Create a tooltip in AdvancedDataGrid

I would I to ask how to create a tooltip in AdvancedDataGrid.
I created a new MXML component named CustomToolTip, based on a VBox.
This is my code for custom tooltip:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:VBox xmlns:fx=""
         xmlns:mx="library://" width="400" height="300" xmlns:services="services.*">
    import mx.controls.Alert;
    public var _dataId:String;
    protected function dataGrid_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
        var dataid:String;
        dataid = _dataId;
        getSpecificUserDataCResult.token = twitterSentimentManager.getSpecificUserDataC(dataid);
    protected function dataGrid2_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
        var dataid:String;
        dataid = _dataId;
        getSpecificUserDataUResult.token = twitterSentimentManager.getSpecificUserDataU(dataid);
    public var _text:String;
    public function get text():String {
        return _text;
    public function set text(value:String):void {
    <s:CallResponder id="getSpecificUserDataCResult"/>
    <services:TwitterSentimentManager id="twitterSentimentManager" fault=" + '\n' + event.fault.faultDetail)" showBusyCursor="true"/>
    <s:CallResponder id="getSpecificUserDataUResult"/>
    <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
<s:Panel width="401" height="300">
    <mx:Image x="52" y="10" width="105" height="91" creationComplete="dataGrid_creationCompleteHandler(event)" source="{getSpecificUserDataUResult.lastResult[0].category}"/>
    <s:Label x="197" y="22" text="Username"/>
    <s:Label x="197" y="55" text="Name"/>
    <s:Label x="197" y="89" text="Bio Info"/>
    <s:Label x="261" y="22" id="username0" text="{getSpecificUserDataUResult.lastResult[0].userID}"/>
    <s:Label x="261" y="55" id="name0" text="{getSpecificUserDataUResult.lastResult[0].name}"/>
    <s:Label x="261" y="89" id="bioinfo0" text="{getSpecificUserDataUResult.lastResult[0].bioData}"/>
    <s:Label x="52" y="140" text="Content"/>
    <s:TextArea x="105" y="140" height="90" text="{getSpecificUserDataCResult.lastResult[0].content}"/>
<mx:DataGrid id="dataGrid2" creationComplete="dataGrid2_creationCompleteHandler(event)" dataProvider="{getSpecificUserDataUResult.lastResult}" visible="false">
        <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="userID" dataField="userID"/>
        <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="weeklyInfluentialIndex" dataField="weeklyInfluentialIndex"/>
        <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="following" dataField="following"/>
        <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="category" dataField="category"/>
        <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="follower" dataField="follower"/>
        <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="bioData" dataField="bioData"/>
        <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="location" dataField="location"/>
        <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="influentialIndex" dataField="influentialIndex"/>
        <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="name" dataField="name"/>
<mx:DataGrid id="dataGrid" creationComplete="dataGrid_creationCompleteHandler(event)" dataProvider="{getSpecificUserDataCResult.lastResult}" visible="false">
        <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="content" dataField="content"/>
        <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="userID" dataField="userID"/>
        <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="sentiment" dataField="sentiment"/>
        <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="dateTime" dataField="dateTime"/>
        <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="contentID" dataField="contentID"/>
This is the code for AdvancedDataGrid "AllSentiments.mxml" :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:TitleWindow xmlns:fx=""
           xmlns:component="component.*, com.hillelcoren.components.*"
           xmlns:mx="library://" width="400" height="300" xmlns:services="services.*"
           close="titleWindow_close(event)" title="Sentiments">
        import mx.containers.TitleWindow;
        import mx.controls.Alert;
        import mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridItemRenderer;
        import mx.managers.PopUpManager;
        import spark.components.IItemRenderer;
        import spark.components.TitleWindow;
        public var _currentCountryName:String;
        protected function myADG_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
            var currentCountryName:String;
            currentCountryName = _currentCountryName;
            getSpecificCountryResult.token = twitterSentimentManager.getSpecificCountry(currentCountryName);
        private function createCustomToolTip(event:ToolTipEvent):void {
            var toolTip:CustomToolTip = new CustomToolTip();
            var dataid:String = AdvancedDataGridItemRenderer(event.itemRenderer).data.userID;
            toolTip._dataId = dataid;           
        private function deleteToolTip(event:ListEvent):void {
            myADG.toolTip = null;
    <s:CallResponder id="getSpecificCountryResult" result="getSpecificCountryCollection.refresh()"/>
    <services:TwitterSentimentManager id="twitterSentimentManager" fault=" + '\n' + event.fault.faultDetail)" showBusyCursor="true"/>
    <mx:GroupingCollection2 id="getSpecificCountryCollection" source="{getSpecificCountryResult.lastResult}">
            <mx:GroupingField name="sentiment"/>
    <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
<mx:AdvancedDataGrid x="48" y="50" id="myADG" designViewDataType="tree" toolTipCreate="createCustomToolTip(event)" selectedIndex="0" creationComplete="myADG_creationCompleteHandler(event)" dataProvider="{getSpecificCountryCollection}">
        <mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn headerText="sentiment" dataField="sentiment"/>       
        <mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn headerText="userID" dataField="userID"/>
        <mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn headerText="dateTime" dataField="dateTime"/>
I got an error:  "1119: Access of possibly undefined property itemRenderer through a reference with static type"
May I know where I have done wrong?

