Could it really be the power supply?

Having read similar instances of G4s not starting up, I have nearly concluded that my power supply is at fault. If there has been an interruption in the electrical supply, the computer of course switches off but wont reboot for many an hour afterwards. But recently it wouldn't start up after two days, and now as it shuts down it hangs just before it goes to the black screen with the ghostly image of the desktop picture. Now I have tried all that I can think of to reboot, pram and things. Replaced battery and even fuses in the plugs. I hope it isn't but I fear something is not right in the power supply part of the mac, but could it be some setting on the computer which is behaving badly, some glitch or other?
p.s. After it shuts down you can hear electrical clicking coming from the power supply box.

Hi Michael,
This is exactly the same symptons I had with my quicksilver and I managed to pick up an earlier model of the machine and swapped over the power supplys which fixed the problem. The clicking noise is a definite sign of this, something to do with the PSU being unable to sustain the load.

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    [13:47:25.0555] Changing state from 'Idle' to 'Restoring'
    [13:47:25.0555] device software does not support nonce generation
    [13:47:25.0555] requested restore behavior: Erase
    [13:47:25.0570] requested variant: Erase
    [13:47:25.0570] amai: AMAuthInstallBundleCopyBuildIdentityForVariant: No baseband chipid reported. Will match Build Identity based on ap chipid and boardid only.
    [13:47:26.0553] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: withApTicket is False
    [13:47:26.0553] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "RestoreLogo"
    [13:47:26.0553] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "RestoreDeviceTree"
    [13:47:26.0553] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "RestoreKernelCache"
    [13:47:26.0553] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "RestoreRamDisk"
    [13:47:26.0553] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "iBEC"
    [13:47:26.0553] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing "iBSS" Digest = "<CFData 061FEA80 [7161907C]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0x<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<UDID>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>}"
    [13:47:26.0553] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "KernelCache"
    [13:47:26.0553] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "BatteryLow1"
    [13:47:26.0553] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "BatteryLow0"
    [13:47:26.0553] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing "LLB" Digest = "<CFData 061FD2E0 [7161907C]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0x<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<UDID>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>}"
    [13:47:26.0553] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "iBoot"
    [13:47:26.0553] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "DeviceTree"
    [13:47:26.0553] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "BatteryCharging1"
    [13:47:26.0553] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "AppleLogo"
    [13:47:26.0553] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "BatteryPlugin"
    [13:47:26.0569] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "BatteryFull"
    [13:47:26.0569] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "BatteryCharging0"
    [13:47:26.0569] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "RecoveryMode"
    [13:47:26.0569] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: using UniqueBuildID <CFData 0BA32F38 [7161907C]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0x<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<UDID>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>}
    [13:47:26.0569] amai: AMAuthInstallRequestSendSync: SSO function returned NULL, SSO disabled.
    [13:47:26.0569] amai: AMAuthInstallDebugWriteObject: debug object written: file://localhost/C:/Users/Dell/AppData/Local/Temp/Per2046.tmp/amai/debug/tss-re quest.plist
    [13:47:27.0068] amai: tss_submit_job: HttpQueryInfo returned 200
    [13:47:27.0286] amai: AMAuthInstallRequestSendSync: received tss response (server version: 2.1.0)
    [13:47:27.0286] amai: AMAuthInstallDebugWriteObject: debug object written: file://localhost/C:/Users/Dell/AppData/Local/Temp/Per2046.tmp/amai/debug/tss-re sponse.plist
    [13:47:27.0318] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundlePopulatePersonalizedBundle: no entry in manifest found for "Diags"
    [13:47:27.0333] <DFU Device 0562C260>: production fused device
    [13:47:27.0333] requested restore behavior: Erase
    [13:47:27.0333] device software does not support nonce generation
    [13:47:27.0349] WinDFU::OpenDFUDevice: path: \\?\USB#VID_05AC&PID_1227#{B8085869-FEB9-404B-8CB1-1E5C14FA8C54}\0000#93126bb7
    [13:47:27.0349] WinDFU::OpenDeviceByPath: \\?\USB#VID_05AC&PID_1227#{B8085869-FEB9-404B-8CB1-1E5C14FA8C54}\0000#93126bb7
    [13:47:27.0364] <DFU Device 0562C260>: operation 0 progress 2
    [13:47:27.0380] <DFU Device 0562C260>: operation 0 progress 5
    [13:47:27.0396] <DFU Device 0562C260>: operation 0 progress 8
    [13:47:27.0411] <DFU Device 0562C260>: operation 0 progress 10
    [13:47:27.0427] <DFU Device 0562C260>: operation 0 progress 13
    [13:47:27.0442] <DFU Device 0562C260>: operation 0 progress 16
    [13:47:27.0458] <DFU Device 0562C260>: operation 0 progress 18
    [13:47:27.0474] <DFU Device 0562C260>: operation 0 progress 21
    [13:47:27.0489] <DFU Device 0562C260>: operation 0 progress 24
    [13:47:27.0505] <DFU Device 0562C260>: operation 0 progress 26
    [13:47:27.0520] <DFU Device 0562C260>: operation 0 progress 29
    [13:47:27.0536] <DFU Device 0562C260>: operation 0 progress 32
    [13:47:27.0552] <DFU Device 0562C260>: operation 0 progress 34
    [13:47:27.0567] <DFU Device 0562C260>: operation 0 progress 37
    [13:47:27.0583] <DFU Device 0562C260>: operation 0 progress 40
    [13:47:27.0598] <DFU Device 0562C260>: operation 0 progress 42
    [13:47:27.0614] <DFU Device 0562C260>: operation 0 progress 45
    [13:47:27.0630] <DFU Device 0562C260>: operation 0 progress 48
    [13:47:27.0645] <DFU Device 0562C260>: operation 0 progress 50
    [13:47:27.0661] <DFU Device 0562C260>: operation 0 progress 53
    [13:47:27.0676] <DFU Device 0562C260>: operation 0 progress 56
    [13:47:27.0692] <DFU Device 0562C260>: operation 0 progress 59
    [13:47:27.0708] <DFU Device 0562C260>: operation 0 progress 61
    [13:47:27.0723] <DFU Device 0562C260>: operation 0 progress 64
    [13:47:27.0739] <DFU Device 0562C260>: operation 0 progress 67
    [13:47:27.0754] <DFU Device 0562C260>: operation 0 progress 69
    [13:47:27.0770] <DFU Device 0562C260>: operation 0 progress 72
    [13:47:27.0786] <DFU Device 0562C260>: operation 0 progress 75
    [13:47:27.0801] <DFU Device 0562C260>: operation 0 progress 77
    [13:47:27.0817] <DFU Device 0562C260>: operation 0 progress 80
    [13:47:27.0832] <DFU Device 0562C260>: operation 0 progress 83
    [13:47:27.0848] <DFU Device 0562C260>: operation 0 progress 85
    [13:47:27.0864] <DFU Device 0562C260>: operation 0 progress 88
    [13:47:27.0879] <DFU Device 0562C260>: operation 0 progress 91
    [13:47:27.0895] <DFU Device 0562C260>: operation 0 progress 93
    [13:47:27.0910] <DFU Device 0562C260>: operation 0 progress 96
    [13:47:27.0926] <DFU Device 0562C260>: operation 0 progress 99
    [13:47:27.0926] WinDFU::UploadData: EOF, cbRead: 554
    [13:47:27.0942] <DFU Device 0562C260>: operation 0 progress 100
    [13:47:27.0942] WinDFU::UploadData: ZLP
    [13:47:27.0957] WinDFU::FinalizeDfuUpdate: GetStatus: status: 0, state: 6
    [13:47:27.0957] WinDFU::ProcessUpdateState: status.bState == DFU_STATE_MANIFEST_SYNC
    [13:47:27.0957] WinDFU::FinalizeDfuUpdate: GetStatus: status: 0, state: 7
    [13:47:27.0957] WinDFU::ProcessUpdateState: status.bState == DFU_STATE_MANIFEST, PollTimeout: 3000
    [13:47:30.0968] WinDFU::FinalizeDfuUpdate: GetStatus: status: 0, state: 8
    [13:47:30.0968] WinDFU::ProcessUpdateState: status.bState == DFU_STATE_MANIFEST_WAIT_RESET
    [13:47:30.0968] WinDFU::ResetDevice: resetting...
    [13:47:31.0046] WinDFU::FinalizeDfuUpdate: success
    [13:47:31.0046] <DFU Device 0562C260>: DFU succeeded
    [13:47:31.0046] Finished DFU Restore Phase: Successful
    [13:47:31.0218] DFU mode device disconnected
    [13:47:31.0218] Device removed when in state Restoring, moving device to transition state
    [13:47:31.0218] Changing state from 'Restoring' to 'Transitioning'
    [13:47:31.0218] Creating timer to monitor transition
    [13:47:32.0175] DFU mode device connected
    [13:47:32.0175] Transitioning device returned, continuing restore.
    [13:47:32.0175] Canceling timer
    [13:47:32.0175] Changing state from 'Transitioning' to 'Restoring'
    [13:47:32.0175] AppleDevice::GetDeviceID: failed for iBoot
    [13:47:32.0175] requested restore behavior: Erase
    [13:47:32.0175] requested variant: Erase
    [13:47:32.0175] amai: AMAuthInstallBundleCopyBuildIdentityForVariant: No baseband chipid reported. Will match Build Identity based on ap chipid and boardid only.
    [13:47:33.0033] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: withApTicket is True
    [13:47:33.0033] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing "RestoreLogo" Digest = "<CFData 061FDC70 [7161907C]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0x<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<UDID>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>}"
    [13:47:33.0033] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing "RestoreDeviceTree" Digest = "<CFData 061FE378 [7161907C]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0x<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<UDID>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>}"
