Cookie - Bad Request - Size of a request header field exceeds server limit -

We are on cq5.5. We see this error intermittently. What is the best way to fix this? Cookie size seems to be adding to the issue.
Bad Request
Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand.
Size of a request header field exceeds server limit.
Cookie: cq-mrss=path%3D%252Fcontent%252Fdam%26p.limit%3D-1%26mainasset%3Dtrue%26type%3Ddam%3AAsse t; __unam=acfbce4-13b8ffd6084-6070cfe6-4; __utma=16528299.1850197993.1355330446.1361568697.1362109625.3; __utmz=16528299.1355330446.1.1.utmcsr=(direct)|utmccn=(direct)|utmcmd=(none); REM_ME=1004; SessionPersistence-author-lx_qa_author2=CLIENTCONTEXT%3A%3DvisitorId%3Danonymous%2Cvisito rId_xss%3Danonymous%7CPROFILEDATA%3A%3DauthorizableId%3Danonymous%2CformattedName%3DAnonym ous%20Surfer%2Cpath%3D%2Fhome%2Fusers%2Fa%2Fanonymous%2Cavatar%3D%2Fetc%2Fdesigns%2Fdefaul t%2Fimages%2Fcollab%2Favatar.png%2Cage%3D%2Cage_xss%3D%7CTAGCLOUD%3A%3Dtopic%3Aworkflow%3D 14%2Cindustry%3Aprocess_management%3D2%2Ctopic%3Aprocess_mining%3D3%2Ctopic%3Aprocess_docu mentation%3D1%2Ctopic%3Aintelligent_capture%3D5%2Cindustry%3Acapture%3D5%2Ctopic%3Adocumen t_imaging%3D2%2Ctopic%3Adistributed_intelligent_capture%3D2%2Ctopic%3Adocument_output_mana gement%3D4%2Cindustry%3Acontent_management%3D14%2Cindustry%3Asoftware_solutions_hardware%3 D4%2Cindustry%3Adevice_management%3D2%2Ctopic%3Ahelp_desk_services%3D2%2Cindustry%3Aintera ct%3D15%2Ctopic%3Asecure_content_monitor%3D2%2Ctopic%3Aelectronic_forms%3D2%2Ctopic%3Ainte lligent_forms%3D2%2Ctopic%3Adocument_accounting%3D2%2Ctopic%3Aerp_output_management%3D2%2C topic%3Aprint_release%3D2%2Cindustry%3Aoutput_management%3D4%2Ctopic%3Aerp_printing%3D4%2C topic%3Aenterprise_search%3D4%2Ctopic%3Amicrosoft_sharepoint%3D6%2Ctopic%3Adocument_filter s%3D4%2Cindustry%3Asearch%3D4%2Ctopic%3Ahuman_services_case_management%3D2%2Cindustry%3Aca se_management%3D2%2Cindustry%3Aimprove_business_processes%3D6%2Ctopic%3Abusiness_process_m odeling%3D1%2Ctopic%3Alawson%3D1%2Ctopic%3Aapplication_integration%3D8%2Cindustry%3Asoluti on%3D4%2Ctopic%3Amicrosoft_dynamics_crm%3D2%2Cindustry%3Ahealthcare%3D13%2Cindustry%3Areta il%3D8%2Cindustry%3Abanking%3D3%2Cindustry%3Aincrease_efficiency%3D7%2Cindustry%3Agovernme nt%3D8%2Ctopic%3Amicrosoft_outlook%3D2%2Ctopic%3Aesri%3D2%2Ctopic%3Ajd_edwards%3D2%2Ctopic %3Asap%3D1%2Cindustry%3Adrive_business_growth%3D1%2Cindustry%3Abusiness_challenges%3D6%2Ci ndustry%3Aconnect_distributed_workforce%3D1%2Ctype%3Alanding_page%3D2%2Ctopic%3Aconsulting _services%3D2%2Ctopic%3Aretail_pharmacy%3D2%2Cindustry%3Aindustry_solutions%3D5%2Ctopic%3A health_information_management%3D3%2Ctopic%3Apatient_scheduling%3D3%2Ctopic%3Aclinical_depa rtment_solutions%3D3%2Ctopic%3Aclinical_hit_integration%3D3%2Ctopic%3Apatient_admissions_r egistration%3D3%2Ctopic%3Ahealthcare_forms_management%3D3%2Ctopic%3Apatient_access%3D3%2Ct