Creating a Stepper with ScriptUI?

Has anyone created a stepper using ScriptUI? I'm working on a palette that provides an alternative to using the Margins and Columns window that also helps build strong typographic grids (kind of a combination Margins, Columns and Create Guides window). I don't want the palette to be too different than the existing Margins and Columns window, but ScriptUI doesn't seem to provide a simple way to create a stepper widget like is currently used in the Margins and Columns windows:
Am I just missing it in the scripting guide books, or does this type of widget require scripting it from scratch?
Thanks for any help you can provide.

I'm working on a similar script and I've created an eXtendedWidget class to encapsulate the component you need
In the rough sample code below, checkout the usage of ScrollEditText.
ScrollEditText can even emulates the behavior of a measurementEditBox, with specified units and min/max :
myStepper: XW.ScrollEditText({title:"Top:",minvalue:0,maxvalue:'8640pt',decimals:3,units:'mm'}),
To see how it works, try this:
var toUIString = function()
     { // <this> : ui object
     var r = this.toSource().
          replace(/\\u([0-9a- f]{4})/gi, function(_,$1){return String.fromCharCode(Number('0x'+$1));} ).
          replace(/(^\()|(\)$ )/g,'');
     return r;
Window.prototype.focus = (function()
{ //Window.prototype.focus
var getControls = function()
     var r = [];
     for ( var i=0, c ; i<this.children.length ; i++ )
          c = this.children[i];
          if (c.constructor == StaticText) continue;      // exclude StaticText focus
          if (c.constructor == Scrollbar) continue;     // exclude Scrollbar focus
          if ('active' in c) {r.push(c);continue;}
          r = r.concat(;
     return r;
return function(/*int*/step)
     this.controls = this.controls ||;
     var sz = this.controls.length;
     for (var i=0 ; i<sz ; i++)
          if (this.controls[i].active == true) break;
     if (!step) return this.controls[i];
     i = (i+step+sz)%sz;
     step = (step<0)?-1:1;
     while(!this.controls[i].enabled) i+=step;
     this.controls[i].active = true;
     return this.controls[i];
var XW = (function()
// Extended Widgets
var widgets = {}, xWidgets = {};
var xWidget = function(/*str*/xType)
     { // constructor
     this.xType = xType;
     this.widget = widgets[this.xType];
xWidget.prototype.ui = function(settings_)
     var ui = this.widget.ui(settings_);
     var ac = this.widget.access;
     ui[ac].settings = settings_;
     ui[ac].xType = this.xType;
     return ui;
xWidget.prototype.connect = function(parent)
     var c = parent.children;
     for (var i = c.length-1 ; i>=0 ; i-- )
          if ( c[i].xType && (c[i].xType == this.xType) )
          if (c[i].children.length) this.connect(c[i]);
// DropListBox
widgets.DropListBox =
     access: '_Group',
     ui: function(settings_)
          {return {_Group:{
             margins:0, spacing:0, orientation: 'row', alignChildren: ['left','center'],
             lTit: (settings_.title)?{_StaticText:{characters:12,text:settings_.title,justify:'right'}}:null,
             lSpa: (settings_.title)?{_StaticText:{characters:1}}:null,
             ddList: {_DropDownList: {maximumSize:[100,25]}}
     connect: function()
          { // <this> UI Group
             { // ddList : load items
             for(var i=0, tp ; i<items_.length ; i++)
                  tp = (items_[i] == '-') ? 'separator' : 'item';
// ScrollEditText  (this is your 'stepper')
widgets.ScrollEditText =
     access: '_Group',
     ui: function(settings_)
          {return {_Group:{
             margins:0, spacing:0, orientation: 'row', alignChildren: ['left','center'],
             lTit: (settings_.title)?{_StaticText:{characters:12,text:settings_.title,justify:'right'}}:null,
             lSpa: (settings_.title)?{_StaticText:{characters:1}}:null,
             sBar: {_Scrollbar:{size:[16,24]}},
             eTxt: {_EditText:{characters:settings_.characters||8}}
     connect: function()
          { // <this> Group
             this.units = this.units||'';
             this.decimals = (typeof this.decimals=='undefined')?-1:this.decimals;
             this.characters = this.characters||6;
             this.step = this.step||1;
             this.jump = this.jump||this.step*5;
          this.parseUnit = (this.settings.units)?
                  var m = s.match(/^-?(\d+)([cp])([\d\.]+)/i); // #p# ou #c#
                  if (m && m.length) s = ((m[0][0]=='-')?'-':'') + ((m[1]-0)+(m[3]/12)) + ((m[2]=='c')?'ci':'pc');
                  m = s.match(/agt|cm|ci|in|mm|pc|pt/i);
                  return (m && m.length) ?
                       UnitValue (s).as(this.settings.units) :
                       Number(s. replace(/[^0-9\.-]/g,''));
             function(/*str*/s) {return Number(s.replace(/[^0-9\.-]/g,''));};
          this.parseStrValue = function(/*str*/s)
             var v = this.parseUnit(s.replace(',','.'));
             return (isNaN(v)) ? null : v;
          this.fixDecimals = (this.settings.decimals >=0 )?
             function(/*num*/v){return v.toFixed(this.settings.decimals)-0;}:
             function(/*num*/v){return v;};
          this.displayValue = (this.settings.units)?
