Could anybody show or attach the BCD file?

Could anybody show or attach the BCD file? I need it, because it seems to me that my BCD was not correct and the Novo key functionality fail. The BCD file path is the first partition on disk  (BOOT) \Boot\BCD. The partition is hidden. You could use a script that generates the contents of the BCD file to your desktop (bcd_part1.txt). It is not dangerous for you. Please, attach the  bcd_part1.txt.
the script: (download it and double-click the mouse on the script)

Could anybody show or attach the BCD file? I need it, because it seems to me that my BCD was not correct and the Novo key functionality fail. The BCD file path is the first partition on disk  (BOOT) \Boot\BCD. The partition is hidden. You could use a script that generates the contents of the BCD file to your desktop (bcd_part1.txt). It is not dangerous for you. Please, attach the  bcd_part1.txt.
the script: (download it and double-click the mouse on the script)

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    Hi angela dfromtx,
    When tracks in iTunes display a it means the file cannot be located; it may have been moved or deleted. You'll have to locate the file manually if it is still available. For more information refer to the following article:
    iTunes: Finding lost media and downloads
    Alternatively, if your media was downloaded from the iTunes Store, you may be able to download it again free of charge:
    Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store
    Matt M.

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    The "missing file" error happens if the file is no longer where iTunes expects to find it. Possible causes are that you or some third party tool has moved, renamed or deleted the file, one of its parent folders, or the drive it lives on has had a change of drive letter. It is also possible that iTunes has changed from expecting the files to be in the pre-iTunes 9 layout to post-iTunes 9 layout, or vice-versa, and so is looking in slightly the wrong place. In the case of a library moved from one system to another there are also potential permissions issues. See Repair security permissions for iTunes for Windows.
    Select a track with an exclamation mark, use Ctrl-I to Get Info, then click No when asked to try to locate the track. (Due to a bug in iTunes 12 you currently have to say No twice!) Look on the summary tab for the location that iTunes thinks the file should be. Now take a look around your hard drive(s). Hopefully you can locate the track in question. If a section of your library has simply been moved, a folder renamed, or a drive letter has changed, it should be possible to reverse the actions. If the difference between the two paths is an additional Music folder in one path then this is a layout issue. I can explain further if that is the case.
    In some cases iTunes may be able to repair itself if you go through the same steps with Get Info but this time click Locate and browse to the lost track. It may then offer to attempt to automatically fix other broken links.
    If another application like Windows Media Player has moved/renamed the files then the chances are that subtle differences in naming strategies will make it hard to restore the media to the precise path that iTunes is expecting. In such cases, as long as the missing files can be found somewhere, you should be able to use my FindTracks script to reconnect them to iTunes. See this post for an explanation of how it works.
    See also Recover your iTunes library from your iPod or iOS device.

  • The TV show could not be used because the original file could not be found

    "The TV show “Blah-blah ep.23” could not be used because the original file could not be found. Would you like to locate it?"
    I know this problem is listed (and unanswered) from quite a few users in the forums for song files, but I haven’t found any that mention TV shows. To add to the heap, and help emphasize to iTunes that this is a major bug in need of fixing, here is my version of this problem.
    I have a variety of season passes to TV shows that normally download on almost a daily basis (The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, for example). About once every four or five downloads iTunes decides to silently delete a file. No warning given, no chance to stop it, just gone. ITunes downloads the file (clearly seen in the process in the Downloads part of the Store menu) and then lists the file under its correct menu in the TV Shows Library section (with the correct amount of MB listed for the file). I usually watch the episode right after I download it (with no problems), but of course I have left episodes unwatched when I shut iTunes down.
    On the next startup of iTunes, I go in to watch an old episode again or click on an unwatched episode, but it isn’t there anymore and the old “would you like to locate it?” message pops up. After being through this at least a dozen times in the last year, I know there is no point in looking for the file because it’s gone. The only choice is to go into iTunes support and ask them to reset the download, which they’ve always done without question, and then I have to download the file all over again. This is a huge hassle and all the more frustrating because it happens so irregularly.
    I’ve tried to find answers in these discussion forums, but have been unable to see any reasonable solution and wish to add to the voices of annoyed paying customers in the hope something will be done. If anyone is interested, the bizarre and time consuming workaround I’ve had to employ is:
    1. As soon as any of my TV shows are downloaded, I stop whatever I’m doing to go grab the file out of iTunes’ folder and move it to a location where iTunes can’t get its grubby little silent deleting hands on it.
    2. On the next shutdown-startup cycle, I can then go back and move the file back into its correct location in the iTunes TV Shows subfolders and I’ll never have a problem again with THAT particular file being deleted.
    Of course, the problem with this solution is that it’s painfully annoying to have to do it every time. I get lazy, iTunes seems to get its evil deleting ways under control and downloads all seem to work again. That is, until they don’t and the issue mysteriously returns with files being picked off anew and I have to return to these forums in the hope of finally finding out why this is happening. After more than a year and two or three iTunes version updates, it’s the problem that just won’t die.

