Corporate Time sync connector ver 3 and palm problem

When I use the Corporate time version 6 with the Corporate time sync connector version 3, my palm device (Tungsten T3) displays starts and plus signs next to my calendar events. Also, my recurring events do not show up after a sync operation.
I tried to use a later version of Corporate Time and the connector, but was unable to successfully get the two items t o communicate. Any idea why the recurring events do not show up after a sync?

Did you set the same WPA Encryption key on both the devices ? Do you have the latest firmware on both the devices ?

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    I have tried installing the outlook connector to Corporate Time but it fails. I have attached the install log. While installing outlook there was no Corporate or Workgroup option. Any Ideas?
    Start setup
    Install time: 9-29-2002 21:39:48
    Searching for MS Outlook installation : OK
    Check install package :
    Version :
    Install date : 200207301714
    Enter CheckRequirements.
    Running : Win 2000
    Exit CheckRequirements
    Check admin rights : OK
    Enter GetInstallMode
    Silent install : FALSE
    Exit GetInstallMode
    Loading install dll : OK
    Check if OL is running
    Check OL running exit
    Enter CheckOutlookVersion
    Outlook version : 9.0
    Get Outlook service option : 0
    You have installed Microsoft Outlook with an unsupported option.
    Rerun the Microsoft Outlook Setup and in Service Support page, choose Corporate or Workgroup option.
    Setup cannot continue.
    Exit CheckOutlookVersion

    To switch your Outlook client to Corporate/Workgroup mode, go to Tools -> Options.., select the "Mail Services" tab, then press the "Reconfigure Mail Support" button. You should then be presented with a wizard that will take you through the process. You may have to have the Outlook install media handy. I'm not sure. Once Outlook is in Corporate/Workgroup mode, try installing the Outlook Connector again.

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    Post relates to: Treo 755p (Sprint)
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    Hi.. Welcome to the Palm forums.  In answer to your question NO.  Hotsync will set the conduits for either outlook or for Palm desktop.  Technically you could synce to one, go to the conduits and change them to the other and sync, meaning each time your want to sync you would have to change conduits and this would add a very high probability to data corruption.
    Post relates to: Centro (Sprint)

  • ICal / Exchange / iOS-Cal sync creates multiple events and multiple problem

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    I expected to get some weirdness from previous iCal experience, but I've found an odd set of behaviours.
    Some all-day events become midnight to midnight events on the iPod only.
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    Jeeze, I'm try to sort this out as well. Some iCal Events (but not all), are duplicating within iCal on the MAC. The Mobileme Calendar and the iPhone Calendar seem okay (no Dups).
    Could this be a simple matter of turning off (unchecking), the calendar boxes for the Calendars "ON MY MAC" and also minimizing that Directory Tree and leaving on and expanded the [email protected] Directory Tree with Calendar Boxes checked ?
    Done that way, MobileMe and the iPhone are being updated.
    Having said that, the obvious conclusion is that any New Event entered into a Calendar within the "ON MY MAC" directory tree is not going to be synced with MobileMe nor the iPhone and is a waste of time.
    Furthermore, Any New Event entered into a calendar on the iPhone will be synced with its coressponding Calendar in MOBILME, and it's Directory tree in iCal on the MAC - But Not the "ON MY MAC" Directory tree - That never gets synced. Am I right or am I going crazy.

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    - regards,

  • Sync among four devices and DO problem.

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    Although I reviewed typical examples,
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    Please explain and help me to complete this project.
    Message Edited by labmaster on 05-20-2009 03:16 PM
    Attachments: ‏129 KB

    Are you certain that you have a PCIe-6125?  I cannot find the product page for that particular card.  61xx would be a S Series card, but the nearest I can find is a PXIe-6124.
    With that in mind, I will attempt to answer your questions based on the PXIe-6124.
    1.  You can only use Port0 for correlated (clocked) DIO.  Ports 1 and 2 only support static DIO.
    2.  There is no way to directly trigger DIO.  Instead, you should trigger your digital sample clock and thus indirectly trigger the DIO.
    3.  Use a DAQmx Timing VI to configure a sample clock on a PFI line.
    4.  All signals can be started on the same trigger, so it's possible to synchonously start AI, AO, DIO, and AWG.  Please note that AI and AO use the same sample clock, so it is not possible to trigger the sample clock of these two functions independently.
    National Instruments
    Certified LabVIEW Associate Developer
    Certified TestStand Developer

