Cross Disolve that isn't centered, ending or starting on cut.

I'm cutting on a film that needs long transitions with dissolves that are not centered, ending or starting on the cut, i.e. 60-frame dissolve with 10-frames before the cut - quite an easy thing to do on Avid, but as I am still new to FCP, I'm not sure where to find it?
Double clicking the transition allows me to adjust the dissolve but only as a centered, starting at or ending at....another editor suggested that I keyframe the opacity in, but that is really timeconsuming and cumbersome. Any suggestions would be appreciated....thanks!

Hi Susan
You can't ake assymetrical dissolves in FCP - I miss it from Avid too.
I don't think there is any difference between the result of of making a dissolve the way you want to and just rolling your cut point back ten frames and make a starting from cut dissolve. The two dissolves should look exactly the same.
Hope that helps
I'm cutting on a film that needs long transitions
with dissolves that are not centered, ending or
starting on the cut, i.e. 60-frame dissolve with
10-frames before the cut - quite an easy thing to do
on Avid, but as I am still new to FCP, I'm not sure
where to find it?
Double clicking the transition allows me to adjust
the dissolve but only as a centered, starting at or
ending at....another editor suggested that I keyframe
the opacity in, but that is really timeconsuming and
cumbersome. Any suggestions would be

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    I inserted six little clips into the timeline (about 45 seconds total). Individually I dragged and dropped the "Indie Red" effect and waited until the rendering was done. I selected all the clips and did command + t to add a cross dissolve.
    I waited until rendering was done.
    I selected them all and created a compound clip and then played them to make sure all transitions worked fine.
    They Did.
    I detached audio and then ALL the cross dissolve transitions just turned black with no dissolve at all.
    I was going to add a music track.
    My solution was the leave the audio track and drag the volume to nothing and then add the music track.

    Hi Susan
    You can't ake assymetrical dissolves in FCP - I miss it from Avid too.
    I don't think there is any difference between the result of of making a dissolve the way you want to and just rolling your cut point back ten frames and make a starting from cut dissolve. The two dissolves should look exactly the same.
    Hope that helps
    I'm cutting on a film that needs long transitions
    with dissolves that are not centered, ending or
    starting on the cut, i.e. 60-frame dissolve with
    10-frames before the cut - quite an easy thing to do
    on Avid, but as I am still new to FCP, I'm not sure
    where to find it?
    Double clicking the transition allows me to adjust
    the dissolve but only as a centered, starting at or
    ending at....another editor suggested that I keyframe
    the opacity in, but that is really timeconsuming and
    cumbersome. Any suggestions would be

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    Claudius,either you didn't read my post, or you jumped to conclusions. I had a skype account that was created using a microsoft account (NOT THE ACCOUNT I AM USING NOW). PURE MICROSOFT ACCOUNT NO OTHER ACCOUNT LINKING.I had to change the primary mail of that account.I was told "no can do" by skype support.I found that if I went to account settings and clicked on the link on the line below the one that said "MICROSOFT etc" (labeled something along the lines of "TV or Device") I got the opportunity to set the password of the "live:username" account (WHICH YOU COINCIDENTALLY HAVE TO DO IF YOU WANT TO USE SMART TVs ETC).Once that was done, I COULD SUCCESSFULLY DO WHAT SKYPE SUPPORT SAID WAS IMPOSSIBLE- I could change the primary mail address. once that was done, and NOT BEFORE, I linked the account to a facebook account as well, just to be sure I have more than one way to access the skype account. What caused you to get the impression that I was writing something else? furthermore this sentence - "The solution you described in your initial message isn't actually once since all the time you were operating on different account that weren't actually linked" does not make sense, I think you mis-edited it.and I need to point out that you are incorrect. I WAS NOT OPERATING ON DIFFERENT ACCOUNTS I WAS OPERATING ON ONE SKYPE ACCOUNT, THAT WAS CREATED USING A MICROSOFT ACCOUNT just like you say you recommend. I still don't know how you can misread my initial entry like that.  If you have a better solution to my initial problem - changing the primary mail of a skype account created throuth either a microsoft account or a facebook account, Please write a sticky to explain how to do it, and please inform skype support that Yes it can be done, and this is the way it is done. So far my "lucky shot" seems to be the only way to do it.     

  • What language would suit someone who hates anything that isn't PHP?