opic%3Aenterprise_print_management_software%3D2%2Ctopic%3Aprint_queue_management%3D2%2Ctop ic%3Aadvanced_print_management%3D2%2Ctopic%3Aemployee_onboarding%3D3%2Ctopic%3Ahuman_resou rces%3D1%2Cindustry%3Ahuman_resources%3D3%2Ctopic%3Aemployee_recruitment%3D1%2Cindustry%3A manufacturing%3D2%2Ctopic%3Aplatform_integration%3D1%2Ctopic%3Awealth_management%3D2%2Cind ustry%3Afinancial_services%3D2%2Ctopic%3Aaccount_opening%3D2%2Ctopic%3Acompliance%3D1%2Cin dustry%3Acompliance%3D1%2Ctopic%3Abusiness_operations_solutions_for_banking%3D2%2Ctopic%3A retail_delivery%3D1%2Ctopic%3Aloan_processing%3D1%2Ctopic%3Aon_demand_negotiable_documents %3D1%2Ctopic%3Anew_account_openings%3D1%2Ctopic%3Aon_demand_forms_customer_communications% 3D1%2Cindustry%3Ainsurance%3D1%2Ctopic%3Amicr_printing%3D1%2Ctopic%3Abank_branch_capture%3 D1%2Ctopic%3Aagency_capture%3D1%7C; ys-cq-damadmin-tree=o%3Awidth%3Dn%253A240%5EselectedPath%3Ds%253A/content/dam; ys-cq-damadmin-grid-assets=o%3Acolumns%3Da%253Ao%25253Aid%25253Ds%2525253Anumberer%25255E width%25253Dn%2525253A23%25255Esortable%25253Db%2525253A1%255Eo%25253Aid%25253Ds%2525253At humbnail%25255Ewidth%25253Dn%2525253A45%25255Esortable%25253Db%2525253A1%255Eo%25253Aid%25 253Ds%2525253Atitle%25255Ewidth%25253Dn%2525253A78%25255Ehidden%25253Db%2525253A1%25255Eso rtable%25253Db%2525253A1%255Eo%25253Aid%25253Ds%2525253Aname%25255Ewidth%25253Dn%2525253A3 37%25255Esortable%25253Db%2525253A1%255Eo%25253Aid%25253Ds%2525253Apublished%25255Ewidth%2 5253Dn%2525253A37%25255Esortable%25253Db%2525253A1%255Eo%25253Aid%25253Ds%2525253Amodified %25255Ewidth%25253Dn%2525253A78%25255Esortable%25253Db%2525253A1%255Eo%25253Aid%25253Ds%25 25253Ascene7Status%25255Ewidth%25253Dn%2525253A78%25255Ehidden%25253Db%2525253A1%25255Esor table%25253Db%2525253A1%255Eo%25253Aid%25253Ds%2525253Astatus%25255Ewidth%25253Dn%2525253A 71%25255Esortable%25253Db%2525253A1%255Eo%25253Aid%25253Dn%2525253A8%25255Ewidth%25253Dn%2 525253A78%25255Esortable%25253Db%2525253A1%255Eo%25253Aid%25253Ds%2525253Aworkflow%25255Ew idth%25253Dn%2525253A78%25255Ehidden%25253Db%2525253A1%25255Esortable%25253Db%2525253A1%25 5Eo%25253Aid%25253Ds%2525253Awidth%25255Ewidth%25253Dn%2525253A37%25255Esortable%25253Db%2 525253A1%255Eo%25253Aid%25253Ds%2525253Aheight%25255Ewidth%25253Dn%2525253A37%25255Esortab le%25253Db%2525253A1%255Eo%25253Aid%25253Ds%2525253Asize%25255Ewidth%25253Dn%2525253A37%25 255Esortable%25253Db%2525253A1%255Eo%25253Aid%25253Ds%2525253Areferences%25255Ewidth%25253 Dn%2525253A199%25255Esortable%25253Db%2525253A1%5Esort%3Do%253Afield%253Ds%25253Alabel%255 Edirection%253Ds%25253AASC; amlbcookie=04; ObLK=0x82abacf3a5e3b1e2|0x1cf34305ac210c7e9b2b07e3725392e2; iPlanetDirectoryPro=AQIC5wM2LY4Sfcw0UQ2MST5NlqDAsUi2dscer0wO7VMy9pE.*AAJTSQACMDYAAlMxAAIw NA..