Cool Slideshow Scripts?

Hi there,
Can anyone tell me how this slideshow was done (at the end of
this page):
I tried to copy and paste the code however I wasn't sure
exactly what to extract - can someone assist me and point to to
some other scripts for photo slideshows apart from DynamicDrive.
Many thanks!

This looks like a good tutorial (requires Flash):

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    Hello everyone!
    I work for a TV production company as a graphic designer, and recently my boss came to me and asked me about something in Photoshop.
    He wanted to know if it's possible to run a slide show type thing where it would open an image, set it to full screen, keep it up for 5 seconds or so, then close it and open another one.
    He asked me if it could be done with actions, and I tried to build actions for it, but I was unsuccessful. I told him that I wasn't able to do it with actions, but I might be able to do it with scripts and told him that I'd look into it.
    So my question, is it possible? Basically what needs to be done is this...
    --Open Photoshop
    --Click on an action that runs a script
    --The script will open Image1.jpg from the "My Images" directory
    --The script will make the image full screen, and keep it there for 5 seconds, then close the image
    --The script will open Image2.jpp from the "My Images" directory
    --Repeat over and over with as many images we put into the directory.
    One of the key things that the script needs to be able to do is... Lets say "Image1.jpg" is a picture of a dog. We need to be able to, while the script is still running, take a picture of a cat (named "Image1.jpg" as well) and overwrite the image of the dog, with the picture of the cat, and have it update while the script is running so that when it opens "Image1.jpg", it's the picture of the cat, and not the dog.
    I'm very very new to scripts, never used them before although I have known they existed. Anyone able to help?
    Thanks in advance, I really appreciate it!
    P.S. On my computer we have the CS3 suite installed, but I do have access to the CS4 suite as well.

    Bridge has Slideshow capabilities builtin. Try that.

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    3) We tried all, even testing all extensions on site; We didnt succeed to find a solution for that!
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    It seems a compatibility issue, please try the Internet Explorer compatible mode for a check:
    if you develop this website by yourself, you can post in Internet Explorer development forum for help.
    Alex Zhao
    TechNet Community Support

