Create pages template on iPad?

We use templates for both letterhead and spreadsheets on a regular basis. Nothing fancy, but it does save typing and keeps a consistent business image.
Can I add templates to Pages or Numbers on the iPad2? Or is there a work-around.
Thanks in advance.

THanks for the thought, but I haven't found a way to save something and I have yet to find a "save as" function on the iPad.
Once you get a document into, say, Pages, you can rename it, that that removes the original document or template. And there is no obvious way to create or save a new template to the ones in the program. Hopefully Apple has noted that having templates is useless unless you can create your own.
I've found two work-arounds in the community here. The first is to create a template and save it to an external place such as Dropbox, or maybe e-mail it to yourself and keep the e-mail around. In that case you can take the template into Pages anytime you need it.
The other way involves the import through iTunes. When you "add" a document to Pages under file sharing in iTunes and then sync, it places the file in some kind of intermediate storage on the iPad. From there you can copy the file  into Pages for use. Aparently, copying the file does not take it off of the intermediate storage location until you make that change in iTunes. Once again you have a template-like feature that works, even if it is a bit arcane.
Thanks to all that have helped me figure this out. I'd still like to add an actual template, but this still works.

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    Hi All and Thanks Frank,
    I still having confusion with my project.
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    Hello BoGodbold,
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    You will need to create a Numbers template on your Mac, and then transfer it to your iPad.
    You can create your own custom templates in Numbers for Mac and use them in Numbers on your iOS device. To install a custom template on your iOS device, first save your template to iCloud, iTunes, or a WebDAV server, or send it as an email attachment.
    Add custom templates
    Take care,
    Alex H.

  • A method to create completely customized photo book page templates from scratch in Lightroom 5

    I was able to successfully create completely customized Lightroom 5 page templates (including altering the number of, positions, and sizes of pictures) by making edits to the templatePages.lua file(s) in the Lightroom directory tree.  I have never heard of the LUA file format before, but it is ASCII and looks somewhat like XML, so it was fairly easy to decipher.  Here is a high-level description of how I did it.  This applies to Lightroom 5 on Windows 7.  If this doesn't make any sense to you, then don't try it - you're likely in over your head.  Although my description is brief and lacking in detail, it should enable someone who is capable of handling this to figure it out with a little of careful trial and error.  Do this at your own risk - if you screw-up your installation, catalog, or computer, it's your own fault.  It all worked great for me.
    First, open the "<lightroom 5 install directory>\Templates\Layout Templates" folder.  Then navigate to the template set that contains the template you would like to use as a starting point for the new template.  For example, "12x12-blurb\clean12x12".  Make a back-up copy of the templatePages.lua file in case you mess something up and want to revert.
    There will be a bunch of .jpg files in this directory that each contain a preview image of the layout that carries the same name as the .jpg file.  Find the one that you would like to use as a starting point.  Take note of the name of the file, which is probably something similar to "page_26_preview.jpg".   Duplicate the file and rename it to something unique, such as "dummy_preview.jpg".  It's just temporary, so it doesn't matter what name you pick, provided it is a legal file name with no spaces.
    Next, open the templatePages.lua file in a text editor.  I suggest using one that can automatically recognize and format ULA (such as Notepad++, which is open source and free to use).  Then search the file for the unique portion of the file name you took note of earlier, such as "page_26".  It will point you to a section in the LUA file that describes that particular template.  Carefully copy that entire section, including a balanced number of brackets (starting with the two brackets and commas before "children" and ending with the one bracket and comma after the "title" line.  Paste the copied text into the end of the file on a new line immediately following the bracket and comma after the "title" field for the last page template section (right near the end of the file).  Change the "previewName" field to the name of the preview file copy that you created ("dummy_preview.jpg" for me) and the "name" field to the name of the new template you're creating ("dummy" for me, since it is just temporary).  Next change at least one of the hex characters in the "pageID" field such that the new template will have a unique page identifier.
    Now you can make edits to the photo and text fields included in the new section, using other templates in the template file as examples.  "x" and "y" fields are coordinates (in pixels) for the bottom-left corner of the picture or text field, "height" and "width" are the width of the field in pixels.  The fields should be mostly self-explanatory, but make sure that the "photoindex" fields are filled-in starting from 1 to N, where N is the number of pictures in the template, with no duplicates or gaps.  They do not need to be in order.  Treat the "textIndex" fields similarly for text fields.  If you want to add an additional picture or text field, simply copy the section describing a picture or text field from another template and paste it, carefully, into the new template that you are creating.
    Once you are done, save the file (you may get interference from Windows UAC, in which case save the file elsewhere and the move it back to the correct directory).  Then open Lightroom.  Create a new photobook, and choose the new template for one of the pages, remembering that the preview image will look like the JPG that you copied.  Voila!  If you didn't screw anything up, you should see a page based on your new template.  Then right-click the page and select "Save as custom page", which will cause a fresh preview file to be created for your new template and your template to be copied to the "custom pages" section of the template menu.  The new section you added to the "templatePages.lua" and the "dummy" preview file can now be deleted, since they are no longer needed.  I save them so that I may simply overwrite them the next time I need to create a customized template.
    Enjoy, and please share any clarifications, corrections, or enhancements to my process.

