Creating String frm new String(charBuffer.array()) Vs charBuffer.toString()

Whats the difference in creating String from CharBuffer by using array and by using toString() ?
When ever i have some UTF-8 chars in my file (""someFile"), String created from new String( charBuffer.array()) appends some extra null/junk charaters at the very end of the file.
How ever when i try charBuffer.toString() its working fine.
For simple ASCII i.e ISO-*** charset both methods are working fine.
Please see below code for reproducing. Here "someFile" is any text file with some UTF-8 characters.
public char[] getCharArray()
throws IOException
Charset charset = Charset.forName("UTF-8");
CharsetDecoder decoder = charset.newDecoder();
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream("someFile");
FileChannel channel = fis.getChannel();
int size = (int) channel.size();
MappedByteBuffer mbb =, 0 , size);
CharBuffer cb = decoder.decode(mbb);
return cb.array();
public String getAsString()
throws IOException
Charset charset = Charset.forName("UTF-8");
CharsetDecoder decoder = charset.newDecoder();
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream("someFile");
FileChannel channel = fis.getChannel();
int size = (int) channel.size();
MappedByteBuffer mbb =, 0 , size);
CharBuffer cb = decoder.decode(mbb);
return cb.toString();
String fromToString = getAsString();
String fromCharArray = new String(getCharArray());

Whats the difference in creating String from CharBuffer by using array and by using toString() ?array() returns the entire backing array regardless of offset and position. toString() takes those into account.
When ever i have some UTF-8 chars in my file (""someFile"), String created from new String( charBuffer.array()) appends some extra null/junk charaters at the very end of the file.More probably you haven't filled the array.
How ever when i try charBuffer.toString() its working fine.So there you go.

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    Its a subtle one. Its also been asked a hundred times before :-)
    When a java class is compiled it "interns" all the Strings it can find.
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    So the first gets a reference to the interned String.
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    Take this code:
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    Hope this helps,

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    Thanks, I didn't know what to search for in
    Is it generalizable to any object?Why don't you try it with various objects and primitives? Then you'll find out for yourself.
    You can also read the JLS
    Or any of a number of books or tutorials. This is basic stuff. It should be covered.
    Sun's basic Java tutorial
    Sun's New To Java Center. Includes an overview of what Java is, instructions for setting up Java, an intro to programming (that includes links to the above tutorial or to parts of it), quizzes, a list of resources, and info on certification and courses. A couple dozen code examples that supplement The Java Developers Almanac.
    jGuru. A general Java resource site. Includes FAQs, forums, courses, more.
    JavaRanch. To quote the tagline on their homepage: "a friendly place for Java greenhorns." FAQs, forums (moderated, I believe), sample code, all kinds of goodies for newbies. From what I've heard, they live up to the "friendly" claim.
    Bruce Eckel's Thinking in Java (Available online.)
    Joshua Bloch's Effective Java
    Bert Bates and Kathy Sierra's Head First Java.

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    If you look at the String source code (particularly the constructors) youll learn a lot.
    String objects contain a char[] array - and this is the most important part --> a start and length value.
    I believe they were attempting to optimize, but this has important implications for developers.
    String objects dont necessarily store just the text you see, it may just reference a much bigger char array.
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    Well, this example actually happened to me in a real program I was writing to archive drive files.
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    So the really long file path never gets garbage collected!
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    So thats really all you need to watch out for. If memory is a concern in your program you want to
    make sure you arent referencing large char[] arrays unnecessarily.
    But like all things, this is rarely anything to give much thought to.
    Only something to remember if you run into problems after coding sensibly and profiling
    (or in my case, crashing with OOM exceptions, lol).

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    The reason is you are printing out what's in the Java string to the browser, and that results in this:
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    in the browser, which will get translated in the Javascript parser as a new line.