I see that this question is unanswerd for a while, and I came across it when I encountered the same problem.
If you want to acheive the tootip for each CELL in the datagrid then you can use the ItemOver listener
setup the listener:
dg.addEventListener(ListEvent.ITEM_ROLL_OVER , itemOver);
define itemOver:
public function itemOver(event:ListEvent):void
                var toolTipText:String                = (AdvancedDataGridItemRenderer)(event.itemRenderer).text; //only if you want to show the text in the cell itself as the tooltip
                (AdvancedDataGridItemRenderer)(event.itemRenderer).toolTip    = toolTipText;
and thats all you have to do.

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        import mx.controls.Alert;
        public var _dataId:String;
        protected function dataGrid_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
            var dataid:String;
            dataid = _dataId;
            getSpecificUserDataCResult.token = twitterSentimentManager.getSpecificUserDataC(dataid);
        protected function dataGrid2_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
            var dataid:String;
            dataid = _dataId;
            getSpecificUserDataUResult.token = twitterSentimentManager.getSpecificUserDataU(dataid);
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            import mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridItemRenderer;
            import spark.components.IItemRenderer;     
            private function createCustomToolTip(event:ToolTipEvent):void {
                    var toolTip:CustomToolTip = new CustomToolTip();
                    toolTip._dataId =;
            private function createCustomToolTip(event:ToolTipEvent):void {
                var toolTip:CustomToolTip = new CustomToolTip();
                var dataid:String = AdvancedDataGridItemRenderer(event.itemRenderer).data.userID;
                toolTip._dataId = dataid;          
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    It didnt show any error, but nothing happen when mouseover.
    I dont know which part is wrong?
    Thank You!

    I see that this question is unanswerd for a while, and I came across it when I encountered the same problem.
    If you want to acheive the tootip for each CELL in the datagrid then you can use the ItemOver listener
    setup the listener:
    dg.addEventListener(ListEvent.ITEM_ROLL_OVER , itemOver);
    define itemOver:
    public function itemOver(event:ListEvent):void
                    var toolTipText:String                = (AdvancedDataGridItemRenderer)(event.itemRenderer).text; //only if you want to show the text in the cell itself as the tooltip
                    (AdvancedDataGridItemRenderer)(event.itemRenderer).toolTip    = toolTipText;
    and thats all you have to do.

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    #define ARRAYSIZE(a) (sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0]))
    NOTIFYICONDATA IconData = {0};
    IconData.cbSize = sizeof(IconData);
    IconData.hWnd = hwndNI;
    IconData.uFlags = NIF_INFO;
    HRESULT hr = StringCchCopy(IconData.szInfo, ARRAYSIZE(IconData.szInfo), TEXT("Your message text goes here."));
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    Shell_NotifyIcon(NIM_MODIFY, &IconData);

    If you're interested in the icons in the notification area, I think the easiest solution is to use the "System Tray Icons" functions in toolbox.fp.
    You can create a new icon calling InstallSysTrayIcon(), and you can also set the tooltip text.
    In claris non fit interpretatio
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    I don't see why not. The API documentation specifically mentions tooltips, and the component has getToolTipText() and setToolTipText() methods. (I once tried overriding the getText() method for JButton, and it didn't work at all the way I expected it to work, so I don't exactly know how you would use those methods.)
    There's a tutorial about JToolTip that you may not have seen yet:
    However this may not help you in deciding exactly where you should be calling the logic to decide what to display in the tool tip. Good luck.

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        import flash.display.CapsStyle;
        import flash.display.JointStyle;
        import flash.display.LineScaleMode;
        import mx.core.UIComponent;
        public class Line extends UIComponent
            public var x1:Number;
            public var x2:Number;
            public var y1:Number;
            public var y2:Number;
            public var color:Number;
            public function Line(x1:Number,
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    <mx:WindowedApplication xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute" initialize="init()">
            import Line;
        import mx.charts.chartClasses.CartesianCanvasValue;
            public function init():void
                var line:Line = new Line(10,10,40,40,0XFF0000);
    //          canvas.addChild(line); *Does not Work*
        <mx:Panel x="60" y="53" width="517" height="472" layout="absolute">
            <mx:PlotChart x="48" y="10" id="plotchart1">
                    <mx:PlotSeries displayName="Series 1" yField=""/>
                <mx:CartesianDataCanvas id="canvas" includeInRanges="true"/>
               <mx:LinearAxis  id="axis11" minimum="0" maximum="100" interval="10" padding="10"/>
               <mx:LinearAxis  id="axis21" minimum="0" maximum="100" interval="10" padding="10"/>
            <mx:Legend dataProvider="{plotchart1}"/>

    this sovled my problem:
    try the following:
    # cd /etc
    # cp driver_aliases driver_aliases.BKP
    # rem_drv sgen
    Then try adding it again:
    # add_drv -m '* 0666 bin bin' -i '"scsiclass,01" "scsiclass,08" "scsa,0.1.bmpt" "scsa,0.8.bmpt"' sgen
    this should come back to the prompt if it is ok.
    Then we can check the at the 'scsiclass,01' entry has been added to the 'driver_aliases'.
    # cd /etc
    # grep sgen driver_aliases
    sgen "scsiclass,01"
    sgen "scsiclass,08"
    sgen "scsa,0.1.bmpt"
    sgen "scsa,0.8.bmpt"
    after reboot /dev/scsi/sequential was created and tapes bounded to sg