    [13:47:33.0033] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing "RestoreKernelCache" Digest = "<CFData 0B9D5148 [7161907C]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0x<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<UDID>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>}"
    [13:47:33.0033] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing "RestoreRamDisk" Digest = "<CFData 0B9D5190 [7161907C]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0x<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<UDID>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>}"
    [13:47:33.0049] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing "iBEC" Digest = "<CFData 0B9D51D8 [7161907C]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0x<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<UDID>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>}"
    [13:47:33.0049] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing "iBSS" Digest = "<CFData 0B9D5220 [7161907C]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0x<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<UDID>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>}"
    [13:47:33.0049] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing "KernelCache" Digest = "<CFData 0B9D5268 [7161907C]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0x<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<UDID>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>}"
    [13:47:33.0049] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing "BatteryLow1" Digest = "<CFData 0B9D52B0 [7161907C]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0x<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<UDID>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>}"
    [13:47:33.0049] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing "BatteryLow0" Digest = "<CFData 0B9D52F8 [7161907C]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0x<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<UDID>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>}"
    [13:47:33.0049] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing "LLB" Digest = "<CFData 0B9D5340 [7161907C]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0x<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<UDID>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>}"
    [13:47:33.0049] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing "iBoot" Digest = "<CFData 0B9D5388 [7161907C]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0x<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<UDID>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>}"
    [13:47:33.0049] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing "DeviceTree" Digest = "<CFData 0B9D53D0 [7161907C]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0x<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<UDID>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>}"
    [13:47:33.0049] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing "BatteryCharging1" Digest = "<CFData 0B9D5418 [7161907C]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0x<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<UDID>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>}"
    [13:47:33.0049] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing "AppleLogo" Digest = "<CFData 0B9D5460 [7161907C]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0x<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<UDID>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>}"
    [13:47:33.0049] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing "BatteryPlugin" Digest = "<CFData 0B9D54A8 [7161907C]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0x<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<UDID>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>}"
    [13:47:33.0049] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing "BatteryFull" Digest = "<CFData 06266350 [7161907C]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0x<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<UDID>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>}"
    [13:47:33.0049] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing "BatteryCharging0" Digest = "<CFData 06266398 [7161907C]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0x<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<UDID>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>}"
    [13:47:33.0049] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing "RecoveryMode" Digest = "<CFData 062663E0 [7161907C]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0x<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<UDID>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>}"
    [13:47:33.0049] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: using UniqueBuildID <CFData 064698C8 [7161907C]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0x<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<UDID>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>}
    [13:47:33.0064] amai: AMAuthInstallRequestSendSync: SSO function returned NULL, SSO disabled.
    [13:47:33.0064] amai: AMAuthInstallDebugWriteObject: debug object written: file://localhost/C:/Users/Dell/AppData/Local/Temp/Per2046.tmp/amai/debug/tss-re quest.plist
    [13:47:33.0298] amai: tss_submit_job: HttpQueryInfo returned 200
    [13:47:33.0501] amai: AMAuthInstallRequestSendSync: received tss response (server version: 2.1.0)
    [13:47:33.0501] amai: AMAuthInstallDebugWriteObject: debug object written: file://localhost/C:/Users/Dell/AppData/Local/Temp/Per2046.tmp/amai/debug/tss-re sponse.plist
    [13:47:33.0501] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleInstallPersonalizedEntry: entry "iBSS" has been previously personalized; skipping it
    [13:47:33.0501] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleInstallPersonalizedEntry: entry "LLB" has been previously personalized; skipping it
    [13:47:33.0517] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundlePopulatePersonalizedBundle: no entry in manifest found for "Diags"
    [13:47:33.0532] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: production fused device
    [13:47:33.0532] requested restore behavior: Erase
    [13:47:33.0532] amai: AMAuthInstallBundleCopyBuildIdentityForVariant: No baseband chipid reported. Will match Build Identity based on ap chipid and boardid only.
    [13:47:33.0532] AppleDevice::GetDeviceID: failed for iBoot
    [13:47:33.0532] WinDFU::OpenDFUDevice: path: \\?\USB#VID_05AC&PID_1227#{B8085869-FEB9-404B-8CB1-1E5C14FA8C54}\0000#ca28221e
    [13:47:33.0532] WinDFU::OpenDeviceByPath: \\?\USB#VID_05AC&PID_1227#{B8085869-FEB9-404B-8CB1-1E5C14FA8C54}\0000#ca28221e
    [13:47:33.0564] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 0
    [13:47:33.0579] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 1
    [13:47:33.0595] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 2
    [13:47:33.0626] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 3
    [13:47:33.0642] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 4
    [13:47:33.0657] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 5
    [13:47:33.0688] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 6
    [13:47:33.0704] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 7
    [13:47:33.0735] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 8
    [13:47:33.0751] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 9
    [13:47:33.0766] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 10
    [13:47:33.0798] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 11
    [13:47:33.0813] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 12
    [13:47:33.0844] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 13
    [13:47:33.0860] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 14
    [13:47:33.0876] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 15
    [13:47:33.0907] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 16
    [13:47:33.0922] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 17
    [13:47:33.0954] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 18
    [13:47:33.0969] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 19
    [13:47:33.0985] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 20
    [13:47:34.0016] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 21
    [13:47:34.0032] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 22
    [13:47:34.0063] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 23
    [13:47:34.0078] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 24
    [13:47:34.0094] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 25
    [13:47:34.0125] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 26
    [13:47:34.0141] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 27
    [13:47:34.0172] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 28
    [13:47:34.0188] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 29
    [13:47:34.0203] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 30
    [13:47:34.0234] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 31
    [13:47:34.0250] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 32
    [13:47:34.0281] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 33
    [13:47:34.0297] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 34
    [13:47:34.0312] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 35
    [13:47:34.0344] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 36
    [13:47:34.0359] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 37
    [13:47:34.0390] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 38
    [13:47:34.0406] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 39
    [13:47:34.0422] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 40
    [13:47:34.0453] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 41
    [13:47:34.0468] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 42
    [13:47:34.0500] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 43
    [13:47:34.0515] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 44
    [13:47:34.0531] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 45
    [13:47:34.0562] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 46