                  var u = this.settings.units;
                  if ( u=='pc' || u=='ci' )
                       { // #,#pc -> $p$  ou  #,#ci -> $c$
                       var sg = (v<0)?-1:1;
                       v = v*sg;
                       var sx = Math.floor(v);
                       var sy = (v-sx)*12;
                       return sx*sg + u[0] + sy.toLocaleString().substr(0,this.settings.characters);
                       var s = v.toLocaleString().substr(0,this.settings.characters);
                       return s + ' ' + u;
                  return v.toLocaleString().substr(0,this.settings.characters);
          this.settings.minvalue = (this.settings.minvalue)?this.parseStrValue(''+this.settings.minvalue):0;
          this.settings.maxvalue = (this.settings.maxvalue)?this.parseStrValue(''+this.settings.maxvalue):100;
          if (typeof this.settings.value == 'undefined') this.settings.value = this.fixDecimals(this.settings.minvalue);
          this.offsetValue = function(/*num*/delta)
             this.changeValue(Math.round(this.settings.value + delta));
          this.changeValue = function(/*var*/vs,/*var*/noDisplay,/*var*/noEvent)
             var v = (typeof vs == 'string') ? this.parseStrValue(vs) : vs;
             v = ( typeof v == 'number' ) ? this.fixDecimals(v) : this.settings.value;
             if ( v < this.settings.minvalue ) v = this.settings.minvalue;
             if ( v > this.settings.maxvalue ) v = this.settings.maxvalue;
             var noChange = (this.settings.value == v);
             if (!noChange) this.settings.value = v;
             if (!noDisplay) this.eTxt.text = this.displayValue(this.settings.value);
             if ((!noChange) && (!noEvent)) this.eTxt.notify();
             { // scrollbar
             this.minvalue = -1;
             this.maxvalue = 1;
             this.value = 0;
             this.onChanging = function()
                  this.value = 0;
             { // edittext
             this.addEventListener('blur', function(ev)
                  { // lost focus
             this.addEventListener('keydown', function(ev)
                  { // up/down keys
                  var delta = 1;
                       case 'Down' : delta = -1;
                       case 'Up' :
                        delta *= this.parent.settings.step;
                        if (ev.shiftKey) delta *= this.parent.settings.jump;
// XW interface
var r = {};
for(var w in widgets)
     r[w] = (function()
          var w_ = w;
          return function(/*obj*/ settings)
             xWidgets[w_] = xWidgets[w_] || new xWidget(w_);
             return xWidgets[w_].ui(settings);
r.connectAll = function(/*Window*/parent)
     for each(var xw in xWidgets) xw.connect(parent);
return r;
// sample code
// if you need a palette Window, replace _dialog by _palette
// (and use #targetengine)
var ui ={_dialog:{
     text: "Column Rules",
     properties: {closeOnKey: 'OSCmnd+W'},
     orientation: 'row', alignChildren: ['fill','top'],
     gTextFrame: {_Group:{
          margins:0, spacing:10, orientation: 'column',
          pInsetSpacing: {_Panel:{
             margins:10, spacing:2, alignChildren: ['fill','fill'],
             text: "Inset Spacing",
             seTop: XW.ScrollEditText({title:"Top:",minvalue:0,maxvalue:'8640pt',decimals:3,units:'mm'}),
             seBot: XW.ScrollEditText({title:"Bottom:",minvalue:0,maxvalue:'8640pt',decimals:3,units:'mm'}),
             cLinked: {_Checkbox:{text: "Linked"}},
             seLeft: XW.ScrollEditText({title:"Left:",minvalue:0,maxvalue:'8640pt',decimals:3,units:'mm'}),
             seRight: XW.ScrollEditText({title:"Right:",minvalue:0,maxvalue:'8640pt',decimals:3,units:'mm'}),
          pColumns: {_Panel:{
             margins:10, spacing:2, alignChildren: ['fill','fill'],
             text: "Columns",
             seNumber: XW.ScrollEditText({title:"Number:",minvalue:1,maxvalue:40}),
             seGutter: XW.ScrollEditText({title:"Gutter:",minvalue:0,maxvalue:'8640pt',decimals:3,units:'mm'}),
          cIgnoreTextWrap: {_Checkbox:{text: "Ignore Text Wrap", alignment:'left'}},
     gProcess: {_Group:{
          margins:10, spacing:8, alignChildren: ['center','fill'],
          orientation: 'column',
          gValid: {_Group:{
             margins:10, spacing:10, orientation: 'row',
             bOK: {_Button: {text:"OK"}},
             bCancel: {_Button: {text:"Cancel"}},
// create the main window
var w = new Window(ui);
// connect XWidgets
// manage the tab key
     this.addEventListener('keydown', function(ev)
          { // Tab
          if (ev.keyName == 'Tab')
             this.focus( ((ev.shiftKey)?-1:1 ) );
// controls event manager
// here you add the event listeners for w.gTextFrame.pInsetSpacing, etc.;
You will notice I use a special format rather than UI string resource. This allows to create compact object declaration, using finally the toUIString helper function. The XW object invokes also that stuff.
The ScrollEditText component encapsulates the stepper+editText association. You don't have to manage the interaction. Each time the value changes, the component notify a change event on the editText target.
Hope it could hep you.

