Create a trigger to store information

How to create a trigger to store information? For example, I want to write a trigger to store ename, type of transaction, date of transaction, name of transaction of an employee table into employee log table. Thanks

craeting tirgger with PRAGMA Autonomus tansaction will help you.
here is how it is done..
create tabale emp_log (empname varchar2(25), emptranstype varchar2(10),emptransdate date,emptransname varchar2(25);
create or replace trigger emp_trg
after insert on emp
for each row
pragma autonomus_trasaction;
insert into emp_log values (:new.empname,:new.trans_type,sysdate,:new.trans_name);

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  • Create Custom List, store information and display the information on web part

    Working on a Custom visual web part in sharepoint 2010. Scenario is i would like to have two button on that web part, one is "I read it " button for users to tag the page and another one is "find the list of people who already tag/read that
    page". i have added a visual web part into my project and two buttons event within it. Now goal is once user click on "I read it button" it will create custom list to store urls and usersname. When click on "Find the list of people"
    get the username only for that specific page whoever read/tag it.
    1. How can i create the custom list to store all users information
    2. Retrieve the information from Custom List and Display the list of people based on specific page url who ever read/tag that page. 
    Any help will be greatly appreciated!

    Appreciated for your help!
    List has four columns Title, Hyperlink, Created by, and created. i just wanted to display Users and hyperlink column. i tried to retrieve the items from list but query is not returning any items and displaying. As you said in CAML query we can pass the page
    url to get the collection of user for that particular page. but is not something will be hard coded value, if we pass the page url into CAML query? is there something we can dynamically retrieve the users based on page url.  for example, if users visits
    30 different page url, i need to put all those urls into CAML Query. do i need to create custom user field or i can use Created by field to get the users? please correct me if i am wrong. Below is the code:
    using System;
    using System.Web.UI;
    using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
    using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
    using Microsoft.SharePoint;
    using Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls;
    using System.Data;
    namespace CustomUserControl.VisualWebPart1
        public partial class VisualWebPart1UserControl : UserControl
            protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            protected void btnRead_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                using (SPSite site = new SPSite(SPContext.Current.Web.Site.ID))
                    using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb())
                        web.AllowUnsafeUpdates = true;
                        SPList list = web.Lists["UserInformation"];
                        SPListItem newItem = list.Items.Add();
                        SPFieldUrlValue hyper = new SPFieldUrlValue();
                        //hyper.Description = "Google";
                        hyper.Url = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.ToString();
                        newItem["Hyperlink"] = hyper;
                        web.AllowUnsafeUpdates = false;
            protected void btnDisplay_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                SPWeb web = SPContext.Current.Web;
                SPList list = web.Lists["UserInformation"];
                SPQuery query = new SPQuery ();           
                query.Query = "<Where><Eq><FieldRef Name='Hyperlink' Type='URL' /><Value>http://nyc01d1sptmp01:8080/diligent/wiki/cft/Pages/home.aspx</Value></Eq></Where>";
                DataGrid grdList = new DataGrid();
                SPListItemCollection items = list.GetItems(query);
                DataTable table;
                table = new DataTable();
                table.Columns.Add("Title", typeof(string));
                table.Columns.Add("Hyperlink", typeof(string));
           table.Columns.Add("Created by", typeof(string));
                DataRow row;
                foreach (SPListItem result in items)
                    row = table.Rows.Add();
                    row["Title"] = result.Title;
                    row["Hyperlink"] = result.Name;
           SPFieldUser userField = (SPFieldUser)result.Fields.GetField("Users");
                    SPFieldUserValue userFieldValue = (SPFieldUserValue)userField.GetFieldValue(result["Users"].ToString());
                    SPUser user = userFieldValue.User;
                    string name = user.LoginName;
           row["Created by"] = name;
                grdList.DataSource = table.DefaultView;

