CrystalReportViewer AfterRender Event?

We just migrated our application from VS.NET 2003 to VS.NET 2005.
Previously, we had a small dialog Show() with a timer (to show it's still processing) and a "Please want..." label.
Then we would open a form with a CrystalReportViewer control in the background. We had it disabled and minimixed.
Once Show() returned control, it would maximize the finished report and would bring the window to the front, closing the little "Please wait" window.
This allowed us to have a visible progress on report generation, especially those that ran for a minute or greater via our stored procedures.
Migrating to VS.NET 2005 broke this. Apparently as soon as CrystalReportViewer.ReportSource is set and we tell it to Show(), it will display the form before the report finishes, and return control immediately. This closes our waiting window instantly and leaves a big blank report sitting in front of the user for up to a minute.
Apparently, Crystal Reports 10 has no event that fires once a report has finished rendering. I found one available within CR11 and VS.NET 2008 titled AfterRender, but I don't even know if that will work.
So my question is--what could I possibly use to verify a report has been fully rendered/generated?

The main code was simply this:
Dim frmW As New frmWait
frm.crView.ReportSource = frm.rptDoc
frm.Enabled = False
frm.WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized
frmW.tmrMain.Enabled = False
frmW = Nothing
Me.Cursor = Cursors.Default
frm.Enabled = True
frm.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized
Where frmWait is nothing but a tiny form with the words "Please wait..." and a simple timer that shows the minutes/seconds the report has been running.
And where frmViewReport (defined as 'frm') is nothing more than a form with with a CrystalReportViewer defined as 'crView' and a ReportDocument defined as 'rptDoc'.
This code would, in VS.NET 2003, open frmW, open frm, wait for frm to finish generating the report, then frmW would Close() and frm would maximize.
This gave the effect of a nice progress timer/window for the report being generated by the application.
Now, it no longer waits for returned control at frm.Show() as it used to.
It opens frmW, opens frm, minimizes it, frmW instantly disappears, and frm maximizes and sits there with a blank report as it works on rendering/generating it.

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    Is it possible to interact with the report viewer? There is a reference text?

    I've never done it with JavaScript, but you could use the built in events to keep track of some information about report navigation. Some of the available events are below.
    CrystalReportViewer Events
    CrystalReportViewerBase.AfterRender Event
    (Inherited from CrystalReportViewerBase Class.) Event fires when the report rendering process is finished.
    CrystalReportViewerBase.AfterRenderContent Event
    (Inherited from CrystalReportViewerBase Class.) Event fires when the report content rendering process is finished.
    CrystalReportViewerBase.AfterRenderObject Event
    (Inherited from CrystalReportViewerBase Class.) Event fires when the report object rendering process is finished.
    CrystalReportViewerBase.BeforeRender Event
    (Inherited from CrystalReportViewerBase Class.) Event fires when the report rendering process starts.
    CrystalReportViewerBase.BeforeRenderContent Event
    (Inherited from CrystalReportViewerBase Class.) Event fires when the report content rendering process starts.
    CrystalReportViewerBase.BeforeRenderObject Event
    (Inherited from CrystalReportViewerBase Class.) Event fires when the report object rendering process starts.
    CrystalReportViewer.Drill Event
    Event fires when a report is drilled down on.
    CrystalReportViewer.DrillDownSubreport Event
    Event fires when the user drills down on a subreport.
    CrystalReportViewerBase.Error Event
    (Inherited from CrystalReportViewerBase Class.) Event fires when the report object throws an exception.
    CrystalReportViewer.Navigate Event
    Event fires when the user navigates through a report.
    CrystalReportViewerBase.OnRenderScript Event
    (Inherited from CrystalReportViewerBase Class.) Event fires when the HTML script generation starts.
    CrystalReportViewerBase.OnRenderStyle Event
    (Inherited from CrystalReportViewerBase Class.) Event fires when the HTML style class generation starts.
    CrystalReportViewerBase.ReportPartBookmarkNavigation Event
    (Inherited from CrystalReportViewerBase Class.) Event fires after navigation to a report part in the same report or another report is finished.
    CrystalReportViewer.ReportRefresh Event
    Event fires when the data in the report is refreshed.
    CrystalReportViewer.Search Event
    Event fires when text is searched for in the report.
    CrystalReportViewer.ViewZoom Event
    Event fires when zoom level of the viewer changes.
    CrystalReportViewerBase Events
    CrystalReportViewerBase.AfterRender Event
    Event fires when the report rendering process is finished.
    CrystalReportViewerBase.AfterRenderContent Event
    Event fires when the report content rendering process is finished.
    CrystalReportViewerBase.AfterRenderObject Event
    Event fires when the report object rendering process is finished.
    CrystalReportViewerBase.BeforeRender Event
    Event fires when the report rendering process starts.
    CrystalReportViewerBase.BeforeRenderContent Event
    Event fires when the report content rendering process starts.
    CrystalReportViewerBase.BeforeRenderObject Event
    Event fires when the report object rendering process starts.
    CrystalReportViewerBase.Error Event
    Event fires when the report object throws an exception.
    CrystalReportViewerBase.OnRenderScript Event
    Event fires when the HTML script generation starts.
    CrystalReportViewerBase.OnRenderStyle Event
    Event fires when the HTML style class generation starts.
    CrystalReportViewerBase.ReportPartBookmarkNavigation Event
    Event fires after navigation to a report part in the same report or another report is finished.

