Creating a text file output from ABAP

I'm trying to create a comma delimited text file by using ABAP code
Could someone please help me with my coding in the following areas or is there better coding to do it:
1)Is there a way  to move the entire Customer file KNA1 into my text file instead of doing it field by field.
2)How can I do the comma seperation correctly?
data: lt_kna1 type table of kna1.
data: ls_kna1 type kna1.
data: lv_filename type string value 'ztest.txt'.
select * from kna1 into table lt_kna1.
open dataset lv_filename for output in text mode encoding default.
IF sy-subrc <> 0.
loop at lt_kna1 into ls_kna1.
transfer ls_kna1-kunnr  to lv_filename.
transfer ';' to lv_filename.
transfer ls_kna1-name1 to lv_filename.
transfer ';' to lv_filename.
close dataset lv_filename.
Many thanks

data: lt_kna1 type table of kna1,
        ls_kna1 type kna1,
        lv_filename type string value 'ztest.txt',
        lv_file type string.
select * from kna1 into table lt_kna1.
open dataset lv_filename for output in text mode encoding default.
IF sy-subrc ne 0.
loop at lt_kna1 into ls_kna1.
CONCATENATE ls_kna1-kunnr ls_kna1-name1 into lv_file separated by ','.
transfer lv_file to lv_lilename.
clear lv_file.
close dataset lv_filename.
Try this out, should do the trick. Also, may i suggest not using '*' in your select statement and fetch data only for the fields you wish to have in your text file after filtering using a where Claus. It would greatly improve performance.
Edited by: AJ Nayak on Feb 9, 2012 11:05 AM

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    U can use UTL_File Package, But the only constraint is it will write the file only on the server m/c and not on the client m/c.

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    public class RanIO {
                                            public static void main(String f[])
                                                      // First illustrate append
                                                      String lineSep = "\n";
                                                      try {
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                                                      p.print("Emp NO");
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                                                                               PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(fos);
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                                                                          //pw.print( lineSep );
                                                                          pw.print( d );
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    My problem:
    I am not able to write to the file. I want to know, where i am going wrong.
    It is giving error message like
    "Canot resolve Symbol: temp,"
    But, FileWriter Constructor should accept a File type parameter.
    here temp is a file parameter.
    If i am not using file=new file();
    i can't delete the file after the use. i.e if i use
    PrintWriter p = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("cute.txt",true)));
    how can i delete cute.txt after the use?
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    "Hello" is not written into the text file.
    can anyone help me in this regard
    Thanks in advance

