Creation of mdb file through Apex

Dear Friends,
I am using apex 4.1. i want to create mdb file through apex.
can any1 tell me the procedure how to make the mdb file?

Why would you want to do that?
Oracle propagates Apex as being an Access killer ;-)
I don't see a possibility btw other than using lots of ODBC "create-table" queries inside your Access file.
Apex runs solely on Oracle tables due to the architecture chosen.
twitter: @rhjmartens
If this question is answered, please mark the thread as closed and assign points where earned..

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    there are options aplenty for this.  First off, do you have the database connectivity toolset?  If so, You can do it from there.  Following the examples in labview. Or you can do a search for ADO or access database, and find plenty of VIs that can do this. 
    Paul <--Always Learning!!!
    sense and simplicity.
    Browse my sample VIs?

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    Actually, stored .zip files will open with no problem, .txt files will open ok but it will have special characters inserted on top of the page... other files are just plain garbage.
    The wwv_flow_files have a MIME_TYPE column in it and is being populated if you do the uploading of files through ApEx. But i don't have that information available in my BLOB table. Does my problem has something to do with it, the mime_type i mean? If so, how do i go about resolving this problem?
    Thanks a bunch!

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    Try with this tool that is useful for reading of a Database through SQL
    Good Luck
    Antonio Garcia Olais

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    Which part? The creation of the file?  Since running in background, you would need to create the file using DATASET statements on the appliation server.  You will not be able to put the file on any frontend PC or server, only on the application server where you program is running.
    Rich Heilman

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    Which part? The creation of the file?  Since running in background, you would need to create the file using DATASET statements on the appliation server.  You will not be able to put the file on any frontend PC or server, only on the application server where you program is running.
    Rich Heilman

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    I would suggest to create a new one for this as file is placed on your desktop. But you can refer the standard one with which you will get the idea for creation:
    Standard logical file name for this is: MM_PURCHASING_REQUISITIONS
    In this file location is default in location /usr/sap/trans/data/mmrequisitions, instead of this you can give your converted data file name from step 7 Specify file for e.g PROJECT00_CUTOVER_MB1C_1.lsmw.conv
    You can refer or use standard logical path LOCAL_TEMPORARY_FILES for this scene.
    Hope this solves your problem.

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    Vijay J

    Hi Vijay,
    Check out the following code:
    The following need to be set accordingly
    g_upload_folder_id - the google folder ID (obtained from the URL) - used as a default to upload into a particular folder
    g_wallet_path - the path of your oracle wallet with the trusted certificates imported
    g_wallet_password - the password for the above wallet
    g_redirect_uri - The procedure that has your implementation with what to do after the user accepts
    g_client_id and g_client_secret - property's from your project out of your google API console
    l_endpoint_url in the function authorization_code_callback - the page to go to after authorizing
    This particular code is designed to use a refresh token such that once the user authorizes, the system can refresh the token whenever they need. But you can adjust this to suit your needs. I suggest reviewing the following documentation:
    So, here is what I've done. Create a button, with a dynamic action click event with the following code:
        url: '&OWNER..google_drive.GET_AUTHORIZATION_URL',
        data: {
            p_state: &APP_SESSION.
        success: function(data){
    This redirects the user to the authorization page. And as you can see in the code, would run the following when authorized:
    update app_users set refresh_token = (returned token); -- that is, depending on your user management design, you would need to adjust this accordingly.
    Then to upload the file, I have an onsubmit process with:
        l_filerow apex_application_files%rowtype;
        select * into l_filerow
        from apex_application_files
        where name = :P133_ATTACH_DATA;
        :P133_GOOGLE_DOC_ID := google_drive.create_file(l_filerow.blob_content, l_filerow.mime_Type, l_filerow.filename);
    Please also review the following post, which describes the overall process of setting up the project, wallet, acl, etc: Oracle Apex Tips: Accessing Google Data
    There are probably bits of the code that need refinement, and better error checking, but hope it helps :-)

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    Set gWork = DBEngine.CreateWorkspace("", "admin", "", dbUseJet)
    Set gCache = gWork.OpenDatabase(DataPath & fFilePath & "\connec00.mdb")
    I have a referenced "Microsoft DAO 3.51 Object Library" for the code.
    I tried changing it to "Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library" also but still the problem is not resolved.
    Can anyone please help me in figuring this out ??