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              for (counter = 0; counter < text.length(); counter++) {
                   char currentchar = text.charAt(counter);
                   int currentvalue = (new Integer(currentchar)).intValue();
                   switch (currentvalue) {
                   case 65:
                        char[] newstring = new char[1];
                        newstring[0] = currentchar;
                        out += new String(newstring);
                   case 71: //
                   // other cases
                        // nothing to do...
              }Can you suggest me something to improve the performances?
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    If you've got a number of characters in your acceptance set I'd use indexOf, and I'd probably use StringCharacterIterator. Mind you, with a million characters I'd probably not load them all at once anyway, but process them as streams.
    StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer(s.length() / 5); // allocate plenty
    StringCharacterIterator it = new StringCharacterIterator(s);
    for(char c = it.first(); c != CharacterIterator.DONE; c =
      if("AG".indexOf(c) >= 0)
    return c.toString();

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    This programming problem is as old as the hills, and there are a zillion ways to do it. One of the simplest is by using String.split. Example:   String separator = "[^\\w]+";
       String string = "I think, therefore I am; or maybe not. What do you think?";
       String[] array = string.split(separator);
       System.out.println("String    : \"" + string + "\"");
       System.out.println("Word count: " + array.length + " words.");The key is the String separator. This is what is known as a "regular expression." It looks pretty obtuse (and is); do some research on regular expressions to figure out it means.
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    failed array index.png ‏142 KB

    Can you attach your VI with some typical values? (e.g. create in indicator on the 2D array, run your VI, then turn the indicator (now containing data) into a diagram constant). Place the FOR loop related code and that diagram constant into a new VI and attach it here.
    How many times does the FOR loop run? Could it be that the last element of each 1D array is an empty string? (unless you put a wait inside the FOR loop, you'll never see the other elements in the probe)
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .

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    Note also that this space is not freed up by the GC (afterwards).
    Thanks in advance

    Actually, I've discovered some details about the swing textcomponents. They're very bad for 'simply' showing 2mb+ files.
    Check out these bugs; original and "more recent".
    It doesn't quite explain why putting a byte array to a string occupies twice the space, but it does seem to account for the huge memory increase when putting it to a JTextArea.
    String is immutable so it has to copy your char[] to
    a new char[] backing the String. If it used theSure thing, but I'm passing on a byte[] array, and afaik, it's not using this array and should only copy it. Once.
    Oh hey, could it be that the bytes are saved in unicode? That would double the size... and make sense...
    Oh and PS; Maybe you should read this if you really think strings are immutable... (although you are generally correct :))

  • PL/SQL function to read a string of characters into an array

    I was wondering if there is an easier way than using the substr function multiple times. Here is the example:
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    <what data structure?> a := stringunpackerfunction(x);
    // x is the varchar2 containing 'Apple'.
    The resulting a would be such that a[0] is 'A', a[1] is 'p', a[2] is 'p', a[3] is 'l' and a[4] is 'e'.
    If there is no direct function to do this in a single invocation, is there a function to simply read a string of characters and return 'the next character'?