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    var aData = [
        {notificationNo: "10000000", description: "Maintenance for boiler", location: "G001-STG-UTLR-BLR", equipmentNo: "100000053", orderStatus: "ordered"},
        {notificationNo: "10000010", description: "Genreal Maintenance for boiler", location: "G001-STG-UTLR-BLR", equipmentNo: "100000053", orderStatus: "notordered"},
        {notificationNo: "10000011", description: "boiler Maintenance", location: "G001-STG-UTLR-BLR", equipmentNo: "100000053", orderStatus: "ordered"},
        {notificationNo: "10000012", description: "Pump breakdown", location: "G001-STG-UTLR-BLR", equipmentNo: "100000053", orderStatus: "ordered"},
        {notificationNo: "10000013", description: "External service boiler", location: "G001-STG-UTLR-BLR", equipmentNo: "100000053", orderStatus: "notordered"},"sap.ui.model.json.JSONModel");
    var oEnterpriseAsset_NotificationConsole;
    sap.ui.model.json.JSONModel.extend("EAM_Notification_Console", {
            oEnterpriseAsset_NotificationConsole = this;
                var oTable = new sap.ui.table.Table({
                //title: "Table Example",
                visibleRowCount: 7,
                firstVisibleRow: 3,
                selectionMode: sap.ui.table.SelectionMode.Single,
            /*    toolbar: new sap.ui.commons.Toolbar({items: [
                    new sap.ui.commons.Button({text: "Button in the Toolbar", press: function() { alert("Button pressed!"); }})
                extension: [
                    new sap.ui.commons.Button({text: "Button in the Extension Area", press: function() { alert("Button pressed!"); }})
            oTable.addColumn(new sap.ui.table.Column({
            label: new sap.ui.commons.Label({text: "Notification"}),
            template: new sap.ui.commons.Link().bindProperty("text", "notificationNo").bindProperty("href", "href",
            //    sortProperty: "notificationNo",
                //filterProperty: "notificationNo",
                width: "200px"
            oTable.addColumn(new sap.ui.table.Column({
                label: new sap.ui.commons.Label({text: "Description"}),
                template: new sap.ui.commons.Link().bindProperty("text", "description").bindProperty("href", "href"),
                //sortProperty: "notificationNo",
                //filterProperty: "notificationNo",
                //width: "200px"
            var oModel = new sap.ui.model.json.JSONModel();
            oModel.setData({modelData: aData});
        var idForTable= "DimTable"
            //alert("id of tbale " + idForTable);
            var htmlOutput = '<table id=' + idForTable + ' name="DimTab" style="border: 1px solid black;margin-left:15px;" cellpadding=6 cellspacing=0><tr style="background-color:#E5E5E5"><td><b>Dimension</b></td><td><b>Value</b></td></tr>';
            for(var i=0;i<aData.length;i++)
            htmlOutput += '<tr style="display:none;"><td style="border-right:1px solid #e5e5e5;">Contract No</td><td>'+ aData[i].notificationNo+'</td></tr>';
            htmlOutput += '<tr style="display:none;"><td  style="border-right:1px solid #e5e5e5;">Unit No</td><td>'+ aData[i].description+'</td></tr>';
            htmlOutput += '</table>';   
             var html2 = new sap.ui.core.HTML({
                 // static content
                 //content : "<div style='position:relative;background-color:white;'>Weather</div><script src='//'></script>",
            content : htmlOutput,
                  //2 wrkng sydney content : '<div id="cont_Mzc0NjN8NXwxfDF8NHxlZGY1ZjV8M3xGRkZGRkZ8Y3wx"><div id="spa_Mzc0NjN8NXwxfDF8NHxlZGY1ZjV8M3xGRkZGRkZ8Y3wx"><a id="a_Mzc0NjN8NXwxfDF8NHxlZGY1ZjV8M3xGRkZGRkZ8Y3wx" href="" target="_blank" style="color:#333;text-decoration:none;">Weather forecast</a> © weather</div><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script></div>',
                  //content : '<div style="margin-left:-10px;margin-top:10px;width:100%;"><LINK rel="StyleSheet" href="" type="text/css" media="screen"><div class="ww_5" id="ww_5_2119"><div class="l_b"></div><div class="c_b"><div class="day" id="d_0"><span class="den"></span><br><span class="date"></span><br><span class="temp"></span><div class="pict"></div><span class="press"></span><br><span class="hum"></span><br><span class="vet"></span><br></div><div class="day" id="d_1"><span class="den"></span><br><span class="date"></span><br><span class="temp"></span><div class="pict"></div><span class="press"></span><br><span class="hum"></span><br><span class="vet"></span><br></div><div class="day" id="d_2"><span class="den"></span><br><span class="date"></span><br><span class="temp"></span><div class="pict"></div><span class="press"></span><br><span class="hum"></span><br><span class="vet"></span><br></div><div class="cl"></div><div class="links"><a target="_blank" title="Pune Weather forecast" href="">Pune Weather forecast</a><br><a style="font-size:12px !important;color:#12A0D7 !important;text-decoration:none !important;" href="" title="weather"></a></div></div><div class="r_b"></div></div><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script></div>',
              // initially behaves the same as Sample 1
                 preferDOM : false,
                 // use the afterRendering event for 2 purposes
        return     oTable;
    /* In the screen shot as u can see.. I have to highlight the table cell in green color and red color for ordered and unordered status(which is binded to a json data) respectively....anyone please help??

