Creating a node in an XML Document

i need to insert a new element in an existing xml document. for example,
In this document if i want to insert another element using Xpath, say,<publisher> in <book> node, how to insert it.
I'm using DOM parser for parsing the xml file.
Any help to solve this issue appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

final class Foo {
    private static final String MARKUP =
        "<bookinfo>\n" +
          "<book isbn='1234'>\n" +
          "<bookname>A</bookname>\n" +
          "<author>B</author>\n" +
          "</book>\n" +
          "<book isbn='5678'>\n" +
          "<bookname>C</bookname>\n" +
          "<author>D</author>\n" +
          "</book>\n" +
    private Foo() {
    public static final void main(final String[] args)
        throws XPathExpressionException {
        String isbn = args.length > 0 ? args[0] : "1234";
        String publisher = args.length > 1 ? args[1] : "Sample Publisher";
        Document document = ...  // Initialize somehow
        XPath xpath = XPathFactory.newInstance().newXPath();
        String expression = "//bookinfo/book[@isbn=" + isbn + "]";
        Element book = (Element) xpath.evaluate(expression, document.getDocumentElement(), XPathConstants.NODE);
        if (book == null) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Unable to find ISBN " + isbn);
        Element newPublisher = document.createElement("publisher");
        newPublisher.setAttribute("name", publisher);
}- Saish

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    JSTL is not a programming language in and of itself. It is intended to help you to write scriptlet free JSPs.
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    there are lots of examples in SDN. Could you try, and revert back in case of specific issue?
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    import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
    import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
    import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory;
    import javax.xml.transform.Transformer;
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    Adding a Node to a DOM Document

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    <!DOCTYPE OrderTransaction PUBLIC "Order" "Order.dtd">
    <TransactionInformation Version="2.0.0">
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    Thanks and Regards,
    Edited by: chinnasapxi on Mar 16, 2010 8:11 PM

    Hi Chinna,
    Probably writing a script and calling in receiver file adapter after message processing and in the script just add the line in the 3rd line and then put the rest.

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    I've parsed XML, but I couldn't find the way how to insert the new NODE.
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    Oracle version 8.1.7

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    Greetings! It is an interesting forum.
    A Snippet of XML Schema PurchaseOrder.xsd as given in user guide is as follows
    <xs:schema xmlns:xs=""
    version="1.0" xdb:storeVarrayAsTable="true">
    <xs:element name="PurchaseOrder" type="PurchaseOrderType"
    <xs:complexType name="PurchaseOrderType" xdb:SQLType="PURCHASEORDER_T">
    <xs:element name="Reference" type="ReferenceType" minOccurs="1"
    <xs:element name="Actions" type="ActionsType" xdb:SQLName="ACTIONS"/>
    <xs:element name="Reject" type="RejectionType" minOccurs="0"
    <xs:element name="Requestor" type="RequestorType"
    <xs:element name="User" type="UserType" minOccurs="1"
    <xs:element name="CostCenter" type="CostCenterType"
    <xs:element name="ShippingInstructions" type="ShippingInstructionsType"
    <xs:element name="SpecialInstructions" type="SpecialInstructionsType"
    <xs:element name="LineItems" type="LineItemsType"
    full schema is available in url
    The views use XPath expressions and functions such as extractValue() to define the mapping between columns in the view and nodes in the XML document. The following view is created on purchase order schema.
    Creating Relational Views On XML Content
    SELECT extractValue(value(p),'/PurchaseOrder/Reference'),
    When we register XML Schema in Oracle 9i, the schema elements of XML documents are stored as XMLType, that is, stored using object-relational storage techniques.
    For a small schema, we could build the above view manually, but for large/nested schema, if we have query to build XML documents node list, it will help us to build Relational Views on XML Content.
    How do we extract the nodes of any given XML document through O-R structures or XML DB using XML DB functions?
    Any alternate thoughts are welcome.
    I appreciate your help.

    Once again, I do not think that you can solve the problem you are trying to solve. Fundamentally you need to determine for a given element of a given complex type what are it's child elements. For each of those elements you then need to find out whether or not it in turn has child elements...
    Then you have to think about elements defined as ref rather than type, elements that are substituteable, and the rest of possibilities that can be described with XML Schema.
    If you can solve that problem you're a better man than I as the saying goes. Anyone rather than give you a fish, I'll show you how to at least put a worm on the hook..
    The following query gets the names of the elements inside a each of the global complex types
    Good luck, if you come up with a query to do this I'd love to see it...
    SQL> column COMPLEX_TYPE format A32
    SQL> column ELEMENT format A32
    SQL> --
    SQL> select extractvalue
    2 (
    3 value(ct),
    4 '/xs:complexType/@name',
    5 'xmlns:xs=""'
    7 extractvalue
    8 (
    9 value(et),
    10 '/xs:element/@name',
    11 'xmlns:xs=""'
    12 ) ELEMENT
    13 from resource_view,
    14 table
    15 (
    16 xmlsequence
    17 (
    18 extract
    19 (
    20 res,
    21 '/r:Resource/r:Contents/xs:schema/xs:complexType',
    22 'xmlns:r=""
    23 xmlns:xs=""')
    24 )
    25 ) ct,
    26 table
    27 (
    28 xmlsequence
    29 (
    30 extract
    31 (
    32 value(ct),
    33 '/xs:complexType/*/xs:element',
    34 'xmlns:xs=""'
    35 )
    36 )
    37 ) et
    38 where equals_path(res,'/home/SCOTT/poSource/xsd/purchaseOrder.xsd') = 1
    39 /
    -------------------------------- ------------------------PurchaseOrderType Reference
    PurchaseOrderType Actions
    PurchaseOrderType Reject
    PurchaseOrderType Requestor
    PurchaseOrderType User
    PurchaseOrderType CostCenter
    PurchaseOrderType ShippingInstructions
    PurchaseOrderType SpecialInstructions
    PurchaseOrderType LineItems
    LineItemsType LineItem
    LineItemType Description
    LineItemType Part
    ActionsType Action
    RejectionType User
    RejectionType Date
    RejectionType Comments
    ShippingInstructionsType name
    ShippingInstructionsType address
    ShippingInstructionsType telephone
    19 rows selected.

