Could not resolve Application to a component implementation.

Am getting an error message Could not resolve <Application> to a component implementation. Am trying the following mxml code.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- -->
<Application name="FileReference_save_test"
            private function init():void {
                textArea.text = describeType(FileReference).toXMLString();
            private function btn_click(evt:MouseEvent):void {
      , "describeType.txt");
        <net:FileReference id="fileReference" />
    <mx:Panel id="panel"
        <mx:TextArea id="textArea"
                height="100%" />
        <mx:ControlBar horizontalAlign="right">
            <Button id="btn"
                    label="Save Text"
                    click="btn_click(event);" />
Help plz..

That's a different topic. Please mark this one as answered (by me ) and start a new topic.
If this post answers your question or helps, please mark it as such.

Similar Messages

  • Could not resolve br to a component implementation.  ???

    For some reason im getting an error:
    Could not resolve <br> to a component implementation.
    for this code which looks fine to me
        <s:RichText  styleName="blueBackLabel" width="100%" height="35">
                        mid-end review<br/>date

    Hi Balaji,
    try to replace

  • Could not resolve method to a component implementation

    I have created an action script class extending httpservice while using in mxml page i am trying to set some requests.
    <Utils:CustomHTTPService id="httpGetAllStations" url="Stations.aspx" method="POST" resultFormat="e4x"
            result="httpGetAllStationsResultHandler(event)" fault="httpGetAllStationsFaultHandler(event)">
    but this line (<method>{onMove}</method>) throws error(Could not resolve <method> to a component implementation).
    How can i resolve this?
    Thanks in Advance.

    yeah, i know that
    are you sure you have xmlns:mx="xmlns:mx=""

  • Problem with child tag - Could not resolve x to a component implementation.

    I am writing some chart component and got a problem setting property via child tag. Property is a custom class.
    My directory structure:
    Makefile  oxcharts  Session.vim  stats.mxml  stats.swf
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx="" xmlns:oxcharts="oxcharts.*">
        <oxcharts:ColumnChart id="myChart" showDataTips="true" width="600" height="310">
            <oxcharts:test x="5"></oxcharts:test>
    package oxcharts {
        public class ColumnChart extends UIComponent {
            public var test:MyTest;
    package oxcharts {
        public class MyTest {
            public var x:Number;
    I got this error:
    Error: Could not resolve <oxcharts:test> to a component implementation.
    I guess something wrong with imports. Setting Number property via child tag works just fine.

    I'm gonna give a clerear example, I hope it'll help you better understand what I mean let's say I have a custom class named Login:
    package ec
         public class Login
              public var ID:int;
              public var Role:String;         
              public function Login()
    And I need to use this class within MyAmazingCanvas, so my main app will be like this:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute" xmlns:oxcharts="ec.*">
                   import ec.Login;
                   private var myLoginStatus:Login=new Login();
                   private function setLoginData():void{
         <oxcharts:MyAmazingCanvas id="myCustomComp" myPublicNumber="323" LoginStatus="{myLoginStatus}" />
         <mx:TextInput id="myID" />
         <mx:TextInput id="myRole" />
         <mx:Button id="setData" label="Set Data" click="setLoginData()" />
    When I said at the top level I meant outside the scope of any function, altough is not a requierement, you can as well set it at a function level.

  • Could not resolve x to a component implementation problem

    I have run an example. The code is listed below:
    package com.mydomain.components
    import mx.controls.Label;
    public class CircleLabel extends Label {
    public var circleColor:uint = 0x000000;
    public function CircleLabel(){
    override protected function
    updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number):void
    super.updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth, unscaledHeight);
    // Draw a circle around the label text
    graphics.lineStyle(1, this.circleColor, 1.0);
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    backgroundColor="#FFFFFF" >
    <mx:Panel title="CircleLabel Component" width="500"
    paddingTop="10" paddingLeft="10" paddingRight="10"
    <comps:CircleLabel text="Black Circle Label"
    circleColor="0x000000" />
    <mx:Spacer width="20" />
    <comps:CircleLabel text="Red Circle Label"
    circleColor="0xFF0000" />
    I am using Flex Builder 2.0.1. These file are put in the same
    Flex project and in the same folder. When I compilled them, there
    was an error: Could not resolve <comps:CircleLabel> to a
    component implementation.
    Please help me to solve this problem.
    Thank in advance,

    to be more clear CircleLabel component should be under
    com/mydomain/components cirectory

  • At start up, messase "could not initialise application's security component

    My Grandson has a Toshiba laptop. When he attempts to start Firefox this message appears:
    "Could not initialise the application's security component. The most likely cause is problems with files in your application's profile directory. Please check that this directory has no read/write restrictions & your hard disk is not full, or close to full. It is recommended that you exit the application andfix the problem. If youcontinue to use this session you might see incorrect application behaviour accessing security features."
    Firefox does start, but just shows a blank page.
    Can you advise what he should to eliminate the problem?
    Thank you
    Frank Howe
    This will help fixing your problem!

