CProject evaluation table: How to get project-related task confirmation

Hi everybody.
I'm working on cproject and this is my problem:
In my report i can get details related to an assigned project (i know Project guid) in this way:
      project_definition_guid      = project_guid
      es_project_definition_detail = es_project_definition_detail
      et_name                      = et_name
      et_status                    = et_status
      return                       = return.
This bapi let me know the total confirmation status of my project ( this value is contained in the ACT_WORK_EFFORT of the standard data base table DPR_PROJECT ).
I would like also to get the confirmation status of each task related to this project ......
i think that these values are contained in the field ACT_WORK_EFFORT of the table DPR_TASK .... but i'm not able to select all and only tasks related to a single progect ....

Ok! found the right sequence of BAPI !

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    I'm not sure whether I understood your problem correctly, but I will try to give an answer.
    The easiest way I see is to copy the RFC Results to a Component Controller Context structure with an additional Flag field. You can use WDCopyService for copying.
    Then on the event of selecting you set your flag as appropriate for you (e.g. if you want to use an image as flag you set the Image path) on the current element of your table. Then display View 3.
    On going back View 2 should show now the new flag values...
    The trick is to copy the values (as at Time structures can not be expandend with new fields) and set the Flag on the onSelect event.
    Hope this helps,

  • How to assign project specific task with the newly created projects ?