    peter at knowhowpro wrote:
    DHWachs wrote:
    This post was great!  Thank you so much.  But I am hoping you know one more thing related to this.  In the "transform" section of the definition (where the x/y coordinates are set along with height and width) there is an option called "angle".  I was hoping that changing this value would allow me to offset the angle of the picture.  However, if I put any value there other than 0 the template becomes unusable.
    Do you happen to know what this option does?
    I haven't looked into the files, so this is just a guess based on how some graphic applications work. It's common to think of rotating a shape as pivoting around a center point, but It's possible that the file sets a value for the rotation point not at the center. In some graphics applications, you can set a shape's pivot at any corner or in the middle of any side, of the rectangle that contains the whole shape.
    So, your value may be rotating the shape around a pivot that moves the shape into some area that upsets the behavior of other shapes. Just a thought.
    Peter Gold
    KnowHow ProServices
    Peter's point is a good one.  I would also assume that the "angle" property allows you to rotate an image, but I haven't tried it myself.  One thing to investigate - are there any page templates included in LR that have image placeholders that are at an angle (I don't recall any, off-hand)?  If so, looking at the associated .lua file could provide insight into how an angled image placeholder should be described.

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    Priscila Britto

    Hi people!
    I get to resolve any items. Anything important are:
    - you can to view a structure of page template. The first you view it in the menu Shared Components >> Templates. There is a icon in the column "Preview" for the page, report and region template items. In the click on the icon you can view a template structure that should be shown in the execution.
    - You can view where will be inserted a region on the option "display point". You need to click on the icon in the right of the "display point" option;
    Well, If you pay attention in the two options you will know how to modify a template and how to create.
    Priscila Britto

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    Just thought I'd add my solution, I decided to go with WebDAV and I think it actually works better than the iTunes way, the steps are pretty much the same but avoiding the iTunes interface just makes things easier and faster.
    I followed this guide but it does have a small mistake in the httpd-dav.conf file, on line 2, where it's WebServer/WebDAV">, it should be <Directory "/Library/WebServer/WebDAV">.
    The tricky part is setting permissions which if wrong will give you errors when connecting with the iPad, I opted to set all to Read&Write since my home network has a hardware firewall. Another convenience was to add an alias to the webdav share on the Desktop.
    I'm still expecting the call from Apple but even if they fix the iTunes I'm sticking with WebDAV, atleast until I see what's new with iOS5 and iCloud this fall which should bring true sync for documents (I'm hoping that they will offer encryption with my own keys, if not, then I'll probably keep using WebDAV).

  • Why does my template created page jump out of sync?