    There is a procedure out there called PS_PARSE which takes a string and converts to an array provided with an identified separator. Works for us pretty well.
    I just grabbed this off of google. I am presuming this should work fine. It has been sometime since we implemented ours that I forget if there were any additional modifications that we made. I think there was one regarding the size of the string that could be handled. I forget precisely. Anyways... take a peek at it. Its makes things easy in that your logic is pretty streamlined.
    Barry C
    create or replace PACKAGE PS_Parse
         || PL/SQL table structures to hold atomics retrieved by parse_string.
         || This includes the table type definition, a table (though you can
         || declare your own as well, and an empty table, which you can use
         || to clear out your table which contains atomics.
         atoms_table atoms_tabtype;
         empty_atoms_table atoms_tabtype;
         || The standard list of delimiters. You can over-ride these with
         || your own list when you call the procedures and functions below.
         || This list is a pretty standard set of delimiters, though.
         std_delimiters VARCHAR2 (50) := ' !@#$%^&*()-_=+\|`~{{]};:''",<.>/?';
         /* Display contents of table using DBMS_OUTPUT */
         PROCEDURE display_atomics
              (table_in IN atoms_tabtype, num_rows_in IN NUMBER);
         || The parse_string procedure: I provide two, overloaded definitions.
         || The first version puts all atomics into a PL/SQL table and would
         || be used in a PL/SQL Version 2 environment. The second version places
         || all atomics into a string, separating each atomic by a vertical bar.
         || (My code does NOT do any special handling when it finds a "|" in
         || the string. You have to deal with that when you extract the atomics.
         || See the program definition for more details on other parameters.
         PROCEDURE parse_string
              (string_in IN VARCHAR2,
              atomics_list_out OUT atoms_tabtype,
              num_atomics_out IN OUT NUMBER,
              delimiters_in IN VARCHAR2 := std_delimiters);
         PROCEDURE parse_string
              (string_in IN VARCHAR2,
              atomics_list_out IN OUT VARCHAR2,
              num_atomics_out IN OUT NUMBER,
              delimiters_in IN VARCHAR2 := std_delimiters);
         /* Count the number of atomics in a string */
         FUNCTION number_of_atomics
              (string_in IN VARCHAR2,
              count_type_in IN VARCHAR2 := 'ALL',
              delimiters_in IN VARCHAR2 := std_delimiters)
         /* Return the Nth atomic in the string */
         FUNCTION nth_atomic
              (string_in IN VARCHAR2,
              nth_in IN NUMBER,
              count_type_in IN VARCHAR2 := 'ALL',
              delimiters_in IN VARCHAR2 := std_delimiters)
    END PS_Parse;
    create or replace PACKAGE BODY PS_Parse
    /* Package variables used repeatedly throughout the body. */
    len_string     NUMBER;
    start_loc     NUMBER;
    next_loc     NUMBER;     
    || Since the PUT_LINE procedure regards a string of one or more
    || spaces as NULL, it will not display a space, which is in
    || PS_Parse a valid atomic. So I save a_blank in the PL/SQL
    || table instead of the space itself.
    a_blank CONSTANT VARCHAR2(3) := '" "';
    /*--------------------- Private Modules ---------------------------
    || The following functions are available only to other modules in
    || package. No user of PS_Parse can see or use these functions.
    FUNCTION a_delimiter
    (character_in IN VARCHAR2,
    delimiters_in IN VARCHAR2 := std_delimiters)
    || Returns TRUE if the character passsed into the function is found
    || in the list of delimiters.
    RETURN INSTR (delimiters_in, character_in) > 0;
    FUNCTION string_length (string_in IN VARCHAR2)
    RETURN LENGTH (LTRIM (RTRIM (string_in)));
    FUNCTION next_atom_loc
    (string_in IN VARCHAR2,
    start_loc_in IN NUMBER,
    scan_increment_in IN NUMBER := +1)      
    || The next_atom_loc function returns the location
    || in the string of the starting point of the next atomic (from the
    || start location). The function scans forward if scan_increment_in is
    || +1, otherwise it scans backwards through the string. Here is the
    || logic to determine when the next atomic starts:
    ||          1. If current atomic is a delimiter (if, that is, the character
    ||               at the start_loc_in of the string is a delimiter), then the
    ||               the next character starts the next atomic since all
    ||               delimiters are a single character in length.
    ||          2. If current atomic is a word (if, that is, the character
    ||               at the start_loc_in of the string is a delimiter), then the
    ||               next atomic starts at the next delimiter. Any letters or
    ||               numbers in between are part of the current atomic.
    || So I loop through the string a character at a time and apply these
