Create popup help/information

Is it possible to create feature that when I rest the mouse curser on a certain area on the front panel (while executing) a pre-set help/information will be shown similar to what the windows explorer (it shows the file information when mouse is rested on top of that file)?

Yes, it's possible, but in a different way.
First off, place the picture you need on the front panel (for example, above a control), where do you want it to pop up. Then, create a property node with the "visible" property.
Then, place an event structure on the block diagram, and handle the "mouse entered" and "mouse exited" events to toggle the property.
Hope this helps!

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    Hello All.
    I've created an HTML Text region containing a List of hypertext links. What I am trying to do is to have a text message appear below the region whenever a user hovers over a given link. This message will explain something about the link.
    I created a "HELP Region" in which I wrote some help text specific to a given link. But I don't know how to get this text to appear only when a user hovers over a specific link. This help text should appear BELOW the region containing the list of links.
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    Should I be using Javascript? If so, does anyone have an example they can show me?
    Thanks in advance.

    Ok in response to your questions:
    1) In my APEX regions, where exactly do I place this
    javascript. I'm new to using APEX, and so, I'm not
    sure where it goes.The best way to do this would be to put the javascript functions into a separate file eg showHide.js.
    You can then import this into your application by adding it to the top of your template using HTML. This means you don't have to add it for every page, and it will also only be imported once per session, when user first enters the application. For the onMouseOver and onMouseOut bits, they need to be added to the "HTML Form Element Attributes" in the "Element" section of the page item you want the region to use to make the region appear.
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    Sorry I couldn't be more helpful on the last question, but let me know how you get on. Let me know if you have any further questions.
    All the best,

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    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
            try {
            catch (GeneralException ex) {
                ErrorHandler.errDialog(ex.getDescription(), CommonUtil
                        .getActionName(this), ex);
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        public void createHelpViewer(JInternalFrame javaHelpFrame) throws GeneralException {
            if (javaHelpFrame != null) {
            String mainHSName = "gui/files/jhelpset.hs";
            HelpSet mainHS = null;
            // Create helpset
            try {
                ClassLoader cl = this.getClass().getClassLoader();
                URL hsURL = CommonUtil.getResourceURL(mainHSName);
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    Here is a sample of a pop-up window that I did...
    I created a small gallery of some of my Edge animations..
    Use the left and right arrow on your keyboard to navigate through images...
    Click on the image you want to view...
    A large window pops up and you can view the animation...
    Click on the X to close the pop up

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    Questions on creating apps with the Adobe Digital Publishing Suite need to be asked in the DPS Forum, where I've moved your question.

  • How to create PopUps in Web dynpro

    How can I create Popup window in web dynpro's.

    Hello Venkat,
    Refer these links
    <a href=""></a><a href=""></a>
    Hope the information helps.

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    For pop up window
    IWDWindowInfo windowInfo = (IWDWindowInfo)wdComponentAPI.getComponentInfo().findInWindows("PopWin");
    IWDWindow window = wdComponentAPI.getWindowManager().createModalWindow(windowInfo);
    window.setWindowPosition (300, 150);;
    For closing window code
    IWDWindow window = wdContext.currentYourNodeElement().getPopupAttribute();
    For more infornation refer this link
    This link is very useful for you.
    Edited by: Ruturaj Inamdar on Aug 13, 2009 9:10 AM

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    I haven't found a way to make the help text from different dictionaries  line up.  One workaround is to set the field display width the same for  the fields in both dictionaries.  The help is lined up with the longest  field in each dictionary.  As for the new line in the help text, the  help text is HTML, so a break tag "
    " will create a new line.   You can put any valid HTML in the help text and it will be rendered.

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    global variables make robots angry