  • AD Password Sync connector 9.1.1 With OIM 11g R2 - ERROR OVER SSL

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    The password syncs from AD to OIM 11G R2 on non ssl port 389.
    But if fails on SSL Port 636.
    Errors in OIMMain.Log:_
    Debug [10/11/2012 10:49:34 AM] Inside ConnectToADSI
    Debug [10/11/2012 10:49:34 AM]
    ldap_connect failed with
    Debug [10/11/2012 10:49:34 AM] Server Down
    Debug [10/11/2012 10:49:34 AM]
    Steps Carried Out thus far:_
    AD is up and running.
    Configured AD Password Sync Connector on 636 and selected ssl.
    Created Certificate on OIM host, configured custom identity key store on weblogic. Restarted Weblogic.
    Imported Certificate to AD. After this, restarted the AD
    I can Telnet port 636 from OIM Box and also connect to AD through LDAP Browser on 636 and view OU and CN, so this seems fine.
    Provisioning from OIM through Connector Server to AD works over SSL and this works fine.
    Help would be appreciated.
    Many Thanks

    This question is now been fixed.
    Instead of explicitly stating 636 for SSL,
    Use the same port 389 for ssl and also configured oim port to be 140001 which is the ssl port for oim in the configuration of OIM Password Sync.
    Export Certificates from AD to java security keystore and to weblogic keystore
    Export .pem certificate created on OIM host machine to AD.
    Restart weblogic, oim and AD
    Everything would work fine.
    For all the other information, refer to doc.

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    I am new to the Plam family and I have a question.  I use my Palm for bussiness as I'm sure most of us do, however can I sync my microsoft word and PDF files into my palm?
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    If I could get as much info as I can about this all the how to's that would be awesome!
    Thanks and I greatly aprecaite it!
    Post relates to: Pre Plus p101vzw (Verizon)
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    Hey Paul welcome to the Palm forums.
    Your Verizon Pre Plus runs a mobile operating system called HP/Palm webOS.  The current release is 1.4.5.  The phone can connect to a corporate Microsoft Exchange server.  When it does, it uses a sync technology called "Exchange Active Sync," but your phone does not run the Windows Mobile or Windows Phone operating system.
    Syncing Microsoft Office and PDF documents has been sort of an adventure since the Pre debuted over 18 months ago.
    DataViz, the makers of the Doc View application, was partially acquired by RIM, the makes of the BlackBerry, and have decided to not release a full version of Documents To Go for webOS devices.  Palm is working with the makers of QuickOffice to bring full Office document support to webOS in the future.
    For now, if you put Office documents and PDF files in the USB storage area of your Pre, Doc View or PDF will find them and allow you to view them on your Pre.  I put all of my documents in a folder simply called "Documents".
    If you connect the charging/sync cable to your Pre and then attach it to your Mac or Windows PC, you will be given a choice to turn on USB Drive mode.  When you do, you will be able to work with your Pre like you would a standard USB flash drive.  Eject the Pre from your PCs desktop when you are done and you should be all set.
    Hope that helps.
    Alan G

  • ISync Failure working with Missing Sync and Palm Lifedrive

    Since the begining of March I have failed to peform a sync between my Palm and G4 Powerbook via Missing Sync v5.2.1
    What happens is that a Sync is launched from my Palm cradle which is picked up by my G4, the dialogie suggests that things are being synchronised, but at the end on viewing my Sync History, I get errors reporting that databases on my palm can't be opened. Missing Syncs own conduits for iCal and AB report that they have been 'unregistered'.
    Last night I attempted a sync with just 1 conduit active at a time and all failed.
    I bought BackUpBuddy, but this two has failed to sync.
    Markspace have suggested that I 'reset sync histories' which I have attempted to do. For this I need to open iSync first, however iSync quits during launch.
    Anybody got any ideas on how to resolve this? TIA

