Creation of bulk of users programmatically

I Am in the processing of writing a procedure to load a bulk of users inside the portal 3.0.9.
As I understand from checking the discussion forum that I Should use the following procedures :
WWSSO_LS_PRIVATE.LS_CREATE_USER to create an account on the Login Server
1 - It is presumed that the wwsec_person$ table will be affected by these procedure, isn't it?
2 - Does the number of rows should match in the wwsec_person$ table in the portal30 and portal30_sso?
3 - If I want to grant priviliges to the news users programmatically, I should use the following procedure wwsec_api.add_user_to_list, isn't it?
4 - How can I define the number and type of mandatory parameters required by each procedure?

Did you find success in your attempt to bulk load users into
Please share your knowledge....

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    Set-StrictMode -Version latest
    Import-Module ActiveDirectory -ErrorAction Stop
    Write-Host "[ERROR]`t ActiveDirectory Module couldn't be loaded. Script will stop!"
    Exit 1
    $path = Split-Path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
    $newpath = $path + "\import_create_ad_users_test.csv"
    $log = $path + "\create_ad_users.log"
    $date = Get-Date
    $addn = (Get-ADDomain).DistinguishedName
    $dnsroot = (Get-ADDomain).DNSRoot
    $i = 1
    $server = ""
    Function Start-Commands
    Function Create-Users
    "Processing started (on " + $date + "): " | Out-File $log -append
    "--------------------------------------------" | Out-File $log -append
    Import-CSV $newpath | ForEach-Object {
    If (($_.Implement.ToLower()) -eq "yes")
    If (($_.GivenName -eq "") -Or ($_.LastName -eq ""))
    Write-Host "[ERROR]`t Please provide valid GivenName, LastName. Processing skipped for line $($i)`r`n"
    "[ERROR]`t Please provide valid GivenName, LastName. Processing skipped for line $($i)`r`n" | Out-File $log -append
    # Set the target OU
    $location = $_.TargetOU + ",$($addn)"
    # Set the Enabled and PasswordNeverExpires properties
    If (($_.Enabled.ToLower()) -eq "true") { $enabled = $True } Else { $enabled = $False }
    If (($_.PasswordNeverExpires.ToLower()) -eq "true") { $expires = $True } Else { $expires = $False }
    If (($_.ChangePasswordAtLogon.ToLower()) -eq "true") { $changepassword = $True } Else { $changepassword = $False }
    # A check for the country, because those were full names and need
    # to be land codes in order for AD to accept them. I used Netherlands
    # as example
    If($_.Country -eq "Netherlands")
    $_.Country = "NL"
    ElseIf ($_.Country -eq "Austria")
    $_.Country = "AT"
    ElseIf ($_.Country -eq "Australia")
    $_.Country = "AU"
    ElseIf ($_.Country -eq "United States")
    $_.Country = "US"
    ElseIf ($_.Country -eq "Germany")
    $_.Country = "DE"
    ElseIf ($_.Country -eq "Italy")
    $_.Country = "IT"
    $_.Country = ""
    # Replace dots / points (.) in names, because AD will error when a
    # name ends with a dot (and it looks cleaner as well)
    $replace = $_.Lastname.Replace(".","")
    $lastname = $replace
    # Create sAMAccountName according to this 'naming convention':
    # <FirstName>"."<LastName> for example
    # joe.bloggs
    $sam = $_.GivenName.ToLower() + "." + $lastname.ToLower()
    Try { $exists = Get-ADUser -LDAPFilter "(sAMAccountName=$sam)" -Server $server }
    Catch { }
    # Set all variables according to the table names in the Excel
    # sheet / import CSV. The names can differ in every project, but
    # if the names change, make sure to change it below as well.
    $setpass = ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText $_.Password -force
    Write-Host "[INFO]`t Creating user : $($sam)"
    "[INFO]`t Creating user : $($sam)" | Out-File $log -append
    New-ADUser $sam -GivenName $_.GivenName `
    -Surname $_.LastName -DisplayName ($_.LastName + ", " + $_.GivenName) `
    -StreetAddress $_.StreetAddress -City $_.City `
    -Country $_.Country -UserPrincipalName ($sam + "@" + $dnsroot) `
    -Company $_.Company -Department $_.Department `
    -Title $_.Title -AccountPassword $setpass `
    -PasswordNeverExpires $expires -Enabled $enabled `
    -ChangePasswordAtLogon $changepassword -server $server
    Write-Host "[INFO]`t Created new user : $($sam)"
    "[INFO]`t Created new user : $($sam)" | Out-File $log -append
    $dn = (Get-ADUser $sam).DistinguishedName
    # Set an ExtensionAttribute
    If ($_.ExtensionAttribute1 -ne "" -And $_.ExtensionAttribute1 -ne $Null)
    $ext = [ADSI]"LDAP://$dn"
    $ext.Put("extensionAttribute1", $_.ExtensionAttribute1)
    Try { $ext.SetInfo() }
    Catch { Write-Host "[ERROR]`t Couldn't set the Extension Attribute : $($_.Exception.Message)" }
    # Move the user to the OU ($location) you set above. If you don't
    # want to move the user(s) and just create them in the global Users
    # OU, comment the string below
    If ([adsi]::Exists("LDAP://$($location)"))
    Move-ADObject -Identity $dn -TargetPath $location
    Write-Host "[INFO]`t User $sam moved to target OU : $($location)"
    "[INFO]`t User $sam moved to target OU : $($location)" | Out-File $log -append
    Write-Host "[ERROR]`t Targeted OU couldn't be found. Newly created user wasn't moved!"
    "[ERROR]`t Targeted OU couldn't be found. Newly created user wasn't moved!" | Out-File $log -append
    # Rename the object to a good looking name (otherwise you see
    # the 'ugly' shortened sAMAccountNames as a name in AD. This
    # can't be set right away (as sAMAccountName) due to the 20
    # character restriction
    $newdn = (Get-ADUser $sam).DistinguishedName
    Rename-ADObject -Identity $newdn -NewName ($_.LastName + ", " + $_.GivenName)
    Write-Host "[INFO]`t Renamed $($sam) to $($_.GivenName) $($_.LastName)`r`n"
    "[INFO]`t Renamed $($sam) to $($_.GivenName) $($_.LastName)`r`n" | Out-File $log -append
    Write-Host "[ERROR]`t Oops, something went wrong: $($_.Exception.Message)`r`n"
    Write-Host "[SKIP]`t User $($sam) ($($_.GivenName) $($_.LastName)) already exists or returned an error!`r`n"
    "[SKIP]`t User $($sam) ($($_.GivenName) $($_.LastName)) already exists or returned an error!" | Out-File $log -append
    Write-Host "[SKIP]`t User $($sam) ($($_.GivenName) $($_.LastName)) will be skipped for processing!`r`n"
    "[SKIP]`t User $($sam) ($($_.GivenName) $($_.LastName)) will be skipped for processing!" | Out-File $log -append
    "--------------------------------------------" + "`r`n" | Out-File $log -append
    Write-Host "STARTED SCRIPT`r`n"
    Write-Host "STOPPED SCRIPT"