    Hi All,
    I need help. I need to assign project specific tasks (which i will be taking from staging table) other than the default task which are assigned during project creation. How do I proceed with this within same package. I am attaching the code of my package below...
    CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE body xxpa_proj_conv_pkg as
    variables need to derive global parameters
    v_responsibility_id NUMBER; --- PA Supervisor responsibility id
    v_user_id NUMBER;
    deriving global parameters-
    -- Variables needed for API standard parameters
    v_api_version_number NUMBER := 1.0;
    v_commit VARCHAR2(1) := 'F';
    v_return_status VARCHAR2(1);
    v_init_msg_list VARCHAR2(1) := 'F';
    v_msg_count NUMBER;
    v_msg_index_out NUMBER;
    v_msg_data VARCHAR2(2000);
    v_data VARCHAR2(2000);
    v_workflow_started VARCHAR2(1) := 'Y';
    v_pm_product_code VARCHAR2(10);
    ---variables for catching errors---
    v_error_flag number:=0;
    -- Predefined Composite data types
    v_tasks_in_rec PA_PROJECT_PUB.TASK_IN_REC_TYPE;
    v_tasks_out_rec PA_PROJECT_PUB.TASK_OUT_REC_TYPE;
    v_CREATED_FROM_PROJECT_ID varchar2(20);
    v_person_id NUMBER;
    v_project_role_type VARCHAR2(20);
    v_a NUMBER;
    cursor for project in data
    CURSOR cur_project_in_data IS SELECT * FROM XXPA_PROJECT_IN_STG;
    cursor for task data
    CURSOR cur_task_in_data IS SELECT * FROM XXPA_TASK_IN_STG;
    ------------------------Cursors used for validations----------------------------------
    cursor for product code used for validation
    cursor cprc is select distinct PROJECT_RELATIONSHIP_CODE from PA_PROJECT_CUSTOMERS;
    cursor for distribution rule-
    cursor cdr is select DISTRIBUTION_RULE from PA_DISTRIBUTION_RULES;
    cursor for project status code
    cursor for template/created from project id
    cursor ccpid is select project_id from pa_projects where template_flag='Y';
    select user_id, responsibility_id into v_user_id, v_responsibility_id
    from PA_USER_RESP_V
    where user_name like 'amit_kumar%'
    and responsibility_name like'PA SupervisorS';
    -- --Fnd_global.apps_initialize(user_id,resp_id, resp_appl_id);
    -- Fnd_global.apps_initialize(v_user_id,v_responsibility_id,275);
    -- -------calling global parameters---
    p_api_version_number =>v_api_version_number,
    p_responsibility_id =>v_responsibility_id,
    p_user_id =>v_user_id,
    p_msg_count =>v_msg_count,
    p_msg_data =>v_msg_data,
    p_return_status =>v_return_status
    dbms_output.put_line ('Set Global status ->' || v_return_status);
    ----Cursor for PRODUCT RELATED DATA-----------
    FOR REC IN cur_project_in_data LOOP
    ----retrieving product code-----
    select lookup_code into v_pm_product_code
    from pa_lookups
    where lookup_type = 'PM_PRODUCT_CODE'
    and meaning = 'Oracle Project Manufacturing';
    -----retrieving and validating created from project id----
    select project_id
    from pa_projects_all
    where name=rec.created_from_project_name;
    when others then
    O_Retcode := '1';
    O_Errbuf :='Incorrent CREATED_FROM_PROJECT_NAME';
    Fnd_File.Put_Line (Fnd_File.LOG, O_Errbuf);
    SET ERROR_FLAG ='1' ,last_updation_date='sysdate' where created_from_project_name = rec.CREATED_FROM_PROJECT_NAME;
    -----retrieving & validating carrying out organization id-----
    from pa_projects_prm_v
    where CARRYING_OUT_ORGANIZATION_NAME=rec.carrying_out_organization_name;
    when others then
    O_Retcode := '1';
    O_Errbuf :='Incorrent Carrying Out Organization name';
    Fnd_File.Put_Line (Fnd_File.LOG, O_Errbuf);
    SET ERROR_FLAG ='1' ,last_updation_date='sysdate' where carrying_out_organization_name = rec.carrying_out_organization_name;
    END ;
    v_project_in.pm_project_reference := rec.segment1;
    v_project_in.project_name := rec.PROJECT_NAME;
    v_project_in.created_from_project_id := v_CREATED_FROM_PROJECT_ID;
    v_project_in.carrying_out_organization_id := v_CARRYING_OUT_ORGANIZATION_ID;
    v_project_in.project_status_code := rec.PROJECT_STATUS_CODE;
    v_project_in.description := rec.PROJECT_DESCRIPTION;
    v_project_in.start_date := rec.PROJECT_START_DATE;
    v_project_in.completion_date := rec.PROJECT_COMPLETION_DATE;
    v_project_in.distribution_rule := rec.DISTRIBUTION_RULE;
    v_project_in.project_relationship_code := rec.PROJECT_RELATIONSHIP_CODE;
    -------------------------Validation of incoming project data--------------------------------
    v_error_flag := 1;
    project relationship code validation
    for prc in cprc
