Create Flash Content for Pocket PC "Windows Mobile 2003 SE" from Flash Professional 8

Hi all,
I would like to create a standalone flash application on my
two pocket PCs (Dell Axim x50 and Qtek S110). These pocket PC
uses the "Windows Mobile 2003 SE" operating system.
At this time, I have installed the "Flash Player 7 for Pocket
PC" on my 2 pocketPCs. Apparently, I have not flash player
that is able to load .swf files but only a plugin for Pocket
IE. Do you confirm?
I have the license to use "Flash Professional 8". Could you
explain me the procedure to publish flash content for my Pocket PC?
Which Flash version I have to use?
Which Action Script I have to use?
Is it possible to test my application with Flash Pro 8?
Finally, I would like to develop a Flash application in
fullscreen mode and not embedded into Pocket IE. Is it possible to
that with Flash Pro 8?

Hi Romain.
As at the time of this writing,
I suggest you have a look at Flash Assist by AntMobile
It will allow you to view Flash content at full screen.
It officially supports Flash 5 and 6, but I've used it with
Flash 7 for the PPC.
Flash 7 for the PPC supports AS 2.0
Macromedia hasn't released a stand alone player /
distribution Kit, or CDK for Flash Player 7 for the PPC, and I am
anxiously awaiting that as well.
However, the stand alone player for the Flash Player 6 for
the PPC is available
You will want to change your publish settings to Flash 7,
Do some hunting around.

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  • Java Imaging on Pocket PC (Windows Mobile 2003)

    Hi all,
    I've got a problem concerning imaging on a pocket pc (HP IPAQ with an Intel PXA270 CPU). I have to extend an existing SWT application written with J2ME Personal Profil and IBM J9 runtime. The thing is, that I have to implement a certain imaging functionallty, namely I have to implement a function where you can rotate gifs/jpg images an arbitrary amount of grades around their center. After extensive searching I couldn't spot a java extension wich would include pocket pc support to do this rapidly.
    So I tried to do it "by hand", which means pixel by pixel (see attached code).
    But the problem I got now is a very weak performance. The rotation itself of a 600x600 gif consumes about 5800 ms which is definitly to heigh for the purpose I want to use it for. My questions now are:
    - Is there any imaging extension for java which I could use for this puropse on the pocket pc
    - If not: How could I improve the performance of the rotation function?
    I'd be very thankful for any tips & hints.
    static ImageData rotateFull(ImageData srcData, int grad) {
              int diagonal =
                   (int) Math.sqrt(
                        (srcData.width * srcData.width)
                             + (srcData.height * srcData.height));
              ImageData destData =
                   new ImageData(diagonal, diagonal, srcData.depth, srcData.palette);
              int x_adj, y_adj, x_new, y_new, pixel_data;
              int corrX = srcData.width / 2;
              int corrY = srcData.height / 2;
              int pixels = srcData.height * srcData.width;
              double bogen = (grad * Math.PI) / 180;
              float cos_winkel = (float) Math.cos(bogen);
              float sin_winkel = (float) Math.sin(bogen);
              for (int y = 0; y < (srcData.height); y++) {
                   for (int x = 0; x < (srcData.width); x++) {
                        x_adj = x - corrX;
                        y_adj = y - corrY;
                        x_new = (int) ((x_adj * cos_winkel) - (y_adj * sin_winkel));
                        y_new = (int) ((x_adj * sin_winkel) + (y_adj * cos_winkel));
                        pixel_data = srcData.getPixel(x, y);
                             x_new + (destData.width / 2),
                             y_new + (destData.height / 2),
              return destData;

