Crystal Report - Subreport embedded without Page Heading

Hi, Crystal Report expert,
I am now working on 2 sub reports On-demand bringing into the crystal report;
but the page heading for two reports both were changed as Report Heading, and then the 2nd page more will not be displayed with heading.
Someone can please help me solving the problem?
Thanks in advance.
Best regards,
Michelle for Allen

Please post your query to Crystal Reports Design forum:
SAP Crystal Reports
If it is related to ".NET Development - Crystal Reports" the post to this forum:
SAP Crystal Reports, version for Visual Studio
Hope you will find answer for you query on those forums.
Good Luck.

Similar Messages

  • Problem passing parameter to crystal report subreport from *.aspx page

    I am developing a .NET web application using Visual Studio 2005. The code behind is in One of my pages calls a report, which is invoked when the user clicks a Print button. I have developed this report using the Crystal Reports software that is bundled with Visual Studio 2005. I am passing one parameter from the page (utilizing the code-behind on the Print button) to the Crystal report. The report consists of a main report and 5 subreports. Both the main report and the subreports use the same parameter. Both the main report and the subreports are bound to stored procedures, each of which require a parameter.
    For some reason, the parameter is not being passed from the page to the report. I am receiving the following error: "CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ParameterField.CurrentValueException: Missing Parameter Values." However, when I remove the subreports, the parameter gets passed, and the report is invoked with no problem.
    I have read in other forums that there may be an issue with the Crystal Reports software that is causing this problem. I have downloaded and run the suggested hotfix, but the problem remains unresolved. I have tried changing the linking of my main report to the subreport, but that doesn't help either. It is possible that I am doing something wrong with the linking, as this is the first time I have developed a report with Crystal Reports. I need a workaround or definitive solution. Below is the aspx code used to call the report:
    Imports System
    Imports System.Collections.Specialized
    Imports System.Collections.ObjectModel
    Imports System.Collections
    Imports System.Text
    Imports System.Configuration
    Imports System.Data.SqlClient
    Imports System.Data
    Imports System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter
    Imports System.Web.Configuration
    Imports Crystaldecisions.crystalreports.engine
    Imports Crystaldecisions.reportsource
    Imports Crystaldecisions.shared
    Partial Class OACIS_Award_or_Deny_BudgetSummary_PrintRpt
    Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
    Dim paramFields As ParameterFieldDefinitions
    Dim paramField As ParameterFieldDefinition
    Dim paramValue As ParameterValues
    Dim paramDiscreteValue As New ParameterDiscreteValue
    Public Shared idCase, nameRpt As String
    Private PrintRpt As ReportDocument
    Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
    idCase = Request.QueryString("id")
    nameRpt = Request.QueryString("prtName")
    Dim config As Configuration = WebConfigurationManager.OpenWebConfiguration("~/")
    Dim settings As AppSettingsSection = DirectCast(config.GetSection("appSettings"), AppSettingsSection)
    Dim file As String = settings.File
    Dim dSource, iCatalog, userIs, passUser, appString As String
    dSource = Nothing
    iCatalog = Nothing
    userIs = Nothing
    passUser = Nothing