*; renderid=rend01; login-token=c9c0d027-c5f9-4e5a-9a90-09d1cf21cfd2%3a0279e369-1689-433c-80ef-d8411040efe5_6 15c2fd1eba8fd42%3acrx.default; ys-cq-siteadmin-grid-pages=o%3Acolumns%3Da%253Ao%25253Aid%25253Ds%2525253Anumberer%25255E width%25253Dn%2525253A23%25255Esortable%25253Db%2525253A1%255Eo%25253Aid%25253Ds%2525253At humbnail%25255Ewidth%25253Dn%2525253A50%25255Ehidden%25253Db%2525253A1%25255Esortable%2525 3Db%2525253A1%255Eo%25253Aid%25253Ds%2525253Atitle%25255Ewidth%25253Dn%2525253A386%25255Es ortable%25253Db%2525253A1%255Eo%25253Aid%25253Ds%2525253Aname%25255Ewidth%25253Dn%2525253A 148%25255Esortable%25253Db%2525253A1%255Eo%25253Aid%25253Ds%2525253Apublished%25255Ewidth% 25253Dn%2525253A25%25255Esortable%25253Db%2525253A1%255Eo%25253Aid%25253Ds%2525253Amodifie d%25255Ewidth%25253Dn%2525253A86%25255Esortable%25253Db%2525253A1%255Eo%25253Aid%25253Ds%2 525253Ascene7Status%25255Ewidth%25253Dn%2525253A86%25255Ehidden%25253Db%2525253A1%25255Eso rtable%25253Db%2525253A1%255Eo%25253Aid%25253Ds%2525253Astatus%25255Ewidth%25253Dn%2525253 A76%25255Esortable%25253Db%2525253A1%255Eo%25253Aid%25253Ds%2525253Aimpressions%25255Ewidt h%25253Dn%2525253A86%25255Esortable%25253Db%2525253A1%255Eo%25253Aid%25253Ds%2525253Atempl ate%25255Ewidth%25253Dn%2525253A86%25255Esortable%25253Db%2525253A1%255Eo%25253Aid%25253Ds %2525253Aworkflow%25255Ewidth%25253Dn%2525253A86%25255Ehidden%25253Db%2525253A1%25255Esort able%25253Db%2525253A1%255Eo%25253Aid%25253Ds%2525253Alocked%25255Ewidth%25253Dn%2525253A8 6%25255Ehidden%25253Db%2525253A1%25255Esortable%25253Db%2525253A1%255Eo%25253Aid%25253Ds%2 525253AliveCopyStatus%25255Ewidth%25253Dn%2525253A86%25255Ehidden%25253Db%2525253A1%25255E sortable%25253Db%2525253A1%5Esort%3Do%253Afield%253Ds%25253Atitle%255Edirection%253Ds%2525 3AASC; ys-cq-siteadmin-tree=o%3Awidth%3Dn%253A306%5EselectedPath%3Ds%253A/content/homesite/en-US /insights/video_unum-group-accelerates-workflows-with-solutions-; ys-cq-cf-clipboard=o%3Acollapsed%3Db%253A1; ys-cq-cf-tabpanel=o%3AactiveTab%3Ds%253AcfTab-Images-QueryBox; JSESSIONID=ad311ac3-7c24-4e62-ae8a-0ebacd8e8188; SessionPersistence-author-lx_qa_author1=CLIENTCONTEXT%3A%3DvisitorId%3Danonymous%2Cvisito rId_xss%3Danonymous%7CPROFILEDATA%3A%3DauthorizableId%3Danonymous%2CformattedName%3DAnonym ous%20Surfer%2Cpath%3D%2Fhome%2Fusers%2Fa%2Fanonymous%2Cavatar%3D%2Fetc%2Fdesigns%2Fdefaul t%2Fimages%2Fcollab%2Favatar.png%2Cage%3D%2Cage_xss%3D%7CGEOLOCATION%3A%3D%7CTAGCLOUD%3A%3 Dindustry%3Aconnect_distributed_workforce%3D1%2Cindustry%3Abusiness_challenges%3D1%2Cindus try%3Acontent_management%3D1%2Cindustry%3Ahealthcare%3D1%2Ctopic%3Afinance%3D1%2Ctopic%3Ap rocurement_processing%3D1%2Cindustry%3Afinancial_services%3D2%2Cindustry%3Ainsurance%3D2%2 Cindustry%3Aindustry_solutions%3D2%2Ctopic%3Aagency_capture%3D2%7C; s_cc=true; s_sq=lxmtest%3D%2526pid%253Dinsights%25253Avideo_unum-group-accelerates-workflows-with-so luti

