Copy memory leak

I have been doing a lot of copying of large files between my Mac, and a home storage, using AFP protocol.
I often use the terminal for doing so.
I noticed that whenever I was copying files, after a while my Mac would become very slow. So, I started the Activity Monitor to see what was happeing.
During the copy, the Inactive Memory keeps incresing, and the free keeps descreasing. Well: known what inactive memory is, it would not be so worrying, as the Mac kernel should discard the Incative Memmory when needed.
But that's not happen: when the free memory gets nears zero, the swap used begins to increase!!! That explains why the system beomes slow: it can not frees the inactive memory when needed.
If I use the GUI copy (Finder), it does not happen: the inactive memory remains stable.
Does anyone knowns what is going on? I really needs to fix it, I do a lot of copying be scripting.

In may last test, I have tried copying just one file, with 3,4GB. I was enough to comsume all my memory.
Closing the terminal window dont free up the memory either, The best way to free the memory was using a purge (from dev tool).
I have also noticed that behavior using TAR to backup a virtual machine (something around 20GB - it was really painful to get this backup done).

Similar Messages

  • Pro*c multithreaded application has memory leak

    Hi there,
    I posted this message a week ago in OCI section, nobody answer me.
    I am really curious if my application has a bug or the pro*c has a bug.
    Anyone can compile the sample code and test it easily.
    I made multithreaded application which queries dynamic SQL, it works.
    But the memory leaks when i query the SQL statement.
    The more memory leaks, the more i query the SQL statement, even same SQL
    I check it with top, shell command.
    My machine is SUN E450, Solaris 8. Oracle
    Compiler : gcc (GCC) 3.2.2
    I changed source code which is from
    the sample10 doesn't need to be multithreaded. But i think it has to work
    correctly if i changed it to multithreaded application.
    the make file and source code will be placed below.
    I have to figure out the problem.
    Please help
    Thanks in advance,
    the make file is below
    HOME = /user/jkku
    CC = gcc
    PROC = proc
    LC_INCL = -I$(HOME)/work/dbmss/libs/include
    lc_incl = include=$(HOME)/work/dbmss/libs/include
    SYS_INCL =
    sys_incl =
    ORA_INCL = -I. \
    -I$(ORA)/precomp/public \
    -I$(ORA)/rdbms/public \
    -I$(ORA)/rdbms/demo \
    -I$(ORA)/rdbms/pbsql/public \
    -I$(ORA)/network/public \
    includes = $(lc_incl) $(sys_incl)
    LC_LIBS =
    SYS_LIBS = -lpthread -lsocket -lnsl -lrt
    ORA_LIBS = -L$(ORA)/lib/ -lclntsh
    # Define C Compiler flags
    CFLAGS += -D_Solaris64_ -m64
    # Define pro*c Compiler flags
    # Our object files
    PRECOMPS = sample10.c
    OBJS = sample10.o
    .SUFFIXES: .o .c .pc
    $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) $*.c
    $(PROC) $(PROCFLAGS) $(includes) $*.pc $*.c
    all: sample10
    sample10: $(PRECOMPS) $(OBJS)
    $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o sample10 $(OBJS) $(LIBS)
    rm -rf *.o sample10 sample10.c
    the source code is below which i changed the oracle sample10.pc to
    multithreaded application.
    Sample Program 10: Dynamic SQL Method 4
    This program connects you to ORACLE using your username and
    password, then prompts you for a SQL statement. You can enter
    any legal SQL statement. Use regular SQL syntax, not embedded SQL.
    Your statement will be processed. If it is a query, the rows
    fetched are displayed.
    You can enter multi-line statements. The limit is 1023 characters.
    This sample program only processes up to MAX_ITEMS bind variables and
    MAX_ITEMS select-list items. MAX_ITEMS is #defined to be 40.
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <setjmp.h>
    #include <sqlda.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <sqlcpr.h>
    /* Maximum number of select-list items or bind variables. */
    #define MAX_ITEMS 40
    /* Maximum lengths of the names of the
    select-list items or indicator variables. */
    #define MAX_VNAME_LEN 30
    #define MAX_INAME_LEN 30
    #ifndef NULL
    #define NULL 0
    /* Prototypes */
    #if defined(__STDC__)
    void sql_error(void);
    int oracle_connect(void);
    int alloc_descriptors(int, int, int);
    int get_dyn_statement(void);
    void set_bind_variables(void);
    void process_select_list(void);
    void help(void);
    void sql_error(/*_ void _*/);
    int oracle_connect(/*_ void _*/);
    int alloc_descriptors(/*_ int, int, int _*/);
    int get_dyn_statement(/* void _*/);
    void set_bind_variables(/*_ void -*/);
    void process_select_list(/*_ void _*/);
    void help(/*_ void _*/);
    char *dml_commands[] = {"SELECT", "select", "INSERT", "insert",
    "UPDATE", "update", "DELETE", "delete"};
    char dyn_statement[1024];
    EXEC SQL VAR dyn_statement IS STRING(1024);
    SQLDA *bind_dp;
    SQLDA *select_dp;
    /* Define a buffer to hold longjmp state info. */
    jmp_buf jmp_continue;
    char *db_uid="dbmuser/dbmuser@dbmdb";
    sql_context ctx;
    int err_sql;
    int main()
    int i;
    EXEC SQL WHENEVER NOT FOUND DO sql_not_found();
    /* Connect to the database. */
    if (connect_database() < 0)
    /* Process SQL statements. */
    for (;;)
    /* Allocate memory for the select and bind descriptors. */
    if (alloc_descriptors(MAX_ITEMS, MAX_VNAME_LEN, NAME_LEN) != 0)
    (void) setjmp(jmp_continue);
    /* Get the statement. Break on "exit". */
    if (get_dyn_statement() != 0)
    EXEC SQL PREPARE S FROM :dyn_statement;
    /* Set the bind variables for any placeholders in the
    SQL statement. */
    /* Open the cursor and execute the statement.
    * If the statement is not a query (SELECT), the
    * statement processing is completed after the
    * OPEN.
    /* Call the function that processes the select-list.
    * If the statement is not a query, this function
    * just returns, doing nothing.
    /* Tell user how many rows processed. */
    for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
    if (strncmp(dyn_statement, dml_commands, 6) == 0)
    printf("\n\n%d row%c processed.\n", sqlca.sqlerrd[2], sqlca.sqlerrd[2] == 1 ? '\0' : 's');
    /* Close the cursor. */
    /* When done, free the memory allocated for pointers in the bind and
    select descriptors. */
    for (i = 0; i < MAX_ITEMS; i++)
    if (bind_dp->V != (char *) 0)
    free(bind_dp->I); /* MAX_ITEMS were allocated. */
    if (select_dp->V != (char *) 0)
    free(select_dp->I); /* MAX_ITEMS were allocated. */
    /* Free space used by the descriptors themselves. */
    SQLSQLDAFree(ctx, bind_dp);
    SQLSQLDAFree(ctx, select_dp);
    } /* end of for(;;) statement-processing loop */
    puts("\nHave a good day!\n");
    * Allocate the BIND and SELECT descriptors using sqlald().
    * Also allocate the pointers to indicator variables
    * in each descriptor. The pointers to the actual bind
    * variables and the select-list items are realloc'ed in
    * the set_bind_variables() or process_select_list()
    * routines. This routine allocates 1 byte for select_dp->V
    * and bind_dp->V, so the realloc will work correctly.
    alloc_descriptors(size, max_vname_len, max_iname_len)
    int size;
    int max_vname_len;
    int max_iname_len;
    int i;
    * The first sqlald parameter determines the maximum number of
    * array elements in each variable in the descriptor. In
    * other words, it determines the maximum number of bind
    * variables or select-list items in the SQL statement.
    * The second parameter determines the maximum length of
    * strings used to hold the names of select-list items
    * or placeholders. The maximum length of column
    * names in ORACLE is 30, but you can allocate more or less
    * as needed.
    * The third parameter determines the maximum length of
    * strings used to hold the names of any indicator
    * variables. To follow ORACLE standards, the maximum
    * length of these should be 30. But, you can allocate
    * more or less as needed.
    if ((bind_dp =
    SQLSQLDAAlloc(ctx, size, max_vname_len, max_iname_len)) ==
    (SQLDA *) 0)
    "Cannot allocate memory for bind descriptor.");
    return -1; /* Have to exit in this case. */
    if ((select_dp =
    SQLSQLDAAlloc(ctx, size, max_vname_len, max_iname_len)) == (SQLDA *)
    "Cannot allocate memory for select descriptor.");
    return -1;
    select_dp->N = MAX_ITEMS;
    /* Allocate the pointers to the indicator variables, and the
    actual data. */
    for (i = 0; i < MAX_ITEMS; i++) {
    bind_dp->I = (short *) malloc(sizeof (short));
    select_dp->I = (short *) malloc(sizeof(short));
    bind_dp->V = (char *) malloc(1);
    select_dp->V = (char *) malloc(1);
    return 0;
    int get_dyn_statement()
    char *cp, linebuf[256];
    int iter, plsql;
    for (plsql = 0, iter = 1; ;)
    if (iter == 1)
    printf("\nSQL> ");
    dyn_statement[0] = '\0';
    fgets(linebuf, sizeof linebuf, stdin);
    cp = strrchr(linebuf, '\n');
    if (cp && cp != linebuf)
    *cp = ' ';
    else if (cp == linebuf)
    if ((strncmp(linebuf, "EXIT", 4) == 0) ||