    Sorry, I wasn't very clear in my first post. When I place a pre-written function on the block diagram, a handy description pops up in the help panel,  a detailed description is available in the labview help documentation and it has a nice help option on its drop down menu that I can click on for info. The controls that I select for the front panel are, of course, pre-written functions as well. That is to say; they were created by someone other than me and they do things in a specific fashion that might not be totally apparent (to a dummy like me). Because the drag and drop interface for building the block diagram is similar to the drag and drop interface for building the front panel, it instinctively feels like there should be some sort of description there of the control functions that come with labview, just like the descriptions of the block diagram functions that come with labview. I think what I was looking for might be the help button that I've managed to find by right clicking on the control object, then selecting properties from the drop down, then looking in the lower right hand corner of the properties section. Funny thing is, I read the path properties entry from the file path control that I dropped on the front panel, and I still can't figure out how the control selects the default search folder if it isn't specified, and I'm still not sure whether I can somehow programmatically set the default folder for all "file path controls" on the front panel at once. I'm still searching for that answer in the installed documentation because I feel like I should avoid posting lots of questions to the forum unless I'm sure that the answer isn't sitting right there in the documentation somewhere, which leads me to the second example, the color box constant conversion thing.
    I read that same help description that you found which is why I was so confused to find that the number I was looking at was not a hexidecimal and had a different number of bytes than the help file specified. It turns out that if you create a color box constant on the block diagram and pick a color, any color, nothing up my sleeve- then create an indicator to output that color, you'll find that the color is not a hexidecimal alphanumeric with six values and three bytes, it is instead represented by a thirty two bit integer. that's one more byte than in the help description, and the integer didn't seem to have an obivious pattern in it that would give away how to turn a red green blue, three byte number into the 32-bit integer that the color box constant shoots out. So here's the official description from national instruments that tells me what the heck is going on with the color box color to integer conversion:
    "A color is represented by a 32-bit integer, with the lower three bytes representing the red, green, and blue components of the color. For a range of blue colors, create an array of 32-bit integers where only the values of the low bytes change (the low byte contains the blue component). To create a range of gray colors, you need to create an array of 32-bit integers where the red, green, and blue values of each element are the same."
    so you see there are four bytes with one byte empty that you have to assemble into an integer. or decode by doing the reverse.
    and the quoted description is from the LabVIEW Picture Control Toolkit Reference Manual Version 1.0. But of, course, the description of how to convert from an integer into a color and vice versa must be in the regular documentation somewhere, because it's a fairly fundamental thing. So I looked in my installed help documentation again to see if I could construct a search phrase to find it, so I would be a little wiser about how to search for specific info in the help files, but I'm just not able to locate it. And, of course if I create a color box control and go into the properties and find the properties help button for the Framed Color Box Properties Dialog Box it doesn't actually say anything about what happens between you picking a color and it shooting a number over to the block diagram, which makes me think "Ok. there is a description of this pre-made control somewhere else, and I'm just not looking in the right spot to find it, because who would give you a big ol' palette of these pre-made controls to use, and leave you wondering what the heck some of the controls are doing when you use them?"
    So I was thinking that I'm not looking in the right spot for documentation, or I'm not searching in the best way, or that maybe I'm missing part of the help documentation or something.
    global variables make robots angry

  • How to create Popups in task flows

    Can any one help how can we create popup in taskflow. My requirement is i need to do create/edit operation on a table using task flows i have followed the "" for create/edit operations in this it's navigating to new page, my case i need to invoke a popup instead of page.
    can any one help me.

    You need to create a separate tf for the edit and use that as a region in your search page.

  • How to create popup in ABAP webdynpro.

    I found lot of examples to create a popup/ model window for java webdynpro.
    Could anyone give a pointer to an example which explains how to create popup in ABAP webdynpro??
    Kind Regards

    Hi Thomas:
    It worked fine the 1st time. Second time when the user clicks on the button to open up the popup it dumps.
    Here is the code in the action for popup:
    data: l_cmp_api type ref to if_wd_Component,
            l_window_manager type ref to if_wd_window_manager,
            l_api type ref to if_wd_View_controller,
            l_text type string_table.
      l_cmp_api = wd_comp_controller->wd_get_api( ).
      l_window_manager = l_cmp_api->get_window_manager( ).
      if wd_this->m_popup is initial.
        wd_this->m_popup = l_window_manager->create_window(
                 window_name = 'DOCQSOW'
                 button_kind = if_wd_window=>co_buttons_ok
                 message_type = if_wd_window=>co_msg_type_none ).
               component_usage_name = 'DOCQUERY_USAGE_1'
        l_api = wd_this->wd_get_api( ).
              button = if_wd_window=>co_button_ok
              button_text = 'Transfer'
              action_name = 'POPUP_CLOSED'
              action_view = l_api  ) .
        wd_this->m_popup->SET_REMOVE_ON_CLOSE( abap_true ).
      wd_this->m_popup->open( ).
    Second time when the popup tries to open, I get the following error:
    Method: RENDER_WINDOW of program CL_WDR_WINDOW_RENDERER========CP
    Method: RENDER_WINDOW of program CL_WDR_CLIENT_SSR=============CP
    Method: RENDER_POPUP_WINDOWS of program CL_WDR_CLIENT_SSR=============CP
    Method: RENDER_WINDOWS of program CL_WDR_CLIENT_SSR=============CP
    Method: IF_WDR_CLIENT~SEND_RESPONSE of program CL_WDR_CLIENT_SSR=============CP
    Method: EXECUTE of program CL_WDR_MAIN_TASK==============CP
    Method: IF_HTTP_EXTENSION~HANDLE_REQUEST of program CL_WDR_MAIN_TASK==============CP
    Is there a way to destroy the instance of the m_popup?
    Any help is appreciated!