Hi EbodaWill,
File daycare for fp 2324 where in you can configure & allow you to increase the request header size and avoid the bad request error OR for a package that improves client side persistence & does not use cookies.

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    This issue can be caused by corrupted cookies.
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    This issue can be caused by corrupted cookies.
    Clear the cache and the cookies from sites that cause problems.
    * "Clear the Cache": Tools > Options > Advanced > Network > Offline Storage (Cache): "Clear Now"
    * "Remove the Cookies" from sites causing problems: Tools > Options > Privacy > Cookies: "Show Cookies"

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    Hi SubhadipRoy,
    In Reporting Services, whether to wrap text or not is depended on the CanGrow property. If we set the CanGrow property of tablix header row to true, then the header row of tablix will be expanded. If we set the CanGrow property of tablix header row
    to false, the header row will be shrunk as the designed size.
    So if we want to avoid wrap text, we can try to set the CanGrow property of tablix header row to false in Reporting Services level. Alternatively, we can click the Wrap Text button to enable the expended extra-long text property in Excel level.
    If there are any other questions, please feel free to ask.
    Katherine Xiong
    Katherine Xiong
    TechNet Community Support

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    That is usually a problem with corrupted cookies.
    Clear the cache and the cookies from sites that cause problems.
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    * "Remove the Cookies" from sites causing problems: Tools > Options > Privacy > Cookies: "Show Cookies"

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    Copied from the link mentioned below.
    ''That is usually a problem with corrupted cookies. Clear the cache and the cookies from sites that cause problems.
    "Clear the Cache": Tools > Options > Advanced > Network > Offline Storage (Cache): "Clear Now"
    "Remove the Cookies" from sites causing problems: Tools > Options > Privacy > Cookies: "Show Cookies" ''
    Check and tell if its working.

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    "By default, ten packet frames (N), each with a payload size of 10 bytes (S), are generated every 10 ms (T), and the operation is repeated every 60 seconds (F)."
    however, looking at sh ip sla configuration on my router I get different values -
    ip sla 1001
    udp-jitter 20000 source-ip
    ip sla schedule 1001 life 3000 start-time now
    sh ip sla configuration
    Entry number: 1001
    Operation timeout (milliseconds): 5000
    Type of operation to perform: udp-jitter
    Target address/Source address:
    Target port/Source port: 20000/0
    Type Of Service parameter: 0x0
    Request size (ARR data portion): 32
    Packet Interval (milliseconds)/Number of packets: 20/10
    This is confusing to me. According to this, the operation is sending 10 frames, at 32 bytes each with 20 ms between frames. Is this correct? Or are these default parameters for UDP Jitter? If so, this definitely does not match up with the data presented on

    Hi Alex ,
    for UDP-jitter ,  Request Data size is :32( By Default) ,however you can change it .
    NMS-6500(config-ip-sla-jitter)#request-data-size ?
      <16-1500>  Number of bytes in payload
    for ICMP ECHO ,
    Request Data size is :28  ( By Default)
    [Do rate the useful post]

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       used GET_PRINT_PARAMETERS and write statements.
      The requirment is to increase the font size in spool.
      Please let me know how can i approch regarding this.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Hi ,
    Font size in spool request can't be changed .  It can be changed while printing using format settings .
    I Hope u will  got my point.

  • Get a specific Http header field from an http request in a component

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    I assume this could be accessible through m_binder or m_service, but I didn't find any solution so far.
    Any Idea?
    Thanks in advance,

    As it may help others, I answer what I figured out.
    Every details of the http request is put into the m_binder.
    So a specific field can be accessed with m_binder.getEnvironmentValue("My_data")
    You can also list all the available data as it is a standard properties set.

