Corrupted .f4v file? Can it be saved somehow? Can`t convert or play.

Video is recorded with Flash Media Live Encoder 3.2 and my laptop shut down while recording (dead battery). can it be saved somehow?
When i use Adobe F4V Post Processor i get this error: Recording Exception: -203 No space left in the stsd box.
When i try "any video convertor" i get the "cannot get media information of video file... insertion failed" error
Can anything be done?

yes but no result.
Do you know if Flash Media Live Encoder has a temp directory a backup or somthing simmilar? Maybe i can get the file from there because the recording was not stopped, my laptop just went into hibernate state. When i turned it back on (conected to AC) Flash Media Live Encoder was still in record mode and i pressed stop.
i`m not even sure if it is the right recordin or the complete recording. It would be amazing to not loose that was amazing so sad that it didn`t work
I whould preffer losing all recordings but for the last one (closing song at an outdor party by a river with the sun comming up)

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    It does sound like you have an error at the 8 min mark.  Since you say the size is larger than 8 min. would suggest you can see if it has errors.
    When you put it on the editor do you see the slider at 1/3 of the way to the right when it is at 8 min.?  If it is all the way to the right it would indicate that is they whole length of the file.
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    No Christina,
    First I went under report attributes on Interactive reports under download
    Download formats:
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    <object width="1024" height="576">
    name="movie" value="">
    name="flashvars" value="src=rtmp:// de=docked&streamType=recorded &backgroundColor=000000&volume=1&scaleMode=letterbox&verbose=false&highQualityThreshold=1 025&urlIncludesFMSApplicationInstance=false&autoPlay=true">
    name="allowFullScreen" value="true">
    name="allowscriptaccess" value="always">
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    Are you going to give us any additional clues as to what you are really asking here?
    1) The "HT5409" in your subject title reference implies you are dealing with AVCHD content. If true, then how did you transfer them to your iPad and how did you transfer them from your iPad to your your MacBook Air platform? As the HT409 topic clearly stated, this can be very important. In addition, how are the files stored? For instance , have you extracted the MPEG-4 AVC content as transport streams or is the content still in the device recorded file form? Are you trying to edit the content or convert it to M4V, MP4, or MOV files directly?
    2) The "can i convert movies from iPad to mac laptop" part of your subject title is confusing. Yes, AVCHD files can be converted to simpler MPEG-4 AVC content that is compatible with all current and most older Mac computers and Apple mobile devices in MOV, MP4, and/or M4V file formats. However, how you do this will depend on the current form of the data and the target settings you wish to employ to ensure compatibility with the various target device possibilities. Further, non-AVCHD content (e.g., HD iPad video recordings) can also be downconverted to simpler settings in a similar manner if needed or required if that is your questing.
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    In order to play f4v file created by FMLE 3.0, you need to first flatten the files using free F4V post processing tool available at
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    Please send use the .muse file and the MuseLog.txt file from the Documents folder of all computers that have been used to edit the file along with a link to this thread for context. If the file is larger than 20Mb you can use a service like Adobe SendNow, Dropbox, WeTransfer, etc. (If you use a service, please include your return e-mail address in the body of the message, since no all services include it in the sharing invite they send.) Thanks.

  • Corrupted .docx file. Word 2007. Can't open the document. Tags mismatch. Help?