    if (rec.PROJECT_RELATIONSHIP_CODE=prc.PROJECT_RELATIONSHIP_CODE) or (rec.PROJECT_RELATIONSHIP_CODE is null)--can be overridden from template
    v_error_flag :=0;
    else null;
    end if;
    end loop;
    project distribution rule validation
    for dr in cdr
    if (rec.DISTRIBUTION_RULE=dr.DISTRIBUTION_RULE) or (rec.DISTRIBUTION_RULE is null) null since the value can be taken from template too
    v_error_flag :=0;
    else null;
    end if;
    end loop;
    project status code validation
    for sc in cpsc
    if (rec.PROJECT_STATUS_CODE=sc.PROJECT_STATUS_CODE) or (rec.PROJECT_STATUS_CODE is null) null since the value can be taken from template too
    v_error_flag :=0;
    else null;
    end if;
    end loop;
    dbms_output.put_line ('Error at PROJECT_STATUS_CODE>' ||v_error_flag);
    validation logic for project start date
    v_error_flag := 1;
    O_Retcode := '1';
    O_Errbuf :='Project start date cannnot be greater than completion date';
    Fnd_File.Put_Line (Fnd_File.LOG, O_Errbuf);
    END IF;
    validation logic for project completion date
    v_error_flag := 1;
    O_Retcode := '1';
    O_Errbuf :='completion date cannot be greater than sysdate for closed projects';
    Fnd_File.Put_Line (Fnd_File.LOG, O_Errbuf);
    END IF;
    v_error_flag := 1;
    O_Retcode := '1';
    O_Errbuf :='Project closed date cannot be less than start date';
    end if;
    --------Update staging table for the error records--------
    if v_error_flag =1
    O_Retcode := '1';
    O_Errbuf :='Incorrect project relationship code';
    Fnd_File.Put_Line (Fnd_File.LOG, O_Errbuf);
    SET ERROR_FLAG ='1' ,last_updation_date='sysdate' where PROJECT_RELATIONSHIP_CODE = rec.PROJECT_RELATIONSHIP_CODE;
    end if;
    -----------------------End of validation of incoming project data----------------------------------
    ---------------Project Task DATA-----------------
    FOR tsk IN cur_task_in_data LOOP
    v_tasks_in_rec.pm_task_reference :=tsk.task_reference ;
    v_tasks_in_rec.task_name :=tsk.task_name;
    v_tasks_in_rec.pm_parent_task_reference :=tsk.parent_task_reference ;
    v_tasks_in_rec.task_start_date :=tsk.task_start_date ;
    v_tasks_in_rec.task_completion_date :=tsk.task_completion_date ;
    v_tasks_in(v_a) := v_tasks_in_rec;
    end loop;
    ---------------end of task details------------------
    p_api_version_number=> v_api_version_number,
    p_commit => v_commit,
    p_init_msg_list => v_init_msg_list,
    p_msg_count => v_msg_count,
    p_msg_data => v_msg_data,
    p_return_status => v_return_status,
    p_workflow_started => v_workflow_started,
    p_pm_product_code => v_pm_product_code,
    p_project_in => v_project_in,
    p_project_out => v_project_out,
    p_key_members => v_key_members,
    p_class_categories => v_class_categories,
    p_tasks_in => v_tasks_in,
    p_tasks_out => v_tasks_out);
    if v_return_status = 'S'
    SET INTERFACE_STATUS ='Success' where segment1 = v_project_out.pa_project_number; ---P->pending & S-> Success
    dbms_output.put_line('New Project Id: ' || v_project_out.pa_project_id);
    dbms_output.put_line('New Project Number: ' || v_project_out.pa_project_number);
    SET INTERFACE_STATUS ='Pending' where segment1 = v_project_out.pa_project_number;
    raise API_ERROR;
    end if;
    ------Handling Exception--------
    WHEN api_error THEN
    dbms_output.put_line('An error occured during project creation');
    IF (v_msg_count > 0 ) THEN
    FOR i IN 1..v_msg_count LOOP
    p_msg_count => v_msg_count,
    p_encoded => 'F',
    p_msg_index => i,
    p_msg_data => v_msg_data,
    p_data => v_data,
    p_msg_index_out => v_msg_index_out);
    dbms_output.put_line('Error message v_data ->'||v_data);
    dbms_output.put_line('Error message v_msg_data ->'||v_msg_data);
    dbms_output.put_line('Error message v_msg_index_out ->'||v_msg_index_out);
    dbms_output.put_line('Error message p_msg_index ->'||i);
    END IF;
    dbms_output.put_line('An error occured during conversion, SQLCODE ->'|| SQLERRM);
    IF (v_msg_count >=1 ) THEN
    FOR i IN 1..v_msg_count LOOP
    p_msg_count => v_msg_count,
    p_msg_index => i,
    p_encoded => 'F',
    p_msg_data => v_msg_data,
    p_data => v_data,
    p_msg_index_out => v_msg_index_out);
    dbms_output.put_line('Error message ->'||v_data);
    END IF;
    end; --end procedure
    END xxpa_proj_conv_pkg;
    * Please tell me how to assign project specific task with the newly created projects??? *
    Also please tell me how to assign multiple * Project_Relationship_Code * (ex: END CLIENT, GENERAL CONTRACTOR, PRIMARY) for a particular project during project creation?