  • How can I create popup ?

    Hi All,
    How can I create popup in workspace.      [Currently only creates Layer ] ?:|

    Try to look here:
    I hope it will be helpful for you.

  • Doubt on creating Search help.

    Hi Friends,
    I have created a table . I am using the SAPGUI version 4.6. In that i am not having a tab called Search Help as we used to have in Higher version.I have created a Search help using the Search help radio button in SE11 start screen.
    I am not able to assign the search help created to the respective field in the table.
    is there any ways how to assign the search help we have created to the respective field.
    please help me in solving this issue.

    HI Gokul,
    If you have created search help then it's very easy to assign that Search help to database table field.
    Go To sell.
    Enter your table name,
    Click on Change,
    Select the field for which you want to assign search help,
    Then Click on Search Help Button.
    Enter you search help name and its done....
    If you feel this information was useful.
    Award me reward Ponts...
    Shree Wadekar

  • Create Popup or external window

    I have some code in wdDoInit() of View. Before view completely loads, I require to popup a dialog box or external window with a message.
    Is this possible to create Popup or external window from the first view of the application, such that the popup appears first and then the rest of the view loads?
    Presenty I do not get any popup even though I have done coding for the same and straight away the view appears.
    Message was edited by:
            Anagha Jawalekar

    Hi Anagha,
    First go to the Method tab of view and create two Event handlers (“Ok” and “Cancel”).
    Then try this code inside wdDoInit() of view.
         String dialog = "Do You Want to Continue? ";
         IWDConfirmationDialog confDialog = wdComponentAPI.getWindowManager().createConfirmationWindow(dialog,wdThis.wdGetAPI().getViewInfo().getViewController().findInEventHandlers("Ok"),"OK");
         IWDEventHandlerInfo CancelEventInfo = wdThis.wdGetAPI().getViewInfo().getViewController().findInEventHandlers("Cancel");
    Check this links.
    <a href="">Creating an External Window</a>
    Generic Search
    Re: opening a new window on lead select in a table!!!
    Re: close a pop-up window

  • Displaying the Popup Help

    It was my assumption that whatever text we attach to the comments of the database columns get associated with the help text in the popup help for all the items created when a region is based on that table.
    I surely remember I saw that initially. But now its not happening. Any clue?
    Edited by: debrajgh on Dec 13, 2010 10:28 AM

      You can change your layout using alv layout display. Use BCALV* for demo programs on alv oops.Use following link for oops alv material.
    Message was edited by:
            veereshbabu ponnada

  • Master/detail form - Detail columns lack help information

    I have a master/detail form. All the fields in the master block have help information attached to assist the user when entering data. The detail block, which is more of a multi-row based block, has column headings along the top. However, no where can I insert "help" text for these particular columns. Although self explanatory, it still would be nice to be able to incorporate "help" text for these columns. Am I missing something? Can this be done? I've thought about a button on top of the region which could call an html page with help for these columns, it just seems to be a "rougher" solution than whats available to the individual fields in the master block.

    Nope, you're not missing anything - there is no Help functionality. This is probably because the Help on page items is available for "Labels", which do not exist for tabular forms, which are based on a report structure.
    You would, if you wanted, update the heading to include a "tooltip":
    Instead of, for example:
    HiredateYou could enter:
    &lt;span title="Enter the employee's hire date"&gt;Hiredate&lt;/span&gt;It should also be possible to mimic the popups you get for page items if that is what you need

Maybe you are looking for