    Thank you Ram,
    But, i want to create a text file in Append mode.
    for that i used
    FileWriter fos = new FileWriter(temp,true); But, it is not accepting FileWriter constructor in
    this format. if i use
    FileWriter fos = new
    FileWriter("c:/ash/cute.txt",true); it works fine. !!!!!Here's the javadoc
    public FileWriter(File file,
    boolean append)
    throws IOExceptionConstructs a FileWriter object given a File object. If the second argument is true, then bytes will be written to the end of the file rather than the beginning.
    file - a File object to write to
    append - if true, then bytes will be written to the end of the file rather than the beginning
    IOException - if the file exists but is a directory rather than a regular file, does not exist but cannot be created, or cannot be opened for any other reason
    Are you using jdk.13 or lower ?
    ONe more doubt, Does flush method deletes a file?
    if not, then i need to use
    File temp=new File("c:/ash/cute.txt");
    FileWriter fos = new FileWriter(temp,true); //which
    is again a problem
    out.println("File is deleted");
    }I don't know whether i am taking it wrong ! or
    anything wrong with my coding ! but, after creating
    and writing data into a text file. I must delete it
    as it contains confidential informations.
    Thanks.'flush' writes to a file immediately. Else you should explicitly call 'flush' to write contents from buffer to underlying source.
    javadoc again
    public PrintWriter(Writer out,
    boolean autoFlush)Create a new PrintWriter.
    out - A character-output stream
    autoFlush - A boolean; if true, the println, printf, or format methods will flush the output buffer
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    The target output device must support PDF print, this is only one limitation.<br>
    REPORT  z_print_pdf.
    TYPE-POOLS: abap, srmgs.
                p_fname TYPE file_table-filename OBLIGATORY LOWER CASE,
                p_ncopi TYPE rspocopies OBLIGATORY DEFAULT '1',
                p_immed AS CHECKBOX.
      DATA: lv_rc     TYPE i,
            lv_filter TYPE string.
      DATA: lt_files TYPE filetable.
      FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_file> LIKE LINE OF lt_files.
      CONCATENATE 'PDF (*.pdf)|*.pdf|' cl_gui_frontend_services=>filetype_all INTO lv_filter.
      CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>file_open_dialog
          file_filter             = lv_filter
          file_table              = lt_files
          rc                      = lv_rc
          OTHERS                  = 1.
      IF sy-subrc NE 0 AND lv_rc EQ 0.
        MESSAGE 'Error' TYPE 'E' DISPLAY LIKE 'S'.
      READ TABLE lt_files ASSIGNING <fs_file> INDEX 1.
      IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
        p_fname = <fs_file>-filename.
      DATA: lv_name   TYPE string,
            lv_result TYPE boolean.
      lv_name = p_fname.
      CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>file_exist
          file                 = lv_name
          result               = lv_result
          OTHERS               = 1.
      IF sy-subrc NE 0.
        MESSAGE 'Bad file!' TYPE 'E' DISPLAY LIKE 'S'.
      IF lv_result NE abap_true.
        MESSAGE 'Bad file!' TYPE 'E' DISPLAY LIKE 'S'.
      PERFORM process.
    FORM process.
      DATA: lv_name     TYPE string,
            lv_size     TYPE i,
            lv_data     TYPE xstring,
            lv_retcode  TYPE i.
      DATA: lt_file TYPE srmgs_bin_content.
      lv_name = p_fname.
      CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>gui_upload
          filename                = lv_name
          filetype                = 'BIN'
          filelength              = lv_size
          data_tab                = lt_file
          OTHERS                  = 1.
      IF sy-subrc NE 0.
        MESSAGE 'Read file error!' TYPE 'E' DISPLAY LIKE 'S'.
          input_length = lv_size
          buffer       = lv_data
          binary_tab   = lt_file
          failed       = 1
          OTHERS       = 2.
      IF sy-subrc NE 0.
        MESSAGE 'Binary conversion error!' TYPE 'E' DISPLAY LIKE 'S'.
      PERFORM print USING p_prnds lv_data CHANGING lv_retcode.
      IF lv_retcode EQ 0.
    ENDFORM.                    " PROCESS
    FORM print USING    iv_prndst  TYPE rspopname
                        iv_content TYPE xstring
               CHANGING ev_retcode TYPE i.
      DATA: lv_handle    TYPE sy-tabix,
            lv_spoolid   TYPE rspoid,
            lv_partname  TYPE adspart,
            lv_globaldir TYPE text1024,
            lv_dstfile   TYPE text1024,
            lv_filesize  TYPE i,
            lv_pages     TYPE i.
      CLEAR: ev_retcode.
          dest            = iv_prndst
          doctype         = 'ADSP'
          copies          = p_ncopi
          immediate_print = p_immed
          auto_delete     = 'X'
          handle          = lv_handle
          spoolid         = lv_spoolid
          partname        = lv_partname
          OTHERS          = 1.
      IF sy-subrc NE 0.
        ev_retcode = 4.
          ads_path = lv_globaldir.
      CONCATENATE lv_globaldir '/' lv_partname '.pdf' INTO lv_dstfile.
      IF sy-subrc NE 0.
        ev_retcode = 4.
      TRANSFER iv_content TO lv_dstfile.
      IF sy-subrc NE 0.
        ev_retcode = 4.
      CLOSE DATASET lv_dstfile.
      IF sy-subrc NE 0.
        ev_retcode = 4.
          iv_content = iv_content
          ev_pages   = lv_pages.
      lv_filesize = XSTRLEN( iv_content ).
          handle   = lv_handle
          partname = lv_partname
          size     = lv_filesize
          pages    = lv_pages
          no_pdf   = ' '
          OTHERS   = 1.
      IF sy-subrc NE 0.
        ev_retcode = 4.
          handle = lv_handle
          OTHERS = 1.
      IF sy-subrc NE 0.
        ev_retcode = 4.
    ENDFORM.                    " PRINT

