Create a single e-mail for a datastore 5GB free

Have created a Compliance Template to check if a datastore has less than 5GB free space, an Alert and configured the alert (VE Alert Configuration).
Issue is that it sends an e-mail for every host that is connected to a given datastore.
Want just a single e-mail per Datastore.

You can configure it using:
Get one host of cluster to create a filter
Filter -
Host = 'CCC'
and create a rule using:
Data Type: vCenter – Hosts – Storage – Summary
Rule Type: Conditional (if/then)
Datastore name = 'xxxxx' OR
Datastore name = 'yyyyyyy' OR
Datastore name = 'zzzzz' OR
Free Space (GB) > '5'
After complete , run a template to test and see results.

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    Hi Anil
    For your 1st question , if the delivery date is same but he material and quantity are different also then both can be delivered . So you can combine those two materials into 1 delivery . what you said is true
    For your 2nd question , you said you have two line items in PO , but if you want combine them into 1 delivery document , then first of all as they are two different materials you cant combine , but if you have a 3 PO's for the one material only  then you can combine into one delivery by using VL10A

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    Look at this :
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    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
    public class PanI extends Frame
         Image map;
         Panel pan;
         myPan p8,p4,p6,p2,p5;
         BufferedImage I;
    public PanI() 
         addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter()
        {     public void windowClosing(WindowEvent ev)
              {     dispose();
         map = getToolkit().getImage("map2.gif");
         MediaTracker tracker = new MediaTracker(this);
         try   {tracker.waitForID(0);}
         catch (InterruptedException e){}
         I = new BufferedImage(1,1,BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
         setLayout(new BorderLayout());
         pan = new Panel();
         pan.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
         p5 = new myPan(5);
         p8 = new myPan(8);
         p4 = new myPan(4);
         p6 = new myPan(6);
         p2 = new myPan(2);
    public class myPan extends Panel
         int where;
    public myPan(int i)
         where = i;
    public void paint(Graphics g)
         if (I.getWidth(null) != pan.getWidth() || I.getHeight(null) != pan.getHeight())
              I = new BufferedImage(pan.getWidth(),pan.getHeight(),BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
              Graphics      G = I.getGraphics();
         int x1=0;
         int x2=getWidth();
         int y1=0;
         int y2=getHeight();
         if (where == 8)
         if (where == 2)
              y1 =  p8.getHeight()+p5.getHeight();
              y2 =  getHeight()+y1;
         if (where == 4)
              y1 =  p8.getHeight();
              y2 =  y1+getHeight();
         if (where == 5)
              x1 =  p4.getWidth();
              x2 =  x1+getWidth();
              y1 =  p8.getHeight();
              y2 =  y1+getHeight();
         if (where == 6)
              x1 =  p4.getWidth()+p5.getWidth();;
              x2 =  x1+getWidth();
              y1 =  p8.getHeight();
              y2 =  y1+getHeight();
    public void update(Graphics g)
    public static void main (String[] args) 
         new PanI();

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    Vtx team
    Edited by: 976223 on Dec 13, 2012 12:58 AM

    Dear experts,
    Please assist. Your suggestions would be very helpful in this regard.

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    Exchange Basics
    The Inbox syncs more frequently than any other and should be kept as clean as possible. (this is the number one cause of problems with sync). Do NOT make subfolders under the Inbox.
    Exchange checks the server for updates every minute, any folder that has updates will subsequently be synced. Since Exhange has a limit on how many folders can be synced at a time, there can be a queue of folders waiting. The Inbox does get high priority so it will generally sync before other folders that also need to sync.
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    Exchange  Header
      Folder A  <---this is wrong
    Deleted Items folder
    Folder A  <-- this is correct
    It's best to move folders using your web interface (OWA) but you can drag in Outlook and/or Mail.
    In Browser via OWA
    Because of the massive changes the process is best done in your browser. I would also put Mail into work offline mode during this process. After all is moved on the server via the browser, I would delete the Exchange account and let it all download correctly from the server.

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    You're killing me.
    class MyFrame extends JFrame implements ActionListener
         JTextArea myTextArea = new JTextArea();
         JButton myButton = new JButton("My Button");
         JButton otherButton = new JButton("Other Button");
              setLayout(new FlowLayout());
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
              Object source = e.getSource();
              if(source == myButton)
                   myTextArea.append("My Button Pressed\n");
              else if(source == otherButton)
                   myTextArea.append("Other Button Pressed\n");

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    You raise a number of important points. I'll answer to the best of my knowledge.
    1. Usually true. Win98/2K/XP have the Windows Installer Service built in, but 95/98/ME require InstMsiA.exe, and WinNT4 requires InstMsiW.exe. The difference is in the character set (ASCII vs. Unicode), and I don't know how that difference applies to the non-Roman alphabet installations. It's safest to include both if you're going to include one.
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    2. I think so. I usually don't distribu
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    3. True. (And note that one of the circumstances under which you might repair/update msiexec is with LV7 on Win98/2K).
    4. True. Setup.exe appears to install/update msiexec if needed and then launch the MSI file.