    [13:47:34.0578] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 47
    [13:47:34.0593] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 48
    [13:47:34.0624] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 49
    [13:47:34.0640] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 50
    [13:47:34.0671] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 51
    [13:47:34.0687] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 52
    [13:47:34.0702] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 53
    [13:47:34.0734] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 54
    [13:47:34.0749] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 55
    [13:47:34.0780] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 56
    [13:47:34.0796] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 57
    [13:47:34.0812] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 58
    [13:47:34.0843] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 59
    [13:47:34.0858] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 60
    [13:47:34.0890] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 61
    [13:47:34.0905] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 62
    [13:47:34.0921] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 63
    [13:47:34.0952] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 64
    [13:47:34.0968] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 65
    [13:47:34.0999] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 66
    [13:47:35.0014] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 67
    [13:47:35.0030] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 68
    [13:47:35.0061] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 69
    [13:47:35.0077] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 70
    [13:47:35.0108] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 71
    [13:47:35.0124] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 72
    [13:47:35.0139] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 73
    [13:47:35.0170] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 74
    [13:47:35.0186] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 75
    [13:47:35.0217] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 76
    [13:47:35.0233] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 77
    [13:47:35.0248] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 78
    [13:47:35.0280] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 79
    [13:47:35.0295] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 80
    [13:47:35.0326] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 81
    [13:47:35.0342] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 82
    [13:47:35.0358] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 83
    [13:47:35.0389] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 84
    [13:47:35.0404] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 85
    [13:47:35.0436] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 86
    [13:47:35.0451] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 87
    [13:47:35.0467] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 88
    [13:47:35.0498] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 89
    [13:47:35.0514] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 90
    [13:47:35.0529] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 91
    [13:47:35.0560] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 92
    [13:47:35.0576] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 93
    [13:47:35.0607] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 94
    [13:47:35.0623] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 95
    [13:47:35.0638] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 96
    [13:47:35.0670] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 97
    [13:47:35.0685] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 98
    [13:47:35.0716] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 99
    [13:47:35.0716] WinDFU::UploadData: EOF, cbRead: 1116
    [13:47:35.0732] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: operation 0 progress 100
    [13:47:35.0732] WinDFU::UploadData: ZLP
    [13:47:35.0748] WinDFU::FinalizeDfuUpdate: GetStatus: status: 0, state: 6
    [13:47:35.0748] WinDFU::ProcessUpdateState: status.bState == DFU_STATE_MANIFEST_SYNC
    [13:47:35.0748] WinDFU::FinalizeDfuUpdate: GetStatus: status: 0, state: 7
    [13:47:35.0748] WinDFU::ProcessUpdateState: status.bState == DFU_STATE_MANIFEST, PollTimeout: 3000
    [13:47:38.0758] WinDFU::FinalizeDfuUpdate: GetStatus: status: 0, state: 8
    [13:47:38.0758] WinDFU::ProcessUpdateState: status.bState == DFU_STATE_MANIFEST_WAIT_RESET
    [13:47:38.0758] WinDFU::ResetDevice: resetting...
    [13:47:38.0836] WinDFU::FinalizeDfuUpdate: success
    [13:47:38.0836] <DFU Device 0BA2A9D8>: DFU succeeded
    [13:47:38.0836] Finished DFU Restore Phase: Successful
    [13:47:39.0039] DFU mode device disconnected
    [13:47:39.0039] Device removed when in state Restoring, moving device to transition state
    [13:47:39.0039] Changing state from 'Restoring' to 'Transitioning'
    [13:47:39.0039] Creating timer to monitor transition
    [13:47:41.0674] Recovery mode device connected
    [13:47:41.0674] Transitioning device returned, continuing restore.
    [13:47:41.0674] Canceling timer
    [13:47:41.0674] Changing state from 'Transitioning' to 'Restoring'
    [13:47:41.0684] requested restore behavior: Erase
    [13:47:41.0684] requested variant: Erase
    [13:47:41.0684] amai: AMAuthInstallBundleCopyBuildIdentityForVariant: No baseband chipid reported. Will match Build Identity based on ap chipid and boardid only.
    [13:47:42.0512] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: withApTicket is False
    [13:47:42.0512] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "RestoreLogo"
    [13:47:42.0512] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "RestoreDeviceTree"
    [13:47:42.0512] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "RestoreKernelCache"
    [13:47:42.0512] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "RestoreRamDisk"
    [13:47:42.0512] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "iBEC"
    [13:47:42.0512] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry "iBSS" has been previously personalized; skipping it
    [13:47:42.0528] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "KernelCache"
    [13:47:42.0528] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "BatteryLow1"
    [13:47:42.0528] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "BatteryLow0"
    [13:47:42.0528] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry "LLB" has been previously personalized; skipping it
    [13:47:42.0528] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "iBoot"
    [13:47:42.0528] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "DeviceTree"
    [13:47:42.0528] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "BatteryCharging1"
    [13:47:42.0528] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "AppleLogo"
    [13:47:42.0528] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "BatteryPlugin"
    [13:47:42.0528] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "BatteryFull"
    [13:47:42.0528] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "BatteryCharging0"
    [13:47:42.0528] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "RecoveryMode"
    [13:47:42.0528] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: nothing to be done
    [13:47:42.0528] iBoot build-version = iBoot-1940.10.58
    [13:47:42.0528] iBoot build-style = RELEASE
    [13:47:42.0528] requested restore behavior: Erase
    [13:47:42.0528] amai: AMAuthInstallBundleCopyBuildIdentityForVariant: No baseband chipid reported. Will match Build Identity based on ap chipid and boardid only.
    [13:47:42.0528] requested restore behavior: Erase
    [13:47:42.0528] amai: AMAuthInstallBundleCopyBuildIdentityForVariant: No baseband chipid reported. Will match Build Identity based on ap chipid and boardid only.
    [13:47:42.0543] unable to open device_map.txt: No such file or directory
    [13:47:42.0543] found device map entry for 0x00008950 0x00000002. boardConfig=n42ap platform=s5l8950x
    [13:47:42.0543] _AMRestoreCopyDeviceMapPlistEntryForHardware: firmwareDirectory not in options
    [13:47:42.0543] AMDeviceIoControl: GetOverlappedResult failed
    [13:47:42.0543] AMDeviceIoControl: pipe stall
    [13:47:42.0543] USBControlTransfer: error 31, usbd status c0000004
    [13:47:42.0543] command device request for 'getenv radio-error' failed: 2008
    [13:47:42.0543] radio-error not set
    [13:47:42.0543] unable to open device_map.txt: No such file or directory
    [13:47:42.0543] <Recovery Mode Device 0555AEB8>: production fused device
    [13:47:42.0543] requested restore behavior: Erase
    [13:47:42.0543] amai: AMAuthInstallBundleCopyBuildIdentityForVariant: No baseband chipid reported. Will match Build Identity based on ap chipid and boardid only.
    [13:47:42.0543] requested restore behavior: Erase
    [13:47:42.0543] amai: AMAuthInstallBundleCopyBuildIdentityForVariant: No baseband chipid reported. Will match Build Identity based on ap chipid and boardid only.
    [13:47:42.0543] interface has 1 endpoints, file pipe = 1
    [13:47:42.0543] <Recovery Mode Device 0555AEB8>: operation 4 progress -1
    [13:47:42.0606] unable to open device_map.txt: No such file or directory
    [13:47:42.0606] found device map entry for 0x00008950 0x00000002. boardConfig=n42ap platform=s5l8950x
    [13:47:42.0606] _AMRestoreCopyDeviceMapPlistEntryForHardware: firmwareDirectory not in options
    [13:47:42.0606] requested restore behavior: Erase
    [13:47:42.0606] amai: AMAuthInstallBundleCopyBuildIdentityForVariant: No baseband chipid reported. Will match Build Identity based on ap chipid and boardid only.
    [13:47:42.0606] requested restore behavior: Erase
    [13:47:42.0606] amai: AMAuthInstallBundleCopyBuildIdentityForVariant: No baseband chipid reported. Will match Build Identity based on ap chipid and boardid only.
    [13:47:42.0606] <Recovery Mode Device 0555AEB8>: operation 42 progress -1