  • Java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Requested array size exceeds VM limit

    I've a this problem and I do not know how to reselve it:
    I' ve an oracle 11gr2 database in which I installed the Italian network
    when I try to execute a Shortest Path algorithm or a shortestPathAStar algorithm in a java program I got this error.
    [ConfigManager::loadConfig, INFO] Load config from specified inputstream.
    [, DEBUG] History metadata not found for ROUTING.ITALIA_SPAZIO
    *****Begin: Shortest Path with Multiple Link Levels
    *****Shortest Path Using Dijkstra
    [, DEBUG] User data categories:
    [LODNetworkAdaptorSDO::isNetworkPartitioned, DEBUG] Query String: SELECT p.PARTITION_ID FROM ROUTING.ITA_SPAZIO_P_TABLE p WHERE p.LINK_LEVEL = ? AND ROWNUM = 1 [1]
    [QueryUtility::prepareIDListStatement, DEBUG] Query String: SELECT NODE_ID, PARTITION_ID FROM ROUTING.ITA_SPAZIO_P_TABLE p WHERE p.NODE_ID IN ( SELECT column_value FROM table(:varray) ) AND LINK_LEVEL = ?
    [, FINEST] ID Array: [2195814]
    [LODNetworkAdaptorSDO::readNodePartitionIds, DEBUG] Query linkLevel = 1
    [NetworkIOImpl::readLogicalPartition, DEBUG] Read partition from blob table: partition 1181, level 1
    [, WARN] Requested array size exceeds VM limit
    [NetworkIOImpl::readLogicalPartition, DEBUG] Read partition from blob table: partition 1181, level 1
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Requested array size exceeds VM limit
    I use the sdoapi.jar, sdomn.jar and sdoutl.jar stored in the jlib directory of the oracle installation path.
    I got the following result
    (BLOB) 3408 116 3733 136 130 128 N
    then the java code I use is :
    import java.sql.Connection;
    import oracle.spatial.util.Logger;
    public class SpWithMultiLinkLevel
         private static NetworkAnalyst analyst;
         private static NetworkIO networkIO;
         private static void setLogLevel(String logLevel)
         else if("ERROR".equalsIgnoreCase(logLevel))
         else if("WARN".equalsIgnoreCase(logLevel))
         else if("INFO".equalsIgnoreCase(logLevel))
         else if("DEBUG".equalsIgnoreCase(logLevel))
         else if("FINEST".equalsIgnoreCase(logLevel))
         else //default: set to ERROR
         public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
              String configXmlFile =                "LODConfigs.xml";
              String logLevel =           "FINEST";
              String dbUrl =                Constant.PARAM_DB_URL;
              String dbUser =                Constant.PARAM_DB_USER;
              String dbPassword =                Constant.PARAM_DB_PASS;
              String networkName =                Constant.PARAM_NETWORK_NAME;
              long startNodeId = 2195814;
              long endNodeId = 3415235;
         int linkLevel = 1;
         double costThreshold = 1550;
         int numHighLevelNeighbors = 8;
         double costMultiplier = 1.5;
         Connection conn = null;
         //get input parameters
         for(int i=0; i<args.length; i++)
         dbUrl = args[i+1];
         else if(args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-dbUser"))
         dbUser = args[i+1];
         else if(args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-dbPassword"))
         dbPassword = args[i+1];
         else if(args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-networkName") && args[i+1]!=null)
         networkName = args[i+1].toUpperCase();
         else if(args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-linkLevel"))
         linkLevel = Integer.parseInt(args[i+1]);
         else if(args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-configXmlFile"))
         configXmlFile = args[i+1];
         else if(args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-logLevel"))
         logLevel = args[i+1];
         // opening connection
         System.out.println("Connecting to ......... " + Constant.PARAM_DB_URL);
         conn = LODNetworkManager.getConnection(dbUrl, dbUser, dbPassword);
         System.out.println("Network analysis for "+networkName);
         //load user specified LOD configuration (optional),
         //otherwise default configuration will be used
         InputStream config = (new Network()).readConfig(configXmlFile);
         LODConfig c = LODNetworkManager.getConfigManager().getConfig(networkName);
         //get network input/output object
         networkIO = LODNetworkManager.getCachedNetworkIO(
         conn, networkName, networkName, null);
         //get network analyst
         analyst = LODNetworkManager.getNetworkAnalyst(networkIO);
         double[] costThresholds = {costThreshold};
         LogicalSubPath subPath = null;
              System.out.println("*****Begin: Shortest Path with Multiple Link Levels");
              System.out.println("*****Shortest Path Using Dijkstra");
              String algorithm = "DIJKSTRA";
              linkLevel = 1;
              costThreshold = 5000;
              subPath = analyst.shortestPathDijkstra(new PointOnNet(startNodeId), new PointOnNet(endNodeId),linkLevel, null);
              PrintUtility.print(System.out, subPath, true, 10000, 0);
              System.out.println("*****End: Shortest path using Dijkstra");
              catch (Exception e)
              System.out.println("*****Shortest Path using Astar");
              HeuristicCostFunction costFunction = new GeodeticCostFunction(0,-1, 0, -2);
              LinkLevelSelector lls = new DynamicLinkLevelSelector(analyst, linkLevel, costFunction, costThresholds, numHighLevelNeighbors, costMultiplier, null);
              subPath = analyst.shortestPathAStar(
              new PointOnNet(startNodeId), new PointOnNet(endNodeId), null, costFunction, lls);
              PrintUtility.print(System.out, subPath, true, 10000, 0);
              System.out.println("*****End: Shortest Path Using Astar");
              System.out.println("*****End: Shortest Path with Multiple Link Levels");
              catch (Exception e)
         try{conn.close();} catch(Exception ignore){}
    At first I create a two link level network with this command
    exec sdo_net.spatial_partition('ITALIA_SPAZIO', 'ITA_SPAZIO_P_TABLE', 5000, 'LOAD_DIR', 'sdlod_part.log', 'w', 1);
    exec sdo_net.spatial_partition('ITALIA_SPAZIO', 'ITA_SPAZIO_P_TABLE', 60000, 'LOAD_DIR', 'sdlod_part.log', 'w', 2);
    exec sdo_net.generate_partition_blobs('ITALIA_SPAZIO', 1, 'ITA_SPAZIO_P_BLOBS_TABLE', true, true, 'LOAD_DIR', 'sdlod_part_blob.log', 'w', false, true);
    exec sdo_net.generate_partition_blobs('ITALIA_SPAZIO', 2, 'ITA_SPAZIO_P_BLOBS_TABLE', true, true, 'LOAD_DIR', 'sdlod_part_blob.log', 'w', false, true);
    Then I try with a single level network but I got the same error.
    Please can samebody help me?

