Could not open Freehand file in AI CC

I have some Freehand 10 files that would open in AI CS6 but would not open in CC

I'm surprised you can open that file in CS6.
According to this Adobe Technote Freehand 10 files cannot be opened in AI CS6 (or later versions, I presume)
Do you have access to an older version of AI where you can open this file?

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    Try repairing permissions. My favorite way is with a utility called AppleJack. Info and download here. It's free. It only works when you boot in Single User Mode. When restarting or booting, hold down the Command key and S keys.
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    Does it open in Acrobat?
    Did it really complete saving? Or did it crash or did you abort the saving process?
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    Introducing: Open Multi-Page PDF win/mac

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    Ignore Ownership worked. Thank you!
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    Second system did not not any messages.
    But the files are existed in the logs folder in both the systems.
    I need to configure logs for ias,Kjs and KXS also.
    Please suggest me regarding this.

    I'm not sure what operation are you trying to, can you please confirm that ? Please check what kind of messages did you try to log, is it only errors ? or all errors & warning or all messages ?. If it were only errors and warnings, then there is a possibility that the server did not encounter any of this, due to which the log file can be empty.

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    Hi Sagar,
    Below is my file path : /dv2/tmp/instl/salesdata.txt
    When I checked in the below path the file exists.
    Solved the issue.

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    If Hot Back is enabled I would suggest turning this feature off unless it’s a business requirement.
    In addition as a workaround in the reoccurring jobs set the number of retries to something greater than 0.
    This issue was fixed in BI4.0 SP08, I would suggest opening an incident with support.
    Hope the above helps

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