Corrupted 30GB iPod Video!

My iPod works, but it's corrupted. Every time I input it into iTunes, it says my ipod is corrupted. I am prompt with the options update or restore and the 'restore' one is the only one I click, so I click it. and it says:
"The iPod "iPod" could not be restored. An unknown error has occured (1418)."
Any help or Ideas. PLEASE HELP!!

Does this iPod appear in the Finder when you have it connected?  If so, try doing a low level format on the iPod's HD (either as FAT32 or Mac OS X Extended Journaled).  See this article for more details.
Reformat iPod
If the iPod is not appearing in the Finder either try manually placing the iPod into Disk Mode. Doing so may be able to at least help it mount as an external drive on your Mac.  From there, use the procedure outlined in the article above to reformat the iPod's HD again if it's still not appearing in iTunes.
Here are instructions for getting your iPod into Disk Mode.
Putting iPod into Disk Mode

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    I've only had mine for a month, but it's still working perfectly.
    There's a couple things I've found dissappointing about it.
    First off, while I've found the video quality to be good, the battery life when watching videos is absurdly low. 2 hours of watching videos will completely drain the battery. 2 hours. So there's a good number of movies out there that you couldn't watch all the way through.
    Plus, while it's nice that you can download TV shows, like The Office, through iTunes, just watching a few of them will drain the battery significantly. Kind of lame that the new video feature is so weak in this regard. Though I bought it mostly for music, so it's not that big of a deal to me.
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    I have the same problem; at least there's more than one out there. One of the videos I downloaded eventually began to work (I'm not sure why) but it kept freezing up and the audio had horrible static. (When I played it on the computer through the ipod, it worked fine.)
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    The file is most likely an MPEG (.mpg) file. The audio and video tracks are merged.
    If you use iTunes or QuickTime Pro to convert it, it will only convert the video track and remove the audio.
    I recommend getting an MP4 Converter program.
    Xilisoft iPod Video Converter is great, you can get it for both Mac OS X and Windows.
    iMac G5 with iSight   Mac OS X (10.4.7)   iPod with Video (60GB)

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    any idea what to do? will resetting it even help??
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    Like the guy said, different levels. You only have to hold down Pause, and then the system goes into Sleep mode. The problem is that you probably moved your finger when the button was pressed. Don't. Keep your finger still on the button. This happened to me oh so many times
    Otherwise, add a Sleep item to your Main Menu. Hold down Menu for a few seconds to go back to the Main Menu. Go to Settings > Main Menu. Scroll down to "Sleep", and turn it on. Now go back to the Main Menu, and choose the Sleep option.

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    I just signed up, and I'm basically the only one who posts on the iPod/MP3 forum. You'd have no luck here, your best chances in call in, or go into your local store.

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  • 30gb iPod Video freezes

    Could someone please help me, or tell me if this is 'normal'?
    I bought a 30bg iPod Video about 10 days ago. I installed the software on my computer...reset the iPod when I first plugged it in. Loaded up about 750 songs and about 35 pics.
    The thing is, EVERYTIME I go running (basically every time I use it) it freezes. The play icon is still on the screen, but the song is not playing. Sometimes it happens in the middle of the song, sometimes before the song starts. (By the way, I always have the iPod on shuffle...does this make a difference?)
    Saturdat morning, I had to reset it 3 times!!!!
    The battery seems to run down fairly quickly, as well.
    Have I done something wrong, or did I get a bad unit.

    So what the support guy says is fairly true. The video has a hard drive and a small RAM buffer. The nano is all RAM. Hard drive's don't like being moved around and if the video is reading the hard drive at the time, it's going to skip and potentially freeze.
    See iPod : Maximizing skip protection
    and Troubleshooting songs that skip on iPod
    So if you're using a playlist with any videos on it, that's really bad (cause videos eat up a lot of the RAm buffer).
    But if you have long songs that can aggravate the situation too.
    Best option is to get a nano or a shuffle if you want to run. If you want to try staying with the video and run, position it somewhere that minimizes motion (a fanny back or belt clip may help) or higher up on the arm for an armband.
    Oh, I just read your bit about having it on shuffle - yes that is bad. When it's not on shuffle it will read as much o the playlist as it can into RAM. When it's on shuffle, it doesn't know what the next songs are going to be. Even with shuffle off, manually changing songs repeatedly can have a similar effect. Just build a playlist you like and run with it.

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    I need an idiots How to guide for the ipod video.
    I have downloaded songs off of iTunes and have put them on my iPod but they will only play the sound and the video will not play - all that I see is a still picture of the video, like the promo picture, and i cant seem to get it to play both at the same time.
    please help

    sounds like the video isnt properly converted maybe. are they music videos from the itunes store? if not then you will need to convert the files to a .mp4 or .mov format for the ipod. try this
    To use Videora iPod Convertor to convert movies for use on your iPod, consult these helpful links:
    To get started:
    If you have questions:
    If you have more questions, post them here:
    Note that Videora iPod Convertor is a 3rd party program. If you need help with it, post your question there.

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