Counting total customers

I need help with counting all the customers in 0customer in Query Designer 7.0.
1. I created a formula variable: Replacement Path, Reference Char = 0customer, Replace with = Attrib Value, Attribute= characeter reference.
2. I assigned this to a Calculated Key Figure.
3. The query is using a sales order multiprovider with a restriction on 0calday =  previous day
4. When I run the query (again, restricted to previous day) it  appears that the total number of customers is only based on the result of the query..lets say 5,000 customers when I know that there are 50,000 customers in 0customer.
5. What I need for the variable to return is the total customers (the 50,000) not the 5,000.  I need to know the % of our customers who bough yesterday so that is why the total customers is important to be retrieved.
Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?  Why can't I get the total #number of customers from master data when I created a replacement path variable.
Much appreciated!

Hi patrick,
You can get the count by option of exception aggregation in the query. Now you wanted to count the number of customers .
In the query designer, Take any of the key figures(in a new formula/CKF) to columns pane let us say Amount, Change the aggregation to exception aggregation with reference to the Characterstic customer, say Count all values.
In the result row of the column you will get the total customer number count.
Create a formula variable(you can create this type of variable in the Formula keyfigure screen in query designer) and choose processing by = ' Replacement path' . Assign the reference characteristics 0customer and in the replacement path tab use the below options.
1. Replace variable with = 'InfoObject'
2. Replace with = 'Attribute value'.
3. Attribute = 'Characteristics reference (Constant 1) .
And remove the default option 'variable is ready for input' from the basic settings.Then use this variable in the formula keyfigure by multipling by 1.

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    Desirable Output
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    In the first statement of ur report u'll have to reserve some lines for footer as follows:
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    here ur list will display 23 lines of data and then 2 lines are reserved for footer.
    This means that in each page u can display 23 lines of text.  Now depending on number of entries in your internal table which contains data to be displayed, we can calculate the number of pages required to print the total output.
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    One possibility is to execute a different statement
    (i.e. select count(*) from foo;) to get the number of
    rows directly. This would probably be the most efficient
    way to get the row count (since no row data is shipped
    with this statement).
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    you can get around this.
    Incidentallly, when fetching LOBs, I don't think that
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    case, there is very little over head associated with the
    data transfer.
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    past, and my impression was that the latency of the
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    of transferring the data) was the bottleneck here. Hence,
    there may not be as much of a performance penalty as
    expected for doing the extra client define with OCI
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    (after replacing with OCIStmtExecute/OCIDefine) and not
    see a very high performance hit.
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    v_file varchar(100);
    S VARCHAR2(32767);
    c number :=0;
    v_dir VARCHAR2 (50) := 'REPORTS';
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    The fact that you have written this:
        RETURN 0;means you didn't bother to read this.

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    If you want to count every time u get an IDoc irrespective of the sender, you need to use multiple receiver steps for receiving each type of idoc and then count.
    It will be almost like a collect pattern at the receiving part in BPM.
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    hello mr.
    i don't want ur suggestion ok
    i know that site.
    no need to give suggestion if u don't give code.
    its better to give proper reply instead of making a
    comment in forum.
    next time take care
    He was perfectly justified in that remark. I have given you the information you need, nicely, twice. But I, and noone else here is going to do your work for you. We will point you in the direction you need to be looking, but we are not going to give code. If you attempt to code something yourself, and it doesn't work, then post the code you tried, and we may make some corrections to it. Then again, with the attitude you've shown so far we probably will not. But one thing no one here will do, is do your work. Especially not for free.
    Now, if you are not willing to sit down, and look at the suggestion that has already been made, and attempt to use it. Then continue wasting your time, but go away and stop wasting our time.

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    Send" -or $_.EventID -eq "Receive"}
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    Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Powershell.E2010 -ea silentlyContinue
    get-messagetrackinglog -start (Get-Date).adddays(-1) -resultsize unlimited -Eventid Send| ForEach{$IntSent++}
    get-messagetrackinglog -start (Get-Date).adddays(-1) -resultsize unlimited -EventID Receive |Where {[String]$_.recipients -notlike "**"}|ForEach{$IntRec++}
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    #Write-host ($IntRec)
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    write-host ($IntTotal)
    $Table |set-content c:\temp\messages.csv
    Any help is greatly appreciated.
    Directly loading in the snap in for Exchange 2010 and 2013 is not supported.
    Please update scripts to use remoting:
    Microsoft Senior Exchange PFE
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    Note: Posts are provided “AS IS” without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose.