    (strncmp(linebuf, "exit", 4) == 0))
    return -1;
    else if (linebuf[0] == '?' ||
    (strncmp(linebuf, "HELP", 4) == 0) ||
    (strncmp(linebuf, "help", 4) == 0))
    iter = 1;
    if (strstr(linebuf, "BEGIN") ||
    (strstr(linebuf, "begin")))
    plsql = 1;
    strcat(dyn_statement, linebuf);
    if ((plsql && (cp = strrchr(dyn_statement, '/'))) ||
    (!plsql && (cp = strrchr(dyn_statement, ';'))))
    *cp = '\0';
    printf("%3d ", iter);
    return 0;
    void set_bind_variables()
    int i, n;
    char bind_var[64];
    /* Describe any bind variables (input host variables) */
    bind_dp->N = MAX_ITEMS; /* Initialize count of array elements. */
    /* If F is negative, there were more bind variables
    than originally allocated by sqlald(). */
    if (bind_dp->F < 0)
    printf ("\nToo many bind variables (%d), maximum is %d\n.",
    -bind_dp->F, MAX_ITEMS);
    /* Set the maximum number of array elements in the
    descriptor to the number found. */
    bind_dp->N = bind_dp->F;
    /* Get the value of each bind variable as a
    * character string.
    * C contains the length of the bind variable
    * name used in the SQL statement.
    * S contains the actual name of the bind variable
    * used in the SQL statement.
    * L will contain the length of the data value
    * entered.
    * V will contain the address of the data value
    * entered.
    * T is always set to 1 because in this sample program
    * data values for all bind variables are entered
    * as character strings.
    * ORACLE converts to the table value from CHAR.
    * I will point to the indicator value, which is
    * set to -1 when the bind variable value is "null".
    for (i = 0; i < bind_dp->F; i++)
    printf ("\nEnter value for bind variable %.*s: ",
    (int)bind_dp->C, bind_dp->S);
    fgets(bind_var, sizeof bind_var, stdin);
    /* Get length and remove the new line character. */
    n = strlen(bind_var) - 1;
    /* Set it in the descriptor. */
    bind_dp->L = n;
    /* (re-)allocate the buffer for the value.
    sqlald() reserves a pointer location for
    V but does not allocate the full space for
    the pointer. */
    bind_dp->V = (char *) realloc(bind_dp->V, (bind_dp->L + 1));
    /* And copy it in. */
    strncpy(bind_dp->V, bind_var, n);
    /* Set the indicator variable's value. */
    if ((strncmp(bind_dp->V, "NULL", 4) == 0) ||
    (strncmp(bind_dp->V, "null", 4) == 0))
    *bind_dp->I = -1;
    *bind_dp->I = 0;
    /* Set the bind datatype to 1 for CHAR. */
    bind_dp->T = 1;
    void process_select_list()
    int i, null_ok, precision, scale;
    if ((strncmp(dyn_statement, "SELECT", 6) != 0) &&
    (strncmp(dyn_statement, "select", 6) != 0))
    select_dp->F = 0;
    /* If the SQL statement is a SELECT, describe the
    select-list items. The DESCRIBE function returns
    their names, datatypes, lengths (including precision
    and scale), and NULL/NOT NULL statuses. */
    select_dp->N = MAX_ITEMS;
    /* If F is negative, there were more select-list
    items than originally allocated by sqlald(). */
    if (select_dp->F < 0)
    printf ("\nToo many select-list items (%d), maximum is %d\n",
    -(select_dp->F), MAX_ITEMS);
    /* Set the maximum number of array elements in the
    descriptor to the number found. */
    select_dp->N = select_dp->F;
    /* Allocate storage for each select-list item.
    sqlprc() is used to extract precision and scale
    from the length (select_dp->L).
    sqlnul() is used to reset the high-order bit of
    the datatype and to check whether the column
    is NOT NULL.
    CHAR datatypes have length, but zero precision and
    scale. The length is defined at CREATE time.
    NUMBER datatypes have precision and scale only if
    defined at CREATE time. If the column
    definition was just NUMBER, the precision
    and scale are zero, and you must allocate
    the required maximum length.
    DATE datatypes return a length of 7 if the default
    format is used. This should be increased to
    9 to store the actual date character string.
    If you use the TO_CHAR function, the maximum
    length could be 75, but will probably be less
    (you can see the effects of this in SQL*Plus).
    ROWID datatype always returns a fixed length of 18 if
    coerced to CHAR.
    LONG and
    LONG RAW datatypes return a length of 0 (zero),
    so you need to set a maximum. In this example,
    it is 240 characters.
    printf ("\n");
    for (i = 0; i < select_dp->F; i++)
    char title[MAX_VNAME_LEN];
    /* Turn off high-order bit of datatype (in this example,
    it does not matter if the column is NOT NULL). */
    sqlnul ((unsigned short *)&(select_dp->T), (unsigned short
    *)&(select_dp->T), &null_ok);
    switch (select_dp->T)
    case 1 : /* CHAR datatype: no change in length
    needed, except possibly for TO_CHAR
    conversions (not handled here). */
    case 2 : /* NUMBER datatype: use sqlprc() to
    extract precision and scale. */
    sqlprc ((unsigned int *)&(select_dp->L), &precision,
    /* Allow for maximum size of NUMBER. */
    if (precision == 0) precision = 40;
    /* Also allow for decimal point and
    possible sign. */
    /* convert NUMBER datatype to FLOAT if scale > 0,
    INT otherwise. */
    if (scale > 0)
    select_dp->L = sizeof(float);
    select_dp->L = sizeof(int);
    case 8 : /* LONG datatype */
    select_dp->L = 240;
    case 11 : /* ROWID datatype */
    case 104 : /* Universal ROWID datatype */
    select_dp->L = 18;
    case 12 : /* DATE datatype */
    select_dp->L = 9;
    case 23 : /* RAW datatype */
    case 24 : /* LONG RAW datatype */
    select_dp->L = 240;
    /* Allocate space for the select-list data values.
    sqlald() reserves a pointer location for
    V but does not allocate the full space for
    the pointer. */
    if (select_dp->T != 2)
    select_dp->V = (char *) realloc(select_dp->V,
    select_dp->L + 1);
    select_dp->V = (char *) realloc(select_dp->V,
    /* Print column headings, right-justifying number
    column headings. */
    /* Copy to temporary buffer in case name is null-terminated */
    memset(title, ' ', MAX_VNAME_LEN);
    strncpy(title, select_dp->S, select_dp->C);
    if (select_dp->T == 2)
    if (scale > 0)
    printf ("%.*s ", select_dp->L+3, title);
    printf ("%.*s ", select_dp->L, title);
    printf("%-.*s ", select_dp->L, title);
    /* Coerce ALL datatypes except for LONG RAW and NUMBER to
    character. */
    if (select_dp->T != 24 && select_dp->T != 2)
    select_dp->T = 1;
    /* Coerce the datatypes of NUMBERs to float or int depending on
    the scale. */
    if (select_dp->T == 2)
    if (scale > 0)
    select_dp->T = 4; /* float */
    select_dp->T = 3; /* int */
    printf ("\n\n");
    /* FETCH each row selected and print the column values. */
    for (;;)
    /* Since each variable returned has been coerced to a
    character string, int, or float very little processing
    is required here. This routine just prints out the
    values on the terminal. */
    for (i = 0; i < select_dp->F; i++)
    if (*select_dp->I < 0)
    if (select_dp->T == 4)
    printf ("%-*c ",(int)select_dp->L+3, ' ');
    printf ("%-*c ",(int)select_dp->L, ' ');
    if (select_dp->T == 3) /* int datatype */
    printf ("%*d ", (int)select_dp->L,
    *(int *)select_dp->V);
    else if (select_dp->T == 4) /* float datatype */
    printf ("%*.2f ", (int)select_dp->L,
    *(float *)select_dp->V);
    else /* character string */
    printf ("%-*.*s ", (int)select_dp->L,
    (int)select_dp->L, select_dp->V);
    printf ("\n");
    void help()
    puts("\n\nEnter a SQL statement or a PL/SQL block at the SQL> prompt.");
    puts("Statements can be continued over several lines, except");
    puts("within string literals.");
    puts("Terminate a SQL statement with a semicolon.");
    puts("Terminate a PL/SQL block (which can contain embedded
    puts("with a slash (/).");
    puts("Typing \"exit\" (no semicolon needed) exits the program.");
    puts("You typed \"?\" or \"help\" to get this message.\n\n");
    int connect_database()
    err_sql = SQL_SUCC;
    EXEC SQL WHENEVER NOT FOUND DO sql_not_found();
    EXEC SQL CONNECT :db_uid;
    if(err_sql != SQL_SUCC){
    printf("err => connect database(ctx:%ld, uid:%s) failed!\n", ctx, db_uid);
    return -1;
    return 1;
    int disconnect_database()
    err_sql = SQL_SUCC;
    EXEC SQL WHENEVER NOT FOUND DO sql_not_found();
    return 1;
    void sql_error()
    printf("err => %.*s", sqlca.sqlerrm.sqlerrml, sqlca.sqlerrm.sqlerrmc);
    printf("in \"%.*s...\'\n", oraca.orastxt.orastxtl, oraca.orastxt.orastxtc);
    printf("on line %d of %.*s.\n\n", oraca.oraslnr, oraca.orasfnm.orasfnml,
    switch(sqlca.sqlcode) {
    case -1: /* unique constraint violated */
    err_sql = SQL_UNIQUE;
    case -1012: /* not logged on */
    case -1089:
    case -3133:
    case -1041:
    case -3114:
    case -3113:
    /* �6�Ŭ�� shutdown�ǰų� �α��� ���°� �ƴҶ� ��b�� �õ� */
    /* immediate shutdown in progress - no operations are permitted */
    /* end-of-file on communication channel */
    /* internal error. hostdef extension doesn't exist */
    err_sql = SQL_DISCONNECT;
    case -1400:
    err_sql = SQL_NOTNULL;
    err_sql = SQL_ERR;
    void sql_not_found()
    err_sql = SQL_NOTFOUND;

