CS3: Inner Shadow crashes InDesign

When placing images in large documents (1745 x 995 mm) and using the effect Inner Shadow on the image, InDesign crashes when exporting to PDF.
This is a real puzzle cause when I use the same image with that effect in a smaller document (A4) I have NO problem in exporting the document. Why is that? Is there a work-around, some settings I've missed or an upgrade that fixes this problem (I have IND CS3 5.0.3).

I've isolated the problem. Took me about 15 InDesign restarts.
The problem has nothing to do with PDF settings (I tried all the defaults with or without transparency. High-res and Low-res. RGB and CMYK). InDesign crashes when it's trying to download the image with the effect. It doesn't really get to making the PDF.
The problem is...The file size! I tried it with different kind of file-types (jpg, tif, psd - 8 bit, RGB and CMYK with or without icc-profiles)No matter what kind of file InDesign crashes when handling the effect on the image (120 MB). When I used another smaller image (only 20 MB) or the same image downsampled, InDesign made the PDF. So it seems to be the amount of pixels in the image that has an effect on InDesign handling the effects.
Has this something to do with my hardware (PC, 4 GB RAM, 8*3158 MHz processors, Virtual memory: 3 GB) or is it the software?

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  • [CS3 JS] event crashes InDesign

    Scripting ladies and gentlemen,
    I'm working on this event script that searches for linked PDF files and
    lets the user copy/relink them. Using the afterOpen eventListener however
    crashes InDesign no matter what I do. This is also the case with
    beforeClose. It appears that my function cnvrtPDFlnk is causing the crash
    (I'm able to alert succesfully with the afterOpen event if I //-comment
    the cnvrtPDFLnk(myDocument)).
    Do one of you scripting gurues have a tip?
    #targetengine "session"
    function main() {
       app.addEventListener("afterOpen", myEventFunction, false);
    function myEventFunction(myEvent) {
       var myDocument = myEvent.parent;
       var label = docLabel(myDocument, "PDFCheck");
       if(label) {
       else {
    function docLabel(myDocument, key) {
       var hasLabel = (eval(myDocument.extractLabel(key))?true:false);
       return hasLabel;
    function cnvrtPDFLnk(myDocument) {
       var graphics = myDocument.allGraphics;
       var link; var linkExt; var linkType; var linkPath; var linkPageRef; var myConfirm; var myFolder; var myFile; var myOrgPath;
       var myLinkObjects = [];
       for (var i = 0; i < graphics.length; i++) {        
          link = graphics[i].itemLink;
          linkExt = link.filePath.split('.').pop().toLowerCase(); 
          linkType = link.linkType.toLowerCase();       
          if (linkExt == 'pdf' || linkType.match('pdf') != null) {
             if(myConfirm= confirm(link.name+"\nDo you want to convert this link?")?myLinkObjects.push(link):alert("Link skipped!\n"+link.name));
       if (myLinkObjects.length > 0) {
          myFolder = Folder.selectDialog("Point me to a hotfolder..");
          copyLink(myLinkObjects, myFolder); // run copyLink function - copies links according to myfolder
          if(myConfirm = confirm("Do you want to relink now?")) {
             reLink(myLinkObjects); // run reLink function - relinks according to myFile dialogue
             app.menuActions.item("Fit Page in Window").invoke();
             app.menuActions.item("First Page").invoke();    
       myDocument.insertLabel("PDFCheck", "true");
       }// no links
    }// end cnvrtPDFLnk
    Best regards,