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    How do I do this?

    As you probably know, the rating and playcount are not stored in the song file itself; they are stored in the library and will be lost if you move the songs separately from the entire library.
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  • Count total rows in database?

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    Is there a way to query the database for the total number of rows.... without using ANALYZE STATISTICS? (That would cause the db to sometimes use COST instead of RULE based optimization, slowing it down significantly.)
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    spool get_total_rows.sql
    SELECT 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM '||owner||'.'||table_name||';'
    spool off
    ...then run get_total_rows and manually add all the counts.
    But it just seems like there must be a cleaner way to do it.
    Thanks much,

    ok. here you have that information:
    ALL_TABLES describes all relational tables accessible to the current user. To gather statistics for this view, use the SQL ANALYZE statement.
    Related Views
    DBA_TABLES describes all relational tables in the database.
    USER_TABLES describes all relational tables owned by the current user. This view does not display the OWNER column.
    Columns marked with an asterisk are populated only if you collect statistics on the table with the ANALYZE statement or the DBMS_STATS package.
    Column Datatype NULL Description
    Owner of the table
    Name of the table
    Name of the tablespace containing the table; NULL for partitioned, temporary and index-organized tables
    Name of the cluster, if any, to which the table belongs
    Name of the index-organized table, if any, to which the overflow entry belongs. If IOT_TYPE column is not null, this column contains the base table name.
    Minimum percentage of free space in a block; NULL for partitioned tables
    Minimum percentage of used space in a block; NULL for partitioned tables
    Initial number of transactions; NULL for partitioned tables
    Maximum number of transactions; NULL for partitioned tables
    Size of the initial extent in bytes; NULL for partitioned tables
    Size of the secondary extension bytes; NULL for partitioned tables
    Minimum number of extents allowed in the segment; NULL for partitioned tables
    Maximum number of extents allowed in the segment; NULL for partitioned tables
    Percentage increase in extent size; NULL for partitioned tables
    Number of process freelists allocated to this segment; NULL for partitioned tables
    Number of freelist groups allocated to this segment; NULL for partitioned tables
    Logging attribute; NULL for partitioned tables
    Has table been backed up since last change
    Number of rows in the table
    Number of used data blocks in the table
    Number of empty (never used) data blocks in the table
    Average amount of free space, in bytes, in a data block allocated to the table
    Number of rows in the table that are chained from one data block to another, or which have migrated to a new block, requiring a link to preserve the old ROWID
    Average length of a row in the table in bytes
    The average freespace of all blocks on a freelist
    The number of blocks on the freelist
    The number of threads per instance for scanning the table
    The number of instances across which the table is to be scanned
    Whether the cluster is to be cached in the buffer cache (CACHE | NOCACHE)
    Whether table locking is enabled or disabled
    Sample size used in analyzing this table
    Date on which this table was most recently analyzed
    Indicates whether this table is partitioned. Set to YES if it is partitioned.
    If this is an index-organized table, then IOT_TYPE is IOT, IOT_OVERFLOW, or IOT_MAPPING. If this is not an index-organized table, then IOT_TYPE is NULL.
    Can the current session only see data that it place in this object itself?
    Whether the trigger is a secondary object created by the ODCIIndexCreate method of the Oracle9i Data Cartridge (Y |N)
    Is the table a nested table?
    The default buffer pool for the object. NULL for partitioned tables
    Whether partitioned row movement is enabled or disabled
    For partitioned tables, indicates whether statistics were collected for the table as a whole (YES) or were estimated from statistics on underlying partitions and subpartitions (NO)
    Were the statistics entered directly by the user?
    Indicates the duration of a temporary table:
    SYS$SESSION: the rows are preserved for the duration of the session
    SYS$TRANSACTION: the rows are deleted after COMMIT
    Null for a permanent table
    Whether Oracle ignores blocks marked corrupt during table and index scans (ENABLED) or raises an error (DISABLED). To enable this feature, run the DBMS_REPAIR.SKIP_CORRUPT_BLOCKS procedure.
    Whether the table has the MONITORING attribute set
    Try with ALL_TABLES and post if the results were zero too
    Joel P�rez

  • How to get the count of customers

    Hi all,
    We have a fact table, AR_F to which the dimensions Party_D and Fin_D are connected. Party-org_d is inturn connected to Party_d.
    party_org_D contains details of customers like Customer name and customer ID (Number)
    Fin_D contains ratings (Both -ve and +ve) of each customer.
    the rating range is as follows,
    good rating : >0
    OK Rating: Between 0 and -1.5
    Bad Rating: <-1.5
    Now i need to get the count of all customers falling in each range as separate measures.
    Kindly help me get a solution for this.
    Thank you.