    [13:47:42.0606] requested restore behavior: Erase
    [13:47:42.0621] amai: AMAuthInstallBundleCopyBuildIdentityForVariant: No baseband chipid reported. Will match Build Identity based on ap chipid and boardid only.
    [13:47:43.0651] <Recovery Mode Device 0555AEB8>: operation 5 progress -1
    [13:47:43.0994] unable to open device_map.txt: No such file or directory
    [13:47:43.0994] found device map entry for 0x00008950 0x00000002. boardConfig=n42ap platform=s5l8950x
    [13:47:43.0994] _AMRestoreCopyDeviceMapPlistEntryForHardware: firmwareDirectory not in options
    [13:47:43.0994] AMDeviceIoControl: GetOverlappedResult failed
    [13:47:43.0994] AMDeviceIoControl: pipe stall
    [13:47:43.0994] USBControlTransfer: error 31, usbd status c0000004
    [13:47:43.0994] command device request for 'getenv ramdisk-delay' failed: 2008
    [13:47:45.0616] <Recovery Mode Device 0555AEB8>: operation 6 progress -1
    [13:47:46.0630] <Recovery Mode Device 0555AEB8>: operation 7 progress -1
    [13:47:46.0942] <Recovery Mode Device 0555AEB8>: operation 8 progress -1
    [13:47:46.0958] unable to open device_map.txt: No such file or directory
    [13:47:46.0958] found device map entry for 0x00008950 0x00000002. boardConfig=n42ap platform=s5l8950x
    [13:47:46.0958] _AMRestoreCopyDeviceMapPlistEntryForHardware: firmwareDirectory not in options
    [13:47:46.0958] <Recovery Mode Device 0555AEB8>: operation 9 progress -1
    [13:47:46.0958] <Recovery Mode Device 0555AEB8>: Recovery mode succeeded
    [13:47:46.0958] Finished Recovery Restore Phase: Successful
    [13:47:48.0409] Recovery mode device disconnected
    [13:47:48.0409] Device removed when in state Restoring, moving device to transition state
    [13:47:48.0409] Changing state from 'Restoring' to 'Transitioning'
    [13:47:48.0409] Creating timer to monitor transition
    [13:47:52.0895] RestoreOS mode device connected
    [13:47:52.0895] Transitioning device returned, continuing restore.
    [13:47:52.0905] Canceling timer
    [13:47:52.0905] Changing state from 'Transitioning' to 'Restoring'
    [13:47:52.0905] <Restore Device 05577800>: operation 44 progress -1
    [13:47:52.0905] requested restore behavior: Erase
    [13:47:52.0905] requested variant: Erase
    [13:47:52.0905] amai: AMAuthInstallBundleCopyBuildIdentityForVariant: No baseband chipid reported. Will match Build Identity based on ap chipid and boardid only.
    [13:47:53.0777] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: withApTicket is False
    [13:47:53.0777] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "RestoreLogo"
    [13:47:53.0777] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "RestoreDeviceTree"
    [13:47:53.0777] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "RestoreKernelCache"
    [13:47:53.0777] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "RestoreRamDisk"
    [13:47:53.0777] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "iBEC"
    [13:47:53.0777] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry "iBSS" has been previously personalized; skipping it
    [13:47:53.0777] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "KernelCache"
    [13:47:53.0777] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "BatteryLow1"
    [13:47:53.0792] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "BatteryLow0"
    [13:47:53.0792] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry "LLB" has been previously personalized; skipping it
    [13:47:53.0792] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "iBoot"
    [13:47:53.0792] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "DeviceTree"
    [13:47:53.0792] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "BatteryCharging1"
    [13:47:53.0792] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "AppleLogo"
    [13:47:53.0792] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "BatteryPlugin"
    [13:47:53.0792] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "BatteryFull"
    [13:47:53.0792] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "BatteryCharging0"
    [13:47:53.0792] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "RecoveryMode"
    [13:47:53.0792] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: nothing to be done
    [13:47:53.0792] requested restore behavior: Erase
    [13:47:53.0792] amai: AMAuthInstallBundleCopyBuildIdentityForVariant: No baseband chipid reported. Will match Build Identity based on ap chipid and boardid only.
    [13:47:53.0792] device did not return saved USB log
    [13:47:53.0792] device did not return saved panic log
    [13:47:53.0792] previous restore failed with exit status 0x100
    [13:47:53.0792] connected to service
    [13:47:53.0808] using protocol version 13
    [13:47:53.0808] unable to open device_map.txt: No such file or directory
    [13:47:53.0808] board config = n42ap
    [13:47:53.0808] no value returned for BootArgs
    [13:47:53.0824] _copyDeviceProperty() failed for restore bootargs
    [13:47:53.0824] no value returned for MarketingPartNumber
    [13:47:53.0824] _copyDeviceProperty() failed for mpn
    [13:47:53.0824] requested restore behavior: Erase
    [13:47:53.0824] amai: AMAuthInstallBundleCopyBuildIdentityForVariant: No baseband chipid reported. Will match Build Identity based on ap chipid and boardid only.
    [13:47:53.0839] value query for 'HardwareModel' returned 'N42AP'
    [13:47:53.0839] <Restore Device 05577800>: operation 28 progress -1
    [13:48:10.0360] previous restore failed: re:INF@ 145] created partition 1 as 'Effaceable'
    [13:48:10.0360] [nand_part_core:INF@ 145] created partition 2 as 'NVRAM'
    [13:48:10.0360] [nand_part_core:INF@ 145] created partition 3 as 'Firmware'
    [13:48:10.0360] [nand_part_core:INF@ 145] created partition 4 as 'Filesystem'
    [13:48:10.0360] [nand_part_core:INF@ 157] published partition 4
    [13:48:10.0360] [nand_part_core:INF@ 145] created partition 5 as 'System Config'
    [13:48:10.0360] [nand_part_core:INF@ 145] created partition 6 as 'Diagnostic Data'
    [13:48:10.0360] [nand_part_core:INF@ 145] created partition 7 as 'Bad Block Table'
    [13:48:10.0360] load succeeded
    [13:48:10.0360] [nand_part_core:INF@ 157] published partition 7
    [13:48:10.0360] AppleSamsungSerial: Identified Serial Port on ARM Device=uart1 at 0x32600000(0x82cc6000)
    [13:48:10.0360] L2TP domain init
    [13:48:10.0360] L2TP domain init complete
    [13:48:10.0360] PPTP domain init
    [13:48:10.0360] AppleSwissPPNFTL started with IOFlashStoragePartition provider
    [13:48:10.0360] [NAND] _FindFlashMediaAndKeepout:601 physical nand block offset 1
    [13:48:10.0360] AppleNANDFTL registered[NAND] start:356 this 0x85e41800 PROVIDER=0x85f2a400 flashMedia=0x85f2a400
    [13:48:10.0360] [NAND] WMR_Start:149 Apple PPN NAND Driver, Read/Write
    [13:48:10.0360] [NAND] WMR_Start:174 FIL_Init  [OK]
    [13:48:10.0360] AppleSamsungSerial: Identified Serial Port on ARM Device=uart3 at 0x32800000(0xde3b4000)
    [13:48:10.0360] virtual bool AppleDisplayPipe::start_hardware(IOService *), auto-detect chip
    [13:48:10.0360] [NAND] WMR_Open:371 VFL_Open    [OK]
    [13:48:10.0360] Scaler 0 enableDeviceClock(true,HALF_CLOCK_INDEX) = 0x0
    [13:48:10.0360] Scaler 0 enableDeviceClock(true,FULL_CLOCK_INDEX) = 0x0
    [13:48:10.0360] Scaler 0 enableDevicePower(true,0,HALF_CLOCK_INDEX) = 0x0
    [13:48:10.0360] Scaler 0 enableDeviceClock(false,FULL_CLOCK_INDEX) = 0x0
    [13:48:10.0360] void AppleDisplayPipe::setupVideoDownscalingLimits(): minimum-frequency property not found, using getClockFrequency(0) instead.
    [13:48:10.0360] Scaler 1 enableDeviceClock(true,HALF_CLOCK_INDEX) = 0x0
    [13:48:10.0360] Scaler 1 enableDeviceClock(true,FULL_CLOCK_INDEX) = 0x0
    [13:48:10.0360] Scaler 1 enableDevicePower(true,0,HALF_CLOCK_INDEX) = 0x0
    [13:48:10.0360] Scaler 1 enableDeviceClock(false,FULL_CLOCK_INDEX) = 0x0
    [13:48:10.0360] AppleMultitouchN1SPI: successfully started
    [13:48:10.0360] AppleH4CamIn::start - back camera expected
    [13:48:10.0360] AppleH4CamIn::start - front camera expected
    [13:48:10.0360] AppleH4CamIn::power_off_hardware
    [13:48:10.0360] AppleAP3DSH::probe found device with ID: 0x3f
    [13:48:10.0360] AppleAP3DSH::handleStart _calibrationMatrix [64699 -1892 -370] [-1570 65035 -244] [849 465 63854]
    [13:48:10.0360] AppleAP3DSH::handleStart _calibrationOffsets [518853 -714699 -1661621]
    [13:48:10.0360] AppleAP3DSH::handleStart - No calibration inverse matrix or the data is invalid, Compute locally
    [13:48:10.0360] AppleAP3DSH::handleStart _calibrationInverseMatrix [66427 1929 393] [1599 66087 261] [-895 -507 67257]
    [13:48:10.0360] AppleAP3DSH::handleStart _odr400HzSampleInterval = 2440
    [13:48:10.0360] AppleH4CamIn::setPowerStateGated: 0
    [13:48:10.0360] AppleCS35L19Amp: could not allocate control 395
    [13:48:10.0360] AppleD1972PMUPowerSource: AppleUSBCableDetect 1
    [13:48:10.0360] AppleD1972PMUPowerSource: AppleUSBCableType USBHost
    [13:48:10.0360] AppleSynopsysOTGDevice::gated_handleUSBCableConnect cable connected, but don't have device configuration yet
    [13:48:10.0360] AppleD1972PMUPowerSource: AppleUSBCableDetect 0
    [13:48:10.0360] AppleD1972PMUPowerSource: AppleUSBCableType Detached
    [13:48:10.0360] AppleSynopsysOTGDevice::gated_handleUSBCableConnect cable connected, but don't have device configuration yet
    [13:48:10.0360] AppleMultitouchN1SPI: detected HBPP. driver will be kept alive
    [13:48:10.0360] AppleD1972PMUPowerSource: AppleUSBCableDetect 1
    [13:48:10.0360] AppleD1972PMUPowerSource: AppleUSBCableType USBHost
    [13:48:10.0360] AppleSynopsysOTGDevice::gated_handleUSBCableConnect cable connected, but don't have device configuration yet
    [13:48:10.0360] display-scale = 2
    [13:48:10.0360] display-rotation = 0
    [13:48:10.0360] found applelogo at /usr/share/progressui/[email protected]
    [13:48:10.0360] found display: primary
    [13:48:10.0360] display: 640 x 1136
    [13:48:10.0360] found PTP interface
    [13:48:10.0360] AppleSynopsysOTGDevice - Configuration: PTP
    [13:48:10.0360] AppleSynopsysOTGDevice          Interface: PTP