    Psst. Yes, this message is long, but so are my requirements. Please take the extra few seconds to read it
    First it was QBasic, then QuickBasic, then, of all things, Visual Basic... version 1.0. On Win98. Then XP.
    I made a lot of stuff with VB. 500 doesn't give a very good indication of how many things I made with VB 1.0, but I remember having more items than that in my c:\vbwin folder. VB might not look all that great visually, but it had a few things I've not found in any other language/environment, namely simplicity, freedom of use, speed, flexibility, hackability, and speed. Definately speed. It wasn't great on memory usage however - after my projects started creating 80KB binaries, VB would start to get crashy.
    But VB had simplicity because it didn't use the 2873598734-options 997341234-properties 897592873562874353469582743-functions mantra of VB 6.0 nor the 9-billion-of-everything mantra of .net. I could whip up an application in that environment within seconds - indeed, I became quite a master at configuring some defaults I liked for forms and adding a hidden button that responded to the ESC key in about 7 seconds. It had freedom of use because... I could do anything with it. I could, because I was just that patient enough, use 234 perfectly aligned pictureboxes to create "the Win95 look" in a program designed to work on Windows 3.1 (yes, VB 1.0 is 16-bit ), and VB had speed because those 234 pictureboxes appeared on my running program's form when I hit F5 faster than I could blink. It had flexibility because I could shove 12MB of BMPs into my EXE and it'd run fine. It had hackability because I could import the Win16 API and work around issues in the language itself to make my applications what I wanted them to be. Did I mention the speed? Well, it was copyrighted in 1991, so was written in the good old days of the 16MHz 486!
    However, all that fun was, sadly, from a while ago. Like, 8 months ago or so, probably more.
    What marked the end of that period was a conversation on IRC one day: someone gave me a 5-or-so line snippet of code in PHP. It wasn't very complicated, but it showed a clean solution to something I needed to do with web development, which I was just getting into at the time - I can't really remember what the actual issue was, but I do remember that my choices were either to use the code snippet, or go through some looong complex process to complete whatever it was I wanted to do manually.
    The code didn't look too scary, so I installed PHP and gave it a whirl. And I've liked, used, and abused PHP for many months following that initial "well maybe this isn't so bad". I don't mind PHP's use of 14 functions or more/less to do the same thing, or the fact that PHP isn't multithreaded. I probably wouldn't take advantage of multithreading in my code for a long time anyway, and PHP does have pcntl_fork() if I want to do two things at once in a controlled way.
    However... I'm starting to outgrow PHP, and I'm a bit homesick of VB's visual ease of use as well. I want an environment that lets me drag'n'drop a picturebox onto a form, shove a pile of pictureboxes inside of it, then programmatically manage them all. Yes, that's exactly the kind of thing I'd do with VB 1.0, and what do you know, I created something good from it - a simple but very usable media center-ish user interface complete with animation and it all ran fast on the PC I was using, a Pentium 3 clocked at 450MHz, with only 128MB RAM.
    Yes, PHP-GTK, PHP-QT and PHP-TK do exist, and they've all failed on my system at various points: PHP-GTK compiles and works absolutely fine, but breaks PHP-CGI. PHP-QT won't compile on my system, and its compile process is just too hard to tweak so I can't try gcc-3.4 on it. And anything involving PHP-TK that doesn't amount to creating a single, empty, lifeless window titled "PHP/TK" produces warnings or segfaults.
    So I'm looking for a programming language that gives me something comparable or equal to what VB 1.0 had - a visual drag'n'drop development environment that didn't visually overwhelm, compilation, and speed, and what PHP has - simplicity, readability, and bindings to/for everything that isn't desktop application development, without the VB syntax format. I'm past VB, and about to surpass PHP.
    Possible candidates for a new language are pretty much anything that includes both a compiler and interpreter, looks and feels like PHP, has nothing PHP doesn't have, but offers more power by using more functions, not weird, non-C-like ASCII character soup. So, if you were to take the PHP parsing engine and couple that with a bunch of libraries that adds sane stuff like native window support, the ability to manage boxes and squares in code, and so on. OR anything equivalent. So if something had ability XYZ which I couldn't figure out how to use, but also let me complete goal ABC while *not* using XYZ, it meets my requirements. And if something has just an compiler, you'll have a bit of a hard time convincing me to like it, but if it only has an interpreter, you'll really need to sell it to me, since I'm starting to get the compilation bug again, just like I did 7-8 years ago when I gazed at the wonder that was the EXE and wanted so badly to create my own.
    Also, before you list Perl, let me stop you: Perl has too many unreadabilities. "test ? abc : def" is about as far as I'm prepared to go; I far prefer English text over regular expressions, Awk and the like. Also, C is just too much. It is, probably unsurprisingly considering what you've just read, too cool for my artistic brain. I don't want a language that can do everything: I get inspired by difficulty, not being able to do whatever I want. Yes, that's how my brain works, and I need to go with the flow, not against it, so simply because C can do absolutely anything and everything, I can't use it.
    I will, however, note that I also like the Bash language, and the way it works, if only it wasn't so slow!
    So, to sum up, the best things I've written include a media center user interface in a language that's 17 years old (same age as me! ), a telnet server using PHP (I wrote the RFC-compliant telnet parser myself, from scratch), and lastly a textual taskbar, an IRC client, and some animations using Bash.
    I want a language that is readable and doesn't try to extend or expound on its own using syntax but lets me do the thinking my own way, so I have nothing stopping me from using it for what it wasn't used for. Because isn't that what we all do with programming languages anyway?

