CS-MARS showing ver 0.0 after giving pnreset command

For backing up the device to Factory Default i am put "pnreset" on mars through putty client. After reloading it shows pnmars v0.0.0 .
So how to upgrade this device. Please Help ASAP
Manikuntal Das

What exactly did you do ? I am assuming that you re-imaged the MARS. Which model and s/w version ? Did you do a full re-image or a OS only ? Can you access the CLI and get the version output ?

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    Hello Abiez,
    Thanks for the question, and welcome to Apple Support Communities.
    I understand you are having issues adding payment information to your account. In my experience, this usually occurs due to two common reasons (though there may be more):
    If your account information does not match your credit card, you may get a message stating "The credit card was declined."
    To expand on the above, your billing name or address may not match the address listed on your credit card statement. Any discrepancy in punctuation, abbreviation, or capitalization can cause errors, which might prevent you from purchasing from the iTunes Store. If you moved, or if your zip code changed recently, ask your credit card company to make sure their records are up to date and match exactly what you are entering as your billing information.
    The iTunes Store will place a minimal authorization hold on your credit card each time that you update your account information (equal to around 1 USD). The authorization hold is not a charge. The authorization hold is placed on your credit card to make sure that the information provided matches the information on file with your financial institution. The authorization hold will not be displayed in your iTunes Store purchase history.
    If there are insufficient funds in the account to cover the authorization hold, you may experience issues with adding payment information.
    For more information, see the following helpful resources:
    iTunes Store: How iTunes Store purchases are billed
    iTunes Store: Changing account information
    iTunes Store: My credit card's security code or zip code does not match my bank's records
    Matt M.

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    Hi asims01,
    Welcome to the Support Communities!
    The information below may be able to answer your questions about how to delete songs from your iPhone:
    Deleting songs downloaded to your device
    Tap the Music app.
    Tap More > Songs at the bottom.
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    Swipe right to left on the song, and then tap Delete.
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    Also, this information can be found on page 64 of the iPhone User Guide for iOS 7
    Remove a song from iPhone. Tap Songs, swipe the song, then tap Delete. The song is deleted from iPhone, but not from your iTunes library on your Mac or PC, or from iCloud.
    If you have iOS 7, this will delete the song from local storage, but the song will still appear with a cloud symbol in the Music app, as you've noticed. To hide the iTunes in the Cloud purchases, navigate to Settings > iTunes & App Store, and disable "Show All: Music”
    There may be a few orphaned songs on your iPhone that were partially downloaded or corrupted in some way. If that is the case, you can erase all of the music from your phone.  Follow the instructions below and select the Music app under Usage:
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    Hi guys,
    I had this problem too. I resolved it by going into System Preferences  > Language & Region and making sure the primary language was "English (U.K.)" under primary languages (i.e. at the top of the list of preferred languages).
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    G.Vijaya Kumar

    Hi Vijaya,
    I tested in my test environment and even after refresh , the range cells are still editable, they didnt get locked. I did the following:
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    Thank you.  This solved my problem too.
    But, one little thing to share:
    "There's an option in settings for Playlists. It was set to Music only. Changed that to All then found the movie playlist under Movies by selecting Genre."
    This is not to be done in iTunes in your computer; this is to be done at your apple TV under "setting". "audio video" "show playlist" "music only/all"
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    all these time, they have in front of them a screen shot of your questions and answer but they don't know where to change it from music only to all.
    So, I hope this will save the next victim a lot of time.
    Again, thank you.

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      DATA: l_if_header TYPE REF TO if_purchase_order_mm,
            ls_header TYPE mepoheader,
           ls_mepoitem TYPE mepoitem,
      l_if_header = im_item->get_header( ).
      ls_header   = l_if_header->get_data( ).
      CALL METHOD im_item->get_data
          re_data = ls_mepoitem.
    IF ls_header-bsart = 'BW'.
    if ls_mepoitem-ZZONAME IS INITIAL.
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    Usually applications like these have their own uninstallers, either build into the installer ( ! ) itself or as a separate uninstaller app. Check the site of the software provider for instructions.
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    I have created a custom workflow using SharePoint Designer. Within this workflow I have multiple 'approval process' tasks. In theory this was so that once the first user had approved the item then the next would be prompted to approve the item, and
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    According to your post, my understanding is that workflow shows as 'In Progress' after Workflow has been completed.
    To send the task one by one, you can select one at a time(serial) when you select Task Process Participants.
    Per my knowleadge, when you go to -> 'List Settings' -> 'Workflow Settings', it show all the workflows you associated to the list.
    To see the running workflow, you need to select an item, right click the title, and then select the workflow.
    However, each workflow enstance can only start once on an item.  In other word, you can not start the same workflow again untill the previous one is completed.
    As you said, workflow shows as 'In Progress'.
    Please make sure all the users have approved the tasks.
    Best Regards,
    Linda Li
    Linda Li
    TechNet Community Support

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    xw8200 HP   Windows 2000  

    Try holding down the Shift key in Windows when launching iTunes. In the resulting dialogue you will get the option to create a new library or navigate to an existing one. The default location for your iTunes library is in \Documents and Settings\Username\My Documents\My Music\iTunes\. Look in there and see if you have more than one library file (they have the extension .itl) If you have more than one try opening them in turn, you may find your original library is still intact: How to open an alternate iTunes Library file

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        "Resetting SMC on portables with a battery you should not remove on your own".

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