    Hi Abhi,
                   Check this link it may helpHow I made highlight of specific values in Table

  • CrystalReportViewer: "Missing parameter values with implemented error event

    I'm using the CrystalReportViewer in (C#), and try to display a report in it.
    I've implemented the error event of the viewer to show the user a different error message than the viewer itself does.
             this.CrystalReportViewer.Error += new CrystalDecisions.Web.ErrorEventHandler(CrystalReportViewer_Error);
          protected void CrystalReportViewer_Error(object source, CrystalDecisions.Web.ErrorEventArgs e)
             var msg = "Error in CrystalReportViewer\r\n{0}".FormatInvariant(e.ErrorMessage);
             throw new InvalidOperationException(msg);
    But.... Now if I want to show a report that has parameters in it, the parameter page does not appear before the report itself. How can I make my code work (without removing the implementation of the error event), so the viewer first shows the parameter page, before showing the actual report?

    And in the Page_Load method:
    this.CrystalReportViewer.Error += new CrystalDecisions.Web.ErrorEventHandler(CrystalReportViewer_Error);
    I've done this so i can show my own error page to the user of the website. Otherwise the CRViewer shows his own error, and I do not want the user of the website to see this 'technical' error.
    So i've implemented the CrystalReportViewer.Error method:
    protected void CrystalReportViewer_Error(object source, CrystalDecisions.Web.ErrorEventArgs e)
       // Missing parameter values.
       var discardToShowParameterPrompt = (e.ErrorMessage.ToUpperInvariant() == "Missing parameter values.".ToUpperInvariant())
         || (e.ErrorMessage.ToUpperInvariant() == "Ontbrekende parameterwaarden.".ToUpperInvariant());
       if (discardToShowParameterPrompt)
          _Log.Debug("The parameter screen should be displayed now.");
          var msg = "Error in CrystalReportViewer: {0}".FormatInvariant(e.ErrorMessage);
          throw new InvalidOperationException(msg);
    If I load a report with no params in the report, the page shows immediately the report.
    If I load a report with params in the report, the params page is shown, the user can enter the param values, and after pressing OK, the report is shown.
    If an error occurs (for example the report cannot connect to the database), the viewer does NOT show the error (because i've implemented the _error event) but my code throws an InvalidOperationException, and this is handled by code so the error is logged to a file, and the user gets a user friendly message on the website.
    If i do not implement the _error event, the user will see the technical error in the crystal reports viewer.
    If I comment out the code where I'm looking for the string "Missing parameter values." (or "Ontbrekende parameterwaarden") the parameter page will not be shown, and an error will be thrown by the Crystal Reports viewer.
    If I put e.handled = true in the _error event, and there is an error (for example the database cannot be found), no error will be thrown, and there is nothing to see in the viewer.
    So for now the only way to get the params page is to implement the _error event the way i've done in the above code, checking the error message on a string value.

