle Workflow Server 2.6.3.
    I can build, validate and generate Process Flows just fine. But every time I try to execute a Process Flow using OWB Deployment Manager, I'm getting a "RPE-01008: Recovery of this request is in progress". Execution of deployed Process Flows using Oracle Workflow Interface works just fine.
    Anyone has an idea?
    Thanks and regards
    Andreas Kopp

    Hi Dirk-Jan,
    youÄre right, there are some ugly-looking NUllPOinterExceptions in that log file. However, I cannto interpret them:
    2005/05/02-13:30:04-CEST [97A560] AuditId=80916: Processing execute request
    2005/05/02-13:30:05-CEST [97A560] Free Memory(bytes)=49410200 Total Memory(bytes)=66715648 Used Memory(bytes)=17305448
    2005/05/02-13:30:05-CEST [F1DD49] Initializing execution for auditId= 80916 parentAuditId= null topLevelAuditId=80916 taskName=TEST
    2005/05/02-13:30:05-CEST [F1DD49] Attempting to create adapter 'class.RuntimePlatform.0.NativeExecution'
    2005/05/02-13:30:05-CEST [F1DD49] Attempting to create native operator 'class.RuntimePlatform.0.NativeExecution.ProcessFlow'
    2005/05/02-13:30:05-CEST [F1DD49] java.lang.NullPointerException
         at java.lang.String.<init>(
         at oracle.sql.CharacterSet.AL32UTF8ToString(
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.DBConversion.CharBytesToString(
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.T2CConnection.checkError(
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.T2CCallableStatement.execute_for_describe(
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.T2CCallableStatement.execute_for_rows(
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.doExecuteWithTimeout(
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.executeInternal(
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.executeUpdate(
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleCallableStatement.executeUpdate(
         at sqlj.runtime.ExecutionContext$OracleContext.oracleExecuteUpdate(
         at oracle.wh.runtime.platform.operator.owf_process.NativeOWFProcessOperator.defineProcessFlow(
         at oracle.wh.runtime.platform.operator.owf_process.NativeOWFProcessOperator.executeDefault(
         at oracle.wh.runtime.platform.operator.owf_process.NativeOWFProcessOperator.execute(
         at oracle.wh.runtime.platform.adapter.rtp.NativeExecutionAdapter.execute(
         at oracle.wh.runtime.platform.service.controller.ExecutionController.execute(
         at oracle.wh.runtime.platform.service.controller.ExecutionController.execute(
    2005/05/02-13:30:05-CEST [F1DD49] Initializing execution for auditId= 80916 parentAuditId= null topLevelAuditId=80916 taskName=TEST
    2005/05/02-13:30:05-CEST [F1DD49] oracle.wh.runtime.platform.service.controller.RecoveryInProgress: RPE-01008: Recovery of this request is in progress.
         at oracle.wh.runtime.platform.service.controller.AdapterContextImpl.initialize(
         at oracle.wh.runtime.platform.service.controller.ExecutionContextImpl.initialize(
         at oracle.wh.runtime.platform.service.controller.ExecutionController.initialize(
         at oracle.wh.runtime.platform.service.controller.ExecutionController.execute(
         at oracle.wh.runtime.platform.service.controller.ExecutionController.execute(
         at oracle.wh.runtime.platform.service.controller.ExecutionController.execute(
    2005/05/02-13:30:05-CEST [F1DD49] Attempting to create adapter 'class.RuntimePlatform.0.NativeExecution'
    2005/05/02-13:30:05-CEST [F1DD49] Attempting to create native operator 'class.RuntimePlatform.0.NativeExecution.ProcessFlow'
    2005/05/02-13:30:05-CEST [F1DD49] Native execution operator initiating recovery by recoverable operator oracle.wh.runtime.platform.operator.owf_process.NativeOWFProcessOperator
    2005/05/02-13:30:05-CEST [F1DD49] report_execution_result auditId=80916
    2005/05/02-13:30:05-CEST [F1DD49] java.lang.NullPointerException
         at java.lang.String.<init>(
         at oracle.sql.CharacterSet.AL32UTF8ToString(
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.DBConversion.CharBytesToString(
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.T2CConnection.checkError(
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.T2CCallableStatement.execute_for_describe(
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.T2CCallableStatement.execute_for_rows(
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.doExecuteWithTimeout(
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.executeInternal(
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.executeUpdate(
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleCallableStatement.executeUpdate(
         at sqlj.runtime.ExecutionContext$OracleContext.oracleExecuteUpdate(
         at oracle.wh.runtime.platform.operator.owf_process.NativeOWFProcessOperator.defineProcessFlow(
         at oracle.wh.runtime.platform.operator.owf_process.NativeOWFProcessOperator.executeDefault(
         at oracle.wh.runtime.platform.operator.owf_process.NativeOWFProcessOperator.execute(
         at oracle.wh.runtime.platform.adapter.rtp.NativeExecutionAdapter.execute(
         at oracle.wh.runtime.platform.service.controller.ExecutionController.execute(
         at oracle.wh.runtime.platform.service.controller.ExecutionController.execute(
         at oracle.wh.runtime.platform.service.controller.ExecutionController.execute(
    2005/05/02-13:30:06-CEST [97A560] Free Memory(bytes)=49283952 Total Memory(bytes)=66715648 Used Memory(bytes)=17431696
    2005/05/02-13:30:06-CEST [97A560] AuditId=80916: Request completed
    Any idea?
    Thanks an regards

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