    Hi Rasmus,
    Here is an example of scripted plug-in — very simple yet useful for me.
    Its goal is to check color settings in InDesign and Photoshop after a document opens. We use two profiles at work: one for the main part of our magazine and another profile for its cover and the inset for another magazine. Sometimes, although rarely, we forget to switch on the correct setting.
    That's where the plug-in comes to the aid. After a document opens it checks if the file name contains certain characters – e.g. if file name starts with "Obl_" that means that this is a cover and the script checks the color settings, if they are not correct it gives warning.
    Here is short description of how to do it:
    Create a new scripted plug-in project from APIDTemplate.indd file.
    Open APID panel
    Enter 'docLoaded' into Event Filter field and press Enter
    Here is the script that does the job (the script file is generated in the same folder as indd-file):
    if (theItem.eventCode == "docLoaded") {
       var gKasmyDoc = app.activeDocument;
       var gKasDocumentName = app.activeDocument.name;
    function KasCheckProfile(){
       var myIssueNumber = parseInt(gKasDocumentName.substr(2, 3));
       if (gKasDocumentName.substr(0, 2) == "Q_" && myIssueNumber >= 730 && myIssueNumber <= 999 && gKasDocumentName.match("_Vshivka") == null){
          if (app.colorSettings.workingSpaceCMYK != "ISO Web Coated"){
             alert("Внимание! Для газеты должен использоваться провиль \"ISO Web Coated\", а установлен. — " + app.colorSettings.workingSpaceCMYK);
       if (gKasDocumentName.substr(0, 2) == "Q_" && myIssueNumber >= 730 && myIssueNumber <= 999 && gKasDocumentName.match("_Vshivka") != null){
          if (app.colorSettings.workingSpaceCMYK != "ImationMatchprn175lpi_avr.icc          "){
             alert("Внимание! Для вшивки должен использоваться провиль \"ImationMatchprn175lpi_avr.icc\", а установлен. — " + app.colorSettings.workingSpaceCMYK);
       else if (gKasDocumentName.substr(0, 4) == "Obl_"){
          if (app.colorSettings.workingSpaceCMYK != "ImationMatchprn175lpi_avr.icc          "){
    //         alert("Внимание! Для обложки должен использоваться провиль \"ImationMatchprn175lpi_avr.icc\", а установлен. — " + app.colorSettings.workingSpaceCMYK);
             if (confirm("Внимание! Для обложки должен использоваться провиль \"ImationMatchprn175lpi_avr.icc\", а установлен. — " + app.colorSettings.workingSpaceCMYK)) {
                app.colorSettings.cmsSettings = "Listovaya Mashina";
    function KasinfoFromPS() {
       var bt = new BridgeTalk;
       bt.target = "photoshop";
       bt.body = "app.colorSettings;"
       bt.onResult = function(resObj) {
          var myResult = resObj.body;
    function KascheckPsColorSettings(myColorSettings){
       var myIssueNumber = parseInt(gKasDocumentName.substr(2, 3));
       if (gKasDocumentName.substr(0, 2) == "Q_" && myIssueNumber >= 730 && myIssueNumber <= 999 && gKasDocumentName.match("_Vshivka") == null){
          if (myColorSettings != "ISO Web Coated"){
             alert("Внимание в Photoshop! Для газеты должен использоваться провиль \"ISO Web Coated\", а установлен. — \"" + myColorSettings + "\"");
       if (gKasDocumentName.substr(0, 2) == "Q_" && myIssueNumber >= 730 && myIssueNumber <= 999 && gKasDocumentName.match("_Vshivka") != null){
          if (myColorSettings != "Listovaya Mashina"){
             alert("Внимание в Photoshop! Для вшивки должен использоваться провиль \"ImationMatchprn175lpi_avr.icc\", а установлен. — \"" + myColorSettings + "\"");
       else if (gKasDocumentName.substr(0, 4) == "Obl_"){
          if (myColorSettings != "Listovaya Mashina"){
             alert("Внимание в Photoshop! Для обложки должен использоваться провиль \"ImationMatchprn175lpi_avr.icc\", а установлен. — \"" + myColorSettings + "\"");
    You can put your own stuff into the script:
    if (theItem.eventCode == "docLoaded") {
    // do your stuff here
    And finally generate the plug-in.

  • CS2 Javascript crashing InDesign works as 2 parts and in CS3.