    [13:48:10.0360] AppleSynopsysOTGDevice - Configuration: iPod USB Interface
    [13:48:10.0360] AppleSynopsysOTGDevice          Interface: USBAudioControl
    [13:48:10.0360] AppleSynopsysOTGDevice          Interface: USBAudioStreaming
    [13:48:10.0360] AppleSynopsysOTGDevice          Interface: IapOverUsbHid
    [13:48:10.0360] AppleSynopsysOTGDevice - Configuration: PTP + Apple Mobile Device
    [13:48:10.0360] AppleSynopsysOTGDevice          Interface: PTP
    [13:48:10.0360] AppleSynopsysOTGDevice          Interface: AppleUSBMux
    [13:48:10.0360] AppleSynopsysOTGDevice - Configuration: PTP + Apple Mobile Device + Apple USB Ethernet
    [13:48:10.0360] AppleSynopsysOTGDevice          Interface: PTP
    [13:48:10.0360] AppleSynopsysOTGDevice          Interface: AppleUSBMux
    [13:48:10.0360] AppleSynopsysOTGDevice          Interface: AppleUSBEthernet
    [13:48:10.0360] AppleSynopsysOTGDevice::gated_registerFunction Register function USBAudioControl
    [13:48:10.0360] IOAccessoryPortUSB::start
    [13:48:10.0360] virtual bool AppleUSBDeviceMux::start(IOService *) build: Jun 11 2014 20:11:28
    [13:48:10.0360] init_waste
    [13:48:10.0360] AppleSynopsysOTGDevice::gated_registerFunction Register function AppleUSBMux
    [13:48:10.0360] AppleSynopsysOTGDevice::gated_registerFunction Register function USBAudioStreaming
    [13:48:10.0360] AppleSynopsysOTGDevice::gated_registerFunction Register function IapOverUsbHid
    [13:48:10.0360] AppleSynopsysOTGDevice::gated_registerFunction Register function AppleUSBEthernet
    [13:48:10.0360] AppleSynopsysOTGDevice::gated_registerFunction Register function PTP
    [13:48:10.0360] AppleSynopsysOTGDevice::startUSBStack Starting usb stack
    [13:48:10.0360] IOReturn AppleUSBDeviceMux::setPropertiesGated(OSObject *) setting debug level to 7
    [13:48:10.0360] AppleBCMWLANCore::init(): IO80211-46 Jun 11 2014 20:10:03
    [13:48:10.0360] [NAND] WMR_Open:420 FTL_Open    [OK]
    [13:48:10.0360] [NAND] _publishServices:642 FTL capabilities: 0x00000001
    [13:48:10.0360] [NAND] _ppnvflGetStruct:3469 Checking borrowed blocks - count: 23 max_count: 23
    [13:48:10.0360] [NAND] _fetchBorrowedList:881 number of borrowed blocks 16
    [13:48:10.0360] [nand_part_core:INF@ 157] published partition 0
    [13:48:10.0360] [nand_part_core:INF@ 157] published partition 1
    [13:48:10.0360] [nand_part_core:INF@ 157] published partition 2
    [13:48:10.0360] [nand_part_core:INF@ 157] published partition 3
    [13:48:10.0360] [nand_part_core:INF@ 157] published partition 5
    [13:48:10.0360] [nand_part_core:INF@ 157] published partition 6
    [13:48:10.0360] 000828.945879 wlan.N[0] AppleBCMWLANCore::start(): Starting with MAC Address: <<<mac address>>>
    [13:48:10.0360] 000828.946182 wlan.N[1] AppleBCMWLANCore::setPowerStateGated():   powerState 1, fStateFlags 0x20, dev 0xc476b000 (this 1, provider 0)
    [13:48:10.0360] 000828.946197 wlan.N[2] AppleBCMWLANCore::setPowerStateGated():  Received power state change before driver has initialized, ignoring
    [13:48:10.0360] IO80211Peer::addPhyStatistics Phy stats started for addr <<<mac address>>>
    [13:48:10.0360] IO80211Peer::addPhyStatistics Tx Completion stats started for addr <<<mac address>>>
    [13:48:10.0360] IO80211PeerManager::initWithInterface cant add monitoring timer
    [13:48:10.0360] Started logging for intf
    [13:48:10.0360] IO80211PeerManager::initWithInterface: inited peer manager
    [13:48:10.0360] IO80211Interface::init peerManager=0x87cb8800
    [13:48:10.0360] start:156
    [13:48:10.0360] start:156
    [13:48:10.0360] AppleARMBacklight::start: No AAP function
    [13:48:10.0360] [effaceable:INIT] found current generation, 90, in group 1
    [13:48:10.0360] [effaceable:INIT] started
    [13:48:10.0360] [effaceable:INIT] started
    [13:48:10.0360] AppleUSBDeviceMux::handleConnectResult new session 0x888ade70 established 62078<-lo0->49152 62078<-usb->4608
    [13:48:10.0360] void AppleUSBDeviceMux::handleMuxTCPInput(mbuf_t) received reset, closing 0x888ade70
    [13:48:10.0360] recv(9, 4) failed: connection closed
    [13:48:10.0360] unable to read message size: -1
    [13:48:10.0360] could not receive message
    [13:48:10.0360] AppleUSBDeviceMux::handleConnectResult new session 0x888ade70 established 62078<-lo0->49153 62078<-usb->4864
    [13:48:10.0360] AppleUSBDeviceMux::handleConnectResult new session 0x888adec8 established 62078<-lo0->49154 62078<-usb->5120
    [13:48:10.0360] AppleUSBDeviceMux::handleConnectResult new session 0x888ade18 established 62078<-lo0->49155 62078<-usb->5376
    [13:48:10.0360] void AppleUSBDeviceMux::handleMuxTCPInput(mbuf_t) received reset, closing 0x888adec8
    [13:48:10.0360] recv(13, 4) failed: connection closed
    [13:48:10.0360] unable to read message size: -1
    [13:48:10.0360] could not receive message
    [13:48:10.0360] void AppleUSBDeviceMux::handleMuxTCPInput(mbuf_t) received reset, closing 0x888ade18
    [13:48:10.0360] recv(14, 4) failed: connection closed
    [13:48:10.0360] unable to read message size: -1
    [13:48:10.0360] could not receive message
    [13:48:10.0360] AppleUSBDeviceMux::handleConnectResult new session 0x888ade18 established 62078<-lo0->49156 62078<-usb->5632
    [13:48:10.0360] void AppleUSBDeviceMux::handleMuxTCPInput(mbuf_t) received reset, closing 0x888ade70
    [13:48:10.0360] recv(9, 4) failed: connection closed
    [13:48:10.0360] unable to read message size: -1
    [13:48:10.0360] could not receive message
    [13:48:10.0360] AppleUSBDeviceMux::handleConnectResult new session 0x888ade70 established 62078<-lo0->49157 62078<-usb->5888
    [13:48:10.0360] void AppleUSBDeviceMux::handleMuxTCPInput(mbuf_t) received reset, closing 0x888ade70
    [13:48:10.0360] recv(9, 4) failed: connection closed
    [13:48:10.0360] unable to read message size: -1
    [13:48:10.0360] could not receive message
    [13:48:10.0360] AppleUSBDeviceMux::handleConnectResult new session 0x888ade70 established 62078<-lo0->49158 62078<-usb->6144
    [13:48:10.0360] void AppleUSBDeviceMux::handleMuxTCPInput(mbuf_t) received reset, closing 0x888ade70
    [13:48:10.0360] recv(9, 4) failed: connection closed
    [13:48:10.0360] unable to read message size: -1
    [13:48:10.0360] could not receive message
    [13:48:10.0360] AppleUSBDeviceMux::handleConnectResult new session 0x888ade70 established 62078<-lo0->49159 62078<-usb->6400
    [13:48:10.0360] void AppleUSBDeviceMux::handleMuxTCPInput(mbuf_t) received reset, closing 0x888ade70
    [13:48:10.0360] recv(9, 4) failed: connection closed
    [13:48:10.0360] unable to read message size: -1
    [13:48:10.0360] could not receive message
    [13:48:10.0360] AppleUSBDeviceMux::handleConnectResult new session 0x888ade70 established 62078<-lo0->49160 62078<-usb->6656
    [13:48:10.0360] void AppleUSBDeviceMux::handleMuxTCPInput(mbuf_t) received reset, closing 0x888ade70
    [13:48:10.0360] recv(9, 4) failed: connection closed
    [13:48:10.0360] unable to read message size: -1
    [13:48:10.0360] could not receive message
    [13:48:10.0360] AppleUSBDeviceMux::handleConnectResult new session 0x888ade70 established 62078<-lo0->49161 62078<-usb->6912
    [13:48:10.0360] void AppleUSBDeviceMux::handleMuxTCPInput(mbuf_t) received reset, closing 0x888ade70
    [13:48:10.0360] recv(9, 4) failed: connection closed
    [13:48:10.0360] unable to read message size: -1
    [13:48:10.0360] could not receive message
    [13:48:10.0360] AppleUSBDeviceMux::handleConnectResult new session 0x888ade70 established 62078<-lo0->49162 62078<-usb->7168
    [13:48:10.0360] unrecognized key 'BootArgs' in value query
    [13:48:10.0360] failed to handle value query for key 'BootArgs', sending back empty response
    [13:48:10.0360] void AppleUSBDeviceMux::handleMuxTCPInput(mbuf_t) received reset, closing 0x888ade70
    [13:48:10.0360] recv(9, 4) failed: connection closed
    [13:48:10.0360] unable to read message size: -1
    [13:48:10.0360] could not receive message
    [13:48:10.0360] AppleUSBDeviceMux::handleConnectResult new session 0x888ade70 established 62078<-lo0->49163 62078<-usb->7424
    [13:48:10.0360] unrecognized key 'MarketingPartNumber' in value query
    [13:48:10.0360] failed to handle value query for key 'MarketingPartNumber', sending back empty response
    [13:48:10.0360] void AppleUSBDeviceMux::handleMuxTCPInput(mbuf_t) received reset, closing 0x888ade70
    [13:48:10.0360] recv(9, 4) failed: connection closed
    [13:48:10.0360] unable to read message size: -1
    [13:48:10.0360] could not receive message
    [13:48:10.0360] AppleUSBDeviceMux::handleConnectResult new session 0x888ade70 established 62078<-lo0->49164 62078<-usb->7680
    [13:48:10.0360] void AppleUSBDeviceMux::handleMuxTCPInput(mbuf_t) received reset, closing 0x888ade70
    [13:48:10.0360] recv(9, 4) failed: connection closed
    [13:48:10.0360] unable to read message size: -1
    [13:48:10.0360] could not receive message
    [13:48:10.0360] client protocol version 13
    [13:48:10.0360] *** UUID 4B2AC217-7071-EC47-8945-EB5E2188BE49 ***
    [13:48:10.0360] Restore options:
    [13:48:10.0360]  UUID                           => <CFString 0x19315c0 [0x2f3ad0]>{contents = "4B2AC217-7071-EC47-8945-EB5E2188BE49"}
    [13:48:10.0360]  MinimumSystemPartition         => <CFNumber 0x1931510 [0x2f3ad0]>{value = +1660, type = kCFNumberSInt64Type}
    [13:48:10.0360]  SystemPartitionSize            => <CFNumber 0x1930f50 [0x2f3ad0]>{value = +1660, type = kCFNumberSInt64Type}
    [13:48:10.0360]  SystemPartitionPadding         => <CFBasicHash 0x192f3c0 [0x2f3ad0]>{type = mutable dict, count = 5,
    [13:48:10.0360] entries =>
    [13:48:10.0360]  2 : <CFString 0x1931540 [0x2f3ad0]>{contents = "128"} = <CFNumber 0x1931570 [0x2f3ad0]>{value = +1280, type = kCFNumberSInt64Type}
    [13:48:10.0360]  3 : <CFString 0x1930f20 [0x2f3ad0]>{contents = "16"} = <CFNumber 0x192f3f0 [0x2f3ad0]>{value = +160, type = kCFNumberSInt64Type}
    [13:48:10.0360]  4 : <CFString 0x192ede0 [0x2f3ad0]>{contents = "32"} = <CFNumber 0x1931250 [0x2f3ad0]>{value = +320, type = kCFNumberSInt64Type}
    [13:48:10.0360]  5 : <CFString 0x1931960 [0x2f3ad0]>{contents = "8"} = <CFNumber 0x192ed50 [0x2f3ad0]>{value = +80, type = kCFNumberSInt64Type}