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    Bergsgatan 24 A
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    Hi Swapna,
    According to your description, you want to create a report with survey data and display the summary.
    Reporting Services is used for rendering the report with data retrieved from datasource. In Reporting Services, we can retrieve data from the datasource then design a report, after the report processed, data is fixed on the report. So it’s not supported
    to have the end users selection and do summary. For your requirement, it’s can’t be achieved currently.
    If you have any question, please feel free to ask.
    Best regards,
    Qiuyun Yu
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    ReportClientDocument boReportClientDocument = new ReportClientDocument();
    However, I cannot find a way to add data elements to the report without specifying an RPT file.  Is this possible?  I seems like it is since the Eclipse Plug In allows you to specify your database parameters when creating an RPT file.
    is there a way to do this through these packages?
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    Thank you in advance for any insights.
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    Hi Rameez,
    After working through the example code some more, and doing some more research, I remain unable to populate a report with my own data and view the report in a browser.  I realize this is a long post, but there are multiple errors I am receiving, and these are the seemingly essential ones that I am hitting.
    Modeling the Sample code from to add a database table, using the following code:
    <%@ page import="*"%>
    <%@ page import="*"%>
    <%@ page import="*"%>
    <%@ page import="*"%>
    <%@ page import="*" %>
    <%@ page import = "*"%>
    try { 
                ReportClientDocument rcd = new ReportClientDocument();
    // Setup the DB connection
                String database_dll = "Sqlsrv32.dll";
                String db = "qa_start_2012";
                String dsn = "SQL Server";
                String userName = "sa";
                String pwd = "sa";
                // Create the DB connection
                ConnectionInfo oConnectionInfo = new ConnectionInfo();
                PropertyBag oPropertyBag1 = oConnectionInfo.getAttributes();
                // Set new table logon properties
                PropertyBag oPropertyBag2 = new PropertyBag();
                oPropertyBag2.put("DSN", dsn);
                oPropertyBag2.put("Data Source", db);
                // Set the connection info objects members
                // 1. Pass the Logon Properties to the main PropertyBag
                // 2. Set the Server Description to the new **System DSN**
                oPropertyBag1.put(PropertyBagHelper.CONNINFO_CRQE_LOGONPROPERTIES, oPropertyBag2);
                oPropertyBag1.put(PropertyBagHelper.CONNINFO_CRQE_SERVERDESCRIPTION, dsn);
                oPropertyBag1.put("Database DLL", database_dll);
                // The Kind of connectionInfos is CRQE (Crystal Reports Query Engine).
    // Add a Database table
              String tableName = "Building";
                Table oTable = new Table();
                rcd.getDatabaseController().addTable(oTable, null);
        catch(ReportSDKException RsdkEx) {
        catch (Exception ex) {
    Throws the exception java.lang.NullPointerException---- Error code:-2147467259 Error code name:failed
    There was other sample code on SDN which suggested the following - adding the table after calling table.setDataFields() as in:
              String tableName = "Building";
                String fieldname = "Building_Name";
                Table oTable = new Table();
                oTable.setDescription(tableName) ;
                Fields fields = new Fields();
                DBField field = new DBField();
                rcd.getDatabaseController().addTable(oTable, null);
    This code succeeds, but it is not clear how to add that database field to a section.  If I attempt to call the following:
    FieldObject oFieldObject = new FieldObject();
                // Now add it to the section
                rcd.getReportDefController().getReportObjectController().add(oFieldObject, rcd.getReportDefController().getReportDefinition().getDetailArea().getSections().getSection(0), -1);
    Then I get an error (which is not unexpected) The field was not found.---- Error code:-2147213283 Error code name:invalidFieldObject
    How do I add one of the table.SetDataFields()  to my report to be displayed?
    Are there any other pointers or suggestions you may have?
    Thank you