    || tests. I also have to check for end of string. If I scan forward
    || the end of string comes when the SUBSTR which pulls out the next
    || character returns NULL. If I scan backward, then the end of the
    || string comes when the location is less than 0.
    /* Boolean variable which uses private function to determine
    || if the current character is a delimiter or not.
    was_a_delimiter BOOLEAN :=
    PS_Parse.a_delimiter (SUBSTR (string_in, start_loc_in, 1));     
    /* If not a delimiter, then it was a word. */
    was_a_word BOOLEAN := NOT was_a_delimiter;
    /* The next character scanned in the string */
              next_char VARCHAR2(1);
    || The value returned by the function. This location is the start
    || of the next atomic found. Initialize it to next character,
    || forward or backward depending on increment.
    return_value NUMBER := start_loc_in + scan_increment_in;
    -- Extract the next character.
    next_char := SUBSTR (string_in, return_value, 1);
    -- Exit the loop if:
    /* On a delimiter, since that is always an atomic */
    a_delimiter (next_char)
    /* Was a delimiter, but am now in a word. */
    (was_a_delimiter AND NOT a_delimiter (next_char))
    /* Reached end of string scanning forward. */
    next_char IS NULL
    /* Reached beginning of string scanning backward. */
    return_value < 0;
    /* Shift return_value to move the next character. */
    return_value := return_value + scan_increment_in;
    -- If the return_value is negative, return 0, else the return_value
    RETURN GREATEST (return_value, 0);
    PROCEDURE increment_counter
    (counter_inout IN OUT NUMBER,
    count_type_in IN VARCHAR2,
    atomic_in IN CHAR)
    || The increment_counter procedure is used by nth_atomic and
    || number_of_atomics to add to the count of of atomics. Since you
    || can request a count by ALL atomics, just the WORD atomics or
    || just the DELIMITER atomics. I use the a_delimiter function to
    || decide whether I should add to the counter. This is not a terribly
    || complex procedure. I bury this logic into a separate module,
    || to make it easier to read and debug the main body of the programs.
    IF count_type_in = 'ALL' OR
    (count_type_in = 'WORD' AND NOT a_delimiter (atomic_in)) OR
    (count_type_in = 'DELIMITER' AND a_delimiter (atomic_in))
    counter_inout := counter_inout + 1;
    END IF;
    END increment_counter;
    /* ------------------------- Public Modules -----------------------*/
    PROCEDURE display_atomics
    (table_in IN atoms_tabtype, num_rows_in IN NUMBER)
    || Program to dump out contents of table. Notice I must also pass in
    || the number of rows in the table so that I know when to stop the
    || loop. Otherwise I will raise a NO_DATA_FOUND exception. For a more
    || elaborate display_table module, see Chapter 7 on PL/SQL tables.
    FOR table_row IN 1 .. num_rows_in
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (NVL (table_in (table_row), 'NULL'));
    PROCEDURE parse_string
    (string_in IN VARCHAR2,
    atomics_list_out OUT atoms_tabtype,
    num_atomics_out IN OUT NUMBER,
    delimiters_in IN VARCHAR2 := std_delimiters)
    || Version of parse_string which stores the list of atomics
    || in a PL/SQL table.
    || Parameters:
    ||          string_in - the string to be parsed.
    ||          atomics_list_out - the table of atomics.
    ||          num_atomics_out - the number of atomics found.
    ||          delimiters_in - the set of delimiters used in parse.
    /* Initialize variables. */
    num_atomics_out := 0;
    len_string := string_length (string_in);
    IF len_string IS NOT NULL
    || Only scan the string if made of something more than blanks.
    || Start at first non-blank character. Remember: INSTR returns 0
    || if a space is not found. Stop scanning if at end of string.
    start_loc := LEAST (1, INSTR (string_in, ' ') + 1);
    WHILE start_loc <= len_string
    || Find the starting point of the NEXT atomic. Go ahead and
    || increment counter for the number of atomics. Then have to
    || actually pull out the atomic. Two cases to consider:
    ||          1. Last atomic goes to end of string.
    ||          2. The atomic is a single blank. Use special constant.
    ||          3. Anything else.
    next_loc := next_atom_loc (string_in, start_loc);
    num_atomics_out := num_atomics_out + 1;
    IF next_loc > len_string
    -- Atomic is all characters right to the end of the string.
    atomics_list_out (num_atomics_out) :=
    SUBSTR (string_in, start_loc);
    || Internal atomic. If RTRIMs to NULL, have a blank
    || Use special-case string to stuff a " " in the table.
    atomics_list_out (num_atomics_out) :=
    NVL (RTRIM (SUBSTR (string_in,
    start_loc, next_loc-start_loc)),
    END IF;
    -- Move starting point of scan for next atomic.
    start_loc := next_loc;
    END IF;
    END parse_string;
    PROCEDURE parse_string
    (string_in IN VARCHAR2,
    atomics_list_out IN OUT VARCHAR2,
    num_atomics_out IN OUT NUMBER,
    delimiters_in IN VARCHAR2 := std_delimiters)
    || The version of parse_string which writes the atomics out to a packed
