Correct Web Browser - Switch to Safari

When I go to a web site (e.g.,, I get a message that states the browser I am using mgiht not work well and has links to Explorer, Firefox, Safari, and Chrome. I am using the latest Safari on my Mac Pro so I don't understand why I am getting this message. The same thing happens when I go to check my mail of AOL. Any ideas?

Hello, it only happens on some. For example, if I go to and the log into my mail account, I get the basic version of AOL. And if I click on the Standard Version of AOL, I get a message that I am using an unsupported browser with links to the various supported browser sites. I also see a link that says I can take my changes with my existing browser if I feel lucky. Don't  understand it since I am using the latest Safari.
Also, I go the, I get the message, "the web browser you are unsing might not work well" with links to five sites to include Apple's Safari site.
Thank you for you reply.

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    Hi Rapidness,
    I checked on my computer and do not have this issue. And I have no website located somewhere on my machine, after cleaning / or resetting the browser.
    In the "Safari" - Menu > below the "Private Surfing" > is "Safari Reset"
    Maybe you should try this...
    You can also use "Onyx" to reset the browser. See the link below:

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    I would like to advise anyone reading this post that after some more researching, I have found several other posts in different forums that deals with this topic.
    Although the suggestions within the other posts did not work, I did try them and had no resolve.
    Here are the other posts within the links posted below;
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    Contact  Apple's Express Lane. Your machine has unlimited support for the first 90 days.

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    Hi Paulmozzi!
    Here it is the supported devices list:
    However, because of the large number of Android devices (phones and tablets), not all new devices could be tested yet, but the list will continue to be updated.
    I am not sure if I understand correctly your issue. When typing something in url bar, you will have at least 4 default search engines (Google, Wikipedia, Amazon, Twitter), so you can choose any of them. If you want to install more search engines, here it is a useful link for that: (open this link using Firefox Mobile on your tablet).
    If you still need more help, please let us know. Any more details regarding your issue will be very useful.

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    I'm afraid I'm not familiar with Vista, but in XP the Safari preferences etc. are stored in this location:
    C:\Documents and Settings\YourUsername\Application Data\Apple Computer\Safari\
    If you know where the equivalent Vista location is, rename the Safari directory to be Safari_backup and then retry launching the application to see if one of the files in there is corrupt and causing Safari to crash.
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    To : Trevor Smith
    First of all, can you try to confirm it's just a affected user profile or it's the fault for mac operating system? Try creating a new user account, then open Safari, go to the website. See what happens from there. If the new user is able to access the website correctly, then it's most probably the previous user account is affected.
    To try to resolve the affected account, you will need to locate the " & "org.mozilla.firefox.plist" files? It should be located somewhere in this folder ; user/Library/Preferences. Note : if the user account you are using is created as Trevor, then it's Trevor/Library/Preferences. Locate the files named "" & "org.mozilla.firefox.plist". Delete and trash completely. Logout of the machine and re-login again. Open Safari, and try the affected website again. See if it resolves the issue now.
    Another thing to check, is your internet configuration. Make sure you are not bypassing any proxy server, as you do not need to do any bypass of the proxy servers.
    Keep me update, alright?

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    You can remove it from Safari->Preferences->Extensions. We released our Safari Add-on very recently and we apologize for any kinks in it's behavior compared to our IE, FF and Chome add-ons. Please email us at [email protected] if you have more questions.
    Founder and Co-CEO,

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    I suspect if you're trying to open a file in 08 that's been opened in 09 the file has been updated to 09 and will not open in 08.

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