    appString = config.ConnectionStrings.ConnectionStrings("OacisConn").ToString()
    Dim AppArray() As String = Split(appString, ";")
    Dim arrayLgth As Integer = AppArray.Length
    Dim i As Integer
    For i = 0 To arrayLgth - 1
    Dim pairIs() As String = Split(AppArray(i), "=")
    Dim firstItem As String = pairIs(0)
    Dim secondItem As String = pairIs(1)
    If firstItem = "Data Source" Then : dSource = secondItem : End If
    If firstItem = "Initial Catalog" Then : iCatalog = secondItem : End If
    If firstItem = "UID" Then : userIs = secondItem : End If
    If firstItem = "PWD" Then : passUser = secondItem : End If
    Dim crReportDocument As ReportDocument
    Dim crExportOptions As ExportOptions
    Dim crDiskFileDestinationOptions As DiskFileDestinationOptions
    Dim crconnectioninfo As ConnectionInfo
    Dim crDatabase As Database
    Dim crtables As Tables
    Dim crtable As Table
    Dim crtablelogoninfo As TableLogOnInfo
    Dim Fname As String
    Dim Prtname As String
    Dim FPath As String
    Dim crSection As Section
    Dim crReportObject As ReportObject
    Dim crSubreportObject As SubreportObject
    Dim subRepDoc As New ReportDocument
    FPath = Server.MapPath("") + "\"
    Dim rptIs As String = nameRpt
    crReportDocument = New ReportDocument
    Prtname = FPath
    Prtname = Prtname + rptIs
    Fname = "C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\" & Session.SessionID.ToString & ".pdf"
    crconnectioninfo = New ConnectionInfo
    crconnectioninfo.ServerName = dSource
    crconnectioninfo.DatabaseName = iCatalog
    crconnectioninfo.UserID = userIs
    crconnectioninfo.Password = passUser
    crDatabase = crReportDocument.Database
    crtables = crDatabase.Tables
    For Each crtable In crtables
    crtablelogoninfo = crtable.LogOnInfo
    crtablelogoninfo.ConnectionInfo = crconnectioninfo
    crtablelogoninfo.ConnectionInfo.DatabaseName = iCatalog
    crtablelogoninfo.ConnectionInfo.UserID = userIs
    crtablelogoninfo.ConnectionInfo.Password = passUser
    crtable.Location = iCatalog + ".dbo." + crtable.Name
    Catch ex As Exception
    Exit Sub
    End Try
    Next crtable
    For Each crSection In crReportDocument.ReportDefinition.Sections
    For Each crReportObject In crSection.ReportObjects
    If crReportObject.Kind = ReportObjectKind.SubreportObject Then
    crSubreportObject = CType(crReportObject, SubreportObject)
    subRepDoc = crSubreportObject.OpenSubreport(crSubreportObject.SubreportName)
    For Each crtable In subRepDoc.Database.Tables
    crtablelogoninfo = crtable.LogOnInfo
    crtablelogoninfo.ConnectionInfo = crconnectioninfo
    crtablelogoninfo.ConnectionInfo.DatabaseName = iCatalog
    crtablelogoninfo.ConnectionInfo.UserID = userIs
    crtablelogoninfo.ConnectionInfo.Password = passUser
    crtable.Location = iCatalog + ".dbo." + crtable.Name
    Catch ex As Exception
    End Try
    End If
    crDiskFileDestinationOptions = New DiskFileDestinationOptions()
    crDiskFileDestinationOptions.DiskFileName = Fname
    crExportOptions = crReportDocument.ExportOptions
    With crExportOptions
    .DestinationOptions = crDiskFileDestinationOptions
    .ExportDestinationType = ExportDestinationType.DiskFile
    .ExportFormatType = ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat
    End With
    Dim parIDCase As ParameterValues = New ParameterValues
    Dim disIDCase As ParameterDiscreteValue = New ParameterDiscreteValue
    disIDCase.Value = idCase
    Response.ContentType = "application/pdf"
    Catch ex As Exception
    lblMessage.Visible = True
    lblMessage.Text = "Error Load
    " & Convert.ToString(ex)
    End Try
    End Sub
    End Class
    Your help is greatly appreciated!