    Hi Jane,
    What version of Berkeley DB XML are you using?
    What is your operating system and your hardware platform?
    For how long have been the application running?
    What is your current container size?
    What's set for EnvironmentConfig.setThreaded?
    Do you know if containers have previously not been closed correctly?
    Can you please post the entire error output?
    What's the JDK version, 1.4 or 1.5?

  • Bug:4705928 PLSQL: Memory leak using small varrays

    We have Oracle version
    We have a problem with a procedure.
    In our scenario we make use of VARRAY in the procedure to pass some filter parameters to a select distinct querying a view made on three tables.
    Unfotunately not always execution it is successful.
    Sometimes it returns wrong value (0 for the count parameter), sometimes (rarely) the server stops working.
    We suspect that this is caused by a bug fixed in versione
    Bug:4705928 PLSQL: Memory leak using small varrays when trimming the whole collection and inserting into it in a loop
    We suspect this becasue we made two procedure the first (spProductCount) uses a function (fnProductFilter) to calculate the values of a varray and passes them into the select,
    while in the second procedure (spProductCount2) parameters are passed directly into the statement without varray
    and there are failures only in the first procedure.
    On the other hand on another server we never have this problem.
    The instance manifesting the bug runs under shared mode, while the other is under dedicated mode.
    Turning the first one to dedicated mode makes the bugs disapear.
    Unfortunately this is not a solution.
    In the sample there are the three table with all constraints, the view, tha varray custom type, the function and the two procedures.
    Is there someone that may examine our sample and tell us if the pl/sql code corresponds to the bug desciption.
    We also want to know if it's possibile that the same server running under different mode (SHARED/DEDICATED) doesn't behave the same way.
    The tables:
    CREATE TABLE "Products" (
         "Image" BLOB
         , "CatalogId" RAW(16)
         , "ProductId" RAW(16)
         , "MnemonicId" NVARCHAR2(50) DEFAULT ''
         , "ProductParentId" RAW(16)
    ALTER TABLE "Products"
         ADD CONSTRAINT "NN_Products_M04" CHECK ("CatalogId" IS NOT NULL)
    ALTER TABLE "Products"
         ADD CONSTRAINT "NN_Products_M05" CHECK ("ProductId" IS NOT NULL)
    ALTER TABLE "Products"
    ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_Products"
    PRIMARY KEY ("ProductId")
    CREATE INDEX "IX_Products"
    ON "Products" ("CatalogId", "MnemonicId")
    ON "Products" (DECODE("MnemonicId", NULL, NULL, RAWTOHEX("CatalogId") || "MnemonicId"))
    CREATE TABLE "Languages" (
         "Description" NVARCHAR2(250)
         , "IsStandard" NUMBER(1)
         , "LanguageId" RAW(16)
         , "MnemonicId" NVARCHAR2(12)
    ALTER TABLE "Languages"
         ADD CONSTRAINT "NN_Languages_M01" CHECK ("LanguageId" IS NOT NULL)
    ALTER TABLE "Languages"
         ADD CONSTRAINT "NN_Languages_M05" CHECK ("MnemonicId" IS NOT NULL)
    ALTER TABLE "Languages"
    ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_Languages"
    PRIMARY KEY ("LanguageId")
    ALTER TABLE "Languages"
    ADD CONSTRAINT "UK_Languages"
    UNIQUE ("MnemonicId")
    CREATE TABLE "ProductDesc" (
         "Comment" NCLOB
         , "PlainComment" NCLOB
         , "Description" NVARCHAR2(250)
         , "DescriptionText" NCLOB
         , "PlainDescriptionText" NCLOB
         , "LanguageId" NVARCHAR2(12)
         , "ProductId" RAW(16)
    ALTER TABLE "ProductDesc"
         ADD CONSTRAINT "NN_ProductDescM01" CHECK ("LanguageId" IS NOT NULL)
    ALTER TABLE "ProductDesc"
         ADD CONSTRAINT "NN_ProductDescM02" CHECK ("ProductId" IS NOT NULL)
    ALTER TABLE "ProductDesc"
    ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_ProductDesc"
    PRIMARY KEY ("ProductId", "LanguageId")
    ALTER TABLE "ProductDesc"
    ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_ProductDesc1"
    FOREIGN KEY("ProductId") REFERENCES "Products" ("ProductId")
    ALTER TABLE "ProductDesc"
    ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_ProductDesc2"
    FOREIGN KEY("LanguageId") REFERENCES "Languages" ("MnemonicId")
    /The view:
              , "ProductDesc"."Comment"
              , "ProductDesc"."PlainComment"
              , "ProductDesc"."Description"
              , "ProductDesc"."DescriptionText"
              , "ProductDesc"."PlainDescriptionText"
              , "Products"."Image"
              , "Languages"."MnemonicId" "LanguageId"
              , "Products"."MnemonicId"
              , "Products"."ProductId"
              , "Products"."ProductParentId"
              , TRIM(NVL("ProductDesc"."Description" || ' ', '') || NVL("ParentDescriptions"."Description", '')) "FullDescription"
         FROM "Products"
         CROSS JOIN "Languages"
         LEFT OUTER JOIN "ProductDesc"
         ON "Products"."ProductId" = "ProductDesc"."ProductId"
         AND "ProductDesc"."LanguageId" = "Languages"."MnemonicId"
         LEFT OUTER JOIN "ProductDesc" "ParentDescriptions"
         ON "Products"."ProductParentId" = "ParentDescriptions"."ProductId"
         AND ("ParentDescriptions"."LanguageId" = "Languages"."MnemonicId")
    /The varray:
    --CustomType VARRAY
    /The function:
    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "fnProductFilter" (
         parCatalogId "Products"."CatalogId"%TYPE,
         parLanguageId                    NVARCHAR2 := N'it-IT',
         parFilterValues                    OUT Varray_Params
         varSqlCondition                    VARCHAR2(32000);
         varSqlConditionValues          NVARCHAR2(32000);
         varSql                              NVARCHAR2(32000);
         varDbmsCursor                    INTEGER;
         varDbmsResult                    INTEGER;
         varSeparator                    VARCHAR2(2);
         varFilterValue                    NVARCHAR2(1000);
         varCount                         INTEGER;
         varSqlCondition := '(T_Product."CatalogId" = HEXTORAW(:parentId)) AND (T_Product."LanguageId" = :languageId )';
         varSqlConditionValues := CHR(39) || TO_CHAR(parCatalogId) || CHR(39) || N', ' || CHR(39 USING NCHAR_CS) || parLanguageId || CHR(39 USING NCHAR_CS);
         parFilterValues := Varray_Params();
         varSql := N'SELECT FilterValues.column_value FilterValue FROM TABLE(Varray_Params(' || varSqlConditionValues || N')) FilterValues';
              varDbmsCursor := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
              dbms_sql.parse(varDbmsCursor, varSql, dbms_sql.native);
              dbms_sql.define_column(varDbmsCursor, 1, varFilterValue, 1000);
              varDbmsResult := dbms_sql.execute(varDbmsCursor);
              varCount := 0;
                   IF (dbms_sql.fetch_rows(varDbmsCursor) > 0) THEN
                        varCount := varCount + 1;
                        dbms_sql.column_value(varDbmsCursor, 1, varFilterValue);
                        parFilterValues(varCount) := varFilterValue;
                        -- No more rows to copy
                   END IF;
              END LOOP;
              RETURN 0;
         FOR i in parFilterValues.first .. parFilterValues.last LOOP
              varSeparator := ', ';
         END LOOP;
         RETURN 1;
    /The procedures:
    --Procedure presenting anomaly\bug
         parCatalogId "Products"."CatalogId"%TYPE,
         parLanguageId NVARCHAR2 := N'it-IT',
         parRecords OUT NUMBER
         varFilterValues Varray_Params;
         varResult INTEGER;
         varSqlTotal VARCHAR2(32000);
         parRecords := 0;
         varResult := "fnProductFilter"(parCatalogId, parLanguageId, varFilterValues);
         varSqlTotal := 'BEGIN
         SELECT count(DISTINCT T_Product."ProductId") INTO :parCount FROM "vwProducts" T_Product
              WHERE ((T_Product."CatalogId" = HEXTORAW(:parentId)) AND (T_Product."LanguageId" = :languageId ));
         EXECUTE IMMEDIATE varSqlTotal USING OUT parRecords, varFilterValues(1), varFilterValues(2);
    --Procedure NOT presenting anomaly\bug
         parCatalogId "Products"."CatalogId"%TYPE,
         parLanguageId NVARCHAR2 := N'it-IT',
         parRecords OUT NUMBER
         varFilterValues Varray_Params;
         varResult INTEGER;
         varSqlTotal VARCHAR2(32000);
         parRecords := 0;
         varSqlTotal := 'BEGIN
         SELECT count(DISTINCT T_Product."ProductId") INTO :parCount FROM "vwProducts" T_Product
              WHERE ((T_Product."CatalogId" = HEXTORAW(:parentId)) AND (T_Product."LanguageId" = :languageId ));
         EXECUTE IMMEDIATE varSqlTotal USING OUT parRecords, parCatalogId, parLanguageId;
    END;Edited by: 835125 on 2011-2-9 1:31