  • Sharing script to create slideshow

    Thanks for David Torno I have been able to hack together a basic slideshow script. There's still a lot more that could be done with it, but I wanted to share it so that others may be able to benefit.
    Essentially, it asks for a folder location where your photos are stored, reads them in, creates a comp for each photo, resizing them and creating a border around them, adds all of the photo comps to a master comp, then sequences them, adds in some fades and slightly random placement.
    Like I said, fairly basic. But quite the learning experience.
    Yes, there are templates available for slideshows, but none that I found that I could just add photos to and say "Display these with a border and random placement on the screen, fading in and out." All the ones I found required replacing placeholders, or some sort of manual changes to each photo. And they were generally limited to 10 to 30 images. This script, theoretically, should be able to handle hundreds of images easily.
    Next steps are to add movement to the photos (sliding across the screen as they fade in and out) and add a music track from a file (or files) selected during photo import.
    And thanks again to David Torno, plus anyone else who's script examples I may have borrowed ideas from.
        createSlidehow v 1.0
        Developer: Dion Vansevenant
        Based on David Torno's "fileToCompToQ"
        This script creates a basic slideshow from a folder of images
         function createSlideshow(){
                   /*     DECLARE VARIABLES     */
                   var localFolder, renderToFolder, outputModuleName, jpgAEFolderName, compAEFolderName, newJPGParentFolder, myImportedFiles, newCompParentFolder, newCompParentFolder, grabFiles, grabFilesLength, extAry, compFrameRate;
                   /*     BEGIN VARIABLES TO CUSTOMIZE     */
                   jpgAEFolderName = "Photos";          //Folder name for imported files
                   compAEFolderName = "Photo_Comps";     //Folder name for resulting comps
                   extAry = new Array("jpg", "jpeg");               //Array of Strings. These are the file extension types you wish to import.
                   compFrameRate = 29.97;                                   //Frame rate for the newly created comps. Must be a float or integer value.
                   compDuration = 5;                                        //The duration of time, in seconds, that the new comps will be.
                    //masterComp Variables
                    var compWidth = 1920;  
                    var compHeight = 1080;  
                    var compPAR = 1;  
                    var compDur = 10;
                    var compFPS = 29.97;
                    //Create Master Comp
                    var masterComp = app.project.items.addComp("MASTER", compWidth , compHeight, compPAR, compDur, compFPS);
                    /*     END VARIABLES TO CUSTOMIZE     */
                   /*     START PROCESS     */
                    localFolder = Folder.selectDialog("Please select folder containing your JPG files.");                
                    // localFolder = new Folder("~/Desktop/Photos/");
                    if(localFolder != null && localFolder.exists == true){
                             grabFiles = localFolder.getFiles();     //Retrieves all enclosed files
                             grabFilesLength = grabFiles.length;
                             //Process files
                             app.project.items.addFolder(jpgAEFolderName);     //Creates folder
                             newJPGParentFolder = findItem(jpgAEFolderName);     //Saves it for later use
                             extensionFilterAndImporter(grabFiles, grabFilesLength, extAry, newJPGParentFolder); //Imports files and puts them in a folder
                             myImportedFiles = storeFileObjsIntoArray(newJPGParentFolder);
                             //Process comps
                             newCompParentFolder = findItem(compAEFolderName);                                                 
                             createCompsAddToQ(newCompParentFolder, myImportedFiles, compFrameRate, compDuration);
                            writeLn("All done");     //Adds this text to the Info Panel as a way to see when the script is done working.
                   /*     END PROCESS     */
                   ///     FUNCTIONS     ///
                    // Add fades in and out to comps
                    function addFadeToComps(layerObj){
                           // alert("Oops, module addFadeToComps is not ready yet");   
                           //alert("Entering addFadeToComps...");
                           var overLap = 1;
                           //alert("Working on layer "" with startTime of "+layerObj.startTime+" and outPoint of "+layerObj.outPoint);
                           layerObj.opacity.setValueAtTime(layerObj.inPoint, 0);                                                           
                           layerObj.opacity.setValueAtTime((layerObj.inPoint + overLap), 100);
                           layerObj.opacity.setValueAtTime((layerObj.outPoint - overLap), 100);
                           layerObj.opacity.setValueAtTime(layerObj.outPoint, 0);                                                           
                        }catch(err){alert("Error at line# " + err.line.toString() + "\r" + err.toString());}
                    } // end function addFadeToComps
                    // Add fades using Expressions
                    function addExpFadeToComps(layerObj){
                            var myLayer = layerObj;
                            var myLayerOpacityProperty ="ADBE Transform Group").property("ADBE Opacity");                       
                            //Frames that fade will take place over
                            var fade = "30";                        
                            //encoded expression string with "fade" variable inserted                       
                            var myExpress = "fadeTime%20=%20" + fade + ";%0DopacityMin%20=%200;%0DopacityMax%20=%20100;%0DlayerDuration%20=%20outPoint%20-%20inP oint;layerDiff%20=%20outPoint-(layerDuration/2);%0DsingleFrame%20=%20thisComp.frameDuratio n;%0DanimateIn%20=%20linear(time,%20inPoint,%20(inPoint%20+%20framesToTime(fadeTime)),%20o pacityMin,%20opacityMax);%0DanimateOut%20=%20linear(time,%20(outPoint%20-%20framesToTime(f adeTime+1)),%20(outPoint-singleFrame),%20opacityMax,%20opacityMin);%0Dif(time%20%3C%20(lay erDiff) )%7B%0D%09animateIn;%0D%7Delse%7B%0D%09animateOut;%0D%7D";
                            //Applies expression
                            myLayerOpacityProperty.expression = decodeURI(myExpress);
                        }catch(err){alert("Error at line# " + err.line.toString() + "\r" + err.toString());}
                    } // end function addExpFadeToComps
                    // Add items to comp in reverse order to preserve numbering
                    function addCompsToMaster(projObj){
                            for (var i = projObj.numItems; i != 0; i--){                                              
                                if (app.project.item(i) instanceof CompItem){ // <-- adds comps to the comp, but also tries to add MASTER, not good
                                    if (app.project.item(i).name != "MASTER"){ // <-- ok, filter out MASTER
                                        compObj = app.project.item(1);
                                        layerObj = app.project.item(1).layer(1);
                              "ADBE Transform Group").property("ADBE Opacity").setValue(0);
                                        imageSizeToCompSize(compObj, layerObj);
                        }catch(err){alert("Error at line# " + err.line.toString() + "\r" + err.toString());}                
                     } // end function adCompsToMaster
                    // adds a white solid to create a border
                    function  addBorderToComps(compObj){
                            var myBorder = compObj;
    //                        myBorder.layers.addSolid([1.0,1.0,0], "Frame", 50, 50, 1);
                            myBorder.layers.addSolid([1.0,1.0,1.0],"_Frame", compObj.width, compObj.height, 1);
                        }catch(err){alert("Error at line# " + err.line.toString() + "\r" + err.toString());}                
                    } // end function addBorderToComps
                    // Loop through MASTER comp and manually do "Sequence Layers" to stagger start times.
                    // Also try to randomize placement of images on-screen
                    function mySequenceToLayer(compObj){
                        // get number of items in MASTER comp
                            var numItems = compObj.numLayers;                   
                            for(i=2; i<=numItems;i++){
                                app.project.item(1).layer(i).startTime = app.project.item(1).layer(i-1).outPoint-2;
                                maxZ = compHeight-100;
                                minZ = 600;
                                maxX = compWidth-100;
                                minX = 600;
                                x = Math.random(minX,maxX)*100;
                                y = Math.random(minY,maxY)*100;
                                var myProperty = app.project.item(1).layer(i).position;
                                // If the result is even, add x,y change, otherwise subtract it
                                myEvenOdd = i%2;
                                if (myEvenOdd == 0){
                                    var newX = myProperty.value[0] + x;
                                    var newY = myProperty.value[1] + y;
                                    var newX = myProperty.value[0] - x;
                                    var newY = myProperty.value[1] - y;
                            app.project.item(1).duration = Math.round(app.project.item(1).layer(numItems).outPoint);
                        }catch(err){alert("Error at line# " + err.line.toString() + "\r" + err.toString());}
                    } // end function mySequenceToLayer
                    /*     findItem() function
                                itemName: Name of the After Effects folder to find. Must be a String.
                    function findItem(itemName){
                             var allItems = app.project.numItems;
                             for(var i=1; i<=allItems; i++){
                                  curItem = app.project.item(i);
                                  if(curItem instanceof FolderItem && == itemName){
                                       return curItem;
                        }catch(err){alert("Error at line# " + err.line.toString() + "\r" + err.toString());}
                    } // end function findItem
                   /*     extensionFilterAndImporter() function
                             grabFiles:     Array of file objects
                             grabFilesLength:     Value must be an integer
                             extAry:     Array of Strings
                             newParentFolder:     String
                   function extensionFilterAndImporter(grabFiles, grabFilesLength, extAry, newParentFolder){
                             var fileName, extPrep, ext, extAryLength, importOpt, newFile;
                             extAryLength = extAry.length;
                             for(var i=0; i<grabFilesLength; i++){
                                  fileName = grabFiles[i].displayName
                                  extPrep = fileName.split(".");
                                  ext = extPrep[extPrep.length-1].toLowerCase();
                                  for(var e=0; e<extAryLength; e++){
                                       if(ext == extAry[e]){
                                            importOpt = new ImportOptions(grabFiles[i]);
                                            newFile = app.project.importFile(importOpt);     //Imports file into project
                                            moveItemToFolder(newFile, newParentFolder);     //Moves file into parent folder
                        }catch(err){alert("Error at line# " + err.line.toString() + "\r" + err.toString());}
                   } // end function extensionFilterAndImporter
                   /*     moveItemToFolder() function
                             projectItem:     Must be an AVItem
                             parentFolder:     Must be a FolderItem
                   function moveItemToFolder(projectItem, parentFolder){
                             projectItem.parentFolder = parentFolder;
                        }catch(err){alert("Error at line# " + err.line.toString() + "\r" + err.toString());}
                   } // end function moveItemToFolder
                   /*     storeFileObjsIntoArray() function
                             sourceFolder:     Must be a FolderItem
                   function storeFileObjsIntoArray(sourceFolder){
                             var itemAry, itemsInFolder, itemsInFolderLength;
                             itemAry = new Array();
                             itemsInFolder = sourceFolder.items;
                             itemsInFolderLength = itemsInFolder.length;
                             for(var i=1; i<=itemsInFolderLength; i++){
                                  itemAry[itemAry.length] = itemsInFolder[i];
                             return itemAry;
                        }catch(err){alert("Error at line# " + err.line.toString() + "\r" + err.toString());}
                   } // end function storeFileObjsIntoArray
                   /*     createCompsAddToQ() function
                             myImportedFiles:     Array of File objects
                             fps:                         Must be a float or integer value.
                   function createCompsAddToQ(compAEFolderName, myImportedFiles, fps, duration){
                             var myImportedFilesLength, curFile, extFind, fileNameOnly, newComp;
                             myImportedFilesLength = myImportedFiles.length;
                             for(var c=0; c<myImportedFilesLength; c++){
                                  curFile = myImportedFiles[c];
                                  extFind =".");
                                  fileNameOnly =, 0);     //Removes file extension
                                  newComp = app.project.items.addComp(fileNameOnly+"_Comp", curFile.width, curFile.height, 1, duration, fps);     //Creates new comp
                                  newComp.layers.add(curFile);     //Adds file to comp
                                  imageSizeToBorderSize (newComp, 5);                             
                                  moveItemToFolder(newComp, compAEFolderName);     //Moves new comp to folder
                        }catch(err){alert("Error at line# " + err.line.toString() + "\r" + err.toString());}
                   } // end function createCompsAddToQ
                    // resize layer to comp
                    function imageSizeToCompSize(compObj, layerObj){
                            var curLayerBoundry, curLayerScale, newLayerScale, myNewLayerScale;
                            curLayerBoundry = layerObj.sourceRectAtTime(0,false);
                            curLayerScaleObj ="ADBE Transform Group").property("ADBE Scale");
                            curLayerScaleVal = curLayerScaleObj.value;
                            newLayerScale = curLayerScaleVal*Math.min(compObj.width/curLayerBoundry.width, compObj.height/curLayerBoundry.height);
                            myNewLayerScale = newLayerScale*.75;
                        }catch(err){alert("Error at line# " + err.line.toString() + "\r" + err.toString());}
                    } // end function imageSizeToCompSize
                    // resize image to less than frame
                   function imageSizeToBorderSize(compObj, frameOffset){
                            var curLayerBoundry, curLayerScale, newLayerScale, myNewLayerScale;
                            layerPhotoObj = compObj.layer(1);
                            layerFrameObj = compObj.layer(2);
                            curLayerBoundry = layerPhotoObj.sourceRectAtTime(0,false);
                            curLayerScaleObj ="ADBE Transform Group").property("ADBE Scale");                       
                            curLayerScaleVal = curLayerScaleObj.value;                       
                            if (frameOffset != 0){
                                newScale = 100-frameOffset;
                       }catch(err){alert("Error at line# " + err.line.toString() + "\r" + err.toString());}
                   } // end function imageSizeToBorderSize
               }catch(err){alert("Error at line# " + err.line.toString() + "\r" + err.toString());}
           } // end function fileToCompToQ
    } // end script