    Thanks for your help!
    I've now gotten past the "missing parameter values" error, and the report renders fine in the report viewer.  However, I've encounted another problem.  The data in my main report displays correctly, but the data in my subreport does not display.  Of course, when I view the report in the designer, both the main report and subreport display correctly.  What am I doing wrong?  Below is my code:
                idCase = Request.QueryString("id")
                nameRpt = Request.QueryString("prtName")
                Dim config As Configuration = WebConfigurationManager.OpenWebConfiguration("~/")
                Dim settings As AppSettingsSection = DirectCast(config.GetSection("appSettings"), AppSettingsSection)
                Dim file As String = settings.File
                Dim dSource, iCatalog, userIs, passUser, appString As String
                dSource = Nothing
                iCatalog = Nothing
                userIs = Nothing
                passUser = Nothing
                appString = config.ConnectionStrings.ConnectionStrings("OacisConn").ToString()
                Dim AppArray() As String = Split(appString, ";")
                Dim arrayLgth As Integer = AppArray.Length
                Dim i As Integer
                For i = 0 To arrayLgth - 1
                    Dim pairIs() As String = Split(AppArray(i), "=")
                    Dim firstItem As String = pairIs(0)
                    Dim secondItem As String = pairIs(1)
                    If firstItem = "Data Source" Then : dSource = secondItem : End If
                    If firstItem = "Initial Catalog" Then : iCatalog = secondItem : End If
                    If firstItem = "UID" Then : userIs = secondItem : End If
                    If firstItem = "PWD" Then : passUser = secondItem : End If
                Dim crReportDocument As ReportDocument
                Dim crExportOptions As ExportOptions
                Dim crDiskFileDestinationOptions As DiskFileDestinationOptions
                Dim crconnectioninfo As ConnectionInfo
                Dim crDatabase As Database
                Dim crtables As Tables
                Dim crtable As Table
                Dim crtablelogoninfo As TableLogOnInfo
                Dim Fname As String
                Dim Prtname As String
                Dim FPath As String
                Dim crSection As Section
                Dim crReportObject As ReportObject
                Dim crSubreportObject As SubreportObject
                Dim subRepDoc As New ReportDocument
                FPath = Server.MapPath("") + "\"
                Dim rptIs As String = nameRpt
                crReportDocument = New ReportDocument
                Prtname = FPath
                Prtname = Prtname + rptIs
                Fname = "C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\" & Session.SessionID.ToString & ".pdf"
                crconnectioninfo = New ConnectionInfo
                crconnectioninfo.ServerName = dSource
                crconnectioninfo.DatabaseName = iCatalog
                crconnectioninfo.UserID = userIs
                crconnectioninfo.Password = passUser
                crDatabase = crReportDocument.Database
                crtables = crDatabase.Tables
                For Each crtable In crtables
                        crtablelogoninfo = crtable.LogOnInfo
                        crtablelogoninfo.ConnectionInfo = crconnectioninfo
                        crtablelogoninfo.ConnectionInfo.DatabaseName = iCatalog
                        crtablelogoninfo.ConnectionInfo.UserID = userIs
                        crtablelogoninfo.ConnectionInfo.Password = passUser
                        crtable.Location = iCatalog + ".dbo." + crtable.Name
                    Catch ex As Exception
                        Exit Sub
                    End Try
                Next crtable
                For Each crSection In crReportDocument.ReportDefinition.Sections
                    For Each crReportObject In crSection.ReportObjects
                        If crReportObject.Kind = ReportObjectKind.SubreportObject Then
                            crSubreportObject = CType(crReportObject, SubreportObject)
                            subRepDoc = crSubreportObject.OpenSubreport(crSubreportObject.SubreportName)
                            For Each crtable In subRepDoc.Database.Tables
                                    crtablelogoninfo = crtable.LogOnInfo
                                    crtablelogoninfo.ConnectionInfo = crconnectioninfo
                                    crtablelogoninfo.ConnectionInfo.DatabaseName = iCatalog
                                    crtablelogoninfo.ConnectionInfo.UserID = userIs
                                    crtablelogoninfo.ConnectionInfo.Password = passUser
                                    crtable.Location = iCatalog + ".dbo." + crtable.Name
                                Catch ex As Exception
                                End Try
                        End If
                crDiskFileDestinationOptions = New DiskFileDestinationOptions()
                crDiskFileDestinationOptions.DiskFileName = Fname
                crExportOptions = crReportDocument.ExportOptions
                With crExportOptions
                    .DestinationOptions = crDiskFileDestinationOptions
                    .ExportDestinationType = ExportDestinationType.DiskFile
                    .ExportFormatType = ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat
                End With
                crReportDocument.SetParameterValue("@ID_CASE_NMBR", idCase)
                crReportDocument.SetParameterValue("@ID_CASE_NMBR", idCase, "MemberName")
                Response.ContentType = "application/pdf"
            Catch ex As Exception
                lblMessage.Visible = True
                lblMessage.Text = "Error Load<br>" & Convert.ToString(ex)
            End Try
    Edited by: LaShandra Knox on Sep 17, 2008 7:59 PM