    Here is one I have used.  It can be easily updated to accommodate many needs.
    function New-RandomPassword{
    $pwdlength = 10
    $bytes = [byte[]][byte]1
    $rng=New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.RNGCryptoServiceProvider
    while (!(($PWD -cmatch "[a-z]") -and ($PWD -cmatch "[A-Z]") -and ($PWD -match "[0-9]"))){
    for($i=1;$i -le $pwdlength;$i++){
    $rnd = $bytes[0] -as [int]
    $int = ($rnd % 74) + 48
    $chr = $int -as [char]
    $pwd = $pwd + $chr
    function AddUser{
    $random=Get-Random -minimum 100 -maximum 999
    UserPrincipalName=“$[email protected]”)
    AccountPassword=ConvertTo-SecureString $pwd -AsPlainText -force
    New-AdUser @userprops -Enabled:$true -PassThru | |
    Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Password -Value $pwd -PassThru
    Import-CSV -Path c:\users\administrator\desktop\users.csv |
    AddUser $_
    } |
    Select SamAccountName, Firstname, Lastname, Password |
    Export-Csv \accountinformation.csv -NoTypeInformation

  • GRC 10.0 Access Request Creation- Data Source of User Details

    Hi Experts,
    I was doing GRC 10.0 Configuration and found a query which I am not able to resolve.
    While creation of any kind of Access Request in GRC through NWBC> Acces Management Tab>Access Request>Access Request Creation.
    In the user details section, I can see the HR records( like Pernr, position, manager) have been visible to some extent.
    My question is where from these details came in GRC. What configuration we should maintain to achieve these HR records?
    Hope to get a quick response as this is one of the requirement of the implementation which I am doing with my customer.

    Thanks for your response. It helped me to know certain things.
    But when I am navigating to SPRO > GRC > Access Control > Maintain Data Sources Configuration > [User Detail Data Source], it is configured with a ECC system in target connector and User data type is maintained as "SU01".
    Now my question is where from in my case the GRC is pulling the HR records (PA20) like PERNR, POSITION,PERSONEL AREA etc? SU01 does not provide these information. My ECC box is integrated with HR module, so is it taking the data from HR directly?
    Thanks in advance!