    The Office Open XML file *.docx cannot be opened because there are problems with the contents.
    Details: The name at the end tag of the element must match the element type in the start tag.
    Location: Part: /word/document.xml, Line: 2, Column: 3487212
    Hmm, I guess I should give some background info and what I've tried so far, right?
    The document is in word 2007, Windows 7. Last night, I was in a hurry, and got a lot of things open. I was opening the document to do a few quick spontaneous revisions, but it was so laggy and I was late for an appointment, so I was feeling panicky
    and frustrated. In hindsight, it probably wasn't the best option to just force shut the PC down cause word stopped responding in the middle of opening the document. Still, while I'm no Sherlock, I knew stopping it while it's in the middle of saving the document
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    large, a few hundred words, and about 500 or so pages. It's this really big project I was doing at work, for months now really, and because it's somewhat business confidential in nature, I can't exactly share it freely, or I would've uploaded a copy, sorry.
    Anyway, I woke up this morning and opened it, and the error came up. By the way, the document was saved in a 2TB external hard with a few disk errors in the past, if that helps, even if I'm pretty much sure its not a problem with the hard. The error
    came up... and yeah. I first made a copy, which I've been trying everything on, in case I do end up making things worse. I have no previous versions of it, just a relatively very old backup. Anything less than 80% recovery would set me back weeks with a wage
    cut. The good news is that I was able to open the document in WordPad, managing to recover the first 287 pages (131,543 words), with no errors or data loss, and saved it in a separate file. Apparently, according to information I obtained later, MSWord tends
    to not open at all when it encounters an error, but Wordpad tends to stop reading the rest of the code once it encounters an error. So, naturally, I assumed (so correct me if I'm wrong), that behind a few sentences I might lose due to the error, the rest could
    also be salvageable. I then looked up the problem all over the internet. Read a microsoft article on troubleshooting/recovering corrupted documents (Open & Repair, Draft Mode, Creating Link, Recover text from any file converter, etc). No dice.
    I first saw a similar question on, and tried to use Tony Jollan's Rebuilder, macros enabled and all. Sadly, no luck.
    I managed to make my first breakthrough when I found out that .docx was just a .zip file, and could be renamed as such, with the document.xml extracted and manually fixed using an XML editor (not that I knew how to do that, but I was desperate and
    willing to learn). So, made another copy, changed extensions, and tried to specifically extract the document.xml. I believe that it is the main body text, right? That is the only thing really necessary for me, since everything I've done so far is entirely
    spartan, with no fancy fonts, formatting, header/footer/notes, media objects, formulas, tables, bullet points, numbered lists, etc. All pure sans-serif text, with some Japanese Kanji thrown in. 500 pages of pure text.
    I then hit a snag, when WinRAR encountered an error on extracting document.xml, stating that "CRC failed in word\document.xml. The file is corrupt". So I tried to fix this using several ZIP repair programs and stuff. Nothing worked. At
    least not so far. Managed to extract an incomplete version of document.xml using WinRAR's 'Keep Broken Files' option when extracting. The extracted
    document.xml came up to 3.31 MB while the original in archive is 7.53 MB. Viewed it in the Windows XML Editor which opened up the text in Internet Explorer, a jumble of text with no line breaks or paragraphs. Still, it actually extracted a few pages less than
    the open-using-Wordpad method tried earlier. So trying to fix the archive again...
    So I decided to give up the manual route for the meantime and focus on readymade solutions. I came across yet another microsoft article, but this one was at least more relevant than the last. It had this auto FixMe thing. I ran it, didn't
    work. Apparently, as I found out later, "This fix will work for one specific tag error where there are equations and graphics in the same paragraph AND Office 2010 SP1 has not been applied."
    Tried several (read: dozens) corrupt Word recovery software, from freeware to pro trials, to varying degrees of effect, although unsuccessful
    in goal. Some failed to read it, saying it was too corrupted for them to handle, the best managed to recover about three-pages-worth less data compared to the Wordpad method. So yeah, anybody with a similar problem, always open it with wordpad first and recover
    what you can. That doesn't mean I'm giving up though.
    So here I am, tearing my hair out in frustration. Whew, I feel like I told you guys my life story. I guess worst case scenario, I report this to my boss, so I personally or from the company, I/we'll hire a team of professionals to deal with it.
    But that's not an ideal scenario. It's gonna be out of my salary either way (the company has a firm policy of 'You reap what you sow'), along with a wage cut for making such an amateurish mistake even with continuous reminders to back it up every two sentences,
    so I'd rather avoid that.
    I'm currently looking to see whether there's a way to recover a previous version of an overwritten document somehow using a third-party software or something. (I didn't have Windows Backup enabled, so no previous version on Windows). So far, no
    autosaved documents on MSWord AutoRecover, even though I have it enabled set to every 3 mins (or maybe I'm just not seeing it since I'm trying to look for it manually?). Or are the temporary files wiped on shutdown? I don't have 'Always save backup copy' option
    enabled on word either.
    So yeah, an auto fix, or a lengthy answer detailing what exactly I should do (from the very very basics), or a link to a site with such info, would be much appreciated. Seriously :D
    Please. Thanks for at least making an effort :)

    When a Word document file is corrupted, then you can try several methods to recover it:
    1. First of all, you can try the recovery function integrated with Microsoft Word, as follows:
    1) On the File menu, click Open.
    2) In the Look in list, click the drive, folder, or Internet location that contains the file that you want to open.
    3) In the folder list, locate and open the folder that contains the file.
    4) Select the file that you want to recover.
    5) Click the arrow next to the Open button, and then click Open and Repair.
    You may find more information about this at: (for Word 2003) (for Word 2007/2010/2013)
    2. If you have multiple corrupt Word documents, then you can use the VBA macro provided in article so that all the files will be opened in "Open and Repair" option automatically.
    3. There are also free tools from third-parties that can open and read Microsoft Word documents, for example,
    3.1 OpenOffice at This is a very famous open source project that is designed to support Office file formats, including Word documents. The software can run under Windows.
    3.2 LibreOffice at Another free office suite.
    3.3 AbiWord at This is a cross-platform tool that works under Unix and Windows.
    3.4 Google Drive at also support to load Word document files.
    Sometimes when Word fails to open your document, these tools may be able to open it successfully. If that is the case, then after the document is opened, you can just save it as a new document which will be error-free.
    4. For docx files, they are actually a group of files compressed in Zip file format. Therefore, sometimes, if the corruption is only caused by the Zip file, then you can use Zip repair tools such as WinRAR at to repair the file, as follows:
    4.1 Assuming the corrupt document is a.docx, then you need to rename it to
    4.2 Start WinRAR, go to "Tools > Repair Archive" to repair and generated a fixed file
    4.3 Rename back to a_fixed.doc
    4.4 Using Word to open a_fixed.doc.
    There may still be some warnings when opening the fixed file in Word, just let ignore it and Word will try to open and repair the fixed file. If the file can be opened successfully, then you can just save the contents into another error-free file.
    5. If all above methods does not work, then you may try third-party tools such as DataNumen Word Repair at
    I have used it to repair some word documents successfully. It provides a free demo version so that you can try to see if the data you want can be recovered or not.
    Good luck!

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    If you are saving elsewhere than your own harddisk, that may be the cause. Otherwise, something else has obviously corrupted the files, possibly related to graphs.
    One thing often tried first is to create a new document and File>Place the corrupted one to see how much may be rescued that way.
    Here is a website where you can see whether it can rescue the file, and if it can, you may pay for a subscription to have it done,
    and another similar website, -occurred-pdf2dtp-file-recovery/
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    They are all mostly the same size at around 6MB but there are a couple that are very large 55MB (including the 30 tmp file I mentioned above.  There is also one around 7KB).  I tried renaming the most recent (as of 8:30PM last night)  tmp file as iTunes Library.itl but when I launch iTunes, I get the "The file 'iTunes Library.itl" cannot be read because it was created by a newer version of iTunes" popup.
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