    DECLARE @DbName VARCHAR(400) = '<DBNAME>'
    DECLARE @DbFilePath VARCHAR(400) = '<Valid DataFilePath>'
    DECLARE @DBLogFilePath VARCHAR(400)='<Valid LogFile Path>'
    SET @Query = @Query + 'CREATE DATABASE '+@DbName +' ON PRIMARY '
    SET @Query = @Query + '( NAME = '''+@DbName +''', FILENAME = '''+@DbFilePath+@DbName +'.mdf'' , SIZE = 3072KB , MAXSIZE = UNLIMITED, FILEGROWTH = 1024KB ) '
    SET @Query = @Query + ' LOG ON '
    SET @Query = @Query + '( NAME = '''+@DbName +'_log'', FILENAME = '''+@DblogFilePath+@DbName +'_log.ldf'' , SIZE = 1024KB , MAXSIZE = 2048GB , FILEGROWTH = 10%)'
    print @query

  • How to launching a perl script by the "begin" script of a jumpstart

    Hi all,
    i have an urgent pb with my solaris jumpstart, let me explain to you :
    i want that the begin script launch some perl script, but i have a problem
    here is my "begin" script:
    echo "Begining ISO FLAR based jumpstart."
    echo ""
    echo "Starting Ullink Configuration"
    env > /tmp/env
    /bin/sh << EOF
    /usr/bin/perl /cdrom/.archives/admin-scripts/
    EOFmy perl script use a STDIN
    with this configuration, the perl script is launching but it runs in a loop indefinitely with an error "use of uninitialized value", because (i think) a value is return to the begin scritp and not to the perl script.
    well, on a pre-installed solaris, if a launch the begin script, it happens the same thing, it runs in a loop, BUT if i comment the line "/bin/sh <<EOF" and "EOF", it works.
    at this step, i say "ok it's cool my script is working", but when i use it during the jumpstart instalaltion, the perl script does not start, without any particular error.
    here is my perl script, if you want to test :
    #!/usr/bin/perl -w^M
    # Set Hostname for Ullink Jumpstart^M
    use strict;^M
    sub hit_enter {^M
        print "Hit enter to continue\n";^M
        print "\033[2J";^M
    sub get_hostname {^M
        my %towns_list = (^M
            'Paris' => 'PA',^M
            'New-York' => 'NY',^M
        my %sites_list = (^M
            'Office' => 'OFC',^M
            'Redbus' => 'RED',^M
            'Telehouse' => 'TLH',^M
            'DTC' => 'DTC',^M
            'iAdvantage' => 'IAD',^M
            'Nutley' => 'NUT',^M
            'Level3' => 'LV3',^M
            'Equinix' => 'EQX',^M
            'Tata' => 'TAT',^M
            'Switch-data' => 'SWI',^M
        my %usage_list = (^M
            'Production' => 'PRD',^M
            'UAT' => 'UAT',^M
            'DMZ' => 'DMZ',^M
        sub select_list {^M
            my $counter=-1;^M
            my %hash_list = @_;^M
            my @keys = keys %hash_list;^M
            # Clear screen^M
            print "\033[2J";^M
            print "In which country this machine is hosted or will be host and will be used ?\n\n";^M
            # Get all keys from hash^M
            my $key;
            while ($key = each %hash_list ) {^M
                print "$counter - $key\n";^M
            print "\nChoose the number corresponding to your choice :\n";^M
            my $choice_number;
            chomp ($choice_number = <STDIN>);^M
            # Verify answer^M
            if (($choice_number =~ /\d+/) and ($choice_number <= $counter)) {^M
                # Add choice to chosen hostname^M
                my $chosen=$hash_list{$keys[$choice_number]};^M
                return $chosen;^M
            } else {^M
                print "\nYour answer is not correct, you need to enter a number between 0 and $counter\n";^M
        sub srv_number {^M
            print "\033[2J";^M
            print "What is the server number ?\n";^M
            my $server_number;
            chomp ($server_number = <STDIN>);^M
            if ($server_number =~ /\d+/) {^M
                return $server_number;^M
            } else {^M
                print "\nYour answer is not correct, you need to enter a number\n";^M
        my $full_hostname = &select_list(%towns_list).'-';^M
        $full_hostname = $full_hostname.&select_list(%sites_list).'-';^M
        $full_hostname = $full_hostname.'SRV-';^M
        $full_hostname = $full_hostname.&select_list(%usage_list).'-';^M
        $full_hostname = $full_hostname.&srv_number;^M
        sub write_hostname2tmp {^M
            open (HOSTNAME, ">/tmp/set_hostname") or warn "Couldn't write $_[0] to temp file : $!\n";^M
                print HOSTNAME "$_[0]\n";^M
            close (HOSTNAME);^M
        print "\033[2J";^M
        print "Is $full_hostname the correct name for this server ? (y/n)\n";^M
        if (<STDIN> =~ /y|yes/i) {^M
        } else {^M
            print "Would you like to retry (r) or set manually the hostname (s) ? (r/s)\n";^M
            if (<STDIN> =~ /s/i) {^M
                print "Type the full required name and hit enter when finished :\n";^M
                chomp ($full_hostname = <STDIN>);^M
            } else {^M
    # Start configuration^M
    print "\033[2J";^M
    print "\n########################################################\n";^M
    print "#\t\t\t\t\t\t       #\n";^M
    print "#\t\t\tULLINK\t\t\t       #\n";^M
    print '#  Solaris Environnement Installation for Datacenters  #';^M
    print "\n#\t\t\t\t\t\t       #";^M
    print "\n########################################################\n\n";^M
    print "Before starting installation, you need to enter a set of informations.\n(answer to all questions, you can Ctrl+C to stop now)\n\n";^M
    &get_hostname;^Mthank for your help
    Edited by: ullink on Jun 25, 2009 6:05 AM

    Hi Manju,
    You can try the following command and check if any helps:
    Get-Exchangeserver |where-object{$_.AdminDisplayVersion -like "Version 15*"} |Get-MailboxStatistics | Ft -auto -wrap DisplayName,database,servername,*size*,*time*
    Best regards,
    Niko Cheng
    TechNet Community Support