    [13:48:10.0360]  8 : <CFString 0x1931180 [0x2f3ad0]>{contents = "64"} = <CFNumber 0x1931950 [0x2f3ad0]>{value = +640, type = kCFNumberSInt64Type}
    [13:48:10.0360] }
    [13:48:10.0360] entering load_sep_os
    [13:48:10.0360] device has no sep
    [13:48:10.0360] entering partition_nand_device
    [13:48:10.0360] device supports boot-from-NAND
    [13:48:10.0360] nand device is already partitioned
    [13:48:10.0360] entering wait_for_storage_device
    [13:48:10.0360] Searching for NAND service
    [13:48:10.0360] Found NAND service: IOFlashStoragePartition
    [13:48:10.0360] NAND initialized. Waiting for devnode.
    [13:48:10.0360] entering clear_remap_variable
    [13:48:10.0360] executing /usr/sbin/nvram
    [13:48:10.0360] entering format_effaceable_storage
    [13:48:10.0360] effaceable storage is formatted, clearing it
    [13:48:10.0360] effaceable storaged cleared
    [13:48:10.0360] entering ramrod_probe_media
    [13:48:10.0360] device partitioning scheme is GPT
    [13:48:10.0360] find_filesystem_partitions: storage=/dev/disk0s1 system=/dev/disk0s1s1 data=/dev/disk0s1s2
    [13:48:10.0360] executing /sbin/fsck_hfs
    [13:48:10.0360] AppleD1972PMUPowerSource: limiting USB input current to 390 mA (measured 462 mA)
    [13:48:10.0360] ** /dev/rdisk0s1s1
    [13:48:10.0360]    Executing fsck_hfs (version hfs-277.10.5).
    [13:48:10.0360] ** Checking Journaled HFS Plus volume.
    [13:48:10.0360] ** Detected a case-sensitive volume.
    [13:48:10.0360]    The volume name is Sochi11D257.N42OS
    [13:48:10.0360] ** Checking extents overflow file.
    [13:48:10.0360] ** Checking catalog file.
    [13:48:10.0360] ** Checking multi-linked files.
    [13:48:10.0360] ** Checking catalog hierarchy.
    [13:48:10.0360] ** Checking extended attributes file.
    [13:48:10.0360] ** Checking volume bitmap.
    [13:48:10.0360] ** Checking volume information.
    [13:48:10.0360] ** Trimming unused blocks.
    [13:48:10.0360] ** The volume Sochi11D257.N42OS appears to be OK.
    [13:48:10.0360] executing /sbin/mount_hfs
    [13:48:10.0360] mount_hfs: Could not create property for re-key environment check: No such file or directory
    [13:48:10.0360] /dev/disk0s1s1 mounted on /mnt1
    [13:48:10.0360] entering check_for_restore_log
    [13:48:10.0360] found restore log (size = 28347)
    [13:48:10.0360] entering unmount_filesystems
    [13:48:10.0360] error unmounting '/mnt2': Invalid argument
    [13:48:10.0360] entering clean_NAND
    [13:48:10.0360] NAND format complete
    [13:48:10.0360] entering ramrod_probe_media
    [13:48:10.0360] find_filesystem_partitions: storage=/dev/disk0 system= data=
    [13:48:10.0360] entering format_storage_for_LwVM
    [13:48:10.0360] entering ramrod_probe_media
    [13:48:10.0360] device partitioning scheme is GPT
    [13:48:10.0360] unexpected partition 'LwVM' - skipping
    [13:48:10.0360] find_filesystem_partitions: storage=/dev/disk0s1 system= data=
    [13:48:10.0360] entering create_filesystem_partitions
    [13:48:10.0360] User specified system partition size, skipping firmware extras size.
    [13:48:10.0360] system partition padding size is: 167772160 bytes
    [13:48:10.0360] unable to open : No such file or directory
    [13:48:10.0360] creating 2 partitions
    [13:48:10.0360] creating encrypted data partition
    [13:48:10.0360] entering ramrod_probe_media
    [13:48:10.0360] device partitioning scheme is GPT
    [13:48:10.0360] find_filesystem_partitions: storage=/dev/disk0s1 system=/dev/disk0s1s1 data=/dev/disk0s1s2
    [13:48:10.0360] wipe entire partition: 1 (old = 0 new = 1820)
    [13:48:10.0360] block size for /dev/disk0s1s1: 4096
    [13:48:10.0360] /sbin/newfs_hfs -s -v System -J /dev/disk0s1s1
    [13:48:10.0360] executing /sbin/newfs_hfs -s -v System -J /dev/disk0s1s1
    [13:48:10.0360] Initialized /dev/rdisk0s1s1 as a 2 GB case-sensitive HFS Plus volume with a 8192k journal
    [13:48:10.0360] block size for /dev/disk0s1s2: 4096
    [13:48:10.0360] /sbin/newfs_hfs -s -v Data -J -P /dev/disk0s1s2
    [13:48:10.0360] executing /sbin/newfs_hfs -s -v Data -J -P /dev/disk0s1s2
    [13:48:10.0360] Initialized /dev/rdisk0s1s2 as a 13 GB case-sensitive HFS Plus volume with a 8192k journal
    [13:48:10.0360] entering ramrod_probe_media
    [13:48:10.0360] device partitioning scheme is GPT
    [13:48:10.0360] find_filesystem_partitions: storage=/dev/disk0s1 system=/dev/disk0s1s1 data=/dev/disk0s1s2
    [13:48:10.0360] entering mount_filesystems
    [13:48:10.0360] executing /sbin/fsck_hfs
    [13:48:10.0360] ** /dev/rdisk0s1s1
    [13:48:10.0360]    Executing fsck_hfs (version hfs-277.10.5).
    [13:48:10.0360] ** Checking Journaled HFS Plus volume.
    [13:48:10.0360] ** Detected a case-sensitive volume.
    [13:48:10.0360]    The volume name is System
    [13:48:10.0360] ** Checking extents overflow file.
    [13:48:10.0360] ** Checking catalog file.
    [13:48:10.0360] ** Checking multi-linked files.
    [13:48:10.0360] ** Checking catalog hierarchy.
    [13:48:10.0360] ** Checking extended attributes file.
    [13:48:10.0360] ** Checking volume bitmap.
    [13:48:10.0360] ** Checking volume information.
    [13:48:10.0360] ** Trimming unused blocks.
    [13:48:10.0360] ** The volume System appears to be OK.
    [13:48:10.0360] executing /sbin/mount_hfs
    [13:48:10.0360] mount_hfs: Could not create property for re-key environment check: No such file or directory
    [13:48:10.0360] /dev/disk0s1s1 mounted on /mnt1
    [13:48:10.0360] executing /sbin/fsck_hfs
    [13:48:10.0360] ** /dev/rdisk0s1s2
    [13:48:10.0360]    Executing fsck_hfs (version hfs-277.10.5).
    [13:48:10.0360] ** Checking Journaled HFS Plus volume.
    [13:48:10.0360] ** Detected a case-sensitive volume.
    [13:48:10.0360]    The volume name is Data
    [13:48:10.0360] ** Checking extents overflow file.
    [13:48:10.0360] ** Checking catalog file.
    [13:48:10.0360] ** Checking multi-linked files.
    [13:48:10.0360] ** Checking catalog hierarchy.
    [13:48:10.0360] ** Checking extended attributes file.
    [13:48:10.0360] ** Checking volume bitmap.
    [13:48:10.0360] ** Checking volume information.
    [13:48:10.0360] ** Trimming unused blocks.
    [13:48:10.0360] ** The volume Data appears to be OK.
    [13:48:10.0360] executing /sbin/mount_hfs
    [13:48:10.0360] mount_hfs: Could not create property for re-key environment check: No such file or directory
    [13:48:10.0360] /dev/disk0s1s2 mounted on /mnt2
    [13:48:10.0360] entering resize_system_partition_to_options
    [13:48:10.0360] User specified system partition size, skipping firmware extras size.
    [13:48:10.0360] Found SystemPartitionPadding value of 167772160 bytes
    [13:48:10.0360] Erasing system partition prior to resize operation.
    [13:48:10.0360] block size for /dev/disk0s1s1: 4096
    [13:48:10.0360] /sbin/newfs_hfs -s -v System -J /dev/disk0s1s1
    [13:48:10.0360] executing /sbin/newfs_hfs -s -v System -J /dev/disk0s1s1
    [13:48:10.0360] Initialized /dev/rdisk0s1s1 as a 2 GB case-sensitive HFS Plus volume with a 8192k journal
    [13:48:10.0360] executing /sbin/fsck_hfs
    [13:48:10.0360] ** /dev/rdisk0s1s1
    [13:48:10.0360]    Executing fsck_hfs (version hfs-277.10.5).
    [13:48:10.0360] ** Checking Journaled HFS Plus volume.
    [13:48:10.0360] ** Detected a case-sensitive volume.
    [13:48:10.0360]    The volume name is System
    [13:48:10.0360] ** Checking extents overflow file.
    [13:48:10.0360] ** Checking catalog file.
    [13:48:10.0360] ** Checking multi-linked files.
    [13:48:10.0360] ** Checking catalog hierarchy.
    [13:48:10.0360] ** Checking extended attributes file.
    [13:48:10.0360] ** Checking volume bitmap.
    [13:48:10.0360] ** Checking volume information.
    [13:48:10.0360] ** Trimming unused blocks.
    [13:48:10.0360] ** The volume System appears to be OK.
    [13:48:10.0360] executing /sbin/mount_hfs
    [13:48:10.0360] mount_hfs: Could not create property for re-key environment check: No such file or directory
    [13:48:10.0360] /dev/disk0s1s1 mounted on /mnt1
    [13:48:10.0360] Trying to resize system partition to 1908408320 bytes aka 1820 MB
    [13:48:10.0360] entering adjust_partition_preflight
    [13:48:10.0360] partition:0 requiredSize=465920
    [13:48:10.0360] no change in size
    [13:48:10.0360] Successfully resized the system partition
    [13:48:10.0360] entering maximize_data_partition
    [13:48:10.0360] entering adjust_partition_preflight
    [13:48:10.0360] partition:1 requiredSize=<<<<<IMEI>>>>>>6
    [13:48:10.0360] maximizing data partition to 13946060799 bytes
    [13:48:10.0360] entering adjust_partition_preflight
    [13:48:10.0360] partition:1 requiredSize=3404800
    [13:48:10.0360] no change in size
    [13:48:10.0360] Successfully resized data partition to consume free blocks
    [13:48:10.0360] The system partition now has a total HFS+ capacity of 1820 MB
    [13:48:10.0360] entering ramrod_probe_media
    [13:48:10.0360] device partitioning scheme is GPT
    [13:48:10.0360] find_filesystem_partitions: storage=/dev/disk0s1 system=/dev/disk0s1s1 data=/dev/disk0s1s2
    [13:48:10.0360] entering unmount_filesystems
    [13:48:10.0360] entering ramrod_ticket_update
    [13:48:10.0360] looking up root ticket hash
    [13:48:10.0360] device tree ticket-hash: <CFData 0x1930040 [0x2f3ad0]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0x<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<UDID>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>}
    [13:48:10.0360] ticket_hash: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<UDID>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
    [13:48:10.0360] received valid ticket (2741 bytes)
    [13:48:10.0360] entering restore_images
    [13:48:10.0360] Successfully marked device node /dev/rdisk0s1s1 as static data
    [13:48:10.0360] executing /usr/sbin/asr -source asr://localhost:12345 -target /dev/disk0s1s1 -erase -noprompt --chunkchecksum --puppetstrings
    [13:48:10.0360] void AppleUSBDeviceMux::handleConnectResult(struct BulkUSBMuxSession *, errno_t) new session to port 12345 failed: 61
    [13:48:10.0360] void AppleUSBDeviceM

