CR Parameter Cancel Button

Hi Experts,
while trying to refresh the Crystal report from Launchpad, when the parameter screen pops up isn't there a way that i can cancel or close the prompt screen? I only see OK which triggers the refresh again once i click on OK. Can't i just cancel/close the parameters pop up?
I can see a cancel button in the CR Designer but not in Launchpad. I am using CR 2013 and BI 4.1.

Web Applications using the CR SDKs have the same issue. And BI being a web app, you see the same thing. This is by design. See KBA 1697935 - In a Crystal Reports .NET SDK web application, parameter prompt of the report does not have a 'Cancel' button for more details.
- Ludek
Senior Support Engineer AGS Product Support, Global Support Center Canada
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  • No Cancel button on parameter screen / panel

    Dear All,
    I am using CR 2010. When running a report, the paramter popup screen(Enter Valuses) doesn't have a Cancel button. I cannot find where to set it up and let it display. Therefore, when user wanted to cancel, they can't do it but to enter all parameters.
    CR XI doesn't have this problem, as the prompt screen is rendered on the the web form and not a pop up prompt.
    Please advise, thanks in advance.

    Hi Lukman,
    Do you mean to say you're using Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2010?
    See if this thread helps:
    CRVS2010 Beta - close parameter prompt or remove model image

  • How to change the behaviour of the Cancel-Button of SSO-Login-Page (Forms)?

    Hi Folks,
    we use SSO-Login to authenticate users using Forms. How do I change the URL which is opened when a user clicks on the cancel button on the SSO Login page?
    In the formsweg.cfg file there is a parameter named ssoCancelUrl, but if I define it, it doesn't work anyway. Seems like it has something to do with ssoDynamicResourceCreate, but I don't exactly understand what.
    Can't I simply change the URL which is opened (globally), when a user hits the cancel button on any SSO-Loginpage.
    Thanks in advance.

    Exactly this does not work! Please watch my settings:
    Global Setting in formsweb.cfg
    # Single Sign-On OID configuration parameter: indicates whether we allow
    # dynamic resource creation if the resource is not yet created in the OID.
    # Single Sign-On parameter: URL to redirect to if ssoDynamicResourceCreate=false
    # Single Sign-On parameter: Cancel URL for the dynamic resource creation DAS page.
    # Single Sign-On parameter: indicates whether the url is protected in which
    # case mod_osso will be given control for authentication or continue in
    # the FormsServlet if not. It is false by default. Set it to true in an
    # application-specific section to enable Single Sign-On for that application.
    App-Specific settings in formsweb.cfg
    otherparams=useSDI=yes P_SERVER_URL=machinename:port P_REP_SERVERNAME=machinename_proz ZP_TARGET_ID=%ZP_TARGET_ID%
    When I now access http://machinename:port/forms/frmservlet?config=proz I got redirected to the SSO-Login-Page but the Cancel-Button still links to Middletier Home. Why?

  • How do I create an input box with a cancel button that will end a loop in my script?