  • Using the same script twice but different options on a single page

    having a hard time figuring out how to run the cycle script which is in use on one portion of my webpage as a slider gallery under my header, but i'd also like to use it in  a small are in the upper right of the same page but with a different transition, to showcase specific products in a gallery.
    how do i accomplish this? I've been to the cycle plugin page but am having trouble interpreting their page source syntax
    in my head section i have the following declared:
    <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/jquery.cycle.all.latest.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function() {
            fx: 'shuffle' // choose your transition type, ex: fade, scrollUp, shuffle, etc...
    and in my body its invoked simply by:
    <div class="slideshow">
                <img src="../images/splash1.jpg" width="761" height="210" />
                <img src="../images/splash2.jpg" width="761" height="210" />
                <img src="../images/splash3.jpg" width="761" height="210" />
                <img src="../images/splash4.jpg" width="761" height="210" />
                <img src="../images/splash5.jpg" width="761" height="210" />
    now should i change the head function to
    <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/jquery.cycle.all.latest.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    $(function() {
        // run the code in the markup!
        $('td pre code').each(function() {
    and how would i later invoke this the body here?
    <div class="slideshow">
                <img src="../images/splash1.jpg" width="761" height="210" />
                <img src="../images/splash2.jpg" width="761" height="210" />
                <img src="../images/splash3.jpg" width="761" height="210" />
                <img src="../images/splash4.jpg" width="761" height="210" />
                <img src="../images/splash5.jpg" width="761" height="210" />
    <pre><code class="mix">$('#s1').cycle('fade');</code></pre> - this is what they do on their wepage but i dont understand what this <pre><code class="mix"... is all about.
    can someone please explain

    I recommend using Cycle2 instead of the old Cycle Plugin.  Out of the box, Cycle2 is better and has more features.  Just copy & paste the following code into a new document. 
    <!doctype html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>HTML5 Document with Cycle2</title>
    <!--HTML5 help for older IE browsers-->
    <!--[if lt IE 9]><script src=""></script><![endif]-->
    <!--Latest jQuery Core Library-->
    <script src="">
    <!--Cycle2 Slideshow-->
    <script src=""></script>
    body {width: 900px;margin: 0 auto}
    .cycle-slideshow {
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
    border: 1px solid silver;
    margin: 0 auto;
    .cycle-slideshow img  {
    width: 500px;
    margin: 0 auto
    .center { text-align: center }
    <!--begin 1st slideshow-->
    <div class="cycle-slideshow"
    <img src="" alt="">
    <img src="" alt="">
    <img src="" alt="">
    <img src="" alt="">
    <!--end 1st slideshow--></div>
    <p> </p>
    <p> </p>
    <!--begin 2nd slideshow-->
    <div class="center">
    <a href=# id=next>Next</a>
    <div class="cycle-slideshow"
    <img src="" alt="">
    <img src="" alt="">
    <img src="" alt="">
    <img src="" alt="">
    <!--end 2nd slideshow--></div>
    Use whichever effects you prefer:
    Nancy O.

  • JQuery - Linking images in a simple slideshow

    Hey guys, I am working on creating a very simply image slider that links  to different pages of my site. It is all but complete! however, when I  wrap my image in "A Href" tags they screw up the transition (Or fade)  effect codded into my slideshow. Here is the code:
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="">
    <meta content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" http-equiv="Content-Type"/>
    <title>Simple jQuery Slideshow from</title>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.2.6.min.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        Simple jQuery Slideshow Script
        Released by Jon Raasch ( under FreeBSD license: free to use or modify
    function slideSwitch() {
        var $active = $('#slideshow');
        if ( $active.length == 0 ) $active = $('#slideshow IMG:last');
        // use this to pull the images in the order they appear in the markup
        var $next =  $ ? $
            : $('#slideshow IMG:first');
        // uncomment the 3 lines below to pull the images in random order
        // var $sibs  = $active.siblings();
        // var rndNum = Math.floor(Math.random() * $sibs.length );
        // var $next  = $( $sibs[ rndNum ] );
        $next.css({opacity: 0.0})
            .animate({opacity: 1.0}, 1000, function() {
                $active.removeClass('active last-active');
    $(function() {
        setInterval( "slideSwitch()", 5000 );
    <style type="text/css">
    /*** set the width and height to match your images **/
    #slideshow {
        width : 610px;
    #slideshow IMG {
        // opacity:0.0;
    #slideshow {
    #slideshow IMG.last-active {
    <!-- this will work with any number of images -->
    <!-- set the active class on whichever image you want to show up as the default
    (otherwise this will be the last image) -->
    <div id="slideshow">
        <img src="images\missions-slide.jpg" alt="Slideshow Image 1" />
        <img src="images\young-lions-slide.jpg" alt="Slideshow Image 2" />
        <img src="images\welcome-to-icc-slide.jpg" alt="Slideshow Image 3" />
    The three images on the botem are to be linked to different pages, and I  read on the developers forum (The developer of this code that is) that I  need to reference the images as Div's. I just don't know how. Also, I am using DWCS5.
    I am fluent in C++, java, C# and old school html, so I understand some  of this code, but i don't know the basics enough to be able to know what  to do here. Please help! Thanks!

    You can look at the javax.swing.ImageIcon class and add that to your JOptionPane...
    - MaxxDmg...
    - ' How should I know, I just wrote the thing... '

  • Images in mp4 slideshow are 'soft'.

    Perhaps I'm doing something wrong here. I've just completed a quick experiment in Slideshow and exported w/a short-enough piece of music for the 12 slides I'm using.
    The slideshow looks great when I play it back in Preview.
    However, when I export as a 'video', images in the slideshow look 'soft', out of focus! (Both in the 480x320 and the 720x480 presentation size.)
    Now this is the first time I've putzed around w/the Slideshow module since LR2. In the past I had produced PDF slideshows at various presentation sizes with fabulous results. In fact, the fade's were good and w/Adobe's most current Reader installed the transitions were nearly spot-on to what I had built into the slideshows in LR.
    What is it I'm not getting about exporting as an mp4 here in LR3?
    As well, is there a way I can trim the 'fat' from these finished movies (eg. imovie, etc.)?
    For only 12 slides (w/music) at 480x320 we're looking at 3.6MB, the 720x480 file jumps to nearly 14MB!
    And, last but not least, any suggestions on good places to shop for mp3 files that are drm-free?
    In my experiment I used a piece by Merry Clayton, from the 'Performance' soundtrack; but when I publish something I don't want to be ripping someone's ©'d work...
    See both versions of slideshows I am referencing HERE. (Videos play just fine in Firefox. NO playback in Safari.)