    I have a script which works fine in CS3 but when I set it up in CS2 I found it was crashing InDesign. I've tried to cut it down to the minimum and set the 2 parts as functions.
    The first function makeMyslug create a new layer called slug and then some text frames on all master pages, with details about the document. The second function printMyslug prints all pages to postscript and adds a page number to the postscript file.
    If I have a document open and run each of the functions separately all is well. If I try and run both function in one go InDesign crashes. The script seems to crash InDesign once the printing process begins.
    NOTE for this example to work you will need to have a document open and make sure there are no blank pages. I'll post in as a reply so that it can be copied if anyone is able to help me out.
    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    //Here is the script.
    var mySluglay, myBlueBlk, mySlugChr, mySlugPar, myPageNo, myTitle
    myPageNo = 1;
    myTitle = "Test";
    myDocument = app.activeDocument;
    function makeMyslug(){
    //Create a layer for the slug items.
    mySluglay = myDocument.layers.item("Slug");
    if (mySluglay == null){
    mySluglay = myDocument.layers.add({name:"Slug"});
    //Create a blue background color.
    myBlueBlk = myDocument.colors.item("BlueBack");
    if (myBlueBlk == null){
    myDocument.colors.add({name:"BlueBack", model:ColorModel.process, colorSpace:ColorSpace.cmyk, colorValue:[100, 60, 0, 0]});
    //Create a cahr style.
    mySlugChr = myDocument.characterStyles.item("SlugChar");
    if (mySlugChr == null){
    myDocument.characterStyles.add({name:"SlugChar", appliedFont:"Arial"});
    //Create a para style.
    mySlugPar = myDocument.paragraphStyles.item("SlugPar");
    if (mySlugPar == null){
    // Set units to mm.
    app.activeDocument.viewPreferences.horizontalMeasurementUnits = MeasurementUnits.MILLIMETERS
    app.activeDocument.viewPreferences.verticalMeasurementUnits = MeasurementUnits.MILLIMETERS;
    slugBottomOffset = "20";
    slugTopOffset = "20";
    slugInsideOrLeftOffset = "0";
    slugRightOrOutsideOffset = "0";
    //Set the documents ruler origin to page origin. This is very important
    //--if you dont do this, getting objects to the correct position on the
    //page is much more difficult.
    myDocument.viewPreferences.rulerOrigin = RulerOrigin.pageOrigin;
    //Create the slug details on all master pages.
    myDocument.pages[0].appliedSection.continueNumbering = false;
    myDocument.pages[0].appliedSection.pageNumberStart = parseInt(myPageNo);
    var myDetails = "Title: "+myTitle;
    var myPageWidth = myDocument.documentPreferences.pageWidth;
    var myPageHeight = myDocument.documentPreferences.pageHeight;
    mp = app.activeDocument.masterSpreads.everyItem().pages.everyItem().getElements();
    for (i = 0; i < mp.length; i++){
    var myTitleBox = mp[i].textFrames.add(myDocument.layers.item("Slug"), undefined, undefined, {geometricBounds:[myPageHeight+6,10,myPageHeight+14, myPageWidth-10], contents:myDetails});
    myTitleBox.label = "Title";
    myTitleBox.textFramePreferences.verticalJustification = VerticalJustification.bottomAlign;
    myTitleBox.parentStory.paragraphs[0].appliedCharacterStyle = "SlugChar";
    myTitleBox.parentStory.paragraphs[0].appliedParagraphStyle = "SlugPar";
    myTitleBox.parentStory.fillColor = myDocument.swatches.item("Paper");
    myTitleBox.parentStory.pointSize = 10;
    myTitleBox.textFramePreferences.ignoreWrap = true;
    myTitleBox.textFramePreferences.textColumnCount = 1;
    var mycount = app.activeDocument.masterSpreads.item(0).pages.item(0).textFrames.item("Title");
    var myBlueBlock = mp[i].textFrames.add(myDocument.layers.item("Slug"), undefined, undefined, {geometricBounds:[myPageHeight+6, 8,myPageHeight+20, myPageWidth-8]});
    myBlueBlock.label = "BlueBlock";
    myBlueBlock.fillColor = "BlueBack";
    myBlueBlock.textFramePreferences.verticalJustification = VerticalJustification.bottomAlign;
    var myWhiteBlock = mp[i].textFrames.add(myDocument.layers.item("Slug"), undefined, undefined, {geometricBounds:[myPageHeight+14.5, 9,myPageHeight+19, myPageWidth-9]});
    myWhiteBlock.label = "WhiteBlock";
    myWhiteBlock.fillColor = myDocument.swatches.item("Paper");
    var myPageNoBox = mp[i].textFrames.add(myDocument.layers.item("Slug"), undefined, undefined, {geometricBounds:[myPageHeight-5, 10, myPageHeight+18, myPageWidth-10]});
    myPageNoBox.label = "PageNo";
    myPageNoBox.insertionPoints.item(0).contents = SpecialCharacters.autoPageNumber;
    myPageNoBox.insertionPoints.item(0).contents = SpecialCharacters.emSpace;
    myPageNoBox.insertionPoints.item(0).contents = "Page No";
    myPageNoBox.parentStory.paragraphs[0].appliedCharacterStyle = "SlugChar";
    myPageNoBox.parentStory.paragraphs[0].appliedParagraphStyle = "SlugPar";
    myPageNoBox.textFramePreferences.verticalJustification = VerticalJustification.bottomAlign;
    myPageNoBox.textFramePreferences.ignoreWrap = true;
    myPageNoBox.textFramePreferences.textColumnCount = 1;
    //print function
    function printMyslug(){
    alert("Start print process.");
    myDocument.printPreferences.printer = Printer.POSTSCRIPT_FILE;
    myDocument.printPreferences.ppd = PPDValues.DEVICE_INDEPENDENT;
    for(var myCounter = 0; myCounter < myDocument.pages.length; myCounter++){
    myPageName = myDocument.pages.item(myCounter).name;
    myDocument.printPreferences.pageRange = myPageName;
    //The name of the exported files will be the base name + the page name + ".pdf".
    //If the page name contains a colon (as it will if the document contains sections),
    //then remove the colon.
    var myRegExp = new RegExp(":","gi");
    myPageName = myPageName.replace(myRegExp, "_");
    myFilePath = "/c/idjavascript/test_" + myPageName + ".ps";
    myFile = new File(myFilePath);
    document.printPreferences.printFile = myFile;
    alert("Page "+myPageName+" may be blank plesae check.");
    //call the makeMyslug function
    //call the printMyslug function