    I have been working on a script for my client and I am having trouble getting it to work properly. I stole most of the code from the PowerShell Tip of the Week "Creating a Custom Input Box". I also took someone's code for the Show-MessageBox function.
    I have slightly modified the original code with two parameters and an additional text box. The first field is for an e-mail address and the second is for an employee number.
    I need to know how I can get a Do Until loop to recognize when the cancel button is pushed and break the loop and effectively end the script. The work happens at the end but perhaps I need something added/modified in the InputBox function.
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    This all works fine. The problem I am having is that I cannot cancel out of the form. I'd like the loop to continue until the second box matches my RegEx or Cancel is clicked. Clicking cancel doesn't break the loop. I need to know how I can stop the loop
    when cancel is pressed. I've seen Stack "Overflow: PowerShell Cancel Button Stop Script" but I don't think this will work in a loop.
    Any help would be awesome. As a note, I DO NOT want to use the VB Interaction stuff.
    function InputBox {
    param ($Name,$EN)
    [void] [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Drawing")
    [void] [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Windows.Forms")
    $objForm = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Form
    $objForm.Text = "Data Entry Form"
    $objForm.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(300,200)
    $objForm.StartPosition = "CenterScreen"
    $objForm.KeyPreview = $True
    $objForm.Add_KeyDown({if ($_.KeyCode -eq "Enter")
    $objForm.Add_KeyDown({if ($_.KeyCode -eq "Escape")
    $OKButton = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button
    $OKButton.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(75,120)
    $OKButton.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(75,23)
    $OKButton.Text = "OK"
    $CancelButton = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button
    $CancelButton.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(150,120)
    $CancelButton.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(75,23)
    $CancelButton.Text = "Cancel"
    $objLabel = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label
    $objLabel.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(10,20)
    $objLabel.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(280,20)
    $objLabel.Text = "Employee Email Address:"
    $objTextBox = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
    $objTextBox.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(10,40)
    $objTextBox.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(260,20)
    if ($Name) {
    $objTextBox.Text = $Name
    else {
    $objTextBox.Text = ""
    $objLabel2 = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label
    $objLabel2.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(10,70)
    $objLabel2.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(280,20)
    $objLabel2.Text = "Employee Number:"
    $objTextBox2 = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
    $objTextBox2.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(10,90)
    $objTextBox2.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(260,20)
    $objForm.Topmost = $True
    [void] $objForm.ShowDialog()
    $Script:ButtonName = $objTextBox.Text
    $script:ButtonEN =$objTextBox2.Text
    $ButtonName; $ButtonEN
    Function Show-MessageBox{
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)][Alias('T')][String]$Title = "",
    #Set Message Box Style
    IF($OkCancel){$Type = 1}
    Elseif($AbortRetryIgnore){$Type = 2}
    Elseif($YesNoCancel){$Type = 3}
    Elseif($YesNo){$Type = 4}
    Elseif($RetryCancel){$Type = 5}
    Else{$Type = 0}
    #Set Message box Icon
    If($Critical){$Icon = 16}
    ElseIf($Question){$Icon = 32}
    Elseif($Warning){$Icon = 48}
    Elseif($Informational){$Icon = 64}
    Else{$Icon = 0}
    #Loads the WinForm Assembly, Out-Null hides the message while loading.
    [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Windows.Forms") | Out-Null
    #Display the message with input
    $Answer = [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show($MSG , $TITLE, $Type, $Icon)
    #Return Answer
    Return $Answer
    $num = "^\d+$"
    do {
    if (!($ButtonEN)) {
    Show-MessageBox -Msg "You must enter a numeric value for the employee number." -Title "Employee Number Missing" -Critical
    InputBox -Name $ButtonName
    elseif ($ButtonEN -notmatch $num) {
    Show-MessageBox -Msg "The employee number must contain numbers only!" -Title "Non-numerical characters found" -Critical
    InputBox -Name $ButtonName
    until ( ($ButtonEN -match $num) -or (<this is where I want to be able to use the cancel button>)

    Here is a simple validation method.
    function New-InputBox{
    Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
    $Form=New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Form
    $Form.Text='Data Entry Form'
    $OKButton=New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button
    $CancelButton = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button
    $CancelButton.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(150,120)
    $CancelButton.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(75,23)
    $CancelButton.Text ='Cancel'
    $Label1=New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label
    $Label1.Text='Employee Email Address:'
    $TextBox1=New-Object System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
    $Label2=New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label
    $Label2.Text='Employee Number:'
    $TextBox2=New-Object System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
    $Form.Topmost = $True
    if($Form.DialogResult -eq 'OK'){
    if($textbox1.Text -eq ''){
    [void][System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show('please enter an email address','Validation Error')
    # Check empno is all digits
    if("$($TextBox2.Text)" -notmatch '^\d+$'){
    [void][System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show('please enter a number "999999"','Validation Error')
    if($Form.ShowDialog() -eq 'Ok'){
    # return the form contents
    if($f=New-InputBox -EmailAddress [email protected]){
    'Email is:{0} for Employee:{1}' -f $f.Controls['EmailAddress'].Text,$f.Controls['EmployeeNumber'].Text
    Write-Host 'From cancelled!' -ForegroundColor red

  • Gui_upload and cancel-button ??

    hi friends,
    i do use the ->file_open_dialog functionality and i want to have the following:
    whenever the user clicks on "cancel" in the dialog, the open_file dialog should be closed.
    Upto now it causes my transaction to go infinity!
    call method cl_gui_frontend_services=>file_open_dialog
              file_table = i_file
              rc         = i.
    what is wrong with this ?
    thank you for your help,