    Thanks for the input and your suggestion. If you follow the link I posted in my (very late) response to Pete's post (from back in October) I was finally able to wrestle a 'reasonably sharp' version of the slideshow movie I wanted to make through the Slideshow module w/LR.
    What I did was this:
    1) Exported images sized to 720p wide. Then
    2) Re-imported the smaller TIFF's back into LR and sharpened them almost till my teeth ached (were WAY-too 'crunchy' for my liking when viewed in the content window), then
    3) Brought the new, smaller and Über Sharpened images into the Slideshow module where I exported the thing with music AGAIN!
    Miraculously this procedure seemed to work... WRONG. (Only temporarily!)
    Why do I say this? Because when I decided to make a new slideshow sans music – using the exact same image files w/the same (Snapshot) settings I saved back in October (it is now 5 months later) – the resulting slideshow's images are back to MUSH AGAIN! (Grrrrrrr.)
    So I tried your idea T.R., your work-around experimenting with the 'Widescreen' template Adobe provides... NO GO: Got the same garbagy reproduction of images no matter what export size I use for the movie files!
    I'm going to keep on trying – BUT I really don't understand why Adobe would roll-out a generally impressive application like LR3 and have included a feature it would seem to me to be of real utility to many of the folks using LR. (Not only wedding shooters, which, I'm going to assume, would totally glom-on to being able to make 'cool' slideshows of the events they make their livings on; but also 'artists' that might create something more 'edgy' or engaging: Combining, say, an mp3 version of some spoken-word story or poem in tandem with an engaging series of images.) But no.
    I find myself almost embarrassed now, the praise I continue to heap on this application – and Adobe – when I talk to others about Lightroom. I REALLY have no use for the Print module. The Web module is really quite nice – lots of controls to make clean, sophisticated (HTML) designs – though I still find myself doing additional, followup work in D'weaver to get rid of some clunky design issues w/my exports here. (*It would be great if we could easily adapt templates so that those of us who want to get rid of, for example, that ugly, clunky Old School link underlining that is generated with whatever is typed-into the 'Web or Mail Link' field...) C'est la vie.
    Do we really need to purchase ANOTHER app to make wonderful slideshows that look as good as they should?!

  • Creating Slideshow

    I would like to place four small photos to loop without effects in a single location on our office webpage.  I thought there would be a simple way to do it in DW but I guess it is better to do it in Flash or a use third party plug-in.  I would like to just publish the photos and immediately afterwards learn a more sophisticated way.
    Would you suggest going the DW route or learning a better method now?  Any help to get started would be appreciated.
    Thank you for your advice.

    You don't need Flash for this.  You can do it with JavaScript or jQuery code and an array (list) of images.
    You'll find a variety of slideshow scripts with instructions here:
    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists

  • Can't run two scripts?