    Hello gamavranje,
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    The icons you're seeing on your iPhone indicate it is in recovery mode.  Please plug your iPhone into your computer, and restore it with iTunes.
    If you can't update or restore your iOS device
    Use iTunes to restore your iOS device to factory settings
    Take care,
    Alex H.

  • How can I replace the power supply IN the time capsule

    I have a TimeCapsule that has a bad powersupply. I have opened the timecapsule to confirm this. Has anyone done this before? If so, where did the power supply come from? Cost? I took this to the Apple Igneous bar and they said there is nothing that can be done about it.They said it couldn't even be opened, but simply peeling the rubber bottom off and unscrewing a number of tiny screws and that's it. The 1 TB drive is LOOSE in there. That was a bit of a surprise. I had thought that the issue was the drive itself was bad. I had hoped that if I removed that the AP part would at least work, but after opening it up and firing it up I could hear that the power supply was buzzing thus the conclusion it was the issue.
    I am going to put the SATA drive in a reader to see that it is indeed ok. If that checks out, then I know for certain it is the power supply, but I don't know what to use as a sub since the unit needs both 12V and 5V. I'd just as soon find a good supply and use that. Any help would be appreciated.
    John A Kostelac

    What version is your TC.. A1xxx from the rubber foot?
    Power supplies are not available from apple. They do not consider it repairable. It is a sealed consumable.
    Power supplies are available from ebay.. simply type time capsule power supply into search.
    This is absolutely standard issue that has been ongoing for ages and ages.
    See s/apple-time-capsule-repair
    For a multitude of ways to fix it.
    The 1 TB drive is LOOSE in there.
    No, it is not loose, it has rubber mounts with pins in the bottom base plate. You cannot see the mount points with the base off. This is standard hdd mount for low noise and vibration.
    I had thought that the issue was the drive itself was bad.
    Drives seldom are the problem. The Gen2 WD black has been less than great though.. and later spinpoint in Gen3 not so good.
    Apple Igneous bar  

  • Understanding the Power Supply?

    I hope I can get help identifying a problem within the power supply on my Mac G4 DA computer.
    First let me say that I have ordered a new power supply unit from a reputable dealer. However, I wish to identify and understand the problem, and hopefully make a repair with the intent of keeping it as a spare unit. I would also mention that I fully understand the dangers involved in working with potential high voltage.
    What happens, is that the six-year old computer works well for about 10 minutes, then a noticeable speed change starts to occur at the Power supply. When the speed drops lower, something within the power supply starts an annoying vibration or humming that will persist until the computer is put to sleep for a few minutes. On restart the problem noise is gone, until the computer works for the usual time and then the speed starts to drop and the noise reoccurs. The noise and vibration are louder than I would expect from the fan, especially when running slow?
    I believe it is an energy-saving feature of the Power Supply to lower speed when there is no great demand placed upon the computer (when it is idling). I'm finding it difficult to determine if it is specifically the fan that sets up the vibration or something else in the power supply. The fan is a replaceable item, but beyond that there would seem little I could do in the way of repairs.
    Do any of you have any thoughts on this?
    Thanks in advance
    Power G4 PPC (Digital Audio Model)   Mac OS X (10.4.6)   466 Mhz, 5400 rpm, Graphics-ATI Rage 128 Pro
    Power G4 PPC (Digital Audio Model)   Mac OS X (10.4.6)   466 Mhz, 5400 rpm, Graphics-ATI Rage 128 Pro

    Hi, Barry!
    Insure that the PSU case is relatively clean.
    Disconnect the power cord. Using a pin oiler, place a tiny bit of fine lubricant at the base of the fan shaft and then see if the noise resolves. If it does, the fan bearing is likely worn or insufficiently lubricated.

  • Mac Pro won't start up.  What's the best way to check the power supply?

    Hello. I'm having a severe problem with my 2007 Mac Pro. The symptoms are very easy to describe. The computer apparently shut itself off overnight, and when I press the power button to turn it on, absolutely nothing happens. No lights, no chime, no signs of any power whatsoever in the computer. I have never had major problems with the computer before. (Although I had recently noticed some minor skipping problems with streaming videos and Firefox had started hanging occasionally.)
    So far, I have checked the power cable and the power outlet. I have also reset the SMC (holding in the Power button for 5 seconds with the unit unplugged). I am unable to see any light in the diagnostic LEDs (including LED 1) when I press the DIAG_LED button on the logic board.
    While I welcome other suggestions, all I can figure is that this is either a power supply problem or a major logic board failure, but I don't know which. I have a multimeter and would like to test very directly if the power supply is the problem, because they are very expensive and obviously I do not want to order a replacement supply if it would not fix the computer. Does anyone know what the best way to test the supply directly is? What pins on what cable should I test, and what voltage should I look for?
    Also: No the computer is not under any warranty. If at all possible, I would like to fix this myself. Thanks for any help you can give.

    Well, I may have found the answer to my question as to why replacing the fuse dows not seem to be encouraged. I cut out the failed fuse (fast fuse, ceramic, 16 Amp 250V), and replaced it with another that was as close to it in spec as I could find (15 A instead of 16). Then I put the supply back in the case.
    When I tried to plug it in, I got an immediate spark, followed by an acrid smell from the power supply. Later inspection revealed that the new fuse blew, as did another component nearby (not sure what it was) where I could see blackening and the smell was concentrated. At this point, I would consider myself lucky if the power supply didn't take anything else on the computer out with it.
    Lesson learned; will try a new power supply and go from there.