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    I'm currently subscribing to the RefreshEventHandler, however, this is only fired at the start of the report refresh.  What I actually need is an event that is fired when the report has finished. 
    Is there anyone who can help me please?
    Thanks in advance,

    Again, thanks for the swift reply Ludek.  The preview makes the code look ugly.  Hopefully you can decipher it.
    void CCrystalContainerView2008::OnTest1()
         CCrystalContainerDoc* pDoc = GetDocument();
         String ^str = gcnew String(pDoc->m_strReportPath);               // convert the CString to a system string
         CrystalDecisions::Windows::Forms::CrystalReportViewer ^viewer = gcnew CrystalDecisions::Windows::Forms::CrystalReportViewer();
       CrystalDecisions::CrystalReports::Engine::ReportDocument ^report = gcnew CrystalDecisions::CrystalReports::Engine::ReportDocument();
         // Get embedded Crystal report viewer control
         viewer = GetControl()->ReportViewer;
         // Load the Crystal Report file
         // This should have the same effect as opening the report in the CR 2008 Application
         if(report->IsLoaded == true)
              if(report->HasSavedData == true)
                   // Discard saved data here !
              // Now I assign the opened report to the crystal viewer control
              viewer->ReportSource = report;
              // Here I expect the program to only continue when the parameters
              // have been entered by the user.  However, the parameter screen only get presented
              // to the user when my application yields control back to the main message loop, after this function ends
              // Export the report based on user configured settings
              // This function fails as the parameters for the report have not yet been parsed by Crystal
    void CCrystalContainerView2008::OnTest2()
         CCrystalContainerDoc* pDoc = GetDocument();
         String ^str = gcnew String(pDoc->m_strReportPath);               // convert the CString to a system string
         CrystalDecisions::Windows::Forms::CrystalReportViewer ^viewer = gcnew CrystalDecisions::Windows::Forms::CrystalReportViewer();
       CrystalDecisions::CrystalReports::Engine::ReportDocument ^report = gcnew CrystalDecisions::CrystalReports::Engine::ReportDocument();
         // Get embedded Crystal report viewer control
         viewer = GetControl()->ReportViewer;
         // Load the Crystal Report file
         // This should have the same effect as opening the report in the CR 2008 Application
         if(report->IsLoaded == true)
              if(report->HasSavedData == true)
                   // Discard saved data here !
              // Now I assign the opened report to the crystal viewer control
              viewer->ReportSource = report;
              // Now I force the parameter screen to be presented to the user
              // Now that the parameters have been accepted by Crystal and everything "appears" ok
              // However, the parameter for the ReportDocument "report" gets presented the user again
              // when my application yields control back to the main message loop.
              // Export the report based on user configured settings
              // This works successfully, however, there is still a parameter screen awaiting user intput
    Edited by: Rory O Donnell on Apr 29, 2010 1:38 PM