    Fellow regulars, please forgive the zombie thread: it's referenced in another thread, and it seemed the best place to put the following code.
    I've shown a number of intermediate steps en route to the best solution I can be bothered to post, which is the last of the rotate* methods. The next step, which would eliminate almost 4*sqrt(width*width+height*height) divisions, is to use Bresenham's line-drawing algorithm to work out the edges and then interpolate between them. However, to be frank, I couldn't be bothered. That's a lot of work, and probably means splitting the code into 9+ cases.
    One further optimisation which might be worth considering is to use the AWT ImageConsumer/ImageProducer model rather than SWT images. That would eliminate the awkward boxing/unboxing of the rasters, which is probably responsible for at least 10% of the time taken by rotateArray and subsequent.
    Profiling is always tricky. Comparing rotateTrueclip against rotateFull using different methods I measure it as taking as much as 133% of the time, or as little as 1%. The Bresenham version would certainly be faster than rotateTrueclip.
    I hope this proves useful both as code in its own right and as an example of some optimisation techniques.
    import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.*;
    public class RotationSandbox {
        private static final Display display=new Display();
        private final String title;
        private final Image image;
        public RotationSandbox(String title, Image image) {
        public RotationSandbox(String title, ImageData imagedata) {
            this(title, new Image(display,imagedata));
        public void run() {
            final Shell shell = new Shell(display);
            shell.addPaintListener(new PaintListener() {
                public void paintControl(PaintEvent event) {
                    // Draw the untainted image
                    event.gc.drawImage(image, 0, 0);
            shell.setSize(image.getImageData().width+20, image.getImageData().height+30);
            while (!shell.isDisposed()) {
                if (!display.readAndDispatch()) {
        static ImageData rotateFull(ImageData srcData, int grad) {
            int diagonal =
                (int) Math.sqrt(
                    (srcData.width * srcData.width)
                        + (srcData.height * srcData.height));
            ImageData destData =
                new ImageData(diagonal, diagonal, srcData.depth, srcData.palette);
            int x_adj, y_adj, x_new, y_new, pixel_data;
            int corrX = srcData.width / 2;
            int corrY = srcData.height / 2;
            int pixels = srcData.height * srcData.width;
            double bogen = (grad * Math.PI) / 180;
            float cos_winkel = (float) Math.cos(bogen);
            float sin_winkel = (float) Math.sin(bogen);
            for (int y = 0; y < (srcData.height); y++) {
                for (int x = 0; x < (srcData.width); x++) {
                    x_adj = x - corrX;
                    y_adj = y - corrY;
                    x_new = (int) ((x_adj * cos_winkel) - (y_adj * sin_winkel));
                    y_new = (int) ((x_adj * sin_winkel) + (y_adj * cos_winkel));
                    pixel_data = srcData.getPixel(x, y);
                        x_new + (destData.width / 2),
                        y_new + (destData.height / 2),
            return destData;
        // First change: iterate over destination pixels rather than source pixels.
        static ImageData rotateDest(ImageData srcData, int theta_deg) {
            int diagonal =
                (int) Math.sqrt(
                    (srcData.width * srcData.width)
                        + (srcData.height * srcData.height));
            ImageData destData =
                new ImageData(diagonal, diagonal, srcData.depth, srcData.palette);
            final int corrX = srcData.width / 2;
            final int corrY = srcData.height / 2;
            double bogen = (theta_deg * Math.PI) / 180;
            final float cos_winkel = (float) Math.cos(bogen);
            final float sin_winkel = (float) Math.sin(bogen);
            final int half_diag=diagonal>>1;
            for (int y=0; y<diagonal; y++) {
                for (int x=0; x<diagonal; x++) {
                    int x_new=x-half_diag, y_new=y-half_diag;
                    int x_adj=(int) ((x_new * cos_winkel) + (y_new * sin_winkel));
                    int y_adj=(int) (-(x_new * sin_winkel) + (y_new * cos_winkel));
                    int x_old=x_adj+corrX, y_old=y_adj+corrY;
                    if (x_old>=0 && y_old>=0 && x_old<srcData.width && y_old<srcData.height) {
            return destData;
        // Second change: replace multiplications with additions.
        static ImageData rotateIter(ImageData srcData, int theta_deg) {
            int diagonal =
                (int) Math.sqrt(
                    (srcData.width * srcData.width)
                        + (srcData.height * srcData.height));
            ImageData destData =
                new ImageData(diagonal, diagonal, srcData.depth, srcData.palette);
            final int corrX = srcData.width / 2;
            final int corrY = srcData.height / 2;
            double bogen = (theta_deg * Math.PI) / 180;
            final float cos_winkel = (float) Math.cos(bogen);
            final float sin_winkel = (float) Math.sin(bogen);
            final int half_diag=diagonal>>1;
            for (int y=0; y<diagonal; y++) {
                float x_adj=-half_diag*cos_winkel + (y-half_diag)*sin_winkel + corrX;
                float y_adj=half_diag*sin_winkel + (y-half_diag)*cos_winkel + corrY;
                for (int x=0; x<diagonal; x++) {
                    int x_old=(int)x_adj, y_old=(int)y_adj;
                    if (x_old>=0 && y_old>=0 && x_old<srcData.width && y_old<srcData.height) {
                    x_adj+=cos_winkel; y_adj-=sin_winkel;
            return destData;
        // Third change: eliminate those virtual method calls in favour of direct array indexing.
        static ImageData rotateArray(ImageData srcData, int theta_deg) {
            int diagonal =
                (int) Math.sqrt(
                    (srcData.width * srcData.width)
                        + (srcData.height * srcData.height));
            ImageData destData =