  • Could not resolve fx:Script (or fx: Declarations to a component implementation

    I am trying to compile a file into swf using mxmlc in command line.  When it is a very simple mxml, compile is successful. But when the file  contaion the fx name space, I get a compile error like: could not  resolve COMPONENT_NAME to a component implementation.
    I have to be able to do this, without the help of Flash Builder  because I am working on a project where I will need to generate swf  files from mxml files  which we generate the code of.
    I tried it with SDK version 4.0.0.,  version 4.1.0 build 16076 and 4.5.0. build 20967. And I also tried it in 3 different computers. Note: Our notebooks has Windows 7 OS - locale:Turkish.
     I read that this error is specific to some locales like Turkish here:, . But I couldnt find the solution.
    Any suggestions?
    The simple code I am trying to compile is(which is generated by Flash Builder 4 and can be compiled there):
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Application xmlns:fx=""
                      xmlns:mx="library://" minWidth="955" minHeight="600">
              <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->

    Could you please file a bug at with sample code that fails to compile on a Turkish system, so that we can track this problem and fix it in a future release?
    Gordon Smith
    Adobe Flex SDK Team

  • Error: "Could not resolve [public class] to a component implementation

    Here's another clueless newbie question! :-(
    I define a public class "DynamicTextArea" at the top of the file, and get the compiler error message "Could not resolve <DynamicTextArea> to a component implementation" at the bottom of the same file.
    Clearly, I don't understand something very basic.
    (The code between the commenrted asterisks was originally in a separate package file, which I couldn't get either mxmlc or FlexBuilder to find, so rather than fight that issue now, I moved it into the same file.)
    Here's the file:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx=""
      import mx.controls.TextArea;
    public class DynamicTextArea extends TextArea{
        public function DynamicTextArea(){
          super.horizontalScrollPolicy = "off";
          super.verticalScrollPolicy = "off";
          this.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, adjustHeightHandler);
        private function adjustHeightHandler(event:Event):void{
          trace("textField.getLineMetrics(0).height: " + textField.getLineMetrics(0).height);
          if(height <= textField.textHeight + textField.getLineMetrics(0).height){
            height = textField.textHeight;    
        override public function set text(val:String):void{
          textField.text = val;
          height = textField.textHeight;
        override public function set htmlText(val:String):void{
          textField.htmlText = val;
          height = textField.textHeight;
        override public function set height(value:Number):void{
          if(textField == null){
            if(height <= value){
              super.height = value;
            var currentHeight:uint = textField.textHeight + textField.getLineMetrics(0).height;
            if (currentHeight<= super.maxHeight){
              if(textField.textHeight != textField.getLineMetrics(0).height){
                super.height = currentHeight;
                super.height = super.maxHeight;        
        override public function get text():String{
            return textField.text;
        override public function get htmlText():String{
            return textField.htmlText;
        override public function set maxHeight(value:Number):void{
          super.maxHeight = value;
          import mx.controls.Alert;
          private var str:String = "This text will be long enough to trigger " +
            "the TextArea to increase its height.";
          private var htmlStr:String = "This <b>text</b> will be <font color='#00FF00'>long enough</font> to trigger " +
            "the TextArea to increase its height.";
          private function setLargeText():void{
            txt1.text = str;
            txt2.text = str;
            txt3.text = str;
            txt4.text = str;
            txt5.htmlText = htmlStr;
            txt6.htmlText = htmlStr;
            txt7.htmlText = htmlStr;
            txt8.htmlText = htmlStr;
      <DynamicTextArea id="txt1" width="300" height="14"/>
      <DynamicTextArea id="txt2" width="300" height="20"/>
      <DynamicTextArea id="txt3" width="300" height="28"/>
      <DynamicTextArea id="txt4" width="300" height="50"/>
      <DynamicTextArea id="txt5" width="300" height="14"/>
      <DynamicTextArea id="txt6" width="300" height="20"/>
      <DynamicTextArea id="txt7" width="300" height="28"/>
      <DynamicTextArea id="txt8" width="300" height="50"/>
      <mx:Button label="Set Large Text" click="setLargeText();"/>
         Thanks for any insight you can provide!

