CS Live button?

Hello everyone, and good morning.
Thanks for the replies in my other thread, the feedback you are providing is very helpful.
I'm currently watching Mike Rankin's Creating Long Documents with InDesign. The ID version he uses displays a CS Live button in the upper right area of the screen. I'm using IDCC, and that button is not present.
Where do I sign into Acrobat.com through IDCC?

That sounds realistic to me. I've been looking for the Acrobat.com integration and thus far have been unable to find it. When I search in the InDesign Help for Acrobat, I just get results to the Acrobat XI information... so I'm not using the right keywords.

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    Its in Tools>settings>phone>standbymode
    Hope this helps.

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    New Features in CC 2014.1 October Release
    Nancy O.

  • How do you remove the CS Live Button?

    Found how in Photoshop... but can you in InDesign, Illustrator etc?

    Just note that renaming this will disable the CSLive button, as well as the following:
    Access CS Live (Window > Extensions > Access CS Live)
    Adobe BrowserLab (Window > Extensions > Adobe BrowserLab)
    Adobe ConnectNow (File > Share my Screen; Window > Extensions > Share My Screen)
    CS News and Resources (Window > Extensions > CS News and Resources)
    CS Review (File > Create New Review; Window > Extensions > CS Review)
    Resource Central (Window > Extensions > Resource Central)
    Kuler (Window > Extensions > Kuler)
    It will also disrupt functionality of Adobe Drive.

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    The plot thickens.....
    In windows 7, the start up files are located in C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator CS5.1 Settings\en_US\New Document Profiles and also in the Application directory under C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator CS5.1\Support Files\Required\New Document Profiles\en_US
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    Flash Catalyst.ai
    Mobile and Devices.ai
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    I am STUMPED!
    - Dave

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    When you press the "Live" button in Dw, it asks you if you want to save the file before putting. If you select No, and there's also NO such file on the server, then you'll have the "Page not found" message displayed.
    Hope this helps.
    Kind Regards,

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    function liveclick(event:MouseEvent):void{
    trace('live button working')

    if demoButton and livelinkButton were created in the ide (and not using actionscript), use:

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    Hi Steve
    I think Lilybiri may be somewhat busy today as I've not seen any posts from her. So hopefully she won't mind my offering to help.
    She meant to insert images of the buttons you want to be disabled. Just place images there. They will look like buttons but won't be clickable until you want them to be.
    You will use the ability to hide and show the images as well as the buttons. This is tied to Advanced Actions. Captivate help does offer a section that talks about Advanced Actions and I also offer a eBook on them for a reasonable price at the link below. I think it might be helpful for you but I'm not here to SPAM you. I'm only trying to offer help.
    In a nutshell you would insert all the buttons and images. Configure most of the buttons as hidden and most of the images as visible. Then you will create an advanced action for each button that will hide the image of the button, show the next live button, then visit the section you want. When you return to the slide the next button should be visible and clickable.
    Cheers... Rick
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  • Disabling buttons in sequence before using

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    I am new to Adobe captivate. I have put together a program for the company i work for but am getting stuck on a certain item.
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    To take this a step further, is it possible for the returning button to disable the original button? but show the next button as active in the sequence?
    I have attached an image for you
    Looking forward to you replies and any and all help would be appreciated asap!!
    Thanks Steve

    Hi Steve
    I think Lilybiri may be somewhat busy today as I've not seen any posts from her. So hopefully she won't mind my offering to help.
    She meant to insert images of the buttons you want to be disabled. Just place images there. They will look like buttons but won't be clickable until you want them to be.
    You will use the ability to hide and show the images as well as the buttons. This is tied to Advanced Actions. Captivate help does offer a section that talks about Advanced Actions and I also offer a eBook on them for a reasonable price at the link below. I think it might be helpful for you but I'm not here to SPAM you. I'm only trying to offer help.
    In a nutshell you would insert all the buttons and images. Configure most of the buttons as hidden and most of the images as visible. Then you will create an advanced action for each button that will hide the image of the button, show the next live button, then visit the section you want. When you return to the slide the next button should be visible and clickable.
    Cheers... Rick
    Helpful and Handy Links
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    SorcerStone Blog
    Captivate eBooks

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    This is happening to me too. Looks like the old skype password is not overwritten by the new Windows Live password.