  • CS3: Period in findWhat crashes InDesign

    This code crashes InDesign CS3:
    app.findTextPreferences.findWhat = ", .";
    app.changeTextPreferences.changeTo = ".";
    This works fine:
    app.findGrepPreferences.findWhat = ", \\.";
    app.changeGrepPreferences.changeTo = ".";
    Hope this helps someone.

    Sadly, CS3 may crash on virtually any scripted search/replace. I had it crash on double quotes, tabs, and even spaces. Usually, moving the specific s&r from regular to GREP or the other way around clears it for that offending file only.
    The symptom seems connected to a specific file (as it may always fail on one and never on another), but saving as INX and re-loading never cleared it up for me. As it is quite a hassle to find the exact code it crashes on this time (with intermittant crashes on each new try), I usually shrug and do my replaces from memory. After all, it's just a few hundred of'em.

  • InDesign CS3 (XP SP2) crashes when placing files

    every time I try to place an image file etc. into InDesign CS3 (Windows XP, service pack 2) the "place" dialogue pops up for a split second. Then, InDesign freezes. Version Cue is not activated (when I was activated Photoshop CS3 would do the same).
    I'd be more than happy if someone has a hint since naturally InDesign is pretty useless when you cannot place anything. On a sidenote though you can drag files from the explorer into CS3 without it crashing.
    Any help's greatly appreciated.

    Sorry to hear the trick didn't work. Another oft mentioned idea is to open a dialog in Photoshop and resize it. A third is to hit Alt + Spacebar, then M, and then an arrow key, and finally to move the mouse around and see if the dialog appears at the edge of the screen.
    The 3-key keyboard shortcut only works when you are opening InDesign from the start menu or a desktop shortcut, and you have to be REALLY fast. Renaming the prefs files (while ID is closed) is more reliable, but won't give you any indication that the files are being replaced, other than you'll see the welcome screen and everything will be reset to defaults.

  • Inner shadow

    In InDesign CS3 there is an option to create an inner shadow in a vector object. Is it possible to do the same in Illustrator CS3.

    Not as an effect. You can accomplish the look by:
    <br />
    <br />1. Duplicate the object or text.
    <br />2. Offset the front object.
    <br />3. Blur the front object.
    <br />4. Select both objects and select "Object&gt;Clipping mask&gt;Make (Cmd-7)
    <br />5. Select just the mask object (the back object) and fill it with the intended shadow color.
    <br />
    <br />
    <a href="http://www.pixentral.com/show.php?picture=1vMzhnY6S7jqM7SlY15lu9ECixJOCY0" /></a>
    <img alt="Picture hosted by Pixentral" src="http://www.pixentral.com/hosted/1vMzhnY6S7jqM7SlY15lu9ECixJOCY0_thumb.png" border="0" />

  • Inner Shadow missing feature?