    On my previous post, I was finally able to get my sideshow to work, but now I can't get my nav bar rollovers to work. I am really confused. Here is script for the original template I downloaded. Next is the JS slide show I inserted. Here is my site I muast have somthing in the wrong place because every time I try to move the js slideshow script around the nav bar rollovers don't work. When I pull the js slideshow script from the body, the nav bar rollovers work. Can someone shed some light? Remember, I know nothing about JS, please give me specific lines I need to change.
    <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
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    function newImage(arg) {
        if (document.images) {
            rslt = new Image();
            rslt.src = arg;
            return rslt;
    function changeImages() {
        if (document.images && (preloadFlag == true)) {
            for (var i=0; i<changeImages.arguments.length; i+=2) {
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                <A HREF="#"
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                <A HREF="#"
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            <TD ROWSPAN=5 align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#F7F4F4">
                <p align="center" class="style4"><span class="style5">THIS SITE IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION.</span> <span class="style5">Please come back often!</span></p>
                <p><span class="text1">03-21-10</span><br>
                The blog Relax and eat will be available soon.<br>
                <a href="#" class="a">read more</a><br>
                <span class="text1">03-21-10</span><br>
              You can find some healty recipies that taste good, are healthy for you, take about <br>
              15 minutes to prepare and can feed you for a few days.<br>
              <a href="#" class="a">read more</a></p></TD>
      <TD ROWSPAN=5>
                <IMG SRC="images/news3.gif" WIDTH=23 HEIGHT=191 ALT=""></TD>
                <IMG SRC="images/spacer.gif" WIDTH=1 HEIGHT=16 ALT=""></TD>
            <TD COLSPAN=4 ROWSPAN=2 align="left" valign="top">
                <p>We WIll have answers to all kinds of questions up soon.<a href="#" class="b"> read more</a><br>
                  <span class="text3">Have a question you don't see?</span> <a href="#" class="b">read more</a></p>
                <p>Do you have a good recipie that is low cost, easy<br>
                to prepare, and ismeets our standards of being healthy? <a href="#" class="b">read more</a></p>            </TD>
      <TD ROWSPAN=2>
                <IMG SRC="images/adv2.gif" WIDTH=26 HEIGHT=126 ALT=""></TD>
                <IMG SRC="images/spacer.gif" WIDTH=1 HEIGHT=1 ALT=""></TD>
            <TD COLSPAN=2 ROWSPAN=2>
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            <TD COLSPAN=2 ROWSPAN=2 align="left" valign="top">
                <p><span class="text3">TO.....RELAX AND EAT</span><br>
              Relax and eat is a website and forum dedicated to providing you with tips on relaxation and and how to eat healthy on a budget!<br>
              <a href="#" class="b">read more</a></p>          </TD>
                <IMG SRC="images/spacer.gif" WIDTH=1 HEIGHT=125 ALT=""></TD>
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                <IMG SRC="images/spacer.gif" WIDTH=1 HEIGHT=16 ALT=""></TD>
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            <TD COLSPAN=6 ROWSPAN=2>
                <IMG SRC="images/part1.gif" WIDTH=273 HEIGHT=49 ALT=""></TD>
                <IMG SRC="images/spacer.gif" WIDTH=1 HEIGHT=33 ALT=""></TD>
            <TD COLSPAN=5 ROWSPAN=3>
                <IMG SRC="images/start1.gif" WIDTH=197 HEIGHT=65 ALT=""></TD>
                <IMG SRC="images/spacer.gif" WIDTH=1 HEIGHT=16 ALT=""></TD>
            <TD ROWSPAN=3 align="left" valign="top">
                <IMG SRC="images/part2.gif" WIDTH=23 HEIGHT=64 ALT=""></TD>
            <TD COLSPAN=4 ROWSPAN=3 align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#7DA431" class="text4">
                <span class="text5">You will see more partners here in the future.</span><br>
                They will give you some really good tips and products.<br></TD>
      <TD ROWSPAN=3>
                <IMG SRC="images/part3.gif" WIDTH=26 HEIGHT=64 ALT=""></TD>
                <IMG SRC="images/spacer.gif" WIDTH=1 HEIGHT=10 ALT=""></TD>
            <TD COLSPAN=2 ROWSPAN=3>
                <IMG SRC="images/test2.gif" WIDTH=27 HEIGHT=107 ALT=""></TD>
            <TD COLSPAN=4 ROWSPAN=3 align="left" valign="top">
                <span class="text3">We will have some testimonials up soon, so why not bookmark us and come back.</span><br>
                <br>          <a href="#" class="b">read more</a></TD>
            <TD ROWSPAN=3 align="left" valign="top">
                <IMG SRC="images/test3.gif" WIDTH=41 HEIGHT=107 ALT=""></TD>
                <IMG SRC="images/spacer.gif" WIDTH=1 HEIGHT=39 ALT=""></TD>
            <TD COLSPAN=2 ROWSPAN=3>
                <IMG SRC="images/start2.gif" WIDTH=28 HEIGHT=79 ALT=""></TD>
            <TD COLSPAN=2 ROWSPAN=3 align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#F7F4F4">
                <span class="text3">Healthy cooking is easy. All you need are some spices, a crock pot, rice cooker. <br>
                </span><a href="#" class="b">read more</a></TD>
    <TD ROWSPAN=3>
                <IMG SRC="images/start3.gif" WIDTH=23 HEIGHT=79 ALT=""></TD>
                <IMG SRC="images/spacer.gif" WIDTH=1 HEIGHT=15 ALT=""></TD>
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                    ONMOUSEOUT="window.status='';  return true;">
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    <span class="style3">Copyright &copy;2010 Nelson May Communications</span><br>
                Design by <a href="" target="_blank" class="a">Templates</a> Box.<br /></TD>
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    Script by FPMC at
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    For this and 400+ free scripts, visit
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    <meta name="description" content="Relax and Eat is a site dedicated to helping you find relaxation and also showing you how you can cook and eat a healthy meal on a budget.">
    <meta name="keywords" content="relax and eat, relaxation, healthy eating, cooking, recipies, healthy cooking, healthy recipies, relaxation cds, the ten minute relaxation cd, crock pot, sarah palin, tiger woods, rice cooker, vegetables, easy relaxation, health food, dinner">
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    //set duration for each image
    //Please do not edit below
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                    ONMOUSEOVER="window.status='home'; changeImages('home', 'images/home-over.gif'); return true;"
                    ONMOUSEOUT="window.status=''; changeImages('home', 'images/home.gif'); return true;">
                    <IMG SRC="images/home.gif" ALT="home" NAME="home" WIDTH=122 HEIGHT=72 BORDER=0></A></TD>
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                    ONMOUSEOVER="window.status='about us'; changeImages('about_us', 'images/about-us-over.gif'); return true;"
                    ONMOUSEOUT="window.status=''; changeImages('about_us', 'images/about-us.gif'); return true;">
                    <IMG NAME="about_us" SRC="images/about-us.gif" WIDTH=125 HEIGHT=72 BORDER=0 ALT="about us"></A></TD>
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                    ONMOUSEOVER="window.status='adviser'; changeImages('adviser', 'images/adviser-over.gif'); return true;"
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                <IMG SRC="images/wel1.gif" WIDTH=159 HEIGHT=64 ALT=""></TD>
            <TD COLSPAN=4 ROWSPAN=5><img src="images/wel3.gif.png" width="169" height="205"></TD>
                <IMG SRC="images/adv1.gif" WIDTH=250 HEIGHT=63 ALT=""></TD>
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                <IMG SRC="images/news2.gif" WIDTH=42 HEIGHT=214 ALT=""></TD>
    <TD ROWSPAN=5 align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#F7F4F4">
                <p align="center" class="style4"><span class="style5">THIS SITE IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION.</span></p>
                <p><span class="text1">03-21-10</span><br>
                Rump Roast potatoes and Veggies Recipie.<br>
                <a href=" and-veggies-recipie-on-a-budget">read more</a><a href="#" class="a"></a><br>
                <span class="text1">03-22-10</span><br>
              Garlic, Basalmic Viniagrette Potatoes Recipie<br>
              <a href=" vinaigrette-potatoes">read more</a><a href="#" class="a"></a></p></TD>
      <TD ROWSPAN=5>
                <IMG SRC="images/news3.gif" WIDTH=23 HEIGHT=213 ALT=""></TD>
                <IMG SRC="images/spacer.gif" WIDTH=1 HEIGHT=16 ALT=""></TD>
            <TD COLSPAN=4 ROWSPAN=2 align="left" valign="top">
                <p>We WIll have answers to all kinds of questions up soon.<a href="#" class="b"> read more</a><br>
                  <span class="text3">Have a question you don't see?</span> <a href="#" class="b">read more</a></p>
                <p>Do you have a good recipie that is low cost, easy<br>
                to prepare, and ismeets our standards of being healthy? <a href="#" class="b">read more</a></p>            </TD>
      <TD ROWSPAN=2>
                <IMG SRC="images/adv2.gif" WIDTH=26 HEIGHT=126 ALT=""></TD>
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            <TD COLSPAN=2 ROWSPAN=2 align="left" valign="top">
              <p><span class="text3">TO.....RELAX AND EAT</span><br>
              Relax and eat is a website and forum dedicated to providing you with tips on relaxation and and how to eat healthy on a budget!<br>
              <a href="#" class="b"></a><a href=" -eat">read more</a></p>          </TD>
                <IMG SRC="images/spacer.gif" WIDTH=1 HEIGHT=125 ALT=""></TD>
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                <IMG SRC="images/spacer.gif" WIDTH=1 HEIGHT=16 ALT=""></TD>
            <TD COLSPAN=7 ROWSPAN=3>
                <IMG SRC="images/test1.gif" WIDTH=305 HEIGHT=59 ALT=""></TD>
          <TD COLSPAN=6 ROWSPAN=5 bgcolor="#F7F4F4"> <div align="center"><img src="images/ocean sounds2.jpg" width="137" height="127" border="0" usemap="#Map"><br>
                <IMG SRC="images/spacer.gif" WIDTH=1 HEIGHT=33 ALT=""></TD>
            <TD COLSPAN=5 ROWSPAN=3>
                <IMG SRC="images/start1.gif" WIDTH=197 HEIGHT=65 ALT=""></TD>
                <IMG SRC="images/spacer.gif" WIDTH=1 HEIGHT=16 ALT=""></TD>
                <IMG SRC="images/spacer.gif" WIDTH=1 HEIGHT=10 ALT=""></TD>
            <TD COLSPAN=2 ROWSPAN=3>
                <IMG SRC="images/test2.gif" WIDTH=27 HEIGHT=107 ALT=""></TD>
            <TD COLSPAN=4 ROWSPAN=3 align="left" valign="top">
                <span class="text3">We will have some testimonials up soon, so why not bookmark us and come back.</span><br>
                <br>          <a href="#" class="b">read more</a></TD>
            <TD ROWSPAN=3 align="left" valign="top">
                <IMG SRC="images/test3.gif" WIDTH=41 HEIGHT=107 ALT=""></TD>
                <IMG SRC="images/spacer.gif" WIDTH=1 HEIGHT=39 ALT=""></TD>
            <TD COLSPAN=2 ROWSPAN=3>
                <IMG SRC="images/start2.gif" WIDTH=28 HEIGHT=79 ALT=""></TD>
            <TD COLSPAN=2 ROWSPAN=3 align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#F7F4F4">
                <span class="text3">Healthy cooking is easy. All you need are some spices, a crock pot, rice cooker...etc. <br>
                </span><a href=" -eat">read more</a><a href="#" class="b"></a></TD>
    <TD ROWSPAN=3>
                <IMG SRC="images/start3.gif" WIDTH=23 HEIGHT=79 ALT=""></TD>
                <IMG SRC="images/spacer.gif" WIDTH=1 HEIGHT=15 ALT=""></TD>
            <TD COLSPAN=6 bgcolor="#F7F4F4">This is Oceansounds part of The Ten Minute Relaxation CD series of MP3s and CDs that will relax you in ten minutes. <a href="">CLICK HERE</a> to read more and purchase any one of the 9 CDs with nature sounds.</TD>
                <IMG SRC="images/spacer.gif" WIDTH=1 HEIGHT=53 ALT=""></TD>
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    <span class="style3">Copyright &copy;2010 Nelson May Communications</span><br><br /></TD>
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                <IMG SRC="images/spacer.gif" WIDTH=1 HEIGHT=44 ALT=""></TD>
                <IMG SRC="images/spacer.gif" WIDTH=5 HEIGHT=1 ALT=""></TD>
                <IMG SRC="images/spacer.gif" WIDTH=23 HEIGHT=1 ALT=""></TD>
                <IMG SRC="images/spacer.gif" WIDTH=14 HEIGHT=1 ALT=""></TD>
                <IMG SRC="images/spacer.gif" WIDTH=132 HEIGHT=1 ALT=""></TD>
                <IMG SRC="images/spacer.gif" WIDTH=23 HEIGHT=1 ALT=""></TD>
                <IMG SRC="images/spacer.gif" WIDTH=5 HEIGHT=1 ALT=""></TD>
                <IMG SRC="images/spacer.gif" WIDTH=22 HEIGHT=1 ALT=""></TD>
                <IMG SRC="images/spacer.gif" WIDTH=100 HEIGHT=1 ALT=""></TD>
                <IMG SRC="images/spacer.gif" WIDTH=32 HEIGHT=1 ALT=""></TD>
                <IMG SRC="images/spacer.gif" WIDTH=93 HEIGHT=1 ALT=""></TD>
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                <IMG SRC="images/spacer.gif" WIDTH=41 HEIGHT=1 ALT=""></TD>
                <IMG SRC="images/spacer.gif" WIDTH=23 HEIGHT=1 ALT=""></TD>
                <IMG SRC="images/spacer.gif" WIDTH=50 HEIGHT=1 ALT=""></TD>
                <IMG SRC="images/spacer.gif" WIDTH=45 HEIGHT=1 ALT=""></TD>
                <IMG SRC="images/spacer.gif" WIDTH=81 HEIGHT=1 ALT=""></TD>
                <IMG SRC="images/spacer.gif" WIDTH=48 HEIGHT=1 ALT=""></TD>
                <IMG SRC="images/spacer.gif" WIDTH=26 HEIGHT=1 ALT=""></TD>
    <!-- End ImageReady Slices -->
    <map name="Map"><area shape="rect" coords="1,3,138,124" href="">