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    When I change the layout parameters, changes afect to all sheets...
    Is there a way to change page size individually for each sheet?
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Marc,
    You can use the DocStart and DocEnd commands along with the PicPrint command to spool multiple print commands to the same output PDF file using the direct printer approach.  This should enable you to programmatically specify the page size differently for each sheet that you add to the print job.
    ' Print PDF Page by Page.VBS
    Dim i, Path, OldPrintName
    Path = AutoActPath & "2D Stacked"
    Call DataDelAll
    Call DataFileLoad(Path & ".TDM")
    PDFFileName = Path & " Page by Page.pdf"
    IF FileExist(PDFFileName) THEN Call FileDelete(PDFFileName)
    OldPrintName = PrintName
    PrintName = "winspool,DIAdem PDF Export,LPT1:" ' Set to PDF printer
    PDFResolution = "72 DPI" ' "2400 DPI" , "default"
    PDFOptimization = TRUE
    PDFFontsEmbedded = FALSE
    PDFJPGCompressed = "high"
    PrintOrient = "landscape" ' orient paper
    Call PrintMaxScale("GRAPH") ' auto-max, see alternative margin setting variables below
    PrintLeftMarg = 0.181
    PrintTopMarg = 0.181
    PrintWidth = 10.67
    'PrintHeigth = 7 (read-only)
    Call WndShow("REPORT")
    Call DocStart ' Begin multi-page document/print job
    FOR i = 1 TO 4
    Call PicLoad(Path & ".TDR")
    Call GraphSheetNGet(1)
    Call GraphSheetRename(GraphSheetName, "Page " & i)
    Call PicUpdate
    Call PicPrint("WinPrint") ' Add a page to be printed
    NEXT ' i
    Call DocEnd ' End multi-page document/print job
    PrintName = OldPrintName
    Call ExtProgram(PDFFileName)
    Brad Turpin
    DIAdem Product Support Engineer
    National Instruments

  • Creating if statements with 3 options

    I have a Choose from List with 2 items, that if selected will pass the variable through for the Code variable.
    But if the variable for Code is not set from the previous selection, i want the option to type a variable for Code.
    but it does not ask for input even if there is no previous selection for the Code variable.
    Can someone please point out my stupidity ?
    if answer1 is equal to "PACKAGING" then
              set Code to "TA01"
              if answer2 is equal to "IPOP" then
                        set Code to "TA02"
                        set Code to text returned of (display dialog ¬
                                  "Enter Code:" with title ¬
                                  "Create Client Folder " with icon 1 ¬
      default answer ¬
                                  "" buttons {"Cancel", "Next…"} ¬
      default button 2)
              end if
    end if