    I'm looking for a better alternative to my current vector graphic applications, mostly to create modern web and application UI's.
    So I downloaded the trial version of Illustrator CC, to see if I should make the jump to Illustrator for vector work.
    After using about half a day to learn the applicaiton and do some experimentation, I was going to apply an Inner shadow to some text on a button, to make it look indented, and was like "What the.....where's the Inner Shadow Effect?".
    I could see the Drop Shadow feature, and there's an Inner Glow feature (can't be offset), but that doesn't solve the problem of making shapes and text look indented.
    If anyone doesn't know what I mean, just browse 'Inner Shadow' on google, it's such a fundamental feature.
    Photoshop has it.
    InDesign has it.
    Fireworks has it.
    Even Sketch, the app for Mac has it. And Acorn has it as well.
    Hell, I can even write it in CSS3:
    .example {
    -moz-box-shadow: inset -5px -5px #888;
    -webkit-box-shadow: inset -5px -5px #888;
    box-shadow: inset -5px -5px #888;
    So I looked around the web, and realized Illustrator has no Inner Shadow feature (!!), but there are work arounds. Here's an example:
    (Or this:)
    http://www.webdesign.org/raster-graphics/fireworks/mastering-shadows-in-photoshop-illustra tor-and-fireworks-who-s-the-winner.19730.html
    Sorry, but when you are used to applying something so fundamental as Inner Shadow, to make your shapes and texts look indented with a single click (and easily adjust it live and experiment), then it's hard to get used to Illustrator.
    And when something so basic is missing, then you can only fear what else will also hinder you, as you continue to learn the application and try to make the switch.
    Looking at the forum and others who have requested the same thing, and for so long, it sadly also says something about how much adobe listens to the community.
    Sorry but this is a deal breaker for me, and my trial stops here.
    I'm sure Illustrator can do a lot of other fancy things, but since it still havent figured out the fundamentals (shadow and indented), I'm not buying.

    Yeah Photoshop, and most other vector applications I've tried (even CSS3 stylesheet has it!).
    I searched the web and found out this feature has been much requested and needed for many many years.
    What I get from that, is that Adobe is not a developer that listens to it's community. And that's what I get from just using the Trial version of their latest software, Illustrator CC...there is no excuse for not having inner shadow in a vector graphics application, especially not one that's this expensive, just makes it embarrising.
    Damn, I was hoping to switch to Illustrator...

  • Inner shadow box with paper fill overprinting?

    (Mac Pro 4,1 / 2.66 GHz Quad/12G InDesign: CS6 / Ver. 8.0.2)
    I have 2 boxes filled with paper and Inner shadow effect with black (created in InDesign), Background is a 4 color linear gradient (left is 4c green, middle is paper, right 4c green) from Illustrator.
    The Inner shadow box that is close to the top of gradient (more green than white) is ok.
    The Inner shadow box that sits on the paper fill of the gradient, appears to be overprinting, thus no paper fill.
    I have check fills of the Inner shadow box in InDesign, to make sure it is not overprinting.
    I have tried some tricks but nothing works.
    Ideas anyone?

    I found the solution:
    You should never use white as a color in a gradient. I have always been told to use 5-10% of the gradient color.
    This gradient create in Illustrator using:
    left is 4c green, middle is paper, right 4c green
    Duplicated the green and made a spot
    modified gradient to:
    left 4c green, middle 8% of Spot green, right 4c green
    Been a few years and I forgot prepress 101, white is not a color and should never be used in a gradient.
    Hope this helps someone in the future.
    Thank you Leonie15

  • Inner Shadow, Bevel, Emboss FX

    Please can you add effects readily available in other Adobe CC apps like InDesign, Photoshop, Fireworks, etc. It would be a really simply coding to get it right, as we can already do it with a very long method of cropping, masking and other work-arounds.
    Please add support for:
    Inner Shadow

    Yes please Illustrator Feature Requests!
    I posted a feature request for this too, but got nothing but crickets, haha.
    Especially inner shadow, seems odd that Indesign has had this effect for god knows how long yet Illustrator misses out...

  • Inner shadow style displays wrong angle

    In Encore CS3 the basic sytle +inner shadow diplays the shadow at 0 degrees and not 135 as shown in the thumbnail. Is there a work around for this.

    Its the inner shadow that I need. If I import a button directly from a pdf file its ok. If I put the style in the style library it fails.

  • Is there a way to make the Inner Shadow to only render over the fill, and not stroke of a rectangle?

    To be precise, I want to recreate this button in Fireworks (original here):
    I created a rectangle with the stroke set to the dark orange color, and the fill to the light yellow color. Then I wanted to add a white inner shadow with 50% opacity to make the effect that's visible in the inner top, left, and right edges. However the shadow is also affecting the stroke. Is there a way to make it only affect the fill?

    Actually, you can control the stacking order of filter effects. So you could apply the Inner Shadow effect to the object without the stroke, and then add the Stroke via the Photoshop Live Effects (at the bottom of the Filters menu).
    Both this and the Gradient Fill options would allow you to save the appearance as a Style, where it could then be applied to other buttons or objects.