    Are you not storing the project number in the staging table designed for storing the task data? You can use create_project API to create the project and tasks at the same time with one single call. You may want to try that option

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    Thanks in advance for the help

    I just had a similar issue.  Stumbled on this forum in the hopes of getting an answer and found no reply to the original message.  I think this is what we are both looking for DAQmxGetSysTasks.  
    I havent used it yet.  Still in the excited I found something stage.

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    Is there any way to get  project definition and description  by providing WBS element.
    Please help .
    Salman Zahir

    These r the tables
    PRHI Work Breakdown Structure, Edges (Hierarchy Pointer)
    PROJ Project definition
    PRPS WBS (Work Breakdown Structure) Element Master Data
    RPSCO Project info database: Costs, revenues, finances
    MSPR Project stock

  • How to get a relative filepath using Java?

    I'd like to write a custom application for something I'm doing at work. Basically, I need to find the relative filepath from one file to another. Like, if I start in a subdirectory of directory A with file abc.htm, I want to use Java find the relative hyperlink I would put in abc.htm to link to another file in another subdirectory of A. Something like "../Subdirectory/xyz.htm" (where xyz.htm is the file I want to link to) returned as a string.
    The reason it needs to be a relative filepath without any references to named directories is that the application with all the hyperlinks in it will eventually reside on a different server or servers. The people who put it there will maintain the same directory structure as we have in our development directory, however.
    So, anyway, I see in the File class you have methods for getting absolute filepaths and directory names and such, but nothing for getting a relative link to another file.
    Does anyone know if such a class/method exists anywhere in std Java? Or how else I could go about doing this?
    Many thanks if you can help.

    Given a File object f then one can build the path to the root as a list of file names from f.getName() and iterating using f = f.getParentFile().
    Once you have the path lists for your two files then it is simple enough to find the branch point by moving forward through the lists until values differ. Building the relative path is then a matter of moving back through one using "../" until the branch point and then forward through the other until you reach the last element.

  • How to get project server in provisioning state?

    Hi All,
    We are working in project server 2013 and integrated it with Microsoft TFS 2010 successfully, but the problem we are getting since two days is we are not able to create or update projects or tasks in project server
    and Queue is not utilizing any space in CPU as it consuming only 0-0.1% of it, which must be higher in case of project server
    the mail problem we are thinking is project server is not in provisioning state in "Manage Project Web App" page under central administrator. please refer the below image
    Please help us out
    Thanks in Advance
    Regards, Kartik Ghodasara Associative Software engineer, Synoverge Tech Pvt. Ltd. Ahmedabad Please vote or mark as answer if it helps...

    You can run the below commands to provision the PWA. However, if you have customization being done in
    the PWA then I would suggest you raise a support ticket with Microsoft to troubleshoot the issue further.
    1. Get the GUID of the Project Server service application and copy the value 
    2. Run the below command after replacing the Project Server Service Application ID 
    $serviceapp = get-spserviceapplication | ? {$_.Id -like "ccc61d40-7787-4bac-ac75-75c2b7f19d07"} 
    3. Get the site collections 
    $pwainstances = $serviceapp.Sitecollection 
    4. display the site collections: 
    $pwainstances | ft name, id 
    5. Copy the GUID of the PWA instance and paste it in the below command: 
    $PWAProp = $pwainstances | ? {$_.Id -eq "9cc75053-3523-44c9-aebf-f72c9566e1d5"} 
    6. Display the properties: 
    Once the data is displayed check whether IsUpdating is set to true and IsOnline is set to False if it is then the PWA is not successfully provisioned. Follow the next step only if the above condition is met.
    7. You can provision the PWA by running the below command to upgrade the PWA 
    Upgrade-SPProjectWebInstance -Identity "http://epm.igovtt.tt/PWA" 
    8. Post this verify the properties of the PWA by running the steps 5 and 6 again. Now the value for IsUpdating should be False and IsOnline should be set to True  
    Cheers! Happy troubleshooting !!! Dinesh S. Rai - MSFT Enterprise Project Management
    Please click Mark As Answer; if a post solves your problem or Vote As Helpful if a post has been useful to you. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.

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    Please explain in more detail exactly what you want to do. Your question is not very clear.

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    For an external synchronization requirement I need to maintain or be able to retrieve the current viewed task by a user. I'm hopeful that this has been solved before. Does anyone have any insight there? I'm considering setting up a table to maintain the current viewed taskid for the user, but even that is proving challenging with my lack of ADF exposure. I see the 'TaskSelectedEvent' in the wizard generated task form I'm using but I'm not sure how I might leverage that.
    Any help is appreciated.