    Try this....
    col 1
    case when Fin_D.ratings > 0 then 'Good'
    when Fin_D.ratings >= -1.5 and Fin_D.ratings <= 0 then 'Ok'
    when Fin_D.ratings < -1.5 then 'Bad' end
    col 2
    case when (case when Fin_D.ratings > 0 then 'Good'
    when Fin_D.ratings >= -1.5 and Fin_D.ratings <= 0 then 'Ok'
    when Fin_D.ratings < -1.5 then 'Bad' end)='Good' then count(customer_id)
    when (case when Fin_D.ratings > 0 then 'Good'
    when Fin_D.ratings >= -1.5 and Fin_D.ratings <= 0 then 'Ok'
    when Fin_D.ratings < -1.5 then 'Bad' end)='Ok' then count(customer_id)
    when (case when Fin_D.ratings > 0 then 'Good'
    when Fin_D.ratings >= -1.5 and Fin_D.ratings <= 0 then 'Ok'
    when Fin_D.ratings < -1.5 then 'Bad' end)='Bad' then count(customer_id)
    hope helps........

  • How to Count total number of Words in PDF?

    I am used Adobe Acrobat javascript inbuilt function getPageNumWords(<pagenumber>) it return the number of words present in specified page, but while am copy and paste text content from PDF file to MS Word, Words count given by MS Word is little bit differ, so any one know in which aspect Acrobat count the words?
    Which words count result is correct?
    Shall is go with Acrobat Words count result or MS Words count result?
    But I want to count the total number of words in PDF file (my input is PDF file) else can I go with iText?
    Words count in PDf using iText is possible?

    Word counts are likely to vary a little according to how you count. For instance, are hyphenated words one or two words? What if the hyphen is at the end of a line? Do numbers count as words? Headers and footers? Captions?
    Generally, you just accept a slight variation. If you are counting words in a professional context, i.e. where payment is per word, you probably need a contractual definition of how words are to be counted; in the absence of one, I suggest you use Word.

  • Count total of records in a cursor

    How I can to Know the total of rows in a cursor whithout pass over all them

    do a simple count(1) for the same query as in cursor...
    select count(1) into Varible
    Clauses of ur cursor;
    cursor c1 is select * from emp;
    a c1%rowtype;
    cnt number;
    select count(1) into cnt from emp;

  • Count total records in 2 tables

    I am using this query
    select count(*) from table1, table2) to get the total number of records in those 2 tables. Actually I have only 7 records in both the tables, but I get 15. What could be the problem?
    Also I need to find out another query where in I can find out which table is giving a particular record. e.g table1 has firstname,lastname and table2 has firstman,lastman. I need to know that firstname has come from tabl1 and firstman has come from table2.
    Please help.

    Well, if I'm not misstaken the difference between
    UNION and UNION ALL is that UNION ALL will include
    duplicates while UNION will ignore the duplicates.The UNION clause forces all rows returned by each
    portion of the UNION to be sorted and merged and
    duplicates to be filtered before the first row is
    returned. A UNION ALL simply returns all rows
    including duplicates and does not have to perform any
    sort, merge or filter. It is much more efficient.
    (Although the performance factor may be irrelevant in
    the OP's situation - the issue of duplicate rows
    isn't)And what did I say?
    Asuming the OP does not have duplicates within each
    table (when he/she would really violate relational
    database theory) Why do you assume that? Why would this violate
    relational database theory?If you don't have a primary key, it sure does. I don't have my C J Date book here, but this looks like an accurate transcript of C F Codd's twelve rules a relational database must obay: Look at number 2...
    there will not be any difference between the twoUNION "versions".
    That is correct. I just didn't want to change that
    part of the code ( String s1 = rs.getString(2)...)
    since the OP asked about the database query.i wasn't referring to the OP, hence the 'ps' and 'for
    anyone doing this sort of thing in Oracle' and 'if you
    tend to use the column name version of getString()'
    Yes, you are again correct. I just explained why I wrote what I wrote.

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