  • Inner shadow effect and layers in PSE 9

    I was wondering if someone could assist me. 
    In PSE 9, I opened a photo>selected it>created a new layer and applied an inner shadow without a problem.  However, when I selected the TEXT tool and wrote some text in a new layer on top of the photo and dropped a shadow and/or bevel on the text, the text appears blurry and the shadow effect doesn't look right.  I tried the same effects on the text wihtout adding an inner shadow to the photo underneath and the text looked great. Any thoughts on what I am doing wrong?

      Try right clicking on the T symbol in the tool box and choose Horizontal Type Mask Tool.
    Then type your text and see if adding your layer style looks any better.

  • Drop shadows on text do not behave in the same way to inner shadows on objects

    I have piece of text with a drop shadow on top of a box which has an inner shadow. In both cases, the shadows are CMYK black, with 100% opacity, applied using the Multiply method.
    When designing, things appear correctly (note background is CMYK magenta, but will change once this issue is resolved):
    When outputting in the Press format, with everything left as defaults, then two issues are seen, firstly is the Yucky Box Problem, the second is the drop shadow has lost it's colour, and looks as it does if I choose Normal for the shadow type. Note the PDF viewer is Apple Preview in Lion:
    If I embed the CMYK colour profile I'm using (Coated FOGRA39), then the YBP goes away, but the colour of the shadow is still wrong:
    Finally, if I force the transparency to be flattened, it appears correctly but with a thin white line (note profiles are not being embedded in this case):
    Case 1
    Case 2
    Case 3
    Case 4
    What I would like to know is how to ensure the output is as it should be in the final case, but without the white line, i.e. without flattening. It's worth noting that if the text is located in the main, white, area of the page, then it works correctly in all cases (except the Yucky Box Problem situation which is easily resolved). Thanks in advance!

    That seems to have resolved the problem. Interestingly, the 'Yucky Box Problem' doesnt seem to occur regardless of whether I'm importing the profile or not, I guess Adobe Reader is doing it's own stuff with the colour space which Preview isn't. Thanks again for your help!

  • Crashes InDesign on saving document

    Hello All,
    I am facing a unique problem for all my plugins under CS5, which are create from Scratch or which are ported. If I try to save my document after i create a new frame on the document or move or resize the existing frame on the document it crashes InDesign.
    Initially I thought it might be my mistake and I might not be passing the proper commands. But later I tried on a sample plugin, which created a new frame with Layout helper and tried to do Save / SaveAs document using LayoutHelper. It still crashed.
    Has anyone faced this type of problem. How can I resolve this problem. Can some one please help.
    Thank you all in advance.

    I am trying on Released version of InDesign.

  • Textframe crashing InDesign...??

    I'm breaking a bunch of documents out of their textframes. I'm basically taking a bunch of objects that have been placed into one textframe and I'm placing them into individual ones. Essentiallly I get the paragraph outlines, and copy the correlative contents into it. There's been a lot of exception handling etc. that I've had to deal with, but for the most part its gone smoothly. Then I stumble into this:
    OS_PopupWindows: InDesign.exe - Application Error
    The instruction at 0x71482357 referenced memory at 0x171d9000. The memory could not be read.
    I feel like that means something is corrupted, but don't really know. The application isn't particularly informative of why it's crashing... I'm sure this means something to a machine. I suppose this is a nice crash in the sense that I get any information at all.
    Is it possible for a single textframe to be somehow "corrupted"? Otherwise any ideas on how this type of thing could happen? Anything at this point would help. Every other document processes fine without crashing InDesign. Ultimately it might be a matter of simply laying it out from scratch...
    A brief summary of some of the testing I've done to try and isolate the problem:
    1) Checked to see if any of the objects were locked and if so I unlocked them.
    2) Tried removing the paragraphs one at a time, I found that a paragraph containing a graphic would crash if I removed it.
    3) If I duplicate the textframe, its duplicate behaves "normally" in the sense I can move it around or remove it without experiencing a crash, however even with a duplicate attempts to remove the original crash the application.
    4) Checked if the textframe was anchored... it's not.

    Ok, ho capito dove è il problema. Cambia i dizionari in Proximity, e togli Hunspell. Ero quasi certo fosse un problema di dizionario.. ed in effetti è quello.
    Ne approfitto per ricordarti che esiste anche un gruppo italiano di InDesign..
    Leonardo Agosti
    PS.. for the english people reading this conversation, the problem is in the HUNSPELL dictionary. Changing it in the preferences and choosing the old (and wise) Proximity, InDesign doesn't crash.

Maybe you are looking for