    Now that the response is reposted above, this thread makes more sense…
    The (0x400a) errors generally, coupled with an inability to open files on your handheld, suggests that you have insufficient memory on board to perform these tasks. There are several other issues involved, however, so you should address each one by simplifying your configuration to avoid the most obvious ones.
    For the time being, turn off the following conduits which do not report errors:
    • Install
    • Life Balance
    • Mark/Space Conduit for iTunes
    • Mark/Space Conduit for iTunes
    • ChronosNotes
    • BackupBuddy
    Do that simply by un-checking them in the main window of the Missing Sync for Palm OS. You might want to attempt once again to synchronize, just to determine if anything has changed as a result of turning off these working conduits.
    Also, turn off the following failing conduits:
    • Mark/Space Folder Sync
    • Voice Memo
    • Documents To Go*
    • Media
    • Trip
    Some may be incompatible with your your LifeDrive, or not properly configured for use with it. See the article below, for example, with regard to the Mark/Space Folder Sync conduit with it:
    To avoid some obvious problems with your LifeDrive and the conduits presently installed, you should install the LifeDrive Update 2.0 is you have not already done so. *Among other things, it contains a Documents to Go update:
    You must follow the instructions provided by Palm carefully, as the procedure removes all of the data from your device. Insure that your data is backed up elsewhere before performing this update.
    Before attempting to update your LifeDrive, follow these instructions to determine if you need to:
    Find out if your LifeDrive device includes the latest LifeDrive Update software
    • on your LifeDrive, press <Home> twice, until the Applications Launcher—not Favorites—appears
    • tap <Menu>
    • from the <App> menu, select <Info>
    • at the bottom of the screen, select <Version>
    Look for the application named WiFiLib [HINT: scroll down below the <Wi-Fi> items to <WiFi> with no hyphen.]
    If the version number is…
    • 1.0.6, 1.0.5 or below: you don't have the latest LifeDrive update. Install it
    • 1.0.7: you already have the latest LifeDrive Update. Do not install it again.
    Had you not needed to install this update and perform the resulting reset, I would have recommended that you perform a soft reset to see if that procedure resolves any of your issues.

  • Sync iPhone calendar to Corporate Time

    Does anyone use this calendar program called Corporate Time 6.0? Its old as dirt I'm sure but I would like to sync it to my iPhone. Does anyone know if this is possible. There is nothing online about it and I'm not sure the people that make it are even still around. Any help would be AWESOME!!! Thank you so much!!!

    No. There are no native apps for the iPhone.

  • Palm pro wont sync with outlook 2003 and windows device manager?

    Palm pro wont sync with outlook 2003 and windows device manager?  Files  e.g. word docs or excel files sync o.k. but i need my contacts and i only get a error that there is sporblem with my desktop computer.
    I am using vista  and i have all updates installed.
    Post relates to: Treo Pro T850U (Unlocked)

    Do you have windows mobile device center installed(WMDC)? If not download it from here
    Be sure you download the correct version for your PC. If you have 32bit OS or 64bit OS. To find this out, right click on Computer under start and select properties. Near the middle it should say 32bit or 64bit. If you know you have the correct software. Open up the control panel and go to sync settings. Right click on the partnership you have setup and select delete. On your device go to Start-->Programs-->Activesync-->Menu-->Options tap on Windows PC and select Delete. Then once both are done resetup your partnership. But this time uncheck everything. Then once it is done syncing. Go to Mobile device settings and change content sync settings and select Contact. Click save and let it sync. Do the same for calendar, tasks, and notes but leave the last item checked. So when Contacts are done syncing you go and check Calendar and leave Contacts