    As promised...
    A little simple at the moment, but it's the result of a dream... to create The Perfect Language. I just may end up calling it TPL if it works out.
    ; dav7's view of what The Perfect Language is
    ; Licensed under the Nonexistant Public License (NPL) - "do w/e you want w/ it, just give me a bit of credit."
    ; 30-sep-08 - ?-oct-08
    ; <[email protected]>
    ; /me invents comment blocks so he doesn't have to keep typing ;s
    There. :D
    Now, the problem with most common programming languages (I'm looking at you, C) is that they
    - are rather unreadable
    - are really hard to work with for the unknowledgable
    - impose a 32768-second wait on the impatient, ADHD-infused programmer as the code file(s) compile for the
    247th time
    - involve a lot of typing, some of it needing to be a specific case (CAPS or lowercase)
    - requires a lot of input to get something basic functional, and has a very high initial code to output
    ratio: at the beginning of a project a high percentage of code is required to get a reasonable amount of
    output, and only after there is a fairly decent amount of code present will the code / output ratio
    decrease so that only a relatively small amount of code is needed to produce the application-specific
    output desired
    - is not natively very image-oriented - to display an image in a window without 5GB of libraries, I need to
    know Xlib, how to decode PNGs and how to manage double-buffering
    So, I want to create a language that
    - is both readable AND easy to type. No, I'm not going to do a survey of what word groups are the easiest
    for the eye to pick up on, or go anywhere near that extreme; rather, my language will have two "modes".
    One is amazingly quick to type, and the other, while relatively minimalistic, actually uses ASCII characters
    to denote function, data and flow, and my compiler/interpreter combo will have a converter that will pass
    through and convert a code file from one "syntax mode" to the other.
    - can be both interpreted or emitted, depending on the situation ("emitted" here means that instead of working on
    something that can generate native code for 784598754 platforms myself, I'll just output C-- code or something)
    - has bindings for X
    - makes it very easy to debug a program
    From a result-, goal- or solution-based person like myself, I don't see language design the way most others would.
    I don't value a language based on its algorithmic efficiency, I value it based on ease of use. I don't see things
    from a procedural perspective, but rather a tokenized object oriented tree of constructs that I must feed to the
    computter to achieve the result I want. This language adheres to that principle.
    So, let's get started with this new language. As I go along, I explain points of interest / trivia about whatever
    I'm referring to.
    ; The ubiquitous "Hello World". To print something, you encase it with single or double quotes and don't assign
    ; any meaning to it by telling the language to set the string to a variable or test it against something. A
    newline is automatically added at the end of a line of such output produced by quoting.
    "Hello world!"
    ; variable assignment by usage. There's no "true" or "false" here. Everything uses plain, un-expounded (in that 0
    won't mean false or 1 true) integers to represent state or status.
    x = 1
    ; if/then - the '? var : abc : def' construct compares 'var', and if 'var' is 1, it executes 'abc', otherwise it
    ; executes 'def'. This'll print "x = 1!". This construct could be used to do anything - I'd want it to operate
    ; as much like the C preprocessor as possible.
    ? x = 1: "x = 1!" : "x = 0!"
    ; the previous line could also be written as:
    ? x: "x = 1!" : "x = 0!"
    ; or even:
    "'x' is equal to $x, which would equal"; ? x: "TRUE" : "FALSE"; "in a lot of other programming languages."
    ; calling a procedure. See the procedure declaration below for more info.
    test x
    ; a loop. Loops start with a '[' and end with a ']'. This language doesn't have any for or while loops - you
    ; construct those on your own.
    [ ;; this demos both nested comment blocks, and the fact that I stole C's add-1 method -> ;; x++
    ; the ! operator breaks out of a loop. I might change this.
    ? x > 5: !
    ; Print the current index, up to 5. Using a $ next to a known variable name in a quoted string will
    ; print that variable's contents.
    ; Now for a for-esque loop - very similar to the previous example. Note that at the beginning of the block, a
    ; semicolon isn't required to denote its seperation of the pre- or proceeding code behind and in front of it.
    z = 0 [ z++; ? z > 10: !
    ; procedure start. No definition of the function or parameters is required - variables are accessible inside
    ; the function as 'a', 'b', 'c', etc. When 'z' is reached the next variable is indexed as 'aa', then the next
    ; as 'ab', etc. Also, functions can be defined after they're called - the parser will have the entire program
    ; in memory before it executes a single line of it, and the compiler will likewise parse the entire program
    ; before outputting any C.
    ; Yes, it looks like I have the quotes wrong, but I don't. This language allows for Bash-style
    ; variable-string combination ;)
    "ohai from teh procedure! You passed "$a"!"
    ; procedure end. Note that I start with "proc:" and end with ":proc" - this makes it very easy to see
    ; what function I might be seeing the end of if it's long and I can see any function starts.
    ; Now for everything demoed here as a one-liner.
    "Hello world!"; x = 1; ? x: "x = 1!" : "x = 0!"; "'x' is equal to $x, which would equal"; ? x: "TRUE" : "FALSE"; "in a lot of other programming languages."; test; [ ? x > 5: !; "$x" ] z = 0 [ z++; ? z > 10: !; "$z" ] test: "ohai from teh procedure!" :test
    ; And now for everything in its slightly more readable form...
    "Hello world!"
    x = 1
    if x = 1 then "x = 1!" else "x = 0!"
    if x then "x = 1!" else "x = 0!"
    "'x' is equal to $x, which would equal"; if x then "TRUE" else "FALSE"; "in a lot of other programming languages."
    [ x++
    if x is greater than 5 then break
    ; OR
    ; if x > 5 then break
    z = 0 [ z++; if z > 10 then !
    "ohai from teh procedure!"
    ; And now for this version as its oneliner:
    "Hello world!"; x = 1; if x then "x = 1!" else "x = 0!"; "'x' is equal to $x, which would equal"; ? x: "TRUE" : "FALSE"; "in a lot of other programming languages."; test; [ if x is greather than 5 then break; "$x" ] z = 0 [ z++; if z > 10 then break; "$z" ] test: "ohai from teh procedure!" :test
    That's about it.
    What do you think?
    What language has the closest syntax as mine?
    Is this language viable? Could it survive actually being developed?
    Please do let me know your opinions/comments/suggestions/flames.