    Are you sure it is Code that is not defined and not Job?
    Just noticed you can possibly not have job set when you go to use it.
    This works
    set Code to ""
    set job to ""
    if job is equal to "PACKAGING" then
              set Code to "TA01"
    else if job is equal to "IPOP" then
              set Code to "TA02"
    end if
    if Code is equal to "" then
              set Code to text returned of (display dialog ¬
                        "Enter Client Code:" with title ¬
                        "Create Client Folder " with icon 1 ¬
      default answer ¬
                        "" buttons {"Cancel", "Next…"} ¬
      default button 2)
    end if

  • Creating a link with the Link Tool

    I used the Link Tool to create a Link in my pdf file.  The link is set to open a website file.  I created 2, one with just a little text and the other was a picture that was 200 X 300 px.  When I follow the links, each is opening a full web page.  I expected that with the Text link because I put the text on an html page but the picture I sized to the 200X300 but that opened a full web page also.  When setting up the link to the Web File I did not see an additional settings as far as how to open the web page such as _parent or _child etc.  I believe it is normally the Target.
    Does anyone know how I would either do this with the link tool or know of a better way to do it overall?

    You may be confusing HTML markup for links with PDF links.
    In PDF, HTML markup is not applicable.
    So "target_xxxx" or any other HTML 'stuff' cannot be used.
    For the graphic file (JPG, PNG, whatever), make a web page file that is configured to display the graphic file in a manner you desire.
    The web link you set in the PDF, with Acrobat, will result in this web page file opening.
    This is the file that will control how the graphic is rendered.
    If needed, a resource for HTML "how to" is W3 Schools.
    Be well...

  • Creating a .pdf with different page views

    I'm tyring to create a .pdf with different page views.  For example as the viewer goes through the .pdf some pages I would like viewed as "single page view" and others "two page view".  Is this possible?   I'm working with Adobe Acrobate Pro.  Thanks for any suggestions.

    It's possible to use the Page Open actions to trigger a view mode change but it's messy - if the user tries to override them because they prefer to zoom in, etc. then they'll get very annoyed when things keep resetting.
    To create a Page Open action, open the thumbnails panel, right-click on a page, choose Page Properties, then the Actions tab. You can use the Execute a Menu Item tool to fire one of the view modes.

  • Creating a list with different row sizes...

    I'm new to AS 3.0 and CS4 and I've been getting up to speed
    on all of it. I've used the List component before with my own
    CellRenderer. I now need to create a list with different row
    heights. The List component is great and does everything that I
    want but it requires all rows to be the same height.
    I'm unsure of where to go. Creating my own class seems like a
    lot of work. The TileList and Grid components don't allow different
    sized (and dynamically changing) row heights either. Is there some
    base class (SelectableList? BaseScrollPane?) that I should extend
    or do I need to just bite the bullet and write it all from scratch?
    I need each row to have it's own height and interaction with
    a row could change the height of the row. The main use is a list of
    data. If the user clicks in an item, it turns the display into
    something they can edit (which will need more height).
    Thanks for any thoughts on a direction I should think about.
    By the way, I really like that AS 3.0 is much more consistent of a
    programming language than previous MX versions that I've used.
    We're doing a lot of AS/Flash/AIR work with it and it's turning
    into a wonderful environment...

    Any ideas about this??

  • Problem in Sales order create using BAPI with reference to quotation

    I am creating a sales order from Quotation using BAPI /AFS/BAPI_SALESORD_CREATEFDATA.
    The Sale order is getting created and the document flow is updated. When i check the status of quotation it is "OPEN".
    Ideally when a sale order is created in VA01 with reference to a quotation and if all items are added in the order from quotation, then the status of the quotation must be "Complete".
    When i use the BAPI, the status of the quotation is sill "Open". Has anyone faced this issue?
    Even if anyone has faced this issue with BAPI_SALESORDER_CREATEFROMDAT2, please let me know...

    Hi RV,
    I am using BAPI  to create order reference to contracts. I am facing same issue. Its not updating document flow (vbfa-plmin field). After creating orders I am forcing to update plmin field in vbfa. This worked fine. But now status in reference document not updating properly. I saw your thread. It looks like similar issue. I saw your comments "Customization was not maintained properly for the Order types ". Please can you explain little bit more about your solution. It will helps us lot.

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