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    I don't think so it is possible because the moment you will be having different billing types, your invoice will split, they can not be clubbed into a single invoice(Number Range are defined on your Document Type).
    Reward points if it helps

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    Hi all,
    Sorry if it is a simple question, But I am from SD module. What is Tcode to create a single delivery documents for all line items in PO. I have 3 line items with Different materials having diffent quantities and there are different delivery dates and different delivery schedule dates. I need to create single delivery. Could you please tell me how to do it? What is the Tcode?

    Inbound delivery T.code VL31N.

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    need i say more?!
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    Thanks in advance photoshoppers ...

    It is actually quite easy to do if you have a good understanding of how Photoshop works.  To be able to handle any size Landscape and Portrait you need to scale the document to a known width or height.  Once the document is resized to the width or height it easy.  When yot resize the document you use Image size with resample NOT checked.  Not a single image pixels is changed all the happens is the documents DPI is set to the proper DPI resolution to print that size.  This lets you add a border sized for and document.  You can use Canvas Size check relative and  leatve the anchor point centered and set width and height to 2" this will add 1"on all sides. Use Canvas size a second time move the anchor point to the top center check relative and set height 1" the will add an additional 1" border on the bottom.  You then record a text layer with your Name title or what ever to the top left of the image. Select all ant the align the text layer to the selection to move it to the bottom right.
    Adding a couple of scripts to the action you can make sure there is a background layer so the added canvas will be filled with pixels.  You can restore the document to its original DPI resolution to retain the images print size. Down load my crafting actions package it contains a dozen scripts to be used within actions. There are text file with tips and guidelines additionaly there is one on dealing with document size and includes a sample action set with a watermarking action the can watermark and size image. The Action set is also saved as a text file with additional comments I added my downloads can be found here

  • Single Excise Invoice for Multiple Return Delivery

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    Can you spell out clearly whether you are talking about sales return or vendor return ?  If it is for sales, please let me know whether the materials were left out or not.
    G. Lakshmipathi

  • Need Single Billing Document for Materials and Services in Sales Order

    Hello Friends,
    I am selling FERT items and DIEN items in the Sales Order.
    Document flow as follows:
    Finished goods - Order-Delivery-Billing
    Services - Order-Billing
    In this process 2 seperate billing documents are created
    i.  Delivery Related Billing document for Finished goods.
    ii. Order related Billing document for services.
    I want to create a single billing document for both the items (FG & Services) in the sales order.
    Please suggest.

    Sorry for the delay friends.
    Somebody suggested me to make services 'relevant for delivery' to ensure single billing document.
    What I did were the following steps:
    1. Copy Item Category TAD to ZTAD and make is 'relevant foir delivery'
    2. Assign Item Category ZTAD to Sales Order type and Item Cat Group 'LEIS'
    3. Go to Deliveries Item Categories and through new Entries add ZTAD. Make ZTAD relevant for Picking.
    4. Go to copy control 'Order to Delivery' and insert ZTAD in Item Categories relevant for this combination.
    Now when I create sales order with materials and services, they pass over to the delivery document and in the Services item, storage location/plant is greyed out. Only the picking quantity is required to be filled.
    I am not getting the price of Services item in the billing document.
    Billing document copies all line items (tangible and intangible) from Delivery Document
    It takes the services item details/quantities etc. to VF01 but the price comes '00.00'
    Any suggestions.
    Is this legally viable? Someone told me its not legally correct.

  • Single Transfer Order for Multiple Handling Units

    I have been researchig the ability to create a single transfer order for multiple handling units.  My assumptions are if it can be done that:
    1) A transfer order can have a single source, so if the source document for the handling unit (delivery) is different, that means different transfer order
    2) A TO can have multiple materials (line items) with different destination bins and quantities per bin
    I looked at the configuration for TO Split, but it's not clear that this will handle my requirement.
    I also saw this and it also says that my requirement can't be meant.  I'm just checking before I tell my customer this cannot be done.

    Yes you are right, if Source document is different, you need to go with different TO.
    But you can choose the Handling unit split, while creating a TO itself. i.e., You can quantify the goods for each handling unit.
    Edited by: Ganesh M on Feb 29, 2012 6:20 AM

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    Thanks in advance!

    It is NOT possible to create a Single Edition app for Android. Single Edition apps work only on the iPad.
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