                new ImageData(diagonal, diagonal, srcData.depth, srcData.palette);
            final int corrX = srcData.width / 2;
            final int corrY = srcData.height / 2;
            double bogen = (theta_deg * Math.PI) / 180;
            final float cos_winkel = (float) Math.cos(bogen);
            final float sin_winkel = (float) Math.sin(bogen);
            final int half_diag=diagonal>>1;
            int[] src_raster=new int[srcData.width*srcData.height];
            int[] dst_raster=new int[diagonal*diagonal];
            for (int y=0; y<diagonal; y++) {
                float x_adj=-half_diag*cos_winkel + (y-half_diag)*sin_winkel + corrX;
                float y_adj=half_diag*sin_winkel + (y-half_diag)*cos_winkel + corrY;
                for (int x=0; x<diagonal; x++) {
                    int x_old=(int)x_adj, y_old=(int)y_adj;
                    if (x_old>=0 && y_old>=0 && x_old<srcData.width && y_old<srcData.height) {
                    x_adj+=cos_winkel; y_adj-=sin_winkel;
            return destData;
        // Fourth change: use fixed-point rather than floating-point.
        static ImageData rotateFixpoint(ImageData srcData, int theta_deg) {
            int diagonal =
                (int) Math.sqrt(
                    (srcData.width * srcData.width)
                        + (srcData.height * srcData.height));
            ImageData destData =
                new ImageData(diagonal, diagonal, srcData.depth, srcData.palette);
            final int corrX = srcData.width / 2;
            final int corrY = srcData.height / 2;
            double bogen = (theta_deg * Math.PI) / 180;
            final int cos=(int)(65536*Math.cos(bogen));
            final int sin=(int)(65536*Math.sin(bogen));
            final int half_diag=diagonal>>1;
            int[] src_raster=new int[srcData.width*srcData.height];
            int[] dst_raster=new int[diagonal*diagonal];
            for (int y=0; y<diagonal; y++) {
                int x_adj=-half_diag*cos + (y-half_diag)*sin + (corrX<<16);
                int y_adj=half_diag*sin + (y-half_diag)*cos + (corrY<<16);
                for (int x=0; x<diagonal; x++) {
                    int x_old=x_adj>>16, y_old=y_adj>>16;
                    if (x_old>=0 && y_old>=0 && x_old<srcData.width && y_old<srcData.height) {
                    x_adj+=cos; y_adj-=sin;
            return destData;
        // Fifth change: only iterate over the box we care about.
        // I've also done some incrementalising immediately, rather than defer to the
        // next version.
        static ImageData rotateTrueclip(ImageData srcData, int theta_deg) {
            int diagonal =
                (int) Math.sqrt(
                    (srcData.width * srcData.width)
                        + (srcData.height * srcData.height));
            ImageData destData =
                new ImageData(diagonal, diagonal, srcData.depth, srcData.palette);
            final int corrX = srcData.width / 2;
            final int corrY = srcData.height / 2;
            double bogen = (theta_deg * Math.PI) / 180;
            final int cos=(int)(65536*Math.cos(bogen));
            final int sin=(int)(65536*Math.sin(bogen));
            final int half_diag=diagonal>>1;
            final int wfix=srcData.width<<16, hfix=srcData.height<<16;
            int[] src_raster=new int[srcData.width*srcData.height];
            int[] dst_raster=new int[diagonal*diagonal];
            int x_start=-half_diag*(cos+sin)+(corrX<<16)-sin;
            int x_end=x_start+diagonal*cos;
            int y_start=half_diag*(sin-cos)+(corrY<<16)-cos;
            for (int y=0; y<diagonal; y++) {
                x_start+=sin; x_end+=sin;
                int dxs=0, dxe=diagonal;
                // Clip to keep source x-coords in range.
                if (cos>0) {
                    if (x_start<0) dxs=(cos-1-x_start)/cos;
                    if (x_end>=wfix+cos) dxe=(wfix-x_start+cos-1)/cos;
                else if (cos<0) {
                    if (x_end<cos) dxe=(cos-x_start-cos+1)/cos;
                    if (x_start>=wfix) dxs=(wfix-x_start+cos-1)/cos;
                else if (x_start<0 || x_start>=wfix) continue;
                // Clip to keep src y-coords in range, taking into account the
                // changes already made to dxs and dxe.
                int y_adj=y_start-dxs*sin;
                final int y_end=y_start-dxe*sin;
                if (sin>0) {
                    if (y_end<-sin) dxe=(y_start+sin)/sin;
                    if (y_adj>=hfix) {
                else if (sin<0) {
                    if (y_adj<0) {
                    if (y_end>=hfix-sin) dxe=(y_start-hfix+sin+1)/sin;
                else if (y_start<0 || y_start>=hfix) continue;
                int x_adj=x_start+dxs*cos;
                int doff=dxs+y*diagonal;
                for (int x=dxs; x<dxe; x++) {
                    int x_old=x_adj>>16, y_old=y_adj>>16;
                    x_adj+=cos; y_adj-=sin;
            return destData;
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            ImageData orig=new ImageData(100,100,32,new PaletteData(0xff0000,0xff00,0xff));
            int[] raster=new int[100*100];
            int roff=0, col=0;
            for (int y=0; y<100; y++) {
                for (int x=0; x<100; x++) {
            // For some reason I don't understand, not knowing SWT, I only appear able to
            // make one Display and one Shell per Display.
    //        new RotationSandbox("Original image",orig).run();
    //         ImageData dasu_rotate=rotateFull(orig,45);
    //         new RotationSandbox("Rotated with dasu's code",dasu_rotate).run();
    //         ImageData rotate_dest=rotateDest(orig,45);
    //         new RotationSandbox("Rotated iterating over dest pixels",rotate_dest).run();
    //         ImageData rotate_iter=rotateIter(orig,45);
    //         new RotationSandbox("Mul -> add",rotate_iter).run();
    //         ImageData rotate_array=rotateArray(orig,45);
    //         new RotationSandbox("Use raster arrays",rotate_array).run();
    //         ImageData rotate_fixpoint=rotateFixpoint(orig,45);
    //         new RotationSandbox("Use fixpoint arithmetic",rotate_fixpoint).run();
            ImageData rotate_trueclip=rotateTrueclip(orig,45);
            new RotationSandbox("Clip to rotated bounding box",rotate_trueclip).run();