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    According to your post, my understanding is that you wanted to display language according to the user.
    First, we can find out the current culture of the logged in user based on
    Then you can set the language based on the LCID.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Jason Guo
    TechNet Community Support

  • Trouble creating a csv file to bulk import users

    Hi Guys,
    I'm trying to put a .csv file together to bulk import users. I'm practicing with one user right now. This is my CSV header:
    This is my first line:
    When I test my file this is the output:
    GivenName                      : newuser
    Name                               : newuser
    SamAccountNAme            : newuser
    Description                       : newuser
    Department                      : Group2
    OU                                    : OU=Group2
    Enabled                            : DC=CONTOSO
    Accountpassword             : DC=COM
    PasswordNeverExpires    : $True
    CannotChangePassword : P@ssw0rd
    I obviously need to state the OU in the csv otherwise because the values are not in the correct place right now. Putting OU=Group2,DC=CONTOSO,DC=COM between brackets "..." doesn't help. Then all values are stated at 'GivenName'.
    Please help:-)

    Thank you Mahdi,
    When I do that, I get this:
    GivenName            : newuser,newuser,newuser,newuser,Group2,"OU=Group2,DC=contoso,DC=com"$True,P@ssw0rd,$True,$True
    Name                 :
    SamAccountNAme       :
    Description          :
    Department           :
    Path                 :
    Enabled              :
    Accountpassword      :
    PasswordNeverExpires :
    CannotChangePassword :
    There is one (,) missing between path and $true. I tested it and it works fine. However I am glad you found your way.
    Mahdi Tehrani   |  
    Please click on Propose As Answer or
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    and helpful for other people.
    This posting is provided AS-IS with no warranties, and confers no rights.
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  • Allow creation of Self Registered Users

    Under Portal Settings in the Admin section is a checkbox to "Allow creation of Self Registered Users". And a note that says "Changes in these settings will take effect immediately."
    I'd like to utilize this feature and have therefore checked the box, and made sure my custom login adaptive layout includes this tag: <pt:ptui.createaccount />
    After giving the setting a good hour to work its magic, the view source shows that the tag creates just this: <span id="pt-login-create-account"></span>
    I was assuming that there'd be some more code than that - at least a link!
    Any idea what might be the issue? It seems like such a straight forward type of setting.

    The issue has been narrowed down slightly by including the problematic extranet login page as a portlet within our intranet - which then succeeds in displaying the page.
    One item of note was that we have the admin area installed on both of our load balanced intranet servers - and each had to be set to allow creation of users via the admin interface before it could be seen by all. This is slightly disconcerting as we assumed they relied on the same data repository (db).
    Fortunately, this might be a clue as to why it isn't working still on our extranet server.
    The catch there is that we can't access the admin interface via our extranet - so I'm now in the process of trying to track down exactly where this value is saved to from the project settings page.
    Any suggestions?
    I set our extranet to be able to display the admin section, restarted the server, logged in, checked that the admin setting was correct, reset the config file, restarted the portal and then the link magically appeared.
    Lesson learned - don't trust the documentation when it says that a restart isn't required...

  • Adding users programmatically to WLS 10

    I've blogged a little about it [url]here. Hope it helps!

    Hi ,
    Dont add the weblogic.jar file in your application explicitly then check the error you get,and also dont specify the location of the class in your application.
    Let me know if you face any errors after the above suggestions.
    Rohit Jaiswal

  • How to bulk upload users in wireless using XML and CUP?

    Hello I am working with wireless and I know there is a way to bulk upload users.
    Can anyone provide an example to upload users?
    Utyrear Ytrew

    Hi Daniel
    I am trying to add addition propertires like TV, Copier etc. to Room Mailbox in Exchange 2010 using following commands:-
    [PS] C:\Windows\system32>$ResourceConfiguration = Get-ResourceConfig
    [PS] C:\Windows\system32>$ResourceConfiguration.ResourcePropertySchema+=("Room/Whiteboard")
    Upper two commands run fine but following command gives error:-
    [PS] C:\Windows\system32>Set-ResourceConfig -ResourcePropertySchema $ResourceConfiguration.ResourcePropertySchema
    The term 'Set-ResourceConfig' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Ch
    eck the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
    At line:1 char:19
    + Set-ResourceConfig <<<<  -ResourcePropertySchema $ResourceConfiguration.ResourcePropertySchema
        + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (Set-ResourceConfig:String) [], CommandNotFoundException
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException
    I also tried with space after set but still getting error:
    [PS] C:\Windows\system32>Set -ResourceConfig -ResourcePropertySchema $ResourceConfiguration.ResourcePropertySchema
    Set-Variable : A parameter cannot be found that matches parameter name 'ResourceConfig'.
    At line:1 char:20
    + Set -ResourceConfig <<<<  -ResourcePropertySchema $ResourceConfiguration.ResourcePropertySchema
        + CategoryInfo          : InvalidArgument: (:) [Set-Variable], ParameterBindingException
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : NamedParameterNotFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.SetVariableCommand
    Pl advise the solution at [email protected] . I got this help from