  • Creating a Trigger and some Database Design

    Here is the scenario, we have the following tables
    Orders, OrderDetails, Products, ProductsToInventory, Inventory, and InventoryDetails
    Orders is where the orders are saved and their details are in OrderDetails (orderdetails has a column called Type and that type can either be a product, inventory, shipping, fee, so that we can distinguish what each one is in the order)
    Products are the products we sell and ProductsToInventory refers each product to the inventory items required for it.
    Inventory lists the the name, size, and weight of the item
    then InventoryDetails stores the cost, original quantity received, and the current quantity (since the company receives different quantities of the same product at different pricing all the time)  (I would appreciate all the comments on this, this is
    the best way I thought of doing this but if you have another way i'd appreciate it)
    So that's the design, now we created a trigger that basically does this...
    When an order is created and a PRODUCT is inserted into the the orderdetails, we will, using trigger, run the following query to insert the INVENTORY into the orderdetails
       INSERT INTO OrderDetails (...., OrderDetailPrice)
       SELECT ..., OrderDetailPrice?
        FROM inserted i INNER JOIN ProductToInventories pt
        ON i.productid =
        INNER JOIN Inventories inv
        ON pt.InventoryID = inv.InventoryID
        LEFT JOIN InventoryDetails idet
        ON inv.InventoryID = idet.InventoryDetailInventoryID
        WHERE OrderDetailType = "PRODUCT"
    This works perfectly fine, however... for the price, we don't know what to do here, since the price is not in the inventory, the price is  under the inventorydetails and we will have to look up to that table to see which one has quantity > the quantity
    needed here and then grab the price for that and then we need to update the quantity on that as well.

    Here is the scenario, we have the following tables
    Orders, OrderDetails, Products, ProductsToInventory, Inventory, and InventoryDetails
    Orders is where .....
    Good day TheSQLNewb,
    I did not read more than I quote above... This is a starting of a nice story :-) but in the forum and in DBA's life we prefer to get DDL+DML instead of stories.
    Please post queries to create the relevant tables (this is DDL by the way), and queries to insert some sample data (DML). with this information we will be able to reproduce the tables in our server and work on them.
    Thanks :-)
      Ronen Ariely
     [Personal Site]    [Blog]    [Facebook]

  • Help with create a trigger

    hello all
    i have a 4 tables and i would like to create a trigger in a tables
    ( ITEM_NO              VARCHAR2(10) ,
      SELLING_PRICE        NUMBER(6),
      QTY_IN_HAND          NUMBER(6)    NOT NULL,
      CLIENT_NO    VARCHAR2(10),
    ( ORDER_NO       VARCHAR2(10),
      ITEM_NO        VARCHAR2(10),
      LINE_QTY       NUMBER(6),
    1-order_amount in table 3 due to any (insert,update or delete ) in total_price in table 4
    2-orders_amount in table 1 due to any (insert,update or delete ) in order_amount in table 3
    i would like to ask another quotations r this relations in good for tables
    thank's all

    plz i need a help to create a trigger
    Using a trigger won't solve your problem. You are trying to use child table triggers to maintain parent table information.
    There is no transaction control to ensure that the parent table will be updated with the correct information.
    One process could update child record 1 while another process is updating child record two. Each process will see a different total if they try to compute the sum of all child records since the first process will see the 'old' value for the child record that the second process is updating and the second process will the 'old' value for the child record that the first process is updating.
    So the last process to commit could store the wrong total in the parent record withoug an exception ever being raised.
    See Conflicting Writes in Read Committed Transactions in the Database Concepts doc
    some one ask me this quotation in interview
    and im told him i can't understand this structure for database he said just do it
    And I would tell them that using a trigger is not the right way to accomplish that since it could invalidate the data concurrency and data consistency of the tables.
    Sometimes you just have to tell people NO.

  • Is there a way to create my own app store that I can share with employees? I'm thinking apps that we've identified as important or needed, all in one place.

    Is there a way to create my own app store that I can share with employees? I'm thinking apps that we've identified as important or needed, all in one place.