        As you've noted, there were multiple  misunderstandings.
        Some are due to references in the language which are  different from uses in pre-existing languages.
        Take "name spaces". They look like URLs but they're  not. One of the first errors I made when starting Flex was to try to browse to I  figured that it would have some description of the language. But it didn't. In  spite of LOOKING like a URL, it doesn't point to anything; it's really just an  arbitrary magic incantation, like "Open Sesame".
        But, then when I wanted to use my OWN namespace, I  find that it's NOT arbitrary, and does have to point to something, but it's  still not a URL. The "AHA" moment was when Michael told me that "*" means "look  in this directory for a file with the name later named in an import statement,  but not named here". And if the file was in subfolder  "X" I'd have to use "X.*", while if it were a URL I'd use slash instead of  dot, but never an asterisk.
        When the language syntax is so contrary to the  expectations of people coming from a declarative language or web programming  background, I think it is important to explicitly address the differences and  disabuse them of their preconceptions. I think the same should apply to the ways  in which ActionScript differs from ECMAScript.
        Another problem adding to my confusion is the habit  of naming variables with the names of keywords but with capitalization changes.  Not only does that set readers up for subtle "gotchas", but makes it unclear  which names are truly arbitrary, and which are required by the  compiler.
    It might be a good idea to have a convention of an  identifiable format for user variables. Many authors use names like  myButton for that purpose.
        It would also be helpful if printed text could  simulate the syntax coloring of the better editors, or at least have more  in-source comments saying exactly what each line does. (Or both)
        Another aid to understanding would be to provide a  reference to the alternative (MXML or AS) way of doing anything, whenever you  demonstrate one of the ways.
        I find that the emphasis on using FlexBuilder  distracts from a sense of what is really going on behind the scenes. E,g.: If  FlexBuilder automatically sets up the folder structure, I don't learn to do it  myself. I like to work at the code level, so when something goes wrong I don't  have to worry about what level it went wrong at.
        Also, not everyone is willing to drop $600 or $250  BEFORE they've learned whether they even like Flex. Your tutorials are, by  definition, addressed to newcomers who may well not yet have committed to the  expense of FlexBuilder. So more emphasis on using mxmlc would be nice. It would  also be helpful to discuss how to use local servers, like Tomcat, during the  development stage.
        Thanks for asking my opinion. I'm afraid that my 40  years of programming experience may make it harder for me to adapt to this new  style of programming than it would be for a kid with a tabula rasa. But, it  looks like it'll be fun once I get over the hump!

  • Could not resolve to a component implementation

    I'm using Flex Builder 2 Version 2.0.143459 (Geez, couldn't
    you just make it 2.0.144?) and I am running Eclipse version 3.2.1
    and I have Flex Charting 2 installed also.
    Now, I downloaded the example for "dashboard" that has the
    various graphs, and when I go and create these files and copy in
    the contents into my eclipse project I get:
    Could not resolve <AllRegions> to a component
    Could not resolve <RegionBreakdown> to a component
    Could not resolve <RegionDetail> to a component
    It seems to be something with the namespace? But what is the
    solution? I've search these boards and people say uninstall Beta 1,
    etc, but I am not running a Beta, AND this is a fresh install for
    any Flex at all.
    Thanks for any help

    OK, I solved the problem -- it was a simple item that got
    left out of the top <mx:Application tag
    I needed to have xmlns="*" in there, and eclipse does not put
    that there when you start a project!
    Hopefully this helps someone in the future.

  • Could not resolve Script

    I am getting an error message "Could not resolve <Script>
    to a component implementation." This is the code I am attempting to run, from
    the tutorials offered by Adobe.
    {import mx.controls.Alert;}
    I've tried this without brackets, with <> symbols, around the import, and everytime I get an error. any suggestions? I'm brand new to flex, but for the most part find it rather simple to do. however, when i get an error it's impossible to figure out how to fix it!

    the <fx:Script> worked. Thanks!!

  • Flex in a week: error Could not resolve s:Application to a component implementation

    Hi All, I've seen other posts mentioning this error but seems no fix has come up.
    Was just trying out the example project for Flex in a Week and out of the box am stuck on
    " Could not resolve <s:Application> to a component implementation "
    the namespace and all expected attributes are in the s:Application tag.
    Is there a common fix for using these samples?
    thanks everyone for your consideration.

    Thanks, I am using Flex Builder 3.