    Hi Friend,
         Make Use of  parameter  USER_ACTION.
    when the user presses the cancel button ,the corresponding variable and CL_GUI_FRONTEND_SERVICES=>ACTION_CANCEL will have the value 9.
      So proceed further , only when the value of the variable ne  CL_GUI_FRONTEND_SERVICES=>ACTION_CANCEL.
    CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>file_open_dialog
        file_table              = I_FILE_TABLE1
        rc                      = W_RC1
        USER_ACTION             = w_usr_act1
       FILE_ENCODING           =
        CNTL_ERROR              = 2
        ERROR_NO_GUI            = 3
        NOT_SUPPORTED_BY_GUI    = 4
        others                  = 5
    IF sy-subrc = 0
    AND w_usr_act1
    Hope it helps.

  • JDialog Ok/Cancel button events

    Dear Java gurus,
    I have something that's been bugging me for days. Now, maybe it's really obvious but my cold has bunged up my head too much to think clearly. Anyway, I thought I'd pass it this way for expert opinion..
    I have a class that extends JDialog, with various textboxes, comboboxes etc. It also has the usual OK + Cancel buttons. The only thing left to implement is something like this:
    MyCustomDialog d = new MyCustomDialog();
    int returnVal = d.showDialog();
    This is similar to most of the dialogs provided with Swing, where the return value is a static field something along the lines of 0 == OK button pressed, 1 == Cancel.
    This allows me to only start "getting" the values from the dialog only if the user selects ok. The problem is, I can't see how to accomplish this. I've been looking at the source for JFileChooser and JColorChooser, but they are more complicated than I can follow. (I am relatively novice when it comes to Swing) I promise, I have been looking on the net for examples, but I've had no luck. Maybe because any searching for JDialog tends to bring back simple examples of the supplied Swing dialogs.
    So, any suggestions?

    arooaroo wrote: Shame, because I thought you were on to something.
    I was. Trust me.
    Look at the signature for JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(). This is the simplest version, but the others look like this and then some:
    static int showConfirmDialog(Component parentComponent, Object message)
    Note that the message parameter is of type  object. This means you can theoretically pass any type of object. A component is an object. Therefore, you can pass a JPanel as the message parameter.
    Look at this quote from the JOptionPane description in the API:
        A descriptive message to be placed in the dialog box. In the most common usage, message is just a String or String constant. However, the type of this parameter is actually Object. Its interpretation depends on its type:
            An array of objects is interpreted as a series of messages (one per object) arranged in a vertical stack. The interpretation is recursive -- each object in the array is interpreted according to its type.
            The Component is displayed in the dialog.
            The Icon is wrapped in a JLabel and displayed in the dialog.
            The object is converted to a String by calling its toString method. The result is wrapped in a JLabel and displayed.
    I was going to suggest the modal option on JDialog, but for some reason I thought it wouldn't work.  I still think using JOptionPane would be easier; that's what it was designed for.

  • InputListofValue PopUp window CANCEL button event capture ?

    HI All ,
    Jdeveloper version 11.X.6.
    i have explained the outline of issue below:
    User enter some data on InpuLIstOfValue text field and click on the maginfied Glass, the pop opens and selects some data and click 'OK' ,it will display appropriately on below fields.
    but if user enters the wrong data on InpuLIstOfValue text field and clicks on maginfier Glass,no results found on the popup window, so upon click of "CANCEL" button on popup window ,
    is there any way to remove the old data on InpuLIstOfValue Filed ?
    Basicaly i am looking for the capturing the CANCEL button event on the popUpwindow ,based on event status .
    PLase let us know if any hints ?