    Not exactly your own app store, but close.  Apple has an App Store Volume Purchasing Program for Business >
    It allows you to purchase apps in any quantity you desire and pay using a company credit card.  You will receive a spreadsheet of redeem codes which you distribute to your emloyees.  The program guide has complete information >

  • Whats this error while creating a trigger

    HI ,
    I was creating a trigger and getting the following Error . What is this
    3 Declare
    4 v_sid v$session.sid%type ;
    5 v_serial v$session.serial# %type;
    6 v_username v$session.username%type;
    7 v_osuserid v$session.osuser%type;
    8 v_machinename v$session.machine%type;
    9 v_PROGRAM v$session.program%type;
    10 v_TERMINAL v$session.terminal%type;
    11 v_hostname v$instance.host_name%type;
    12 v_instance_name v$instance.instance_name%type;
    13 v_application_id v$database.dbid%type;
    14 v_logon_time date;
    15 v_Audit_tab_check varchar2(30);
    16 v_system_users_tab_check varchar2(30);
    17 v_sql_Audit_upload varchar2(1000) := 'INSERT INTO dbaoper.T_AUDIT (HOST_NAME, APPLICATION_ID, INSTANCE_NAME, SID, SERIAL#, USERNAME, OSUSERID, MACHINENAME, PROGRAM, TERMINAL, LOGON_TIME) VALUES (:v_hostname,:v_application_id,:v_instance_name, :v_sid, :v_serial, :v_username ,:v_osuserid,: v_machinename, :v_program,:v_TERMINAL,:v_logon_time ) ';
    18 type c_audit_cur_typ is ref cursor;
    19 C_Audit c_audit_cur_typ ;
    20 V_system_users_tab := 'T_SYSTEM_USERS';
    21 No_Audit_records Exception;
    22 Begin
    23 Select table_name into v_Audit_tab_check from dba_tables where owner='DBAOPER' and table_name='T_AUDIT';
    24 Select table_name into v_system_users_tab_check from dba_tables where owner='DBAOPER' and table_name='T_SYSTEM_USERS';
    25 Open c_Audit for ' SELECT sid, serial#, username, osuser, machine, program, terminal FROM v$session WHERE audsid = userenv (''''sessionid'''') and program not like ''''oracle@%J0%'''' and username not in (select * from dbaoper.' || V_system_users_tab||' ) and type!=''''BACKGROUND'''' ' ;
    26 Fetch c_Audit into v_sid, v_serial, v_username, v_osuserid, v_machinename,v_program,v_TERMINAL ;
    27 If c_Audit%Notfound then
    28 Raise No_Audit_records ;
    29 Else
    30 Select host_name, instance_name into v_hostname, v_instance_name from v$instance;
    31 select dbid into v_application_id from v$database;
    32 select sysdate into v_logon_time from dual;
    33 execute immediate v_sql_Audit_upload using v_hostname,v_application_id,v_instance_name,v_sid,v_serial,v_username,v_osuserid,v_machinename,v_program,v_TERMINAL,v_logon_time;
    34 end if;
    35 close C_Audit;
    36 exception
    37 when no_data_found then
    38 dbms_system.ksdwrt(2, ' ORA-20001 Audit tables T_AUDIT or T_SYSTEM_USERS not found Audit information is not being captured'
    39 );
    40 When No_Audit_records then
    41 dbms_output.put_line ('No Audit records to insert ');
    42* end;
    SQL> /
    Warning: Trigger created with compilation errors.
    SQL> sho err
    18/20 PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "=" when expecting one of the
    constant exception <an identifier>
    <a double-quoted delimited-identifier> table LONG_ double ref
    char time timestamp interval date binary national character
    The symbol "<an identifier>" was substituted for "=" to

    I am sorry...i am getting the following error once trigger is created and one of the user is trying to connect....what might be the reason ?
    Enter user-name: test
    Enter password:
    ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1
    ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis
    ORA-06512: at line 23

  • How to create iTune or App Store without credit card for my existing Apple ID without create new Apple ID or email?

    I got 2 Apple ID and the first time to I use it to iTune or App Store, a box will pop out and telling me this:
    "This Apple ID has not yet been used with the i Tunes Store. Please review your account information."
    Then, I click on the button, "Review". Bla bla... but ended up, I must provide a credit card in order to complete it.
    I do not have credit card, so I search 'How to create iTune or App Store without credit card', same link and same tactic only valid for New Apple ID.
    So, it seem no other option to create iTune or App Store without credit card for existing Apple ID, right?