  • Crystalreportviewer print button event postback issue

    Post Author: krishna.moorthi
    CA Forum: Crystal Reports
    I have the VS2003.Net and crystalreports10 for developing reports in our appliction.
    When the print button clicked in the crystalreportsviewer,based on the entered no of pages in printerdialog the page_load is happening multiply with the no of pages .
    Example: I have entered Pages =2 then the page_load will execute the 4 time (CRViewer having the 7 pages)
    why this is happening behind any reason for this would be highly appreciated.
    thanks in advance.

    Look for the search box in the top right corner of this web page. Enter the following string: 'Communication error crystal net'. You should get a number of results. See if any of those help.
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  • CrystalReportViewer 10.0 vs Crystal ActiveX Report Viewer 10.0

    <p>Can someone give me a brief pros and cons of using 1 versus the other.  Is the CrystalReportViewer just a wrapper for the Active X Component (with limitations).</p><p>&#160;</p><p>This pertains directly to trying to capture (using the CrystalReportViewer) when a report is finished loading (in a VB.NET 2003 Application) that has a long running Stored Procedure.  Viewer loads and events are finished but Report isn&#39;t shown for a minute as the stored procedure runs - trying to capture the event that finishes?</p><p>&#160;</p><p>Thanks!</p>

    the crystalviewer object model has the following 3 events which might help you here :
    AfterRender, AfterRenderContent and AfterRenderObject.
    Please use the link below to get more documentation from our search engine:

  • How to call  a javascript method after the PPR event has finished  ?

    How can we make a javascript method get called after the processing of ADF PPR event?
    My specific use case is,
    I want to call a javascript function after the data in the table is loaded...
    In 10g, that is not a problem, as the data used to get loaded directly during onLoad, and so i would call my js function on load;
    but in 11g , the table data is being loaded through PPR which is initiated onload, and so i needed to call my function after the PPR Response processing has been done; for which I need the name of the event triggered at that instance.
    Is it possible to do this?

    Hey, I got it.
    I handled the ADF Controller's PREPARE_RENDER_ID phase of the lifecycle, and then called the
    script to get Executed.
    The code :
        public void afterPhase(PagePhaseEvent pagePhaseEvent) {
            FacesPageLifecycleContext ctx = (FacesPageLifecycleContext)pagePhaseEvent.getLifecycleContext();
                 if (pagePhaseEvent.getPhaseId() == Lifecycle.PREPARE_RENDER_ID) {
                    if(AdfFacesContext.getCurrentInstance().isPostback() )
        }is written in lifecycle listener , and my backing bean extended this listener ,
    and in the afterRender() method I did this :
       public void  afterRender(){
                System.out.println("AFTER RENDER CALLED");
               FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
               ExtendedRenderKitService service = (ExtendedRenderKitService)Service.getRenderKitService(context, ExtendedRenderKitService.class);
               service.addScript(context, "translate();");
           }That's it.
    It did work, magnificently.
    Thanks for the idea.