    Someone else will surely be able to answer this more specifically. I'm still quite a novice at javascript, but I've learned that certain scripts don't "play well together", so to speak.
    I've had troubles in the past with jquery based scripts. Whichever one loads first in the <head> is the one that runs. The other is useless.
    I don't see jquery in your code so that probably isn't it, but somewhere in the two of these there's a function call that is redundant, in other words, both scripts are trying to do the same thing in different parts of the page. Either the slide show works and it kills the navigation or vice-versa, but there's likely an image change that both are tyring to do at once and the navigation can't change while the slideshow script is rotating images in the show or vice-versa.

  • How to create a slideshow in CS5.5

    I have Dreamweaver CS5.5 and want to add a slide show to my index page. I use a PC. I see that widgets are no longer available. What are my options? I have a slideshow on the page but it was created by GoLive6 and I am trying to update that page. Thanks for any help with this issue.
    Deva Burns

    Dreamweaver is pro-level software for people who understand code.  If you can't work with code, DW will continue to punish you.
    Copy & paste the following code into a new, blank document in code view.  SaveAs test.html and preview in browsers.
    <!doctype html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>HTML5, Cycle2 Carousel and Fancybox</title>
    <!--Latest jQuery Core Library-->
    <script src="">
    <!--FANCYBOX plugins-->
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet" media="screen">
    <script src=""></script>
    <!--Cycle2 Plugin-->
    <script src=""></script>
    <!--Cycle2 Carousel-->
    <script src=""></script>
        -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
        -moz-box-sizing: border-box;
        box-sizing: border-box;
    aside {float:left; width:25%; border-right: 1px solid #666; padding:2%;}
    article {float:left; width:75%; padding:2%;}
    .slideshow img {
    border:4px solid #999;
    /* pager */
    .cycle-pager {
        text-align: center;
        width: 100%;
        z-index: 500;
        position: relative;
        top: 0;
    .cycle-pager span {
        font-family: arial;
        font-size: 75px;
        width: 22px;
        height: 22px;
        display: inline-block;
        color: #ddd;
        cursor: pointer;
    .cycle-pager span.cycle-pager-active { color:#09C; }
    .cycle-pager > * { cursor: pointer; }
    <h1><a href="">jQuery Cycle 2</a> Responsive Carousel Slider with <a href="">Fancybox2</a> Viewer</h1>
    <h2>Left Aside</h2>
    <h3>Heading 3</h3>
    <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
    Mauris vitae libero lacus, vel hendrerit nisi! Maecenas quis velit nisl, volutpat viverra felis. Vestibulum luctus mauris sed sem dapibus luctus. Pellentesque aliquet aliquet ligula, et sagittis justo auctor varius. Quisque varius scelerisque nunc eget rhoncus.
    Aenean tristique enim ut ante dignissim.</p>
    <!--begin slideshow-->
    <div class="slideshow"
    data-cycle-slides="> a"
    <!--insert thumbnails and links to full size images below-->
    <a class="fancybox" data-fancybox-group="gallery" href="" title="optional captions"><img src="" alt="Thumbnail 1" /></a>
    <a class="fancybox" data-fancybox-group="gallery" href="" title="optional captions"><img src="" alt="Thumbnail 2" /></a>
    <a class="fancybox" data-fancybox-group="gallery" href="" title="optional captions"><img src="" alt="Thumbnail 3" /></a>
    <a class="fancybox" data-fancybox-group="gallery" href="" title="optional captions"><img src="" alt="Thumbnail 4" /></a>
    <a class="fancybox" data-fancybox-group="gallery" href="" title="optional captions"><img src="" alt="Thumbnail 5" /></a>
    <a class="fancybox" data-fancybox-group="gallery" href="" title="optional captions"><img src="" alt="Thumbnail 6" /></a>
    <a class="fancybox" data-fancybox-group="gallery" href="" title="optional captions"><img src="" alt="Thumbnail 7" /></a>
    <!--end slideshow-->
    <!--begin Cycle2 pager-->
    <div class="cycle-pager" id="pager">
    <!--end pager-->
    <!--Cycle2 function code-->
    <script>$.fn.cycle.defaults.autoSelector = '.slideshow';</script>
    <!--FancyBox2 function code-->
    $(document).ready(function() {
    Nancy O.

  • How do I get to use my printer post script fonts in Illustrator and In Design

    I am running the CS2 Suite with Photo Shop, Illustrator, and In Design.  I have purchased a Xerox 8550 post script printer, and it comes with 40 really cool post script fonts. I know that Adobe uses the common files folder in program files to store the fonts, but it dosn't list the fonts that are resident in my printer.  Is there any way that I can tell the common files area that I have these resident fonts, if so, how?