    835125 wrote:
    Using VARRAY was the only way I found to transform comma seprated text values (e.g. "'abc', 'def', '123'") in a collection of strings.A varray is just a functionally crippled version of a nested table collection type, with a defined limit you probably don't need. (Why 100 specifically?) Instead of
    CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE varray_params AS VARRAY(100) OF NVARCHAR2(1000);try
    CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE array_params AS TABLE OF NVARCHAR2(1000);I don't know whether that will solve the problem but at least it'll be a slightly more useful type.
    What makes you think it's a memory leak specifically? Do you observe session PGA memory use going up more than it should?
    btw good luck with all those quoted column names. I wouldn't like to have to work with those, although they do make the forum more colourful.
    Edited by: William Robertson on Feb 11, 2011 7:54 AM

  • How to configure license file for Memory Leak tool and WL Server 9.2?

    (I posted to general JRockit forum before realizing existence of this forum which is probably more applicable.)
    Here's our problem:
    Running latest version of WL 9.2 MP3 and JRockit Mission Control 3.0.1
    Able to run Mission Control, and connect to the WL Server and to run View Console with no problems.
    I can't get Memory Leak tool to run because it complains about needing a license file.
    First I tried with off the shelf WL 9.2 MP3.
    Get error:
    A license for Memory Leak Detector could not be found on the JRockit at (1.5) weblogic.Server (192).
    Error: Can not find component Memory Leak Detector for JRockit * in the license file. Please check for license updates.
    So I downloaded license file from JRockit download site - It contains several files, but no clear instructions on what to do with these files. I copied one of these files "LIC-WLSP92.txt" to my JRockit home as C:\bea\JROCKI~1\jre\license.bea
    Tried again. Restarted WL server. Restarted JRockit Mission Control.
    Get error: A license for Memory Leak Detector could not be found on the JRockit at (1.5) weblogic.Server (3052).
    The license file does not exist at: C:\bea\JROCKI~1\jre\license.bea
    Any advise on how to install license or who to contact for help?

    Installed Mission Control 3.0.3.
    Got following message when I attempted to run Memory Leak:
    A license for Memory Leak Detector could not be found on the JRockit at (1.5) weblogic.Server (192).
    Error: Can not find component Memory Leak Detector for JRockit * in the license file.
    Please check for license updates.
    I believe that we're using the latest downloads of WebLogic 9.2.x and JRockit.
    WebLogic is running using 9.2.3 and JRockit build R27.4.0-90_CR358515-94243-1.5.0_12-20080118-1154-windows-ia2
    Contents of C:\bea\jrockit_150_12\jre\license.bea:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
    <license-group format="1.0" product="JRockit" release="*">
    Could WebLogic be misconfigured?
    Any diagnostics to help figure out the licensing?
    Any other ideas?

  • HTTPService + XML Load + Memory Leak

    Hi all....
    I have noticed a memory leak in my application. This leak was
    not apparent when the application was completed some months back
    which is what left me a little confused as all I have done since
    was upgrade to Flex 3 and possibly updated / changed my Flash
    I think I have found the cause to this problem (below) but am
    not 100% sure that it is the "actual" problem or any reasons to
    back my thoughts up, so have listed what I have checked / tried
    along the way (maybe I have missed something)....
    My Discovery Process:
    I started profiling my application but did not find anything
    out of the ordinary. I did a code walk-through double checking I
    had cleaned up after myself, removing and even nulling all items
    etc but still to now success - the leak is still there.
    I have profiled the app in the profiler for reasonably long
    periods of time.
    All the classes etc being used within the app are consistent
    in size and instance amount and there is no sign of any apparent
    I am using a HTTPService that is loading XML data which I am
    refreshing every 5 seconds. On this 5 second data refresh some
    class instances are incremented but are restored to the expected
    amount after a GC has occurred. The GC seems to take longer, the
    longer the app is running, therefore more and more instances are
    being added to the app, but when the GC eventually runs it "seems"
    to clear these instances to the expected amount.
    After scratching my head for a while I decided to make a copy
    of my application, rip everything out, and focus in my data load,
    where I found a problem!
    I have now just a HTTPService that loads an XML file every 5
    seconds, and this is all I currently have in the app (as I ripped
    the rest of the code out), e.g:
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx=""
    ....... creationComplete="initApp()" >
    result="httpResultHandler(event)" />
    <script....... >
    private var timerPulse:Timer;
    private function initApp():void
    timerPulse = new Timer(5000, 0);
    private function httpResultHandler(event:ResultEvent):void
    timerPulse.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, timerRefresh);
    public function timerRefresh(eventObj:TimerEvent):void
    This is pretty much the code I am currently using and it
    I ran and monitored this in both the profiler and the
    activity / task manager, and after running the app for 1800 seconds
    (30 min) in the profiler, the memory size grew from 50mg to 165mg
    just sending the HTTPService.
    I tried loading the service in multiple ways including in AS
    rather than MXML creating new instances of it each time, resetting
    it, nulling it etc... but nothing prevented this memory increase.
    I then tried to load the XML using different methods such as
    using the URLRequest and URLLoader which again caused a memory
    What still confuses me is that this leak did not exist in the
    previous version and not a great deal has changed since then apart
    from upgrading to Flex 3 and possibly upgrading my Flash payer
    (which I believe is a possible cause)
    After looking into this issue a bit more deeply, I read a few
    blogs / forums and other people are experiencing the same problems
    - even with a lot bigger leaks in some cases all when reloading
    large sets of XML data into Flex - however, I as of yet found no
    solution to this leak - people with a similar problem believe it is
    not due to a memory leak more a GC error, and others pointing
    towards the Flash Player itself that is leaking - I don't really
    Findings so far during investigation of this issue:
    * App leaks for both HTTPService and ULRRequest / URLLoader
    * App only leaks when calling a data loader
    * The size of the leak seems to depend on the size of the
    XML being loaded
    * The size of the leak also seems to be affected by the
    applications heaviness - the greater seems to enhance the leak
    An interesting factor I have noticed is that if I copy the
    XML from my "myXML.cfm" that I link to in my HTTPService and copy
    the contents of the file into my own XML file stored within the
    Flex project root itself: ""myXML.xml"" the leak disappears... like
    it seems to link when loading the XML over a network, however as my
    network knowledge is not great I am not sure what to make of this -
    any ideas???
    Could the connection to the XML document cause leaks??? is
    there anything else that could cause this leak??? have I something
    in my code sample that could cause this leak??? or could any of the
    other things I have mentioed cause this leak???
    Any help / ideas would be greatly appreciated.