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    YES.  I have the latest update of dreamweaver cc installed, this is also happening when I click design view too.  Split view of code on left and comp on right goes away when I click live and/or design views.    Below is a video of the problem.
    screemdw - YouTube

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    Two questions if anyone knows the answer. It used to be with the other versions if you were in the library I could view the different backgrounds using my keyboard arrow key. With CS5 you have to click on every image. Is it suppose to be this way or could something not be set right. I think everything is at default.
    2nd question. I thought I read somewhere that the CS Live button (drop down Story, Acrobat, Photoshop) was going to be in Captivate 5. Anyone hear anything of this.
    Thanks in advance for any input you can give.

    Hi Keith
    I'm assuming here you are referring to Captivate version 5 and not CS5, right? (CS5 refers to the Creative Suite version 5)
    I just tested on my own setup and am able to move from Background Image to Background Image using my keyboard arrow keys. I do note that I have to actually click to place focus on the Library first, but once I do this I am able to move the selection using any of the arrow keys.
    Sorry, but not following you on whatever a "CS Live" button is. Never heard of it. So the fact you are asking about it makes me think that perhaps you actually were referring to Creative Suite and not Captivate.
    Cheers... Rick
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  • No connection to Marketplace & Xbox Live

    If I touch the Marketplace or the Xbox LIVE button, the phone just returns to the menu screen. Nothing happens at all. As well as with a WiFi connection as with my mobile data connection. I also checked if my Live ID en phone have the same country (the Netherlands). The live-button also indicates that 1 app needs an update, but again: it just returns to the main menu. If I select Marketplace in the smaller submenu with all apps then the phone just flips back to this page.
    In the 'Great Apps' app I can see new apps, but I cannot select any of them to install or to see their details.
    The same goes by the way for Music & Videos: that tile also just keeps flipping back to the menu (while Nokia Music does work).
    Sounds familiar or any ideas to fix this? Thanks!
    Sven van de Riet

    Here are some settings which you need to change on your XBOX as well as on your Router. I hope this might solve your problem.
    Open an Internet Explorer browser page on your wired computer(desktop).In the address bar type - and press Enter...Leave Username blank & in Password use admin in lower case...
    Click on "Applications and Gaming" tab and then click on "Port Range Forwarding" subtab...
    1) On the first line in Application box type in ABC, in the start box type in 53 and End box type in 3074, leave the protocol as both and under ip address type in and check the enable box, click Save Settings once done...
    2) Once you return to the set up page click on the Security tab and uncheck Block Anonymous Internet Requests and click on Save Settings...
    3) Click on set-up and change the MTU Size to 1452 and click Save Settings...Click on the Status tab and take note of DNS1 and DNS2 Addresses...
    4) Goto the XBox Network Settings and IP Address Settings and select manual IP Settings and assign the following on your Xbox IP Address :-, Subnet Mask :-, Default Gateway :-
    5) Also assign the DNS Addresses on the Xbox Use DNS1 and DNS2 Addresses you took note off of the router status tab as Primary DNS & Secondary DNS for the xbox...
    6) Turn off your modem, router, and Xbox...Wait for a minute...
    7) Plug the modem power first, wait for another minute and plug the router power cable, wait another minute and turn on the Xbox and test it...it will connect...

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    $6.59 USD/month
    Content Management
    Site Analytics
    Web Forms
    Social Media Sharing
    Phone & Tablet Support
    FTP & File Manager
    don't understand. i have no site pushed live ever.
    to lowest plan is web basics (see above). this is what is written underneath my plan in my businesscatalyst. and you say it is included to my membership.
    but still can't push sites live. why?

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