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    Since this is happening with a web application, and doesn't appear to be AIR specific, could you repost this question over on the Flex forums?

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    public void run()
    for(int i=700;i>600;i=i-10)
    final int y=i;
    try {
    javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() {
    public void run() {
    catch (Exception e) {}
    }catch(Exception e){}
    advance congrats to the candidates.

    {color:#ff0080}Multi post - including this --

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    please help me on this.

    Did you read the posting directly below yours which was also about a custom tool tip?
    JScrollableToolTip is buggy
    The code presented there shows the tool tip in the proper location.
    For more help create a [url]SSCCE, that demonstrates the incorrect behaviour.
    Don't forget to read the "Welcome to the new home" posting at the start of the forum to learn how to use the "code tags" so posted code is formatted and readable.

  • How to put image in tooltip?

    I know that to create a tooltip I would put the following code into the HTML Form Element Attributes property of a page item.
    onmouseover="toolTip_enable(event,this,'my tooltip text');"
    But, how do I get an image in the tooltip?

    What is your Apex version?

  • Tooltip for points in 'Chart Engine'-diagram

    I am using the Chart Engine (Class CL_GUI_CHART_ENGINE) to display a column chart.
    Is there a way to show the value of a point in a tooltip when placing the mouse cursor on a column?
    Thanks for any suggestions!
    Regards, Mathis

    Have you already updated your SAPGUI installation? Make sure to use the latest SAPGUI 6.40 or 7.10 patchlevel!
    Mathis, you are right: the control checks the data XML for alt within the extension attributes. If you define alt the text is used as a tooltip. If there's no alt (or even no extension) in the data XML then the control automatically creates the tooltip as described above (displaying Series/Point/Value).
    <Series label="Coffee" extension="alt='Tooltip of the series'">
      <Point extension="alt='Tooltip of the point'">
       <Value type="y">94</Value>
       <Value type="y">10</Value>
       <Value type="y">20</Value>
    Here the first point displays 'Tooltip of the point', the second one 'Tooltip of the series', and the first one of the second series displays 'Series: 2 / Point: 1 / Value: 20.000'.
    @Jonathan: the href sapevent thing is used for firing events from the control to ABAP. Using this feature you can implement an event handler as in graphics_gui_ce_demo on_click (also check create_custom_demo and look for href).
    Regards, Kai

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  • Applying tooltip styles from defaults.css file problem

    in flex library, create custom tooltip extend ToolTip
    CustomToolTip code:
    public class CustomToolTip extends ToolTip
    then i want use custom skin like ToolTipBorderSkin, so i add into defaults.css
    defaults.css code:
    borderSkin: ClassReference("my.skins.ToolTipBorderSkin");
    build it into swc file, then in my application use
    when i set textinput tips, it doesn't use the new skin
    if write this line in the application, it works fine.
    import my.controls.CustomToolTip; CustomToolTip
    i don't know why.
    Thanks for any help.

    Thank you for your reply, alex.
    i have assign the tooltip as the tooltipClass  the code like this;
    public class CustomToolTipManagerImpl extends ToolTipManagerImpl
      public function CustomToolTipManagerImpl ()
       toolTipClass = CustomToolTip;
    and custome define the application preloader
    public class PreloaderBar extends DownloadProgressBar
      public function PreloaderBar()
      protected function registerClasses():void
       Singleton.registerClass("mx.managers::IToolTipManager2", CustomToolTipManagerImpl);
    the application add this line:
    i build this in flex library, and define the CustomeToolTip borderSkin in defaults.css
    if i set borderSkin in actionscript, it is ok, but if i set in defaults.css, it doesn't work
    setStyle("borderSkin", ToolTipBorderSkin);

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         I can create grouped column in AdvancedDataGrid. So in DataGrid, how I create grouped column ?

    I have a problem that no anyone can help me to now. Sometime, I think that it's bug of ADG.
    My goal same as from . But if I use ADG and with a scroll ! And when scroll up or down background color change not right.
    It's a big problem ! Yep, when I use ADG, I can create group columns but ADG, I can't !
    Is there any ways for me?

  • ToolTip class

    i’m creating a toolTip on a movieclip. so far i got the
    text to load on the toolTip. i need some help on adding an image to
    the right of the toolTip. what should I do ...

    i'm thinking that an (img src="sampleimage.jpg" ) might work
    but how do i change the tags so images are allowed .... anybody got
    some ideas.

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