    Yes, only TV shows. I've never had a random silent delete of a song file. I also considered that Windows might be blocking the file to save space, but with no limitations set in the control panel that isn't the problem either. In fact, I've only had this problem with season pass downloads. It's never happened with a single download of a video or TV episode.
    Tonight, when I downloaded my Daily Show episode, I really kept tabs on what the heck iTunes is up to during the process. As many know, iTunes creates a folder called Downloads during the download process. Inside that folder, a video file gets downloaded as “download.m4v” along with another Qtime info file. When the download is complete, iTunes is supposed to use the info file to identify and tag the download.m4v file and then move it over into its correct artist subfolder with the correct file name.
    The problem, I discovered tonight in watching this process, is that iTunes (for mysterious reasons) does not do the relabel/move step with some of the downloads and leaves the files in situ as download.m4v in the download file. Additionally, in the iTunes software you can click on the file (correctly labeled and appearing, as I said in the first post, under the correct TV show banner) and watch it one time. However, after shutting down and restarting (and this is where the evil happens) iTunes will delete all files in the Download subfolder as part of a cleanup process. I suppose because it assumes that those files were correctly relabeled and copied into the corresponding TV show folders. So, there is the reason for the loss of downloaded video files (in my case).
    There appears to be no way of knowing, from within iTunes, when the file has been correctly copied over to its corresponding folder and when it hasn’t and remains in the Bermuda Download Folder of Death. Again, I have to go into that folder each time (before shutting iTunes down) to make sure the move took place. If it didn’t, then I have to make a copy of the download file and place it outside that folder.
    Finally, since this only happens occasionally, I’m wondering if it doesn’t have something to do with the way the info file is being tagged and labeled prior to being made available to download. However, if that were the case then the problem would be happening to lots of users and I would have expected a lot more complaints in the forums.
    By the way, I’m not big on fidgeting with any of iTunes folders or settings. It hasn’t been the case where the downloads were fine, I made some goofy change to the folder structure and then it doesn’t work. I haven’t fiddled with the settings for months, but all of the sudden this issue starts to appear and can just as easily disappear in the following week’s downloads.
    Still seeking answers or advice.

  • Recently got a new computer and installed itunes from external drive - all music shows up in the library, however when i click on a song i receive this message "the song could not be used because the original file could not be found".  What do i do?

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    I was given the option to locate the file where the song is held. If so select "locate" and direct it to the folder / file where the song is and open it. itunes then will give you the option to use this process to update all of your library. OK that as this will do it automatically instead of doing them one by one. I hope this helps.

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    please what i do

    Hello JD_NINJA,
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    Error 9006 when restoring your iOS device indicates that there is security software on your computer which is preventing connection to the Apple server or your device.  To troubleshoot this issue please follow the directions below.
    Check your security software
    Related errors: 2, 4, 6, 9, 1611, 9006. Sometimes security software can stop your device from communicating with either the Apple update server or with your device.
    Check your security software and settings to make sure that they aren't blocking a connection to the Apple servers.
    Get help with iOS update and restore errors - Apple Support
    When restoring your iPhone, please make sure to follow the directions in the link below to properly restore.
    Restore your device from an iCloud or iTunes backup - Apple Support
    Take care,
    Alex H.

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    dear friends
    im experiencing the same problem rite now. i just bought a 4s for my wife yesterday. when i tried updating the ios to 1.0.5 directly from the phone, it showed - 'Unable to Check for Update. An error occured while checking for a software update. and when i tried updating it via itunes, i got this msg - The iPhone "xxx iphone" could not be updated because the firmware file is not compatible.
    my internet connection is perfectly ok here. can anybody help me on this?
    Thank you

  • This is a new notification coming up with iTunes, why and how do I fix it? The song "Penny Lane" could not be used because the original file could not be found. Would you like to locate it?