    || list in the format "|A|,|C|". I do not repeat any of the comments
    || from the first iteration of parse_string.
    /* Initialize variables */
    num_atomics_out := 0;
    atomics_list_out := NULL;
    len_string := string_length (string_in);
    IF len_string IS NOT NULL
    start_loc := LEAST (1, INSTR (string_in, ' ') + 1);
    WHILE start_loc <= len_string
    next_loc := next_atom_loc (string_in, start_loc);
    num_atomics_out := num_atomics_out + 1;
    IF next_loc > len_string
    atomics_list_out := atomics_list_out || '|' ||      
    SUBSTR (string_in, start_loc);
    atomics_list_out :=
    atomics_list_out || '|' ||      
    NVL (RTRIM (SUBSTR (string_in,
    start_loc, next_loc-start_loc)),
    END IF;
    start_loc := next_loc;
    /* Apply terminating delimiter to the string. */
    atomics_list_out := atomics_list_out || '|' ;
    END IF;
    END parse_string;
    FUNCTION number_of_atomics
    (string_in IN VARCHAR2,
    count_type_in IN VARCHAR2 := 'ALL',
    delimiters_in IN VARCHAR2 := std_delimiters)
    || Counts the number of atomics in the string_in. You can specify the
    || type of count you want: ALL for all atomics, WORD to count only the
    || words and DELIMITER to count only the delimiters. You can optionally
    || pass your own set of delimiters into the function.
    return_value INTEGER := 0;
    /* Initialize variables. */
    len_string := string_length (string_in);
    IF len_string IS NOT NULL
    || This loop is much simpler than parse_string. Call the
    || next_atom_loc to move to the next atomic and increment the
    || counter if appropriate. Everything complicated is shifted into
    || sub-programs so that you can read the program "top-down",
    || understand it layer by layer.
    start_loc := LEAST (1, INSTR (string_in, ' ') + 1);
    WHILE start_loc <= len_string
    increment_counter (return_value, UPPER (count_type_in),
    SUBSTR (string_in, start_loc, 1));
    start_loc := next_atom_loc (string_in, start_loc);
    END IF;
    RETURN return_value;
    END number_of_atomics;
    FUNCTION nth_atomic
    (string_in IN VARCHAR2,
    nth_in IN NUMBER,
    count_type_in IN VARCHAR2 := 'ALL',
    delimiters_in IN VARCHAR2 := std_delimiters)
    || Find and return the nth atomic in a string. If nth_in is greater
    || the number of atomics, then return NULL. If nth_in is negative the
    || function counts from the back of the string. You can again request
    || a retrieval by ALL atomics, just the WORDs or just the DELIMITER.
    || So you can ask for the third atomic, or the second word from the end
    || of the string. You can pass your own list of delimiters as well.
    /* Local copy of string. Supports up to 1000 characters. */
    local_string VARCHAR2 (1000) :=
    LTRIM (RTRIM (SUBSTR (string_in, 1, 1000)));
    /* Running count of atomics so far counted. */
    atomic_count NUMBER := 1;
    /* Boolean variable which controls the looping logic. */
    still_scanning BOOLEAN :=
    local_string IS NOT NULL AND nth_in != 0;
    /* The amount by which I increment the counter. */
    scan_increment INTEGER;
    /* Return value of function, maximum length of 100 characters. */
    return_value VARCHAR2 (100):= NULL;
    IF nth_in = 0
    /* Not much to do here. Find 0th atomic? */
    /* Initialize the loop variables. */
    len_string := string_length (local_string);
    IF nth_in > 0
    /* Start at first non-blank character and scan forward. */
    next_loc := 1;
    scan_increment := 1;
    /* Start at last non-blank character and scan backward. */
    next_loc := len_string;
    scan_increment := -1;
    END IF;
    /* Loop through the string until the Boolean is FALSE. */
    WHILE still_scanning
    /* Move start of scan in string to loc of last atomic. */
    start_loc := next_loc;
    /* Find the starting point of the next atomic. */
    next_loc      :=
    next_atom_loc (local_string, start_loc, scan_increment);
    /* Increment the count of atomics. */
    UPPER (count_type_in),
    SUBSTR (local_string, start_loc, 1));
    || Keep scanning if my count hasn't exceeded the request
    || and I am neither at the beginning nor end of the string.
    still_scanning :=
    atomic_count <= ABS (nth_in) AND
    next_loc <= len_string AND
    next_loc >= 1;
    || Done with the loop. If my count has not exceeded the requested
    || amount, then there weren't enough atomics in the string to
    || satisfy the request.
    IF atomic_count <= ABS (nth_in)
    || I need to extract the atomic from the string. If scanning
    || forward, then I start at start_loc and SUBSTR forward.
    || If I am scanning backwards, I start at next_loc+1 (next_loc
    || is the starting point of the NEXT atomic and I want the
    || current one) and SUBSTR forward (when scanning in
    || reverse, next_loc comes before start_loc in the string.
    IF scan_increment = +1
    SUBSTR (local_string, start_loc, next_loc - start_loc);
    SUBSTR (local_string, next_loc+1, start_loc - next_loc);
    END IF;
    END IF;
    END IF;
    END nth_atomic;
    END PS_Parse;

