Copy button definition

hi all.
here's a question for you.
imagine i have a world map in indesign, all countries are single objects/ploylines.
now, i would like to convert these into interactive buttons, add the same rollover, down and up status to all objects (i.e. same colors), for further export into pdf. is there any way to do this automatically, to copy past the button definition from one to others? or do i have to do this for each object (== country)?
regards from tokyo.

What version of ID?
IIRC, this was broken in CS3.

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    Tom -
    I assume this is the prior post you where talking about :
    However, this doesn't cover my problem.  I have tried all the follow, and they all break export / import and copy functionality due to mismatched quotes:
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    On a website ...  
    Tap the Action icon bottom of that window. (white square with a right facing arrow) then tap Facebook.
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    I had already done that. It just gives me option to change the characteristics of the button but does not actually give me the application context based situation like the one I had described in my question. The buttons are all disabled in general but the Display/print button is enabled when a row is selected where as the copy is still disabled when I select an expense that has been posted to FI. It is enabled when I select an expense that is still in the process. I would like to see it enabled all the time.

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    First question why are you trying to do this? Are you answer users not competent enough to use this function?
    Real answer you can only add javascript to a report or dashboard, not to the OBIEE GUI. So you have to edit the template MSGDB files. Be very very carefull since you can easily f*** *p the whole system!

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    Very interesting answer Ravinchandra. I've tested it without editing page in SP Designer and just by adding it in a script editor web part and it has the same result.
    However in my scenario I would need to dynamically hide/show same based on the curent user's permission.
    How could I make your script integrate with javascript from this post to achieve above?
    Thanks and Regards,

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    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    Dear Yoganova,
    Here you have the user's manual:
    In the page number 6 you can see the panel diagram.
    I hope you find it helpful.
    * I am not an employee of HP, my work is voluntary.
    If this answer was helpful and clarify or resolve your problem, please mark the issue as resolved and click my star next to give a kudo as thanks.
    I am not an employee of HP, my work is voluntary. If this answer has been helpful and clarifies or solves your problem, please click the button
    and click on the icon if you want acknowledge the assistance.

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    5% of attempts button copies, but only once.
    2nd paste attempt 100% failure.

    Acrobat X Pro.
    Microsoft support managed the OS to ensure perfect compliance as I ran the Repair and Update methods from the Acrobat Help menu. Yes.
    We also installed Acrobat Reader and Java 40 D on top of Widows PDF Reader and Windows Java.
    As Typekit and Microsoft Engineers are aware, Acrobat Reader and Java are toxic to more than just Windows typographic services.
    So as Windows began to crash 'under the influence' I quickly removed the Paraphernalia.
    Yes, usual measures were taken.
    Yes, with "Icon only" selected, "Choose icon..." button in Button Properties dialog is disabled for some unknown reason.
         ( Tools, Button, Options, Choose Icon not available )
    Yes, we are unable to copy the button from one page to another, generally.

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    by mistake, got marked as answered.

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    Thanks a lot

    hi Jie,
    how are you doing ?
    the copy functionality seems will come with nw2004s
    compare the doc between bw 3.x and nw2004s
    ...Select a defined cell and choose the required function from the context menu (right mouse button).
    ¡¤        Edit
    ¡¤        Delete
    ¡¤        Where-Used List
    Before you delete a cell, you can check for the formulas in which the defined cell is used in the where-used list.
    Select a defined cell and choose the required function from the context menu (secondary mouse button).
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    ¡ñ     Cut
    +¡ñ     Copy
    ¡ñ     Paste+
    ¡ñ     Remove
    ¡ñ     Where-Used List

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    please kindly help me out,
    Thank you,

    I think you problem is in u201CBilling tabu201D which it is not showing any details on particularly billing tab. Right
    Ok, as per you wording Services order having billing tab with details but Service contract does not.
    If am I right, you see the below solutionu2026.
    First go to T-code: CRMC_PCUITOOLS
    Put you
    Application : CRMD_BUS2000116
    View (blview) : ZXXXXX
    Then press F8 for execute
    You will see the view of particularly Leading Transaction Category and go to billing tab
    See below Tab Page Group (SRV_ODP1)
    Second go to T-code: CRMC_BLUEPRINT_C
    Follow this : Application Element -> Tab Page Group -> Tab Page Group Structure
    Put it (SRV_ODP1) and go to billing (double click on them)
    You will see following details
    Tab Page Group       SRV_ODP1
    View                      ZXXX
    Sequence                  23
    Event                     S1O_HD_PAYMENT_BILL
    Text                      Billing
    View Switch Gro
    Multi-Group               S1O_HD_PAYMENT_BILL
    Inactive          Flag is Not Set
    Follow the same for Service contract. You will see the Multi-Group missing
    Put it same on that (S1O_HD_PAYMENT_BILL)
    I think this issue will solveu2026u2026u2026u2026u2026u2026u2026u2026u2026u2026u2026u2026u2026u2026

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    Hi Prabhu,
    If you have two structures in your report you can do it by defining exception cells.
    Check this
    Also Check this

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    getField("locname").value = getField("custname").value;
    getField("locaddress").value = getField("custaddess").value;
    getField("loccitystzip").value = getField("custcitystzip").value;
    getField("loccontact").value = getField("custcontact").value;
    Thank you for your help (and for not laughing at my scripting ignorance!)

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