    Dear Bruce,
    Thanks for your reply.
    Code was written in VB6. My VB6 application will try to open a "connec00.mdb" file and will read the data in it for displaying in the application.
    For opening the database by the application the code was written like below
    On Error GoTo Herr
    Set gWork = DBEngine.CreateWorkspace("", "admin", "", dbUseJet)
    FLog.Addlog "File exists: Connecting to database..."
    Set gCache = gWork.OpenDatabase(DataPath & fFilePath & "\connec00.mdb")
    FLog.Addlog "Error(Class_Initialize - DataConnector): " + Err.Description + " in " + Err.Source + Chr(10) + Chr(13) + "Init: Going on execution..."
    If I manually open the "mdb" file both in windows 7 64 bit and windows 8 64 bit using MSAccess 2013, I will get  the error
    "cannot open a database created with previous version of your application".
    On Windows 7 64 bit
    Through my VB6 code the mdb file is opened (does not launch MSAccess) by my application and reading is done perfectly which inturns helps the application to display the data in the mdb file. (even though manually if I cannot open)
    On Windows 8 64 bit
    Through my VB6 code the mdb file is not able to open the database by my application.
    It is going to Herr: part when it tries comes to that "OpenDatabase" step and it prints nothing in the log (Err.Description )also.
    (This is seen only for Windows 8 64 bit) . In Windows 7 64 bit Herr part does not even hit.
    Configuration wise I have checked both are same. Please let me know in case of furthur clarification or anything if I miss..
    Thanks for your co-operation.

  • How to uploade multiple files in Apex

    Hi All,
    I went through the documnet to up;oad the files in apex which is wroking fine perfectly.
    But how do we upload multile files at a time.
    If we observe here we are using P2_File_name as one of the browser filed, similarly i have created three more browser buttons with names a s P3_file_name and P4_file_name
    so how do chnage the proces to handle multiple files to uplaod at a ttime.
    Here is the process i have followed.
    IF ( :P2_FILE_NAME is not null ) THEN
    SELECT ID,:P2_FILE_NAME,:P2_SUBJECT,blob_content,mime_type
    WHERE name = :P2_FILE_NAME;
    END IF;
    Abd for downloading the file i have used a proceudre
    create or replace PROCEDURE download_my_file(p_file in number) AS
    v_mime VARCHAR2(48);
    v_length NUMBER;
    v_file_name VARCHAR2(2000);
    Lob_loc BLOB;
    INTO v_mime,lob_loc,v_file_name,v_length
    FROM oehr_file_subject
    WHERE id = p_file;
    -- set up HTTP header
    -- use an NVL around the mime type and
    -- if it is a null set it to application/octect
    -- application/octect may launch a download window from windows
    owa_util.mime_header( nvl(v_mime,'application/octet'), FALSE );
    -- set the size so the browser knows how much to download
    htp.p('Content-length: ' || v_length);
    -- the filename will be used by the browser if the users does a save as
    htp.p('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'||replace(replace(substr(v_file_name,instr(v_file_name,'/')+1),chr(10),null),chr(13),null)|| '"');
    -- close the headers
    -- download the BLOB
    wpg_docload.download_file( Lob_loc );
    end download_my_file;

    Take it easy, you can use plugin:

  • Using JS file with APEX

    I can't seem to be able to successfully link a JS file to an APEX template or page. I have followed the directions but but have had no luck. I have uploaded the JS file through "Shared Components>Static Files>Create" and have added "<script src=”#APP_IMAGES#custom.js” type=”text/javascript”></script>" to the HTML Header. I have also tried #WORKSPACE_IMAGES#, and #IMAGE_PREFIX# in place of #APP_IMAGES and still no luck. I have even tried a direct path " <script src="http://myserver.myport/my_images/custom.js"
    type="text/javascript"></script> " but this did not even work. The only thing that does work is to put the JavaScript directly into the Header of the page.
    Please suggest what else I could try.

    Hi again,
    Finally solved this problem!!
    What was happened (in my case):
    - We had 4 different applications, all having their own copy of the Javascript having the same file name.
    - Apex Builder failed to manage them separately (see other thread).
    - Removed all copies and uploaded a global workspace version.
    - Only the last application that had removed its own copy now worked with the global version??
    - Joel's test (see above) pointed out some access problems: 'Access Denied'
    - Removed the Javascript form Static Files (no files left).
    - Uploaded the Javascript under Cascading Style Sheets.
    - Still got 'Access Denied' in test.
    - Replaced the Javascript using a different file name.
    - OK, that worked.
    - Moved the Javascript back to the Static Files
    - OK, it keeps working.
    - Replaced the Javascript using its original file name.
    - OK, it now works as it expected to work in the initial set up?!?!
    So it seems that Apex Builder has problems in its administration when maintaining metadata and content of Static Files.
    The file should be completely removed, before you can reintroduce it with different metadata.
    NOTE: some problems do NOT occur when applications are run in Apex Builder!
    Hope this can be reproduced by the Apex team for fixing it.