    Hi there
    I'm relatively new at this, having read classroom in a book on Dreamweaver CS6 I thought I'd attempt my own website.
    I't's relatively simple and contains only 4 pages derived from a template.
    3 of the pages look fine and jumping from one to another everything is precisely registered.
    1 page however refuses to play ball and is horizontally out of register with the other 3 pages- it moves about 3 mm to the left
    I've isolated this as being down to the text in the main editable region. If I remove a paragraph (it doesn't matter which one) it returns to being in register with the other pages.
    When creating the template itself I did leave a lesser amount of text in situ in the editable region so that I could simply cut and paste over it,  I also did this for the heading which seems to work fine.
    Below is the problem page code About Graphic Communication and a welcome page code which is fine
    Also attached link to site which is being hosted externally (set up by someone who knows what they are doing)
    Contact Details
    Any help would be gratefully received
    Many thanks
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns=""><!-- InstanceBegin template="Templates/index.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->
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        <p> </p>
        <h1>About Graphic Communication</h1>
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        <li><a href="index.html">HOME</a>    </li>
        <li><a href="about.html">ABOUT</a></li>
        <li><a href="portfoliopage.html">PORTFOLIO</a>    </li>
        <li><a href="contact.html">CONTACT</a></li>
      <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="content" -->
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        <p>As far back as I can remember, I’ve always been inspired to draw and paint, so a career in art and design was always on the cards.</p>
        <p>After 4 years studying graphic design to degree standard at Cornwall College, I graduated as a diploma member of the Society of Industrial Artists and Designers in 1982.</p>
        <p>Over the years, I’ve worked in Audio Visual, Packaging and POS, Cosmetics and Beauty Products, Engineering, Christian Publicity and the Pharmaceutical Industry, to name but a few. Starting out  with paste-up artwork on drawing boards, hand drawn marker visuals, and long hours in darkrooms, time has seen many changes with equipment and working methods. However, though the tools have changed, my aim has always remained the same — to produce effective, relevant, graphic communication.</p>
        <p>Graphic communication is everything — it has always been. From the very first marks we humans ever made representing our ideas and experiences, to today’s fast changing digital world, and beyond, it’s the culmination of an inventive ideas process that effectively communicates our intent and values to others.</p>
        <p>For the designer, it means a partnership between the client's aims and the designer’s creativity, defining a common vision and honing all the possibilities of outcome into a single bespoke solution that’s distinctly right for your business, not someone else’s.</p>
        <p>Good design simply means great graphic communication.</p>
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      <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="heading" -->
      <div id="header">
        <p> </p>
        <h1>Welcome to Graphic Communication</h1>
      <!-- InstanceEndEditable -->
      <div id="picture"></div>
      <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="main image" --><img src="Images/Voyager 26 web.jpg" width="760" height="250" alt="Voyager spacecraft" /><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->
      <ul id="MenuBar1" class="MenuBarHorizontal">
        <li><a href="index.html">HOME</a>    </li>
        <li><a href="about.html">ABOUT</a></li>
        <li><a href="portfoliopage.html">PORTFOLIO</a>    </li>
        <li><a href="contact.html">CONTACT</a></li>
      <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="content" -->
      <div id="content">
        <p>Welcome to Graphic Communication, the website of freelance graphic designer Kevin Raddy. With over 20 years design for print experience, I offer a friendly, professional, design and artwork service at competitive prices.</p>
        <p>Whatever your design need, my aim is to make a difference to your business through creative and effective use of graphic design. I’ll strive not only meet your expectations, but through creativity, inspiration and communication, exceed them—that’s good for your business and unsurprisingly, it’s also good for mine. </p>
        <p>Whether you are looking for a new logo, branded stationery, leaflets, a corporate brochure or any type of design for print project, Graphic Communication prides itself on delivering on time—on budget solutions, aimed at total customer satisfaction.</p>
        <p>  </p>
      <!-- InstanceEndEditable -->
      <div id="footer">© Kevin Raddy 2014</div>
      <div id="pictureborder1"></div>
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    Normally you would have an external style sheet for your site. Each page would be linked to that style sheet.
    In your case, you have placed the style rules in the document, which is Ok except when it comes to maintenance.
    To answer your question, place the code just above the body style rules as in
    html { 
    body {
      background-color: #000;
      text-align: center;
      margin: 0px;
      padding: 0px;
      color: #EEE;
    If you do have plans to use an external style sheet, the rule for the html will not adversely affect other pages.