  • Embedding WebI and Crystal reports on a web page

    I'm new to BO, so please bear with me. I've also posted this to the .NET-side, so sorry if you've seen this post before.
    We have a project where we will need to embed WebI and Crystal reports on a web page, i.e. we want the people who access the web page to get the reports (mainly graphs) as embedded content on the web page without any controls and other clutter.
    Is this possible and what's the correct way of doing this?

    Thanks for the help!
    We still face the original problem, though. I.e. with openDocoument we get the report, controls, tab selections, scroll bars etc. What we actually would like is to get just the contents of a report.
    Is there any way of doing it? We're not afraid of coding, we have good developers. Or do we need to schedule report creation to some format (e.g. PDF) and then load the PDF to the web page?
    Basicaly it's more important to get this working for WebI reports as we can redo almost all reports from Crystal to WebI. Of course we are happy to find a resolution for both cases.

  • Crystal Report / Subreport - Performance Issue

    I am having problems with a Crystal Report / Subreport with performance. I am using Crystal Version 11, directly in Crystal Developer.  There are no other programs involved.  I am linking to a SQL Server database using ODBC.
    I have narrowed the problem down to this:
    The main report has 4 tables.  See diagram using the following link.
    The subreport has 1 table, this table has > 2 Million records in it.
    The main report links to the subreport with one field:
    Main report field SAMPLE.PATIENT = subreport field Z_RESULT_HISTORY.PHIN
    When I set the subreport linking within Crystal   it automatically generates the following in the record selection for the subreport:
    The problem is that the report execution time is dependent on the field that I am using for the record selection in the main report.
    Case I   works lightening fast:
    There are 16 records returned on the Main Report   each one of these has about 1-5 records returned on the subreport.
    Case II   brutally slow   there are 51 records in the main report that qualify   with a few records each in the subreport.  By  brutally slow    I mean a few minutes:
    {BATCH.NAME} = "HEP_ARCH-20090420-1"
    In this case, I can see in the bottom right of the Crystal Preview window, that it is reading through all 2M records in the Z_RESULT_HISTORY table
    Case III   brutally slow - a couple minutes
    This returns 1 record on the main report and 0 records on the subreport.  Yet I can see it reading through ALL 2 Million records before the report is displayed.
    What I can t understand is why the field used for record selection on the MAIN report is affecting the speed of the execution of the subreport.  I need the main report to be selected by BATCH.NAME   yet I can t figure out what I can change to make the report run fast.  When I record select the main report by SAMPLE.PATIENT, I do NOT see the subreport reading all 2M reocrds - the report preview is returned in less than 1 second.
    Any help would be much appreciated.

    Lindell - your response was very helpful.  I was able to create a SQL Command on the subreport and change the subreport links on the main report to use the paramters in the SQL Command.  The report is now very fast - even when there are lots of detail records on the main report.  It is properly executing the query and not reading all 2M records into memory for each subreport.
    I'm still totally confused as to why Crystal was misbehaving so poorly and changing how the subreport queried the database when the only change was the fields used for record selection on the main report.  It really looks like a bug to me, but maybe someone can still enlighten me.
    thanks again so much.  We are in Parallel testing for a production rollout - and the users are MUCH happier now!  (which of course makes me much happier!)
    PS I was not aware of the SQL Command - had never used it before.  Took me a little while to figure it out and how to do the linking - but it is very powerful.  Thanks again.

  • Displaying Crystal reports in a JSP Page

    Can anybody help me out in displaying Crystal reports on a JSP page.
    which needs to be deployed on weblogic server and oracle database.
    i am new to crystal report and dont have much idea how to proceed.
    if you can give me a pointer how to start then i can proceed.
    waiting for the reply eagerly

    Start with the Crystal reports site.
    [url] Java zone has some documentation and basic examples on how to do it

  • Any tool to search Crystal Reports with embedded SQL

    We have hundreds of Crystal Reports with embedded sql statements which have been developed over the years.  Is there any tool which will allow us to scan all of the reports to see which ones might use a certain table, or is using a "group by" clause, or whatever ?
    We'd prefer to not have to open each report to view the embedded sql.
    Any thing that will extract the sql for us and dump it to a file ??
    We have the reports as regular disk files, but they are also published to our Business Objects Enterprise XI R2 system (just an fyi in case there's an option on that side).

    Hi Wayne
    There is a sample ras sdk code here that might be if use to you
    Link: []

  • Windows Server 2008 x64 and Crystal Reports Server Embedded

    We're attempting to certify our software with Windows Server 2008 x64 and want to know the best way to configure both the server and client of Crystal Reports Server Embedded.  Currently, our software is certified against Windows Server 2003 x86, and we install Crystal Reports Server Embedded XI Release 2 (no SP) on the application server, and we deploy the Crystal Reports .NET merge modules for XI Release 2 (no SP) on any client machines.
    I believe I am correct in stating that no version of Crystal Reports Server Embedded officially supports Windows Server 2008 x64 (based on some other forum postings) until SP1 comes out (which I don't think has happened at this point).  If that is true, we can live with installing the RAS on a separate Windows Server 2003 x64, if that's even possible.  With that said, can we even get our Windows Server 2008 x64 running with the latest Crystal Reports 2008 .NET merge modules?  We've tried many different configurations between CR XI R2 SPs and CR 2008 for both client and server and have very little luck (either it won't install correctly because of x64 or missing .cabs, etc.) on both the client and server side of things.
    Can someone suggest the optimal configuration when Windows Server 2008 x64 is in the mix, noting that we can use a secondary Windows Server 2003 (x64 preferred but can fallback to x86)?  Or do we have to wait for Crystal Reports Server Embedded 2008 SP1 to be released, and if so, does anyone know of the date?
    Ross Beehler

    CRSE 2008 is a 32 bit app, it works on 64 bit OS's but all parts must also be running in 32 bit mode.