  • Satellite M30X: fans don't stop if connected to the power supply

    hi ,
    I have a M30X and during the last months the fans when I'm connected to the power supply don't stop at all. It also shut down quite often. However the laptop is not warm. Do you have any clue?

    If you connect the AC adaptor to the notebook the Toshiba power saver changes the power modes. Possibly the power mode has different settings in the ??basic setup??. Please check the cooling method and change it to lower level.
    But of course, the dust and debris could have a bad influence on the fan behavior.

  • Replacing the power supply

    My old PowerMac G4 (Gbit Ethernet) does not power up anymore. When I press the power button nothing happens at all. I suspect a recent power outage might be to blame - when the power returned the power supply to my router was dead and two fuses popped in the fusebox during the following weeks.
    Luckily I bought a new Mac Mini 6 months ago and most of the data has already been copied to the new harddrive.
    If it's possible I'd like to try and repair the G4 myself. I was hoping I could use a power supply I had salvaged from an old PC. The dimensions are the same but it seems some of the connectors are a bit different. For example the power connector to the motherboard has 2x11 pins instead of 2x10 and the one for the fan looks different too.
    I've tested the voltage of the lithium battery and it's still working. Same goes for the PC power supply. The G4 is supposed to get 28 V of 'trickle' power through the two extra pins; here however I get nothing.
    Is it possible to buy/get hold of a new power supply that suits the G4 or is this another one of Apple's crafty non-standard solutions?
    So, what are your thoughts?

    You have a few options-
    1- A used PSU
    2- Using a wall wart to provide the 28v trickle, along with an ATX(PC) PSU, or,
    3- An aftermarket PSU already to go in, from Nextro.
    For modifying, and using an ATX PSU, check Out of Spec and Xlr8yourMac.

  • My ipad2 crashes when it is removed from the power supply. It  can't be reset?

    My ipad2 crashes when it is removed from the power supply. It can't be reset? Doesn't respond when plugged into my pc?

    Hrm... that may be true and this may be a function of the phone email client that Apple just doesn't do.
    No, I can easily MANUALLY delete the messages. I would prefer if I didn't have to do it twice, tho. Once on the mail server and once on the phone.
    What I think the phone needs to do is, when it checks the POP, anything NOT there should be removed locally. I think you are correct on POP; the phone will poll the mx (mail exchanger) and the mx will pass off the messages to the phone. The phone then keeps ALL of that unitl you manually delete it.
    If, say, I remove a message from the mx, I would like the phone, when next polls, to see that that particular message isn't on the server anymore and remove it locally.
    Perhaps it's just me but if I delete the message on the mx itself, via my ISP's webmail interface, I really don't want to have to remove it again from my phone.

  • My unit went down hill fast from trying to boot up to only the power supply fan runs.

    The power on lite is on. The DVD lite flashes then stops. The card reader lite is on. Is this the end of days for this piece of junk!!

    I've also responded to your other post about support, and asked there for some of your specifics - contact info, system model type and serial on bottom of the unit, and your last case number.  If you could send me those in a private message (little envelope in the forum), I'll try to arrange some further help.
    By your post title, I get the broad strokes of the matter - it's gone from bad to worse.   In order to get more valuable help from other's in the forum, it is helpful to provide some details.
    What model desktop system do you have?    What has been happening that led up to these recent events?  Was anything changed or added to the system?
    No video?  No beeps?    You note the power supply / fan spins.  How about the hard disk, can you hear it spin up?
    Best regards,
    ThinkPads: S30, T43, X60t, X1, W700ds, IdeaPad Y710, IdeaCentre: A300, IdeaPad K1
    Mark Hopkins
    Program Manager, Lenovo Social Media (Services)
    twitter @lenovoforums
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  • Dead B&W G3 ? Only the power supply seems to work...

    Hi Everyone...
    Here's my setup:
    Powermac G3 B&W Rev.B
    Processor: Powerlogix G3 750FX (1Ghz)
    Ram: 1GB (4x256Mb)
    OS 10.4.9 (latest OS supported by Powerlogix)
    HD: IBM desktar 120MB
    DVD-Rom: Samsung DVD-/+R
    PCI 66Mhz -> Radeon 9200
    PCI 33MHZ -> M-Audio 2496 Audiophile Audio Card
    PCI 33MHZ -> Sonnet Tango 2.0 (USB/FW)
    PCI 33MHZ -> Sonnet Tempo ATA133 (my main drive uses this card)
    The B&W G3 has been one of my hobby machine for a year (I mostly use it as a jukebox to listen to AIFF disc images in PCM / uncompressed sound).
    Anyway... it died on Saturday night... just after upgrading to a Sonnet Tempo ATA 133 card...
    As I've been a Mac user for a long time (and I've been there before with a Gossamer MB in my beige G3 which died out of the blue once), I completely did empty the motherboard... adding one element at a time to isolate the issue but the fact is that:
    a) no startup sound
    b) black screen (nothing comes out of the Radeon 9200)
    c) only the power supply seems to work
    d) even when plugging the HD into the MB IDE socket, the HD doesn't even activate itself (no boot).
    Of course, I went through the CUDA switch, tried to reset the PRAM, checked the jumpers on the HD (master position)...
    I also tried to boot the system off the OSX Tiger Install DVD but nothing...
    I have a feeling that my MB may be DOA.
    What do you think ?
    If this is the case, since I'm using a Tempo ATA 133 PCI Card, does it make any difference to replace it with either a REV.A or B MB ?
    Thanks for your help,
    Pierre André.
    Message was edited by: pierreandre90403

    Hi Grant,
    I posted the following on another thread, but I haven't gotten any response.
    I'm having a similar problem with a B&W 350 MHz (rev 1 I think). I get the start up tone and nothing appears on the monitor. Not sure if the machine is actually booting or not.
    I am trying to repair this machine for a friend. They had been having a problem with the machine booting into a blue screen. I suspected a corrupt directory, so I ran Disk Utility (from another machine) and also Disk Warrior. Both Disk Utility's Disk Repair feature and Disk Warrior found problems. Disk Warrior was able to successfully rebuild the directory.
    I had removed the hard drive from the machine and put it in an external casing in order to run Disk Repair and Disk Warrior. Upon putting the hard drive back into the B&W and booting the machine, I was able to successfully boot the machine into Tiger. I tested the machine for a few minutes and it seemed to work fine.
    Next, I ran software update and installed a new version of Safari and then after the required re-boot, tried to repair disk permissions. During the repair of disk permissions, the machine froze up completely. The clock stopped ticking and there was no mouse or keyboard response. I tried using the re-boot button on the front of the machine, but the machine would not fully re-boot. I get a boot tone, but no video.
    I tried re-setting the CUDA chip by pressing the re-set button on the logic board, but to no avail.
    Finally, I did take the battery out and had it tested at Radio Shack. The battery is showing a good 3.6 volts.
    I have a second B&W (300 MHz) that is basically doing the same thing. Do you know what could be causing the lack of video signal?
    PS: I tried re-setting the logic board as described in another post (unplugged machine, pressed power button, removed battery, waited 10 minutes). I have tried the CUDA reset several times, but I only press the button for a second, not 15 seconds. I have re-seated the RAM. I have removed all the RAM and tested each. Nothing seems to work.

  • Is the Power Supply Important?

    I see a number of other people are having dual-channel memory issues like me. I'm wondering how important the power supply is. I'm using the PSU that came with a PC case. It's rated at 300W (3.3v/20A, 5v/30A, 12v/10A, -12v/.8A). Using a bench calibrated Fluke 83 I see that the 5v rail is at 5.14v/stable and the 12v rail bounces between 12.19 to 12.21 vdc. Don't know about the 3.3v or the -12v. Maybe I need to check them too? Has anyone had a stability problem that was resolved by getting a better power supply?

    those are very unimpressive numbers,10 a at 12v especially
    get a better psu
    Is the Power Supply Important?
    you could say the same re the engine in a car
    you would get the same answer from a sensible person

Maybe you are looking for

  • Where did the Discussions for Shake go?

    Sorry to be a bother but where did the discussions group for Shake go?  Is there still a group for Shake?  I am having a very hard time with Shake right now and really need some help.  Thanks for anything anyone can help with.

  • Regarding a Change Document Function Module ----- VERY VERY Urgent

    I am using a Change Document Function module "CHANGEDOCUMENT_READ". It is taking a long time. I am using the parameters: Start date is the first date of the current month Enddate as last date of the current month Object class as 'MATERIAL' Table Name

  • Show the Textbox in all page print

    I need to show the Textbox in all page of report to print . Currently its showing in only one page last page only  I need to show the Textbox in all page  print Need Help!! Thanks

  • How to connect OpenLDAP WAS Java, EP?

    Hello experts, did anyone succed to connect an OpenLDAP to WAS Java? I think a OpenLDAP libary need to be installed/configured in order to use it for the user management in the EP. I would appreciate to get information how to realize the connection?

  • WAG54G2 keeps disconnecting and reconnecting.

    The problem started a few days ago. Information: Country: Egypt ISP: TE Data OS: Win 8 Router: Linksys WAG54G2 Connection: Ethernet cable and wireless for laptop. Speed: 2mb Steps i have tried so far: Contacted my ISP, all good on their end. Had a te