  • Ical, Missing Sync and Palm Treo 680

    Most of 2007 was spent trying to get my Palm Lifedrive to Sync with iCal using Missing Sync version 5 thru 6. One day it was fine six days it was not. Nothing I have found to be more infuriating and frustrating as trying to sync my Palm with my Computer.
    So, with the arrival of Leopard and the much promised improvements to Sync Services I decided to perform a Clean Install of Leopard on my Powerbook, and run just a few apps on my Powerbook leaving the rest on my new Mini Mac. At the same time I decided to upgrade my Palm Lifedrive to a Palm Treo 680. So, New OS, New Palm, Leopard ready Missing Sync.
    1st Sync was spot on. All my data downloaded from .Mac for iCal and AB, sync'ed wonderfully with my Palm Treo. That was on January 7th. Since then iCal absolutely refuses to refresh. And already I am beginning to feel that 2008 and Syncing will be as frustrating as 2007.
    Why cannot MarkSpace sit down with Apple and iron out all the crap. For the last couple of days I though I would see if iCal was not communicating with SyncServices by using Entourage. But this only synced with AB and did not touch iCal. To do this I had to use iSync and during the first sync only 144 of 1456 addresses were left on my Palm! iCal - no change!!
    So I dumped iSync/Entourage and went back to Missing Sync own Conduits. I got my AB entries back but absolutely nothing from iCal
    When I wiped my Powerbook, I cloned the hardrive. Whilst routing around, I found a folder called FileServices in ~libray. This folder was over 12gig in size. What is this folder for and why was it so big? This could explain why my Backup Sets were getting increasing larger than my actual Hardrive even though I was peforming just a daily incremental backup!
    Back to iCal. Is there any reason why iCal will not refresh after a so called successful sync with my Treo 680 via Missing Sync v6.0.2?

    You might have better luck getting support at Mark/Space the makers of the program.
    I did briefly look around there and found this article, not sure if its related to your issue or not.,113

  • Problem with date and time syncing itouch to macbook

    i have a problem with the date and time on ical when i sync my itouch4 w my macbookair. whatever i entered into my calendar in itouch will appear different in my ical( with a 6 hrs advance difference) and the alarm i set on my itouch in the calendar doesnt ring at the right time as set even though it is shown the time that i wanted.
    Both my macbook n itouch are set to the same time zone and i have checked this many many times n the time is the same on both machine. but i just dont understand why is there a time difference when synced and my alarm just dont sound at the time it was supposedly set. it rings hours later n showing a different time that it was set but in the parenthesis the right time that i had set it.
    One time my computer ran out of battery n went into sleep mode and when i open it again, the time n date setting was all off. which im surprised why it had gone off. So did this create the problem i have now with the date n time sync or something else?
    please help!!!!

    Having the same problem, & am running Parallels (which I haven't used for some time) not boot camp. I tick the box labeled "Set time automatically" & lock the "click the lock to make changes". When I reboot, the Lock is unlocked and the "set time...." is unticked. Any ideas. Cheers.

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    That is precisely what my mid-2010 MacBoook Pro 13 was doing before the drive finally died after an Apple Genius rebooted it a dozen or so times. I have since read about the exact same thing happening to others, including a writer for The Atlantic magazine who had never had an issue with a Mac before. Do a back-up ASAP to make sure you don't lose anything and see about replacing the HDD. It is only about $140 for a new drive. The real issue is if you lose your data, too. So, make sure you do that back-up!

  • My laptop hard drive crashed - when I go to sync my iPhone it says that my phone is already synced with another computer and can only be synced with one computer at a time.

    My Dell laptop hard drive crashed - when I go to sync my iPhone it says that my phone is already synced with another computer and can only be synced with one computer at a time. When I hit sync is says it will erase my phone and sync with the new computer which is blank. How do I get my phone to sync my contacts, pics, apps etc. over to my new hard drive without losing anything.

    Yes, so what's confusing... Did you not restore the backup of your data, contacts, pics, apps, music, etc. to the new hard drive after you replaced it or reformatted it or whatever you did? If so, then you can just sync your data back.
    If not, please try searching the forum. This has been addressed hundreds of times here.

Maybe you are looking for