  • Error: Could not resolve s:SolidColor to a component implementation

    So I have a library project and in that project I have a CustomDataGridBackgroundSkin file which is as follows:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:SparkSkin xmlns:fx=""
                 minWidth="25" minHeight="25">
            <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
        <!-- layer 4: fill highlight -->
        <s:Rect left="0" right="0" top="0" height="100%" >
                <spark:SolidColor color="0x968f89" alpha="1" />
    I am simply trying to get an ant task to compile this library to SWC, but I am getting a " Error: Could not resolve <s:SolidColor> to a component implementation" error during compile.  The only way to fix it is to add these lines of code (bold).
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:SparkSkin xmlns:fx=""
                 minWidth="25" minHeight="25">
            <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
        <!-- layer 4: fill highlight -->
        <s:Rect left="0" right="0" top="0" height="100%" >
                <spark:SolidColor color="0x968f89" alpha="1" />
    I can also get this error to go away if I put this line in my build.xml file: "<include-sources dir="${src.dir}" includes="*"/>"
    But then I get this error => "[compc] Error: Unsupported file type: C:\dev_projects\features\flex4version\web\OneVoice\src\components.xml"
    components.xml is my manifest file.
    Anyone know what the issue is?  Why would I need the xmlns:spark="*" namespace when I have xmlns:s="library://"?

    Curious. Which version of the Flex SDK are you using?
    Does this work if you try in a brand new project using Flex 4.1 or Flex Hero?
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Application xmlns:fx=""
            <s:Button label="goto s1" click="currentState = 's1';" />
            <s:Button label="goto s2" click="currentState = 's2';" />
            <s:Button id="sdkVer" initialize="sdkVer.label = mx_internal::VERSION;" click="System.setClipboard(sdkVer.label);" />
            <s:State name="s1" />
            <s:State name="s2" />
        <s:Rect left="30" right="20" top="20" bottom="30" >
                <s:SolidColor color="0x968f89" color.s2="haloOrange" alpha="1" />

  • Error: Could not resolve s:states to a component implementation.

    So I am trying to setup states on a Flex application I'm building, but it doesn't seem to want to compile. I get this error:
    $ ./
    Loading configuration file /Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4/sdks/4.1.0/frameworks/flex-config.xml
    uploader.mxml(24): Error: Could not resolve <s:states> to a component implementation.
    Here is my build command nothing special ...
    $ cat ./
    mxmlc -output bin/uploader.swf src/uploader.mxml
    I have a class that extends the Spark application like so ...
    package com.uploader.controllers
        import spark.components.Application;
         dynamic public class FlashUploader extends Application
    Then in my main application mxml file I use it like so ...
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <c:FlashUploader xmlns:fx=""
        minWidth="709" minHeight="400"
        <fx:Style source="styles.css" />
        <!-- states -->
            <s:State name="default" />
            <s:State name="startup" />
            <s:State name="uploading" />
            <s:State name="normal" />
    Now when I try to compile I get the states error. I've found several examples and even made a dummy app just using the spark application and it compiles fine. Not sure if I'm doing anything weird here but the few other flex devs I know don't seem to see anything wrong with what I'm doing that could cause this.

    When you define an object using a namespace you have to use the same namespace for its properties, so you will want to use "<c:states>" instead of "<s:states>" in this case.

  • Error - Could not resolve s:Script to a component implementation?

    Flex Builder 4.6, 60-day trial version. New  to MXML / AS, but familiar with Java, Javascript, XML, OpenLaszlo. Ooooold, sloooow Vista box.
    I want a bare-bones proof-of-concept class extending <s:Label> with a script responding to a click. Here's what I have:
    Ptile.mxml (in package com.blackbird):
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Label xmlns:fx=""
            private function talkToMe() : void {
                trace("I'm alive, sarge");
    Calling application is :
    TileTest.mxml (also package com.blackbird):
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Application xmlns:fx=""
        minWidth="955"     minHeight="600"
        <s:BorderContainer  width="100%" height="100%">
            <comp:Ptile x="40" y="200" />
    Ptile.mxml won't compile - Error message in the editor is "Could not resolve <s:Script> to a component implementation". I've banged and hammered this around - namespaces, typos and syntax all checked, documentation, Google. No luck. For a bet, I'd guess it's a namespace problem - I'm a little shaky on that - but I'm sugared if I can find it.
    Using the <mx:Script> or <fx:Script> tags also fails.
    I've edited the Eclipse.ini file, as detailed here : Nothing.
    Anybody? Thanks.

    There is no s:Script, it will be fx:Script and you will need the new Spark namespaces.

  • Could not resolve fx:Declarations to a component implementation.

    Am getting an error message
    Could not resolve  <fx:Declarations> to a component implementation.
    Could not resolve  <fx:Script> to a component implementation.
    Am trying  the following mxml code.
    <s:Application xmlns:fx=""
                   minWidth="955" minHeight="600"
        <fx:Style source="Styles.css" />

    Hi Hakan,
    Was this problem ever solved, and if so, could you please tell me how?

Maybe you are looking for