  • Oracle Barcode and Windows Mobile 2003 for Pocket PC

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    Pocket PC Symbol (MCG9000) MC9060 con Windows Mobile 2003
    Printer ZEBRA Z4M
    Access Point DWL-2100AP 802.11g/2.4GHz Wireles (D-LINK)
    Please I need the following:
    That I need software to develop the program for the reading of the barcode?.
    I Want develop in order to that it be executed in the Internet Exporer of the Windows Mobile 2003 and updating the data base Oracle online 10g.

    Internet Explorer on the Windows Mobile 2003 is not supported as an interface to Oracle Lite.
    You would need to use .Net(C#,C++, Visual Basice) or develop with a native CE development environment.
    You can also develop with java on the CE device.
    Internet Explorer is supported on a Win32 device with a component call Web Development(formerly Web-to-Go)

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    for PocketPC and would like to know if the
    LabVIEW 7.0 PDA module supports this software.
    I am planning to scan barcodes with this PDA
    and transmit this data over a WLAN to database.

    Depending on the Pocket PC PDA type it is practical to add a barcode reader attachment and then use this as keyboard input into the PDA. You can look at a Grabba barcode Reader attachment (
    I work for Grabba in R&D and we are looking at demand in this area (which is why I was looking at the forum to try and determine whether a need exists).
    If we can help you let us know. I would be interested in knowing where you think this will help you. We have our own ideas but input from the field is most welcome.

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    Yes, you create in the .epub format with whatever Windows app you want to use for that and then use an Aggregator like SmashWords to upload the book to the iBookstore.  Direct upload is only possible from OS X.