    The same thing is happening to me!

  • Cannot create a new Itunes Store account

    The story is simple, yet complicated:
    I bought a used Ipad 1 here in New York where I live.
    It has been wiped by the old owner and I starded using it with my Itunes account.
    I never connected it to my computer to synch.
    Bought 3 Apps and decided to pass it on to a friend who will be travelling to Poland with the Ipad.
    Since she permanently lives in Poland; before she leaves the US we are trying to establish a new account for the polish App Store.
    App Store allows her to enter all new info including Poland as a country and her home address, but upon clicking on NEXT as the last registration window on the Ipad, a dark rectangle shows up where the registration has been entered and NOTHING happens!!
    So we gave up trying to register on the IPad and tried it on my MAC.
    All went smoothly and the regstation went through including confirmation and account verification by emai.
    We went back to the Ipad's App Store trying to download a free App just to test the system, but again we get the dark rectangle after initial entry of credit card info.
    Nothing else is showing up. No explanation of any kind.
    What is going on? Is there a conflict trying to sign up with identity in Poland, but travelling in the USA?
    I also tried logging into Itunes Store from my Mac, using her credentials, but are being asked to enter additional billing info.  Upon entering her Visa from a polish bank, we get a message that an account cannot be created.  No further explanation is being given.
    Please help!!
    In the resulting screen, create your new Music Store account. You will have the option to enter credit card information; if you do not wish to do so, click the None button on the Payment screen.

  • Creating a trigger to enforce data validation

    I would like to create a trigger to do some basic data validation. For example, to join an honors society a student must have a gpa between 3.7 and 4.0. I want this to fire before an insert on the table NatlHonSoc, and the field name is gpa.

    user8775995 wrote:
    I'm trying to learn how to use triggers and just made this example up. It always helps to state your real intent from the beginning.
    All I have is the general syntax from a book <snip>"A" book? Which book? Just any old book?
    There is no book better to start with than the official documentation.
    Learning where to look things up in the documentation is time well spent investing in your career. To that end, you should drop everything else you are doing and do the following:
    Go to Drill down to your product and version.
    Spend a few minutes just getting familiar with what is available here. Take special note of the "books" and "search" tabs. Under the "books" tab you will find the complete documentation library.
    Spend a few minutes just getting familiar with what kind of documentation is available there by simply browsing the titles under the "Books" tab.
    Open the Reference Manual and spend a few minutes looking through the table of contents to get familiar with what kind of information is available there.
    Do the same with the SQL Reference Manual.
    Do the same with the Utilities manual.
    You don't have to read the above in depth. They are reference manuals. Just get familiar with what is there to be referenced. Ninety percent of the questions asked on this forum can be answered in less than 5 minutes by simply searching one of the above manuals.
    As pointed out by Centinul, for your purpose, you should include the Application Developer's Guide as part of your "must reference" books.
    Then set yourself a plan to dig deeper.
    - Read a chapter a day from the Concepts Manual.
    - Look in your alert log and find all the non-default initialization parms listed at instance startup. Then read up on each one of them in the Reference Manual.
    - Take a look at your listener.ora, tnsnames.ora, and sqlnet.ora files. Go to the Network Administrators manual and read up on everything you see in those files.
    - When you have finished reading the Concepts Manual, do it again.
    Give a man a fish and he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish and he eats for a lifetime.

  • FRM-40735: WHEN-CREATE-RECORD trigger raised unhandled exception ORA-01422

    when i am searching AR module and
    Receivables - > Transactions - > Transactions
    i am getting this FRM-40735: WHEN-CREATE-RECORD trigger raised unhandled exception ORA-01422.
    what to do?

    user9095240 wrote:
    1. This form was working fine until patch 8407693 has been applied.
    2. Yes, I'm getting this error in every responsibility or user
    3. No, no personalizations
    I've read another time docs Hussein linked and as in "Troubleshooting Transaction Types In Oracle Receivables (Doc ID 1090878.1)" Patch Related paragraph, seems like I need  Patch 8302210:R12.AD.B cause my admorgb.pls  version is 120.21.12010000.2 instead of 120.21.12010000.3. I think replicate seed data program duplicated something in db. Is it possible?
    With the information you have provided so far, it's hard to say that the cause of the issue is because of this file (version). However, if this is a test instance you may proceed and apply the patch and see if it helps.