  • Problem with Cross Disolve

    Several of my cross disolves between photos are "jittery."  The best way I can describe it is to say that the disolve starts then jumps back to the beginning of the transition and then completes the disolve into the next photo.  I have tried everything I can think of; examined the two photos, made sure there is enough duration (5 seconds each), made sure there was not sliver of a photo stuck between the photos, deleted the transition and re-applied.  I am stuck.

    WilliamL wrote:
    Sorry but distracted by other issues.  These seem to be the circumstances where I am having the problem.
    I have loaded my photos (stills) into the timeline
    Then I have added a cross disolve between each still
    I then render.
    After adding a music score I see that the video is too long
    So I remove some stills
    I also remove the extra transitions
    The stutter (or jumping back to start of disolve) happens at the new tranition point of the clip just to the right and left of the one I removed.
    Hope this helps.
    Did you try deleting render files, like Russ suggested?

  • The Magnetic Timeline changes my timing when I add a cross disolve.

    I am enjoying the FCP X but I am having a serious problem that I can't seem to shake.  I am woking on a music video where I have a clip above my storyline that I want to fade in and out of view.  In FCP 7 I could put the video in track 2 then add a cross disolve to the track and bam I have got a fade in out for the clip.  My problem in FCP X is as follows:
    1.  I have a long clip in my main story line that is timed with music so it cannot be moved.
    2.  I have a daughter clip above it that is croped to be a partial frame.
    3.  I create a compound clip from the piece of the main storyline and the daughter clip.
    4.  I add a Cross Disolve from the transitions menu.
    5.  Now the music track is longer than the storyline, because the magnetic timeline litterly shortened the storyline.
    I also tried making the daughter clip it's own storyline and still the cross disolve transition physically shortens my timeline rather than using the handles of the file.  I have litterly hours on each side of the clip so it is not that.  Any ideas or am I stuck keyframing to death.