  • Relocating LDAP user programmatically

    Is there an API to relocate a user programmatically, in much the same way as ldapmoddn ?

    use directoryContext.rename(pOldDN,pNewDN)to move the user

  • Bulk load users into Directory and Messaging at the same time

    Can I bulk load users into Directory and Messaging at the same
    Yes, but you are not really loading users into the Messaging
    Server. The Directory Server contains all kinds of information about
    users, including information about their email. So if you want to
    load user information into the Directory Server, including the users'
    messaging infromation, you must install the Directory server first.
    Configure the directory server. Then install the Messaging Server.
    Then you can load users into both by loading an LDIF file with the
    user information.

    You can check the documentation: Multiple Copies of RMAN Backups ;-)
    When backing up datafiles, archived redo log files, server parameter files and control files into backup pieces, RMAN can duplex the backup set, producing up to four identical copies of each backup piece in the backup set on different backup destinations with one BACKUP command. (Note that duplexing is not supported for backup operations that produce image copies.)
    There are three ways to specify duplexing of backup sets when using the BACKUP command:
    Specify a default level of duplexing with CONFIGURE... BACKUP COPIESAll backup commands that back up data into backup sets will be affected if you use this option, unless you specify different duplexing options for a command using SET BACKUP COPIES or provide a COPIES option for the BACKUP command.
    Use SET BACKUP COPIES in a RUN block All commands in the RUN block will be affected, overriding any CONFIGURE... BACKUPCOPIES setting, except those where you provide a COPIES option as part of the BACKUP command.
    Provide a COPIES option to the BACKUP command For this specific BACKUP command, files will be duplexed to produce the number of copies you specify.

  • Retrive roles for bulk of users

    HI All,
    I need to provide FM which need to get for input bulk of users and
    retrieve all the users roles ,how can i achieve  it .
    since performance is very important in my case
    and the FM user get detail need to do loop on the users and bring also
    additional data which i don't need .
    There is exposed API which i can use ?

    Hi Joy,
    you should try CRM_ROLES_OF_USER_GET. Although CRM_ in the name, it is on my standard non-crm-system.
    If you want best performance, check out the tables where the data are stored and retrieve directly from the database.

  • Create Portal user programmatically

    I've been told there was an API in the 3.0.8 portal release to allow the creation of portal users in the Login Server programmatically.
    I think this API is called : portal30_sso.wwsso_ls_private.
    Does anyone know where I can find this API description ?

    This informaiton is contained in the PDK - PL/SQL:Reference Material accessible at
    Direct links:

  • Assigning roles to users programmatically

    I want to programmatically create roles, assign roles to users etc.
    I saw at this thread
    ADF Security Policy Store
    the folowing scriptlet by Frank Nimphius
    try {
    IdentityStore idstore = JpsCommonUtil.getValidIdStore("idstore.xml.provider").getIdmStore();
    try {
    UserManager userManager = idstore.getUserManager();
    RoleManager roleManager = idstore.getRoleManager();
    Role adminRole = idstore.searchRole(Role.SCOPE_APPLICATION,"admin");
    // create user
    //TODO check for empty username and password
    User newUser = userManager.createUser(this.username,this.password.toCharArray());
    } catch (IMException e) {
    // TODO
    } catch (JpsException e) {
    // TODO
    return null;
    this is a TP3 scriptlet, is it still working on the 11g production?
    I try it and i get a JpsException
    do I have to replace "idstore.xml.provider" with something else depending on my configuration?

    Hi Frank thanks for the answer,
    I check this functionality at WLS embeded LDAP and I shaw your "How-to configure OID for authentication in WebLogic Server" post.
    I manage to add users and assign them roles that i created at my application.
    But what if I want to have a super user that can create new roles and assign them member roles?
    Developer created roles (policy store):
    accessPage1 ( granted all the necesery principals to access page1 )
    accessPage2 ( granted all the necesery principals to access page2 )
    Super user created roles
    Role1 member roles :accessPage1,accessPage2
    If i want my application to have that functionallity i must create roles programmatically wont I?
    If there another way?
    By the way I followed the advices at the following useful links
    Chris Muir:
    Frank Nimphius's How-to configure OID for authentication in WebLogic Server
    Edwin Biemond's Using OpenLDAP as security provider in WebLogic
    Andrejus Baranovskis: Practical ADF Security Deployment on WebLogic Server
    And I manage to add users of the Microsoft LDAP at the WLS
    but I could't mekae them group members of my application groups (roles)
    is this possible?

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