    I also observed heavy memory leak from using httpservice with
    XML data. I am using Flex3 builder under Linux. My Flex application
    polls httpservice every 10 seconds. The reply is a short XML
    message less than 100 bytes. This simple polling will consume 30+
    MB of memory every hour. I leave it idling for several hours and it
    took 200 MB of memory. No sign of garbage collection at all.

  • Memory Leak issue  jdk1.6.0_12  jre6

    Me and 2 other develops have been using SQL developer since it was created but we are getting really frustrated with the memory leaks we are experencing.
    We will start up sql developer and if we just leave it alone within a couple hours it will have taken up 650Megs of ram and be completely locked up. If we are working in sql developer the time can be even faster till it lockups up. We have been experencing the issue for very long time but seems to have gotten worse in the last to updates.
    I have tried to search the web and form for information to the memory problem to no avail. We are running oracle 10g and windows XP with 2gigs of ram.
    Can some one point me to some information or have any idea what is going on?
    I just realized that I was not using the latest version that I have downloaded. Trying sqldeveloper- will advise as to results.
    Edited by: ObeTheDuck on Mar 17, 2009 8:47 AM
    2nd Edit-- has the same issue. 2hrs and it has locked up and is no longer listed as a running app and can only be seen under the process thread in windows task manager with 50% CPU use on a dual-core cpu and 626megs ram being used. Have to kill and restart ... <sigh>
    Edited by: ObeTheDuck on Mar 17, 2009 10:45 AM

    Thanks for the info so far....
    We really do like sql developer as a tool and has been execeding helpful and useful as our development tool.
    I am proud to say we have been using it since the 2nd month is was available and have been encourged and happy with most of the improvements.
    I am looking forward to trying the modeling tool soon.
    If I can get back to having a stable work enviorment for a work day that will be fine for now. It's just been reduced down to 2hrs which is a bit much.
    1. We don't have any in house extentions that we need. I am speaking of the one that come bundled with the tool. Or at least I thought that they came bundled.
    Several are migration tools which we don't need. One is TenTime tool which I don't think we need.
    Last is the versioning extention, this sounds like something we want to use, but stability is more important at the moment. So unchecked they have all been.
    2. Sue you asked about a clean install. Is that simply an unpacking a new folder copy and then not migrate settings when running?
    3. I will be glad to uninstall java a switch to different version of the jdk which one is consider to be the most stable atm?

  • ITunes 6.0.4(3) memory leak

    I know this topic has popped up on the Windows forum, but I'd like to officially document the same problem in iTunes for OSX.
    Using the iStat Nano widget, I've been monitoring my memory usage when running iTunes. When I first start the program, memory usage jumps to 600 MB. The longer iTunes is open, the more and more memory disappears, whether I'm actively using the program or not (i.e. listening to music). Eventually, this causes a hard crash. By hard crash I mean that I must use the on/off button to reboot the machine. I have had this problem since getting my computer (in mid-March), so there has been at least one iTunes update since then that has not fixed this issue. (I have a previous post on this topic called "iTunes freezing" that was made before I realized that it was caused by a memory leak.)
    I am very, very pleased with my MacBook Pro and I realize that this is not a hardware issue. Has anyone else encountered this problem? Are there any plans to fix it in a future update?
    Thanks in advance for any comments, suggestions, or solutions!
    2.16GHz 15.4" MacBook Pro, 2GB RAM   Mac OS X (10.4.6)   4G 40GB Photo iPod, 5G 2GB nano

    I posted a question this evening on what sounds like the same issue: the link is here:
    I think your original post makes clear that this issue is about iTunes itself, it's not about any devices or iPods, not is it to do with the Intel or non-Intel processors... I will try looking at the Memory stats too.
    What baffles me is that I had been using iTunes 6 for quite a long time (and only updating it manually, not automatically) before I ever experienced this.
    My hunch (but what do I know?) is that my initial freeze might have happened for some other reason (too many applications working hard at once, as sometimes happens -- though I have had this happen reasonably often on the PowerBook it is extremely rare on the G5) -- and then in the course of that freeze / crash something in iTunes got corrupted (perhaps the database file that allows iTunes to navigate the iTunes library?)
    By the way, what is the technical name for the total freeze thing (i.e. no beachballs, just complete loss of the mouse and keyboard response, clock stops, no shortcuts working, only PowerButton allows you to shut down).
    Has anyone with this issue tried uninstalling iTunes (by Trashing the App) and reinstalling from a newly-downloaded copy? (I might try that ...)
    PowerMac G5 Dual 1.8GHz, PowerBook G4 12" 1.33GHz   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  
    PowerMac G5 Dual 1.8GHz, PowerBook G4 12" 1.33GHz   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  
    PowerMac G5 Dual 1.8GHz, PowerBook G4 12" 1.33GHz   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  
    PowerMac G5 Dual 1.8GHz, PowerBook G4 12" 1.33GHz   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  
    PowerMac G5 Dual 1.8GHz, PowerBook G4 12" 1.33GHz   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  

  • Memory Leak in ArrayList ?

    Dear all,
    When I went thru the implementation of ArrayList, it just appeared to me that there can be a memory leak in the ensureCapacity method, which allocated new memory... The code is as below.
    *Increases the capacity of this <tt>ArrayList</tt> instance, if*
    necessary, to ensure that it can hold at least the number of elements
    *specified by the minimum capacity argument.*
    *@param   minCapacity   the desired minimum capacity*
        public void ensureCapacity(int minCapacity) {
         int oldCapacity = elementData.length;
         if (minCapacity > oldCapacity) {
    *Object oldData[]* = elementData;
             int newCapacity = (oldCapacity * 3)/2 + 1;
                 if (newCapacity < minCapacity)
              newCapacity = minCapacity;
                // minCapacity is usually close to size, so this is a win:
                elementData = Arrays.copyOf(elementData, newCapacity);
        }Dont we need to make null the reference of oldData, as oldData = null, so that gc can reclaim the memory used by the old elementData, soon after the array copy (Arrays.copyOf) ??
    Please suggest if my understanding is wrong..
    Thanks & Regards

    JOBY1985 wrote:
    Dear all,
    When I went thru the implementation of ArrayList, it just appeared to me that there can be a memory leak in the ensureCapacity method, which allocated new memory... The code is as below.
    *Increases the capacity of this <tt>ArrayList</tt> instance, if*
    necessary, to ensure that it can hold at least the number of elements
    *specified by the minimum capacity argument.*
    *@param   minCapacity   the desired minimum capacity*
    public void ensureCapacity(int minCapacity) {
         int oldCapacity = elementData.length;
         if (minCapacity > oldCapacity) {
    *Object oldData[]* = elementData;
             int newCapacity = (oldCapacity * 3)/2 + 1;
             if (newCapacity < minCapacity)
              newCapacity = minCapacity;
    // minCapacity is usually close to size, so this is a win:
    elementData = Arrays.copyOf(elementData, newCapacity);
    }Dont we need to make null the reference of oldData, as oldData = null, so that gc can reclaim the memory used by the old elementData, soon after the array copy (Arrays.copyOf) ??No we don't need to set any thing to 'null'. The reference 'elementData' is update by the Arrays.copyOf() invocation and whatever it used to reference is then only referenced by oldData and when the block in which the reference 'oldData' is declared exits there will be no reference to the original array so it is eligible for GC.
    Please suggest if my understanding is wrong..Your understanding is wrong.
    Thanks & Regards
    JobyEdited by: sabre150 on Oct 20, 2009 1:20 PM

