Copy or move files via USB to apple tv

Is it possible to connect apple tv to my mac and just copy files directly over to apple tv?

Is it possible to connect apple tv to my mac and just copy files directly over to apple tv?
Not without hacking the Apple TV. No publicly available device is officially supported by its USB port; it's there for Apple's service and testing use only.

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  • Copying .mov files to usb

    I have a macbook pro and want to copy a 6Gb and 11Gb .mov file to usb to transfer to a windows laptop.  Max I can copy on Fat 32 is 4 GB. 
    Can you help please.  I am using maverick OS.

    Hi there, this is a common compatability issue with using both windows and mac but thankfully theres a way around it, you have to re format youre usb to a later format called ExFAT, this format will allow you to transfer files of all sizes. please follow these steps. if it becomes a bit confuesing, please let me know and i will provide some screen shots.
    1. connect youre usb to youre mac computer.
    2. back up anything thats on youre usb device.
    3. open up spotlight on the top right hand corner of youre screen and type in "disk utility"
    4. once opened you will see a pannel on youre right hand side with all of youre hardrives and usb flash drives, locate the one you want to use and left click on it.
    5. on the right hand side the will be  5 pannels " first aid. erase, partistion, raid, restore.   the one you want to click on is erase.
    6. you will now see and option for format, select ExFAT and then click on erase.
    and thats it you can now transfer files of any size.

  • Error 8062 when I try to copy or move files on my macbook: "This operation could not be completed because an unexpected error occurred (error code -8062)". Can even not install new software now!!

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    I searched a lot on the internet, but only found solutions for cases you cannot empty the trash due to this issue.
    I tried those solutions for my trash and that helped after some trying.
    However, I still have the problem with copying and moving files.
    I even cannot install new software now, as it has to copy itself to the programs-directory, and gives the same error-message.
    Who can help me??
    Cannot seem to find any info on it on the support-forums or elsewhere.
    My user-account is administrator, I use a 13" Macbook Aluminium (Late 2008). Mac OS X 10.6.8 CPU 2Ghz Intel Core Duo, RAM: 4GB 1067 MHz DDR3.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated...

    Tips I received so far (thanks to A-Mac via Twitter and Remco Kalf
    - make sure you have at least 10% of your harddisk in free space (I had only 5%).
    - do a PRAM-reset (
    - perform a hardware test (
    - make a complete backup (with for example Carbone Clone Copier, see
    - after complete backup: use diskwarrior (boot from Diskwarrior DVD, first perform diagnostics, then perform "Rebuild" which rebuilds your file directory).
    So far I only cleared up some space on my HD, and already the problem occurs less.
    Still, I will go through the other tips too.
    (will post progress)

  • How to play/copy a movie from a usb drive in itunes

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    Right-click the file icon and choose Open With > iTunes.  If the file is compatible, it will start playing.

  • I copied several MOV files to a CD. When I play them from the CD the video is fine but the audio works fine for the first few seconds then stops (using Qicktime Player 7.7.1.  Everything works fine if I use VLC Media Player. Does anyone have any idea why?

    I copied several MOV files to a CD. When I play them from the CD the video is fine but the audio works fine for the first few seconds then stops (using Qicktime Player 7.7.1.  Everything works fine if I use VLC Media Player. Does anyone have any idea why?

    My purpose for copying to a CD or DVD is so that I can make copies and send to friends and relatives. What is the best way to get these files on a CD/DVD with the right codecs?
    The easiest thing to do is to simply tell your friends and relatives to copy the files to their local hard drive before playing them. Your basic problem is that data discs have a limited real time transfer rate. Since you say VLC plays the files fine, I might suspect its player is likely buffering the data while the QT 7 Player is not.
    Data discs made for playback directly from the CD or DVD are normally encoded using MPEG-4/AVC (H.264) video with AAC audio. This is a modern codec which has specific settings to re-package the data (i.e., must be encoded using the multipass option and then select the "optimize for CD/DVD" option).

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    Sorry you're having problems, but it's not surprising. The error code is invalid media.
    The easy way is to forget about Compressor and upload the Flash file directly to You Tube with their uploader.
    You'll also save a generation of compression loss.
    Good luck.

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    I would appreciate if there is anybody who knows a solution to me. Thanks and bye, Woenni

    I am also having this same exact problem. Only some, and not all of the files on my external hard drive will copy. I get the "No Symbol" when trying to copy or move files.
    I am able to duplicate all files. I also can right click on a file and select copy. However on some files, I can't ever paste it (paste doesn't show up or is grayed out), drag it to another folder, or drag-and-copy it to another location or drive.
    The files are not locked and I have read and write permissions.
    The external that I'm trying to move and copy files from is a FAT32. Could that be a problem? How do I get my files off of this drive?