    That would be up to the printer driver. When installed, it should create either a full set of PostScript fonts, a set of bitmap placeholder fonts or offer a way to manage fonts on the printer, including downloading them manually - if allowed. The driver is also the place where to look for font substitution rules. Double-check the manual/ help files for the printer, I'm sure it's explained somewhere...

  • Copying iPhoto slideshows from G5 to MacBook

    I have created some cool slideshows in my G5 and want to copy those slideshows on to my MacBook so that I can show them to family when I travel. I have never been able to figure out how to do this.
    "Exporting" the slideshow only creates a Quick Time Movie. While the movies work fine, they do not fill the screen and are low res (even when I choose "large size"). I want to show the slideshow from within iPhoto (it's better quality than a Q T Movie).
    Can anyone help me with this?
    Thank you

    If you don't want to copy the library to the laptop and can live with QT movie files that can be sized to any pixel dimension you want, give PhotoPresenter a try. It has a demo version so you can evaluate it. You'd have to recreate the current slideshows but it also have over 25 animated themes which you can use. This demo page has several examples.
    The resulting QT movie files would be easy to carry with you and could be burned to CDs if you wanted to leave them with the family members.
    TIP: For insurance against the iPhoto database corruption that many users have experienced I recommend making a backup copy of the Library6.iPhoto (iPhoto.Library for iPhoto 5 and earlier) database file and keep it current. If problems crop up where iPhoto suddenly can't see any photos or thinks there are no photos in the library, replacing the working Library6.iPhoto file with the backup will often get the library back. By keeping it current I mean backup after each import and/or any serious editing or work on books, slideshows, calendars, cards, etc. That insures that if a problem pops up and you do need to replace the database file, you'll retain all those efforts. It doesn't take long to make the backup and it's good insurance.
    I've created an Automator workflow application (requires Tiger or later), iPhoto dB File Backup, that will copy the selected Library6.iPhoto file from your iPhoto Library folder to the Pictures folder, replacing any previous version of it. It's compatible with iPhoto 6 and 7 libraries and Tiger and Leopard. Just put the application in the Dock and click on it whenever you want to backup the dB file. iPhoto does not have to be closed to run the application, just idle. You can download it at Toad's Cellar. Be sure to read the Read Me pdf file.
    Note: There's now an Automator backup application for iPhoto 5 that will work with Tiger or Leopard.

  • Can changes be made to the Slideshow feature in iWeb?

    Dear Forum,
    Regarding the iWeb slide show feature.
    (1)How can I have iWeb open this slideshow in the centre of the screen as opposed to the top left?
    (2) How can I turn off the reflection?
    (3) How can I change the existing black background colour to white?
    Thanks for any advice
    1.6GHz PowerPC G5   Mac OS X (10.3.9)
    You can do a lot of customizing but you must know a little about html code.
    Some of the files are served from Apple (not inside your iDisk) so you would have to copy them and edit the html code to point to your edited version.
    Holds the code your the display of the slide show. You can edit this file with any plain text editor.
    Not for the faint of heart and republishing or updating your iWeb pages may revert to the older files.

  • Converting jQuery Cycle slideshow to jQuery Cycle2

    I am trying to convert an existing jQuery Cycle slideshow with page anchors to jQuery Cycle2. I keep getting caught up on converting the Javascript that currently resides in the HTML page:
    <script type="text/javascript">
    fx:     'turnDown',
    speed:  'fast',
    timeout: 0,
    pager:  '#nav',
    pagerAnchorBuilder: function(idx, slide) {
    // return selector string for existing anchor
               return '#nav li:eq(' + idx + ') a';
    Any ideas?

    Cycle2 is completely different from the older Cycle plugin. C2 uses the latest jQuery core library and HTML5 data attributes to invoke the plugin's features.  The function codes you have there won't work.  I would recommend starting over with a plain, blank HTML5 document.  The code below contains Cycle2 Carousel with Fancybox.
    <!doctype html>
    <html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>HTML5, Cycle2 Carousel with Fancybox Viewer</title>
    <!--[if lt IE 9]><script src=""></script><![endif]-->
    <!--Latest jQuery Core Library-->
    <script src="">
    <!--FANCYBOX plugin-->
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet" media="screen">
    <script src=""></script>
    <!--Cycle2 Plugin-->
    <script src=""></script>
    <!--Cycle2 Carousel-->
    <script src=""></script>
    -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
    -moz-box-sizing: border-box;
        box-sizing: border-box;
    aside {
        float: left;
        width: 25%;
        border-right: 1px solid #666;
        padding: 2%;
    section {
        float: left;
        width: 75%;
        padding: 2%;
    .slideshow img { border: 4px solid #999; }
    /* slideshow pager */
    .cycle-pager {
        text-align: center;
        width: 100%;
        z-index: 500;
        position: relative;
        top: 0;
    .cycle-pager span {
        font-family: arial;
        font-size: 75px;
        width: 22px;
        height: 22px;
        display: inline-block;
        color: #ddd;
        cursor: pointer;
    .cycle-pager span.cycle-pager-active { color: #09C; }
    .cycle-pager > * { cursor: pointer; }
    <header> <h1><a href="">jQuery Cycle 2</a> Responsive Carousel Slider with <a href="">Fancybox2</a> Viewer</h1>
    <h2>Left Aside</h2>
    <h3>Heading 3</h3>
    <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
    Mauris vitae libero lacus, vel hendrerit nisi! Maecenas quis velit nisl, volutpat viverra felis. Vestibulum luctus mauris sed sem dapibus luctus. Pellentesque aliquet aliquet ligula, et sagittis justo auctor varius. Quisque varius scelerisque nunc eget rhoncus.
    Aenean tristique enim ut ante dignissim.</p>
    <!--begin Cycle2 slideshow-->
    <div class="slideshow"
    data-cycle-slides="> a"
    <!--insert thumbnails and links to full size images below-->
    <a class="fancybox" data-fancybox-group="gallery" href="" title="optional captions"><img src="" alt="Thumbnail 1" /></a>
    <a class="fancybox" data-fancybox-group="gallery" href="" title="optional captions"><img src="" alt="Thumbnail 2" /></a>
    <a class="fancybox" data-fancybox-group="gallery" href="" title="optional captions"><img src="" alt="Thumbnail 3" /></a>
    <a class="fancybox" data-fancybox-group="gallery" href="" title="optional captions"><img src="" alt="Thumbnail 4" /></a>
    <a class="fancybox" data-fancybox-group="gallery" href="" title="optional captions"><img src="" alt="Thumbnail 5" /></a>
    <a class="fancybox" data-fancybox-group="gallery" href="" title="optional captions"><img src="" alt="Thumbnail 6" /></a>
    <a class="fancybox" data-fancybox-group="gallery" href="" title="optional captions"><img src="" alt="Thumbnail 7" /></a>
    <!--end slideshow-->
    <!--begin Cycle2 pager-->
    <div class="cycle-pager" id="pager">
    <!--end pager-->
    <!--Cycle2 function code-->
    <script>$.fn.cycle.defaults.autoSelector = '.slideshow';</script>
    <!--FancyBox function code-->
            $(document).ready(function() {
    Nancy O.

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