  • CrystalReportViewer in WPF - win32 exception on application closing

    I'am using the CrystalReportViewer Control in a WindowsFormsHost control as the rest of the application is made in WPF.
    If the application is closed when a Report is open, the "Visual Studio JIT" Debugger windows is opened informing me that an unhandled win32 exception occured in my application although VS 2008 Writes in the output window "The program <MyApplication> has exited with code 0 (0x0)"
    This error occured only when a report document has been opened. Trying to find the error, I found out that Report.Dispose() must be called to avoid the JIT message. As WPF does not support IDisposable I had to find another way to call reportClass.Dispose() when the application is closed.
    I created a private ReportClass Object to which I assign the different reports that I have created. In the constructor I add the event Dispatcher.ShutdownStarted and created the handler for the event.
    private ReportClass reportClass
    public void MyConstructor()
         Dispatcher.ShutdownStarted += Dispatcher_ShutdownStarted;
    private void Dispatcher_ShutdownStarted(object sender, EventArgs e)
        If ( reportClass != null)

    The oracle drivers are notoriously wobbly.  Or used to be.  I thought they had been improved though.
    If you can possibly, update with later dll.
    Binary chop might be your best bet to work out exactly what the issue is.
    Unfortunately this is going to be hard work.
    I would write a test harness to stick on a virtual server and emulate bits of your functionality.
    I would probably start with just insert/update/delete to oracle in various ways.
    Se if you can make it go bang with a programme you can easily experiment with.
    I would also get a free subscription to ants profiler and make sure you have no memory leaks.
    They can cause weird behaviour.
    This is less likely though since you'd usually notice some different errors.
    By the way.
    You probably aren't attacking your datalayer.  That means hitting it or the like.   Something like connecting might be a better word to choose there.
    Not that this is at all important.  Your customers are presumably French.
    Hope that helps.
    Recent Technet articles:
    Property List Editing ;  
    Dynamic XAML

  • Intermittent APPCRASH when opening a form with CrystalReportViewer

    We have an application that, as part of the functionality, allows users to generate and preview a report. It uses CR for VS 2010. The report preview dialog is a Windows Form that includes a CrystalReportViewer.
    This functionality works, most of the time, but we are observing intermittent APPCRASH/Stackhash crashes when this form is opened of this nature:
    Problem signature:
      Problem Event Name:  APPCRASH
      Application Name:      ****
      Application Version:    ****
      Application Timestamp:           4dd40fa4
      Fault Module Name:    StackHash_7698
      Fault Module Version:  6.1.7600.16385
      Fault Module Timestamp:         4a5be02b
      Exception Code:         c0000374
      Exception Offset:        00000000000c6cd2
      OS Version:    6.1.7600.
      Locale ID:       1033
      Additional Information 1:          7698
      Additional Information 2:          7698c42b9ee8da1ebad3b3c9521cacfd
      Additional Information 3:          ad41
      Additional Information 4:          ad418ba72161d4cd11d7688fd368f113
    This crash occurs intermittently. We have an automated script that tests the GUI and it may run for 5 minutes or several hours before encountering this error, with a handful, to tens, perhaps over a hundred report generated successfully.
    As we understand it, the error code c0000374 means:
    // MessageText:
    // A heap has been corrupted.
    CR is not the only part of our application that uses unmanaged memory, but this crash consistently happens when opening the dialog with a CR component in it (which renders a report).
    I realize I've left out a lot of potential information, but will add more upon request. This problem is causing us quite some headaches and I just wanted to see if anyone else has experienced something similar.
    Any ideas?