    I find the solution to this problem.
    In the LODConfig.xml file I have:
    but when I change it to
    The application starts without the obove mentioned error.

  • Error Code - client cache is smaller than the size of the requested content

    Even though we have increased the size of the ccmcache via Control Panel > Configuration Manager, we still get the Error Code 0x87D01202 (-2016407038) "the content
    download cannot be performed because the total size of the client cache is smaller than the size of the requested content"  The CCMEXEC Service and computer have both been restarted, after increasing the ccmcache size.  Which local log
    file under C:\Windows\CCM\Logs should we check for more information ?

    so when you re deploying the client go into your settings and set the variable below:
    Specifies the size of the client cache folder in megabyte (MB) or as a percentage when used with the PERCENTDISKSPACE or PERCENTFREEDISKSPACE property. If this property is not set, the folder defaults to a maximum size of 5120 MB. The lowest value that you
    can specify is 1 MB.
    If a new package that must be downloaded would cause the folder to exceed the maximum size, and if the folder cannot be purged to make sufficient space available, the package download fails, and the program or application will not run.
    This setting is ignored when you upgrade an existing client and when the client downloads software updates.
    Example: CCMSetup.exe SMSCACHESIZE=100
    If you reinstall a client, you cannot use the SMSCACHESIZE or SMSCACHEFLAGS installation properties to set the cache size to be smaller than it was previously. If you try to do this, your value is ignored and the cache size is automatically set to the last
    size it was previously.
    For example, if you install the client with the default cache size of 5120 MB, and then reinstall the client with a cache size of 100 MB, the cache folder size on the reinstalled client is set to 5120 MB.
    Twitter: @dguilloryjr LinkedIn: Facebook:!/dguilloryjr