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    I would be grateful to you on your help in this regard..

    ...develop a program using j2me which performs the following functionalities:
    1.create a file called
    2.extract its class file...For +1+ ie to create a file (any file, no matter java or not) from j2me, device need to support File Connection specified in [jsr 75|]. If you're interested, learn the jsr API on how to create and manage needed file.
    For +2+ described as extract its class file one needs to have java compiler (javac) on device. *) If you're interested, ask for more details at [Java Compiler forum|]. Also, if the class file is for CLDC then javac needs to support "JDK 1.3-compliant" compilation. To create CLDC classes on device, one also needs to have a preverifier tool. Check this at Java Compiler forum if needed.
    Good luck - I think you'll need a lot of it...
    *) javac on device -- it should not only be present but also provide a j2me API allowing to invoke it for particular java file with needed options. Same applies to preverifier tool.

  • Can we create .CSV files through documaker

    Is it possible to create .csv files through documaker apart from pdf's

    With apologies, it is still unclear (to me) what you are asking.
    It is possible to create files using DAL, but to offer more specific guidance requires a better understanding of what it is that you want.
    A CSV is a Comma-Separate Value file. A PDF file is a printed document file containing formatted text content, graphics, lines, boxes, etc - in other words a fully-composed document.  I'm not exactly sure how a PDF and a CSV file could contain the same data.
    Are you perhaps asking to get an index of the created PDF files written as a CSV file? Something that contains a row of key transaction data along with the file name of the generated PDF? Perhaps something akin to the batch (BCH) files that can be produced per transaction recipient?
    Are you asking for an export file of all the field data that went into the creation of the document and included in the PDF? Normally a CSV has a header that describes the columns and then each row of data would be consistent with that header. Without knowing that every PDF file you create will have exactly the same number of fields defined, it is difficult to imagine that a single CSV file would be sufficient. And depending upon the number of fields and the size of the data assigned to each, this could be quite a long record per PDF in the resulting CSV file.
    Or perhaps you had in mind to get a name / value pair written for each field with data written on separate lines? This would not a be a true CSV file, but could have the name and values separated by commas if that is what you require.
    You have something specific in mind and yet, we are not in your mind.  We need more specific information on exactly what you are trying to accomplish.

  • Migrating When Tables Are In Seperate .mdb File

    I am new to migrating databases from Access to Oracle so I hope this is not too basic a question.
    In the Access world it is not uncommon to put the tables for a database in a seperate .mdb file. Then all the other database objects are in another .mdb file with linked tables pointing to the .mdb with the tables.
    So my question is assuming I have a two .mdb files as described how is the migration to App Exp done? Do I need to delete all the linked tables and then migrate both .mdb files to the same schema/workspace? Is there direct support for Access linked tables in App Exp 3.1.1 (the version I am using)? Maybe there is a best practice way to migrate Access to App Exp when the Access database is in two files as described?
    Thanks for your help in advance!!

    The approach I have taken is to delete the linked tables, and import the actual tables into the MDB then start the migration.
    I have focused on importing tables (queries/views) and data. I am rebuilding the User Interface in Apex rather than importing forms, mostly as a good opportunity to learn Apex.

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    I have been seeing an issue where an .mdb file will be locked into a read only mode state. There is no .ldb lock file on the object, but when I open the DB up a banner pops up at the top stating it is in read only mode. While it is in this mode it cannot be queried by CF pages and nothing on the site works.
    If I rename the same file to soemthing else it works find. If I rename it back to its original name it says it is locked and will not respond. I have been trying to figure out what has a hold o f the .mdb file when this is happening.
    Yesterday afternoon I was working in the coldfusion report builder and was connected to the datasource .mdb through the rds server. I am now wondering if it is report builder that is locking the DB.
    Has this happened to anyone else? Has anyone ever seen issues like this?

    I have never found a solution. It is a problem specific to report builder and PDFs. If you output to flashpaper it will work fine. If you output in coldfusion directly to pdf, it is fine as well with Cyrillic. I have just given up and used flashpaper for a little while longer though would prefer going to pdf for longevity and ease for the users of saving the documents.
    May not hurt to post a bug report specifically for this one. I didn't know this tool existed. It does seem like a bug because the fonts that I have tried to use have Cyrillic available, it just can't deal with them.

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