  • Dbms_lob.createtemporary  memory leak even with dbms_lob.freetemporary

    I've got procedure which basicaly transforms one xml structure into other xml structure and then inserts that other into clob column.
    I'm using xmlParser.parser , xmlDom.DomDocument .
    After every iterations of procedure my PGA grows .
    I'm using xmldom.freeDocument(doc) xmldom.freeDocument(document) xmlparser.freeparser(parser) and dbms_lob.freetemporary .
    So have no idea what could cause the memory leak .
    Is DBMS_LOB.CALL duratino solution to my problem ?
    Default is session long DBMS_LOB.SESSION .
    wynik        CLOB;
      v_xc         CLOB;
      doc          xmldom.DOMDocument
        INSERT INTO tabxml  
          (id_xml, dane)
          (XML_ID, empty_clob())
        RETURNING dane into v_xc;
        xmldom.writeToClob(doc, wynik);
        dbms_lob.copy(v_xc,wynik, dbms_lob.getlength(wynik));

    we had the bug 6506818 in on AIX. This is a bug from xmltype to char. The bug also exists in Maybe you are hitting that one. There is a patch for AIX en Sun Solaris.
    I looked further and there is also bug 5726433, memory leak on DBMS_XMLDOM.newdocument. Fot this one is a patch on linux.
    Herald ten Dam
    Edited by: Herald ten Dam on 25-mrt-2010 14:04

  • Memory Leak Problem at Adobe LiveCycle Server 9.0

    Hi All,
    We want to upgrade our system to 9.0. During the performance test we have found memory Leak problem at ALS 9.0. I explain the detailed problematic issue below. Is there any body who has any suggest?
    We have Adobe Livecycle ES2 9.0 SP2 installed on WAS 6.1. But also WAS on Windows Server 2008 R2. We call java web services from .Net Web service for generating PDFs.
    On Java side “com/adobe/internal/pdftoolkit/services/javascript/GibsonMemoryTracking” class is causing Memory Leak problem at server.
    Our .Net Codes. I copied below. First we generate PDF then we convert this pdf to static pdf.
    First We call the GeneratePDF function.
    public static bool GeneratePdf(Document document, byte[] pdfTemplate)
                //Create a FormDataIntegrationService object and set authentication values
                FormDataIntegrationService formDataIntegrationClient = new FormDataIntegrationService();
                formDataIntegrationClient.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(Settings.ALCUserName, Settings.ALCPassword);
                //Import XDP XML data into an XFA PDF document
                ALCFormDataIntegrationService.BLOB inXMLData = new ALCFormDataIntegrationService.BLOB();
                //Populate the BLOB object
                inXMLData.binaryData = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(document.XmlData);
                //Create a BLOB that represents the input PDF form
                ALCFormDataIntegrationService.BLOB inPDFForm = new ALCFormDataIntegrationService.BLOB();
                inPDFForm.binaryData = pdfTemplate;
                //Import data into the PDF form
                ALCFormDataIntegrationService.BLOB results = formDataIntegrationClient.importData(inPDFForm, inXMLData);
                document.PdfData = results.binaryData;
                Utility.Log("GeneratePdf", "Pdf generated successfully.", LogLevel.Info);
                return true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                document.ReturnCode = "22";
                document.ReturnMsg = "Exception on generating the pdf";
                Utility.Log("GeneratePdf", "Exception: " + ex.Message, LogLevel.Error);
                return false;
    Then We call the ConvertPDF function.
    public static bool ConvertPdf(Document document)
                //Create a OutputServiceService object
                OutputServiceService outputClient = new OutputServiceService();
                outputClient.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(Settings.ALCUserName, Settings.ALCPassword);
                //Create a BLOB object
                ALCOutputService.BLOB inData = new ALCOutputService.BLOB();
                //Populate the BLOB object
                inData.binaryData = document.PdfData;
                //Set rendering run-time options
                RenderOptionsSpec renderOptions = new RenderOptionsSpec();
                renderOptions.cacheEnabled = true;
                //Create a non-interactive PDF document
                ALCOutputService.BLOB results = outputClient.transformPDF(inData, TransformationFormat.PDF, PDFARevisionNumber.Revision_1, false, null, PDFAConformance.B, false);
                document.PdfData = results.binaryData;         
                Utility.Log("ConvertPdf", "Pdf converted successfully.", LogLevel.Info);
                return true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                document.ReturnCode = "22";
                document.ReturnMsg = "Exception on converting dynamic pdf to static pdf";
                Utility.Log("ConvertPdf", "Exception: " + ex.Message, LogLevel.Error);
                return false;
    Our System Configuration:
    Expiry date: Never Version:,
    GM Patch Version: SP2
    Service Pack Version: unknown
    ADOBE® LIVECYCLE® Reader Extensions ES2
    We changed some configuration which is suggested by Adobe. But this change does not solve our problem.
    Changed Configurations via ADMINUI
    Memory Leak Problem which is viewed via wily tool:

    Hi Mahir,
    Can you attach the results of this performance test where we can see how GibsonMemoryTracking class is causing the memory leak issue.
    Also do you see any stackTrace in the LiveCycle server logs related to memory / heap when you run this performance test ?

  • Custom MediaStreamSource and Memory Leaks During SampleRequested

    I have a nasty memory leak problem that is causing me to pull my hair out.
    I'm implementing a custom MediaStreamSource along with MediaTranscoder to generate video to disk. The frame generation operation occurs in the SampleRequested handler (as in the MediaStreamSource example). No matter what I do - and I've tried a
    ton of options - inevitably the app runs out of memory after a couple hundred frames of HD video. Investigating, I see that indeed GC.GetTotalMemory reports an increasing, and never decreasing, amount of allocated RAM. 
    The frame generator in my actual app is using RenderTargetBitmap to get screen captures, and is handing the buffer to MediaStreamSample.CreateFromBuffer(). However, as you can see in the example below, the issue occurs even with a dumb allocation
    of RAM and no other actual logic. Here's the code:
    void _mss_SampleRequested(Windows.Media.Core.MediaStreamSource sender, MediaStreamSourceSampleRequestedEventArgs args)
    if ( args.Request.StreamDescriptor is VideoStreamDescriptor )
    if (_FrameCount >= 3000) return;
    var videoDeferral = args.Request.GetDeferral();
    var descriptor = (VideoStreamDescriptor)args.Request.StreamDescriptor;
    uint frameWidth = descriptor.EncodingProperties.Width;
    uint frameHeight = descriptor.EncodingProperties.Height;
    uint size = frameWidth * frameHeight * 4;
    byte[] buffer = null;
    buffer = new byte[size];
    // do something to create the frame
    App.LogAction("Ran out of memory", this);
    args.Request.Sample = MediaStreamSample.CreateFromBuffer(buffer.AsBuffer(), TimeFromFrame(_FrameCount++, _frameSource.Framerate));
    args.Request.Sample.Duration = TimeFromFrame(1, _frameSource.Framerate);
    buffer = null; // attempt to release the memory
    App.LogAction("Completed Video frame " + (_FrameCount-1).ToString() + "\n" +
    "Allocated memory: " + GC.GetTotalMemory(true), this);
    It usually fails around frame 357, with GC.GetTotalMemory() reporting 750MB allocated.
    I've tried tons of work-arounds, none of which made a difference. I tried putting the code that allocates the bytes in a separate thread - no dice.  I tried Task.Delay to give the GC a chance to work, on the assumption that it just had no time
    to do its job. No luck.
    As another experiment, I wanted to see if the problem went away if I allocated memory each frame, but never assigned it to the MediaStreamSample, instead giving the sample (constant) dummy data. Indeed, in that scenario, memory consumption stayed
    constant. However, while I never get an out-of-memory exception, RequestSample just stops getting called around frame 1600 and as a result the transcode operation never actually returns to completion.
    I also tried taking a cue from the SDK sample which uses C++ entirely to generate the frame. So I passed the buffer as a Platform::Array<BYTE> to a static Runtime extension class function I wrote in C++.
    I won't bore you with the C++ code, but even directly copying the bytes of the array to the media sample using memcpy still had the same result! It seems that there is no way to communicate the contents of the byte[] array to the media sample without
    it never being released.
    I know what some will say: the difference between my code and the SDK sample, of course, is that the SDK sample generates the frame _entirely_ in C++, thus taking care of its own memory allocation and deallocation. Because I want to get
    the data from RenderTargetBitmap, this isn't an option for me. (As a side note, if anyone knows if there's a way to get the contents of an RT Window using DirectX, that might work too, but I know this is not a C++ forum, so...). But more importantly,
    MediaStreamSource and MediaStreamSample are managed classes that appear to allow you to generate custom frames using C# or other managed code. The MediaStreamSample.CreateFromBuffer function appears to be tailored for exactly what I want. But there appears
    to be no way to release the buffer when giving the bytes to the MediaStreamSample. At least none that I can find.
    I know the RT version of these classes are new to Windows 8.1, but I did see other posts going back 3 years discussing a similar issue in Silverlight. That never appears to have been resolved.
    I guess the question boils down to this: how do I safely get managed data, allocated during the SampleRequested handler, to the MediaStreamSample without causing a memory leak? Also, why would the SampleRequested handler just stop getting called
    out of the blue, even when I artificially eliminate the memory leak problem?
    Thanks so much for all input!