  • How install j9 in pocketPC / windows Mobile 2003

    I am new to java embeded environment,
    1. How to Install j9 vm in pocket Pc under windows mobile 2003, because i think j9 vm will come along with IBM Web spehere Every Place Micro Environment pakage.
    a). is there any contraint that the java class should be a MIDlet or some thing like J2ME stuff to run under device.
    b). Can we compile a java class (J2SE the same version the vm supports) .
    Thanks in Advance,

    The latest version of WSDD 5.7 comes with .CAB file installs for Personal Profile, or MIDP 2.0/CLDC1.1. Both install an example as well I believe. For Personal Profile you need to install JARs and modify or create a shortcut run it. For MIDP, you can OTA a MIDlet or copy the JAD onto the file system and double click and it should add it to the list of available MIDlets.
    You can use the WSDD IDE if you wish, or simply use anything else that can compile Personal Profile applications or MIDlets.

  • HP iPAQ 5450 with Windows Mobile 2003 802.1x and certificates.......

    This maybe a bit off topic but I am struggling trying to get some answers out of HP.
    We have some HP iPAQ 5450/5550's all running Windows Mobile 2003 - to use 802.1x Authentication with PEAP or TLS-EAP we need certificates installing on the PocketPCs. We have a Windows 2000 Active-Directory integrated Certificate Authority that publishes certificates to W2K machines OK - initially HP didn't include any way of importing Certificates but have released the SDK Certificate Enrolment Tool (enroll.exe). We have tried for several days to get a certificate but to no avail and we are struggling to find any information out. Has anyone on here managed this? If so how?

    Obviously the WindowsCE devices can't be 'members' of the domain as they would need W2K to do that (create a computer account etc). The enrollment tool is available from HP's website (software & drivers etc). Once I installed the enroll.exe tool I modified the enroll.cfg file to request a 'computer' certificate from my CA, this is now installed and appears in 'Settings, System, Certificates'. I have yet to actually test this with a Cisco AP as I just can't get my hands on one.......

  • Swf on window mobile 2003

    I have to do a flash application that runs on window mobile
    2003. It uses ExternalInterface.addCallback method.. I have some
    problems with it on my pc because it doesn't work but recently I
    learned that it could due to security rules on flash player 8 but
    what about flash on window mobile? Also on it I could have some
    problems using ExternalInterface.addCallback method.?
    In that case what I have to do?

    the Character is not equals charIt should be, but it seems we don't have total symmetry of types yet. See [finish primitive-sequence to primitive-array conversions|] bug, for example, or [nativearray of byte|] which will be fixed in SoMa (JavaFX 1.3?).
    I tried:
    var foo = "{[ 1 .. 400 ]}";
    var dummy = foo.substring(0, 1024);
    var buff: nativearray of Character = dummy.toCharArray();
    println(sizeof buff);and I get an error: TestPlain.fx:21: incompatible types
    found   : nativearray of Character
    required: nativearray of java.lang.Character
    var buff: nativearray of Character = dummy.toCharArray();
    1 errorAnd if I write: var buff: nativearray of Character = dummy.toCharArray() as nativearray of Character; I get a compiler crash...
    I see, looking at [String(byte...) doesn't compile|] bug, SequenceConversions class in the file, that we don't have a toCharArray method yet. Either an overview or some technical issue, I don't know.
    So it looks like there are still some holes in nativearray support (it was presented as "experimental" in JavaFX 1.2 release announcements...).
    PS.: I am not a Sun employee, I don't know Chinese, I don't have a Windows Mobile phone and I didn't even tried the mobile emulator yet (just tried, seems hard to use outside of NetBeans, which I don't have), among other problems. So I fear I am not the best help you can get, don't put high hopes on me... :-P