    Step by step:
    1. Create the converter class:
    package view.converters;
    import java.util.Collection;
    import java.util.Collections;
    import javax.faces.component.UIComponent;
    import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
    import javax.faces.convert.Converter;
    import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.convert.ClientConverter;
    import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
    public class LOVConverter implements Converter, ClientConverter {
      public Object getAsObject(FacesContext facesContext, UIComponent uiComponent, String value) {
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(value)) {
          // cancel event was triggered, so do something
        return value; // if value is not an instance of String you need to convert it to its primary type (Number, Date, String, etc)
      public String getAsString(FacesContext facesContext, UIComponent uiComponent, Object value)
        if (value == null || /* value is empty in its primary type */) {
          // cancel event was triggered, so do something
        return value.toString();
      public String getClientLibrarySource(FacesContext facesContext)
        return null;
      public Collection<String> getClientImportNames()
        return Collections.emptySet();
      public String getClientScript(FacesContext facesContext, UIComponent uiComponent)
        return null;
      public String getClientConversion(FacesContext facesContext, UIComponent uiComponent)
        return null;
    }2. Declare the converter in faces-config.xml:
    </converter>3. Your inputListOfValues should look like this (see the property converter="LOVConverter"):
    <af:inputListOfValues popupTitle="Search"
                          id="ilov1">After that, when the user clicks the Cancel button, both methods (getAsObject and getAsString) should be invoked, and then you would be able to reset the component value (using uiComponent parameter).

  • How to stay back on same section of a report after pressing cancel button

    How we can stay back on a same section of a report page when I press Cancel button or Apply Changes button from linked Data Entry Form. For instance if I have a 200 rows in a report and I scroll down to 80th row and press Edit button when called a data entry form. Now when I press Cancel it again re-load the report from the start of the page.
    Any idea!

    Hi Sajid,
    Thanks for reply.
    I have used RETURN statement like below.
    SUBMIT RFWT0010 WITH vendor       = 'X'
                     WITH i_lifnr  IN i_lifnr
                     WITH i_bukrs  IN i_kunnr
                     WITH test         = 'X'
                      AND RETURN.
    The output of RFWT0010 is displayed. but on pressing "back" button on toolbar, the flow is coming back  from RFWT0010 to calling report. I want that On pressing ENTER button of keyboard. The flow should come back to calling report.

  • How to redirect to home page on "Cancel" button click

    I have created a web part for office 365 developed using sandbox solution on Sharepoint foundation 2013.
    On "Cancel" button click i want to redirect user to another page(Home page) using C# only.
    i used some methods like 
    Context.Response.Redirect(SPContext.Current.Web.Url.ToString() + "/Home.aspx");
    but its not working. No methods which includes context or HttpContext is not working.
    Please, tell me how can i redirect user to site home page.

    you can try this
    var button
    = new Button();
    , "javascript:{window.location='your
    page url';return
    Hope it helps!
    Avni Bhatt

  • Delete From Table on Cancel Button.

    i am facing funny problem.
    i have created form with report page and i have implement send email option on Page so i am attach more document with email.if i attach document then it's going in DUMY_DOC_FILE table .
    i have create a process
    delete from DUMY_DOC_FILE .
    Process Point IS ON Submit -After Conmputation and Validation
    On Page No 6.if i press Cancel Button.This button is redirect on page No 4.My Code on Page no 6.
    page is redirect to 4 but doc don't delete from DUMY_DOC_FILE Table.
    How to delete Doc From Table If I press Cancel Button.
    Edited by: 805629 on Jan 13, 2011 5:25 AM
    Edited by: 805629 on Jan 13, 2011 11:49 PM
    Edited by: 805629 on Jan 14, 2011 12:43 AM

    <li>Change Cancel Button in page 6 so that it submits.
    <li>If u have conditions on that delete PLSQL process, make sure that it runs when CANCEL button is pressed also. If it is unconditional, let it be.
    <li>Add a branch for the Cancel button which redirect to page 4
    So effectivelly instead of *[CANCEL] -> [Redirect to page 4]* , it becomes *[CANCEL] -> [SUBMIT] -> [DELETE PROCESS] -> [Branch: redirect to page 4]*

  • Cancel button on form of type form on a table or view

    I am a newbie for apex. I am using 10g. I have created form on table emp(empno , name , salary ) . Form is of type Form on a Table or View.
    Cancel & Save(Apply changes) button are not working at all. so I copied process reset page and execute on condition save button click. But still cancel button is not working. applcation has some other forms of type Form with a Report and are working properly. I have wasted 2 days on this problem.

    You can do that. If you have the branch to in the same form what you have to do use clear cache for that page. Click on the edit page, click on the cancel button in the left button section. scroll down to bottom and type the page 32 in the Clear cache field. However it is better to have branch to the report page (different page from the form).
    Hope this will help.
    M Tajuddin

  • How to stop the Flex application when user clicks on Cancel button from JS-confirm message?