  • Help On Creating a Website to store peoples details

    I need some assistance on creating a website for a uni
    project! We have cs3 on our machines at uni and i know how to do
    the basics. However i need to create a page where a user can select
    what product they want and then enter in their details, such as
    name,email, postal address.etc/order number created. And then this
    information is stored on a different part of the system which can
    only be accessed by admins. Basically like a order form which
    stores the data in a database which is then displayed on a page for
    someone to deal wiv the orders. Problem is, i have no idea how do
    any of this. Could someone link me to any tutorials which explain
    this/advice me on what i need to do for this/or any video tutorials
    i could buy which explain something similar to what i need to do?
    many thanks in advance
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    "HeavenlyDonut" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:ft6g9p$fc6$[email protected]..
    > Hello,
    > I need some assistance on creating a website for a uni
    project! We have
    > cs3 on
    > our machines at uni and i know how to do the basics.
    However i need to
    > create a
    > page where a user can select what product they want and
    then enter in
    > their
    > details, such as name,email, postal address.etc/order
    number created. And
    > then
    > this information is stored on a different part of the
    system which can
    > only be
    > accessed by admins. Basically like a order form which
    stores the data in a
    > database which is then displayed on a page for someone
    to deal wiv the
    > orders.
    > Problem is, i have no idea how do any of this. Could
    someone link me to
    > any
    > tutorials which explain this/advice me on what i need to
    do for this/or
    > any
    > video tutorials i could buy which explain something
    similar to what i need
    > to
    > do?
    > many thanks in advance
    > cheers!

  • Error 25109 : The install program could not create the config data store. Is this a know issue with a solution?

    Hi I cant install the Management Console.
    I keep getting
    Error 25109 : The installation program could not create the configuration data store. Please see the installation log for more info.
    Has someone come across this problem before?
    I am using
    MS Server 2008 Std x86
    SQL Server 2005 SP2 Std x86
    MDOP 2008 R2
    APP-V 4.5
    Please can someone help.

    I'm running into the same problem myself, I have an almost identical setup.
    Trying to do a clean install of App-V Management Server 4.5 from the MDOP 2008 R2 CD.
    Server OS: Windows Server 2008 Enterprise SP1 (Has WDS and IIS installed (IIS 6 Management Compatibility too), as well as .Net 3.5 SP1 Framework)
    Database: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Enterprise (Version 9.00.3068.00) (Note: SQL server is running on a different server than the server App-V is being installed on.)
    Installer gets to the point where it starts creating the database than dies, reporting a 25109 error.
    Checked out the logfile the installer created, here's a snip of the last few lines before is starts rolling back the install:
    [2008-12-23 15:58:35] (2284:3084) SQL state: ``01000'', Native: 0, Text: ``[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]<<< CREATED TRIGGER dbo.TR_U_SYSTEM_OPTIONS >>>''. 
    [2008-12-23 15:58:36] (2284:3084) SQL state: ``42000'', Native: 18058, Text: ``[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Failed to load format string for error 16873, language id 1033.  Operating system error: 122(The data area passed to a system call is too small.). Check that sqlevn70.rll is installed in C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Binn\Resources\1033, where 1033 is the language ID of US English, or the appropriate folder for the locale in use. Also check memory usage.''. 
    [2008-12-23 15:58:36] (2284:3084) SQL state: ``01000'', Native: 3621, Text: ``[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]The statement has been terminated.''. 
    [2008-12-23 15:58:36] (2284:3084) ::SQLExecDirectW error 0xffffffff. 
    [2008-12-23 15:58:36] (2284:3084) Failed to execute SQL ``/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *\ 
        Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved. 
            This script creates all user-defined messages. 
            The types of messages allowed (and their severities) are: 
            FATAL   - SQL Server Severity = 17; ours = 1 
            ERROR   - SQL Server Severity = 16; ours = 2 
            WARNING - SQL Server Severity = N/A; ours = 3 
    Can anyone help me shed some light on what's going on here?