  • SAP MI 2.5 (+CrEme) doesn't work under Windows Mobile 2003 Second Editon

    While testing our new Hardware (Dell Axim X30 with Intel PXA270-CPU and Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition (4.21.1088)) i noticed, that the SAP MI Client Software will not work at all!
    <i>Setup says "The program you have installed may not display properly because it was designed for a previous version of Windows Mobile software."
    But this doesn't seam to be the Problem, because whenever you install an application that hasn't been updated to be compatible with the Second Edition, this dialogue box pops ups.</i> (Reason: The new Landscape-Mode - Our device runs in Portrait-Mode)
    ...Ok, after tabbing "OK" at this Dialogue, Setup continues! Same procedure at the CrEme-Installer!
    After Soft-Resetting, the PocketPC shows up the Message that CrEme is starting up, but it doesn't listen it's Port on the PDA!
    You get a Timeout when trying to load the MobileInfrastructure via the Link at Startmenu.
    Also the InternetExplorer crashes when opening a webpage with an Java-Applet. Don't know if IE crashes on Windows Mobile 2003 First Edtion, but i don't think so...
    <i>Of course the SAP MI 2.5 works on the First Edition!</i>
    Anyone knows this problem <b>and when can we expect a Solution?</b>

    Hi all!
    I found out that CrEme crashes after executing on Windows Mobile 2003 2nd Edition!
    Just start the CrEme-Console ("\Windows\CrEme\bin") and type "java" into the Console, it crashes immediately after printing some Messages.
    The window disappears too fast to guess what it says...
    BTW: On PocketPC 2003 (1st Edition) it doesn't crash!
    So it seams we need a new CrEme (or other VM??) for Windows Mobile 2003 2nd Edition!
    Any ideas?
    Thanks in Advance,

  • JVM & HP iPAQ with Windows Mobile 2003 SE

    what kind of JVM can I use on HP iPAQ with Windows Mobile 2003 SE. I don't know what configuration should I use, if CLDC or CDC.
    Thanks for replies.

    For the configuration i think its CDC, as the ipaqs have a big memory as using CLDC, but for the JVM, i don't know,
    if you find the answer plz send it to me at [email protected]
    good luck.

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    Windows Mobile 5.0 shows perfectly this alert box. But on Windows Mobile 2003, is displayed two alert box with the same response.

    Hi Bruno Ambrozio ,
    Just to understand AJAX's Open() method...
    We use open() method before sending the request to the server and this takes 3 arguments.
    - The first argument defines which method to use when sending the request  (GET  or POST).
      - The second, specifies the URL of the server-side script.
    -  The third, specifies that the request should be handled asynchronously.
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    I have USB-6009, PDA iPAQ 214, WM6, Daqmx base 3.3, Labview 2009. In order to create new mobile project I use wizard and standart dynamic example: Cont Acq&Graph Voltage-Int All works ok, but if I add more chanels in VI "Create Channels" or place new VI block and enter "Dev1/ai1", exe on my PDA cannot work correctly. Exception after RUN. I have no idea how build correct application with 3 channels without this exeption...  On PC all works. Whay right way to create channels? I attach VI which don't work, for examle. I read daqmxbase cannot support WM6, but 1 channel work ideal!
    diagramm.jpg ‏113 KB

    I forgot to mention that, yes, Windows Mobile 6 is not supported along side of DAQmx Base. That means you might be able to get some  of the same functionality(limited) that you would with Windows Mobile 5, but most likely not 100% functionality. This could explain why 1 channel works and multiple channels do not. I will try and help you out, but as this is not supported my ability to help is limited.
    Ben Sisney
    FlexRIO V&V Engineer
    National Instruments

  • Free download app for htc hd7 windows mobile

    Need help with free download of Adobe player for HTC hd7 windows mobile

    Please see this page for a list of all certified devices:
    Flash Player Certified Devices
    We don't support the Windows Phone OS so I suspect you'll have to find a third party browser that can render the content server side (like Skyfire).