  • Routeserver-java.lang.OutOfMemoryError:Requested array size exceeds VM limi

    When I started to try running routeserver, I was using "false" in <param-name>long_ids</param-name> (web.xml). When I tried to use "true", an OutOfMemoryError error was occuring. Now I know that "false" is wrong. So, I walked a bit more...
    The error now is:
    09/02/03 15:25:29.547 web: Error initializing servlet
    java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Requested array size exceeds VM limit
         at oracle.spatial.router.engine.NonBoundaryEdge.readNonBoundaryEdge(
         at oracle.spatial.router.engine.Partition.readPartition(
         at oracle.spatial.router.engine.PartitionCache.loadPartitionFromDatabase(
         at oracle.spatial.router.engine.PartitionCache.obtainPartitionReference(
         at oracle.spatial.router.engine.Network.<init>(
         at oracle.spatial.router.server.RouteServerImplementation.<init>(
         at oracle.spatial.router.server.RouteServerServlet.init(
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpApplication.loadServlet(
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpApplication.findServlet(
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpApplication.findServlet(
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpApplication.initPreloadServlets(
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpApplication.initDynamic(
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpApplication.<init>(
         at com.evermind.server.ApplicationStateRunning.getHttpApplication(
         at com.evermind.server.Application.getHttpApplication(
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpSite$HttpApplicationRunTimeReference.createHttpApplicationFromReference(
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpSite$HttpApplicationRunTimeReference.<init>(
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpSite.initApplications(
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpSite.setConfig(
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpServer.setSites(
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpServer.setConfig(
         at com.evermind.server.ApplicationServer.initializeHttp(
         at com.evermind.server.ApplicationServer.setConfig(
    09/02/03 15:25:29.547 web: Error preloading servlet
    javax.servlet.ServletException: Error initializing servlet
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpApplication.findServlet(
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpApplication.findServlet(
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpApplication.initPreloadServlets(
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpApplication.initDynamic(
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpApplication.<init>(
         at com.evermind.server.ApplicationStateRunning.getHttpApplication(
         at com.evermind.server.Application.getHttpApplication(
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpSite$HttpApplicationRunTimeReference.createHttpApplicationFromReference(
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpSite$HttpApplicationRunTimeReference.<init>(
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpSite.initApplications(
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpSite.setConfig(
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpServer.setSites(
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpServer.setConfig(
         at com.evermind.server.ApplicationServer.initializeHttp(
         at com.evermind.server.ApplicationServer.setConfig(
    09/02/03 15:25:29.547 web: Started
    I start OC4J with:
    C:\Java\jdk1.5.0_16\bin>java -server -Xms1024m -Xmx1024m -XX:NewSize=512m -XX:Max NewSize=512m -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=3600000 -Dsun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterval=3600000 -verbose:gc -jar c:\oc4j\j2eehome\oc4j.jar -config c:\oc4j\j2ee\home\config\server.xml
    My computer has 2 Gb of RAM, AMD Turion 64 Mobile 2.20 GHz
    Any ideas?
    Thanks a lot again!

    I am using Router from 11g. The web.xml from 10g does not have logs_id parameter and servlet mapping.... May I add logs_id parameter in web.xml?
    Here we have contract with oracle. But I could NOT find any thing about patchs for routeserver... I am downloading "configuration manager" to update my metalink. Could you tell me tip about where are routeserver patchs?
    Tks a lot,
    Edited by: user10788592 on 03/02/2009 12:09

  • When trying to render i get the error "your hardware cannot render at the requested size and depth"

    when trying to render i get the error "your hardware cannot render at the requested size and depth" and does not render,, it is the first time, and happens only when i added a filter from magic bullet and won't render.

    Do you have 2 graphics cards in your system?
    You can check out your hardware profile using the "System Profiler" app which lives in the /Applications/Utilities folder ... you can also launch it from the Apple menu by choosing "About This Mac..." and then clicking the "More Info..." button. When the app launches you can choose Graphics/Displays from the Contents/Hardware list at left.

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