    Hello Zamir.
    Many thanks for the great answers (I wish I could post this thread as an example to all ).
    Same to you. Debugging issues like this is never fun, but I know from experience that clarity from both sides helps us get to a resolution
    Let's start with SP1. You may already be using it. Check the version of the crpe32.dll (C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP BusinessObjects\Crystal Reports for .NET Framework 4.0\Common\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0\win64_x64). It should be, if it is, we're on SP1. If it is not, understanding your concerns, going to SP1 will still be the DE thing to do. E.g.; I will not do any testing unless you are on SP1 (sounds bad I know, but just laying the cards on the table - face up )...
    I checked both my development machine and a production system that I have access to in-house (which is able to reproduce the problem via a script). Luckily for me, both are at version
    The fact that you are not able to reproduce the issue on your development system my actually be quite encouraging and perhaps a starting place for us (given the SP1 conundrum). It will be interesting to compare the dlls (both Crystal and database client). Normally the Modules utility is very useful for comparing dlls loading on a computer that works and one that does not. As this is a 64 bit app, it will be a bit trickier. Modules works really well on 32 bit apps. On 64 bit apps it does not save the log. You can still see it, but not save it. Anyhow, I am attaching a 64 bit version of Modules. You will have to check the versions of the CR DLLs and database client DLLs by looking at the logs and writing the info down
    I'm having a bit of trouble with the Modules utility. I launched it and when I get it to generate a list, I cannot see the process for our application in the list. It is running and appears in the task manager, but it is not listed under the list of processes, nor do I see any of it's loaded DLLs. Any ideas?
    Re. apps compiled as "Any CPU". These should work - as long as only the correct "bitness" CR runtime is deployed. E.g.; On a 64 bit OS, do not deploy both a 32 bit and a 64 bit runtime. This may cause issues. My recommendation in the previous post was a rather blanket recommendation that quickly eliminates all kinds of confusions for many people.
    Thanks for the clarification. I am going to stick with 'Any CPU' because I know that we only deploy the x64 runtime and if I switch to explicit x64 compilation, Visual Studio reports some false-positive warnings that I'd rather not have (it's a bug in Visual Studio).
    Re. the database - SQL Server CE v3.5 SP2, OLE DB. Make absolutely sure the db client is the same on the problem computer as it is on your development computer. Use Modules for that. If htere is a later SP, apply that. I can not overstate the importance of this.
    As above, I could not use modules, but I did confirm the DLL versions in their respective Program Files location on both machines and they were the same (3.5.8080.0).
    It will be important for these users to let us have screen shots of the issue as they get it. I realize this may be an inconvenience to the customer, but what is essentially a hearsay evidence from what is typically a non technical user is always something to take with a grain of salt.
    I just talked to one of our field engineers and he has seen screenshots to confirm it is the same issue as the one we can reproduce in-house.
    One thing to be absolutely sure of is that you are using .Close and .Dispose on the report objects as the user is done with them.
    We do, in general, make these calls and recently have gone through our code for memory leak possibilities, so this was recently checked for by developers.
    One other possible source of issues; printer drivers. Specifically printer drivers not designed for the particular OS. Ensure that the printer driver(s) used by the customer on that WIN 7 are designed for WIN 7 - even if they are only viewing and or exporting. CR has a large dependency on printer drivers.
    We use the Samsung CLP-320 and the driver package it installs are "Win 2000/XP/2003/Vista/2008/Win 7(32,64bit)", so I assume the correct version gets installed on our Win 7 x64 system.

  • CrystalReportViewer page navigation re-hash

    Hi Everyone,
    I've been searching for a solution to the widely discussed page navigation problem when you place all your report binding code in Page_Load().  Lots of references are to older versions of VS and CR so they don't quite fit.  I am running VS2008 and CR2008.  Here's what I've done so far.
    Added an OnInit parameter to point to my initialization routine:
    <CR:CrystalReportViewer ID="CrystalReportViewer1" runat="server" AutoDataBind="true" DisplayGroupTree="False" EnableDatabaseLogonPrompt="False" EnableParameterPrompt="False"
    Moved my report binding code from Page_Load to InitMyReport().  The issue I am having is that the paramaters that are being passed via the URL (and fetched via request.querystring("id1")) are not available during the initialization phase so I can't set them.
    Where did I run astray?

    OK - I figured this out. 
    First I took all of the report setup code (parameter and selection formula assignment) and put it into its own subroutine called ReportSetup().  This is called only once from page_load as I am checking for postback.
    Next I added a new subroutine called ReportNavigate() to fire when the viewer navigate event is triggered.  This simply calles ReportSetup() which rebinds the report correctly.
    Simple solution.