    This is a new notification coming up with iTunes, why and how do I fix it?
    The song “Penny Lane” could not be used because the original file could not be found. Would you like to locate it?

    Hey xxCreepyFiaxx,
    First, I would try the following suggested steps for when you don't see content in iTunes after updating:
    Quit iTunes.
    Download and install the latest version of iTunes.
    Use the Finder (Mac) or Windows Explorer (Windows) to go to the iTunes folder that contains the iTunes library files:
    Mac OS X
    Microsoft Windows Windows XP and Windows 2000
    \Documents and Settings\username\My Documents\My Music\iTunes\
    Microsoft Windows Windows Vista and Windows 7
    Drag the iTunes Library file from the above location to the Desktop.
    Open the Previous iTunes Libraries folder in the iTunes folder.
    Locate the file named iTunes Library YYYY-MM-DD where YYYY-MM-DD is the date you upgraded iTunes (Year-Month-Day).
    Drag this file to the iTunes folder (the enclosing folder).
    Rename this file to iTunes Library.
    Open iTunes.
    You should now see your missing content in iTunes.
    via: No content shows up in iTunes after updating
    If that doesn't resolve the issue, then I'd go through the steps in here:
    iTunes: Finding lost media and downloads
    Have a good one,

  • ITunes tells me "Could not be used because the original file could not be found. Would you like to locate it?"  I can locate it and all my other music, but can only open one song at a time.  How do I set it to open all my music whenever I want it?

    iTunes tells me my song selection: "Could not be used because the original file could not be found. Would you like to locate it?"  I can locate it and all my other music, but can only open one song at a time.  How do I set it to open all my music whenever I want?
    Message was edited by: Woildbill

    I just spent several hours dealing with this when switching to a new PC. It was extremely frustrating as I knew my files were on my external HD but no matter how many times I copied my old iTunes folder over the files were still missing...because dummy me had forgotten to "unhide folders" on my new PC and my old files were actually stored in a hidden folder created long long ago.
    This is how I did it on Windows 7 with iTunes 10
    1. Look in iTunes Advanced Preferences to see where iTunes is saving files. (Edit, Preferences, Advanced)
         Example: C:/Users/Woildbill/My Music/iTunes/Music
    2. Ensure you are able to see hidden files - Control Panel, Folder Option, View, Show Hidden Files
    3. Use Your Computer's Search Function to Locate the Missing File (Start, Search, type name of song - I started my search in "My Music" folder but be sure to expand to entire Computer if not found right away)
    4. In Search Results, right-click found folder and select properties. This will tell you where the file is actually stored.
    5. Use Windows Explorer (right-click start) to navigate to the location of the file. It is likley your other missing files are in the same location.
    6. In Windows Explorer, copy the newly located files to the iTumes location from Step 1 and everything should work again.
    Hope this helps!

  • The song...could not be used because the original file could not be located

    I just used Garageband this past Sunday, no problem...I open it up tonight and I get this message:
    "The song...could not be used because the original file could not be located."
    I click the OK button and it comes up with another song title, and I have clicked it 20 or 30 times already and it keeps coming up and I can't access anything else and it is frustrating!
    Anyone know how to stop the madness?!
    iMac 2.7 GHz Intel Core i5, 8 GB RAM, 1 TB HD, OS X 10.9.3
    Garageband 10.0.2

    "The song...could not be used because the original file could not be located."
    GarageBAnd cannot find the recorded media or imported audio files, that should be in the Media folder inside your project.
    Crtl-click the GarageBand icon in the Dock and use Force-quit to quit your current project.
    Then ctrl-click the .band file of your current project and select  "Show package contents." open the Media folder inside and check if all recorded media and imported audio files are there and you can play them.
    Have you moved your project or has it been transferred by mail?
    If the media are missing or do not play, there is not much you can do. If all media are there, repair the permissions of the project. If it is on an external drive, move it to your system drive and try there.
    If you cannot rescue the project, copy the media file out of the project, so you can use the recordings to recreate the song.You can launch GarageBand into the file "recent songs" panel to create a new project or to pick a recent project, by holding down  the alt/options key while double-clicking the GarageBand icon.