  • How to automatically create xml documents ?

    I have created an xml form with specific fields and properties. Now, I want to automatically create a large amount of xml documents based on it.
    Is there any means to do this ?

    You cannot automate applying usage rights with Acrobat. For that you'd need to use Adobe's LiveCycle Reader Extensions.
    How exactly are you currently converting XML into fillable forms? Are you using an XDP to somehow convert to an XFA-based PDF?

  • Create DTD from XML document

    I have a little problem creating a DTD from an XML document. The XML document looks the following:
    <data name="data1">
    <value id="abc" name="value1" />
    <value id="def" name="value2" />
    <value id="ghi" name="value3" />
    <data name="data2">
    <value id="123" name="valueA" />
    <value id="456" name="valueB" />
    <value id="789" name="valueC" />
    The problem concerns the attribute list of the value element,
    on the one hand I could create a DTD like this:
    On the other hand I could do it like this:
    <!ATTLIST value id (abc|def|ghi|123|456|789) #REQUIRED
    name (value1|value2|value3|valueA|valueB|valueC)
    Now I don't know what's the right way. I would be glad if anybody could give me support for my problem.
    Thank you very much,

    No...this is not the solution for my problem. The first problem with the code you posted is that I can create a valid XML document like this:
    <data name="data2">
    <value id="123" name="value1" />
    <value id="456" name="value2" />
    <value id="789" name="value3" />
    (Please compare to the lines below in order to recognize the difference)
    I want the user to create only documents like this:
    <data name="data2">
    <value id="123" name="valueA" />
    <value id="456" name="valueB" />
    <value id="789" name="valueC" />
    So I want to define special attribute pairs in my DTD, like ' the value attribute id="123" works only with the attribute name="valueA"! '
    Is it possible to do so ?
    Thanx a lot,

  • Manipulating an XML document!

    Hi every1,
    I am working on my dissertation which is based on XML. I need 2 b able 2 change the text of a node in an XML document.
    E.g., <price> </price>.
    I need 2 insert a value betweem these tags.
    I have downloaded JAXP, but it seems 2 b mising a package named xmlDocument.
    Can any1 help?

    I am using Xerces for creating XML documents.
    If you have created an element, you can use the method createTextNode on your document object in order to create the text. Once you have done this, you can call the appendChild method on the element to add the text. E.g.
    Element element = xmlDoc.createElement("price");
    Text elementText = xmlDoc.createTextNode("1.99");
    This would produce the following:
    This is the Xerces implementation but there should be similar functionality within most of the XML api's.
    Hope this helps.

  • How to set the root path of XML document when calling Inserting procedure

    I was create a procedure to insert XML Document in to DBMS Tables, but i am not able to set the Start root element in calling procedure.
    My calling procedure is
    exec insXmldoc('pmc_sample.xml', 'pmc')
    When i am calling this procedure i got this error
    11:23:54 Error: ORA-29532: Java call terminated by uncaught Java exception: oracle.xml.sql.OracleXMLSQLException: Start of root element expected.
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_XMLSAVE", line 65
    ORA-06512: at "SCOTT.INSPROC", line 8
    ORA-06512: at line 2
    I am checking my XML file using XML Validator. My XML file was parsed with out errors.
    Please give the solution,and tell me where i did wrong in my calling procedure.
    suppose i have this XML file in local E drive ,how to set the path for that XML file in my calling procedure.

    Hi, I am doing the code likthis,please give the solution.
    SQL> create or replace procedure insProc(xmlDoc IN CLOB, tableName IN VARCHAR2) is
    2 insCtx DBMS_XMLSave.ctxType;
    3 l_ctx dbms_xmlsave.ctxtype;
    4 rows number;
    5 begin
    6 insCtx := DBMS_XMLSave.newContext(tableName); -- get the context handle
    7 rows := DBMS_XMLSave.insertXML(insCtx,xmlDoc); -- this inserts the document
    8 DBMS_XMLSave.closeContext(insCtx); -- this closes the handle
    9 end;
    10 /
    Procedure created.
    SQL> begin
    2 insProc('/usr/tmp/ROWSET.xml', 'emp');
    3 end;
    4 /
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-29532: Java call terminated by uncaught Java exception: oracle.xml.sql.OracleXMLSQLException:
    Start of root element expected.
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_XMLSAVE", line 65
    ORA-06512: at "SCOTT.INSPROC", line 7
    ORA-06512: at line 2
    Kishore B

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    And I know there are PHP scripts for inserting and updating
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    Hope this helps,
    Donald Booth
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