  • Can't copy or move files

    My system is Windows 8, now can't copy or move files. I can open a text file and edit it, then save it. That means it can read form and write to HD, but if I try to copy a file to another folder, The File Exploer will be closed automatically.

    Gingyixia, welcome to the forum.
    If you have Windows System Restore enabled, I suggest choosing a Restore point prior to when the problem began.  It appears that a glitch has occurred.
    Please click the "Thumbs Up+ button" if I have helped you and click "Accept as Solution" if your problem is solved.
    HP TouchPad - 1.2 GHz; 1 GB memory; 32 GB storage; WebOS/CyanogenMod 11(Kit Kat)
    HP 10 Plus; Android-Kit Kat; 1.0 GHz Allwinner A31 ARM Cortex A7 Quad Core Processor ; 2GB RAM Memory Long: 2 GB DDR3L SDRAM (1600MHz); 16GB disable eMMC 16GB v4.51
    HP Omen; i7-4710QH; 8 GB memory; 256 GB San Disk SSD; Win 8.1
    HP Photosmart 7520 AIO
    **Click the Thumbs Up+ to say 'Thanks' and the 'Accept as Solution' if I have solved your problem.**
    Intelligence is God given; Wisdom is the sum of our mistakes!
    I am not an HP employee.

  • How can copy or move files by my AI plugin in Leopard??

    How can copy or move files by my AI plugin in Leopard??

    You can use "execve". This example will copy /tmp/file1 to /tmp/file2<br /><br />#include <stdio.h><br />#include <sys/types.h><br />#include <unistd.h><br /><br />pid_t forkPid;<br /><br />char *childargs[] = { "cp", "/tmp/file1", "/tmp/file2", 0 };<br /><br />if( ( forkPid = fork() ) == 0 ) {<br /><br />  execve( "/bin/cp", childargs, NULL );<br /><br />} else if( forkPid > 0 ) {<br /><br />  printf( "Success!" );<br /><br />} else {<br /><br />  printf( "Can't fork" );<br /><br />}<br /><br />For more information, man execve.

  • Cannot copy or move files from sd card to device

    i cannot copy or move any files from sd card to device. i am getting permission warning when i attempt to copy. i have enough free space in device so what can cause this. an how to fix.
    Model curve 9360

    aliozturk wrote:
    when i use blackberry desktop software
    By that, I assume you mean Mass Storage Mode? To my understanding, there is nothing within the Desktop Software itself for copying files in this manner. Only via Mass Storage Mode are you able to manage your BB as a USB drive.
    aliozturk wrote:
    it says permission denied, This file cannot copied. it may be locked or read-only.
    when i open properties of the folder where i copied files to, read-only option is checked but i cannot uncheck it.
    Do you have content protection and/or encryption enabled on your Media Card?
    Exactly what is the file you wish to copy/move?
    Can you copy it somewhere else...e.g., to your PC?
    Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
    If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the button inside of their post. Please click here and read, along with the threads to which it links, for helpful information to guide you as you proceed. I always recommend that you treat your BlackBerry like any other computing device, including using a regular backup here for an article with instructions.
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  • Copy vs Move files

    I've often wondered - why is it that
    1] you have to hold the Cmd key down while dragging file(s) between external drives and the main hard drive?
    2] you can only do this one file or folder at a time in Snow leopard?
    3] and finally, why isn't there a Move File command anywhere in the various menus?
    Any answers?

    It has always been the case that dragging a file (not adding the Command key) from a place on a volume to another place on the same volume will move the file (nothing left behind); but dragging a file from one volume to another volume will copy the file to the new location.
    One of the reasons for this is that a volume (volume = an unpartitioned drive or a partition of a partitioned drive) is treated as a unique container, but folders are a visual construct of the GUI.
    Too, in time past additional volumes were usually used for backup purposes, where it was not desired that the original be removed when copied to another volume.
    Adding the Command key to the drag operation to move (rather than simply copy) a file from one volume to another volume is relatively new to the Mac OS. It adds an operation, an additional instruction to the OS - the file is copied to the target volume, and the original is then deleted.
    As far as a Move File command in the menus, that would get a bit complex. You'd probably need to engage the use of some sort of directory list assistance (like that in an Open or Save window) in order to complete the command, to tell the OS where to move the item. It's far simpler to just hold down the Command key and drag the item to the place you want on the recipient volume.
    Remember that the OS is an idiot. It can not read your mind nor your intentions; it can only respond to specific instructions. When a file is dragged, you are, in effect, giving the OS a whole series of instructions via your dragging action(s). To give the same instructions via a menu choice would require giving step-by-step instructions to the OS, such as via directory services windows and clicking buttons.