  • I keep getting " The song**** could not be used because the original file c

    Ok, I'll try not to get my problem too confusing or complicated. Had a virus and had pc repair store wipe and reload my operating system. They backed everything up and put it in a folder on my desktop. I reinstalled i-tunes. Opened i-tunes. checked my library. Everything is there but duplicated. I manually dumped all duplicates.(That was fun!) I try to play songs. I keep getting " The song** could not be used because the original file could not be found. Would you like to locate it?"
    I locate my i-tunes files in C drive, docs/settings, my docs, i-Tunes, i-Tunes music. I see an icon showing MPEG4 with a musical note and little "lock" symbol in the corner. I double click that icon and i-Tunes opens up and the songs starts playing. If I shut my pc down and restart it, go to i-tunes find that song and click it it always plays now. Okay that's one song fixed. Also if I find the icon in C drive again the little lock symbol is gone. Now down to the meat of my question; am I going to have to do this individually with all 2700 songs? Please tell me a faster way.
    Thank you

    If you know where all songs are located on the computer, I'd suggest just removing everything from iTunes and then adding it back in.
    Edit > Select All
    Edit > Delete
    *Choose the option to Remove from library
    *If prompted to move to recycle bin, choose Keep File
    Then click File > Add Folder to Library and navigate to the folder on your hard drive that has your music in it. You can choose your iTunes Music folder, for example, and this will incorporate any subfolders you have stored in there.
    The lock icon suggests that the file is "protected," so most likely purchased from the iTunes store.

  • The song... Could not be used because the original file cannot be found....Any suggestions?

    I just got a new computer and I transfered all of my old music via an external hard drive to the new one.  All the music showed up in itunes fine so I deleted the old files.  Then I went to sync my iphone I got an error that said "The song... Could not be used because the original file cannot be found.  Please help, this has happed to about 500 songs!

    You'll need to help iTunes locate the files for you then reacquaint your library with your files. Here are some articles that can help you:
    No content shows up in iTunes after updating
    This article may also be helpful:
    Instructions for finding missing music and video downloads

  • How to attach the .emp files and .rar files in this forum.

    Dear Sir ,
                          I want to attach the ".emp" file or .emp file stored in the "rar", how to attach these files in this forum because whenever I am going to attch the .emp file or .rar file , it is showing the error that " The contents of the attachment doesn't match its file type".

    Well, you might think that. But you would be wrong.
    I'm not aware of any unix OS with an undelete function at the filesystem level.
    Such things don't tend to work well in a multiuser/server environment where lots of things are writing to the disk in the background.
    And trying to guess what the filesystem used to look like is a good way to court random file system corruption.

  • Am unable start Photoshop (CS5.1 Extended version), it gives me this message: Could not initialize Photoshop, because the preferences file was invalid (it has been deleted). Please help, thanks.

    Dear Friends or anybody, please help.
    Am unable start Photoshop (CS5.1 Extended version), it gives me this message:
    Could not initialize Photoshop, because the preferences file was invalid (it has been deleted).
    I have also watched the video on “restoring peferences” trouble shooting above, but got nowhere.
    Please help me, am leaving Canada on a business trip to China in 36 hours and I need to work using Photoshop. Thank you.

    Check these solutions here Re: Preferences File was invalid.

  • Continually get pop up box "The song "song title" could not be used because the original file could not be found.  Would you like to locate it?"

    Continually get pop up box "The song "song title" could not be used because the original file could not be found.  Would you like to locate it?"

    Hey xxCreepyFiaxx,
    First, I would try the following suggested steps for when you don't see content in iTunes after updating:
    Quit iTunes.
    Download and install the latest version of iTunes.
    Use the Finder (Mac) or Windows Explorer (Windows) to go to the iTunes folder that contains the iTunes library files:
    Mac OS X
    Microsoft Windows Windows XP and Windows 2000
    \Documents and Settings\username\My Documents\My Music\iTunes\
    Microsoft Windows Windows Vista and Windows 7
    Drag the iTunes Library file from the above location to the Desktop.
    Open the Previous iTunes Libraries folder in the iTunes folder.
    Locate the file named iTunes Library YYYY-MM-DD where YYYY-MM-DD is the date you upgraded iTunes (Year-Month-Day).
    Drag this file to the iTunes folder (the enclosing folder).
    Rename this file to iTunes Library.
    Open iTunes.
    You should now see your missing content in iTunes.
    via: No content shows up in iTunes after updating
    If that doesn't resolve the issue, then I'd go through the steps in here:
    iTunes: Finding lost media and downloads
    Have a good one,

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