  • Handling print event in visual studio 2010

    I'm  having problems controlling printer on the server.
    getting error error on printer etc...
    Is their an event on the report viewer print button that I can get to and provide
    code in to attempt to control printing.
    I've tried it all caching, sessions, etc...
    Nothing has worked to prevent these annoying errors.
    Below is a code snippet that renders pages but does not
    guarantee printing of any number of pages.
    It's happening within the app on the initial print attempt
    and intermittently for large or small reports
    If (Page.IsPostBack = False) Then
                'Preload Assemblies
                oCrReportDocument = New ReportDocument()
                'Store Report Object
                Session.Add("RptNum", oCrReportDocument)
                'srvLoad.ReportSource = Session("RptNum")
                srcUse.CacheDuration = 500
            End If
            If (Page.IsPostBack = True) Then
                oCrReportDocument = Session("RptNum")
            End If

    The exact error is error occurred on the server printing will be stopped.
    The error occurs on small and large reports immediately after clicking print button
    I intermittenly get commucations error
    It seems I have no control once I click the print button
    I had the CR12 report developer turn off verify (Did'nt test yet)
    This is a app of a solution with 10 projects.  Looking to see if
    original code developer is grabbing control of printing
    Dim oCrReportDocument As New CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument()
            Dim srvLoad As New CrystalDecisions.Web.CrystalReportViewer
            Dim srcUse As New CrystalReportSource
            If (Page.IsPostBack = False) Then
                'Preload Assemblies
                oCrReportDocument = New ReportDocument()
                'Store Report Object
                Session.Add("RptNum", srvLoad)
                'srvLoad.ReportSource = Session("RptNum")
                srcUse.CacheDuration = 62000
            End If
            If (Page.IsPostBack = True) Then
                srvLoad = Session("RptNum")
                srcUse.CacheDuration = 62000
            End If

  • PrintButtonClicked, DownloadStarted and DownloadFinished events

    We are currently using CR11R2 and use the ActiveX CrystalReportViewer control on VB6 forms. We use the PrintButtonClicked, DownloadStarted and DownloadFinished events of the control to manage how printing and downloading the report works when our application is deployed to Citrix environment.
    Now, we are planning to migrate our application to .Net (WinForms) and we are evaluating SAP Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2010. However, I couldn't find the above events supported by the .Net CrystalReportViewer control (WinForms) any more. Any help or workaround(s) in this regard is appreciated.

    SBC Programmer wrote:
    >I moved a VB6 RDC app to .NET 2008. I was using the following 3 events from the Report Viewer control:
    >PrintButtonClicked - was setting the UseDefault parameter to False and showed my own custom print options dialog.
    >HelpButtonClicked - showed context sensitive help
    >Clicked - determined if the field on the report that was clicked was of a certain type, then showed another report based on the data in that field.
    >I can't seem to find these events in .NET 2008. Do they still exist or is there a way to accomplish the same things?
    I haven't found a way to accomplish what the PrintButtonClicked event did yet.
    I was able to use the HelpRequested event instead of HelpButtonClicked.  There is no toolbar button but it fires when the user presses F1.  This is an acceptable workaround.
    The article in the link above re: Clicked event I started a new thread for here:
    [ClickPage event - get object data|ClickPage event - get object data]

  • Hyperlink Target without CrystalReportViewer?

    Crystal Reports 2008 v
    ASP.NET 2.0
    Visual Studio 2005
    I have a hyperlink in a report that I would like to open in a new window when clicked. I have heard of a Hyperlink Target property for CrystalReportViewer objects but my report isn't using a viewer. Is there any other way to accomplish this?

    Not sure I understand;
    You have a report
    There is a hyperlink on the report
    Normally, if you view the report and click on the hyperlink, you get the hyperlink result
    You are not using the viewer - what would you click to fire the hyperlink? Or what event would fire the hyperlink?
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  • Training and Event Management - report on list of cancelled courses

    Hi All,
    Is there any standard report available to get the list of cancelled courses (be it business event grp , type or business event) Would appreciate your inputs on this.
    Kind regards

    S_AHR_61016216 - Cancellations per Attendee , i think there is no standard report for cencelation of business events, type and group.
    for cancellations per attendee reports is available in the system.
    good luck

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