    I tried the new story line, but it still will take the edit point of my blade cut in the clip and treats it like the very begining of the file rather than some where in the middle.  Maybe I am blind, but here is the problem as it stands in my mind:
    When you use the blade tool in FCP X to cut a clip it treats the two pieces like whole clips that have no handles.  In FCP 7 when you cut a clip with the blade and copied it, it still knew that it was part of a larger clip and would go back in time to find handle info for transitions.  FCP X seems like it can't do this which means it trashes my timing in order to make handles.
    If you can solve this riddle that would be great.  It almost feels like a program flaw that will have to be solved in an update.  Empisis on SOLVED in an update!  (Just in case apple is reading)

  • External Monitor--Stalling and skipping, rendered cross disolves.

    I am watching my video on an external monitor. Every now and then during playback, the video freezes and the audio continues, only to start up again after a few seconds. I have remedied this problem by exporting the video once it is done to a Quicktime movie, but it is somewhat annoying during playback. Any ideas?
    Second, after I render, I am viewing the video on the external monitor and cross disolves skip irregularly. A transition will skip, I will go back and replay it, and it won't skip again. After exporting, the skips are gone, but it doesn't help during proofing of video. Is there any setting that can remedy this problem.
    Thanks for the help.

    The first thing Iwould look at would be the RT settings in the timeline. Click on the RT dropdown and make sure you are in "unlimited RT" rather than "Safe RT". Also you might lower the playback quality. I've seen this in Imac G5's with not enough RAM
      Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

  • Cross disolve - why can't i make it longer?

    I am trying to fade a clip out slowly, over a fairly long period of time. For some reason, the Cross Disolve (in this case, no nothinig (black)) - limits me I can't pull it and make it as long as I need. Even if I enter the length in seconds in manually, it maxes out at 6 or something. What is up with this? Anyone shed some light? Thanks

    It all has to do with HANDLES (see FCP manual for details). Essentially handles consist of footage before the IN point and after an OUT point of a clip. As Captain Mench already stated, a transition will only last as long as the available handle footage.
    If the clip you're trying to fade out on doesn't have enough footage after your OUT point, you can start the fade sooner, or freeze the last frame and extend that to fade. And instead of using a transition, you can ramp down the opacity to achieve the same fade effect.

  • When i try to update my apps from the app store some of the apps wont update and ask for an Apple ID that isn't mine. Whats the problem and how do i fix it?

    When i try to update my apps from the app store some of the apps wont update and ask for an Apple ID that isn't mine. Whats the problem and how do i fix it? All im trying to do is update my apps and its asking for these random apple ID's.

    The apps were purchased by another user with a different Apple ID. You will have to erase them and repurchase them using your Apple ID.

  • Firefox 7 is forcing me to fill out a form field that isn't required. I've used FF on this site for years but when I upgraded to FF7 it no longer works. IE it works fine.

    Firefox 7 is forcing me to fill out a form field that isn't required. I've used FF on this site for years but when I upgraded to FF7 it no longer works. IE it works fine.

    It's our internal applicant tracking systems (resume database). It works fine in IE and all previous verisons of FF but in FF 7 a bubble icon pops up stating that "Please fill out this field".
    The field is not required but states "Require all of these words" if you to run a search based on those parameters.

  • How do I remove an apple ID that isn't mine from my Ipod Touch

    I am unable to update my apps or purchase apps in the App Store on my Ipod Touch. When I try to do this, it asks me to sign in with my password to an account that isn't mine (it belongs to a friend who has used my itunes before on my computer). I can't seem to get my own apple id/email to come up so I can proceed with the app store updates and purchases.
    I have tried going to settings--> store and signing out, but I seem to still be signed into my actual apple ID.
    As far as I know, all the apps on my ipod touch were purchased by me, so my own apple iD should be the only one that comes up when accessing the appstore.
    Any ideas on how to make my own apple ID pop up when in the appstore would be greatly appreciated.