    Hi Rob - 
    Thanks for your quick reply and for clarifying the terminology. 
    In the Memory Usage test under Analyze/Performance and Diagnostics (is that what you mean?) it's clear that each frame of video being created is not released from memory except when memory consumption gets very high. GC will occasionally kick in, but eventually
    it succumbs.
    Interestingly, if I reduce the frame size substantially, say 320x240, it never runs out of RAM no matter how many frames I throw at it. The Memory Usage test, however, shows the same pattern. But this time the GC can keep up and release the RAM.
    After playing with this ad nauseum,  I am fairly convinced I know what the problem is, but the solution still escapes me. It appears that the Transcoder is requesting frames from the MediaStreamSource (and the MediaStreamSource is providing them via
    my SampleRequested handler) faster than the Transcoder can write them to disk and release them. Why would this be happening? The MediaStreamSource.BufferTime property is - I thought - used to prevent this very problem. However, changing the BufferTime seems
    to have no effect at all - even changing it to ZERO doesn't change anything. If I'm right, this would explain why the GC can't do its job - it can't release the buffers I'm giving to the Transcoder via SampleRequested because the Transcoder won't give them
    up until it's finished transcoding and writing them to disk. And yet the transcoder keeps requesting samples until there's no more memory to create them with.
    The following code, which I made from scratch to illustrate my scenario, should be air-tight according to everything I've read. And yet, it still runs out of memory when the frame size is too large. 
    If you or anyone else can spot the problem in this code, I'd be thrilled to hear it. Maybe I'm omitting a key step with regard to getting the deferral? Or maybe it's a bug in the back-end? Can I "slow down" the transcoder and force it to release samples
    it's already used?
    Anyway here's the new code, which other than App.cs is everything. So if I'm doing something wrong it will be in this module:
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.IO;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime;
    using System.Diagnostics;
    using Windows.Foundation;
    using Windows.Foundation.Collections;
    using Windows.UI.Xaml;
    using Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls;
    using Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Primitives;
    using Windows.UI.Xaml.Data;
    using Windows.UI.Xaml.Input;
    using Windows.UI.Xaml.Media;
    using Windows.UI.Xaml.Navigation;
    using Windows.UI.Popups;
    using Windows.Storage;
    using Windows.Storage.Pickers;
    using Windows.Storage.Streams;
    using Windows.Media.MediaProperties;
    using Windows.Media.Core;
    using Windows.Media.Transcoding;
    // The Blank Page item template is documented at
    namespace MyTranscodeTest
    /// <summary>
    /// An empty page that can be used on its own or navigated to within a Frame.
    /// </summary>
    public sealed partial class MainPage : Page
    MediaTranscoder _transcoder;
    MediaStreamSource _mss;
    VideoStreamDescriptor _videoSourceDescriptor;
    const int c_width = 1920;
    const int c_height = 1080;
    const int c_frames = 10000;
    const int c_frNumerator = 30000;
    const int c_frDenominator = 1001;
    uint _frameSizeBytes;
    uint _frameDurationTicks;
    uint _transcodePositionTicks = 0;
    uint _frameCurrent = 0;
    Random _random = new Random();
    public MainPage()
    private async void GoButtonClicked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    Windows.Storage.Pickers.FileSavePicker picker = new Windows.Storage.Pickers.FileSavePicker();
    picker.FileTypeChoices.Add("MP4 File", new List<string>() { ".MP4" });
    Windows.Storage.StorageFile file = await picker.PickSaveFileAsync();
    if (file == null) return;
    Stream outputStream = await file.OpenStreamForWriteAsync();
    var transcodeTask = (await this.InitializeTranscoderAsync(outputStream)).TranscodeAsync();
    transcodeTask.Progress = (asyncInfo, progressInfo) =>
    Dispatcher.RunAsync(Windows.UI.Core.CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () =>
    _ProgressReport.Text = "Sourcing frame " + _frameCurrent.ToString() + " of " + c_frames.ToString() +
    " with " + GC.GetTotalMemory(false).ToString() + " bytes allocated.";
    await transcodeTask;
    MessageDialog dialog = new MessageDialog("Transcode completed.");
    await dialog.ShowAsync();
    async Task<PrepareTranscodeResult> InitializeTranscoderAsync (Stream output)
    _transcoder = new MediaTranscoder();
    _transcoder.HardwareAccelerationEnabled = false;
    _videoSourceDescriptor = new VideoStreamDescriptor(VideoEncodingProperties.CreateUncompressed( MediaEncodingSubtypes.Bgra8, c_width, c_height ));
    _videoSourceDescriptor.EncodingProperties.PixelAspectRatio.Numerator = 1;
    _videoSourceDescriptor.EncodingProperties.PixelAspectRatio.Denominator = 1;
    _videoSourceDescriptor.EncodingProperties.FrameRate.Numerator = c_frNumerator;
    _videoSourceDescriptor.EncodingProperties.FrameRate.Denominator = c_frDenominator;
    _videoSourceDescriptor.EncodingProperties.Bitrate = (uint)((c_width * c_height * 4 * 8 * (ulong)c_frDenominator) / (ulong)c_frNumerator);
    _frameDurationTicks = (uint)(10000000 * (ulong)c_frDenominator / (ulong)c_frNumerator);
    _frameSizeBytes = c_width * c_height * 4;
    _mss = new MediaStreamSource(_videoSourceDescriptor);
    _mss.BufferTime = TimeSpan.FromTicks(_frameDurationTicks);
    _mss.Duration = TimeSpan.FromTicks( _frameDurationTicks * c_frames );
    _mss.Starting += _mss_Starting;
    _mss.Paused += _mss_Paused;
    _mss.SampleRequested += _mss_SampleRequested;
    MediaEncodingProfile outputProfile = MediaEncodingProfile.CreateMp4(VideoEncodingQuality.Ntsc);
    outputProfile.Audio = null;
    return await _transcoder.PrepareMediaStreamSourceTranscodeAsync(_mss, output.AsRandomAccessStream(), outputProfile);
    void _mss_Paused(MediaStreamSource sender, object args)
    throw new NotImplementedException();
    void _mss_Starting(MediaStreamSource sender, MediaStreamSourceStartingEventArgs args)
    args.Request.SetActualStartPosition(new TimeSpan(0));
    /// <summary>
    /// This is derived from the sample in "Windows 8.1 Apps with Xaml and C# Unleashed"
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="sender"></param>
    /// <param name="args"></param>
    void _mss_SampleRequested(MediaStreamSource sender, MediaStreamSourceSampleRequestedEventArgs args)
    if (_frameCurrent == c_frames) return;
    var deferral = args.Request.GetDeferral();
    byte[] frameBuffer;
    frameBuffer = new byte[_frameSizeBytes];
    throw new Exception("Sample source ran out of RAM");
    args.Request.Sample = MediaStreamSample.CreateFromBuffer(frameBuffer.AsBuffer(), TimeSpan.FromTicks(_transcodePositionTicks));
    args.Request.Sample.Duration = TimeSpan.FromTicks(_frameDurationTicks);
    args.Request.Sample.KeyFrame = true;
    _transcodePositionTicks += _frameDurationTicks;
    Again, I can't see any reason why this shouldn't work. You'll note it mirrors pretty closely the sample in the Windows 8.1 Apps With Xaml Unleashed book (Chapter 14). The difference is I'm feeding the samples to a transcoder rather than a MediaElement (which,
    again should be no issue).
    Thanks again for any suggestions!