  • How do I remove my App store information from a Mac about to be sold

    How do I remove my App Store information from
    a Mac about to be sold ?

    Before you sell or give away your computer, in addition to the steps mentioned in this support article, take these steps:
    Run Apple Diagnostics or the Apple Hardware Test. The buyer will do this (or he should), and you don't want to be surprised by the results.
    Reset the PRAM and the SMC, which might contain personal information.
    If you set a firmware password, remove it by running Firmware Password Utility in Recovery mode.
    If you activated FileVault in OS X 10.7 or later, turn it off.
    If you use Boot Camp, the partition must be deleted.
    If you created any other data partitions on the internal drive, remove them in Disk Utility.
    Erase the data partition(s) with the option to zero out data. An SSD doesn't need to be zeroed.
    You can't legally or practically transfer any software downloaded from the Mac App Store to the new owner of the machine, even if it was free. That includes OS X, so if you upgraded to OS X 10.7 or later, you must reinstall an older OS, either from the installation media, if applicable, or by starting up in Internet Recovery mode (option-command-R at the startup chime.) If you installed from physical media, deliver those to the new owner.
    If you're selling the machine, or donating it in working order, and it originally shipped with OS X 10.4 or 10.5, then you have the option of installing either from the discs that came with it or from a retail Snow Leopard disc (which you must then transfer with the machine.) The buyer should understand that if he doesn't get the original discs from you, he won't get the bundled iLife applications or the Apple Hardware Test. Replacements for the original discs can be ordered from Apple.
    The new owner will have to redownload any software that came from the App Store, including OS X upgrades, under his or her Apple ID. If you ever updated the bundled iLife applications (Garage Band, iMovie, and iPhoto) through the App Store, you can't transfer those either.
    Remove the machine from your list of registered products. If it's still covered by an AppleCare Protection Plan, transfer the coverage to the new owner by following the instructions in the AppleCare Terms and Conditions (under the heading "Transfer of Plan.")

  • Store information on security place

    Hello All,
    I'm using some dbms_crypto for encypt/decrypt data with following code:
    create or replace FUNCTION sec_return_encrypted_data(data IN VARCHAR) RETURN RAW IS
        key VARCHAR(16) := 'A1B2C3D4E5F6G7H8';
               encryption_mode, UTL_I18N.STRING_TO_RAW(key, 'AL32UTF8') );
    There is some variable, which is key. I need to store it some security place. How and where to store?
    Because it not visible for developers.
    Any idea and solution?

    If you know what browser cookies are, you can think of flash player local storage as the same sort of thing. That is, some storage space on your computer where a website can store information until it needs it, milliseconds or weeks later. As with cookies (or pretty much any tool), flash local storage can be used for helpful or harmful purposes.
    Because there are people in the world who use flash local storage for harmful purposes (as they were already using cookies), and because flash local storage is more difficult for people to find and remove, Safari now asks you for permission before it allows a website to use it. This is the message you are seeing.
    As for how to get rid of the message, there are several possibilities, depending on what you want Safari to do instead of asking. You could just turn off Flash entirely, but then you may lose some web content you want. You can install a flash-blocker like ClickToFlash, which allows you to choose which Flash content you want to see, but you may still see that message with flash content you choose to display.
    I run a flash blocker, so I cannot advise you on what to do if you choose to leave Flash unblocked. There are probabably ways to set a default "allow" or "disallow"; I leave that discussion to others.

  • When playing games on Facebook, why do I keep getting requests to store information on my computer?

    When playing games on Facebook, why do I keep getting requests to store information on my computer?When playing games on Facebook, why do I keep getting requests to store information on my computer?

    Welcome to the forum.
    Exactly what program is throwing that request message?
    Does that message list any details, such as WHAT will be written/saved to your computer?
    As ATR mentions, I am not sure how PrE figures into the mix. I would anticipate that your message is coming from FaceBook, or from the OS, or from your anti-virus/anti-malware program.
    Regardless, be VERY wary of any program, or Web site, that wants to write to your computer, unless you have delibertly invoked something that you DO want to do so.
    Good luck,

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