  • Crystal Report Server embedded 2008 SP3 - Reporitng

    Hi, i have aquestion about Crystal Report Server embedded 2008 SP3.
    I am currently going to start some development work to use this reporting technology, (usng C# .NET)
    Ho can i do server side reporting with out haveing to use a .NET web application that uses IIS.
    I want to be able to run a ,NET application from the client that tell my server whic report to process and return back an object.
    Is there something where you logon or give it the credentials and returns back an object.
    Also to do this will there have to be a client runtime?
    I am not sure of how the technology works, so please excuse me if i asked something that does not make sense.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Mithal,
    You should have an OEM contract so create a case in Service Market Place and a Rep will work you through how to create and use the various options etc. when using CRSE.
    Thank you

  • Creating a Crystal Report for B1 without parameters

    Hi Experts,
    My question is a simple one.
    I create a crystal report for SAP B1 8.8 Patch 10 using CR 2008 SP02.
    I have no parameters since its showing sales figures of the past month.
    But when I run the report in SAP, a selection criteria screen pops up without any fields.
    Just OK and Cancel.
    I dont want my users to have to click OK. I need the report to pop-up once the user click on the SAP Menu for the report.
    My report file has no parameters.
    Thanks for the help

    In your report, do you mean:
    - you have parameter created, but not used in the report? OR
    - there is no parameter field in the report at all?
    The reason I am asking is:
    If you have parameter fields, But, you did not use it in the report, I think when you run the report within SAP B1, it will still prompts for user to enter something.
    Also, if you are using subreport, make sure there is no parameter in the subreport, Although you do not use them.  Just delete the parameter field from the list if you are not using them.
    Edited by: Shwu Hua Gan on Jun 20, 2010 2:59 AM

  • Crystal report subreport connect DB Problem

    I have rpt file was set the connect DB(AAAA). This file have two reproject (main report and subreport)
    The subreport parameter is linked to main report.
    These two report will get the data from DB by the parameter.
    Server Name:AAAA, Database Name: AAAA, UserID: AAAA, Password:AAAA
    for testing and save it.
    I am trying to build a MFC project with crystal report 13
    My project call this rpt file and pass a parameter to main
    The crystal report main report and subreport can get correct infomation where connect to the DB(AAAA)
    but when I connect to the other DB.
    My project only the crystal report main report can get the correct infomation, the subreport cannot get correct infomation.
    it show a diolog to ask me "enter the parameter".After passing a corrent parameter, the result also not corrent.
    The program code:
    CrystalDecisions::Windows::Forms::CrystalReportViewer^  crystalReportViewer1;
    ReportDocument boReportDocument = gcnew ReportDocument();
    String^ strUser = gcnew String (ReportPara->strUser);
    String^ strPassword = gcnew String (ReportPara->strPassword);
    String^ strServer = gcnew String (ReportPara->strServer);
    String^ strDatabase = gcnew String (ReportPara->strDatabase);
    ParameterValues^ pv = gcnew ParameterValues();
    ParameterDiscreteValue^ pdv = gcnew ParameterDiscreteValue();
    pdv->Value =ReportPara->varDate;
    crystalReportViewer1->ReportSource = boReportDocument;
    I have try to change the subreport DataSourceConnections:
    for (int j; j <boReportDocument->DataSourceConnections->Count;j++)
    but the result is also not corrent
    I have try to pass parameter to the subreport:
    for (int i; i <boReportDocument->DataDefinition->ParameterFields->Count;i++)
         pdv->Value =ReportPara->varDate;
    but the result is also not corrent
    I have try to set the ReportViewer LogOnInfo
    TableLogOnInfo^ loi;
    loi = boReportDocument->Database->Tables[0]->LogOnInfo;
    for (int j=0; j<boReportDocument->Subreports[0]->Database->Tables->Count;j++)
          loi = boReportDocument->Subreports[0]->Database->Tables[j]->LogOnInfo;
    crystalReportViewer1->LogOnInfo = oTblLogOnInfos;
    but the result is also not corrent

    Hi Edwin,
    I assume you are using the runtime for Cr for Visual Studio which is available from the download page correct?
    You don't want to use the .Add method, this actually adds a NEW parameter, you simply want to modify the current parameter value.
    Sorry I don't have and C++ samples.