  • Import CSV Is Incorrect - Misinterprets RETURN within Strings as New Row

    When importing a CSV file into Numbers 3.0.1, it produces bad results, because it interprets RETURNs within strings as new rows, when it should ignore them.
    How can this be worked around?

    If the CSV is properly formatted and the strings that have the carriage return(s) are enclosed in quotes, it works fine  (at least it does for me). If the strings do not have quotes around them, the returns should be interpreted as a new row.
    The workaround would be to somehow get quotes around those strings before importing into Numbers. I'm not sure how to do that except manually in a text editor or for the app that created the CSV to format it correctly.

  • Creating dynamic XML without String var ?

    Hi all...
    I am trying to create a XML to use it in a DataGrid as a
    DataProvider... So far I was able to do it but only using a String
    variable, is there any othe way to do it? I found/think there is
    another way but i'm kinda lost on this subject... Here is how im
    doing it (more or less):
    private var dataPlaylist : XML;
    private var xml : String = new String();
    xml += ' <music>\n';
    xml += ' <artist>' + player.id3.artist +
    xml += ' <track>' + player.id3.songName +
    xml += ' <title>' + player.id3.title +
    xml += ' <album>' + player.id3.album +
    xml += ' <time>' + player.length + '</time>\n';
    xml += ' </music>\n';
    dataPlaylist = XML(xml);
    playlist.dataProvider = dataPlaylist.musica;

    It's better to read the entire XML documentation located one
    level up:
    For your case, you can actually do this:
    dataPlayList: XML =
    Note the use of curly braces {} to embed variables inside
    your XML. There's a lot more you can do with XML as well. It's in
    the docs.

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