  • Creating a texture for a rounded window

    I'm creating a simple gui on a game framework based on lwjgl and I have a problem.
    Almost every window has a solid black texture as a background. I came up with a idea to make corners rounded. At the beginning I created gif picture of a rounded square and used it as a background texture. But it wasn't a good idea, because the corners had different sizes depends on windows sizes (and how much texture was stretched). I've decided that I have to create a texture dynamically every time a window is created.
    public void makeBackground() {
            // the texture size must be multiply of 2
            int tWidth = 2;
            while (tWidth < getWidth()) {
                tWidth *= 2;
            int tHeight = 2;
            while (tHeight < getHeight()) {
                tHeight *= 2;
            Texture t = new Texture(getWidth(), getHeight()); // new texture is created with width and height same as the window size
            int px, py, ox, oy; // some variables
            final int pw = getWidth(),  ph = getHeight(),  hww = tWidth; // as above
            ByteBuffer bb = t.getData(); // blank texture is converted to a byte buffer
            Utils.startStoper(); // start timer (for a benchmark)
            try {
                for (int p = 0;; p++) {
                    px = p % hww; // get the X of the pixel
                    py = p / hww; // get the Y of the pixel
                    ox = ROUND_ANGLE - Math.min(px + 1, pw - px + 1); //  ox = <0, 32> if near corners
                    oy = ROUND_ANGLE - Math.min(py + 1, ph - py + 1); //  as above
                    bb.put((byte) 0); // r = 0
                    bb.put((byte) 0); // g = 0
                    bb.put((byte) 0); // b = 0
                    if (ox > 0 && oy > 0) {  // if near corners
                        double hypot = Math.hypot(ox, oy);
                        if (hypot > ROUND_ANGLE) { // if outside the corner
                            bb.put((byte) 0); // apha = 0
                        } else if (hypot > ROUND_ANGLE - 1) { // if on the corner edge
                            bb.put((byte) Math.round(
                                    (ROUND_ANGLE - hypot) * 200));
                        } else {
                            bb.put((byte) 200);  // if inside the corner (200 is a max value cause the whole window is a bit transparent)
                    } else {
                        bb.put((byte) 200); // inside the window
            } catch (BufferOverflowException ex) {
            Utils.stopStoper();  // stop timer
            t.setData(bb);   // set data for a texture
            super.setImage(t);  // set texture as a background
        }And here we have a problem. The whole method takes about 70ms for a window 200x200.
    I can do it in another way: create a pictures of a rounded corner and a black box. The box would be the window inside and the corner would loaded 4 times each time rotated. Only the box would be stretched then. But I would have to override all methods of a window (setX, setY, setXY, some more).
    Any ideas?
    Edited by: tom_ex on 2009-02-17 16:58

    Hi Tom,
    I haven't used lwjgl, so hope the following helps:
    1- What does it matter if it takes 70ms. Your windows will be created once. At that point juste create the texture for that window and store it until you destroy the window. The penalty hit is 70ms but only at the initialization.
    2- You are drawing a pixel at a time for everything. Why don't you calculate the area of the corners and only draw the corners a pixel at a time. For the rest, draw some filled polygons.
    3- The java Graphics object has method fill methode that can take any Shape object. Why don't you use that?
    I would use a combination of 3 and 1.
    Hope that helps.
    Edited by: ekram_rashid on Feb 18, 2009 2:21 PM

  • Error: "Unable to create a shortcut for MyApp" on Windows 2008

    When I try to install my JAVA app on windows 2008 via Java Web Start, it pop up a error message "Unable to create a shortcut for MyApp". The app can startup and work correctly after clicking "ok" on error message. BUT, there is no shortcut created on Desktop or Start Menu.
    This problem occured on Windows 2008 ONLY. I have test the installation process on different OS with JRE 6u14 and 6u20:
    Windows XP PASS
    Windows 7 PASS
    Windows 2003 PASS
    Windows 2008 FAIL, can't create shortcut on Desktop and Start Menu
    And I have test the demos on, the problem is same.
    Does any one has any idea on this?

    AndrewThompson64 wrote:
    - Menu items do not work on Ubuntu Linux at all.
    - As a result of that, I am thinking to declare neither desktop shortcuts nor menu items in the JNLP file, but instead using the IntegrationService(1) to perform more specific tests, and offer the end user whatever is available.
    - This is probably a better strategy overall, because if you automatically create desk-top shortcuts (or menu items) for the user, you will discover there is always someone who considers them an unnecessary bother.
    1) BTW - I have been meaning to do a demo. of the IntegrationService and add it to the other examples at PSCode, but have not yet found the time. ;-)Thanks for reply.
    But I don't understand very clear. I'm focus on the windows platform not Linux. Do you suggest to create shortcuts and menu items manually by coding in Applet?
    I prefer to use the JNLP file cause it works good on the other OS than to change my code.
    What I want to know is:
    1. Is it a bug for JRE on Windows 2008?
    2. If NO, how can I make it work on Windows 2008? Do I need change some System Setting or Browser Setting?
    3. If YES, maybe I can try to change my code, but why there is no bug filed in the Bug Database?
    BTW, I use the IE browser.

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