  • New memory leak with CS4 update?

    I just downloaded the CS4 update last night, and was doing my normal photoshop work when I had to re-start the application due to what looks like a memory leak.
    Windows XP, 3GHZ dual core ( 45 nm one ), 4 GB RAM, NVidia 9600 GT, no GPU enabled ( still comes up with that error even with newest drivers ).
    128MB TIFF file was my source.
    I had 3 layers, then copy merged all to another layer so I could liquify.
    Liquify was getting REALLY sluggish when trying to zoom, but was usable.
    After 10 minutes here, I clicked "ok" to return the results, then it said there wasn't enough memory to do it. So I had to cancel. Process was using right around 2 GB. I saved my PSD file ( around 256 MB ) and closed it. CS4 was still using around 2 GB with no documents open. So I closed CS4 and I had multiple errors pop up saying couldn't export or copy from clipboard because not enough memory.
    Brought CS4 back up and loaded in that 256MB psd file, everything was fine.

    I've been told by support that I need to un-install CS4, and re-install it and the patch in order to rectify my problem. The cause of the problem they are saying is a failed application of the patch.
    Is this a bunch of BS to keep me busy for a while? How do I know that the next time everything will install correctly?
    This will take some time to do, and I'll have to figure out how to backup all my settings/scripts.

  • IDCS5 Mac - Massive memory leaks - Followup to previous discussion

    Hello Everyone:
       After some painful, tedious marching though the code on the Mac, I found something really, really strange.  The code seemed to be working fine, except when a couple of documents were added in the scan jobs.  I isolated one of the documents and removed each object on the page until I came across the object that, when scanned, caused InDesign to report the massive memory leaks.
       The object was a quarter-inch by quarter-inch overset text frame (that's .63 cm by .63 cm for those of you who are used to the more sensible metric system).  In the text frame was a single character, not normally visible when on the page.  According to the ASSERT dialog box that was thrown up on the screen when InDesign was shutting down, this little bitty object was the source of 104450 leaks amounting to between 38,000,000 abd 51,000,000 bytes in leaks.  Here's the code where the leaks must be coming from (and Dirk, I owe you a crow in I'm gonna have to eat crow...I use PMString for one small command in this snippet, but it seemed so much faster and simpler than what the examples in widestring.h were suggesting):
    //  TI is TextIndex, assigned from a call to IMultiColumnTextFrame::TextStart()
    //  TS is int32 assigned from a call to IMultiColumnTextFrame::TextSpan()
    WideString Text;
    TextIterator beginTextChunk(FrameTextModel,          TI );
    TextIterator endTextChunk(   FrameTextModel, (TS + TI));
    std::copy(beginTextChunk, endTextChunk, std::back_inserter(Text));
    PMString PMText(Text);
    std::string text = PMText.GetPlatformString();
    This final function call could not have been the source of the problem because one of the steps I took in tracking down the problem was to put "return" as the first line in its implementation but the bug still occurred.

    Hi, I don't know if this is relevant or not, particularly since we're on Windows and the problem you're seeing is on Mac.
    One of our guys put in some code to workaround a problem which he encountered using std:;copy with TextIterators under VS2005 (so it would have been CS4)
    /// Alternative to using std::copy to workaround issues using std::copy and TextIterator's in VS2005
    inline void TextIteratorCopy( TextIterator& posBegin, TextIterator& posEnd, WideString& strDest )
        std::back_insert_iterator < WideString > posDest = std::back_inserter( strDest );
        for ( ; posBegin != posEnd; ++posDest, ++posBegin )
            *posDest = *posBegin;
    that said, it might not affect you on the Mac, it might no longer be an issue with CS5 either.

  • I have a memory leak, objective-c 2.0, and garbage collector...

    the code i am using is a modification of the code/problem found in "Cocoa with Objective-C", chapter 3.
    i have tried to use the objective-c 2.0 garbage collector methodology, using @property, @synthesize, etc. when i run the code as listed below i get a leaking message.
    [Session started at 2008-02-01 23:33:37 -0500.]
    2008-02-01 23:33:38.070 SongsFoundationTool[28876:10b] * _NSAutoreleaseNoPool(): Object 0x2040 of class NSCFString autoreleased with no pool in place - just leaking
    Stack: (0x96b10178 0x96a3e0f8)
    2008-02-01 23:33:38.075 SongsFoundationTool[28876:10b] Song 1: We Have Exposive
    2008-02-01 23:33:38.076 SongsFoundationTool[28876:10b] * _NSAutoreleaseNoPool(): Object 0x2060 of class NSCFString autoreleased with no pool in place - just leaking
    Stack: (0x96b10178 0x96a3e0f8)
    2008-02-01 23:33:38.078 SongsFoundationTool[28876:10b] Song 2: Loops of Fury
    The Debugger has exited with status 0.
    when i include the commented out section, in the implementation file section, the description method, and use song1 and song2, in main, instead of and the program seems to run fine.
    The Debugger has exited with status 0.
    [Session started at 2008-02-01 23:38:24 -0500.]
    2008-02-01 23:38:24.375 SongsFoundationTool[28936:10b] Song 1: We Have Exposive
    2008-02-01 23:38:24.379 SongsFoundationTool[28936:10b] Song 2: Loops of Fury
    The Debugger has exited with status 0.
    please help me understand what's happening here.
    also, why was it necessary to use
    @property(copy, readwrite) NSString *name;
    @property(copy, readwrite) NSString *artist;
    instead of
    @property(readwrite) NSString *name;
    @property(readwrite) NSString *artist;
    thanks everyone, the code is below.
    // ....................... header file ...............
    #import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
    @interface Song : NSObject {
    NSString *name;
    NSString *artist;
    @property(copy, readwrite) NSString *name;
    @property(copy, readwrite) NSString *artist;
    //.................... the implementation file ..................
    #import "Song.h"
    @implementation Song
    @synthesize name;
    @synthesize artist;
    -(NSString *) description
    return [ self name ];
    //................................ main............................
    #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
    #import "Song.h"
    int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) {
    Song *song1 = [ [ Song alloc ] init ]; @"We Have Exposive" ;
    [ song1 setArtist: @"The Future Sound Of Londown" ];
    Song *song2 = [ [ Song alloc ] init ];
    [ song2 setName: @"Loops of Fury" ];
    [ song2 setArtist: @"The Chemical Brothers" ];
    // Display Object
    NSLog( @"Song 1: %@", );
    NSLog( @"Song 2: %@", );
    // include statements below if -description method is uncommented
    // then comment out the two statements above. no memory leak if the code
    // is used from the statements below and - description is not commented out and
    // the two NSLog statements above are commented out.
    NSLog( @"Song 1: %@", song1 );
    NSLog( @"Song 2: %@", song2 );
    return 0;

    Normally, your main only has a call to NSApplicationMain(). If you aren't doing a traditional MacOS X application, you will still want at least NSApplicationLoad() to get enough of the runtime to avoid those messages.
    I don't know for sure about the syntax of Objective-C 2.0. That stuff is all new. What error message are you getting that indicated that (copy, readwrite) is required? Could you provide a link to the actual example source? I did a quick check and assign and readwrite are the defaults. It is possible that readwrite by itself makes no sense. But I'm just guessing.

  • Memory Leak in latest Safari (5.0.4)?

    Since I updated to the latest Mac OS/X update Safari's memory usage seems to be increasing in a way that looks like a memory leak. I usually leave my mac running all of the time and find that after a few days Safari is using over a 1GB of real memory and 3-5GB of virtual memory. Sometimes it also seems to freeze — with the disk churning in the background when I try to switch to it.
    It may be related to viewing high-resolution images (it seems to happen more often if I view very high-resolution pictures, for example Nasa Picture of the Day).
    Anyone else seeing these issues? Occasionally it crashes when I try to kill it — I'll post the dump info next time.

    Delete the Safari cache and history more often, not to mention restarting your Mac.
    Disable plug-ins in Safari / Preferences - Security. See if that helps.
    Check Safari / Preferences - Extensions.
    Occasionally it crashes
    Post a crash log so we can try and help if emptying the cache and history trail / plugins / Extensions aren't the issue.
    If Safari has just crashed, press the Report button on the CrashReporter dialog box to view the crash information.
    Now copy/paste the entire contents of the Crash Reporter window into your reply here. If the crash report dialog does not appear or the crash is hard to reproduce, crash logs can be retrieved from the ~/Library/Logs/CrashReporter> folder.
    Message was edited by: Carolyn

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