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    I had attached webutil.pll in the form.
    Please advise me.
    LC$Name Varchar2(100) ;
    LC$Fic Varchar2(100) ;
    LN$Lines Pls_integer := 0 ;
    LC$Line Varchar2(4000) ;
    Cursor C_CUR Is
    Select * From TEST_TEXTIO where rownum <= 50;
    LC$Name := 'tmp_file.txt' ;
    LC$Fic := 'c:\temp\tmp_file.txt';
    l_temp := CLIENT_TEXT_IO.FOPEN( 'C:\temp\tmp_file.txt', 'W');
         when others then
         message( 'OPEN FILE ERROR ' || LC$Fic ||sqlerrm );
         raise form_trigger_failure;
    End ;
    -- Write the lines --
    For Cur In C_CUR Loop
         LC$Line := Cur.CODE || ' -> ' || Cur.COL1 || ',' || Cur.COL2 || ',' || Cur.Col3 ;
         CLIENT_TEXT_IO.PUT_LINE( LF$File, LC$Line ) ;      
         LN$Lines := C_CUR%ROWCOUNT ;
    End loop ;
    -- Close the file --
         When others Then
    message('err='||sqlerrm);message(' ');
    CLIENT_TEXT_IO.FCLOSE( LF$File ) ;      
         Raise ;

    Hi ,
    i have one Question though its not related to thos question if some could help me it will be really helpful,
    i have created one program to import and export excel to forms vice versa, if the form is attached with webutil its working fine am using ole2.but i have a new idea if i add this program in menu, it can be used for all the forms attched to that menu, i made program also, but problem am facing right now is if the form is not attched with webutil it will not work so is there possiblity to share my webutil from one form to another form ,so i will keep one form as a interface form in that webutil will be attched ,i can share that webutil to all other forms so that all the forms no need to attach webutil again
    if its possible means please suggest some ideas

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    Points would be awarded.

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  • How to create a text file with data.

    I am writing java code for testing an application, some times test can failed in some cases, I want to display an error message in text file. To that I written the code as like,
    BufferedWriter bout;
    bout =new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("test.txt"));
    String str=”Your input data is not match with pattern”
    bout.write(str);but here it is creating a text file “ test” without any data in it.
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    sabre150 wrote:
    JoachimSauer wrote:
    You didn't close your BufferedWriter. Since it's buffered it probably didn't write anything to the underlying file.
    Generally you must close every Writer/OutputStream that you no longer use or it won't be written reliably.It's not quite as simple as that. If you have a chain of Writers / OutputStreams then you only have to close() the outer most one since each is responsible for closing any Writer/OutputStream that it wraps. If you do decide to close them individually (a bad idea but people do do it) then you MUST close them starting from the outer most one and working to the most inner one or you will not guarantee to flush any buffered content.Of course. I might have used a misleading phrasing here. What I meant is "Every time you are done with a Writer, you must close it" and not "You must close *every* Writer that you used". Thanks for the clarification.

  • Create new text file in UTF-8 format by default

    I'm working a lot with UTF-8 text files and mainly in this format. It's becoming annoying when I have to manually save every text file as UTF-8.  After several trial-and-errors, I've made up a procedure that I've put in a blog. I think I could share
    it here for those who need it.  Hope it helps.