    Yes. there is no API to get the current task.
    Try this:
    But i still say a bit confused with your requirement.
    The task id gets created only upon creation of a task. And you want this current task id in the BPM Process context? How is it possible unless and until some action takes place and the data is passed from WDJ to BPM Context?
    Please clear my doubt.

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    Can any one here please help me with the query to get all the tasks(sub task,sub sub task etc) for a given project.
    Many Thanks in Advance

    Click the "fx" button to show the "Define Workflow Lookup" dialog box.  In the "Data Source", select
    "Project Data" and in the field, select "Project Name".

  • How to get the relation between tables.

    Hi all,
             Sorry in my previous message I forgot to include the table CABN.
    I would like to retrieve data from the tables BDCP,and characteristics tables KSS,INOB,AUSP and CABN.
    BDCP-CDOBJID is nothing but Material number.I want to retrieve category(AUSP-ATWRT) and subcategory(AUSP-ATWRT) for that material BDCP-CDOBJID.
    So first of all how to proceed.Can anyone give idea?I heard that there is transaction,where we can find relations between tables.
    Pages: 1

    U could try with SQVI Tcode. just give table names try to link.
    For your requirement there are several functional modules availalbe.
    Try where used list on AUSP table and find Function modules. Test them first then use in the program.

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    Need some help with the sql. I have two tables Master & Child. In my Master table I have multiple rows for the same record and in the child table also multiple rows for the same master row how can I get the latest one's from both.
    For example Data in my Master table looks like
    CONT_ID                  SEQ_NUM        DESCRIPTION
    1                         189             Update 2
    1                         188             Update 1
    1                         187              NewNow in the child table for the same CONT_ID I may have the following rows
    CONT_ID                   UPDATED_DATE                                     STATUS
    1                        3/16/2010 2:19:01.552700 PM                          P
    1                        3/16/2010 12:29:01.552700 PM                         A
    1                        3/16/2010 12:29:01.552700 PM                         P
    1                        3/16/2010 12:19:01.552700 PM                         NIn my final query how can I get the row with seq_num 189 as it's the latest in Master table and from child table the row with status of P as it's the latest one based on the time. Here is the query i have but it returns the latest row from the child table only and basically repeats the master table rows as opposed to one row that is latest from both:

    You can use the analytic ROW_NUMKBER function to find the latest row for each cont_id in each table:
    WITH     got_m_rnum     AS
         SELECT     cont_id,     seq_num,     description
         ,     ROW_NUMBER () OVER ( PARTITION BY  cont_id
                                   ORDER BY          seq_num     DESC
                           ) AS m_rnum
         FROM    master_table
    --     WHERE     ...     -- any filtering goes here
    ,     got_c_rnum     AS
         SELECT     cont_id, updated_date,     status
         ,     ROW_NUMBER () OVER ( PARTITION BY  cont_id
                                   ORDER BY          updated_date     DESC
                           ) AS c_rnum
         FROM    child_table
    --     WHERE     ...     -- any filtering goes here
    SELECT     m.cont_id,     m.seq_num,     m.description
    ,     c.updated_date,     c.status
    FROM     got_m_rnum     m
    JOIN     got_c_rnum     c     ON     m.cont_id     = c.cont_id
                        AND     m.m_rnum     = c.c_rnum
                        AND     m.m_rnum     = 1
    ;If you'd like to post CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements for the sample data, then I could test this.
    If there happens to be a tie for the latest row (say, there are only two rows in the child_table with a certain cont_id, and both have exactly the same updated_date), then this query will arbitrarily choose one of them as the latest.

  • How to get 'TextBlock' related to a paragraph element

    I want to get the 'TextBlock'  related to the 'ParagraphElement' how i can get it,
    Some on has posted that
    var textBlock:TextBlock = paragraph.textBlock;
    but it's not make any sense ; also 'ParagraphElement' does't have 'textBlock' property.
    Thanks in advance.

    It can be accessed by the ParagraphElement tlf_internal function getTextBlock().  Note that this is in the tlf_internal namespace.  No guarantees are made about the side effects of making this call or that this call will be available in future versions.
    Hope that helps,

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