  • Deploy Crystal Report via ClickOnce without .msi

    I would like to know whether it's possible to deploy Crystal Report without requiring admin rights from the installer.
    My program uses many 3rd party components. Most of them very heavyweight with licensing, COM objects etc but Crystal Report is the only one that needs a .msi install. Is it possible to include Crystal Report's dll with the application? I tried it but Crystal Report failed to load at the form saying there's something wrong with the installation (I didn't "install").

    Only way to distribute the CR runtime is via the MSM or MSI files. For links to the msm and msi files see [this|] wiki.

  • Crystal report print directly without crystal viewer

    HI !
    In my addon i use Crystal Report. What would be the code i need to add if i want to print directly instead of having to go thru the crystal viewer.
    The crystal viewer gives me lots of problems with painting the screen when i move the form and it allways opens in the task bar. I cant seem to control the window sizes of the viewer either so unless it's easyer to fix those problem i need help to go and print direct without the viewer....
    Thanks for your time

    Hi John !
    I finnaly made it work... 
    here's what i used
    Dim objAppl As New CRAXDRT.Application
                Dim objReport As CRAXDRT.Report
                objReport = objAppl.OpenReport("C:Program FilesSAPSAP Business OneAddOnsDutiesresultat.rpt")
                objReport.PrintOut(True, 1)
    Thanks alot for your time.
    p.s.: I can i get the print window open on the screen instead of the task bar ??? it did that with the viewer too...
    Thanks again

  • Crystal report displays only few pages,

    We have problem with crystal report preview option. Basically its a cross tab report and when we have a preview it displays only two pages. Even though we have 40 pages worth data.
    When we export to PDF we see all pages of data. If we print directly from crystal only 2 pages gets printed.

    May i know the pages spreads over horizontal or vertical?

  • Crystal Report as PDF without Crystal Report Viewer

    i have a question to a Crystal Report document. The situation is, that i have a document in InfoView. If i open the Crystal document, it will be launch the Crystal Report viewer in the IE. The next step is to use the export function, to create a PDF Document.
    Now, i would like to open a PDF Document directly, without the Crystal Report Viewer. How can i configuration that?
    Thanks for help.

    You could always schedule the report to PDF format, then when you clicked to view the Latest Instance, it would come up in PDF format.

  • Crystal report Subreport linking error

    Hi, I have a issue with linking subreport to main report in crystal report. I created a main report with BEx query as source and this query had fiscal year/period as variable. I have a another subreport with different BEx query and this query also had fiscal year/period variable.
    I linked main report fiscal year/period parameter to subreport fiscal year/period parameter.I can run the report and see the data, however In the parameter selection screen I have two prompts with fiscal year/paeriod variable. How can I make this report to prompt fiscal year/period once?
    I treid to link main report field and subreport parameter, in this case it is prompting only once but I am getting below error.
    [Mon May 23 11:30:08 2011]     5120     5628     ERROR: .\crdb_bwmdx_execution.cpp [478]: l_bapiSelectData failed with return code RFC_RC = 0 Exception:  BAPI Error: BAPI Error #:0
    For characteristic 0FISCYEAR, enter value in a permitted format
    [Mon May 23 11:30:08 2011]     5120     5628     Caught DbError #1 with Message 'BAPI Error #:0
    For characteristic 0FISCYEAR, enter value in a permitted format'
    [Mon May 23 11:30:08 2011]     5120     5628     Caught DbError #1 with Message 'BAPI Error #:0
    For characteristic 0FISCYEAR, enter value in a permitted format'
    Please advice.

    Hi Sasi
    i had the same issue with main report - subreport linking over Bex Variables. So far i realised a workaround by
    giving the value to the subreport variable in the obviously requested format.
    I had to provide the value with leading zeros (internal Numc format).
    In my case I had a compounded value. By running the rep from CR local I have to give the value as usual like "ED/20080" but when running on infoview the subrep variable demands this format "ED0000020080".
    Veeeeery special, but it works.
    Obviously, when running this thing on infoview the variable in the subrep demands the internal fomat.
    But me to, I'm very interested in an explanation of this behavior and by when it's solved. We have BOE XI 3.1 Sp 3 FB 3.
    Ingo, can you help?
    regards alex

Maybe you are looking for