    You've made a procedure?
    Are you sure you didn't :
    Didn't what?
    Well, I'm not sure what you want me to see, but your search keywords do
    NOT make sense.  You do note change *Notepad* default encoding.  What you can change is a
    TEXT file's default encoding.
    Well, of course, if you have access to Notepad source code and you're able to change it and re-compile again, then you could really say you change Notepad's "default encoding", which I suppose would mean "default encoding every time we save".
    Why wouldn't you just provide a link (or some attribution) to the top result
    or a link to watch this done on youtube?
    The title of that forum post and Youtube video is a non-sense.  New
    "Notepad" document?  Come on!  That's apparently how a newbie think what it is and it's very likely he has not a clue what it is and what he is doing.  And what if I don't use Notepad to create such file?  If I
    use UltraEdit, then mine should be "UltraEdit" document and that should be different from Notepad document, correct? LOL
    The fact that you're able to find this video would also mean you're thinking like him in that the file is really called Notepad document LOL
    For your information, that's called a text file (or document if you prefer this prettier term).  It's also called plain text file.
    Now, let's see the content of both links:
    First of all, why did they tell people to create a new text file somewhere and then
    COPY it to template folder?  That's really so dumb
    LOL  Isn't it more intelligent to create such file directly INSIDE the folder?
    Secondly, their procedures are not foolproof.  What if the Windows directory is not c:\windows?  They should tell people to open %Systemroot%\ShellNew instead.  I suppose they don't even know how this folder is called because
    nowhere is the term "template folder" ever mentioned.
    Thirdly, what if that folder doesn't work for unknown reason (which might happen in XP)?  Did they give any hint to a "failover" folder?  No, they didn't.  But I do in my procedure.
    Fourthly, they are saying as if the file name has to be "TXTUTF-8.txt", but actually we can call it whatever we like.  But smart people would have figured this out at the end.
    5 (I'd stop saying fifthly and so on LOL) I'm not sure it's necessary (or recommended) to change "fSavePageSettings" & "fSaveWindowPositions" DWORD values for Notepad as "advised" in that answer.
    As a side-note, I don't know what is supposed to give but when I open this, I got some uTorrent warning.  Really seems like some malware webpage which tries to deceive people!
    I actually searched how a (generic) new file is created and started from there.
    So, maybe next time when you want to criticize or discredit somebody else, try to be more expert first? ;)

  • Creating large text files

    What is the fastest as well as less memory intensive way to create large files.
    Current State
    I have an application where I am reading the database and processing the information (formatting it) and using some third party API to add the information and then finally save as text file. The problem is since its third party API and we do not have any control on that and it takes very long time to generate the files
    Future state
    I want to build the file generator which will read from the database and then process/format the information one by one. Now I have following options.
    1) Add the processed information in a StringBuffer line by line and at the end of it create a file from the StringBuffer and save it.
    2) Create a custom object with different ArrayLists and keep on adding the processed lines into appropriate lists and at the end of it while saving it to a file read the custom object and save it as a file.
    3) Create a file at the start of it and then keep on adding and flushing the lines one by one and at the end of it close the file.
    For handling files I was thinking of using PrintWriter. I am talking about the text files anyware from 50 KB to 20 MB.
    I have performance concerns as well as memory issues. So I want a balanced solution so that I am able to handle both.

    Use a BufferedWriter to write each line/entry/record as you process it.
    Don't do any special flushing() (unless you need special transactional properties in which case you need a lot more than simple flush() calls).

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    How to create a text file and add content through the code to the text file eform javascript ......orelse can we create a text file in life cycle designer...
    Else say how to create a new XML file through the code and how some content like Example "Hello World".

    You can create a text file as a file attachment (data object) using the doc.createDataObject and doc.setDataObjectContents:
    You can then export the file with the doc.exportDataObject method:
    This won't work with Reader if it hasn't been given the file attachment usage right with LiveCycle Reader Extensions.

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    When it was explained to me it didn't sound to hard of a task, I have no LabVIEW experience and the tutortial sucks.

    StevenD: FYI, I did NOT give you the one star rating. I would never do that!
    StevenD wrote:
    Ow. Someone is grumpy today.
    Well, this is an assignment, so it is probably homework.
    Why else would anyone give HIM such an assigment, after all he has no LabVIEW experience and the tutorials are too hard for him?
    This would make no sense unless all of it was just covered in class!
    This is not a free homework service with instant gratification.
    OK! Let's do it step by step. I assume you already have a VI with the digital indicators.
    "...but have no idea where to begin".
    open notepad.
    decide on a format, possibly one line per indicator.
    type the document.
    close notepad.
    open LabVIEW.
    Open the existing VI with all the indicators.
    (are you still following?)
    look at the diagram.
    Who made the program?
    Does the code make sense so far?
    Is it a statemachine or just a bunch of crisscrossed wires?
    Where do you want to add the file read?
    How should the file be read (after pressing a read button, at the start of the program ,etc.)
    See how far you get!
    Message Edited by altenbach on 06-24-2008 11:23 AM
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .

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    Can someone help where I can find information about this issue?
    Best Regards, Tina

    Will it be possbile to use the function to upload data in from a text file or from clipboard with BI 70?
    With older BW versions it was possible to fill a variable with lists.
    Can someone help where I can find information about this issue?
    Best Regards, Tina

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    new File(thevariable)

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