  • Can't import RAW Files via usb

    I bought a canon eos 5D a couple of days ago. I don't know why but I can't import the raw files from the usb connection. When I press the eos 5D button from the import dialogue, the lightroom says "no files were found to import". Everything works perfect with an external reader but I do want to import them via usb. I don't want to be removing the card too often.
    Can anybody help me or guide me to a possible solution?. Zoombrowser works fine and imports without problem. I love lightroom and don't understand why I can't import via usb. It's strange but it doesn't happen with jpg files. With those, I got no problem.
    thanks in advance

    It is a "by design" issue of the Canon driver software. There is nothing <br />wrong with your hardware.<br /><br />To get the RAW files you need a card reader.<br /><br /><br /><br /><[email protected]> wrote in message <br />news:[email protected]..<br />> Maybe you are right, but I want to know that everything works perfect with <br />> my camera. Nevermind if I'm going to use it or not. It is two days old and <br />> I see that not everything is working properly.<br />><br />> thanks so much for your help, Lee.

  • MOV files from Friend's Apple MAC doesnt play on my PC in Quicktime or AVL

    Hi there, A very good friend of mine sent me a dvd of some recent video of his new baby girl in mov format. I tried to play this on quicktime but with no luck and also had issue playing it the the AVL player ( I think thats what that called it)...apparently it will always play mov files, but not this one....I also tried converting the file but no luck either....please can you help me.

    Thanks thats a great start, see below:
    The following appeared if that helps:
    Format: Apple Intermediate Codec, 1888 x 1062, Millions
    16-bit Integer (Little Endian), Stereo (LR), 48.000 kHz.
    Hopefully this means more to you than it does to me. Do I need to buy the QT full version in order for it to work as well ? I assume if I wanted to burn it to DVD I wouldnt have any other option.
    Thanks in advance.

  • How do I send a large movie file via email?

    Hi - I've been reading through the manuals about how to stream movies to be accessible to friends.
    Is there a way that I can post a short movie that I've created so that a friend overseas can have it stream onto her computer. I have created a number of versions using Quicktime Pro with the last using quicktime to save as a self-contained movie and an exported file using Movie to Hinter movie settings. I now have a quicktime movie of dimensions 960x540 and 168.6 MB. Is there any way that I can send this somehow to a friend's email address?

    Here's one way to make it available online. This assumes however you have ftp access to a server and web site and your friend has a Mac with Safari.
    1: Create a page with the Quicktime movie linked and upload the page and movie file to your server.
    The web page address might look like this:
    2: Email your friend with a link to the page.
    3: If the receiver has Safari, they should click on the link to launch the web page, then go to the Menu bar > Window > Activity.
    4: In the Activity window, a link will appear with the movie file.
    5: Select that link, copy it, open the Downloads window, paste the link into the Downloads Window.
    The file will download to your friend's computer. All this however does assume your friend has the luxury of being on a Mac.
    Tip: Export the file using Quicktime Pro's settings for Web first to make the video's file size smaller.

  • HP SLATE 21 s100 - transfer files via USB

    With the latest software update on my HP SLATE21 s100 is no longer possible to transfer "from" and "to" via USB pendrive!
    Now this is a big deal for me because limits what I can do to work with my HP SLATE21. HOW CAN I DO?
    I also did a "factory reset" but I have not solved the problem. Help me please.

    Hey @jag84 ,
    Welcome to the HP Forums!
    I understand you have concerns about using external storage on your Slate 21 s100.
    The 4.4 version of Android (KitKat) manages external storage much differently than its predecessors. This was a change made by Google for added security a long time ago, but was never actually enforced. App developers chose not to update their apps to conform with this functionality which has caused a lot of grief for Android users when the update to KitKat.
    basically an app no longer has permission to use any storage that the app itself is not installed on.
    I would suggest reviewing these articles:
    KitKat and SD cards — what's fixed, what's broken and what's misunderstood.
    How can I get Android KitKat to work with my SD cards?
    Please click the "Kudos, Thumbs Up" at the bottom of this post if you want to say "Thanks" for helping!
    Please click "Accept as Solution" if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    The Great Deku Tree
    I work on behalf of HP.

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