    Hi All,
    I use the next code when a user clicks on a link:
    private function clickHandler():void
'confirm', 'Of course you want to go to the Adobe forums!');
          navigateToURL(new URLRequest(''), '_self');
    This will show up the javascript confimation box. But when the cancel-button is clicked, the user goes straightly to
    How to stop Flex performing the next code when a user clicks on the Cancel button?
    Or, how to catch which button is clicked by a user in Flex?

    I agree with Mr. Hall that using mx.controls.Alert in Flex may be a better route.
    Show the Alert like this:
    // show an alert with a question and yes and no choices "Would you like to go to the Adobe Forums?", "Question",
         Alert.YES | Alert.NO, this, closeHandler, null, Alert.YES );
    Then handle the response in the closeHandler() function:
    protected function closeHandler( closeEvent:CloseEvent ):void
    if( event.detail == Alert.YES )
         navigateToURL( new URLRequest(''), '_self' );
    else if( event.detail == Alert.NO )
         // they chose no
    The following documentation on Alerts may be helpful:
    Let me know if that helps...
    Ben Edwards

  • How to handle the "cancel" button and "close" icon of a popup ?

    I have a popup with "cancel button" and "close icon"(on the top right corner of the popup), I want the same operations to be performed on clicking of any of these two components.
    Is there a way to handle such situation ?
    I read about 2 cases to look into this but they didn't work too well for me.
    1. I read about the "popcancellistener" but that listener is called whenever the popup closes, so suppose I have an "ok button" on the popup to create a record, after the record is created, the popup closes and goes into the "popcancellistener", now the question is "how do we know if it came there because of the 'ok button' or 'some other event'".
    2. I even checked the "DialogListener", now I'm able to distinguish between the 'OK' and 'CANCEL' button in the dialoglistener using the "Dialog.Outcome.ok/cancel", but when a user clicks on the close icon, we do not enter the "DialogListener" at all, so in this case "how do we handle the close icon click event"
    Do let me know if you need any more information from my side.
    Thanks for the help in advance.

    The following mechanism responds to any of the following events: <Esc> key, Close icon ('x'), Cancel button
    JavaScript part:
    function popupClosedListener(event){
                  var source = event.getSource();
                  var popupId = source.getClientId();
                  var params = {};
                  params['popupId'] = popupId;
                  var type = "serverPopupClosed";
                  var immediate = true;
                  AdfCustomEvent.queue(source, type, params, immediate);
    }JSF part:
             <af:popup ....>
                  <af:clientListener method="popupClosedListener"
                  <af:serverListener type="serverPopupClosed"
            </af:popup>Finally, Java part:
    public void serverPopupClosedMetod(ClientEvent event){

  • How to handel cancel button in Sap Script ?

    Hi friends,
    I want to print SAP Script, in print popup screen have u201C print previewu201D  u201CPrintu201D  u201CCancelu201D  button.
    Whenever  press  Cancel button getting popup message u201COutput was cancelled by the useru201D ,
    if press u201CExitu201D button it is going to SAP Easy Access.
    I want if press cancel button it should back on the program.
    Or should not display popup message u201COutput was cancelled by the useru201D.
    Plz. Guide me .
    Thanking you.

    Hi Shiba Prasad Dutta,
    Thank you for your correct answer.
    Warm regards,

  • Data loss popup for cancel button on overview page

    Hi Experts,
    Data loss popup generally appears on UI, when i try to navigate with out saving the changes. This is a standard SAP behaviour.
    But, i come across the requirement where this data loss popup should also appear on clicking the 'Cancel' button on overview page on UI.
    I understood that, this popup will be triggered by the methods ON_BEFORE_WA_CONTENT_CHANGE & IF_BSP_WD_EVENT_HANDLER~HANDLE_EVENT of the window impl class.
    Please suggest how can i make this popup work in case of Cancel button as well.

    Hi bkvs,
    Usually when you click the "Cancel" button that means you don't want to save your entry... hence displaying the dataloss popup doesn't make really sense to me. However, you may want the user to confirm that he really wants to cancel.
    So I would suggest to redefine the EH_ON_CANCEL method of your view, to display a simple confirmation popup before you actually cancel everything. This wiki will show you how to do it:
    Creating popup message in webclient UI - CRM - SCN Wiki

Maybe you are looking for