  • My iWork (pages and keynote) are not communicating with the iCloud. I haven't changed anything and all of the sudden there is no sync happening.  My iCloud account is fine as i can create documents on my iPad and they appear on iCloud.

    my iWork (pages and keynote) are not communicating with the iCloud. I haven't changed anything and all of the sudden there is no sync happening.  My iCloud account is fine as i can create documents on my iPad and they appear on iCloud. However, when i change documents on my mac (documents that are supposed to be in the iCloud), the changes do not sync with my other devices nor with iCloud.  Even when i create new documents on my mac and save them to iCloud, all seems okay and i can access them from my mac, however they do not show up in the iCloud and i can't access them with my other devices.
    Most recent version of mountain lion updated over a month ago.  New iPad in use for over a month.

    The same thing is happening to me, Mail was fine about an hour ago and now is rejecting correct password.  Typical when today I'm waiting some important emails!

  • How do I change the template size in pages on my iPad

    How do I change the template size in pages on my iPad I've looked every where for the answer.
    Please help I'm trying to make a program 

    You can't. Those are functions of the the template.

  • Creating a New ADF Page Template

    -- I posted this in the WebCenter forum but since it is primarily around ADF I thought I would post here also
    -- Extending WebCenter Spaces Creating New Page Template w/Float Div
    Hi all,
    I am attempting to create a new group space page template for Spaces that has a floating div on the right side that will have content wrap around it. It should look similar in concept to the image in this link:
    This seems like it should be simple enough but I need to allow dynamic content to be added each region with Oracle Composer. Currently when I am testing this and add content the two regions end up in distinct columns. This appears to be a result of the html elements that get wrapped around the content by the ADF tags. Has anyone successfully created a page template / page similar to this or have any ideas on how I might get it to work? Below is the current code I am using:
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <jsp:root xmlns:jsp="" version="2.1"
      < contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8"/>
        <af:document id="d1">
          <af:form id="f1">
            <pe:changeModeLink id="cml1"/>
            <pe:pageCustomizable id="pageCustomizable1">
            <af:panelStretchLayout id="psl1">         
                <f:facet name="center">
                  <af:panelGroupLayout layout="scroll"
                    <af:panelBox text="PanelBox1" id="pb1">
                      <f:facet name="toolbar"/>               
                      <trh:tableLayout id="tl1" width="100%">
                        <trh:rowLayout id="rl1">
                          <trh:cellFormat id="cf1" width="20%" valign="top">                       
                              <cust:panelCustomizable id="mainC"/>                         
                          <trh:cellFormat id="cf2" width="80%" valign="top">
                            <!-- This is a div tag with style set to "float:right"; I had to describe this line as it didn't show up in the post -->                         
                                <cust:panelCustomizable id="mainC1"/>                       
                            </ div>               
                            <cust:panelCustomizable id="mainC2"/>                                                                
              <f:facet name="editor">
                <pe:pageEditorPanel id="pep1"/>

    Hi ,
    I understand that you want to be able to select content type when creating a wiki page to a Wiki Page library. In browser ,you cannot add content types to a wiki page library .You need to edit the library in SharePoint Designer.
    Open the site in SharePoint Designer.
    Click on the library. Check ‘Allow management of content types’ in the Settings section.
    Then you can add content types to this page library.
    Then you can add content types in the Site Content Types gallery which inherit from the Wiki Content type.
    Add the newly added content type to the Wiki Page Library.
    In this way ,when you add a new page in the Wiki Page library ,you can choose a different content type .
    Edit the content type in Library Settings .Choose Advanced Settings for the content type .Here you can upload new page for the content type .
    Entan Ming
    Entan Ming
    TechNet Community Support

  • Why can't I create a new landscape document in Pages on the ipad?

    I can create a keynote landscape page on my iPad. I can create a landscape pages document on my Mac, email to myself, open on the iPad and it is there, yet I cannot create a new landscape document on my ipad, this is crazy?

    I'm using Version 9.0p230. Windows OS.
    Yes, the COMMANDS pop up does not pop up!
    Yes, I rebooted but I had the same problem. I ended up entering a new name directly in the Character tag field from the Designer and was able to create it that way. Thanks

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