    When you go to Settings>Store can you sign out and sign in with your ID?
    That should work with purchasing new apps. It is likely that the other users purchased apps with his account. You have to log into the account that purchased apps to update them. If you have apps that need updating that were purchased from more than one account, you have to update the apps one at a time until the remaining apps were purchased with one account.

  • My phone has the correct AppleID in the in settings section but asks me to login with one that isn't mine.  I deleted the ID from my itunes but it still won't let me login with mine. How do I get my iPhone on the same page?

    My iphone4 has the correct Apple ID in the information settings section and asks me to login to my ID most of the time but when I try to update my apps, it asks me to login with an ID that isn't mine.  I deleted the wrong ID from my itunes but it still won't let me login with my own ID to update apps.  How do I get my iphone on the same page?

    How did you obtain these apps? All apps are DRM protected & tied forever to the account used to originally obtain them. They cannot be transferred to another Apple ID(account), nor can they be updated using any Apple ID other than the one that was used to originally obtain them.

  • I have music on iPod touch that isn't listed in iTunes, can't seem to "manage" the content

    Sheesh. I know it's supposed to be simple & intuitive, but I can't quite figure some things out.  Now, I may have reloaded iTunes since I had to rebuild my PC.  Fortunately, my library of music - mainly from CDs - was saved on a backup.
    1.  I have some music that isn't quite listed in iTunes
    Creedence Clearwater Revival album Chronicle Volume 1 also shows up as Chronicle, Vol.1 on the iPod
    but it shows up only as Chronicle, Vol. 1  in my Music Library.  How did it duplicate itself and how do I get rid of the duplicates?
    note that these duplicates do not appear in iTunes, so clicking on Display Duplicates does not find them.
    2.  I cannot remove the rogue versions of songs either directly from the iPod or from iTunes
    3.  I cannot adjust the columns or sort order when viewing my iPod's Music in iTunes
    4.  Sync is not checked for any of the categories in iTunes
    if I check the Sync box for music, it states it will wipe out my music and replace it with my library.  My whole library won't fit on my 8 GB iPod.  How do I pick and choose what goes to the iPod.  Do I really need to wipe out the contents of my iPod first?
    5.  Last question - Can I assign the album art that was ripped from my CDs to the albums/songs imported from My Music in Windows to iTunes? 
    So I'm a bit frustrated but very open to solutions.  My iPod touch is maxed out and I want to adjust what content - pictures, apps, music & playlists only - gets loaded on the iPod.
    Help!  Help! Thanks!!

    - From your description you did something to iTunes on the computer such that the iPod sees ythe iTunes library as a new library.  That is why you are getting the message about erasing when you try to sync.  Yu can, as you are doing, managing music with the computer since you can do that among different conputer.  See:
    Using iPhone, iPad, or iPod with multiple computers
    - If all music, apps, sysnced photos are on the computer you  need to:
    --- Make a backup of the iPod by connecting the iPod to the computer and right clicking on the iPod under Devices in iTunes and selecing Backup and then restore the iPod from that backup.
    - You can transfer iTunes purchases to the computer by:
    iTunes Store: Transferring purchases from your iPhone, iPad, or iPod to a computer
    - You can transfer non-iTunes purchaed music by using one of the third-party programs discussed here. Some of those may also do synced photos.
    Copy music from Ipod to new computer...: Apple Support Communities

  • I just bought a brand new iPhone 4s from a Three store. When I used the cloud restore to put the data from my old 3gs onto the device, it's prompting me for an Apple ID login with an email address that isn't mine!

    I just got a brand new iPhone 4S on a contract from my local Three store. When I used the cloud restore to put the data from my old 3GS onto the device, it's prompting me for an Apple ID login with an email address (hotmail) that isn't mine! My old phone has NEVER had any Apple ID other than mine log into it, and the new one's a sealed box that I've opened and set up from scratch. Can anyone please explain this? I'm worried there's some kind of problem with my iCloud data being mixed with someone else's or something... Since I logged in with my own ID, it's downloaded the data perfectly fine, but I just got the Apple ID prompt again a moment ago with this same hotmail address in it... I'd be very grateful for any explanation!

    In iTunes on your computer, select the Purchased section under STORE in the left column. Click on the first track and choose "Get Info" from the "File" menu.
    In the "Summary" tab you'll see details of the purchaser of the track. Click Next to go through all your purchased music one by one until you find the ones you need to get rid of.
    Unfortunately, there are no smart playlist rules that can filter tracks by the purchaser that I know of.

Maybe you are looking for